How lucky that both the twins are spellcasters. I hope Carlos finds a not-yet-discovered love so Graham can have his Krista.
Tiva and Prince are so much better together than Jasmine and . . . . anyone. But it would have been fun if the game had moved Thorne in with her.
Stephanie is pretty cute, despite her parents.
Another great update!
With Tiva a non-occult, I'd thought at most only one of the twins would be a born-caster.
As for Graham & Krista, I'm now thinking of aging up her, her brother Marcel, and Stefanie Moon together so the three of them can be teens with Graham & Colby.
Krista is too old for Carlos/Sheila without a Rejuv potion. We got plans...
Yes, I keep checking on Thorne and Jasmine to see if MCCC has moved them in together yet. I might need to intervene because they so deserve each other.
What I miss the most about Jasmine, though, is that gorgeous house! Imagine hosting a slumber party there!!!
Haha, I feel a little bad that I turned Jasmine into such an unlikable character. But Prince's requirements don't allow for Jasmine's redemption arc. LOL!