Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 182546 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.48: Stressful Stayover (12 Nov '23)
« Reply #390 on: November 12, 2023, 11:12:35 AM »
Well done Karina! She and Kazuma are still adorable together - especially singing at the Karaoke machine!

I wonder what causes such difference in how the grandparents are during the stay-over. It seems like it would have to do with personality traits, but does that hold up under scrutiny?  I've only done that once, with Leo and Lily - Leo was really attentive to toddler Reed and infant Iris, but Lily, not so much. She had that cleaning bottle out very often though, cleaning everything in sight, whether it needed it or not. (I had Leo and Lily come for a stay over before Rose left on her little vacay - it will be interesting to see whether they are still there when she gets back or if they went home when she left.)

Hiroki and Yuki do look so much alike, but I admit to favoring Hiroki's hairstyle. Looking forward to his adventurous as the next heir.

Oh, and I really appreciated Karina's thought about being married with three kids kissing her husband Kaz at the Romance Festival just two weeks after kissing Sebastian there - makes me feel a little less like Rose is moving too fast with Santiago.  ;)
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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.48: Stressful Stayover (12 Nov '23)
« Reply #391 on: November 12, 2023, 02:18:35 PM »
Congrats to Karina on completing her requirements. Wow, she did them really quickly.

Maybe her parents weren't good at the stayover because they're still getting over the trauma of having Karina kidnapped...? I had been thinking grandparents staying over was the way to go but now...not so much. Mind you, real life experience was also unhelpful.

Ah, Hiroki is the Adventurous heir. Looking forward to seeing his adventures 😀

Karina's requirements weren't very difficult as a whole, except for organizing the Three Dogs' Night. :D
Around half of them could be completed during her teen years, so Karina's generation was one of the easier ones.

Yes, the stayover was quite interesting.  Karina's parents both had the Foodie, Fresh Chef, and Always Full traits, but they never willingly cooked.
They never cleaned up after eating, but Olivia was pretty diligent about emptying the diaper pails and trash.
Another difference: With Gen5 Felicia, she would belatedly reach her infants to find her parents already feeding or changing them.
With Karina/Kazuma, they rush to their infants but just before they reach them, Olivia comes and picks them up; she doesn't feed or change them, just stands there holding them.

Do try inviting the grandparent sims for a stayover yourself. It's a great future when one of the parents works and there's multiple infants/toddlers.
I look forward t hearing how it goes for you (after you're done with the Banwells).

Yes, Hiroki's generation will be exciting, I hope.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.48: Stressful Stayover (12 Nov '23)
« Reply #392 on: November 12, 2023, 02:28:46 PM »
Well done Karina! She and Kazuma are still adorable together - especially singing at the Karaoke machine!

I wonder what causes such difference in how the grandparents are during the stay-over. It seems like it would have to do with personality traits, but does that hold up under scrutiny?  I've only done that once, with Leo and Lily - Leo was really attentive to toddler Reed and infant Iris, but Lily, not so much. She had that cleaning bottle out very often though, cleaning everything in sight, whether it needed it or not. (I had Leo and Lily come for a stay over before Rose left on her little vacay - it will be interesting to see whether they are still there when she gets back or if they went home when she left.)

Hiroki and Yuki do look so much alike, but I admit to favoring Hiroki's hairstyle. Looking forward to his adventurous as the next heir.

Oh, and I really appreciated Karina's thought about being married with three kids kissing her husband Kaz at the Romance Festival just two weeks after kissing Sebastian there - makes me feel a little less like Rose is moving too fast with Santiago.  ;)

I'm wondering today if my expectations of Akira/Olivia were too high because they were the Foodie generation.
Gen2 Carlos/Aritz also sat down to eat several times a day, but they were also cooking every time so their eating didn't bother me so much. HAHA

Funny you should mention that Leo was an attentive guest but Lily was not.
In Akira/Olivia's case, Olivia has the Family-Oriented trait.  I guess I should get so frustrated; it's interesting that no stayover turns out the same.
Still, Kazuma ended up locking the Baker's Cousin Display and fridge (because the two share storage) so Akira began grilling to fill their insatiable appetites.

