Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 181485 times)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.10: A Budding Wizard (18 Jun '23)
« Reply #150 on: June 19, 2023, 11:57:32 AM »
I like Sheila's hairstyle.  It's quirky.
Congrats to the older boys on their marriage. I'd suggest Copperdale unless you've got plans for the brother. The couple would get embarrassed by the celebrity home thing.
Congrats to Carlos on becoming the designated heir. I hope he finds the love of his life in good time
I'm glad you like it, too! In fact, both Sheila and Carlos have hairstyles that I've never deliberately chosen before, but they seem to suit them!
The embarrassment could be easily resolved by replacing the Celebrity Home lot trait. ;)
Your mention of "plans" makes me think I need to go through my overall challenge to decide which heir will live in which town.
When an heir moves, I'd like their new neighborhood (if not town) to be relatively free of Mistura kin.
By the way, I laughed that both your Kiama and my Carlos got the "tall, dark stranger" prophecy from the Romance Guru.
Or does the Romance Guru say that to all the spellcasters?

Krista is so pretty!  I vote for Kraham taking over the Ward Den (perhaps with some story element about Judith's unpaid back taxes or her money manager has been embezzling and has left her penniless or something) as I feel this young couple deserves such a glorious home with plenty of room for little Kristaboos since Krista is so pretty!!
Yes, Carlos is a solid choice as heir.  I feel like his quiet, bookworm vibe contrasts nicely with what we experienced with Prince and I think that sociable Sheila will be great as the spare since she's likely to come around and visit or to be seen out and about since she is the sociable one.  Carlos as the spare would just hide in his house and we'd never see him again  ;=)  Oh, and antisocial bookworm sounds like some of the Watchers I know...and one of them might be a bald guy with glasses  ;=)
Looking forward to seeing who Carlos' tall dark stranger will be!
I agree that Krista is very, very pretty. We can only hope that the Kristaboos resemble the mother!
And I also like the idea of Jasmine's firstborn getting to enjoy that breathtaking mansion built by Heart Foam. 
When will my sims ever get the narrative impetus to live in one of his creations again?
LOL! When you mentioned "antisocial bookworm," I thought you were going to point your finger at me, but no.  You're an antisocial bookworm, too?  rofl

Woo! Go Carlos! I can't say I'm surprised by your choice of heir - just look at him. Beautiful genes. A floramancy wizard sounds interesting. Cesar seems like an interesting spouse candidate. That outfit sure spells cocky and self-assured! Of course, let's hope your game spawns some other spellcaster sims.

As for Graham and Krista's moving choices, I like the first one. Nothing wrong with a man taking his wife's name. The Ward Den seems a bit ... much, for such a down to earth couple.
In Japan, it's common practice for a family without a son to have the eldest daughter's husband move in and assume her family name.
Are you playing with MCCC? 
Whenever marriage makes a male sim move into the female sim's home, MCCC auto-renames him with the female's surname.
The only exception is if I flag the male sim to "never auto-rename."

I've set MCCC occult marriages to "same occult only," to avoid overpopulating my simverse with non-spellcaster occults, hehe.
This wasn't a problem in my NSB but there are few spellcasters this early in my Mishmash simverse.
I have already set a backup plan in motion. ;-)

Thank you all for your timely thoughts on Graham/Krista's moving choices.  <3

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.10: A Budding Wizard (18 Jun '23)
« Reply #151 on: June 20, 2023, 07:23:17 AM »

I've been meaning to ask, how do you do the little check marks and x's at the end of your posts? I put the checks in mine by just copy pasting it, but I don't know how to actually do it the proper way. Mind sharing?

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.10: A Budding Wizard (18 Jun '23)
« Reply #152 on: June 20, 2023, 08:23:30 AM »

I've been meaning to ask, how do you do the little check marks and x's at the end of your posts? I put the checks in mine by just copy pasting it, but I don't know how to actually do it the proper way. Mind sharing?
Me too :)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.10: A Budding Wizard (18 Jun '23)
« Reply #153 on: June 20, 2023, 11:04:59 AM »

I've been meaning to ask, how do you do the little check marks and x's at the end of your posts? I put the checks in mine by just copy pasting it, but I don't know how to actually do it the proper way. Mind sharing?

