Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 181484 times)

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.16: Camping? No Thanks! (18 Jul '23)
« Reply #195 on: July 19, 2023, 08:53:12 AM »
Maite is socially awkward and gest along better with adults than kids her age.  Maite is me as a child...except not quite as nerdy.  I mean, I have yet to hear she was reading about ancient mythologies or playing Dungeons and Dragons  ;=)
It's super cute how close Izar and Andoni are.  Oh good heavens, Castanova.  That was priceless!!!  Although, him turning his back on the adorable and redheaded Margaret Pries?!?!?!?  Margaret who has the sacred Fyres genes?!?!?!?  Sorry, Andoni, no clever word play makes that act OK  ;=)
Another glorious update, as always, and it's a delight seeing how the trio of Mistura kids are each so gloriously unique.  Can't wait to see what's next for the crew!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.16: Camping? No Thanks! (18 Jul '23)
« Reply #196 on: July 19, 2023, 12:38:12 PM »
Thanks for the tip about selling floral arrangements. That'll be in gen 3  :)

The legendary knits sometimes do and don't count for excellent. Having just completed that was very frustrating. I would recommend listening to a favoured music genre while knitting in a rocking chair to get those last 5 legendary ones. Sill not certain, even while Very Inspired and with Creative Visionary but it does help. I find knitting the octopus decorations the quickest.
You probably already know but you can't interrupt the Teach To Knit interaction for it to count. It has to finish by itself.

Izar's cute but I love Maite. Surely she deserves a better moniker than "difficult middle child"  ;)
For Carlos's requirements, as you might recall, he had to complete a collection of all the flowers used in the Flower Arrangement skill.
So he can craft any of the available arrangements, but Pink Orchids are the best.

I've completed the knitting aspiration 3-4 times in the past. 
It's the 10 Excellent Knittables task that is difficult because, by the time of that task, my sim is knitting mostly legendaries.
Carlos can't listen to music at home due to living off-the-grid.
But, even in Selvadorada without his inspiring objects, ever-confident Carlos knitted 4 legendaries in a row.
By coincidence, 2 or them were the octopi.  We usually do socks but Carlos is lucky with the hanging pots, too.
The aspiration's not a requirement--he started out knitting baby things for Izar to take with her. :D

Thank you for your love for Maite. I don't have the energy or focus anymore to take three children through scouts & seven aspirations at the same time.
Andoni & Izar did all that, but Maite "only" finished scouts, 3 basic aspirations, and Slumber Party Animal.  That's still good.
I love that second screenie of Maite doing her extra credit alone inside. But she has been difficult--she's always asking for advice and when the family goes out, usually goes home early for some reason. I'm not able to figure out the going home early thing.

Maite is socially awkward and gest along better with adults than kids her age.  Maite is me as a child...except not quite as nerdy.  I mean, I have yet to hear she was reading about ancient mythologies or playing Dungeons and Dragons  ;=)
It's super cute how close Izar and Andoni are.  Oh good heavens, Castanova.  That was priceless!!!  Although, him turning his back on the adorable and redheaded Margaret Pries?!?!?!?  Margaret who has the sacred Fyres genes?!?!?!?  Sorry, Andoni, no clever word play makes that act OK  ;=)
Another glorious update, as always, and it's a delight seeing how the trio of Mistura kids are each so gloriously unique.  Can't wait to see what's next for the crew!
As a toddler, Maite often had the "Where's my attention?" moodlet (or whatever it's called). Thankfully, she had Grandpa Prince who became her dedicated playmate.
I'm cracking up that you disapprove of Andoni turning his gaze toward Arisa Hauer, lol! I totally agree with you about the sacred nature of the Fyres genes.
I was worried I might be going overboard by having Izar interested in Titus Pries while Andoni pursues Titus's sister Margaret.
Evidently, not for you. Your "no clever wordplay makes that okay" scolding is too hilarious!
I'm imagining Pippin's simself, hand on hip, wagging an angry finger at Andoni.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.16: Camping? No Thanks! (18 Jul '23)
« Reply #197 on: July 21, 2023, 09:29:05 AM »

What a stunning selection of pictures! Everything is just so pretty and nicely decorated. The beautiful vacation home, the place in Glimmerbrook, and Sualni too! <3

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.16: Camping? No Thanks! (18 Jul '23)
« Reply #198 on: July 21, 2023, 04:01:44 PM »

