Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 182310 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.39: Just Call Me Cap'n Crunch (17 Oct '23)
« Reply #345 on: October 18, 2023, 05:52:40 PM »
More sibling rivalry! Poor Olivia being duped like that!

Kage has to move out, pronto. No excuses, no delays. His behaviour is unforgivable.  Crossed fingers for a quick nooboo to bring some healing.

I feel bad about what my pixelated sims must suffer as I play through the storyline of each generation.
Poor Cisco was just minding his own business, a queer librarian working in Windenburg when he caught one of the Misturas' eye.

And I can't thank you enough for sharing Daichi with me!
He is such a lovely sim and I'm having a blast playing his twin sons who look so much like him!
As for the quick nooboo, we shall take your advice to heart.  You are, after all, Daichi's "mother." :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.39: Just Call Me Cap'n Crunch (17 Oct '23)
« Reply #346 on: October 18, 2023, 11:49:16 PM »
I've only just read through the requirements. Akira only has to let Kage move in? Can he make him move out, find a love-interest/sucker to mooch off?

Oh wait, I guess both Akira and Kage are my pixilated grandbabies.  Should I be indulging them both? Nah! Tough love, all the way!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.39: Just Call Me Cap'n Crunch (17 Oct '23)
« Reply #347 on: October 19, 2023, 12:37:10 PM »
I've only just read through the requirements. Akira only has to let Kage move in? Can he make him move out, find a love-interest/sucker to mooch off?

Oh wait, I guess both Akira and Kage are my pixilated grandbabies.  Should I be indulging them both? Nah! Tough love, all the way!

All of the Gen6 requirements haven't been listed yet. Sorry, but my hands are tied.  That's all I can say for now. *winks
Also, Akira's love isn't as tough as yours. :D

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.40: Staying Together (20 Oct '23)
« Reply #348 on: October 20, 2023, 03:20:44 PM »
6.40:  Staying Together

Sunday, Week 40  (early summer)
Akira: Last week was insane. Tuesday night, my twin Kage talked me into letting him move in.
The three of us became YAs on Wednesday, then Olivia and I got married in Tartosa on Thursday.
Saturday, I walked in on Olivia snuggling with Kage, thinking he was me.
Where do we go from here? I can't imagine letting Olivia go.
From L to R: My wife Olivia, me (Gen6 heir), and my twin Kage.

Except for Saturday's fiasco, Olivia and I have been getting along great.
She loves gardening and cooking, so we're a perfect match.
She even completed Appliance Wiz last week and became a Batch Boss.
But can I ever trust her again?

Breakfast this morning feels pretty awkward.
Do Kage and I really look that much alike?
I can't believe Kage wore my clothes to get a kiss from Olivia for his Serial Romantic aspiration.
And what about Olivia? Did she really believe she was making out with me, not my twin?

Akira: What do you think I should do, Papa? Should I temporarily separate from Olivia?
Daichi: No definitely not. I believe Olivia made an honest mistake.
Akira: So, you're suggesting that I overlook what happened?
Daichi: Enjoy some quality time together and confirm your feelings for each other.

Akira: Remember when I set Kage up with Erin when Olivia asked me to hang out at The Bluffs?
Kage's never mentioned Erin since that day, so I advise her to decline Kage's proposal.
I also chat with our former Ringbearer, Antwan. He's aged up into such a handsome teen!

Olivia: Skinnydipping in the hot tub's such a great idea! I'm on the verge of a full burnout!
Akira: Yeah, I thought you might enjoy a hot tub.  And we can also talk about…
Daichi: Hey, guys! Do you mind if I join you?
Akira: Papa!? I absolutely mind! Olivia and I are having The Talk.  And don't sit next to Olivia!

Kage: All that's left are three gold-medal dates and I know who I want to ask!
It's that blond I met while working on my 10 kisses, Alisa Lewis.
Luckily for me, Akira's quick thinking rescued me or I'd have become Erin's unwilling fiance.
I better go tell everyone except Alisa that we're just friends.

Akira: The Well generously grants me a full promotion today to Level 8 Sous Chef.
After checking that I've completed the Master Chef aspiration, I quit my job.
Back to devoting my professional time to my food stand!
Olivia has a guaranteed promotion to L7 Cook tonight, so she's not far behind.

Akira: Let's go out for breakfast at the new Love and Peas Bistro in Copperdale.
Olivia: Oh, Akira! I'm so very sorry and ashamed about what happened.
You have to believe that you are the only one in my heart!
Akira: Papa Daichi's mother Judi suggests that having a nooboo would help heal our relationship.
Olivia: What a splendid idea! Should we rush home now or wait until after my work tonight?

Daichi: Um, we could dive for thrills in the dumpster at the back of this bistro…
Olivia: I love when you talk dirty!

Olivia: I need to go back inside to take a pregnancy test!
Akira: Just a sec! Let me get this piece of garbage clinging to your sweater.
Watcher: I'd never seen this animation before. It's so sweet!

