Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 181481 times)

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmbrook! (31 Jul '23)
« Reply #210 on: August 01, 2023, 09:44:30 AM »
Aadan (clearly the correct spelling) and Maite are so cute and it was so nice that they got some spotlight time in this update!
So excited to see what exciting things await us in Izar's leg of the journey.  Moving to Strangerville seems to hint that maybe she'll be defeating the beasty plant monster, but maybe you're just throwing us off with the location...?  Ah well, guess we'll have to patiently wait and see.
Frumpy is the fashion in Strangerville.  That's fantastic!
I loved how Andoni just casually brought a typewriter to school with him!  And looks like he'll be the primary bread winner for gen 3.  Best selling author for the win!
Marcos' frantic moments of looking everywhere for his sign only to realize it was in his inventory remind me of when my Dad used to look around the house for his glasses only to realize that he could see clearly already because they were on his face  ;=)  Funny and relatable moment right there!!
Well, enough rambling from me.  To sum up:  an excellent update, as always, and I'm looking forward to seeing what's next!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmbrook! (31 Jul '23)
« Reply #211 on: August 01, 2023, 09:47:12 AM »
I've forgotten - do you have aging on or off for non-active households? Will Maite and Aiden become Young Adults by themselves? I'd hate to think of them "practising" making babies and never be able to actually have one! Lol

Good idea to collect all the magical tomes in one place. A safe way to build skill.

Looking forward to seeing Izar's Strangerville residence. I know you put a lot into design choices
Thank you for asking. This challenge goes by the usual legacy rules so all households age: active, non-active played, and unplayed households.
So, yes, all the cadet and spare branches are having children.
I should save Aiden Moonstrider to MyLibrary. I really like his exotic eyes and glorious ears.

About the magic tomes, having heirs collect them for subsequent heirs to visit and read is a side thing I've done in my previous 3-4 challenges.
I've never attempted having one heir gather all the books, though.
It's convenient but not really necessary since our casters can always practice magic or experiment on the cauldron.
We'll see how Izar does with that.

I'll only be building Izar's regular residence (not her starter home) from scratch, which I'm really excited about. :D

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmbrook! (31 Jul '23)
« Reply #212 on: August 01, 2023, 03:55:39 PM »
Aadan (clearly the correct spelling) and Maite are so cute and it was so nice that they got some spotlight time in this update!
So excited to see what exciting things await us in Izar's leg of the journey.  Moving to Strangerville seems to hint that maybe she'll be defeating the beasty plant monster, but maybe you're just throwing us off with the location...?  Ah well, guess we'll have to patiently wait and see.
Frumpy is the fashion in Strangerville.  That's fantastic!
I loved how Andoni just casually brought a typewriter to school with him!  And looks like he'll be the primary bread winner for gen 3.  Best selling author for the win!
Marcos' frantic moments of looking everywhere for his sign only to realize it was in his inventory remind me of when my Dad used to look around the house for his glasses only to realize that he could see clearly already because they were on his face  ;=)  Funny and relatable moment right there!!
Well, enough rambling from me.  To sum up:  an excellent update, as always, and I'm looking forward to seeing what's next!

I really love Aadan and hope to play him again. His long, pointy ears are such a turn-on! LOL!
You have read the StrangerVille move correctly but we can hopefully infuse it with new oomph.
I've tried to sequence the heirs and their requirements to keep a reasonable balance in dramatic tension.
Once the infection is cured, StrangerVille is one of my favorite towns. I love the red cliffs, shotgun houses, and grand Victorian homes.

In my update, Marcos is the one who didn't realize his Promposal sign was already in his inventory, but I'm the idiot Watcher who forgot to check, haha.
No wonder the game wouldn't let Marcos craft a new Promposal sign!
I no doubt have a lot in common with your father!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmbrook! (31 Jul '23)
« Reply #213 on: August 02, 2023, 01:44:21 AM »

I should save Aiden Moonstrider to MyLibrary. I really like his exotic eyes and glorious ears.