When I go back into my game, Karina and Kazuma will be nicer to her parents, let them access Karina's cooked meals again, and continue cleaning up afther them.
Akira was a huge help with both the infants and toddlers.  Olivia was also helpful during the toddler stage whenever the kids asked her for help.
I complain about the two of them, but they did make raising three infants/toddlers concurrently much easier.

As for Hiroki & Yuki's hairstyles, it is a fact of life.  The heir always gets the best hairstyles. *winks

As for moving fast, I created a calendar in my Mishmash spreadsheet to track births, birthdays, festivals, and other important events.
When I was writing the update, I checked the calendar and noticed that the last Romance Festival two weeks ago was the day of Karina's YA birthday and the day she met her real parents.
I hadn't planned all that to happen in two weeks. Darn Kazuma had his Kiss someone at Romance Festival goal, so Karina had to "return to the scene of the crime." However, she had met "her boys" while she was a teen, so...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.49: Just Being Kids (15 Nov '23)
« Reply #393 on: November 15, 2023, 09:29:33 PM »
7.49: Just Being Kids

Sunday, Week 49, Year 5 (early spring)
Karina: Happy New Year!  Today's the first day of our legacy's fifth year!
My name's Hiroki but my family and friends call me Hiro. I'm going to be the next heir.
Last week, Yuki and I began as infants and mastered our toddler skills in 4 days.
Our grandparents' stayover ended Friday, the same day we  aged up to children with Stella.
Since our birthday, we've been doing the usual: school, scouting, and aspirations.
From L to R: Me (Gen8 heir), Stella, Mama Karina (Gen7 heir), Papa Kazuma, and my twin Yuki

Our Great-Grandpa (GG) Daichi arrives for a stayover this morning.
We are his very first great-grandchildren, he says.

Mama became a Level 10 Mixologist yesterday afternoon.
She quits her job after breakfast today before her next shift starts at noon.
But Watcher sees Mama dropping queues, dancing, chatting with GG, and mixing drinks.
It's only a 3-day work week, so Watcher has her rejoin her career.

I earn my Keep Fit badge before Stella and Yuki.
Here, I'm reading a book to earn my last badge: Scholarly Aptitude.
Stella and Yuki attend today's scout meeting, but I manage to finish scouts and quit before then. Yay!
(Watcher, would you please switch these ugly shoes to brown ones?)

Today's New Skill Day! Papa asks us if we want to learn how to play the violin or bowl.
Bowling, obviously, so we can get out of the house!
For some reason, Papa and I can't participate in holidays lately.
So after the holiday completes, Watcher gives us the same satisfaction points as the rest of our family.

Papa wants to max his Handiness, so he gets me the Electricity Experiments school project.
Since I've maxed the Mental skill, Papa expects me to gain Logic instead. But I gain no skill at all.
My parents and GG are surprised that school projects are working differently (since the last update).
Since Stella and Yuki have maxed Mental, too, Papa buys us all the Construct-a-Bridge project.

Our GG can do no wrong!
Sometimes he has a meal between our family meals, but he always cleans up after himself.
Mama and Papa think GG is the best. 

Mama wrote the three of us excuse notes yesterday, so we have today off for GeekCon.
Except for Papa, none of us are doing "GeekCon stuff."
We're just learning to ride our new bikes while waiting on Papa.

Kazuma: I completely forgot my last goal for becoming a City Native.
I mean, I marked the calendar to remember to come to GeekCon.
But I I've been too busy with the children to sit down and play video games.
I manage to pass the Ultimate Gaming Test with a score of 70, completing City Native!

Hiro: As soon as Papa passes the UGT, we travel to Magnolia Blossom Park.
It's our first time here and there's lots of space for learning to ride bikes.
I'm lucky that Papa is teaching me.  He's very focused and attentive so I'm the first to learn to ride a bike.
Poor Yuki! Look at Mama running off on him for the 3rd or 4th time. Why's she like that?

