Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 181480 times)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #120 on: June 04, 2023, 03:15:45 PM »
I find it really odd that you comment on my story thread but rarely have anything to say about my sims. LOL!

I love your real-life observations, such as Prince not being on the RS list. That caught my attention. Most stories do not grab my attention, to be honest. This one is near and dear to my heart -- music. And you're doing it in a very creative way.
Yes, Prince wasn't on the list the year he was inducted into the RnR Hall of Fame. Thanks for pointing out that he got added seven years later!
There's an anecdote about someone asking Eric Clapton who it felt to be the world's greatest guitarist.
Allegedly, Clapton replied, "I wouldn't know. Ask Prince."  I love that story, LOL!

I almost named one of Prince's sons "Jimi" after you-know-who as a tribute to that legend.
But Prince and Carlos shared a stage together where Prince loaned his guitar to Carlos to play for a while, so Carlos!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #121 on: June 04, 2023, 03:21:18 PM »
How lucky that both the twins are spellcasters. I hope Carlos finds a not-yet-discovered love so Graham can have his Krista.
Tiva and Prince are so much better together than Jasmine and . . . . anyone. But it would have been fun if the game had moved Thorne in with her.
Stephanie is pretty cute, despite her parents.
Another great update!

With Tiva a non-occult, I'd thought at most only one of the twins would be a born-caster.
As for Graham & Krista, I'm now thinking of aging up her, her brother Marcel, and Stefanie Moon together so the three of them can be teens with Graham & Colby.
Krista is too old for Carlos/Sheila without a Rejuv potion.  We got plans...

Yes, I keep checking on Thorne and Jasmine to see if MCCC has moved them in together yet.  I might need to intervene because they so deserve each other.
What I miss the most about Jasmine, though, is that gorgeous house!  Imagine hosting a slumber party there!!!
Haha, I feel a little bad that I turned Jasmine into such an unlikable character. But Prince's requirements don't allow for Jasmine's redemption arc.  LOL!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #122 on: June 04, 2023, 04:49:21 PM »
The GroTo family relationships are all interesting. Both +ve and -ve sentiments can be developed at the drop of a hat! I've had a child resent her parent spending time with a sibling when that particular parent had done most of their childcare.
You mentioned the child who resented their parent for spending time with another sibling.  Was that also the Sibling Jealousy sentiment?
Or did it have another name?
Helen was a toddler when her parents Will & Summer had her little sister Heather. She got the sad emotion when she met her.
When Helen aged up to a child, helped by Will, Summer was in the middle of breastfeeding nooboo Heather but it was Will that Helen resented for spending time with Heather. I assume it's linked to sibling rivalry but the sentiment was aimed at her dad. She had no such resentment towards her mother. It must have been due to an incident during her toddler time but I didn't catch that actual moment.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #123 on: June 04, 2023, 08:11:33 PM »

I come back after a few updates and so much has happened! We all knew Prince's marriage to Jasmine was doomed to fail, but my, so spectacularly! Loved the news story bit. Now a new marriage to the patient Tiva. What great luck to get two new kiddos with the violet eyes and pointy ears! And whatever do you mean little Miss Moon can't be a legacy spouse? She's already got my vote! :D

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #124 on: June 05, 2023, 09:59:16 AM »

I come back after a few updates and so much has happened! We all knew Prince's marriage to Jasmine was doomed to fail, but my, so spectacularly! Loved the news story bit. Now a new marriage to the patient Tiva. What great luck to get two new kiddos with the violet eyes and pointy ears! And whatever do you mean little Miss Moon can't be a legacy spouse? She's already got my vote! :D
Welcome back from Zelda, Rhoxi!  Have you 100%-ed that game already?  *winks
Sadly, the alluring Stephanie Moon couldn't never become the Gen2 Legacy Spouse due to the yet-unrevealed requirements for the Gen2 heir.
If she and Tiva's son Colby (who isn't blood-related to Prince) age up to teens nicely, Stephanie might become part of the extended family.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #125 on: June 05, 2023, 10:02:24 AM »
The GroTo family relationships are all interesting. Both +ve and -ve sentiments can be developed at the drop of a hat! I've had a child resent her parent spending time with a sibling when that particular parent had done most of their childcare.
You mentioned the child who resented their parent for spending time with another sibling.  Was that also the Sibling Jealousy sentiment?
Or did it have another name?
Helen was a toddler when her parents Will & Summer had her little sister Heather. She got the sad emotion when she met her.
When Helen aged up to a child, helped by Will, Summer was in the middle of breastfeeding nooboo Heather but it was Will that Helen resented for spending time with Heather. I assume it's linked to sibling rivalry but the sentiment was aimed at her dad. She had no such resentment towards her mother. It must have been due to an incident during her toddler time but I didn't catch that actual moment.
Oh that's so interesting about Helen resenting Will.  Did the sentiment last long?  Were you able to overcome it?
I've read in various places that cooking together or fishing together helps get rid of resentment.
I couldn't try cooking together in my NSB, because for some reason sims with the Sulani Mana trait can't cook together.
Let's test this and report back to each other!  :D

