Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 181482 times)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.8: Life as a Fashion Icon (9 Jun '23)
« Reply #135 on: June 09, 2023, 02:45:44 PM »
Sheila looks serene, as does her mother, but Carlos' big eyes are quite intense! Both attractive in different ways. Difficult to choose a preference until they age-up.

You really are going the extra mile in getting Prince's iconic outfits. I can see why you want to keep him as a Young Adult but maybe he'd look like a wise-guru figure with a few facial lines. Tiva is very wise. I've heard that spouses of icons have to deal with so much rubbish from fans. I'm glad she's keeping grounded.
I agree that it's hard to choose between Sheila and Carlos just yet, though Carlos had the Loves Books toddler quirk which matches their Bookworm trait!

Haha, looking for cc to try and recreate some of Prince's outfits has been loads of fun although, as you might imagine, I can never find the right item of clothing.
Haha, I have a new outfit or two in mind for my "more mature" Prince. :D
Some founders/heirs really lend themselves to unique treatment but I'm also enjoying indulging in my love the legend that is Prince.

Regarding aging, I could give Prince some forehead wrinkles but I probably won't.  Prince himself aged remarkably well.
Here's a shot of him in his 56th year as a presenter at the 2015 Grammy Awards, one year before his death in 2016. Rest in peace, Prince.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.8: Life as a Fashion Icon (9 Jun '23)
« Reply #136 on: June 10, 2023, 01:11:39 PM »
@Granny Lawlor and @GlazeyLady

I'd like to revisit the topic of editing Morgyn Ember's pregnancy options without using cheats.
This morning, I recalled that we can use Change Sim (via a mirror) to edit an in-household sim's Sexual Orientation settings.
Along the same lines, we can also use Change Sim to edit an in-household sim's Gender Customization settings, including their pregnancy options.
So, voila!  Without cheats, once moved into the active household, Morgyn can use Change Sim to transform themself into a baby mama/daddy, if they so desire.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.8: Life as a Fashion Icon (9 Jun '23)
« Reply #137 on: June 10, 2023, 01:33:14 PM »

Wonderful to see that Ms. Moon inherited her father's nose. Team Stefanie all the way. Not sure for what, since she can't be a spouse, but still. As for heir, Carlos and those big eyes are wining me over!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.8: Life as a Fashion Icon (9 Jun '23)
« Reply #138 on: June 10, 2023, 02:14:30 PM »
@Granny Lawlor and @GlazeyLady

I'd like to revisit the topic of editing Morgyn Ember's pregnancy options without using cheats.
This morning, I recalled that we can use Change Sim (via a mirror) to edit an in-household sim's Sexual Orientation settings.
Along the same lines, we can also use Change Sim to edit an in-household sim's Gender Customization settings, including their pregnancy options.
So, voila!  Without cheats, once moved into the active household, Morgyn can use Change Sim to transform themself into a baby mama/daddy, if they so desire.
I had considered doing that during my first Rivals attempt. I felt strangely reluctant to move Morgyn in as a mere Baby Daddy. He seems more demanding of centre stage. Lol!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.9: Will You Be Singing ASMR? (13 Jun '23)
« Reply #139 on: June 14, 2023, 12:25:37 AM »
1.9:  Did You Mean ASMR?

Everybody, get on the floor
Tell me what you come here for
Girl, it ain't no use. You might as well get loose
Work that body like you want some more

Say, everybody, get on the beat
We're gonna show you people how to scream
People everywhere, loosen up your hair
Take a deeper breath and sing along with me, yes

Tell me, are you ready?
Somebody say it. Ooh, alright
Dance, music, sex, romance
Can you hear me say it? Ooh, alright
Dance, music, sex, romance

    Prince, "D.M.S.R." (1982)

Sunday, Week 9 (2nd week of autumn)
Prince: The kids are growing up so quickly!
Before we know it, Graham and Colby will be getting married and moving out!
Here we are from left to right:
Our son Carlos, Tiva's son Colby, my wife Tiva and me, my son Graham, and Carlos's twin Sheila.