Kage: Olivia kept coming to my room to chat so, to stay on Akira's good side, I locked her out.
Fortunately, he hasn't said anything about kicking me out of the house.
I'm trying to become a Bestselling Author, so I'm not only doing to Freelance Writer gigs.
Akira even wrote 2 Children's books to help me with my "Publish 10 books" task.

Akira: After eating 4 dishes of spicy foods today, I finally become a Spice Hound!
Olivia: You became Chopstick Savvy last week. Why are you faster at this than we are?
Kage: Olivia and I ate the same 4 spicy dishes today, but I only self-discover the Glutton trait!
I turned it down. of course. As if my traits weren't already lousy enough!

Akira: Yesterday and today, I've been selling off all the spoilable foods made by Olivia and me.
Our fridge is full of sweets we'd made to complete our work tasks and to level up Baking.
Now that I can charge a 500% markup, I'm raking in the cash!
In two very long days, I earn nearly $160,000! (That includes $65k for one plate of Ambrosia!)

Kage: With over $6,700 in daily publishing royalties, I can afford to take a break from freelancing.
I want to use the free time to learn magic.  Magic seems like such a convenient talent to have!
Besides, I have the Ancient Bloodline.  I might as well participate in our family tradition, right?
In case you were wondering, that's my detached garage to the right of the main house.

Akira: Hey, wait up! I can't believe you plan to go to work right after you give birth!
Olivia: I don't want to put off earning my Level 8 promotion until tomorrow.
You'll be fine while I'm at work.  You and Kage can look after the baby together.
Akira: Yeah, right. The blond leading the blind!

Akira: Olivia leaves for work once she's fed our newborn son.
We've named our son Daizen, taking the first syllable of my father Daichi's name.
Soon after Olivia leaves, I age Daizen up.  Wow,  look at his coloring!

Daizen is a Wiggly infant as well as a spellcaster like me.
He also has my blond hair, violet eyes, and pointy ears.
I doubt he would be surpassed by a later child. And Olivia and I do plan to have more eventually.
At this point, Daizen has all the qualifications for the next heir.

Akira: In the morning, Olivia wants to work on her Fitness and I'm still selling spoilable sweets.
So Kage agrees to look after Daizen for the first time and really enjoys it.
Kage (to Daizen): It's you and me all morning! With your looks, you could be my son!

Akira: I dare say that Daizen is the cutest infant that the Mistura Legacy has ever seen.
W: I have to agree!

Akira: Hey, I came to the nursery to change Daizen's diaper.
Kage: Sorry, bruh, but Daizen asked me to do it. 
Daizen and I really bonded after spending all morning together!

Olivia: Awww, I wanted to feed Daizen his first baby food!
Kage: My apologies, Olivia.  He asked me to feed him.
I guess it's because I taught him how to sit this morning.
Hey look, Daizen likes Oatmeal Cereal and loves Ice Cream!

Akira: Daizen receives so much attention! He loves getting a bubble bath from his Grandpa.
We don't really need Papa Daichi's full-time help, not with Kage here.
But we invite him for a stayover so he and Daizen can get to know each other.
Papa was so sad to notice that he and Daizen were only acquaintances.

Akira: I checked on Daizen's moodlets earlier and he's feeling Loved and Well Cared For.
Do you think it's too early to age him up?
Olivia: Not at all. And since he'll be a toddler, could we try for another baby?.
Akira:  Exactly what I was thinking! And Kage's such an eager caregiver as well!

Akira: When Daizen awakes from his nap, we first take care of all his needs.
Then, Olivia and I do Affectionate socials until he's feeling Loved and Well Cared For.
Daizen was only an infant for two days but he was a Top-Notch Infant who could sit and babble.
Here he is, right after aging up and before his makeover.  So cute!

Gallery Downloads
*Town Square Terrace (20x15, house): "Love and Peas Bistro" (restaurant) by isleroux.

Progress: End of Week 38
Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens (San Sequoiaj)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Freelance Writer: Its gigs don't work well with the Bestselling Author aspiration.
  The aspiration doesn't regard books submitted for gigs as "published."
  And gig earnings don't count toward the required $25k in publishing royalties.
  So, Kage published any bestseller written for a gig, writing a 2nd excellent novel for the client.

*Taking care of Daizen: Kage's situation is very different than his mother Felicia's.
  In Felicia's case, she was always slow to notice that her children needed care.
  As for Kage, he loves being an uncle, dotes on Daizen, and rushes to tend his every need.

*Swap Personality Trait: I wasn't making an effort to swap traits for Akira and Kage.
  But Kage had the chance to swap his Lazy trait for Active.
  And Akira was offered to swap his Clumsy trait for Perfectionist.
  However, Kage's Lazy trait and Akira's Clumsy trait form part of Akira's requirements.
  So I didn't swap their traits, though I was momentarily tempted.