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #126 on: June 05, 2023, 10:23:14 AM »
Glad to see Prince has recovered from his divorce. And I wondered what that last requirement of his was.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #127 on: June 05, 2023, 01:02:47 PM »
The GroTo family relationships are all interesting. Both +ve and -ve sentiments can be developed at the drop of a hat! I've had a child resent her parent spending time with a sibling when that particular parent had done most of their childcare.
You mentioned the child who resented their parent for spending time with another sibling.  Was that also the Sibling Jealousy sentiment?
Or did it have another name?
Helen was a toddler when her parents Will & Summer had her little sister Heather. She got the sad emotion when she met her.
When Helen aged up to a child, helped by Will, Summer was in the middle of breastfeeding nooboo Heather but it was Will that Helen resented for spending time with Heather. I assume it's linked to sibling rivalry but the sentiment was aimed at her dad. She had no such resentment towards her mother. It must have been due to an incident during her toddler time but I didn't catch that actual moment.
Oh that's so interesting about Helen resenting Will.  Did the sentiment last long?  Were you able to overcome it?
I've read in various places that cooking together or fishing together helps get rid of resentment.
I couldn't try cooking together in my NSB, because for some reason sims with the Sulani Mana trait can't cook together.
Let's test this and report back to each other!  :D
I've just now gone back into that save file and Helen has no resentment left.
Helen aged up to a child with that sentiment towards her father just before it was time to switch to the Retail family. I spent a week with them and then I'd played up to the Friday of Kiama's week before shutting that save down. With the rotational play it's difficult to be definitive...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #128 on: June 05, 2023, 01:20:58 PM »
Glad to see Prince has recovered from his divorce. And I wondered what that last requirement of his was.

The only thing that Prince misses from his previous life is that spacious, miraculous mansion!  It would've been a preferable venue for a slumber party than a Tiny Home, haha.
I thought it would be fun to withhold sharing requirements until they're completed, so that readers wouldn't initially know which part of  my sims' lives are just them living their lives and which parts are molded by requirements. :D

I've just now gone back into that save file and Helen has no resentment left.
Helen aged up to a child with that sentiment towards her father just before it was time to switch to the Retail family. I spent a week with them and then I'd played up to the Friday of Kiama's week before shutting that save down. With the rotational play it's difficult to be definitive...

It would be so nice if resentful sentiments would fade away while you're off playing the other households!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #129 on: June 05, 2023, 04:45:43 PM »
Welcome back from Zelda, Rhoxi!  Have you 100%-ed that game already?  *winks
Sadly, the alluring Stephanie Moon couldn't never become the Gen2 Legacy Spouse due to the yet-unrevealed requirements for the Gen2 heir.
If she and Tiva's son Colby (who isn't blood-related to Prince) age up to teens nicely, Stephanie might become part of the extended family.

Definitely not finished with Zelda yet! Haha! It'll be awhile still before I'm back to playing my dynasty.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #130 on: June 06, 2023, 11:15:42 AM »
Definitely not finished with Zelda yet! Haha! It'll be awhile still before I'm back to playing my dynasty.

Enjoy the heck out of Zelda to your heart's content,  Your story and your fans will here waiting for you. <3

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #131 on: June 07, 2023, 12:55:48 AM »

In case you are curious, here's a shot of Jasmine Ward and her twin toddlers she had with Thorne Bailey.
Both twins have Thorne's green eyes, but Meagan shares her mother's hair color while Kerry is blond like his father.
Though it's too early to tell for sure, I get the feeling that Kerry will inherit Thorne's nose.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.7: We're Vibing! (3 Jun '23)
« Reply #132 on: June 07, 2023, 02:20:09 AM »

In case you are curious, here's a shot of Jasmine Ward and her twin toddlers she had with Thorne Bailey.
Both twins have Thorne's green eyes, but Meagan shares her mother's hair color while Kerry is blond like his father.
Though it's too early to tell for sure, I get the feeling that Kerry will inherit Thorne's nose.
Nice pic! Yes, Kerry really does have a strong nose already. The devs did say Toddlers would have more distinctive features favouring their parents but this is the first time it's been obvious.

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Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.8: Life as a Fashion Icon
« Reply #133 on: June 09, 2023, 03:44:26 AM »
1.8: Life as a Fashion Icon

I just can't believe all the things people say
Am I black or white? Am I straight or gay?
Do I believe in god? Do I believe in me?
Let me tell you
Some people wanna die so they can be free
I said life is just a game, we're all just the same
Don't you wanna play?