Tiva: With the kids needing less attention, I have a lot of free time on my hands.
I've decided to join the Culinary career to become a master chef.
Guess what happens when I phone in for the job?  I earn the Foodie trait, like Prince!
Today I host a dinner party in the afternoon, before leaving for my first workday in the evening.

Tiva: The first guest to arrive is Tierra Rocca, all the way from Sulani.
I've really been looking forward to meeting the girl who asked Colby to be BFFs.
Tierra impresses both Prince and me with her gentle personality and Polynesian beauty.

Tiva: I also invite my former roomies and their twins.
That's Marlon in black sitting across from his son Marcel, who looks just like him.
Behind them, Colby is chatting with Marlon's wife and my bestie Cher Berra.
Sadly, I have to end the party early cuz the guests are overheating in their party outfits.

Prince: I wait for Tiva to leave for work then head to the Starlight Accolades.
My suit jacket? I only said I wouldn't be baring my abs or thighs in public anymore.
Ain't nobody gonna get a nosebleed over a few chest hairs!

As usual, I was asked in advance for a post-ceremony performance.
Can you believe some uninformed exec asked if I would be singing my hit song "ASMR"? 
Get a grip, dude!

Sheila: My loose tooth's been really bothering me for days now!
After wigging it twice, I finally pull it out early this morning. It was making eating too difficult!
I look in my inventory, but can't find my pulled tooth at all!
How am I 'sposed to leave it for the Tooth Fairy now?!

Carlos: I know that Mama's busier now that she's joined the Culinary career.
But isn't she in charge of the gardening?
Sheila: I know, right? We're too little to work this hard! We're gonna fall asleep during class!
Carlos: Yeah. I wonder if our parents might be in violation of child labor laws

Prince: I don't normally pick up the phone during school hours.
It's usually some call that makes one of our kids suffer a drop in their character values.
But, hey, Jasmine phones to ask if she should say yes when Thorne proposes.
OF COURSE, she should say yes!  Jasmine and Thorne thoroughly deserve each other!
Tiva:  Finally!!!

Prince: This morning, I notice my 16-hour Dazed moodlet from a Creative Fog.
I must've gotten it after I got done writing my second skill book this morning?
Tiva's dazed from a Mental Fog. Is it from working hard at her job these past two days?
To avoid burnout, I'm doing rocket upgrades and Tiva's learning piano.
These activities seem to help a lot. (We tried the hot tub, but its effect was much slower.)

Prince: Carlos knitting after entering a Bear phase. Ain't he cute?

Graham: Bruh, I wasn't sure we'd become Chess Team Captains today!
Colby: I know! Especially since we arrived at yesterday's club meeting a half hour late!
Now we can quit the Chess Team, but Career Day isn't for another nine days.
Graham: *groans

Prince: Check out my new career outfit.
In terms of panache, this frock coat is light years ahead of my previous shirt with ruffled bib.
By the way, I need to come straight home from work tonight.
Yesterday, I scheduled a slumber party to start just as my workday ends at 9 pm.
And we can all sleep in tomorrow because it's the Harvestfest holiday.

Pierce: Nice place you have here, Colby. Thanks for asking me over. What's up?
Colby: Well, I don't know when it started, but I have a crush on you. So I wanna know your romantic interests.
Pierce: Honestly, I haven't given it much thought.  I never dreamed you might have a crush on me!
Colby: Neither did I. My BFF Tierra and I have spent more time together, but I didn't crush on her.

Pierce: Listen, I need some time to think things over, Colby. Is that okay?

Sheila: Mama cleared out the patio for tonight's slumber party and baked three kinds of cookies.
Not sure why she moved the dining table, though.
Why would anyone want to place their sleeping bag on the hard patio tile instead of the backyard grass?

Carlos: Here are the two cutest girls at our school.
The redhead is Alicia Fyres and the brunette is Carlee Kalani.
Papa adores them both because all three of them are Music Lovers.

Prince: Alicia's mother Morgan married and moved in an unknown townie.
On the other hand, Carlee's parents are Mitchell Kalani and that celebrity personal trainer, Kayla Fleming.