What a stunning selection of pictures! Everything is just so pretty and nicely decorated. The beautiful vacation home, the place in Glimmerbrook, and Sualni too! <3

Thanks so much, Rhoxi.
By the way, I know you're deep into Roots of Pacha now, but did you already 100% Zelda?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.16: Camping? No Thanks! (18 Jul '23)
« Reply #199 on: July 21, 2023, 04:42:00 PM »

What a stunning selection of pictures! Everything is just so pretty and nicely decorated. The beautiful vacation home, the place in Glimmerbrook, and Sualni too! <3

Thanks so much, Rhoxi.
By the way, I know you're deep into Roots of Pacha now, but did you already 100% Zelda?

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a huuuuuuge game. I did not 100% it in the sense of finding all the numerous shrines, outfits, etc. I did do all the big stuff - the main quests, most of the big side quests, probably all of the cinematics, plenty of shrines, caves, etc. and then finished the game by fighting Gannon - as all Zelda games end. Definitely had a great time with it and 100% recommend.

As for Roots of Pacha, I've finished all the story quests, but am still going strong with making a beautiful farm, decorating, capturing and breeding rare livestock, etc. Weirdly enough the game grabbed me in even more than the Zeldas, which was unexpected as I didn't get nearly as absorbed with Stardew Valley. Maybe I'll post a tour of it?

How are you continuing to enjoy Sun Haven? You've at least let up enough to do some simming! :P I'm indecisive about whether I should check it out at some point. Something about the aesthetics of the game is . . . meh. Then again, I've said the same before about games and changed my mind 15 minutes in!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.16: Camping? No Thanks! (18 Jul '23)
« Reply #200 on: July 21, 2023, 05:28:57 PM »
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a huuuuuuge game. I did not 100% it in the sense of finding all the numerous shrines, outfits, etc. I did do all the big stuff - the main quests, most of the big side quests, probably all of the cinematics, plenty of shrines, caves, etc. and then finished the game by fighting Gannon - as all Zelda games end. Definitely had a great time with it and 100% recommend.

As for Roots of Pacha, I've finished all the story quests, but am still going strong with making a beautiful farm, decorating, capturing and breeding rare livestock, etc. Weirdly enough the game grabbed me in even more than the Zeldas, which was unexpected as I didn't get nearly as absorbed with Stardew Valley. Maybe I'll post a tour of it?

How are you continuing to enjoy Sun Haven? You've at least let up enough to do some simming! :P I'm indecisive about whether I should check it out at some point. Something about the aesthetics of the game is . . . meh. Then again, I've said the same before about games and changed my mind 15 minutes in!

I must pass on Zelda as I have poor hand-eye coordination. ;j-)

I for one would absolutely love a tour of your Roots of Pacha farm!
How great that you've become so absorbed with your game! SDV didn't offer that much in terms of farm decoration, don't you think?

As for simming and Sun Haven, I have to push myself these days to load my Mishmash.
Many an evening, I've told myself that I'll "just play Sun Haven for an hour or so," then end up not loading my Mishmash at all. LOL!
But I am excited about my Gen3 heir becoming a teen and, after another sim-week or so, moving out to start a life of her own.
When I can't decide which game to play, I watched Sims 4 speed builds on Youtube.  That's almost like simming, right?  RIght!?

I don't mind the Sun Haven aesthetics. I grew up on manga/anime/video games in Japan, and many of Sun Haven's characters look like anime characters, so...
Currently, I'm playing a practice save so there's several aspects of the game I've abandoned in this game such as ompleting the museum collections, decorating the farm, and so forth. Once I've earned all the romance-related acheevos, I'll start a legit save. ;-)
What about you and your Occult Legacy?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.16: Camping? No Thanks! (18 Jul '23)
« Reply #201 on: July 24, 2023, 08:23:35 AM »

I was having a lot of fun with my Occult Legacy. It'll be there waiting for me when I'm ready to Sim again. :)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.16: Camping? No Thanks! (18 Jul '23)
« Reply #202 on: July 26, 2023, 10:22:39 AM »

I was having a lot of fun with my Occult Legacy. It'll be there waiting for me when I'm ready to Sim again. :)

That's great news as I'm missing your Alvahs!
I'll complete all my objectives for my first Sun Haven playthrough in another day or so (not 100% completion), after which I intend to resume my Mishmash.
Actually, I'm often thinking of new ideas for my legacy while playing Sun Haven, haha.
I can't wait to get Izar ready to move out after one more sim-week!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17a: What's Your Plan, Izar? (28 Jul '23)
« Reply #203 on: July 28, 2023, 11:54:44 PM »
Normally, each of my updates span one sim-week.
However, 10 rl days days have passed since I last posted a Mistura update.
So, here'a a half-week update to introduce you to the 3rd-generation Misturas as teenager.