Kazuma: Since the kids started grade school, I finally have time level my flower arranging skill.
Level 7's required to scent my arrangements with Bluebell, which is essential for Plopsy sales.
While the kids are at school, I usually craft 2-3 flower arrangements a day to list on Plopsy.
That easily covers our weekly bills yet leaves me lots of time to spend with the family.

Hiro: We want to throw a slumber party Thursday evening.
So, after school, we invite all the kids we know to the park to get to know them.
We don't want to invite any mean or evil kids to our party, y'know?
Nice!  Not a single bad kid in the bunch!

This morning, we're woken up at 5 am because Mama scheduled our slumber party 12 hours too early.
(whispers: I mean, to be honest, it was our Watcher's fault, not Mama's, right?)
No biggie! Mama cancels the slumber party, then reschedules it for 5 pm today like we'd planned.

We start to worry when our party guests don't arrive an hour into the party.
But they all finally arrive, except my bestie Greta Pries who Mama forgot to invite.
I phone her right away to invite her to join us anyway.
Our parents go all out for the "Watch TV together" task. Can't we keep this setup?

I click the Friendship Bracelet in my inventory then choose to exchange it with Greta Pries.
Er, how was I to know that I'd find her taking a shower?
Luckily for me, she's not too embarrassed to exchange Friendship Bracelets!
Now I'm Bracelet Buds with the self-assured Greta from Sulani!

Telling stories from our sleeping bags takes so long!
We have to remember not to tell stories to Greta because she's not actually a party guest.

You know, I don't really care about the Slumber Party Animal aspiration.
What I really want are the fancy sleeping bags, especially for toddlers.
I'm gonna be Watcher's first sim to take their toddlers camping!
Just you wait and see! Oh! The gold-medal event maxes out my Charisma!

Hiro: We all love GG Daichi so much! 
This morning, we're finally close enough that I can ask him to be BFFs! (Thanks for photoboming, Papa.)
I wish GG lived with us.  He likes to exercise too much for his advanced age.
The other day, he was feeling Very Uncomfortable and I worried that he might be Dangerously Tired.

We're on a three-day vacay to Granite Falls with GG!
We kids want to stay at the Sunny Day Campground, but the grownups don't feel like roughing it.
Mama pretends the real reason we're staying at Forest Hideaway is cuz it's closer to fishing.

Stella:  Ugh, Granite Falls! Why couldn't we go somewhere with more stuff to do?
Hiro: You say that, Stella, but you're catching more unique fish than Yuki and I combined!
Yuki: Hey, Stella, why are you the only one who got Grandparent Candy?
Stella: Cuz I'm the cutest?

Hiro: According to my Fishing Guide, I'm only missing two local fish: Blue Crawdad and Mountain Lionfish.
They can only be caught in the Deep Forest so that's where I'm headed.
Who knows? If I catch them both today, we can spend the rest of our vacay somewhere else!

Hiro: Friday, I caught a Blue Crawdad right away but no Mountain Lionfish while Papa caught two of them.
Today, I ask Papa to let me fish alone and I finally get that Mountain Lionfish by late afternoon.
Now, here we are at Selvadorada until Sunday evening!
Kazuma: Hiro, let's check which archways are open, so we'll know which fish we can catch this vacay.

Skeleton: Hey, have you caught an Electric Eel yet?
Hiro:  Yeah but, um, do I know you?
Skeleton: It's you father! I opened a treasure chest and got some Blessing of the Skeleton or something.
Hiro: Is it contagious?

Very early Sunday morning
Kazuma: Looks like the archway to the area for catching Armored Catfish is closed, Hiro.
Karina: That's fabulous news for the rest of us! We can spend all day Sunday together!
Stella: Yay! We can visit the museum, hang out at the Cantina, and…can kids learn the RumbaSim, GG?
Daichi: We'll soon find out, Stella!

