Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 187199 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.43: Iced Tea for Sale! (28 Oct '23)
« Reply #360 on: October 29, 2023, 02:48:21 PM »
Karina is growing up so beautifully and seems so confident in life. Her relationship with Matthew is sweet too.
Wow - she made a lot of money from a lemonade stand! Are you still using the money mod where it can be kept separately?
Her grandparents turning up must have confused her and Kage couldn't resist keeping his twin young... I do wonder how it will all turn out.
Great story, Watcher!
(Posting from wet & windy Paihia, Bay of Islands. Reduced views and activities but the seafood is still amazing)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.43: Iced Tea for Sale! (28 Oct '23)
« Reply #361 on: October 29, 2023, 03:51:50 PM »
Karina is growing up so beautifully and seems so confident in life. Her relationship with Matthew is sweet too.
Wow - she made a lot of money from a lemonade stand! Are you still using the money mod where it can be kept separately?
Her grandparents turning up must have confused her and Kage couldn't resist keeping his twin young... I do wonder how it will all turn out.
Great story, Watcher!
(Posting from wet & windy Paihia, Bay of Islands. Reduced views and activities but the seafood is still amazing)

Yes, Karina is quite lovely and she continues to benefit from her Grandpa Daichi's superior genes. :D
Karina's grown up in isolation in remote Moonwood Mill.  I wonder who she'll meet at Copperdale High...

How observant of you to notice that Grandma Felicia showed up at her stand, too.
Though, of course, Karina never met her Grandma since Akira and his mother were on bad terms and he never invited his mother to the San Sequoia house.

Yes, I set up the SNBank mod to track child Karina's direct deposits from "Marketplace Sales."
Like you, I was surprised how lucrative selling Iced Tea was. Can you imagine a child financing her college eduction selling Iced Tea?  LOL

Warmest wishes for your continuing delightful travels!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.43: Iced Tea for Sale! (28 Oct '23)
« Reply #362 on: October 29, 2023, 04:37:48 PM »
Karina is growing up so beautifully and seems so confident in life. Her relationship with Matthew is sweet too.
Wow - she made a lot of money from a lemonade stand! Are you still using the money mod where it can be kept separately?
Her grandparents turning up must have confused her and Kage couldn't resist keeping his twin young... I do wonder how it will all turn out.
Great story, Watcher!
(Posting from wet & windy Paihia, Bay of Islands. Reduced views and activities but the seafood is still amazing)

Yes, Karina is quite lovely and she continues to benefit from her Grandpa Daichi's superior genes. :D
Karina's grown up in isolation in remote Moonwood Mill.  I wonder who she'll meet at Copperdale High...

How observant of you to notice that Grandma Felicia showed up at her stand, too.
Though, of course, Karina never met her Grandma since Akira and his mother were on bad terms and he never invited his mother to the San Sequoia house.

Yes, I set up the SNBank mod to track child Karina's direct deposits from "Marketplace Sales."
Like you, I was surprised how lucrative selling Iced Tea was. Can you imagine a child financing her college eduction selling Iced Tea?  LOL

Warmest wishes for your continuing delightful travels!
Ooh yes! High school shenanigans. I really hope she meets her true siblings there! It will be like those films with Lindsay Lohan or the original with the blonde girl...
*added* The Parent Trap with Hayley Mills (thank you google)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.43: Iced Tea for Sale! (28 Oct '23)
« Reply #363 on: October 30, 2023, 09:41:16 AM »
Ooh yes! High school shenanigans. I really hope she meets her true siblings there! It will be like those films with Lindsay Lohan or the original with the blonde girl...
*added* The Parent Trap with Hayley Mills (thank you google)

I didn't see either version of The Parent Trap.  I shall go try to find a film synopsis, hehe.
But I can already tell you---uh, no I can't!

