Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 187199 times)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.5: She's Got a Lot on Her Mind (25 May)
« Reply #90 on: May 26, 2023, 11:51:50 AM »
:) such a good update. The News is so good! And Jasmine was fliting with Thorne too. It's not all on him.

I'm super curious to see Graham all growed up. Purple eyes! Big congrats on getting him to the point where he can try out foods in the high chair. I didn't get that far with my twins. :/

And I'm keen for Jasmine's film comeback! Residency of the Heart, what a role! I've had the film poster in the bathroom in anticipation!

You're right about Jas. I was rather annoyed that Thorne sat right next to Jasmine at the Starlight Accolades, but she flirted with him autonomously.
In retrospect, I wonder if she'd arrived at the venue in a flirty mood due to her proximity to Prince.

Graham could eat baby food in the high chair after learning to sit up. He earned the Pincer Grasp milestone but we didn't want to spend time exploring finger foods. I was trying to earn the skill-related milestones.

Yes, I remember the medical poster above the toilet in the Landgraab mansion.
Choosing "Residency of the Heart" is Jasmine's way of thanking you for persuading her Watcher to make a comeback!
I've only completed the Acting career once and that was three years ago.  Maybe I should make a copy save and do a practice run?

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Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.6a: Was I Who You Wanted Me to Be? (28 May)
« Reply #91 on: May 28, 2023, 03:16:39 AM »
1.6a: Was I Who You Wanted Me to Be?

I gave you all of my love
I even gave you my body
Tell me, baby, ain't that enough?
What more do you want me to do?
I play the fool when we're together
But I cry when we're apart, yeah
I couldn't do you no better
Don't break what's left of my broken heart, baby

   Prince, "Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad" (1980)

Sunday, Week 6 (2nd week of summer)
Another Sunday and here we are at the scenic seating area behind our mansion.
My wife's holding Graham whose birthday is tonight.

Tiva (standing): We need to do this more often! We've missed spending time with you, Prince!
Prince: I feel the same. But Graham and I gotta split. Jasmine's acting gig starts at noon.

Marlon: Cher, Tiva, and I had a long talk yesterday and decided you deserve to know the truth.
We know you were working while the DSV News was on air, so I recorded the evening rerun.
Cher: Oh wait, Marlon! Let's introduce our twins to Prince first.

Prince: What are you talking about, Marlon?
Cher: Hey, Graham is trying to talk to our daughter, Krista.
Marlon: And Krista's twin Marcel is headed our way, too! Marcel looks just like me, yeah?
Tiva: I had a boy, Prince.  Colby's upstairs sleeping.

Marlon: Check out the TV, bruh.
Prince: What the heck? That's obviously my wife with Thorne!
So she left Graham at home yesterday for a tacky tryst with my professional rival?
Marlon: The live broadcast began at 2:30 pm, not long after your work shift started at 2 pm.
Tiva: What's the point of going incognito unless they both wear disguises? *rolls eyes

Prince: Aaargh! If they only met for coffee, why didn't she mention it to me?
Marlon: You'll need to ask Jasmine yourself, dude.
Prince: Well, not until tonight because she's making her acting comeback today.
And I've been nominated for a Starlight Accolades award, so I'm going to the ceremony tonight.
Marlon: You'll work it out, Prince.  And let us know if there's anything we can do.

A little while later at Plumbob Studios
Jasmine: I arrive at the studio at noon sharp and head straight for styling and wardrobe.
A little makeup, a different hairdo, and it's a new me! 
Beautician: Yeah, yeah. You look great but I'm underpaid…
Jasmine: Next, I get changed at Wardrobe and voila!  Enter Dr. Imma Paine!

Director: Lights, action!
Lola (in green): But Dr. Paine, you are a brilliant neurosurgeon while I'm a lowly medical resident!
Dr. Paine: How true that you are beneath me both socially and professionally.
Yet you possess an irresistible animal magnetism which draws me to you like iron filings!
Lola (swoons): Oh, Dr. Paine!  You say such romantic things!

Lola: Am I just a passing fling? I fear you're not truly serious about me…
Dr. Paine: Let me show you how serious I am, Lola.
Lola: Please, Dr. Paine, not here!  Those doctors behind you are judging us!