Gallery Download
*Selvadorada Villa (30x20): Casa Junto a la Grieta by peacemaker_ic.
  A 3-bdrm/3-bthrm plantation style villa to replace the original rental.
  (I listed this rental for a previous generation, but it's so lovely you might wish to download it!)

Progress: End of Week 49
Residence: 1 Torendi Tower, Fashion District (San Myshuno)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Not everyone gets to celebrate holidays: This bug's already been reported to EA Answers HQ.
  Since moving in with Karina, Kazuma never gets the top-left holiday menu nor any holiday reward points.
  After the children's births, both Kazuma and Hiroki get neither the holiday menu nor holiday reward points.

*School projects: Have the skills they offer changed for you as well?
  Mental-related projects offer second skills of Handiness, Logic, Programming, and Rocket Science.
  After maxing Mental, my child sims previously gained Logic regardless of the 2nd skill. No more!
  Whenever my game mechanics change after a patch, I'm never sure whether it's the patch or my mods.
  Can you let me know how Mental-based school projects work for you now?

*Hiroki's fish collection: I'm trying to pace Hiroki's gen in time for the For Rent pack's release.
  If Hiroki's working on the Fish collection, I won't be tempted to age the kids up early. LOL!
  Whenever my sims self-discover the Adventurous trait, it's always while they're fishing.
  Since Hiroki's Adventurous, fish seems like the right collection for him. Plus I love fishing in The Sims.

*Help with Hiroki's collection: Hiroki must catch or buy all the collectible fish himself.
  Once Hiroki has a caught a fish, other family members may give him that same fish to use as bait.
  Specifically: Minnows (to catch Red-Tailed Black Shark) and large fish (to catch Anglerfish and Piranha).

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.49: Just Being Kids (15 Nov '23)
« Reply #394 on: November 15, 2023, 10:22:31 PM »
I really enjoyed this update. Hiro makes a great narrator. I've only ever completed the fish collection once so wishing him fun & success for that. I always love taking my families on vacation so that was fun to read too.

PS Stella is the cutest, I agree.
PPS Posting from Sydney while waiting for a flight to Singapore for our last 2 nights of holiday - looking forward to the night market again - 😋

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.49: Just Being Kids (15 Nov '23)
« Reply #395 on: November 15, 2023, 10:52:06 PM »
I really enjoyed this update. Hiro makes a great narrator. I've only ever completed the fish collection once so wishing him fun & success for that. I always love taking my families on vacation so that was fun to read too.

PS Stella is the cutest, I agree.
PPS Posting from Sydney while waiting for a flight to Singapore for our last 2 nights of holiday - looking forward to the night market again - 😋

I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed Hiro's update. 
Infants, toddlers, and children tend to repeat the same processes every generation, so making each gen sound unique requires some thought. :)
I've done the base game fish collection lots of times, but the full 52-fish collection only once during my Not So Berry challenge.
Fishing is fun for my sims' Watcher but definitely not that exciting for the reader, haha.

I agree. It's nice finding enjoyable things for our sims to do on vacation. Some destinations are more fun than others.
Lately, I've been feeling like I'm "running out of story"....

Enjoy the last two days of your vacation to the max! Hope that everything you savor in Singapore is super shiok!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.49: Just Being Kids (15 Nov '23)
« Reply #396 on: November 16, 2023, 03:33:46 PM »
How great that Hiro, Yuki and Stella met so many friends and they all have good traits!
Lucky kids to get the day off for GeekCon, a slumber party (with a giant tv), and vacations in two places, all in less than a week!
Stella is cute, it's true, but Hiro and Yuki are very nice-looking boys, and Hiro will be quite a catch 😉 as the heir.
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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.49: Just Being Kids (15 Nov '23)
« Reply #397 on: November 16, 2023, 07:26:29 PM »
How great that Hiro, Yuki and Stella met so many friends and they all have good traits!
Lucky kids to get the day off for GeekCon, a slumber party (with a giant tv), and vacations in two places, all in less than a week!
Stella is cute, it's true, but Hiro and Yuki are very nice-looking boys, and Hiro will be quite a catch 😉 as the heir.