@Rhoxi and @Granny Lawlor
For about 4 years, I was obsessed with creating and participating in reading challenges over on Goodreads.
So my green checkmark (which disappeared this year) I originally copy/pasted from one of my Goodread BFF's challenges.
However, you can right-click anywhere in a text box to show a menu with "Emojis" at the top.
Click on Emojis for a wide variety of emojis.  Sometimes I switch "emoji checkmarks" to suit the season.
I'm planning to choose the "completed checkmark emoji" to suit each heir. Some examples:

Nerd fact: Emoji is a Japanese word combining "e" (picture) and "moji" (letter or character).
Just a coincidence that the first two syllables become "emo" in English.
During that time, I started checking off completed books and completed challenges using those green check marks.☕☕

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.10: A Budding Wizard (18 Jun '23)
« Reply #154 on: June 20, 2023, 12:40:12 PM »
Thanks, that's really helpful  :)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.11: I Can't Help Myself
« Reply #155 on: June 21, 2023, 08:42:13 PM »
2.11: I Can't Help Myself!

Sunday, Week 11 (1st week of winter)
Carlos: Another absurdly early start to the week!
There's only four of us in the household now.
From the left: me, Mama Tiva, Papa Prince, and my twin Sheila.

And where are Graham and Colby? They aged up and moved out early this morning.

Graham gained the Materialistic trait (like his mother Jasmine) then assumed the Ward surname.
Recently, the Baileys were forced move after their home was foreclosed.
No wonder. Thorne's a L6 Musician who earns $1,830/week ($61/hr), but their weekly bills are $15,220.
(Is this a good time to mention my father earns $1,315/hr?)

Anyway, we all pitched in so Graham could buy The Ward Den. He moved there immediately with Krista.

Now a Child of the Islands, Colby could easily afford to buy his new home in Sulani.
He and Pierce are living at Pier Perfection in Lani St. Taz.
Lucky Colby! He gets to lead his dream life with a sim he adores!
Papa says we'll visit them once Sheila and I can do insta-upgrades.

Did I share that I'll be evolving my entire flower garden to Perfect quality?
Today, the first flower that I planted--Holly--reaches Perfect quality.
I've started grafting my single-season flower plants onto multi-season flower plants.
My garden really needs some downsizing!

I'm an Adept wizard now, so I visit the Magical HQ to learn more spells and potions.
Casters Alley's potion shop still doesn't have a Deathflower for sale.
On my way home, I stop by the Elixirs & Brews for the first time.
I hear it's a bar only frequented by casters. It's true! Even the bartender and bar regulars are casters!

Papa hasn't mixed a track for a while, it seems.
Instead, he and Mama have been giving the rocket ship one upgrade after another.
They know I'm anxious about winning a UFO plant in a space race or a battle with the Green Man.
I'm grateful that they're trying to boost my odds of winning!

Papa tells me there's a paparazzo named Hiroshi Fyres who's been stalking him since morning.
No way!  Hiroshi Fyres, as in the father of Alycia Fyres?
Alycia has interested me ever since she moved to StrangerVille to room with other magical teens.
But seeing her father quickly kills my interest. A future Mistura with a premature bald spot? I don't think so.

Sheila and I  become Chess Team Co-Captains then step down!
It's great to be done with the Chess Team and my part-time job.
Now I'll have more time for the gazillion other things I'm trying to get done!

Like fishing for garden fertilizer!
On my teen birthday, I changed the pond's fish to stock the best species for fertilizer.
This morning, I used up all the fish that Graham and Colby caught for me before they moved out.
My parents are also helping out, so I should have enough fertilizer for tomorrow in another hour or so.

What luck!  At Casters Alley, I'm able to buy a Deathflower!
Then, while learning spells from the Sages, I reach the Master rank!
To celebrate, I invite Alycia to meet me at Elixirs & Brews with her new roomies.
Of course, Alycia's the redhead on the very left.