Edited to add: I read a plot summary on Wikipedia.  The twins' parents had their Happily Ever After.
I assume the parents and twins live together after that, so a happy ending for the twins as well.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.43: Iced Tea for Sale! (28 Oct '23)
« Reply #364 on: October 30, 2023, 01:41:28 PM »
What can I say? I'm a sucker for a happy ending  ;)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.43: Iced Tea for Sale! (28 Oct '23)
« Reply #365 on: October 31, 2023, 11:29:25 AM »
What can I say? I'm a sucker for a happy ending  ;)

Well now the coincidental meeting at high school won't be a surprise for you so I'm currently casting about for a new plot development. LOL.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.44: Two Peas in a Pod? (1 Nov '23)
« Reply #366 on: November 01, 2023, 08:42:05 PM »
7.44: Two Peas in a Pod?

Sunday, Week 44  (mid-autumn)
Karina: Let's see. What all happened last week?
Oh yeah, I earned a coupla grand selling Iced Tea from a food stand. That was pretty cool!
Early Saturday morning, Matthew and I became Goal-Oriented teens.
Also, juice fizzing is my new obsession!
From L to R:  Matthew, Mama Lara, Papa Kage, and me.

There's so much I want to accomplish this week.  It's hard to decide what to do first.
Matthew and I begin painting so we can sell our paintings on Plopsy.
Next, I start reading magic tomes to get ready for my first visit to the Magic Realm.

Karina: Good evening. O Sage of Untamed Magic!
Morgyn: So am I going to be your primary spouse or what?
Karina: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Morgyn: Well, your Watcher has kept me a young adult for years.  I'm just wondering why.
Karina: Do you have a cute son you could introduce me to?
Morgyn: Forget we had this convo.  Here, I'll teach you a potion recipe and a spell.

Lara: Matthew maxed his Entrepreneur skill before leaving for school this morning.
Then, he transferred all his listed but unsold paintings to me.
I don't mind shipping his paintings for him, especially since he wants to start fishing.
He can't be running back and forth from the fishing spot to our mailbox.

Karina: You sure you want to shoot for Goal-Oriented with me? It's kind of a pain.
Matthew: Well, Papa says you're the big shot of some Legacy challenge or something.
I figure that as long as I do what you're doing, folks will notice me more!

Matthew: Papa says the high school he attended got torn down and replaced with this new one.
Karina: Yeah, Watcher says this school is better. All its rooms are on the same floor.

Karina: Good morning, Principal Gandhi.  My name's Karina Savalani.
Matthew: And I'm her brother, Matthew.
Vihaan Gandhi: Welcome to Copperdale High. I just became its principal yesterday.
Karina (whispers to Matthew): He's a Day 1 YA, so we're good for Prom!

Karina: I check out all the local talent at Copperdale High.
This redhead, Daniel Hogan, is definitely the cutest. If only he weren't on the football team!
There's another guy, something Kyleson, who's kinda nice-looking, too.

Today's a great day! 
After school, I sell a painting for over $30k on Plopsy and max my Entrepreneur skill.
Then Matthew and I leave for Chess Team where we get promoted to Rank 2.
Maybe I can try selling my fizzy juices tomorrow after school?

Lara: Don't you think you're spoiling Karina, Kage?
Kage: Why would you say that?
Lara: Why do we have to build a rocket ship? Why can't she use one at GeekCon next Tuesday?
Kage: Because next Tuesday's Career Day. She needs to be at school that day.

Karina: I travel to the Spice District and set up my vendor table next to the Indian food stall.
After a few sales, I notice that SNBank's Direct Deposit feature isn't working for me.
So I jot down how much we currently have in household funds.
After I end my sales, I transfer around $65k into my premier savings account.
I wouldn't want to sell fizzy juice for my livelihood but it's not a bad side hustle for now.

Today, I do my chess practice with Daniel at school.
He's a Genius Foodie.  Very cute but almost too serious.
Do you think he's boyfriend material?

Kage: I saw you flirting with that older man at Magical HQ, Karina. I believe it's time for The Talk.
Karina: What's there to talk about? He's the third spellcaster I needed to defeated in a magic duel.
Kage: Like I didn't see you holding hands.  He's an adult and he's no doubt married.
Karina: Listen, Papa. I don't want to marry the guy. I'm just looking for a little fun, y'know?
Kage (to himself): After all I've done to give her a better life. Why are we like two peas in a pod?