I wish I could add him to my Simverse. I don't think I'm supposed to add Sims from the gallery but all the available Spellcasters have woefully human ears. I don't know how Natalie is going to restore pointy ears to her Bloodline!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmbrook! (31 Jul '23)
« Reply #214 on: August 02, 2023, 01:31:35 PM »
Granny, if your going for HoF with your RDC (and you are most certainly in great shape to do so), you aren't allowed to add Gallery sims to your RDC simverse.
If you ever play a non-HoF challenge, however, Aadan would be delighted to join you! <3

I've never tried this, but is it possible to "pointify" a townie spellcaster's ears using the Closet?
Perhaps I'll try it out in a test file later and let you know. :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmbrook! (31 Jul '23)
« Reply #215 on: August 02, 2023, 02:26:13 PM »
Granny, if your going for HoF with your RDC (and you are most certainly in great shape to do so), you aren't allowed to add Gallery sims to your RDC simverse.
If you ever play a non-HoF challenge, however, Aadan would be delighted to join you! <3

I've never tried this, but is it possible to "pointify" a townie spellcaster's ears using the Closet?
Perhaps I'll try it out in a test file later and let you know. :D
I'm not shooting for HoF so I could sneak someone in. You save Aiden/Aadan for your future games. I'll go and play in CAS  ;)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmbrook! (31 Jul '23)
« Reply #216 on: August 02, 2023, 03:35:14 PM »
I'm not shooting for HoF so I could sneak someone in. You save Aiden/Aadan for your future games. I'll go and play in CAS  ;)
Unless both parents have pointy ears, it's also important to have multiple kids.
In my case, pointy-eared Carlos and normal-ear Aritz had 3 kids.
Carlos gave birth to twins but neither had pointy ears, so Aritz had another kid (Izar) who hit the pointy-ear jackpot.

Now I can't wait to meet your next spellcaster spouse prospect!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmerbrook! (31 Jul '23)
« Reply #217 on: August 04, 2023, 09:57:09 AM »

I have to agree with everyone that Aiden (Aadan) is such a handsome sim. I almost want a copy for my own game! All three of the children grew up so gorgeous - love the beauty marks! Izar's probably the prettiest, in my opinion. Looking forward to her future shenanigans in Strangerville.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmerbrook! (31 Jul '23)
« Reply #218 on: August 04, 2023, 12:08:39 PM »

I have to agree with everyone that Aiden (Aadan) is such a handsome sim. I almost want a copy for my own game! All three of the children grew up so gorgeous - love the beauty marks! Izar's probably the prettiest, in my opinion. Looking forward to her future shenanigans in Strangerville.
The Gen3 kids thank you for the compliment! Aiden is also happy for the attention!
The beauty marks are cc that I gave to Prince as a teen; the facial detail passed on to one of his kids and all three of his grandkids when they aged up to teens.
Good stuff!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 3.18: Settling into StrangerVille (4 Aug '23)
« Reply #219 on: August 04, 2023, 03:35:01 PM »
3.18: Settling into StrangerVille

Sunday, Week 18 (late summer)
Izar: Early this morning, I move to StrangerVille with Andoni and Marcos.
My reign as the third-generation Mistura heir has officially begun!
That's me on the left, my elder brother Andoni (center), and my boyfriend Marcos (right).

We live in the rather ritzy Shady Acres neighborhood of StrangerVille.
In fact, Watcher had to cover the default grass with red dirt to go with our adobe micro house!
We'll eventually upgrade to a three- or four-bedroom southwestern style home.
This adobe style looks great against our town's red hills.

Andoni: Finchwick, Izar? I didn't realize we're going all out with gardening.
Izar: We're not. But I'm planning to enter the Scientist career eventually.
Andoni: Really? I hear the plants at The Lab don't grow since the Season pack.
Izar: Yeah, that's why I'm gonna grow all the serum-related plants at  home, just in case.
C'mon, let's go to Tartosa! The only plant I'm missing is the chrysanthemum!

Izar: Great timing! A Welcome Wagon arrives just as we're done planting our garden.
Marcos: Quick, lock the doors to household only. These visitors are weird!
Andoni: Yeah, they're talking gibberish and moving all jerky. What exactly's their problem?
Izar: Let's go downtown and try to find out what's happening in StrangerVille.

Izar: Parched from gardening, we head first to the Western Saloon.
It's crawling with military types gossiping about the possible existence of a secret laboratory.
How secret can it be if everyone's talking about it?
I meet Sargeant Minor Kathleen who's a socially awkward, paranoid loner.
For some reason, we have good compatibility so I befriend her.

Next, we visit the StrangerVille Information Center.
With extensive archives, it's the favorite hangout for StrangerVille Scientists and Conspiracy Theorists.
My new scientist friend, Angelique, actually used to work at The [redacted] Lab!

At a small curio shack, I meet Karter Hare, a Conspiracy Theorist.
He explains that the townfolk started behaving oddly only recently.
He identifies the mysterious lab as the likely source of the problem, urging me to visit it myself.
But I've had more than enough excitement for one day, plus we need to go home and finish unpacking.