Patient (stubbornly): But I don't need a brain scan!
Dr. Paine: Don't you argue with me, you misinformed nitwit!
Have you any idea how many years I spent in medical school and residency?
Patient: Um, no. Is that relevant to my treatment?
Dr. Paine: Of course, it is! I'm sending you over to Radiology for a brain scan.
Patient: But Dr. Paine, I'm here for treatment of my sprained ankle.

Dr. Paine: Today has been much too stressful!
A budding workplace romance, a possible malpractice suit, jealous co-workers, the list goes on.
Ack! What's that sharp pain in my chest? *keels over

Jasmine: Well, how did I do, Director Gupta?
Director: An amazing performance, Jasmine!
Keep up the good work! You're on track for a Starlight Accolades nomination!
Jasmine: Oh, only "on track" but no nomination? How disappointing!

Prince: I'll be back in several hours, son, then you can blow out your birthday candles.
Graham: Mama going, too?
Prince: No, Papa's going alone and Mama's staying home with you.
(We don't want Jasmine walking off with "my" award, now do we?)

I'm dressed with outrageous flamboyance for the Starlight Accolades.
Inside, I'm hurting from Jasmine's betrayal.
But I need to look nonchalant in the public eye.
Don't I look as if I could care less?

A 4-star celebrity introduces himself to me as the ceremony begins.
Sho Hayashi is married to my BFF Yuki Behr, but why is his name so familiar?
Is he my friend Tiva's baby daddy?  Did Tiva tell him she was pregnant?
Oh, hey! Sho wins the first award of the evening!

(Notice that Watcher has respectfully borrowed Heart Foam's platform stage idea.
One of the mics is facing backward but that's fixed before the next award is announced.)

After Sho, I politely applaud as three more celebs accept their awards.
And then, the MC announces I've won the award for Best Painting! Not Best Video? Whatever!

I wish to thank my son Graham and my many friends and fans who have always supported me!
(Notice I've changed my outfit. No photos of my goodie trail on the Starlight Accolades website!)

Can I play my guitar?

Old school, make some noise!

Rushing home, I bake a birthday cake for Graham.
As for Jasmine, we haven't talked since this morning.
She's acting as if the DSV News never showed her meeting secretly with Thorne yesterday.
Even if they only had coffee, how long will she pretend that she wasn't sneaking around?

Graham ages up to be a Music Lover (like me) and joins the Scouts.
It's almost midnight, but he wants to play three games of chess before going to bed.
He asks Jasmine to play with him, so I can mentor him in both Mental and Logic skills.
Wow, it's really been a long day!

Jasmine: I don't "you-know-what" with Prince anymore to avoid getting pregnant.
We haven't been intimate ever since the day our son Graham was conceived, you know.
Thorne: Well, good thing for you and me that I can't have children anymore! Where is he, by the way?
Jasmine: Prince took Graham to the park so Graham could earn some scouting badge or something.

Prince: Aha! I caught the two of you in flagrante delicto!
Thorne: How can you call me a derelict! I live right up the road, you know!
Prince: You're so naïve, Jasmine! I bet Thorne used that ole line about not being able to have children.
Jasmine: Wait, Thorne!? You were lying?
Thorne: *coughs

Prince: Go ahead and take a pregnancy test, Jasmine. I'll be waiting right here for your results.
Jasmine: Arrrrgggghhhhh! Noooooo!
Prince: And don't bother trying to convince me that I'm the father, Jasmine!
Thorne: Erm, that's my cue to leave. I'll just let myself out the front door. *runs home

Prince: I've taken all I can stand, Jasmine. Enough is enough.
I refuse to forgive your infidelity and I reject your unborn child as mine.
Jasmine: Wait, Prince! You've got it all wrong. Thorne and I were only…
Prince: I'm divorcing you, moving out, and taking Graham with me.
This house remains yours and you have $200k in savings, so the household funds are all mine.
Jasmine: I'll fight you in court for custody, you peasant! You'll not get a penny from me in alimony!