Karina: One of my goals this week is to become an Adept rank spellcaster.
I've been working toward that goal a little bit every day.
My other priority is becoming a Highflier but that process is less under my control.
Matthew and I join the Simfluencer career today and start tomorrow.

This evening, I'm better prepared for selling my juices.
I take inventory first so I'll know what sells and what doesn't.
Though I never have more than two customers at a time, profits are good.
I earn over $78k tonight at 300% markup.  If only I had more customers. 
Is this a bad location or do my products lack appeal?

Selling juices is key to my plan to move into my own place while I'm still a teen.
After two days of selling miscellaneous juices, I've decided what I want to sell going forward.
I'll be offering a three types of fruit-based fizzy seltzers: Dragonfruit, Pineapple, and Quill Fruit.
Plus two types of floral Kombucha as well: Orchid and Rose.
 Do you think that's enough variety? What about Grapes?

Matthew: We nearly max the Simfluencer career on our very first workday.
At this rate, we'll be Highfliers when we attend Career Day next Tuesday.
I'm pretty sure our parents want me to stay and raise a family here.
So I don't need big plans for my future like Karina does. Maybe I'll just paint, fish, and garden?

Karina: I hadn't meant to practice magic so long today.
I'm so close to Adept rank that Papa offers to give me magical training.
And now I've met my magic goal for this week.
Instead of going to  Prom, I want to sell my juice but where's the best place?

Instead of hanging out with my vendor table, I decide to go clubbing with Matthew.
We head to Pan Europa in Windenburg with a few teens we've met this past week.
The DJ leaves just as we arrive, so Matthew hires a Headliner DJ.

Sebastian Diaz lives in Oasis Springs.
He's a hottie for sure!

Kazuma Kiryu is a city boy from San Myshuno.
He looks scary at first but he's super sweet.

The other day, I was only teasing Sage Morgyn about introducing me to his son.
But he does have a teen son named Darren Ember who oozes charm!
So many cute boys and I want to date them all!  But in which order?
Do I start with the ones I'm less interested in and proceed to the Keepers?

I meet someone at Pan Europa named Marla Mistura who lives in San Sequoia.
She starts sharing photos right on the dance floor, which I find really weird.
When she shows me a shot of her parents, I'm shocked at the resemblance between our fathers.
I guess what they say about everyone having their own doppelganger is true!

I plan to start dating with my neighbor, Jarrod Vargas, since he'd only be a notch in my belt.
But then, I reconsider. I don't want my first First Kiss from a lousy kisser.
Instead, I ask Kazuma on a date because…well, just look at him!
We've got such great chemistry, I can ask him to be my boyfriend without a single kiss!

But that boy sure can kiss!
I've got a major crush on Kazuma and he's smitten with me.
I only hope he's not the jealous type…

Gallery Download
*Copperdale High School (64x64): "Copperdale High School" by SimLicy.
  I love that everything is located on a single floor, despite the lack of a matching Auditorium.
*Copperdale HS Auditorium, Formal Dance, Graduation, and Career Day by SakuraLeon.
  Since I replaced the high school, I decided to change the Auditorium builds, too.

Gallery Sims
*Three young adult sims aged down to teens:
   - "Daniel" (Daniel Hogan) by Cayrees. Default: Genius, Foodie (Dance Machine)
   - "Hipster Diaz" (Sebastian Diaz) by lindal4dy. Default: Active, Music Lover (Art Lover)
   - "Kazuma" (Kazuma Kiryu) by smam711. Default: Good, Self-Assured (Family Oriented)
      Kazuma is modeled after the main character of the Yakuza video game franchise.
      The Yakuza games fall into the open-world beat-em-up genre, which I never play.
      But I've been really enjoying Ray Narvaez Jr's 5-hr Twitch VODs of his playthrough on Youtube.