Graham: Don't make the same mistake that Colby and I did, kiddos!
Exchange friendship bracelets first THEN tell stories from your sleeping bags.
Sheila: Why?
Colby: Graham and I told stories as soon as the party goal appeared, but it's also an aspiration task.
So we each had to tell three more stories later. It took forever!

Colby: Today's Harvestfest and we're spending the day at the beach.
Since Pierce comes over this morning, I invite him along and some funny things happen there.
Graham: First, Mom phones to ask me to visit, lying about how she worked so hard to raise me. No thanks!
Colby: Next, I'm in the middle of crafting a promposal when Pierce suddenly asks me to Prom!

Graham: LOL, notice Mrs. Bailey sitting behind Colby and Pierce! Is she still stalking Dad?

Graham: Since Colby's going to Prom with Pierce, I decide to ask Krista to Prom!
We're best friends but have never flirted, so I'm taking a big chance!
I invite Krista to the beach and it's dark out by the time I finally present my promposal.
Since she says yes, I do a little more flirting until she agrees to be my girlfriend. *pumps fist

Colby: I was doing homework when you phoned, Pierce, Thanks for asking me out on a date.
Pierce: I'm sorry, Colby. I've never been on a date before. Paddywack's Emporium isn't very romantic, eh?
Colby: Don't worry about it. This is my first date, too.
Hey, we should go on a double date with Graham and Krista for dinner. How about it?

Graham: Thanks to Colby and Pierce, I got motivated to ask Krista to Prom.
(Colby feels a bit disappointed to learn that his boyfriend Pierce had asked him to Prom as friends, LOL!)
We almost didn't make it to Prom tonight, but Watcher worked a little magic.
Anyway, it's cool that me and Colby can come to Prom with our crushes, yeah?

Principal Mei Prescott is looking singed.
It's true that I'm a spellcaster like Dad.
But I swear I'm not to blame! I haven't learned a single spell or potion recipe!

Colby and I voted for each other for Prom Royalty.
I guess he got a few other votes than I did.

I'm not handsome and confident like Colby.  I don't care about Prom Royalty.
What matters to me is that Krista and I get closer tonight.
I guess she's not a very affectionate person, but at least my feelings don't seem so one-sided.

Back home, Colby and I enlarge and frame the photos we took in the Photo Booth.
They turned out awesome, right?

Gallery Downloads
*Baia dell'Amore (40x20): "Tartosa Beach" by Simstanie.
  Rearranged to make room for a covered bar, water slide, and extra chess table set.

Progress: End of Week 9
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Teens won't travel to Prom: They boys would get the Prom pop-up but not travel to Prom.
  After various attempts at solutions, I found a related bug report on EA Answers HQ.
  One simmer reported that Principal Mei Prescott had died, so she replayed her game from Friday morning.
  Joining the teens at school generated a new principal, after which their teens could attend Prom as usual.
  I didn't have a save from Friday morning, so I used MCCC's Revive Sim feature to bring Prescott back to life.
  This fixed the Prom issue for me. And now I know to always send my teens to school the Friday before Prom.

*Musician career: Carl's guide lists the L10 Musician wage as $474 per hour.
  When Prince first maxed his career, he earned $742/hour.
  As you can see, his "Easy Street" fame perk didn't double his base wage as claimed.
  But that fame perk sure speeds up the rate of his promotions.
  Currently at L10+8, Prince earns $1,201 per hour.  And what about the wage boost from his Highflier trait?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.9: Will You Be Singing ASMR? (13 Jun '23)
« Reply #140 on: June 14, 2023, 02:55:26 AM »
I love Prince's work outfit! Is that a mod?
Also knitting as a bear? Fantastic!

I've had the problem with pop-up but not travelling to Prom. I'll have to remember that work-around but the poor resurrected Principal! She definitely died in a fire, right? Lol

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.9: Will You Be Singing ASMR? (13 Jun '23)
« Reply #141 on: June 14, 2023, 09:59:56 AM »
I love Prince's work outfit! Is that a mod?
Also knitting as a bear? Fantastic!