Neither Aritz nor Alycia are natural-born spellcasters.
A good foodie, Aritz had always wanted to be a spellcaster like his childhood friends, Magdelena and Wizzo.
An unflirty music lover, Alycia's first magical encounter was seeing Papa transportalate at my slumber party.
They both became spellcasters by going to Magical HQ and asking a Sage for the Rite of Ascension.

Magdelena Moonstrider is an outdoor-loving geek, while Wizzo Birch is an outdoor-loving genius.
Judging by their eccentric outfits alone, those two have always grown up around magic.
My father was always surrounded by celebrities like himself.
I'm excited to have a group of friends who are active spellcasters!

Tiva: Thanks for preparing the grand meal, Sheila! I've been craving fish!
Sheila: Me, too! By the way, what's with all the Winterfest stuff? I thought we don't celebrate this holiday?
Prince: We don't. But Clement Frost has been acting strangely lately so…
Carlos: I know, I know! Watcher's making us celebrate Winterfest to see who shows up as Father Winter!
Watcher: Busted!

Carlos: So, now, we're just waiting around until evening to see if Father Winter visits us.
While practicing magic, I suddenly get an unexpected Prom invite from Wizzo.
I'd already decided to go with whichever of those four roomies asked me first, so I reply "Of course!"
OMG, that Wizzo's such a weirdo!  We've hardly talked but he asked for a "real" Prom date, not "as friends."

Since I'm the heir, Papa tells me to be the first to ask Father Winter for a present.
As soon as I get to know Father Winter, I get a crush on him. Kill me now and put me out of my misery!
I mean, this Father Winter (his name's Mike Keene) sure ain't no debonair hipster like Herbert Landgraab!!!

After school, I reach Virtuoso rank as a wizard then I need to start fishing for bait again.
Aritz drops by and I'm glad he's so good-natured.
He doesn't mind fishing with me at all.
It's true I don't know Aritz and his roomies well, but I was lowkey hoping Aritz would ask me to Prom.

I spend several more indecisive hours then--to heck with it!--craft a Promposal Sign.
Not only does Aritz agree to go to Prom with me, he even gives me an autonomous peck on the cheek!
You know, I was planning to avoid the whole Prom business, but Wizzo's invite yesterday caught me off guard.
If I'm going to Prom, I wanna go with Aritz. 

I do the honorable thing: send Aritz home, invite Wizzo over, then uninvite Wizzo to Prom.
Darn it! Why did I have to ask Wizzo about his day before apologizing for uninviting him?
Now I have a crush on Wizzo. But that don't mean he's my fated soulmate!  No, ma'am!
If a crush determines my romantic fate, I'd have to choose Sage Morgyn or Father Winter first.
I can't seem to help myself! Gah, I really need to stop with all the crushing already!

Sheila and I prepared carefully for today's Exam Day. I know we're gonna ace it.
Checking Social Bunny, I'm shocked that I have 360 followers, considering I rarely post updates or reply to DMs.
(Remember how Papa didn't reach 250 followers even after three weeks?)
But becoming an Admired Icon is not the true path for a socially awkward bookworm like me.

I visit the Spice Festival, hoping to take a cutting from an out-of-season UFO plant.
It blossoms in autumn, so I shoulda been going to all the festivals last season!
I invite the Strangerville crew to the festival, but get blown off by everyone except Magdelena.
Magdelena has a crush on me but the feeling isn't mutual, so I go to phone Aritiz.

Just when I take out my phone, Artiz calls me for a date.  Let's goooooo!

Aritz: What are we, anyway? Why are you toying with me? Do you wanna be Woohoo Partners?
Carlos: What do you mean?  Why would I finesse my best friend?
Aritz: Yeah, well, your father's a legendary superstar and you're his brilliant heir.
Why would you choose a nobody like me?  Why not choose Wizzo or Magdelena?

Carlos: Are you kidding me? Those two are nice folks, but they seek renown as spellcasters.
You and me, we hope to improve the world around us through magic. That's why you're my favorite!