*Overheated: How annoying that infants get overheated in sleepwear during hot weather.
  Caregivers will always change them back to sleepwear when putting them to bed.
  And an infant gets overheated even if the sleepwear is the same as their hot weather outfit.
  Today, I finally realized that I need to put a thermostat in the nursery.  Duh.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.40: Staying Together (20 Oct '23)
« Reply #349 on: October 20, 2023, 11:09:28 PM »
I'm a digital great-grandmother! Yay! Daizen is so adorable. Daichi's genes plus the Spellcaster pointy ears are a really strong genetic line.

I'm glad Olivia and Akira are sorting things out and Kage is really redeeming himself with the childcare. Hm...I wonder if Alisa would like to give me more great-grandkids...I  could start knitting...

Regarding the Serial Romantic,  I had one Sim invite all his girlfriends to their wedding to ask to be just friends. I thought it would be efficient. Even with the Non-Jealousy trait it gives, it made the wedding a bit tense. Lol!

I find that, as soon as my sims do any exercise on a treadmill, not jogging, they fall once and get the Clumsy offer, even if they've already got high fitness.

Really enjoying Akira's requirements and the story you're weaving round them.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.40: Staying Together (20 Oct '23)
« Reply #350 on: October 21, 2023, 12:09:36 AM »
I'm a digital great-grandmother! Yay! Daizen is so adorable. Daichi's genes plus the Spellcaster pointy ears are a really strong genetic line.

I'm glad Olivia and Akira are sorting things out and Kage is really redeeming himself with the childcare. Hm...I wonder if Alisa would like to give me more great-grandkids...I  could start knitting...

Regarding the Serial Romantic,  I had one Sim invite all his girlfriends to their wedding to ask to be just friends. I thought it would be efficient. Even with the Non-Jealousy trait it gives, it made the wedding a bit tense. Lol!

I find that, as soon as my sims do any exercise on a treadmill, not jogging, they fall once and get the Clumsy offer, even if they've already got high fitness.

Really enjoying Akira's requirements and the story you're weaving round them.

I agree about Daichi's strong genes.  All three Gen6 children share their parents blond hair and violet eyes.
But they share Daichi's looks and darker complexion, with Felicia's pointy ears.
Akira and Kage closely resemble their father! Their younger sister Emi married a black-haired townie; we shall visit her twins someday, too.

Goodness! A wedding with all the exes as guests? What a crazy wedding that must've been!
Your Serial Romantic sim might have had the Player trait, but what about their partner?  LOL!
Usually, my Serial Romantic sims ask to just be friends right after becoming girlfriend/boyfriend.
Kage had considering eventually settling down with Erin Bailey despite her sad traits (Loner, Socially Awkward, Clumsy), but then he met Alisa who prefers.
Kage's not making any final decisions about settling down, though.

Akira already had the Clumsy trait but got offered Perfectionist when he cooked an excellent meal.
Kage mainly writes novels so his Lazy trait hasn't been an issue, but the Active trait increases longevity. 

Hope you're enjoying your travels!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.41: Sticky Fingers (24 Oct '23)
« Reply #351 on: October 24, 2023, 05:23:07 PM »
6.41: Sticky Fingers

Sunday, Week 41, Year 4  (mid-summer)
Akira: Last week, I earned the Fresh Chef trait on Monday morning.
First thing, I cooked all our spoilable prepped ingredients into non-spoiling foods.
Thursday, Olivia gave birth to our son Daizen.
From L to R: My wife Olivia, me holding Daizen, and my twin Kage.

I was about to say that Olivia's been a great help with the food stand.
But then, she sets the waffle iron and kitchen counter on fire!
(It's not like I haven't set my fair share of fires while using the pizza oven and waffle iron.)
No worries. Kage immediately runs over and puts it out.

Akira: I know you're scared, little fella, but the fire's under control.
We'll just wait out front until  your Uncle Kage's put it out.

Olivia: I just got back from my ob-gyn, Akira. I think you better sit down for us.
Akira: Wait, that ultrasound! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?
Olivia: My doctor believes I'll have triplets.  I'm not ready!
Akira: Calm down, Olivia. Papa Daichi's staying over so we'll be four caregivers total.

Akira: I've been running multiple food sales a day lately.
I want to be able to take a break to help with the triplets.
I've been on my feet all morning, pitching my wares non-stop.
Hot tub aromatherapy while listening to music is just what I need!

Akira: It's ironic, you know. I maxed my Parenting skill before Olivia or Kage.
But I'm the principal breadwinner, so Olivia and Kage spend more time with Daizen.
I don't mind.  I'm making a killing with my food stand.
Our children will want for nothing.

Akira: Olivia looks as lovely as ever!

I'm a little worried about Daizen feeling neglected once the triplets arrive.
He's going to be quite shocked after being the only child.
We'll have to each try to spend a little time with Daizen every day.

As soon as Olivia goes into labor, I end my food sales to follow her to the hospital.
Our converted nursery felt spacious with Daizen but feels cramped with triplets.
After receiving Super Efficient Baby Care and a cuddle. The newborns are aged up.

Olivia, Kage, and I are primarily in charge of the infant triplets.
Our father rotates among Daizen and the triplets to spread the Grandparental Love.
Daizen never wants for attention.