    "Controversy" by Prince & The Revolution (1981)

Sunday, Week 8 (1st week of autumn)
Prince: Here we are from left to right:
Me holding Sheila, Tiva's son Colby, Tiva holding Carlos, and my son Graham Mistura.
On Graham's birthday tomorrow, we'll be aging Colby and their friends, too.
Friday is the twins' birthday, but they'll also be aging up early.

Before we proceed, can I just say that our Watcher is a certified oddball?
Ain't nobody blaming her for her obsession with my namesake Prince.
No surprise she gives me a formal outfit to match his Purple Rain costume.
But then, does Watcher really need to dress her Shop Titans merchant in the same iconic purple jacket with ruffled shirt?!

Since last Wednesday, Tiva's been crafting and listing camping mascots on Plopsy.
By Saturday afternoon, she'd only sold one and began worrying her side gig would fall flat.
Then, from Saturday night until this afternoon, she sold 6 mascots for a total of $55,564.
We're earning too much money now, if that's possible.

Carlos is the first to max all his skills around noon, while his sister sleeps.
It takes Sheila four more hours to max her skills.
Incidentally, due to Carlos being friendly toward Colby, they're good friends now, but Colby's still jealous.

Later, at the Starlight Accolades
Reporter: Prince, can you comment on your rivalry with Michael Jackson?
Prince: Well, it's not really a fair comparison, since Michael doesn't play any instruments.
And, though he sings and dances, he doesn't write all his own songs or do all his choreography like I do.
So, I've never really thought of him as my "rival," you know?

Fan: Oh, Prince! You are always so outrageously stylish!
Isn't that the same outfit you wore on your "Controversy" music video back in 1981 at age 21?
Prince: Why, yes! Except today, I'm forced to pair my thigh-high stiletto boots with low-leg bikini briefs.
How hard could it be for Watcher to find high-leg bikini briefs? She's such a slacker!

Tonight's MC is Octavia Moon in that tight black dress.
While Jasmine (in white) accepts her award,  Thorne stands up and leaves. Unbelievable!
After the ceremony, I agree to perform although the audience makes me quite uncomfortable.
Why am I surrounded by my ex, her lover's ex, and my wife Tiva's one-night stand (the blond dude behind me)?
Oh well. Don't hate me cuz I'm fabulous!

After inviting over and aging up their three closest friends, Graham and Colby blow out their candles, too.
Graham ages up with Jasmine's left cheek mole and shares his mother's jawline.
As expected, the Pries twins--ginger Marcel and blond Krista--age up into attractive sims.
Stefanie Moon inherits her father Thorne's nose. Time for the handsome Colby to start shopping around!

For both Tiva and me, our twins represent a second chance at love and life.
Carlos aged up with a hairstyle similar to mine (coincidence?), and it stays.
Sheila changes to the same hairstyle she had as a toddler.

First day of school for all four of our kids!  The teens bring home As and the twins are very close!
Tiva gets a phone call from Nancy Landgraab, claiming she represents the Landgraab Power Co.
Nancy threatens to shut off power in 24 hours and Tiva honestly responds that we're not prepared for that.
What's going on, anyway?  We pay all our bills on time!

Yesterday, we rebuilt our home to add a third bedroom for the twins.
Since Del Sol Valley enjoys nearly year-round warm weather, it's ideally suited to outdoor living.
We've moved our kitchen, dining, and living areas onto the back patio.
Graham and Colby need to read about Cooking so they won't start fires in our new kitchen.

Graham (left): Our first active day of high school!
When we arrive, the Principal's standing out front with us so we learn about the school right there.
Next, we locate two teachers to ask about our curriculum, but where's that social?
After 30 minutes trying to find the "Ask about curriculum" social, we give up and meet some of our classmates.

Colby: I'm lowkey looking around for a potential girlfriend.
The cheerful and romantic Ivy Bheeda has a crush on me. She lives in San Myshuno.

Tierra Rocca, daughter of Lia Hauata and Paolo Rocca, is a neat child of the islands.
The Chieftain's Villa in Sulani would be a sweet crib. Heck, I'd even change my family name to Hauata.
Oh yeah, I'll be your best friend, girl! Thanks for asking!

Colby: How do you do, ma'am. I'm surprised you've come all the way from Sulani to meet me!
Lia (Hauata) Rocca: Well, of course, I have! My dearest Tierra came home from school and told me all about you.
Why wouldn't I want to meet my future son-in-law at the earliest opportunity?
Colby: Um, ma'am, your daughter and I only met today.
Lia: But she says you have Good Compatibility. No wonder she wanted to be BFFs asap! Gotta start somewhere, am I right?
Colby: …

Graham: I wish Dad would make up his mind about what he wants us to do!
Colby: I know, right? First, we're working toward Painter Extraordinaire but now we're trying for Nerd Brain!
Prince: Sorry about that, boys. I just don't want you getting burned out. It's good to switch things up.
Tiva: Hey, I need to mentor a child 3 times. Could you two go fishing when you're done with your skill books?