2.17a: What's Your Plan, Izar?

Sunday, Week 17 (2nd week of summer)
Carlos: By the middle of last week, our kids finished everything they wanted to do.
We spent the last four days relaxing in Selvadorada and even a loner like had a great time.
When we start this week, the kids' teen birthday is only hours away.
From L to R: Izar (the Gen3 heir), Andoni, my husband Aritz and me (Gen2 heir), and Andoni's twin Maite.

Since early morning, Andoni has been learning the Medium skill.
He claims he'll get the elusive Unassuming Candy Jar so Izar will want to take him along when she moves out.
Since I'd spent the last few weeks pursuing the Candy Jar daily, I can't help smiling at his misguided claim.
After invoking the dead twice, he enters Bear Phase but invokes the dead twice more.

Though Andoni doesn't even have the Brave trait, he doesn't back down from the two angry specters.
Unbelievably, that first angry specter leaves Andoni the Unassuming Candy Jar!!!
How did he get that so quickly?  Was it beginner's luck or Andoni's good karma?

When their birthday notifications arrive, Andoni and Izar invite over the Pries twins.
Then the five children age up to teens one after another.
Margaret Pries is the last one to blow out her birthday candles.
All five of them are badly in need of makeovers.
And no, Titus, you can't share my hairstyle!

Andon is the only one with Aritz's gray eyes.
He and his twin Maite both have my mouth, but Izar shares Aritz's fuller lips.
And I passed on Papa Prince's left cheek mole to all three kids.
Their traits?  Good Andonis is a Bookworm, Vegetarian Maite is a Loner, and Geek Izar is a Genius.

Titus and Margaret Pries also age up into very attractive teens.
Active Margaret becomes a Child of the Islands, which will be difficult since she lives in Copperdale.
Art lover Titus is now Active.
Izar remains infatuated with Titus and secretly nags me to let Titus to join our household.

Izar: Our first day of high school!
I'm already regretting having joined the Computer Team!
Chess Club would've been so much easier, plus I could play chess with Titus for my daily task.
Definitely not joining the Streamer career later, though. Simfuencer seems like an easier gig.

Carlos: As you know, my adult birthday's tomorrow, when I complete my last heir requirement.
What's your plan, Izar?
Are you thinking of living in that new town? What's it called…Chestnut Ridge?
Izar: Nah. You see, I found this old photo from when Papa Aritz and Titus's mom Alycia were teens.
Aritz: Yeah, Wizzo and Magdalene Moonstrider still live in that StrangerVille house where we lived together.
Izar: Papa Aritz, I wanna live in StrangerVille to learn more about where you came from.

Titus: StrangerVille? Did you know my great-grandpa Elwyn Pries completed the Power of 10 Dynasty there?
That's why my grandpa Marlon was born in StrangerVille, but my pa Marcel was born in Copperdale. 
I've been wanting to move there, too!  Whaddya say, Izar? May I come with?
Izar: Oh, that's too perfect, Titus! Papas, may Titus move in now to prepare? *makes puppy dog eyes
Titus is the man I wanna make babies with!
Aritz: Wait, please!  No babies while you're still in high school. I think Titus moving in is okay, though.

Carlos: Welcome to the household, Titus! How do you feel about changing your name?
Titus: Yeah, my grandpa was Marlon and my father's Marcel, so I'd like to be called Marcos.
"Titus" reminds me of that 1999 film starring Anthony Hopkins. *shudders

Aritz: Seeing that old photo of my StrangerVille roomies makes me want to do a little matchmaking.
I invite over Aiden Moonstrider and age him up. What an attractive boy!
Carlos: Yes! Maite's a Vegetarian and Aiden's a Child of the Oceans so he won't eat fish.
They'll be quite compatible and, like Maite, Aiden's parents are both spellcasters.

Carlos: You know, Aritz, I'm not keen on Andoni marrying Marcos' sister Margaret.
Aritz: Frankly, neither am I. Do you know Andoni's other childhood BFF, Arisa Hauer?
Carlos: Great idea! I'll invite her over now before leaving for work.