Andoni: Would you like a quick tour while Izar and Marcos are at school?
The original house cost $14,063 so we've replaced all the original appliances except the shower.
Nothing fancy but we're used to living off the grid, so we're fine.

And here's a peek at my rooftop "boudoir"!
I tried but failed to avoid spoiling the front view of our home...

Andoni: Now that we're at the Secret Lab, don't you want to examine the Sealed Door with Izar?
Marcos: Nah. Solving StrangerVille's mystery is totally her thing. I'm just the muscle, y'know?
Andoni: Well, I must say I'm really enjoying living with you guys, just lazing about all day. How about you?
Marcos: We moved just in time! The night we moved, Aiden and I discovered we had a crush on Papa Aritz!
Luckily, Aiden had time to get over his crush before we left. I did, too.

Izar: I’m not crazy about Papa Carlos handing me his magic tome collection to complete.
I'm working on three collections of my own and they all require a rocket ship that can travel to Sixam.
With Andoni and Marcos' help, the tome collection has increased from 66% to 75%.  Nine more tomes left!
I'm a Master spellcaster now, so I've come to Magic HQ to learn the ultimate spells.
While I check Casters Alley for tomes, crystals, and metals, the boys seek tomes in HQ's bookshelves.

Izar: Watcher sez I can't simply order crystals over the computer. *pouts
But I'm allowed to buy crystals and metals from Casters Alley and the Flea Market.
Tonight I buy a Chemical Analyzer to spawn elements but learn that teens can't use it.
Fine! I use CopyPasto on my existing crystals and metals, sending the duplicates to the Geo Council.

Sergeant Kathleen secretly hands me the Keycard required to open the Sealed Door.
StrangerVille Scientist Angelique has also been forthcoming with info about the lab.
Andoni and Marcos initially just tagged along.
But I can tell they're becoming more and more invested in the mystery.

It's already past midnight and I'm pushing my limits working in The Secret Lab so late.
But the sooner we can restore StrangerVille the better.
This town is currently no place to start a family!  I got plans with Marcos, y'know what I mean?

In the morning, Marcos and I become Highfliers then graduate early from high school. Yay!
Spotting Angelique in our neighborhood, I hand her the spore data she requested.
Time to go buy a Hazmat Suit while I await Angelique's package in the mail.
She's been really helpful but we've got awful compatibility so this is as far as we go.

Andoni and Marcos helped me build the rocket ship the other day.
Both Andoni and I have L10 Rocket Science so we install the Wormhole Generator together.
On Sixam, I find both alien metals but only one of two alien crystals.  I'll be coming back for that in a few days.
Watcher's mad that aliens are wearing the cc hair she's reserving for future heirs!
Watcher: Yep, time to enter Manage Households to restore their baldness. Grrrr!

Izar: Are you two serious about being in my crew or what?
I've witnessed the threat we're facing and you'll need L7 Wellness so you can teleport!
But every time I return home, you two are playing chess or working out!
I have no problem forming a crew with my Conspiracy Theorist, StrangerVille Scientist, and Sergeant friends!
When I get back from creating test vaccines, you both better be able to teleport!

It's quite late when my three Experimental Vaccines are ready.
I scour the streets of downtown StrangerVille for the infected.
But the town has gone to bed for the night, it seems.

If you ask me, Marcos' physique is already perfection.
But he's determined to maximize his body potential.
Since we live in StrangerVille, I plan to become a Scientist.
Marcos, on the other hand, wants to join the Military like his great-grandfather Elwyn Pries.

It's too good to be true! A line of three infected sims parading past our home!
After testing my 3 Experimental Vaccines, I'm ready to make legit Infection Vaccines!
Back to the Secret Lab!

Marcos; Ugh, what's that nasty stuff you threw in my face?
Izar: It's the Infection Vaccine. I'm assembling my crew which must consist only of vaccinated sims.
Marcos: Oh, so that's what it was! Count me in!

Kathleen: I thought we'd do battle immediately but instead we're enjoying a Night on the Town!
Y'all are still teens but you can afford to fly to Sulani for dinner?! Must be nice.
Marcos: Izar just moved out on her own but you might've heard of her grandfather Pri…
Izar: Marcos, hush!
Marcos: Oops, sorry!
Izar:  Tomorrow's a big day! Let's relax and get to know each other tonight.
The Secret Lab will still be there tomorrow morning.

Kathleen: Why are we starting so late? You said we'd do this in the morning.
Izar: Yeah, sorry. I ended up visiting parks and Sixam in search of collectibles.
Andoni: Dude, my girlfriend's gonna be so mad! Prom just started!
Marcos: Can we all just focus? Izar, lead the way. Let's do this!