I've had the problem with pop-up but not travelling to Prom. I'll have to remember that work-around but the poor resurrected Principal! She definitely died in a fire, right? Lol
Yes! I'm also such a fan of that Rococco style frock coat that I'm not allowing him to quit his job!
It's a full-body outfit which includes the coat, blouse, and pants. The calf-high stiletto boots are from the Vampires pack.
In Sims jargon, the outfit is considered "custom content," whereas add-ons that modify gameplay are called "mods."

The boys and the Principal arrived at the Auditorium concurrently and, at that time, she didn't look burned.
She somehow got singed after her arrival but before the award ceremony.
I guess a good precaution would be for our teens to always be acquainted with the current Principal.
When they plan to go to Prom, we Watchers can check the principal's status and join our teens at school. What a weird problem, though I'm glad there's a workaround.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.9: Will You Be Singing ASMR? (13 Jun '23)
« Reply #142 on: June 14, 2023, 10:41:27 AM »

Oo, what fun new outfits for Prince! It's nice to see Graham and Colby coming into their own and developing crushes. The prom was very cute.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.9: Will You Be Singing ASMR? (13 Jun '23)
« Reply #143 on: June 14, 2023, 11:22:27 AM »

Oo, what fun new outfits for Prince! It's nice to see Graham and Colby coming into their own and developing crushes. The prom was very cute.
Thanks!  His classy frock coat look is so Purple Rain era, but his steamy no-shirt jacket is also very Prince. ;)
Graham and Colby are starting their third week, so they need to sort their affairs before their birthdays.
The new infant stage and longer teen stage (since the HSY pack) makes playing a sim from birth a much, much longer project.
I might be a chump and age Graham and Colby a few days early.  :D

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.9: Will You Be Singing ASMR? (13 Jun '23)
« Reply #144 on: June 17, 2023, 09:00:51 AM »
Kraham!!!  Yes!!  All that shipping has finally paid off  ;=)  They're adorable together!  Loved the photo booth shot.
I'm disappointed in Colby, though, since I thought Tierra was absolutely lovely!  And her mom has, no doubt, already planned and scheduled their wedding.  Very disappointing, Colby.  Kidding, of course, and totally get having him follow the crush, though I'd really expected him to end up as Mr. Tierra.
Sheila is hilarious!  Blaming the bad bike lessons for being behind Carlos, "we're too little to work this hard," yep, she's just charming!  Carlos, though, just might end up courting the heiress of the Morgan Fyres genes.  This generation is causing me a serious dilemma!! 
Well, after binge reading to catch up, I must say I'm super excited to see what's next  :=)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.9: Will You Be Singing ASMR? (13 Jun '23)
« Reply #145 on: June 17, 2023, 12:17:08 PM »
Kraham!!!  Yes!!  All that shipping has finally paid off  ;=)  They're adorable together!  Loved the photo booth shot.
I'm disappointed in Colby, though, since I thought Tierra was absolutely lovely!  And her mom has, no doubt, already planned and scheduled their wedding.  Very disappointing, Colby.  Kidding, of course, and totally get having him follow the crush, though I'd really expected him to end up as Mr. Tierra.
Sheila is hilarious!  Blaming the bad bike lessons for being behind Carlos, "we're too little to work this hard," yep, she's just charming!  Carlos, though, just might end up courting the heiress of the Morgan Fyres genes.  This generation is causing me a serious dilemma!! 
Well, after binge reading to catch up, I must say I'm super excited to see what's next  :=)
Hehe, I thought you'd be pleased about Kraham. As for Colby, I noticed that he immediately crushed on Pierce Borgen though, despite being BFFs, he never crushed on Tierra.  I thought it would be unfair of me to force him to be with Tierra only because I like the idea of my sims taking over the Chieftain's Villa, lol!
Thank you for reminding me that I need to check on Alicia Fyres' traits.  She's a very pretty teen but our Carlos got his first crush on someone else.
We shall see.  Carlos & Alicia might require some finessing....Hmmmmm.... *rubs hands together gleefully

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.10: A Budding Wizard
« Reply #146 on: June 18, 2023, 05:47:45 PM »
2.10: A Budding Wizard

Sunday, Week 10 (3rd week of autumn)
Prince: Surprise! It's so early today that the sun's not even out.
But the twins were too impatient to age up, so we let them blow out their candles before sunrise.
So, here we are, a household with four teenagers!
From left to right: Tiva's son Colby, Carlos, Tiva & me, Carlos's twin Sheila, and my son Graham.