Aritz and I have a fantastic time at the Prom.
I feel bad about leaving sister Sheila at home, but she would've kept trying to chat with us.
Aritz and I spend every second of the Prom together.
Declining the prom after-party, I invite Aritz over to my home instead.

Here's what came out of the Photo Booth.
I don't mean to sound sappy, but…don't we look great together?
At some point, I got a crush on Aritz.
Out of all my irrational crushes, my crush on Aritz is the only one I'm embracing.

Carlos: Our birthday's in another week, so I was wondering if you'd wanna move in with us.
Aritze: Move in here? With your family? Would we be able to spend more time together?
Carlos: Yeah, sorry! I have a lot of things to do between now and my birthday.
But if you lived here, we could do some of that together! Think it over, okay? *smooch

Aritz: Oh, um, good evening, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you! (Where'd he come from?)
Carlos: Um, Papa? I've asked Aritz to come stay with us so he can improve his grades.
Prince: That's fine, boys. I can also mentor Aritz in magic, if he's interested. But don't lose focus, Carlos!
You can't live off-the-grid with a rocket ship, so you'll need to stay here until you find your UFO plant!
Carlos: Thanks, Papa.  And, Aritz? I'll be waiting to hear from you! Don't keep me waiting!

Gallery Downloads - Lots
*Pier Perfection (30x20): "Pier Perfection" by MikaylaMadison. 2-bd/2-bth house.
*Elixirs and Brews (30x20): "Elixirs and Brews Reno" by NikaLynneSims.
  The room felt somewhat crowded with so much seating, so I removed a few table/chair sets.
  It's a lovely improvement over that drab, default Glimmerbrook bar!
*Creek Corner Cove (30x20): "Creek Corner Cove" by MirnaLynn.
  The 4bd/4bh Victorian house in Strangerville is the home of Alycia, Aritz, Magedelena, and Wizzo.

Gallery Downloads - Sims
*"Aritz Garcia" by AlexiaVR. Foodie, Good (Bookworm). Non-occult YA, aged down to teen. Master Chef.
*"Magdelena Moonstrider" by ShayRayVal. Geek, Loves Outdoors (Bookworm). 
    Spellcaster YA, aged down to teen. Purveyor of Potions.
   Her outfits were rather loud and skimpy, so I made them more suitable for Carlos's tastes.
*"Wizzo Birch" by BeboCreations. Genius, Loves the Outdoors (Loner).
    Spellcaster Adult, aged down to teen. Archaeology Scholar.
   The original Wizzo came with Virtuoso rank, Ancient bloodline, two uni degrees, fame, and so forth.
   He had to be cloned.  Also changed his eye color from a weird light blue to green.
Progress: End of Week 11
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Elixirs & Brews bar: I love how this bar only has a magical clientele!
  It doesn't have a special lot trait, but its patrons are all spellcasters, even the bar flies!
  After Carlos visited there twice, the game's spawned three adult bar regulars, hehe.

*Fame system: Once we have our sim "Step out of the spotlight," they should never gain fame again.
  Instead, I'm having to make Sheila step into/out of the spotlight repeatedly.So annoying.

*Social Bunny followers: Prince worked so hard to gain followers for his Admired Icon aspiration.
  In contrast, Carlos hardly ever uses Social Bunny but he gained 360 followers like it was nothing.
  Did some unscrupulous sim hack Prince's Social Bunny account?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.11: I Can't Help Myself (21 Jun '23)
« Reply #156 on: June 22, 2023, 02:02:01 AM »
Carlos is Socially-Awkward?  He seems to be the Beau of the Ball.
He's got interesting practical requirements,  I'm looking forward to finding out what his relationship requirements are.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.11: I Can't Help Myself (21 Jun '23)
« Reply #157 on: June 22, 2023, 08:34:05 AM »
That loud cracking sound you heard was my heart breaking that Carlos is not picking Alycia  ;=)  OK, joking aside, Carlos and Aritz are really cute together.  And all the crushing!!  Oh my goodness, Carlos!!  Those teen hormones are going crazy!!
So, CArlos is going to live off the grid, eh?  Time to get that tent, cooler, and "useful bush" ready  ;=)  Yeah, can't see Graham (and the lovely Krista) moving into Ward Den and the heir getting something minimal, so I'll be looking forward to seeing Carlos' new place, so hopefully he can get that UFO plant sooner rather than later!  Hmmm, I seem to recall having found UFO plants at the Romance Festival before.  Is that coming up soon?  Maybe he wouldn't even need the rocket ship?
Oh my gosh!  It only just hit me that we'll be leaving Prince behind!  It's hard to imagine this story without him.  He's such a big presence in a quiet way, as was his namesake.
Well, suffice it to say, I'm really enjoying this and looking forward to what's next  :=)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.11: I Can't Help Myself (21 Jun '23)
« Reply #158 on: June 22, 2023, 09:03:58 AM »