Tiva: I'm not crafting any more camping mascots.  The extra income is not worth the burnout.
I lead a relaxed life, looking after the garden and helping our four children with whatever they need.
Prince says the garden and his income provide everything we could possibly want, which is quite true.
It's a chill life.  Well, except when Prince goes out in one of his risque outfits. *sighs

Prince: It's annoying that my award nominations come from my commercial videos.
Although I pour my heart and soul into writing songs and lyrics, my video of fashion tips is catching waves?
I'd write some new songs, but it's hard to find time for eight-hour songwriting sessions with four kids!

Sheila: Today's a holiday so our whole family takes the day off.
Carlos and I decide it's the perfect time to learn how to ride bikes.
I've always believed that Papa is perfect in every way, but today I learn different.
When it comes to teaching bike riding, Papa has zero attention span.

Carlos: After visiting here and there, we end our day at San Sequoia's Celebration Center.
Sis and I take showers, craft friendship bracelets, and make like Social Butterflies.
Everyone says that Sheila looks like Mama and that I look like Papa.
I agree that I kinda resemble Papa but my eyes are a lot bigger. Where did my eyes come from, anyway?

Prince: I don't get it, Graham. Why aren't you and Colby painting in the Art Studio upstairs?
Graham: Eh, just because I need to paint five masterpieces, why should I stay in that Art Studio?
Tiva: Well, you see, Graham, that room is filled with powerful items that make us feel more inspired.
They make it easier for us to produce high-quality paintings.
Graham: *shrugs
Prince: *rolls eyes

Prince: In the morning, we get notices that the twins have slept 6 hours in the Treehouse.
The only aspiration that remains for them is Slumber Party Animal.
Sheila: No! That's true for Carlos, but I also have the "Go 12 hours without a negative need moodlet" task!
How come Carlos is always a little ahead of me, huh?  I blame your bad bicycle lessons!

Prince: Anyway, we'll be better prepared for your sleepover: more space for sleeping bags and better snacks!

Colby (right): Bruh, being Goal-Oriented sucks!
Graham (left): Yeah, we'll max Chess Team on Tuesday but Career Day won't come until next, next Thursday!
Colby: Our school should schedule weekly Career Days with the dumb Football event every other week!
Graham: Word!  Who cares about football?
Prince: Nobody in our family cares about football. But we love the Super Bowl Half-Time shows!
Graham: Awww, c'mon, Dad! Colby and I are tryna have a serious convo about our future!

Tiva: Gentle readers, thank the Fates that Prince is now older and wiser.
That means, I hope, he'll stop wearing outfits that bare his abs and thighs! As his wife, I breathe a huge sigh of relief!

Progress: End of Week 8
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Carlos & Sheila: The Gen2 heir is required to have the Bookworm trait.
  They both got Bookworm because the heir isn't decided yet.
*Goal-Oriented: I'm taking a page out of Heart Foam's book for this aspiration.
  Up to now, my teens join an after-school club and career at the same time, then are crazy busy.
  Since they only need one career promotion, I'm following Heart Foam's lead and will wait until the 2nd week.
  Great tip, Heart Foam!

*Colby's spouse prospects: The jury's not out on Colby's future love interest.
  He's met a few other teens here and there, but Tierra remains the strongest contender.
  Thanks to Prom, though, I now prefer to avoid teen romance until the very last minute.
  Also, I was shocked that Tierra's mother Lia showed up in Colby's hood as soon as he got home.
  After chess club, Graham went inside to do homework but Colby was standing outside with Lia's face in his queue.
  When I checked the neighborhood, I spotted Lia headed Colby's way.  Too funny! (Lia recognizes a catch!)

*Potions of Rejuvenation: Prince and Tiva drank Rejuv Potions on Monday, Week 8.
  Prince had completed all his requirements a week earlier, so the potions mainly play an aesthetic function. :D

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.8: Life as a Fashion Icon (9 Jun '23)
« Reply #134 on: June 09, 2023, 11:49:37 AM »
Sheila looks serene, as does her mother, but Carlos' big eyes are quite intense! Both attractive in different ways. Difficult to choose a preference until they age-up.

You really are going the extra mile in getting Prince's iconic outfits. I can see why you want to keep him as a Young Adult but maybe he'd look like a wise-guru figure with a few facial lines. Tiva is very wise. I've heard that spouses of icons have to deal with so much rubbish from fans. I'm glad she's keeping grounded.