(Watcher note: Eco Footprint Gameplay is disabled but we still get the Aurora Borealis effect.)

Prince: Here's a close-up of the twins.
Carlos is a handsome boy but I wouldn't say he resembles me.
His big eyes are a mystery, since both Tiva and I have smaller eyes. 
Since they were toddlers, Carlos has loved books while Sheila has preferred physical activity.
That's why I've chosen Carlos as the second-generation heir.

Carlos: Papa chose me as his heir, but he and I are nothing alike.
Papa is flamboyant, charismatic, and loves the spotlight.
In contrast, I'm a socially awkward bookworm who prefers to commune with nature in solitude.
Papa loves the flashy, fashionable Del Sol Valley, while I long to live a secluded life in the forest.

Sheila: I'm a bookworm like Carlos, but I'm also a Perfectionist like Mama.
I'm a sociable sort, so Carlo's idea of living in a remote hamlet has zero appeal for me.
Not that I have any idea about what I want to do for the rest of my life.
My only major decision so far has been to keep the hairstyle I aged up with.

Carlos: Graham wants to become a bestselling author but his publisher isn't keeping track of his royalties.
Clever Papa had already opened a new savings account for Graham to hold only his book royalties.
According to that account, he's earned $5,913 today for a total of $16,997 in book royalties.

Morgyn: Welcome to the Magical HQ.  It's your first time here, isn't it?
Carlos: Yes, I just aged up into a teen yesterday. Still, I'm finding this place super stressful.
Morgyn: But, Carlos, you're a bookworm like me. How can you not love a place with this many books!
Carlos: I do like seeing so many magical books, but I'm socially awkward and dislike crowds.
Do you mind if I hide out here for a bit in your space?

Tiva: Are you disappointed about not becoming the heir, Sheila?
Sheila: Nah, the heir shoulders too many responsibilities. I'm happy to support Carlos as long as it's not babysitting.
Tiva: Really? Your father and I can't wait to hold our grandchildren! Hey, I just discovered that I love the outdoors!

Carlos: Principal Mei Prescott passed away on Sunday, so the school hired another elderly principal.
She's definitely too old to survive our entire teen phase.
Sheila and I introduce ourselves to the principal, so we can keep tabs on her.
Suddenly, Sheila spontaneously starts telling a dramatic story, which shocks the principal and me!

After we check out our classroom's location, I suggest we study for Friday's exams.
I sit down at a desk in the empty classroom, so I can study in peace and quiet, but not Sheila!
She runs off to the cafeteria and sits down with some students she's never met.

Sheila and I both earn Chess Club promotions this afternoon.
After congratulating us, Papa (who's a Spice Hound) urges everyone to eat some Bhel Puri.
Several bowls later, Colby and Sheila also become Spice Hounds.
I'm disappointed in myself, but Mama and Graham also fail to become Spice Hounds today. Why not us!?

Prince: My garden!  What have you done to my garden, son?
Carlos: Do you recall my ambition to become a mystical healer specializing in floramancy?
Prince: Yes, but did you really need to uproot my entire garden?
Carlos: As part of my journey, I need to collect and grow a perfect garden of flowers.
And I also need to complete the garden collection, so I need to start fresh, not simply build on your efforts.
Prince: But my two perfect money trees...