What a fascinating genetic mix the triplets are! 
All three are spellcasters. Oliver's name riffs off of Olivia.
Marla's name honors Marlon, Marcel, and Marcos Pries.
Among our four children, only Marla doesn't have pointy ears.

It's only 5 am but I start a food sale anyway, because the triplets are all asleep.
I need to snatch available moments to sell my wares!

Akira: Oh, dear! Olivia has the Family Oriented trait but she's not doing very well so far!
Karina and Marla are both hungry and tired, but Olivia won't feed them or put them to bed.
Later the same day, she goes swimming in the pool, ignoring Marla's prior requests (plural!) to be fed.
When Olivia finally gets around to picking Marla up, she puts her down outside instead of feeding her.
Do you think my wife might be glitched?

My father helps Daizen master his remaining two toddler skills: Thinking and Movement.
Here's Daizen as a child before his makeover.
He's become a Creative sim like both Olivia and me.

Kage: I broke up with my ex Alisa Lewis after hearing rumors that she's married. The heck?!
This is Lana Savalani, who I met during her visits to Akira's food stand.
We only hooked up once last week, but she informs me today that we have a son named Matthew.
What am I gonna do about Lana and Matthew?

Ignored by Olivia (again), Marla is quite Angry when I reach her.
This Sensitive infant hates bedtime, hates to be held, and is often angry.
While trying to comfort Marla, I become Family Oriented. Yes!
Just when I think she'll never become a Top-Notch Infant, I see she feels Loved and Well Cared For.
Marla hasn't reached many milestones, but I age up this difficult infant into a Wild toddler anyway.

Olivia: Marla is so much happier as a toddler than she was as an infant.
She's quite the mini-me, with her red hair, green eyes, and not-pointy ears!
Also, I figured out my problem with infant care.
I don't respond well to infants' requests for help, but I initiate care on my own just fine.

Olivia: Daizen is nearly done with Scouts already.
He quickly earned his Civic Responsibility and Good Deeds badges.
Marla's a Messy Eater who throws her food everywhere while eating.
All Daizen had to do was clean up all the empty milks bottles and Marla's mess.

Oliver and Karina in their high chairs.
Sorry for all the kiddie spam!  They're only this age for a short while, right?
By the way, we're all surprised that Karina has max friendship with her Uncle Kage, but not with her parents.

Olivia: This afternoon, I age up Oliver into an Inquisitive toddler.
I'm overjoyed that half of the kids are redheads like me!

Late that night...
Kage: Sssshhh, Karina.  We need to be silent.
I can see our ride heading this way, Karina.
Let's go!

Kage: You were such a good girl during the long ride, Karina!
We'll be safe here.  No one will find us.

Akira: Good morning. We have an appointment with the Police Commissioner, Belinda Patino.
Receptionist: Yes, sir. She's expecting you. Let me escort you to her office.
Olivia: How do we address the Commissioner?
Receptionist: Call her Commissioner Patino. And, by the way, she's a big fan of your Heart's Desire Wafles!

Akira: Thank you for time this afternoon, Commission Patino. How's investigation going so far?
Patino: We ran your photos of Kage and Karina through our facial recognition software, but came up blank.
Our detectives also checked all the hospitals, airports, and hotels.
I'm afraid they've gone into deep hiding.
Olivia: What can we do help with your investigative efforts?
Patino: Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do but wait for Kage to call.

Kage: Last night, I replaced many of the furnishings with nicer stuff.
Today from sunrise to sunset, I cleaned up the yard and got a neighbor's help with moving the rusted crane.
Karina was ready to age up to a toddler as soon as we arrived her yesterday.
After planting a garden, we sit out front on a log while I read to her.

I still need to haul away lots of junk from the yard. And the fencing's badly in need of repair.
I could really use some help around here.  Maybe Lana?

You're probably wondering why I made off with Karina.
We love each other and belong together! I can give her a good life!

Gallery Download
*Prowler's Patch (30x30, empty): "Werewolf House" by TutajTuska.
  This great build is a 96-tile Small House with 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom.
   It has been extensively edited, adding a 2nd bedroom and outdoor garden area.
  Instead of fitting only a single sim, it can now accommodate a small family.

*The Blue Velvet (30x20, bar): "Willow Creek Police Dept" (residence) by SimStar.
  This build was chosen for its fantastic office for the Chief of Police.
  The lot was just used to stage screenshots; I didn't playtest its functionality for the Detective career.

*Belinda Patino, Chief of Police, is a CAS Stories sim created specifically for this update's scene.
  She's sp pretty that I created her a spouse and some kids and added her to the Mistura simverse.