The kids definitely had an action-packed week! 
For the parents, the vacation makes up for the two weeks they were stuck at home looking after the children as infants and toddlers.
Or maybe their Watcher's the one suffering from cabin fever, haha.

I'm currently on Tuesday in-game and the children's teen birthday comes in three more sim-days.
I'm so eager to see how all three kids age up.
With Karina and Kazuma as parents, I'd think the kids can't go wrong, but who knows?

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.49: Just Being Kids (15 Nov '23)
« Reply #398 on: November 17, 2023, 01:49:54 AM »
I'm currently on Tuesday in-game and the children's teen birthday comes in three more sim-days.
I'm so eager to see how all three kids age up.
With Karina and Kazuma as parents, I'd think the kids can't go wrong, but who knows?
With Daichi's genes still in there, how could they be anything but lovely  ;)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.49: Just Being Kids (15 Nov '23)
« Reply #399 on: November 17, 2023, 03:25:43 PM »
With Daichi's genes still in there, how could they be anything but lovely  ;)

Karina's household and I are as partial to Daichi as you are, as you will soon find out.
Kazuma's also an extremely attractive sim but not all gene combos work out as expected....
Spoiler alert! Teen Stella's an oddity but teens Hiro and Yuki are gorgeous.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.50: Gone Fishin' (18 Nov '23)
« Reply #400 on: November 18, 2023, 12:33:33 PM »
7.50: Gone Fishin'

Sunday, Week 50  (mid-spring)
Hiro: The weather's finally growing warmer!
Last week, we did the usual activites kids do, including a slumber party.
We spent Friday and Saturday at Granite Falls, arriving here in Selvadorada yesterday evening.
Of course, GG Daichi is with us, too. Why don't our parents ask him to move in with us?
From L to R: Me (Gen8 heir), Stella, Mama Karina (Gen7 heir), Papa Kazuma, and my twin Yuki

We do the typical tourist stuff, like eating from a Selvadoradian food stall.
We view a statue of Marie Cosecha. What did she do to deserve her statue?
Our parents gain Selvadoradian Culture and special socials.
But we kids get nuttin'!  Unfair, right?

Mama suggests we all visit the Alam Museum of Archaeology.
GG notices I'm not that thrilled and whispers, "I got this, Hiro!"
He tells Mama that he and I will meet them later for dinner!

GG is my hero!
I'd love to go hunting for treasure someday, but just looking at found treasures is booooring.

We spend the evening at the Cantina, drinking Horchata, listening to Latin Pop, and dancing.
I want to return soon to Selvadorada!

Karina: Grandpa Daichi, you remember that Daizen's my older brother while I, Oliver, and Marla are triplets, right?
Daichi: Sweetheart, I am old, not senile.
Karina: Marla's already married and is pregnant for the second time, but my brothers are still single!
They're no spring chickens, either! Daizen will be an adult in 3 days and Oliver, in 10 days.
Kazuma: It's odd how some sims get married the very day they become a young adult.
Watcher's note: I use MCCC to "Mark [them] for Marriage" every 3-4 days but to no avail.

After school, we visit the Delacour home in Forgotten Hollow.
No, I'm not interested in getting friendly with no vampires!
I just need to catch a Vampire Squid.
Our penthouse doesn't let us prevent vampires from visiting, so I hope she never comes over!

In Finchwick, I'm not sure if children can shop at the grocery stalls
They can!  I buy a Catfish and a Wolf Eel.
Yeah, yeah, these two fish aren't that hard to catch.
I'm just saving myself time that I can spend fishing for other fish, you see?

Today, I take a vacation day from school without Stella and Yuki.
Papa and I head to the Forgotten Grotto to fish.
Once I catch a Batfish and an Anglerfish, we head home.