Progress: End of Week 44
Residence: Prowler's Patch (Moonwood Mill)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Serial Romantic: It's a perfect coincidence that both Kage and Karina are Serial Romantics.
  At the time Kage was doing that aspiration, I hadn't realized that Karina would later do it, too.
*Discovery Quests: I immediately disabled this new feature introduced by yesterday. 
  It might be fun to start a new save with a 3-sim household of CAS Stories sims to experience the new Discovery Quest feature.
  I can add them to the Mistura simverse as townies afterward.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.44: Two Peas in a Pod? (1 Nov '23)
« Reply #367 on: November 03, 2023, 05:22:40 AM »
Oh oh oh - Karina's met Marla! It's too exciting. How long will it take them to work it out!

Ha, that's funny about the Serial Romantic being a coincidence. I started to think you'd been doing some very advanced planning. You're juggling a lot of aspirations for Karina. She's already a high flier as far as I'm concerned.

I also find the game high school too annoying with the 3 floors. The time delay in the stairs is so long that I rarely have mine do anything other than on the ground floor.

Looking forward to the next installment.
(Posting from Wellington, NZ)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.44: Two Peas in a Pod? (1 Nov '23)
« Reply #368 on: November 03, 2023, 11:33:10 AM »
Oh oh oh - Karina's met Marla! It's too exciting. How long will it take them to work it out!

Ha, that's funny about the Serial Romantic being a coincidence. I started to think you'd been doing some very advanced planning. You're juggling a lot of aspirations for Karina. She's already a high flier as far as I'm concerned.

I also find the game high school too annoying with the 3 floors. The time delay in the stairs is so long that I rarely have mine do anything other than on the ground floor.

Looking forward to the next installment.
(Posting from Wellington, NZ)
I'm an impatient and impulsive simmer but I'm still trying to work out Karina's famiial revelation in a believable manner. :D

Haha, no, I don't usually plan that far ahead except for residences.  When I don't feel like actually playing my sims, I do love figuring out homes for future heirs.
I actually renovated 4 different places for Karina's next move, lol.
You've probably figured out already that I really like Kage, so I needed some way he'd make a move on his brother's wife that was completely horrid.
And that's how he became a Serial Romantic.
Karina only has the three required aspirations, though she's completed a half dozen or so more off-camera.
Now why does that Rolling Stones song come to mind?

If you're playing a challenge where you're allowed to download Gallery lots, please give SimLicy's Copperdale High School build a try.
No arriving to class late because your sim was in a downstairs bathroom, playing chess, or practicing programming.

Happy traisl, friend!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.44: Two Peas in a Pod? (1 Nov '23)
« Reply #369 on: November 04, 2023, 11:15:06 AM »
All these years of simming and there are still new stories to tell! Love the drama with Kage, Akira, Karina, etc.
You found some great gallery sims to add to your world!
I'll have to download that high school - the save file I'm playing in was created before HSY, so everything there and after is default, and I don't care for the high school in the game either.
But loving the story!
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

With the story threads here closed to new content, my stories and future content have moved to Glazey's Playground.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.44: Two Peas in a Pod? (1 Nov '23)
« Reply #370 on: November 04, 2023, 11:59:45 AM »
All these years of simming and there are still new stories to tell! Love the drama with Kage, Akira, Karina, etc.
You found some great gallery sims to add to your world!
I'll have to download that high school - the save file I'm playing in was created before HSY, so everything there and after is default, and I don't care for the high school in the game either.
But loving the story!

Thank you for the kind words!
It's ironic that just as I give up on finding attractive townies, the game throws several at me, including Sage Morgyn's son Darren.

SimLicy's Copperdale High is really great in terms of all the essential rooms being located on the same floor. 
I'd resisted using it because she didn't create matching Auditorium lots, but I realized my sims only visit the Auditorium for the occasional Prom and even rarer Career Day.

I'm really enjoying this Mishmash Legacy! 
The challenge gameplay-based requirements aren't that stringent but the story-related ones lead my sims and their lives in new directions.
It's been such a blast!

Looking forward to your next Jumble update!!!!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 7.45: Moths, Meet Flame (4 Nov '23)
« Reply #371 on: November 04, 2023, 02:51:47 PM »
7.45:  Moths, Meet Flame

Sunday, Week 45  (late autumn)
Karina: Last week was my first full week as a teen.
Mostly, I practiced magic and worked toward becoming a Highflier.
But I also fell hard on Thursday for an older spellcaster named Pike.
Then, I met Kazuma on Saturday and crushed on him, too. 
From L to R: My brother Matthew, my parents Lara and Kage, and me.