Progress: End of Week 41
Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens (San Sequoiaj)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Residence: Prowler's Patch (Moonwood Mill)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Jealous trait: This personality trait is so terrible for a caregiver!
  I was wondering why Oliver and Marla were learning one milestone after another, but not Karina.
  Akira was in charge of Karina but when I checked, he had five "Be Jealous" actions in his queue.
  I caught him doing this several times a day. Whichever infant's in his care doesn't gain milestones. *sighs
*Source challenge: Gen6 "Copy Cat" of the Crybaby Whims Challenge by draeyad.
I made the following changes:
*Traits: Creative, Art Lover, Clumsy --> Creative, Foodie, Clumsy
*Skills: not specified --> Charisma, Cooking, and Parenting
*Aspiration: Big Happy Family --> Replace with Appliance Wiz and Market Magnate
*Career for both twins: Freelance Digital Artist --> Home Chef Hustler (Akira the heir) and Freelance Writer (his twin Kage)
*Move twin out with one of the babies and half of the household funds: Kage took only 25%.
You can find descriptions of the source challenges of completed generations here.
*Kage's abduction: According to the source challenge, Kage should take half the household funds.
   Household funds totalled $2,231,882, so half of that would be around $1.1 million.
   Out of that total, Kage earned $360,149 solely from his paintings, writing gigs and publishing royalties.
   So he took only 25% ($446,376) plus the magic tomes and seeds to start his own garden.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.41: Sticky Fingers (24 Oct '23)
« Reply #352 on: October 24, 2023, 08:31:25 PM »
Oh my goodness!

I was worried when I read Karina liked Kage more than Akira but I didn't see the abduction coming. What drama!

Karina is cute and as heir I guess we're switching to her story? Poor Akira & Olivia! They must be devastated even though they know Kage is a good care-giver. I know you're mixing up different challenges but I really hope Karina reunites with her true parents in the future.

(Posting from Sydney  :D)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.41: Sticky Fingers (24 Oct '23)
« Reply #353 on: October 25, 2023, 01:43:01 PM »
Oh my goodness!

I was worried when I read Karina liked Kage more than Akira but I didn't see the abduction coming. What drama!

Karina is cute and as heir I guess we're switching to her story? Poor Akira & Olivia! They must be devastated even though they know Kage is a good care-giver. I know you're mixing up different challenges but I really hope Karina reunites with her true parents in the future.

(Posting from Sydney  :D)

Just when Akira got all his professionals ducks in a row (Appliance Wiz, Market Magnate, and Master Chef), he only benefited from those awesome reward traits for a week before his household is no longer the active one.
But it was easier for Kage to start a new life with Karena as an infant than as a toddler.

Hope you are enjoying your travels.  Did you catch a good show at the Sydney Opera House?

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.41: Sticky Fingers (24 Oct '23)
« Reply #354 on: October 26, 2023, 03:56:47 AM »
Hope you are enjoying your travels.  Did you catch a good show at the Sydney Opera House?
We saw a preview of Twelfth Night there (not an opera fan) and it was great. Now in Auckland, NZ  :)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.41: Sticky Fingers (24 Oct '23)
« Reply #355 on: October 27, 2023, 09:21:22 AM »
We saw a preview of Twelfth Night there (not an opera fan) and it was great. Now in Auckland, NZ  :)

You two are really on the move!  Sounds like you are having a wonderful time!
Is your husband on a month-long sabbatical?

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.42: Hiding Out (27 Oct '23)
« Reply #356 on: October 27, 2023, 12:45:51 PM »
6.42:  Hiding Out

Sunday, Week 42  (late summer)
Kage: Do you remember my girlfriend, Lara Savalani? (I first introduced her as "Lana" by mistake.)
She and our infant son Matthew moved in with Karina and me early this morning.
We live in a rundown shack in a remote mountain hamlet called Moonwood Mill.
From L to R: Karina, Lara holding Matthew, and me.

Lara had been struggling to raise Matthew by herself. I didn't want that for them.
Last night, I invited her over and proposed, then we eloped right away.
She went back to her place to pack then returned this morning with Matthew.
For now, I and Karina have assumed Lana's Savalani surname to evade the authorities.

Matthew is a Happy Infant when Lana ages him up to an Angelic toddler.
Poor kid never reached a single milestone!
But what's more important, he's only two days younger than Karina.
It would be great if the two of them became great friends.

Lara's eager to win Karina's affection and trust.
Once I'm done with my current gig, I'll help Matthew with his skills.
That'll free Lara and Karina to enjoy some time together.

Speaking of gigs, I got my wrist slapped by the Fighting Words Agency this morning.
I accidentally published a book I should've sent to my client for approval. Oops!
Today's gig to write a biography earns me $4,720, plus I earn over $9,000 in royalties.
Publishing is more profitable, so maybe I'll accept one writing gig every other day…

Kage: Not gonna lie, it feels good to be the head of my own household.
Instead of the loser brother living in the garage, I have a family who relies on me.
Matthew looks a lot like me, except his hair's curly like Lara's.

Surprisingly, Lana moved in without a single skill above Level 1.
Since she's a Green Fiend, I suggest Gardening and she seems to really enjoy it.
She's also working on improving her Parenting and Painting skills..