Aritz: Arisa (center) is happy to be the same age as Andoni once again.
As I'm getting to know her, Shaun Bheeda drops by.
He's the grandson of Arun & Jesminda Bheeda but he probably got his Mean trait from his father Wolfgang Munch!
Granted, Shaun's very attractive, but sharing our home with a Mean non-occult isn't really an option!

Carlos: Once Izar and Marcos return from their after-school clubs, we head out with birthday cakes to Elixirs & Brews.
First, Aritz blows out his candles and then I'm next.
Today, on my adult birthday, I've officially completed my final requirement as the Gen2 heir!
Can you spot me sparkling in a birthday leap next to Marcos?

Maite: Oh look, Andoni! There's Ava Hauer, Arisa's mom. You know, your future mother-in-law.
If you ask me, that's a pretty skimpy mom outfit.
Andoni: Nobody's asking you, Maite. *feels bad for Arisa
Arisa: In publlc, I always pretend I don't know her…

Carlos: After that, all eight of us (our six-sim household plus Aadan and Arisa) descend on Papa Prince's house.
Izar and Marcos want to go on five space missions each to become Nerd Brains.
But I sure as heck don't want a rocket ship on our mystical Glimmerbrook premises!
Talk about ruining the magical ambience!
Anyway, Marcos is thrilled to be mentored in Logic by his long-time idol, Prince.

Maite: I don't mind at all that my fathers chose Aiden Moonstrider for me.
He's got the most exotic violet eyes (mine are violet, too).
And his pointy ears are unbelievably long and magnificent!
He asks me to be his BFF today, which is a good start.
Shall I give him a day to ask me to be his girlfriend? I know he can't ask me to Prom.

Maite: Here's me giving Aiden some incentive about the girlfriend thing.
A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right?
Andoni: Oh no, Maite!  Haven't you heard that saying, "Why buy the cow…"?
Maite: Stop right there! Are you suggesting that I'm a cow?  Rude!

Andoni: I've been BFFs with Arisa Hauer since grade school.
She agreed to become my girlfriend yesterday at Grandpa Prince's house.
For now, though, my focus is on becoming a Bestselling Author.
Once I reach the fourth milestone tomorrow, I'll ask Arisa to Prom.

Marcos: When I joined the household, Izar was already done with scouting and an A student.
I somehow aged up with High Self-Esteem on Sunday, but still have lots of catching up to do.
Papa Carlos bought a Wishing Well to help me out.
It gave me a guaranteed promotion on Monday evening.
And today, it immediately promotes me to an A student!

Maite: I'm fishing at our home pond, when Aiden pops the question about Prom.
Of course, I say yes! But how odd that he could invite me, though.
Did he enroll in Copperdale High after Papa Aritz aged him up yesterday morning?

Izar: As for me, I've made enough progress with a few of my heir requirements this week.
I might as well do my 5 upgrades for Nerd Brain after I move out, right?
The rest of this week, I'll probably work on learning spells and potion recipes.

Also, I'll be staying here until Saturday night for Maite's sake. It's her only chance to attend Prom.
Looks like I'll be moving out late Saturday night! Only three more days!

Progress: Middle of Week 17
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Unassuming Candy Jar: How crazy that Andoni got it in a single morning after Carlos tried every day for two weeks!
  For now, I'm leaving it in Andoni's inventory so I won't unintentionally leave it behind when he moves out. 

*Marcos (formerly Titus) Pries: He aged up so well!
  I couldn't resist moving him into the active household early.
  It's only for five days and then Izar will move out, anyway.

*Aadan's Prom invite: I was surprised Aiden could invite Maite to Prom.
  I'd assumed only Copperdale High students could do Prom invites.
  Or perhaps Aiden is now a Copperdale High student?
  But he aged up Tuesday morning and asked Maite to Prom on Wednesday afternoon.  Hmmm…