Karina: When I go to the Magic HQ to learn a potion recipe, I run into Pike again.
Since he was my first crush, I feel he deserves to be my boyfriend, too.
Kage: What did I tell you about Pike? I bet he has children your age!
Karina: It's none of your business, Papa!

Remember our camping trip with the Vargas family two weeks ago?
Jarrod Vargas is a teen now.
When he drops by, as he often does, I convince him to be Boyfriend #3.
But not for long. We're next-door neighbors so we're better off as just friends.

I actively attend school today to meet up with Daniel Hogan who doesn't show.
So, instead, I chat up a new student named Pierce Borgen.
Another crush? Pierce is a Materialistic Goofball. Why would I crush on him?
I do want eight boyfriends before I settle down, though, so Pierce cnn be #4.

When Pierce accepts, I notice an older man giving me the evil eye.
Ain't no school rule against asking someone to go steady!
What's his problem?  Does he want a kiss, too?
Ooooh, he's my teacher!  No kiss for him!

Today, Matthew and I reach the top of both the Simfluencer career and Chess Team.
I'm pretty tired. But not too tired to turn down an offer for another boyfriend and a kiss!
A Childish Dog Lover, Ulial Harris lives in his ancestral home in Evergreen harbor.
He's a nice guy but not a Keeper.

After the morning class, I'm forced to invite Daniel to school and…Whoa, another crush?
I've crushed on 4 out of the 5 boys I've kissed so far, but not Jarrod nor Ulilal.
You're probably thinking I'm too fast because of my 5 boyfriends in four days.
If you must know, I'm not only Incredibly Friendly but also Beguiling.
As for Daniel, Keeper or not?

Matthew and I complete our Goal-Oriented aspiration as soon as we enter the Auditorium for Career Day.
But the career reps don't show up.
We later find them standing outside, so we ask them details about their careers.

Matthew and I notice that the Auditorium has 23 career tables though Career Day only needs 3.
Once we get rid of the extra 20 tables, the career reps staff the remaining three tables.
And the teachers and other students gather to hear what the career reps have to say.
Future Mistura teens have Matthew and I to thank for saving Career Day!

Matthew: Karina and I want to graduate early but we both want to go to Prom at least once, y'know?
Can we still go to Prom if we get our Prom Dates first?
Karina: It's too risky, Matthew! I'm gonna stay in school until Sunday morning.
Matthew: I work up the nerve to ask Rosa Vargas to Prom. I've been crazy about her ever since we first met!
Karina: I impress Kazuma with my fabulous Promposal.

Karina: This a pretty awkward, Papa, but I'm a Serial Romantic.
So I was wondering if you could explain about Woohoo…
Kage: I was a Serial Romantic in my younger days, too, but it's different for you.
You might end up pregnant and have to raise the child by yourself (like Lara initially did…).
In fact, you should avoid Woohoo altogether until you're at least 30 years old.
And, of course, you should live here with us until you reach that age.
Karina: I don't need to Woohoo to be a Player, Papa. I'm doing fine only flirting and kissing! *rolls eyes

Kage: After our chat about the birds and the bees, Karina wants to practice mixing drinks.
The best place I know is Tartosa Beach because it has an untended bar.
But my parents and younger sister live only a five-minute walk from here.
Sweating bullets, I wait for Karina to tend bar for several hours. Phew, safe!

Karina: As soon as we return home, Joel Yamamoto drops by.
He's a Cheerful Geek that I met at Copperdale High.
I didn't plan on kissing so many guys in such a short time.
But Ulial and Joel practically threw themselves at me!