Karina seems happy here.  She hasn't asked about her family in San Sequoia.
It's the main reason we had to leave while she was still an infant.
I hope our smaller household won't feel lonely for her.

Karina's a Picky Eater.  She eats some of a serving, says "Ewww! Yuck!," then pushes it away.
I'm not running a restaurant here.
She needs to learn to eat whatever she's served. 
Whenever I have her try the food again, she always finishes it.

Don't you think Karina and Matthew look like twins?
Same blond hair, same violet eyes, and same pointy ears.
The only difference is that Karina's hair is straight.

My nephew Daizen's name appears on my phone's Caller ID.
I was his first BFF, so I feel bad about ignoring his call but I have to do it.
Lara and I need to get burner phones as soon as possible.
I don't want folks calling my usual number and hearing a busy tone because I'm on the phone.

Karina maxes all her skills this morning, though her birthday isn't until Friday.
Matthew still has a half level each in Imagination and Movement left.

Matthew gets sleepy in the afternoon so we assume he won't age up until tomorrow.
But he wakes up at sundown and is ready to blow out his candles before 9 pm.
Watcher's note: They're living in a 100-tile Small House but with the Child's Play lot trait.

Lovely children!
Karina is Outgoing and Matthew is Creative.

Lara: Would it be helpful if I became a Master Chef to make non-spoiling foods?
Kage: Nah. Look what happened to my brother.
He spent weeks lining up all his culinary chops but only had one week to use them all.
Lara: Hmmm, I wonder whose fault that was…
Kage: *feelsbadman
Lara: Oh, I gained the Adventurous trait because I love the great outdoors!

Lara: Congratulations on your B grades, kiddos!  We're so proud of you!
Karina: Thanks for helping with our school projects!
Matthew: Papa, what are you smirking about?
Kage: Today, at long last, I've become a Spice Hound and Chopstick Savvy!
Karina: But these chopsticks are impossible!

Kage: I came by to thank you or helping me get rid of that crane on Saturday.
Dylan Vargas: It was nothing, bruh.  We're neighbors after all.
Lara: Our kids tell us that they go to the same grade school as your kids.
Belinda: Yes, our kids mentioned that as well.
Dylan: The eight of us should go camping some weekend! Whaddya think?

Kage: It's not even 1 pm yet and you two have already become Llamacorn Scouts!  Great job!
How do you want to spend the weekend? I suggest we go camping with the Vargas family.
Karina: But I'd like to become a Social Butterfly…
Kage: That's what I'm saying.  That family has two adults and two kids your age. 
Matthew: Mama, can we get a Friendship Bracelet Kit to take with us?

Dylan: The Campground's the best choice! We worried you might choose on the resort homes!
I see you placed the reservation in my name but paid everything in advance. Thanks!
Kage (changes subject): Hey look, there's a fizzing machine! I'll go craft some fizzy apple juice.
Lara: And I'll cook Three Sisters Chili and Mushroom Steak, then put them in the fridge for later.

Matthew: No way! How'd do become friends with Mr. Vargas so fast?
Karina: I gifted him 1,000 simoleons. Not sure how helpful that was, though.
Matthew: Let's hurry and befriend the parents so we can play with their kids, Jarrod and Rosa!

Belinda: What a delicious meal, Lara. How did you know that Dylan and I I were vegetarians?
Lara: When in doubt, a vegetarian-safe meals is always the best bet, right?
Dylan: Well, it's much appreciated. Sadly, we're unable to sample Kage's fizzy apple juice!

Jarrod: We're so glad you're our neighbors!
Rosa: Yeah, we'll be friends through grade school AND high school!
Karina: You two are five days older than Matt and me, though.
Jarrod: Not a big deal! Your dad will no doubt age up you early! Count on it!

Belinda (flirting): Sitting by the campfire with you reminds me of when we first met.
Dylan: Oh you mean that night when we first…

Matthew: Hey, what's all that racket? 
Jarrod: Um, probably some hungry bears…

Kage: It's not us, if that's what you're thinking!
Lara needs 20 unique to become an Angling Ace, so I'm helping out.
Still, this vacay's pretty dope!  And we won't run into anybody we know in Granite Falls.

Gallery Downloads
*The Vargas household consists of Dylan and Belinda Vargas and their two kids.
   Belinda was the previous update's Chief of Police (CAS Stories sim).
   After creating her husband in CAS, I added the twins using Play with Genetics.
   They're a hippie family who lives in New Moon Shack and are Kage's closest neighbors.
*New Moon Shack (20x15): "New Moon Shack" by prettysparkle
  The default house was a one-story, one-bedroom, 2-bathroom starter home.
  This renovation adds two more bedrooms and much more.
*Campground (30x20, rental): "Sunny Day Campground" by SimLicy.
  This delightful lot originally sleeps 7 sims in a large tent (4), small tent (2), and single bed.
  However, I edited to fit two 4-sim families without 4 adults sharing the large tent.
  It now has the large tent (2), two small tents (2x2), and a bunkbed.
  My other additions include: chess table, fizzing machine, picnic table x2, and card table.