Poor Carlos and all his strange crushes, hehe! The Father Winter one is particularly funny. You'd think teens wouldn't be allowed to crush on adults? I wonder if that's working as intended or not. The prom photo is super cute. :)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.11: I Can't Help Myself (21 Jun '23)
« Reply #159 on: June 22, 2023, 10:00:51 AM »
Carlos is Socially-Awkward?  He seems to be the Beau of the Ball.
He's got interesting practical requirements,  I'm looking forward to finding out what his relationship requirements are.
Haha, yes, Carlos is socially awkward. He only socializes with his immediately family and now with the four Strangerville spellcasterss (though Alycia was one of his Social Butterfly friends). When he's with his family or Aritz, he gets the "With my people!" (or something like that) moodlet.
As for his requirements, darn UFO plant! Why didn't I think to have him look for it at the festivals during autumn. *feels awful

That loud cracking sound you heard was my heart breaking that Carlos is not picking Alycia  ;=)  OK, joking aside, Carlos and Aritz are really cute together.  And all the crushing!!  Oh my goodness, Carlos!!  Those teen hormones are going crazy!!
So, CArlos is going to live off the grid, eh?  Time to get that tent, cooler, and "useful bush" ready  ;=)  Yeah, can't see Graham (and the lovely Krista) moving into Ward Den and the heir getting something minimal, so I'll be looking forward to seeing Carlos' new place, so hopefully he can get that UFO plant sooner rather than later!  Hmmm, I seem to recall having found UFO plants at the Romance Festival before.  Is that coming up soon?  Maybe he wouldn't even need the rocket ship?
Oh my gosh!  It only just hit me that we'll be leaving Prince behind!  It's hard to imagine this story without him.  He's such a big presence in a quiet way, as was his namesake.
Well, suffice it to say, I'm really enjoying this and looking forward to what's next  :=)
Haha, I cracked up at Carlos getting crushes left and right like he did. So far, he's had crushes on Sage Morgyn, Father Winter, Wizzo, Alycia, and (finally!) Aritiz.
He's gotten over Wizzo and Alycia already.
And yes regarding the Romance Festival. I could kick myself for not remembering until this past week (the first week of winter).
Oh wait, he was at the Romance Festival last week when Graham/Krista and Colby/Pierce got married there. There were no UFO plants there, though.
Sigh, he goes on space missions every free moment now, haha.
About Prince, I'm starting to feel separation anxiety about leaving him behind, too.  But first, the UFO Plant!

Poor Carlos and all his strange crushes, hehe! The Father Winter one is particularly funny. You'd think teens wouldn't be allowed to crush on adults? I wonder if that's working as intended or not. The prom photo is super cute. :)
I've never played a sim who got so many crushes in two weeks.
I have a mod that allows Teen/grown-up romantic interactions which excludes (since the most recent game/MCCC updates) First Kiss, Ask to Be GF/BF, and Propose.
I've disabled it for MCCC's auto-marriage/auto-pregnancy features, so MCCC doesn't cause teen/grown-up pregnancies/marriages among NPCs.
Apart from woohoo partners, woohoo requires using a club. Uh, it's all for the sake of sims science! Ahem!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.11: I Can't Help Myself (21 Jun '23)
« Reply #160 on: June 23, 2023, 05:03:42 AM »
:) One feels there's more license to makeover the randoms, like Herbert. Clement, if he's very much changed, loses his Clementness.