Graham: Where's Mom?
Prince: Your mother loves someone else more than she loves me, son.
So it's just you and me, living in this house where I started out as a teen.
Graham: It's okay, Dad. Mom never made much time for me, anyway.
But what happens to me when you have to go to work?

Prince: Well, let's see…we could hire a nanny.
Oh, I know! We could hire a live-in housekeeper!
Graham: I'm a big boy now, so I wouldn't get lonely at home by myself.
But another grown-up to help me with homework and stuff sounds nice!

Gallery Downloads
*Ward Den (50x40): "Twin Oracle Point" by The_Mikado (aka Heart Foam).
  You're probably wondering about that weird hot tub surrounded by bushes.
  It was definitely NOT part of Heart Foam's original, flawless landscaping.
  Rather, I added that stuff to allow outdoor woohoo with Prince peeping.

Progress: Monday of Week 6
Residence: Inner Circle, Mirage Park (DSV)

Prince Mistura: YA (13 days to Adult)
Traits: Music Lover, Creative, Dance Machine (plus Foodie, Perfectionist)
Remaining tasks
✔️Catch spouse cheating with rival (Thorne is also in the Musician career)
✔️Divorce spouse and move out with child
One more requirement

Graham Mistura: Child (14 days to Teen)
Traits: Music Lover

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So Graham seems nice! The medical drama romance was everything the fans were waiting for. I've got Residency of the Heart on repeat. Oh, Dr. Paine!

I don't envy Jasmine's next kid. They're on track to being... complicated.

I hope Prince took his Starlight Award with him when he left. Jasmine doesn't need that.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Is it wrong that I'm already shipping Graham and Krista?  Kraham for the win!  I mean, Cher is lovely and Marlon has those awesome redhead genes, so Krista seems a shoo in for gen 2 wife  :=)
Well, Jasmine certainly fulfilled some of the dynasty requirements for Prince with flair.  And Thorne is the actual worst!!  I guess Prince should probably break the news to Octavia and then she can move in as Thorne's new housekeeper  ;=)
Graham was so nonchalant with the whole, "Mom never had much time for me anyway," reaction that it just broke my heart!  Please don't add a mod that introduces custody battles.  Judge Pippin is awarding full custody to Prince and requiring Jasmine to let Marllon and Cher raise the Thormine (Thorne and Jasmine ship name) baby.  Court is adjourned!
And yes, Kraham for the win  ;=)

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The nerve of that Jasmine! But we should have guessed it from how good she was in "Residency of the Heart." Glad that Prince - who looked lovely at Starlight Accolades in both his outfits - is not breaking his heart over her. Curious about who the nanny will be...
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So Graham seems nice! The medical drama romance was everything the fans were waiting for. I've got Residency of the Heart on repeat. Oh, Dr. Paine!

I don't envy Jasmine's next kid. They're on track to being... complicated.

I hope Prince took his Starlight Award with him when he left. Jasmine doesn't need that.
Considering Graham's unappealing infant face, I'm glad he turned out okay as a child. He does favor his mother.
Haha, I'd forgotten the storyline of "Residence of the Heart."  Dr. Paine's unexpected death at the end was so abrupt and lacked a build-up.
Maybe there should be a thespian  heir in a future generation. The acting gig was really fun!
After the divorce, Prince forced Jasmine to move out with him so he could keep everything in household inventory, then had her move back to The Ward Den alone.
So, yes, Prince has kept his Starlight Accolades award. Now, where to display it?

Is it wrong that I'm already shipping Graham and Krista?  Kraham for the win!  I mean, Cher is lovely and Marlon has those awesome redhead genes, so Krista seems a shoo in for gen 2 wife  :=)
Well, Jasmine certainly fulfilled some of the dynasty requirements for Prince with flair.  And Thorne is the actual worst!!  I guess Prince should probably break the news to Octavia and then she can move in as Thorne's new housekeeper  ;=)
Graham was so nonchalant with the whole, "Mom never had much time for me anyway," reaction that it just broke my heart!  Please don't add a mod that introduces custody battles.  Judge Pippin is awarding full custody to Prince and requiring Jasmine to let Marllon and Cher raise the Thormine (Thorne and Jasmine ship name) baby.  Court is adjourned!
And yes, Kraham for the win  ;=)
I agree that Graham and Krista might make a lovely match.  We shall wait and see how the pair age up as teens!
When Prince started arguing with Jasmine after the hot tub scene, Thorne immediately left and literally ran all the way home.  It was too funny!
I'd wanted Thorne to stick around during the argument, looking argument, but no!
And I actually do have a Separation & Custody mod, but when I clicked on "Go to court to seek custody," I was allowed to simply pick which parent would get custody.
Oh well!