Carlos: I can't believe Papa had us eat two bowls of Bhel Puri for breakfast!
Thanks to that, Mama and I are now Spice Hounds, but not Graham.
Speaking of Graham, he solved the mystery of the publisher not counting his book royalties.
Yesterday, we attended school actively so his royalties weren't direct deposited. See? They're circled in red.
Hah! Making a special bank account for book royalties wasn't such a clever idea after all!

Carlos: I want to grow all 16 types of flowers used in crafting flower arrangements.
Luckily, the Tartosa flower stall sells all of them except Deathflower. I can graft that!
Next, the two Finchwick shops sell all the common produce except cherries, onions, and strawberries.
In San Myshuno, we wait three hours for the produce vendor to show up so I can buy those 3 items.
But fishing at Magnolia Promenade takes longest. I catch 4 Dragonfruit before I finally get a Cowberry!

Prince: I don't mind helping you with planting but, after this, you're on your own!
Carlos: Thanks! It's a lot to plant all at once! I even bought one money tree seed!

Prince: Hey, is everyone in our household a Spice Hound now?
Carlos: Yeah, Graham ate 3 more bowls of Bhel Puri yesterday and finally became a Spice Hound!

Carlos: As soon as we arrive at Career Day, Graham and Colby become Highfliers, quit their jobs, and graduate early.
Sheila and I participate in Career Day, though I have no intention of ever working a 9-to-5 job.

When I marry, I obviously want my partner to be a spellcaster, too.
My classmate Kathryn Charm is the daughter of Darrel Charm and Grace Anans, but she's a goofball.
No way I could spend the rest of my life with somesim who doesn't take life's mysteries seriously.

Colby: My boyfriend Pierce remains on the auditorium's front steps, so I decide to propose.
It's a bit awkward with Tierra right next to us, but what can I do?

Back home, Mom is killing me! She's home all the time and never uses the hot tub.
But as soon as I bring my boyfriend home to mess around in the hot tub, guess where Mom goes? *rolls eyes

Graham: I’m always a step or two behind Colby! As soon as we get home, I invite Krista over and propose.
Unlike Pierce, Krista gets angry repeatedly when I suggest messing around, but I finally persuade her.
I took care of Mama Tiva, too. I suggested she take a nap then locked her in her bedroom for several hours.
Or maybe she wouldn't bother me, since I'm not her biological son?

Carlos: There are too few young spellcasters in our simverse!
So far, the two spellcaster I find most attractive are Sage Morgyn and Cesar Collette.
Sage Morgyn seems out of my league, but Cesar is a teen like me.
A self-assured genius, Cesar is the son of Tomax Collette and Emilia Ernest.
We duel at the Magic Dueling Grounds, where I win only one out of three duels.

Well, I am obviously NOT a battle wizard!
Suddenly, I'm feeling very flirty. Oh right, I still have a crush on Sage Morgyn.
I'm only an acolyte wizard, but I challenge Sage Morgyn to a friendly duel.
Oh look! I almost got him that time!

Carlos: I've challenged you to six duels, Sage Morgyn, and lost every single one!
After the fifth loss, I even get struck by the Curse of Awkward Embraces.
Morgyn (chuckles): I'm not the Sage of Untamed Magic for my looks, Carlos!
You fought very well for your rank.  Come challenge me again when you're stronger!
Carlos: You know I will!

Prince: My poor cursed son left for work in his afflicted state.
Until he ranks up, he can't learn the Potion of Curse Cleansing or the Decursify spell.
Certainly, I'm not the serious, committed wizard Carlos aims to become.
But I can definitely brew up a Potion of Curse Cleansing for my boy!

Graham: Colby and I don't age up until next week and we're haven't even begun preparing to move out.
But tonight's the Romance Festival, so we travel there with our fiancees.
Krista and I are the first to exchange vows.
The two of us still haven't discussed where we want to live.  We have several options to consider.

Colby: I had the devil's time luring Pierce to the Romance Festival.
I finally have to travel with him somewhere then return together to the festival.
(I was worried that he'd perhaps gone to the Prom without me.)
Look at handsome Pierce in his aloha shirt! We both agree on moving to Sulani next week!