I'm glad Carlos had better luck with Social Bunny. I've had another teen since the Landgraab girls that also struggled like Prince did. I wish I knew what was causing it. Most of the time it's not an issue though, and most sims seem to get follwers easily.

This is an aside, but obviously I saw the trailer for StrangerHorseVille last night, and noticed the ghost. And the thought of using nectar to revive ghosts in a grand ghostly dynasty, begun perhaps by a Miss Landgraab, is still floating around. Maybe I'll bounce around worlds. Because if / when I get StrangerHorseVille, obviously it's a new world and it makes sense to be there and try out stuff. But Mimsy and Bernard need to be set up in Windenburg. Felix Psyded, by the same logic, ought to be set up with a house in Britechester. Guidry and Temperance can pretty much go anywhere. Not fully sure on how to plot things out yet.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.11: I Can't Help Myself (21 Jun '23)
« Reply #161 on: June 23, 2023, 11:06:23 AM »
@Heart Foam
I feel like I've seen iterations of Father Winter that resemble Mike Keene in my previous games.
You were so astute to discern in Herbert such a diamond in the rough!  I still want a Father Winter in this challenge, but not Mike...

I checked the SB accounts of both Carlos and his sister Sheila last night. He has 560+ and she has 460 followers.
But they're not trying for Admired Icon so it doesn't matter.
Oh well, here's hoping a future heir can complete Admired Icon without a problem.

Your ideas for a ghostly challenge sound super! Oh, of course you would notice a ghost in the StrangerHorse trailer!
Haha, those red plateaus in the background had me confused with StrangerVille, too!
I'm glad you've chosen Chestnut Ridge as the starting point of your next challenge. We can all vicariously explore the new pack's offerings with you.
Haha, we've all wanted to "thoroughly" romance Guidry at one time or another, so you can show us how that works out!
Oh and what about an island elemental?
I leave you to your plotting and planning.  We have a month to await your new challenge as Horse Ranch releases on July 20th.
It's always wonderful to have a Heart Foam story to read! 

Speaking of pack offerings, I thought of you and your love for the Paranormal Candy Jar this morning.
Can you remind me why you consider it a must-have gameplay item? 
Are the mood boosts from the jar's candies better than those from emotion berries?

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.11: I Can't Help Myself (21 Jun '23)
« Reply #162 on: June 23, 2023, 11:59:34 AM »

Oo, I'd love to know about that Paranormal Candy Jar, too. I had so much difficulty completing that career and didn't manage to pick up one of those.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.11: I Can't Help Myself (21 Jun '23)
« Reply #163 on: June 23, 2023, 12:29:25 PM »
@Rhoxi @oshizu It's the energy recovery from eating the candy that's so incredibly useful. Nothing like it. It's dropped by specters, and you can get specter by doing a "invoke the dead" thing on the table (requires level 3 skill), without living in a haunted house or doing the career. As for giving gifts to specters, I give them selfies. Sometimes it can take a very long time to get the candy jar, and I consider joing the career. The jars can be cloned, in case that's ever relevant.

re StrangerHorseVille, I don't know if it'll be the starting point. I'll get there when I get there. If Phoebe can find it in herself to pack her bags for Windenburg, there's no great obstacle to starting sooner. I want to revive all the premade ghosts and get them into a family tree. Nectar looks like it'll be good for that, but dedeathify also exists. Alien Phoebe can't do that herself, she might have to Romance a spellcaster, but that's part of the fun journey. But I need to do a quick test with another premade sim first... need to double check something. :)
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.11: I Can't Help Myself (21 Jun '23)
« Reply #164 on: June 23, 2023, 01:14:00 PM »
@Heart Foam
Thanks so much for explaining about the Paranormal Candies and how to get the jar without joining that ridiculously glitched career!
Now my sim will have to try to get the jar!!!

Of course, Phoebe can start out in Windenburg to socialize with Mimsy and what's his name!
How splendid that we won't need to sit on our hands for another month, waiting for Phoebe's new adventures!!!