The nerve of that Jasmine! But we should have guessed it from how good she was in "Residency of the Heart." Glad that Prince - who looked lovely at Starlight Accolades in both his outfits - is not breaking his heart over her. Curious about who the nanny will be...
I'd actually never played the original Judith Ward before and so had never read her household bio in Manage Households.
Jasmine was a marital trainwreck waiting to happen and Thorne was such a fawning facilitator!
Prince happily thanks you for noticing his two outfits for the award ceremony. He'd spent hours shopping for them to cultivate just the right look.
After Jasmine's treachery has been suggested on national TV, Prince is simply glad to get on with his life.
Yes, Watcher is also curious about who will apply for the housekeeper position...

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I'm so glad Prince is getting himself and Graham out of that mess with Jasmine! But I agree with @Heart Foam about Jasmine's next offspring - no child deserves that.
And isn't it just typical that someone like her, who doesn't want to be a parent, would still want to fight for custody . . . likely she just wants the publicity.
Congrats to Prince for winning his award, even if he was surprised by the reason.
Let's hope the new live-in housekeeper brings kindness and happiness to these two guys.
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Offline Granny Lawlor

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So much achieved and we're only 1 week into Prince's young adult life-stage. Looking forward to Graham's journey beginning.

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I'm so glad Prince is getting himself and Graham out of that mess with Jasmine! But I agree with @Heart Foam about Jasmine's next offspring - no child deserves that.
And isn't it just typical that someone like her, who doesn't want to be a parent, would still want to fight for custody . . . likely she just wants the publicity.
Congrats to Prince for winning his award, even if he was surprised by the reason.
Let's hope the new live-in housekeeper brings kindness and happiness to these two guys.
The original traits and household description of Judith Ward really played into Jasmine being the most feasible wife for Prince in terms of requirements but not in terms of Prince and Graham's happiness.
She was surely better off not having children despite multiple marriages thus far. Professionally, though, she aced her acting gig like the veteran she is!
(If I use MCCC to divorce Octavia and Thorne, I wonder if MCCC will move Thorne in with Jasmine.  Curious minds wanna know!)
Prince has high hopes for a happier, more peaceful home life!

So much achieved and we're only 1 week into Prince's young adult life-stage. Looking forward to Graham's journey beginning.
Prince left off on Monday of Week 6, so he's halfway through his four-week young adult stage already. :D
Graham is my first child to experience the new childhood aspirations and other child-stage content of Growing Together.
I'm excited!

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Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.6b: The New Housekeeper (30 May)
« Reply #99 on: May 30, 2023, 10:59:34 AM »
1.6b: The New Housekeeper

Monday, Week 6 (2nd week of summer)
Prince: At last night's Starlight Accolades, I won an award and gave the best musical performance of my life!
But today, I unintentionally see Jasmine seducing Thorne Bailey and learn she's pregnant with his child.
I divorce the faithless Jasmine and move out with our son Graham.
Now, we live in my old 'hood that's named after the spot right across the street from us: Mirage Park.

When I initially stayed here as a teen, all I needed was a tiny bedroom and a large music studio.
Now that my son lives with me, this house needs extensive remodeling. (Thanks, Watcher!)
First, the house moves closer to the front of the lot to create a larger backyard area.

Next, we revamp the floor plan by moving the kitchen to the rear.
This way, it's closer to the outdoor dining area on the patio.
Also, I replaced our bathroom's shower with a bath/shower combo.
Converting my old bedroom and studio into two equal-size bedrooms makes room for the housekeeper.
And the living area offers lots of space for future activities.