Progress: End of Week 42
Residence: Prowler's Patch (Moonwood Mill)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Child's Play lot trait: I usually avoid this trait because it makes all sims Playful.
   But I tried it with Kage's household since I've set MCCC to disable emotional deaths.
   Apparently, this lot traits works for both toddlers and children.
   Matthew took 2 days and 7 hrs to max his toddler skills in a 100-tile home (no skill gain boost).
   That seems pretty fast, right?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.42: Hiding Out (27 Oct '23)
« Reply #357 on: October 27, 2023, 03:12:04 PM »
Ooh - Moonwood Mill! Have you disabled the werewolves? Scary things.

You have given Belinda a lovely family, but Karina and Matthew are very cute. I like the whole camping site.

I'm looking forward to seeing Karina's requirements and how the family develops

(On 6-week sabbatical from work - it's a hard life but someone's gotta do it  ;) )

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.42: Hiding Out (27 Oct '23)
« Reply #358 on: October 27, 2023, 07:00:09 PM »
Ooh - Moonwood Mill! Have you disabled the werewolves? Scary things.

You have given Belinda a lovely family, but Karina and Matthew are very cute. I like the whole camping site.

I'm looking forward to seeing Karina's requirements and how the family develops

(On 6-week sabbatical from work - it's a hard life but someone's gotta do it  ;) )

In my NSB challenge, I deleted all the premade werewolves and used a mod that prevented new werewolves from spawning, LOL!
Currently, I've set MCCC so no new werewolves will be born but the game can still spawn new werewolves.
The premades have all died out, I believe.  I'm a wuss and haven't even let my sims go to that bar in Moonwood Mill.
And Kage certainly doesn't need to go visit Greg! Can you tell I'm not a fan of werewolves?  But I love the werewolves' world! ;-)

Yes, SimLicy's "Sunny Day Campground" is a really wonderful build! I hope you'll have a chance to download it someday for your sims!

I'm also looking forward to sharing Karina's requirements but they don't start kicking in until her teen birthday.

Oh, Judi! I feel so sorry for you, traveling around to all those wonderful places and sampling all new cultural and culinary experiences!
Safe travels!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 6.43: Iced Tea for Sale! (28 Oct '23)
« Reply #359 on: October 28, 2023, 11:39:41 PM »
6.43: Iced Tea for Sale!

Sunday, Week 43, Year 4  (early autumn)
Kage: Last week, I married my girlfriend Lara Savalani, who moved in with our son Matthew.
To disguise our identities, Karina and I have adopted the Savalani surname.
On Wednesday, Karina and Matthew aged up to children, starting grade school the next day.
We've been here at Granite Falls with our neighbors, the Vargas family, since yesterday.
From L to R: Our son Matthew, Lara, me, and my supposed daughter Karina

Karina: Mama still needs 3 more unique fish, so we're all about to leave for the National Park.
That's when we notice two kids our age, staying in another rental.
Matthew and I are both Incredibly Friendly, so we befriend the Munch kids quickly.
And we transform into Social Butterflies just like that! *snaps fingers

At the National Park, Mama and Matt go to a fishing spot farther away.
Papa and I walk to the waterfall area with Rosa and Jarrod.
I worry about a stranger who starts mentoring me in fishing.
But Papa explains that she's just the Forest Ranger out of uniform. Okay, she can mentor me.

You can't tell what I caught because Watcher was slacking.
It's a Dragon Dragonfly worth 800 simoleons!

Mama's been stuck at 17/20 unique fish since last night.
So Papa takes us to the Deep Forest.
This time, Matt and I fish while our parents mentor us.
I don't catch anything new, but Matt catches a humongous Mountain Lionfish!

Why does Mama's cooking taste extra yummy when we're camping?
It was a lot of fun here, playing Don't Wake the Llama, fishing, and all that.
But we're all ready to end our vacation after dinner.
The parents talk about maybe vacationing somewhere else next weekend.  But where?

Kage: This morning, my publishing royalties dropped to $3,000.
So I finished one writing gig and published three novels today.
It's so annoying that I keep gaining Fame, though.
I'm trying to keep a low profile here!

Matthew: But why do Karina and I need to help you finish your aspiration, Mama?
Lara: For one thing, both of you have finished your four main aspirations this evening.
Karina: Oh right! All we have left is to ride a bike for four hours! But why are WE fishing?
Kage: The fish are a household collection, kids.  Someday you might want to be Angling Aces, too.
Matthew: Ok, we helped you. Now please teach us how to ride our bikes.

Karina: Matthew rides his bike for 4 hours before I do, but I learn to ride a bike first. Go figure!
We take the day off today so I decide to try selling  refreshments. I'm ALL about juice!
Lemonade costs 5 simoleons to mix, Citrus Swig costs 95, and Ice Tea costs 144.
Guess which one I wanna sell?