Kage: Young lady, I told you I don't approve of you seeing Pike. He's even older than me!
Karina: Lighten up,  Papa! I just need a kiss then I'll ask him to be just friends.
Kage: I can't stand by and watch you ruin your reputation and life, Karina.  You're grounded!
Karina: You're such a hypocrite! I heard from Matthew about what a player you used to be!
I'm moving out tonight! You can't ground me if I don't live here! *runs off to pack

Later in San Myshuno…
Karina: Thanks for helping me move my stuff, Matthew.
Matthew: No problem, sis.  But are you sure you want to live here?
The Spice District's cool, but this apartment's filthy and I think I heard rats.

Karina: This apartment's really cheap for how large it is.
And it has a large balcony where I can grow ingredients, if I can get a fizzing station to work.
Matthew: If you find you can't make juice, you can still enjoy the balcony.
Karina: Yeah, this apartment needs lots of work, but living on my own will be worth it!
Matthew: Well, I'm off, sis. If you throw any parties, be sure to invite Rosa and me, yeah?

I wake up early and clean up all the floor stains with a brush and a bucket of soapy water.
Repairing or replacing the wall coverings can wait until the weekend.
Next, I upgrade the bathroom plumbing.

I even have time to plant my garden before school starts.
It's such a nice balcony that I splurge and buy myself a new patio table with barstools.
Also, I've decided to attend school today and tomorrow. 
Actively attending gives me four extra hours each school day to socialize and learn skills.

After school, I stop by ThrifTea on my way home.
I'm hoping to meet teens who aren't students at Copperdale High.
Besides Darrius Pries (a distant relative who lives in Sulani), everyone here is a young adult or older.
Isn't ThrifTea supposed to be a teen hangout?

Today's exams are so easy that I get caught up on Social Bunny.
If I'd known I'd effortlessly amass 290 followers, I'd have tried to become an Admired Icon.
After school, I make a quick detour to Finchwick where I get my 8th kiss from my 8th boyfriend.
Next, I ask to be just friends so my only boyfriend is Kazuma.  You remember Kazuma, don't you?

Back home, I invite Kazuma over and give him a key to my apartment.
I wonder how often he'll come visit me.
This Serial Romantic business isn't as fun as I'd imagined.
I'd just as soon spend all my time with Kazuma.

Tonight's the Spice Festival!
I've decided to become a City Native, so I need to order food three times from food stalls.
Yes, that's me wearing the Spice Champion tee-shirt. Kazuma's still getting used to spicy foods.
We watch a sim busking and I give him a generous tip.  Why does that busker look so familiar?

Kazuma and I wrap up the evening with karaoke.
It's the first time singing for both of us and we sound unbelievably horrible.
But we look fabulous together, don't we?

Karina: I impulsively sent you a flirty text but you invited me out immediately. It's not even 9 am!
Kazuma: Studio PBP requires 2-star Fame, but I've arranged to waive that requirement this morning.
Karina: Wow, look at all the riffraff that followed us inside since there's no bouncer!
Kazuma:  Yeah, funny, right? I don't usually drink so early, but this was fun.  See you tonight at Prom!

Prom is more frustrating than fun.
Kazuma looks amazing, of course, but I have to fight the girls off to dance with him one time!
He danced with three other girls before I finally got our sweetheart dance together.
How hard would it be for Kazuma to say, "Sorry, but I'm here with my girlfriend"?

I get invited to an after-party and naturally invite Kazuma along, but he doesn't stay long.
So I start chatting with Felipe Matsumoto. 
Yikes, another crush? I just got over my crushes on everybody but Kazuma yesterday.
Oh well, it's Kazuma's fault for dancing with other girls and for leaving early.  Kiss no. 9!

Progress: End of Week 45
Residence: 19 Culpepper House, Spice District (San Myshuno)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Residence: Prowler's Patch (Moonwood Mill)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Fizzing Station bug: This bug causes a fizzing station to get stuck during the fizzing process.
  The 10/31/23 patch notes claim that this bug has been fixed, but fizzing stations are still broken for me.
  Whenever Karina leaves the lot, she returns to find her fizzing stations broken.
  She might need to replace juice fizzing with another hobby. 

*Dingy apartment in San Myshuno: Karina moved to 19 Culpepper which has the "Needs TLC" lot trait.
  To make room for a fizzing station and garden plants, the original layout was gutted to create a new floorplan.
  Original value of furnishings: $18,335. Edited value of furnishings: $16,638.