Carlos: I seek out the Romance Guru to ask about my romantic destiny.
My vibes hint at a tall dark stranger, do they?
Hmmmm, that doesn't sound to me like Cesar Collette or Sage Morgyn.
Who do the Fates have in store for me?

Progress: End of Week 10
Residence: Vacuous Green, Mirage Park (DSV)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Chopstick Savvy trait: For this trait, I've always had my sims eat Sweet & Sour Eggplant, which can be bought at San Myshuno or Tartosa.
  This time, we're trying Tofu Stir Fry, which requires Level 9 Homestyle Cooking but isn't a food stallr ecipe.

*Prince's perfect garden:  All of Prince's perfect plants are safely stored in household inventory.
  Trees can no longer be moved household inventory, so they've been saved in a room to MyLibrary.
  When Carlos is ready to move out, I'll restore Prince's garden to this lot in Del Sol Valley.

*Book royalties: I thought creating a bank account just for book royalties would be useful.
  However, no direct deposit was made to Graham's account on Tuesday when I joined the twins at school.
  Tuesday's royalties did finally count for Graham's Bestselling Author aspiration.
  TL;DR: Don't use "Direct Deposit" for book royalties when trying to complete the Bestselling Author.

*Where are all the spellcasters?: My simverse only contains 6-7 spellcaster households.
  And that's including the three Sages.
  Perhaps Carlos needs to spend more time at Magical HQ and Glimmerbook to spawn new spellcasters.

*Graham and Krista: Any thoughts on where these two should start their new life together?
  In general, I try to keep the main families' residences in their respective bloodlines.
  So the Pries ancestral home in Copperdale would go to either Graham/Krista or Krista's brother Marcel.
  Here are Graham/Krista's options:
  -- Graham moves into Krista's Copperdale home and becomes Graham Pries;
  -- Graham/Krista move elsewhere, leaving the Copperdale home to Krista's twin Marcel;
  -- As Jasmine Bailey's firstborn son, Graham takes over The Ward Den with Krista (the Baileys would need to move out)
  -- Graham/Krista start their new life on another lot, either in DSV or Copperdale.
  Your feedback would be appreciated!  :D

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.10: A Budding Wizard (18 Jun '23)
« Reply #147 on: June 19, 2023, 02:12:57 AM »
I like Sheila's hairstyle.  It's quirky.
Congrats to the older boys on their marriage. I'd suggest Copperdale unless you've got plans for the brother. The couple would get embarrassed by the celebrity home thing.
Congrats to Carlos on becoming the designated heir. I hope he finds the love of his life in good time

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.10: A Budding Wizard (18 Jun '23)
« Reply #148 on: June 19, 2023, 08:53:33 AM »
Krista is so pretty!  I vote for Kraham taking over the Ward Den (perhaps with some story element about Judith's unpaid back taxes or her money manager has been embezzling and has left her penniless or something) as I feel this young couple deserves such a glorious home with plenty of room for little Kristaboos since Krista is so pretty!!
Yes, Carlos is a solid choice as heir.  I feel like his quiet, bookworm vibe contrasts nicely with what we experienced with Prince and I think that sociable Sheila will be great as the spare since she's likely to come around and visit or to be seen out and about since she is the sociable one.  Carlos as the spare would just hide in his house and we'd never see him again  ;=)  Oh, and antisocial bookworm sounds like some of the Watchers I know...and one of them might be a bald guy with glasses  ;=)
Looking forward to seeing who Carlos' tall dark stranger will be!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 2.10: A Budding Wizard (18 Jun '23)
« Reply #149 on: June 19, 2023, 09:25:29 AM »

Woo! Go Carlos! I can't say I'm surprised by your choice of heir - just look at him. Beautiful genes. A floramancy wizard sounds interesting. Cesar seems like an interesting spouse candidate. That outfit sure spells cocky and self-assured! Of course, let's hope your game spawns some other spellcaster sims.

As for Graham and Krista's moving choices, I like the first one. Nothing wrong with a man taking his wife's name. The Ward Den seems a bit ... much, for such a down to earth couple.