Graham's really looking forward to a treehouse!
I invite over my besties but only one other sim can help build the treehouse. Marlon, it is!
Cher believes she's the supervisor.

Graham calls Tiva over so he can multitask.
While winding down with classical music, he crafts drawings and socializes.
He'll become a Llamacorn Scout in no time!

It's taking HOURS for Marlon and me to build the treehouse!
I'll wait until tomorrow to add the slide pole, slide, and stuff.

After Graham leaves for his first day of school, our first applicant arrives.
Young adult Rafael Meija is a neat, art-loving genius, which aren't bad traits for a housekeeper.
But his favorite music is a total deal-breaker.
How can I live with someone who loves Heavy Metal music?  I think not!

Graham comes home with a B grade then decorates the treehouse like a Castaway Island.
He's decided to sleep in the treehouse from now on, so I have one bedroom to myself.
Besides interviewing that potential housekeeper, I've spent all day upgrading the treehouse in vain.
All I'm trying to do is add a slide pole, but my progress resets when I chase off a paparazzo.

While I continue to upgrade the treehouse with lights, Graham flits over to the neighborhood park.
To his delight, he meets five kids his age in and around the park.
Do they all live in our neighborhood? Rasham Jeong is our neighbor, for sure.
But Robin Charm, Christy Greenburg, Chance Markovic, and Alton Straud? They must be from outta town.

Our third housekeeper applicant is an adult named Harley Ware.
She's a socially awkward loner and a glutton.
Harley and I have amazing compatibility, but there's one major problem.
She dislikes the violin.  Sorry, Harley, but your place is not here.

The adult Haruto Watanabe is my favorite applicant so far, and not only because of his lavender shirt.
He's a perfectionist dance machine (like me) as well as proper.
When I ask about his interests, though, his response deeply disappoints me.
Similar to the previous applicant, Haruto dislikes the violin. *turns Haruto away

Graham: I'm back from school with an A grade, so that makes me a Whiz Kid!
Since Dad's at work, I try to interview the two housekeeper applicants in our front yard.
Toru Takagi is an adult who's proper and a dog-loving bro. Thumbs down to Toru!
The other applicant leaves before I can interview her. Doesn't she know patience is a virtue?

Prince: Lately, it's like I spend all my time either doing interviews, working, or upgrading the treehouse.
Of course, I also make time for Graham but I haven't had time to teach him how to ride a bike yet.
Neither of us have liked any of the housekeeper applicants so far, which is a bit worrying.
Speaking of the treehouse, Graham will complete Creative Genius when he wakes up tomorrow morning.

Today's the Summer Solstice so Graham and I both have the day off.
In the morning, I help him learn to ride a bike.
One more session and Graham should be able to ride a bike by himself!
Afterward, we head to San Sequoia for the first time, inviting along my besties.

Tiva: I heard from Graham that your search for a housekeeper isn't going well.
Prince: Yeah, I've interviewed four applicants and Graham spoke to one.  They just don't click.
Tiva: Why do you even bother, Prince? The smartest choice is to ask me to move in with you two.
What happened to us, Prince? I'd always believed you and I would end up together.
When I heard you'd gotten Jasmine pregnant, I went on a drinking binge that resulted in my son Colby.
Prince: …

Bella (in red): Isn't that Prince Mistura's ex? I hear he dumped her!
Kaori Ito (silver hair): Well, she was having an affair with Thorne Bailey, that hussy!
Mila Munch: Poor Prince! The life of a single parent is never easy. I can tell you all about it!

Cher (blond): The nerve of Jasmine, stalking Prince here and playing the sympathy card!
Tiva: Eh, she's not doing herself any favors. She looks like a beached whale. What a pathetic tryhard!

Prince: In my defense, Jasmine tricked me into woohoo.
When she got pregnant, I thought marrying her was the honorable thing to do.
Tiva: But what now?  What about us? I've never stopped caring about you, Prince.
Prince: Well, we could start slow?
Tiva: Exactly how slow, sir?

Prince: How about I ask you to be my girlfriend and then…
Tiva: And then…?
Prince: You return to Copperdale to prepare to move with your infant into my place.
Tiva: *races off, leaving skid marks
Prince (calls out): If you hurry, Tiva, you can celebrate the Summer Solstice, too!