*StrangerVille: There's mention of this town in the Gen3 heir's backstory.
  I'd thought the Pries boy was really cute as a child, so I thought he might make a good partner for Izar.
  I'd completely forgotten about his great-grandpa Elwyn and grandpa Marlon's connection to StrangerVille.
  And of course, they're all descendants of Erwin Pries, StrangerVille's original Conspiracy Theorist!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17a: What's Your Plan, Izar? (28 Jul '23)
« Reply #204 on: July 29, 2023, 02:50:04 AM »
Welcome back to the Simverse!
Love and future plans for all of the beautifully-aged gen 3. So lucky with all the teens.
Can I ask, how do you make-over non-household members?
Aha, Carlos! Outdone in your Candy Jar quest by your own son! It's definitely time to hand over the reins of this challenge to the next gen.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17a: What's Your Plan, Izar? (28 Jul '23)
« Reply #205 on: July 29, 2023, 08:39:01 AM »
Andoni is clearly a perfect sidekick choice.  I mean, he got that candy jar in about two seconds after his poor papa failed at it for weeks!  And I'll try not to hold the not-picking-Margaret thing against him  ;=)  Of course, as a child of the islands, she probably wouldn't have been ideally suited to live in Strangerville anyway.
All three kiddos ended up just lovely (but of course they did, look at their gene pool!), but Izar certainly stands out as the most striking of the batch.  And again, you chose the perfect hairstyle to show off those pointy ears  ;=)
I might low-key be hoping that Arisa's embarrassing mom becomes a running joke for gen 3.  Seems like some wonderful potential for silly humor to me  ;=)  Poor Arisa, but at least she got her guy!  Of speaking of getting the guy, Maite's little headfirst plunge into romance was so suitably perfect for our little antisocial delight  :=)  And the cow bit?  Hilarious!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17a: What's Your Plan, Izar? (28 Jul '23)
« Reply #206 on: July 29, 2023, 10:18:08 AM »
Welcome back to the Simverse!
Love and future plans for all of the beautifully-aged gen 3. So lucky with all the teens.
Can I ask, how do you make-over non-household members?
Aha, Carlos! Outdone in your Candy Jar quest by your own son! It's definitely time to hand over the reins of this challenge to the next gen.
@Granny Lawlor
Yes, we were quite lucky not only with the Mistura teens but also with their love interests. Quite an attractive bunch.
I find Aadan Moonstrider has the most exotic looks. His eyes and jawline resemble his mother's Magdalena.

To give a townie a makeover in cases where I'm not allowed to do so in Manage Households:
Buy a closet and place it anywhere accessible on the active lot, then invite over the target townie.
With the target townie on the lot, have your sim click on the closet to see a "Change the outfit of..." option.
Beware that it's like going into CAS. If your sims have a club going at the time, any sims at work/school will be forced home early.
If you end the club gathering first, they'll remain safely at work/school.

Andoni is clearly a perfect sidekick choice.  I mean, he got that candy jar in about two seconds after his poor papa failed at it for weeks!  And I'll try not to hold the not-picking-Margaret thing against him  ;=)  Of course, as a child of the islands, she probably wouldn't have been ideally suited to live in Strangerville anyway.
All three kiddos ended up just lovely (but of course they did, look at their gene pool!), but Izar certainly stands out as the most striking of the batch.  And again, you chose the perfect hairstyle to show off those pointy ears  ;=)
I might low-key be hoping that Arisa's embarrassing mom becomes a running joke for gen 3.  Seems like some wonderful potential for silly humor to me  ;=)  Poor Arisa, but at least she got her guy!  Of speaking of getting the guy, Maite's little headfirst plunge into romance was so suitably perfect for our little antisocial delight  :=)  And the cow bit?  Hilarious!
I have a bad habit of favoring the genes of specific households, so I had Andoni go with Arisa Hauer for genetic diversity, despite Margaret's superior cuteness.
Anti-social Maite is no fool plus she's known Aadan since grade school.
One, the coming Saturday is Maite's one and only chance to attend Prom.
Two, if she hadn't chosen Aadan, the choice of her future spouse choice would've been left to the MCCC Fates.
I do love how Aadan stepped up to ask her to be BFFs and Prom.
I'm glad you like the cow thing. Maite seems like the kind of teen who doesn't socialize with her peers enough to learn the saying.
As for Izar's hairstyle, thanks so much for noticing. If she got da ears, she gotta flaunt them!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17a: What's Your Plan, Izar? (28 Jul '23)
« Reply #207 on: July 30, 2023, 02:40:58 PM »
The Gen2 Requirements of Carlos Mistura

I should have mentioned this at the end of the previous update, so I've decided to simply add a new post.