*What does "start out in a dingy apartment" mean?: I'm struggling to interpret this. Am I overthinking?
  Does it mean that Karina moves into a dingy apartment but can gradually fix it up?
  Or does it mean her first apartment must stay dingy until she moves into a nicer place?
  I guess I'll do a combination of both.

*Changing student population: Karina's 11 schoolmates at Copperdale High aren't always the same.
  She met Joel Yamamoto at school her first week, then he didn't show up again until the 2nd Friday.
  Daniel Hogan appeared the first week, skipped school Mon-Wed, then showed up again on Thursday.
  Is the school population changing to allow Karina to meet more teens at school?

*Studio PBP: This is the second time one of my sims got invited to Studio PBP.
  Going to a different place to hang out cancels the event, so I temporarily switched the front door to one without fame restrictions.
  The game should remove Studio PBP from the pool of possible date/hangout venues.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy Interlude: The Hunk Is a Lie! (4 Nov '23)
« Reply #372 on: November 04, 2023, 04:42:18 PM »
Note: This mini-update overlaps in time as the previous update (7.45: Moths, Meet Flame), but focuses on different events.

Interlude: The Hunk Is a Lie!

Sunday, Week 45 (late autumn)
Karina: Watcher really hates when a household dies out, taking all of their home's furnishings with them.
This is Wolfsbane Manor in Forgotten Hollow initially home to siblings Caleb and Lilith Vatore.
In the Mistura simverse, Lilith moved in with her spouse Vlad then Caleb later died of unknown causes.
Ever since, this house has remained unfurnished.
To remedy this, Watcher simply downloaded the original "Wolfsbane Manor Lot" from The Gallery. An easy fix.

Here's another example: the VIII Landgraab Apartment in Uptown, San Myshuno.
Its previous occupants died out, leaving the luxury apartment completely bare!
In case of a one-story apartment, Watcher can easily download the entire apartment as one "Room."
That's not possible, though, with a multi-story apartment.

For this two-story apartment, each floor must be downloaded as a separate "Room."
Here, only the open-plan first floor and balcony have been downloaded into place.
The top area is the building's foyer with an elevator.
There's a missing piece of glass between the first-floor area and balcony, turning the entire area into a single Gallery "Room."

The second floor is a bit more complicated. See how every room has a piece of its wall missing?
That's to allow the entire second floor to be downloaded from the Gallery as a single "Room."
So Watcher goes around dragging the walls to close off each space and re-applying wall coverings.
And now the VIII Landgraab apartment is ready for new occupants!

To avoid this time-consuming process for emptied homes, Watcher periodically checks Manage Households.
If she finds a household of elders only occupying a residence, she goes to the World Map and evicts that household.

Anyway, that's what Watcher is doing when she finds the violet-eyed Juniper Adams in Manage Households.
Violet eyes and a face that makes you stop and stare.
He lives alone in Henford-on-Bagley.  But where exactly?

Naturally, I want to give this gorgeous hunk a big smoocherino.
After I ask Kazuma to go to Prom with me, I send him home and begin my search.
I check all the homes in The HoB and see that he lives at 14 Nettle Lane but he's not at home.
Well, if he's at The Magic Realm, I need to go hunt him down, uh, I mean go look for him.

I thoroughly search inside and outside The Magic HQ for Juniper.
He must be a magic practitioner, so I ask all three Sages about him, too.
To my surprise, nobody's ever heard of the guy!

Even more shocking, Juniper Adams now appears as a ghost!
What?! Did he die during a magic duel or from overcharging while casting spells?
What the heck is going on?

Next, I check The Magic HQ's surrounding areas.
I meet nobody at the Dueling Grounds or that place with a pool.
Maybe he died while dueling at Casters Alley?

Wait a sec! Is that Juniper Adams selling brooms and crystals? It certainly is!
At this point, my Watcher consults the Jumble Watcher (GlazeyLady) about how to proceed.
Ambrosia?  The Dedeathify spell?  A Potion of Immortality?