Andoni: It's past 10:30 by the time I return home and invite Arisa over.
She is stomping mad so I apologize while attempting to calm her down.
When she's feeling happy again, I propose.

Arisa: How much longer will you be living here, anyway?
Andoni: I promised to stay until Izar's kids enter grade school.  I'll leave before year end, for sure!
Arisa: I can live with that, but must we wait until then to get married and start a family?

Izar: As the hero of StrangerVille, I receive a large trophy which I downsize for display.
It looks great next to our front door, a reminder of what we accomplished tonight.
Marcos: You know, now that our town is a safe place for starting a family, we could…you know.
Izar: Oh, you mean we could…you don't think we're too young?
Marcos: Nah, some young folks get married in their late teens. 
Izar: Was that your idea of a proposal, baby boy? I'll need to sample the merchandise first!
Marcos: Twist my arm, why don't you?

Gallery Downloads
*StrangerVille Outlook (40x30): "Adobe Micro Starter" by Shizu9no1 (that' me!).
  This lot was formerly home to the Roswells' residential monstrosity.
  I first built this starter for my 2020 Build-a-City challenge.
  It fits StrangerVille's southwestern vibe and can easily be expanded to 64 tiles.
  (My EA ID isn't "oshizu" because I was forced to create a new account years ago.)
*8 Bells (20x20, bar): "western saloon" by flubber32c4.
  This awesome build was designed specifically for this lot.
  I love the exterior but the interior's a bit cramped.
*StrangerVille Information Center (20x20, library): same name by Sleepy Goblin.
  I like the more compact size and quirkier vibe of Sleepy Goblin's version.

Progress: End of Week 18
Residence: StrangerVille Overlook, Shady Acres
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Izar's collections: Izar may freely buy collectibles from Casters Alley and the Flea Market.
  Trading collectibles at the Flea Market and requesting them from coworkers are also fine.
  But she isn't allowed to order crystals from a computer.

*"Collect 15 pieces of evidence" task: Izar had a bit of trouble with this task.
  Perhaps because she was a teen, searching the StrangerVille archives produced no evidence.
  She visited the Sigworth, Slip 42, and Old Penelope lots, too, and only the Sighworth lot offered 1 piece.
  She ended up returning to The Lab where the original evidence piles had reset.

*Elements collection: Carl has an excellent guide on this collection.
  It details which crystal or metal to send to Geo Council to possibly obtain each element.
  In case you're interested, here's the link:
  It's also possible to use the Chemical Analyzer to analyze the associated crystals/metals, but teen Izar didn't have that option.

*StrangerVille speedrun: This is my first time solving the StrangerVille Mystery with teen sims.
  I've also never completed the aspiration so quickly.  But the thought of little redheaded girls with pointy ears has lit a fire under my posterior.
  I am willing to sacrifice Izar's violet eyes for red hair and pointy ears.
  But what are my odds, considering Marcos has normal ears?
  Should I irresponsibly keep having them make babies until we get a satisfactory Gen4 heir? How hard could that be?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 3.18: Settling into StrangerVille (4 Aug '23)
« Reply #220 on: August 05, 2023, 02:29:24 AM »
Red-haired, pointy-eared children? No wonder Izar's on a speed run! Looking forward to it myself.
The Adobe house looks lovely. How do you put flowers on the overhanging flat roof without it adding to the tile-count? And are the steps just for decor? Sorry if that's too many questions...

Congrats to Izar and her team on their heroic success!
Planting a bug on relevant personnel and then listening in would have netted more evidence, for future ref. It could be done ahead of the first evidence gathering at the lab to save time.
However, I didn't realise you can make the 3 experimental vaccines all in one go and then test them one after the other. I thought you had to keep going back and forwards to make, test, repeat. Oh the time wasted! *facepalm*

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 3.18: Settling into StrangerVille (4 Aug '23)
« Reply #221 on: August 05, 2023, 03:13:19 AM »
Red-haired, pointy-eared children? No wonder Izar's on a speed run! Looking forward to it myself.
The Adobe house looks lovely. How do you put flowers on the overhanging flat roof without it adding to the tile-count? And are the steps just for decor? Sorry if that's too many questions...