Kazuma: Are you  talking to this big tree, son?
Hiro: Uh huh. We're discussing Nature. I think the tree's hiding a secret entrance.
Oh, yeah!  I step inside the tree's trunk and arrive in Sylvan Glade!

Hiro: When I catch a Treefish in Sylvan Glade's pond, there's a splash announcement.
We're told the base-game fish complete, but I'm personally missing one fish.
Can I catch the Captains "Fishbones" Bonefish in Desert Bloom Park?

I try fishing near Sylvan Glade's waterfall for a few hours.
Rumor has it that I can catch an Exotic Goldfish here.
Maybe others could, but I can't.
I give up after a couple of hours because we're all getting hungry.

Karina: How was everyone's day?
Stella: Well, we all just hung out at the park today, right?
Yuki: I asked Papa to take me volunteering. I'm feeling almost Compassionate!
Kazuma: So, how goes the fishing, Hiro?
Hiro: Besides one Selvadorada fish and all the Sulani fish, I'm only missing Captain Fishbones.

Hiro: Because we all love GG Daichi so much, we want him to live with us.
Mama invites him to join our household and so he does!
No more excessive exercising, GG!

Hiro: Today's our birthday! We all take the day off from grade school to age up!

Nobody would mistake us for triplets, but Yuki and I remain identical twins!
Don't be confused, but Yuki aged up with the hairstyle I had as a child.
I'm fine with Yuki keeping that hairstyle because I want to wear my hair longer.
Stella's Good and Lazy, I'm an Adventurous Overachiever, and Yuki's an Outgoing Vegetarian.

Hiro: I'm Goal Oriented, so I join the Chess Team.
Yuki: I'll join Chess Team with you. cuz I want to be a Highflier, too! But I'll join the Simfluencer career later.
Hiro: That's smart of you. Me, I want to be working throughout my teenhood.
Stella: I'm Lazy, so I'm not joining an after-school activity or a part-time job, ever.

Hiro: Hello, Sage of Untamed Magic. My name is Hiroki Mistura, the Gen8 heir.
Morgyn: Oh, you people again! I gave birth to two lovely sons but your mother passed them over!
Hiro: Oh, I heard about that. But wasn't your son Tuki the Gen5 spouse in Watcher's Not So Berry challenge?
Morgyn: Well, yes. But then why has your family made me immortal? For what purpose?
Hiro: Hmmm, maybe my grand-son and your great-granddaughter could….?
Morgyn: Eh, I'm not holding my breath!

Karina: Daizen, today's your adult birthday! Happy birthday!  Also, I've been wanting to talk with you.
Daizen: About?
Karina: Well, I was wondering if you knew my friend Edith Delgado. *talks Edith up
Daizen: I've never had the pleasure of meeting her, but she sounds lovely!

Hiro: I'm glad we're on the Chess Team together, Yuki. It's gonna be fun!
Yuki: Not to change the subject, bruh, but I'm worried about my future.
Uncle Daizen's an adult today and Uncle Oliver will be an adult in 5 days. 
Why can't they get married? Will that be my fate, too? Living here forever, babysitting Stella's kids?
Hiro: Don't worry about it, Yuki. I'll watch out for you after I move out!
Yuki: Moving out? When? Where?
Hiro: Don't know, Yuki. I haven't decided it. (Should I ask him to stay with me for a bit?)

Kazuma: Today's my birthday, Karina, so I'm drinking my once-in-a-lifetime Potion of Youth today.
I don't want to rely on Hiro to remember my adult birthday and visit with a Rejuv Potion for me.
Karina: My birthday isn't for another week, but I'll drink one with you today, too!
Daichi: Don't look at me! I drank mine when I still lived in Tartosa and now I'm a Long-Lived Elder.