Hours later…
Prince: When I said we'd start out slow, that didn't mean to wait only until our sons went to bed!
Tiva: Oh please! How long have I been waiting for this? And you crushed on me THREE times in high school!
Prince: But, Tiva, I only got divorced three days ago! It's much too early for me to…
Tiva: Hush, you! You're spoiling the moment! I've been dreaming about this since high school!
Prince: Sheesh! Twist my arm, why don't you? *feigns reluctance

Tiva: With Marlon and Cher wanting another kid, that Copperdale house was feeling might crowded!
But this here must be the life I was meant to live!
Last night, I became Family-Oriented while showing Colby flash cards.
And just now, I discovered that I love Gardening!

Prince: That little cutie is Tiva's son, Colby.
Yesterday evening was Colby's toddler birthday, so I completely missed his infant stage.
Not complaining!

Graham: While Dad's at work, I play with the Splash Pad and consider my unfinished aspirations.
For Social Butterfly and Playtime Captain, I need to make 3 child friends. Izzat 3 friends each?!
For Slumber Party Animal, I need to attend and host a gold-medal slumber party.
When Colby's older, maybe we could tackle those three aspirations together?
(And, yeah, that's the tent where Colby sleeps behind me.)

Prince: I taught Graham to ride a bike and play the violin yesterday, but he's pretty good on his own these days.
So, after work, I give Tiva a break by helping Colby learn his skills.
Two grown-ups actively engaged in raising a child makes such a big difference!
The inquisitive Colby is a joyful toddler.

Tiva: In the early afternoon, Colby maxes all his skills. Bring out the candles!
Prince: Turn off the lights and light a candle. Tonight I'm in a romantic mood…
Tiva: No, not that song by Teddy Pendergrass! Colby's ready to age up yo!
Colby the Vegetarian asks to keep the hairstyle he ages up with and we agree.

Colby (right): Here I am with my new housemate, Graham!
Can't wait to be joining him at grade school on Monday!
Graham: C'mon, bruh. Let's go play chess. How many aspirations can you finish in a week?
Colby: Just a sec, Graham! I need to sign up for scouts first!
Graham: We're gonna have sooo much fun together! I've locked adults outta treenhouse!

Progress: End of Week 6
Residence: Inner Circle, Mirage Park (DSV)

Prince Mistura (Founder): YA (8 days to Adult)
Traits: Music Lover, Creative, Dance Machine (plus Foodie, Perfectionist)
Spouse: none; Children: Graham
Remaining task - One left!

Tiva Flora (Founder's Girlfriend) - YA (12 days to Adult)
Traits: Perfectionist, Maker, Insider (Plus Family-Oriented)
Spouse: none; Children: Colby Flora

Graham Mistura (Gen2 child) - Child (9 days to Teen)
Traits: Music Lover

Colby Flora (Gen2 spare) - Child (14 days to Teen)
Traits: Wiggly, Inquisitive; Vegetarian

*Housekeeper applicants: Obviously, Prince didn't actually interview housekeeper applicants.
  Instead, he placed an ad for a roommate then proceeded to interview them instead.
  Once Tiva claimed the housekeeper position, Prince canceled the ad.
  Perhaps one of my Mishmash heirs needs an uncontrolled roommate to add rent income and chaos.

*Children & skilling: I like this new system where children can learn "grown-up skills" earlier.
  Graham gained Logic, Fishing, and Video Gaming before needing to max the Mental skill first.
  Same for the Creative and Social skills.  Good stuff!

*Bugged Treehouse?: Prince is having a terrible time upgrading the treehouse.
   At first, his upgrade progress wouldn't resume whenever he stopped upgrading the sliding pole.
   Later, that remedied itself and he added the sliding pole.
   Recently, he started the slide upgrade 4 times but his progress resets each time.
   I googled the issue and there's enough room in front of the treehouse for the slide. *sighs

*Graham & Colby: They were born nine days apart but Colby moved in on his last day of infancy.
  As an unwatched sim, Colby spent an extra day in pregnancy (4 days), as a newborn (2 days) and as an infant (6 days).
  Both boys are now children and I'll probably age up Colby early so he can start high school with Graham.