Congrats to Izar and her team on their heroic success!
Planting a bug on relevant personnel and then listening in would have netted more evidence, for future ref. It could be done ahead of the first evidence gathering at the lab to save time.
However, I didn't realise you can make the 3 experimental vaccines all in one go and then test them one after the other. I thought you had to keep going back and forwards to make, test, repeat. Oh the time wasted! *facepalm*
My update includes a screenshot that shows Andoni's rooftop boudoir, accessible via the stairs.
When you asked about the stairs, I noticed that the screenshot and its caption aren't showing. I fiddled around with it a bit, but can't get either to show.
So, I'm posting the rooftop area below:

I made the pergola by using cross-hatching low-weight fencing.
Each square enclosed by the fencing forms a room which adds to the tile count.
But if I delete the "floor," it leaves only the cross-hatched fencing which doesn't contribute to the tile count.
You can see part of the pergola in the shot of the rooftop area. ;D  (Oops, I can see that I missed a piece!)
I could've simply used one of the premade pergolas but building my own lets me define the exact size of my pergola.

Something I used to do is download an interesting Gallery lot onto an empty lot in Newcrest to see how it's put together.
It's great when, for example, I want to place a certain style of roofing but can't figure out how it's done.

Yes, I've also completed the StrangerVille aspiration with a sim in the Covert Operator career who used the bugs.
In Izar's case, I wanted her to collect all 15 pieces of evidence in half a day, haha.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 3.18: Settling into StrangerVille (4 Aug '23)
« Reply #222 on: August 05, 2023, 09:02:42 AM »
"Sample the merchandise."  Oh, Izar, you sweet talker!  Oh, and Izar instantly connects with a socially awkward, paranoid, loner?  Hmmmm, who does she know that might behave like that?  Oh, right, Maite!
Loving the new house!  And wow, Izar kicked the Strangerville mystery's butt!!  And I love that her whole schtick for it was, "Welp, gotta make it safe to raise a family here."  Then she threatens to boot her brother and BF from her team since they can't teleport yet?  That was just fantastic!  She was just so totally girlboss!!!
Love the house, and you are correct, it looks fantastic in that setting!
A glorious and massively productive beginning for our little soon-to-be mama!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 3.18: Settling into StrangerVille (4 Aug '23)
« Reply #223 on: August 05, 2023, 12:54:14 PM »
"Sample the merchandise."  Oh, Izar, you sweet talker!  Oh, and Izar instantly connects with a socially awkward, paranoid, loner?  Hmmmm, who does she know that might behave like that?  Oh, right, Maite!
Loving the new house!  And wow, Izar kicked the Strangerville mystery's butt!!  And I love that her whole schtick for it was, "Welp, gotta make it safe to raise a family here."  Then she threatens to boot her brother and BF from her team since they can't teleport yet?  That was just fantastic!  She was just so totally girlboss!!!
Love the house, and you are correct, it looks fantastic in that setting!
A glorious and massively productive beginning for our little soon-to-be mama!
Izar's delighted to have the StrangerVille Mystery segment of her heir requirements done so she can proceed to the next phase!
Andoni, Izar, and Marcos have entered their 3rd week as teens, but I won't be aging them up early.
Whenever Izar would leave to get stuff done, I'd set the boys to work on Wellness in her absence. But whenever she returned, they wouldn't be meditating, haha.
Turns out Izar's Transporalate spell was super-handy for zipping around the town and The Lab, but the rest of her crew only needed to travel from the Sealed Door to the "final door." Oh well, teleporting is always helpful and now both Andoni & Marcos have that ability.

You are amazing at spotting Izar's past experience with sims like her military buddy Kathleen.
Her father Carlos is a socially awkward loner whereas Maite is a loner who doesn't have the socially awkward trait but behaves awkwardly in social situations nonetheless.

And, yes, looking forward to the arrival of Gen4!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 3.18: Settling into StrangerVille (4 Aug '23)
« Reply #224 on: August 05, 2023, 01:37:31 PM »
@Granny Lawlor
Here's a close-up of the pergola after I removed some of the greenery for a better view.
The fencing I used is called "Smooth Keeper"; use the "single fence" icon to extend it from an existing structure.
Basically, you make a cross-hatch pattern with the fencing, then use the hammer icon to delete each enclosed floor.
I randomly upsized or downsized plants to place on top.
(Note that, because I enlarged the house, I'll need to re-add the rooftop's half-wall at the top left of the pergola.)

This trick is very versatile and can also be used over a front porch, though it doesn't offer shelter to out-of-season plants like some of the premade pergolas do.
Good luck! I look forward to seeing you trying it out for the Kennas!  (Who me, biased? Never!)

P.S. This roofing is not my invention. I watched somebody do this in a Youtube speed build vid years ago before Sims 4 had pergolas.
Then I tired it out on my own.