Progress: End of Week 50
Residence: 1 Torendi Tower, Fashion District (San Myshuno)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Work a part-time job as a teen: I’m interpreting this to mean that Hiro must work continuously.
  He joined the Simfluencer career on his teen birthday, without waiting to earn an A grade first.
  And he'll continue to work part-time until he ages up to a YA, though he might switch part-time jobs.

*Daizen and Oliver: I have no idea why the game won't arrange marriages for Karina's two brothers.
  MCCC checks for potential marriages every Wed and Sat (my setting).
  Karina makes sure to "Mark for Marriage" both brothers to alert MCCC of their availability.
  When Karina knew Kazuma was her baby daddy, I immediately marked Seb and Juniper for marriage the.
   MCCC had them married before the end of that same day.

*Potions of Youth: The Pinstar Legacy allows each legacy household's sim a once-in-a-lifetime PoY.
   Karina and Kazuma would live longer if they drank their PoYs on their adult birthday.
   But Hiro isn't planning to stick around that long.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.50: Gone Fishin' (18 Nov '23)
« Reply #401 on: November 19, 2023, 12:41:27 PM »
It's always a breath-holding moment when the kids age up to teens. I think they are all perfect, including Stella with her large eyes. Hiro's hairstyle is great - cc?

Great to have Daichi back in the house, still rocking his cardigan. Good luck, Hiro, with getting those last fish. I know you'll do it soon.

(posting from home - and getting to grips with UK weather and the time difference 😴)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.50: Gone Fishin' (18 Nov '23)
« Reply #402 on: November 19, 2023, 02:03:00 PM »
It's always a breath-holding moment when the kids age up to teens. I think they are all perfect, including Stella with her large eyes. Hiro's hairstyle is great - cc?

Great to have Daichi back in the house, still rocking his cardigan. Good luck, Hiro, with getting those last fish. I know you'll do it soon.

(posting from home - and getting to grips with UK weather and the time difference 😴)

Welcome back, friend, from your weeks of travels, both cultural nd culinary!
Yes, I'm very happy with the Gen8 teens, especially the twins.  I thought Stella's looks rather surprising, as she doesn't closely resemble either parent.

Yes, Hiro's haristyle is custom content. When the boys aged up to children, @GlazeyLady remarked that she preferred Hiro's hairstyle (from Snow Escape).
Can you blame Yuki for choosing that Snowy Escape hairstyle, then, when he aged up to a teen?  Haha!

Yes, the entire household loves having Daichi there!
As for fishing, Captain Fishbones is proving stubbornly elusive, but Hiro still has weeks to catch it!

May you recover quickly from jet lag!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.50: Gone Fishin' (18 Nov '23)
« Reply #403 on: November 19, 2023, 06:04:45 PM »
I think Stella is quite attractive, even if she doesn't resemble her parents much. And I am sure to get Yuki and Hiro mixed up now! I'll have to be really careful about that.
It's nice to have Daichi back in the household.
I don't know what it is about fishing in the Sims, but I really like it too. In real life I'm not much for watching someone else fish, but in the Sims I'm right there.

Oh shoot - didn't realize I didn't post this earlier when I typed it! Oh, well, at least I noticed before you posted another update!
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

With the story threads here closed to new content, my stories and future content have moved to Glazey's Playground.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.50: Gone Fishin' (18 Nov '23)
« Reply #404 on: November 24, 2023, 10:31:12 AM »
I think Stella is quite attractive, even if she doesn't resemble her parents much. And I am sure to get Yuki and Hiro mixed up now! I'll have to be really careful about that.
It's nice to have Daichi back in the household.
I don't know what it is about fishing in the Sims, but I really like it too. In real life I'm not much for watching someone else fish, but in the Sims I'm right there.

Oh shoot - didn't realize I didn't post this earlier when I typed it! Oh, well, at least I noticed before you posted another update!
Well, the Gen8 kids aren't triplets so I guess it's not surprising that Stella looks so different but still...
I have been busy lately with my farmer on Coral Island.
Another update is coming soon! I can't wait to start with Hiro's requirements!!!