I can only craft Vanilla, Pistachio, and Chocolate ice cream, so I choose Pistachio.
Mama crafts some Taste of Diet ice cream for me, which requires L4 Cooking.
And then, of course, I have two dozen glasses of Iced Tea ready.
I can't give sales pitches, but grown-ups come by and buy my stuff.

Hey, mister! You gonna buy something?
Or did you just come here to show off your tacky speedo?

It's too cold already so my ice cream doesn't sell well.
Who is that man in the gray and yellow sweater?
He keeps looking at me as if I should know him or something.
2,391 simoleons! Not bad for a grade-schooler, amirite?

Kage: Today is my and Akira's adult birthday.
I phoned him using a voice scrambler, telling him to meet in The Bramblewood or else.
He should be arriving there with Olivia at 10 am.
I'm a fugitive, so I better go incognito.

Kage (in scrambled voice): Thanks for coming here alone to meet me.
Akira: Drop the fake voice, Kage. You're my twin. I recognize you in that ninja outfit.
Kage: Happy birthday, Akira.  I brewed Potions of Rejuvenation for you and Olivia. Here!
Akira: Thanks, but what about Karina? How is she? When are you giving her back?

Kage: This is sayonara, Akira.  Don't come looking for Karina and me.
Akira: I've missed you, Kage. Are you crying?
Kage: I'm not crying! You're crying! *sniffle, sniffle (There's no going back now…)

Karina (whispers): Don't tell Mama and Matthew, but you're my favorite, Papa!
Kage: I feel the same way, baby girl. It'll be our little secret.

Lara: When I moved in with you two Sundays ago, I'd never imagined we'd be millionaires!
Kage: Well, I'm a bestselling novelist and you're making a killing on Plopsy with your paintings.
Lara: I never held a paintbrush in my life until I met you!
One thing bothers me, though.
Kage: What's that?
Lara: Why is our Eco Footprint Green even though Watcher disabled Eco Footprint gameplay?

Matthew: Papa wrote excuse notes for us. How do you wanna spend our day off?
Karina: I'm already Chopstick Savvy and I want to become a Spice Hound today, too!
Matthew: I'm Creative, so I want to do the Creative Genius aspiration.
Karina: But we don't have a Treehouse.  Let's go talk to Papa.

Kage: Sorry we don't have a Treehouse at home, Karina.
We didn't expect you and Matthew would aspire to become Idea Persons.
Karina: …
Kage: Okay. First of all, you can play pretend in the Celebration Center's Treehouse.
(Luckily, we don't run into anyone we know in San Sequoia.)

Kage: Your mother and I will clear out our yard to make room to build you a Treehouse at home.
Lara: We've placed two Observatories for you, but you can't Stargaze until it gets dark.

Kage: The kids couldn't wait to age up to teens!
They didn't even wait for Lara and I to come watch them blow out their candles.

Karina: Anyone can pull off blond hair, but my purple hair with lime-green accents is one of a kind!
Matthew wears his hair in two-strand twists like before, except they're longer.
I'm Outgoing and Clumsy, while Matthew is a Creative Green Fiend.
Kage (whispers): Wow, I can't believe Karina got the Clumsy trait like my twin Akira!

Karina: Ever since I watched Papa craft fizzy juice in Granite Falls, I've been dying to try it!
This is gonna be my new hobby as well as a side hustle.
I bet I can make some serious coin from selling my juices using a vendor table!
I'll need the Marketable trait, maxed Entrepreneur skill, and higher Charisma first.

Karina: I'm also really interested in mixology, so I want to be Goal-Oriented as a teen.
Matthew: I know we'll eventually take separate paths, but can we do stuff together for now?
Karina: You mean you wanna be Goal-Oriented and join the Chess Team like me? Sure, go ahead!
Matthew: So shall we practice chess next?

Karina: Chess practice only takes two hours. There's so much other stuff I want to do first!
Like, earn satisfaction points by completing quick and easy aspiration goals.
Sell our paintings to gain the Entrepreneur skill, visit the Magic Realm, learn Handiness….
Matthew: Whoa, hold on! Karina.  Let's take it one step at a time, starting with Painter Extraordinaire.
We can sell our paintings on Plopsy like Mama does.

Progress: End of Week 43
Residence: Prowler's Patch (Moonwood Mill)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Karina's yard sales: She earned $7,656 over four yard sales, selling mainly Iced Tea.
  Her wares' unit price was low but she didn't need to "Give Sales Pitch" or "Convince to Buy."
  Can you imagine earning nearly $8k as a grade-school student?

*Gen7 Stats: As you know, the Gen7 heir Karina left the home of her birthparents as an infant.
  You can see the teen portraits and stats of the Gen7 sims here.
   But note that I have no control over the hair, wardrobe, and traits of Karina's full siblings.

*Personality traits for teens: I wanted to give teen Karina the Non-Committal trait.
  But , for some reason, it's not available for teens.
  Teen sims can be Jealous, Romantic, or Unflirty, so why can't they be Non-Committal?
  Haha, I wanted to cheat the Non-Committal trait onto teen Karina, but couldn't figure out how.
  Oh well.