*Seasons: I installed the mod giving me 21-day seasons after four weeks of spring.
  Because of that, it's killing me that summer ends with Week 7 instead of Week 6.
  To sync seasons and weeks into 3-week multiples, I plan to shorten winter to 2 weeks but only for Year 1. Yay!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.6b: The New Housekeeper (30 May)
« Reply #100 on: May 30, 2023, 12:23:03 PM »
Ah, Tiva! She's waited so long. Nice to see her matched with Prince and the 2 boys have each other for company. How funny that Jasmine showed up to pose.
I've never been successful with roommates. They always want more stuff and usually walk out.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.6b: The New Housekeeper (30 May)
« Reply #101 on: May 30, 2023, 12:44:28 PM »
Ah, Tiva! She's waited so long. Nice to see her matched with Prince and the 2 boys have each other for company. How funny that Jasmine showed up to pose.
I've never been successful with roommates. They always want more stuff and usually walk out.

Yes, Tiva's been waiting in the wings since forever!  It's a big change for Prince to have help with childcare and his little garden.
I was trying to get screenshots of Tiva & Prince in a serious conversation at San Sequoia's Celebration Center, when Tiva suddenly ran off.
Haha, I found her with Cher watching the very pregnant Jasmine posing upstairs. I wonder if Jasmine will continue to stalk Prince...

Are you talking about your sims' roommates or real-life roomates? Thinking back, roomies can be tough in real life.
If you're talking sims, your experiment makes me want to have a future heir move in a roommmate.  *rubs palms in gleeful anticipation
(I'm sure my OCD nature will hate it, haha!)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.6b: The New Housekeeper (30 May)
« Reply #102 on: May 30, 2023, 03:06:06 PM »
Are you talking about your sims' roommates or real-life roomates? Thinking back, roomies can be tough in real life.
If you're talking sims, your experiment makes me want to have a future heir move in a roommmate.  *rubs palms in gleeful anticipation
(I'm sure my OCD nature will hate it, haha!)
Lol - yes room-mates in Sims! I've managed to never have room-mates irl (unless you count student halls of residence) apart from family members. I like my own company and safe spaces too much.

I tried once with Sims as a way of getting extra cash. They want better but unspecified accommodation, often have lots of friends round, make a mess and then complain about it. I bet your heir would find a good way to sort them out.

Online oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.6b: The New Housekeeper (30 May)
« Reply #103 on: May 30, 2023, 03:19:30 PM »
Are you talking about your sims' roommates or real-life roomates? Thinking back, roomies can be tough in real life.
If you're talking sims, your experiment makes me want to have a future heir move in a roommmate.  *rubs palms in gleeful anticipation
(I'm sure my OCD nature will hate it, haha!)
Lol - yes room-mates in Sims! I've managed to never have room-mates irl (unless you count student halls of residence) apart from family members. I like my own company and safe spaces too much.

I tried once with Sims as a way of getting extra cash. They want better but unspecified accommodation, often have lots of friends round, make a mess and then complain about it. I bet your heir would find a good way to sort them out.
Considering EA Devs' sense of humor (like the doctors' T-pose), I imagine the roommate experience was deliberately designed to be annoying. LOL

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 1.6b: The New Housekeeper (30 May)
« Reply #104 on: May 31, 2023, 06:34:48 AM »
I loved when Cher and the crew were shaming Jasmine when she was trying to do baby bump poses and stuff!!  I also just kind of adore Cher.  She's lovely and you write her as just a really cool, loving, and supportive friend.  And yes, it is therefore that much less of a surprise that I'm still shipping Kraham  ;=)
The housekeeper bit was a lovely touch, but I was surprised when Tiva threw herself out there as the obvious choice.  I thought for sure some charming beauty with all the right traits would suddenly show up and Graham would slowly fall in love with her.  Nope!  Instantly rekindling the flame with Tiva and bringing Graham a new brother really shakes up the house dynamic, but in a delightful way  :=)