But none of those options are viable because I have limited interactions with Juniper.
All I can do is haggle, buy stuff, or open his profile (Actions). Ugh.
This is where I give up on Juniper Adams the hunkalicious ghostly vendor.
What a wild goose chase! *wipes away a tear

Watcher, however, isn't ready to give up! She creates Juniper's teen twin in CAS using Play with Genetics.
He's uploaded to the Gallery as "Royce Adams," so Watcher can play with him another time.
Perhaps teen Royce would be a good sim for exploring the new Discovery Quests?

Anyway, could someone please answer this question?
Why is the simverse overflowing with unattractive townies, but the one hunk (Juniper) is unavailable? *sighs

I thought Juniper's story ended on Tuesday but I am dead wrong!
When I visit ThrifTea after school, I'm shocked speechless to see Juniper serving Boba Tea!
He must think I'm stalking him! I introduce myself then a long line of customers forms at the counter.
He's too busy now. Maybe I could come back here tomorrow?

When I go to travel home after school, I find that I can invite Juniper to travel with me.
At Finchwick, he becomes my eighth boyfriend.
Reluctantly, I ask him to be just friends, because it's not fair to Kazuma. *sigh
I mean, Juniper is single but he's a young adult.  Wait, isn't that what Potions of Youth are for?
Arrrgggh, he's so handsome!

That evening at the Spice Festival, I earn my Spice Champion tee-shirt.
Then, I go to eat 3 meals from food stalls for my (just-for-fun) City Native aspiration.
Who is that I spy at the Indian food stall?
Oh no, it can't be.  But it is.  Could Juniper Adams be stalking me?

Well, what do you think, gentle readers?
Kazuma Kiryu is stunningly handsome and we're both teens.
Still, I can't help but feel that The Fates are pushing Juniper and I together.
Is it just wishful thinking? What would you do in my place?
Eh, I guess I don't really need to decide just yet. 

Gallery Downloads
These two rooms form the first and second floors of the VIII Landgraab Apartment.
"VIII Landgraab Original 1" by WonderfulAlice1: This is the first floor.
"IIIV Landgraab Original 2" by Wonderful Alice1: This is the second floor.

*Juniper Adams: Caster Alley vendors probably don't usually appear in Manage Households.
  I imagine this is an idiosyncrasy of The MC Command Center mod.
  Actually, I don't usually pay any attention to vendors, do you?

*Uploading to Gallery: I learned that "oshizu" is now a disallowed word on The Gallery.
  I've uploaded lots and sims to the Gallery for years with the #oshizu hashtag before, but I discovered yesterday that it's disallowed.
  I find it totally annoying and have no idea why the name is banned.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy/Interlude: The Hunk Is a Lie! (4 Nov '23)
« Reply #373 on: November 05, 2023, 01:21:09 PM »
My vote is fur Juniper! He's clearly Karina's soulmate.

Incidentally, I have seen several living Sims appear as ghostly sellers in Casters Alley. It must be a temporary ghostly thing in order to serve there.

Well done, Karina, achieving emancipation but I can't imagine Kage will let Karina go that easily

(Posting from Christchurch, NZ)

Online oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy/Interlude: The Hunk Is a Lie! (4 Nov '23)
« Reply #374 on: November 05, 2023, 01:46:11 PM »
My vote is fur Juniper! He's clearly Karina's soulmate.

Incidentally, I have seen several living Sims appear as ghostly sellers in Casters Alley. It must be a temporary ghostly thing in order to serve there.

Well done, Karina, achieving emancipation but I can't imagine Kage will let Karina go that easily

(Posting from Christchurch, NZ)

Juniper has the worst traits, but he and Karina seemed like a fated couple.  We shall see.
When Karina discovered ghostly Juniper at Casters Alley, we checked him out using MCCC.
Although I had neither understood it at the time nor realized he would reappear in human form, Casters Alley vendors have a temporary Spectral Look buff.

Karina has been enjoying living on her own so far.  Her birthday's coming up soon!

When you return, I look forward to hearing what you think of the upcoming For Rent expansion pack.
It's release date is 7 December and, uncharacteristically of me, I have already pre-ordered! :D