Carlos' requirements are a substantially modified version of Gen19 "Cinnamon Sprice" of the All Packs Extended NSB Challenge, created by Illusory Thrall.
To the original Not So Berry Challenge, created by LilSimsie and Alwayssimming, llusory Thrall's challenge adds 20 more generations that incorporate the subsequently released packs not included in the original NSB.

Additional requirements I made for Carlos:
*Defeat future spouse in seven magic duels (instead of one)
*Move to Glimmerbrook as YA and live off-the-grid until Adult
*Collect/grow all 16 flowers used in flower arrangement
*Evolve those 16 flowers to perfect quality.

Incidentally, once the founder or heir has completed their requirements, I add a description and like to the original challenge in my Challenge Overview on page 1 of this thread.

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Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmerbrook!
« Reply #208 on: July 31, 2023, 08:08:38 PM »
2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmerbrook

Wednesday, Week 17 (mid-summer)
Carlos: I can't believe this is our final family portrait together! *sniffle sniffle
On Sunday, our trio aged up to teens along with Marcos (formerly Titus) Pries and his sister Margaret.
Izar's infatuation Marcos Pries joined our household on Monday.
Maite, our middle child, is now Aiden Moonstrider's girlfriend, to everyone's delight.
Our firstborn Andoni didn't protest when Aritz and I advised him to pursue Arisa Hauer.
And when Aritz and I became adults Tuesday, I finished my last requirement as Gen2 heir.
From left to right: Marcos, Andoni, Aritz & me, Andoni's twin Maite, and Izar

Carlos: Everyone is going about preparing for the Big Change on Saturday.
Izar spends the day reading through my collection of magic tomes.
For her "Defeat 3 spellcasters in magic duels, she chooses her two siblings and Maite's boyfriend Aiden.

Maite: I see! So that's why I never got any magical training! So Izar could defeat me in a duel! Hmmph!

Marcos: This is my first, and probably my last, active day of school.
But I'm not happy about it because I'd planned to ask Izar to Prom during lunch break today.
Right as I was about to complete my promposal sign, I got whisked off to school.
And now I can't make a new one. Will I find my unfinished Promposal in the backyard when I get home?

Maite: I've already an A student so why am I even in high school anymore?
Andoni and I aren't goal-oriented like Izar and Marcos.
As soon as I arrive on campus, I use the library's computer to graduate early.
Before leaving, I peek into both classrooms. Nope, Aiden isn't here. How mysterious!

Izar: This afternoon's Career Day!
I ask this career rep about her job since I can't tell from what she's wearing.
She replies that she's a Space Ranger but she don't look like no astronaut to me!

Andoni: I'll be graduating early after I return home from school.
But I'm tagging along with Izar and Marcos to squeeze in a few more hours of writing time.
The more books I can publish after moving out, the better.
Sadly, this auditorium isn't particularly inspiring.

Marcos: Izar and I finish our Career Day stuff early, so I ask her to be my girlfriend.
Yep, we're official!

Marcos: After Chess Club, I look all over the backyard for my Promposal sign, only to find it in my inventory.
I must've finished it at the last minute before school.
It's embarrassing as heck, but I present my cheesy sign to Izar and ask her to be my Prom Date.
We're on!

Izar: Papa Aritz wrote excuse notes for Marcos and me yesterday, so we have the day off!
I've been reading magical tomes and practicing magic, finally reaching Adept rank today.
Since my teen birthday, I've also visited the Sages twice (as an Apprentice and as an Acolyte).
Five days from Apprentice to Adept ain't shabby!
(Yes, Aiden, I'll be your BFF. Thanks for asking!)

Marcos is being a sport about learning to paint, even though it's not really his "thing."
Andoni has been busy writing this week, but he became a Bestselling Author this afternoon.
Everyone's astonished that he wrote all three of his required bestsellers in a single day.
Maybe Marcos won't need to mentor Andoni in painting after all.

I'm reading through all of Papa Carlos's magic tomes that suit my rank.
Then, I'll make another visit to the Magical HQ to learn other spells and potions I'm missing.
I wonder who has the larger collection of magic tomes: Grandpa Prince or Papa Carlos?
If only Papa Carlos had a complete collection!

Carlos: I feel sheepish that the idea hadn't occurred to me earlier.
As the Mistura Wizard, I should be the caretaker of a Mistura Library of Magic Tomes.
But I'm a Loner and don't do well with crowds, even if the sims are all my relatives.
At first, I consider giving my tomes to Papa Prince since his home is spacious and he loves visitors.
But Izar's the better choice because she could actually complete the collection I started.

Aritz: Andoni can earn good income writing his mystery novels.
But Izar and Marcos will need more income as teens than the Simfluencer job can offer.
For their parting gift, Carlos and I take them for a quick trip to Granite Falls.
They learn the schematic for camping mascots then Marcos buys a growfruit.

Carlos: Lately, Maite's started worrying about the MCCC Fates splitting her and Aiden apart.
We've all heard how Darrel Charm and Emilia Ernst broke their engagement and married other sims.
And they were already living together!
This is why I agree with Maite's pleas to move Aiden in with us. It would've happened eventually, right?

Aiden: But I asked you to be my BFF and my Prom Date!
You don't know how tricky the Prom invite was. I'm not even a Copperdale High student!
Maite: Your efforts are deeply appreciated but remember: I asked you to be my boyfriend!
Aiden (sighs): Okay, you win.  Follow me to most beautiful spot in all of Glimmerbrook, m'lady.
Maite, love of my life, will you marry me?

Izar: Only another hour until we leave for Prom.
I'm so glad things worked out with Maite and Aiden.
How curious that he grew up in StrangerVille dreaming of Glimmerbrook, while I'm just the opposite!
I'm looking forward to moving out so I can get serious about my collections, too!

At the Prom…
Aiden: *whispers sweet nothings in Maite's ear
Maite (giggles): I never imagined myself with a younger boyfriend!
Aiden: Oh gimme a break! I'm only two days younger than you!
Oh and have I told you you're gorgeous tonight?

Izar: You look so dashing, Marcos! Did you know blue's my favorite color?
Marcos: You're wearing blue, too. Um, what's that dress exactly?
Izar: Yeah it's frumpy as heck, right? It's supposed to be StrangerVille fashion…
Marcos: …

Arisa: Are you serious about me, Andoni?
Anodni: Of course I am. Why do you ask?
Arisa: Well, Marcos and Aiden moved into the Glimmerbrook house, but you haven't invited me.
Andoni: That's cuz your house is nicer than our house.
When I'm done helping Izar and Marcos, I thought I'd move in with you. How about it?

Maite: I don't believe it! The principal's calling both of us to the stage!
Aiden: Don't worry, Maite. I'll be right there with you!
Maite: Wow, a friendless loner like me got voted Prom Royalty?
Aiden: What about me? I have yet to attend a single day of high school!

Maite: Thanks for making tonight so special for me and Aiden, Izar!
I know you planned this with Andoni and Marcos.
No way would my schoolmates choose an anti-social teen like me for Prom Royalty.
Izar: You deserve this! Look after our fathers for us, k?

Maite: Now that we're home, Aiden, where shall we hang our adorable Prom photo?
Aiden: Hey, Izar has already quietly moved out with Andoni and Marcos.
Maite: Awww, this house will be so lonely without them!
Aiden: How can you say that, Maite?! I'm here for you. Wanna practice making babies?
Carlos: I heard that, son!

Izar: Hey, the next time we meet, I'll be living in my new digs with Andoni and Marcos.
Come check us out!

Progress: End of Week 17
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Seasons: I am enjoying the three-week seasons with LittleMissSam's mod!
  But I'm ditching the 1st/2nd/3rd week of [season] description.
  Instead, to use summer as an example, I'll be using early, mid-, and late summer.

*Aiden Moonstrider: Yep, I misspelled his name as "Aadan" over half a dozen times last update.
  Why couldn't his name be Aadan? It's more exotic!

*Moving expenses: Izar, Andoni, and Marcos have moved out, taking only certain items with them.
  That is, they are taking anything they've crafted, found, received as gifts, or granted as rewards.
  Izar also has all of Carlos' collection of magic tomes which she'll (casually) try to complete for future generations.
  I'm super excited to start the next generation!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.17b: Goodbye, Glimmbrook! (31 Jul '23)
« Reply #209 on: August 01, 2023, 03:08:51 AM »
I've forgotten - do you have aging on or off for non-active households? Will Maite and Aiden become Young Adults by themselves? I'd hate to think of them "practising" making babies and never be able to actually have one! Lol

Good idea to collect all the magical tomes in one place. A safe way to build skill.

Looking forward to seeing Izar's Strangerville residence. I know you put a lot into design choices