Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 151187 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy 10.72b: Born Under a Bad Sign (3 Mar '24)
« Reply #540 on: March 05, 2024, 03:05:31 PM »
Congrats to Jaehyun - for his engagement, marriage and new house. Did he graduate early as well?

Awesome that Chai finally collected rent - and back-rent for the previous weeks as well.

Oh, wow, it does feel lonely for Chai going from all the activity to an empty nest. I hope he will take a bit of time for himself before he dives back in . . . that said, I have high hopes for Denzel. The question is, will Chai be remarried in a week, or will he take it a little slower this time?

I might have forgotten to let Jaehyun graduate early. He got a chance card that dropped his Responsibility out of range and I got distracted while trying to get ti back up.

Yes, we were super excited about collecting all the rent, at last!

It does fell odd playing Chai with nobody for him to look after.  But his YA days are nearing an end (though he'll be renewing his YA stage) and he is without an heir.
His Watcher briefly considred building a new resiential rental for Chai to buy and manage, but she came to her senses in time.
I'm having a bit of a blast now, playing a solo Chai. *winks
Well, kind of solo...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: Rizz Me Up, Scotty! (9 Mar '24)
« Reply #541 on: March 09, 2024, 03:55:25 PM »
Rizz Me Up, Scotty! (Part I)

Sunday, Year 7  (early spring)
Chai: It's the first day of Year 7 and I'm back to where I started.
I'm a bachelor living by myself without any children to raise.
Well, I do have children I've raised, of course, but they all live with Minsung or Charlotte, except Jaehyun who lives on his own now.
Sure I feel a bit lonely, but I'm confident that my life will take a big upswing this year!
Maybe I'll have luck finding that Eye of the Tiger marble today.

Chai: This must be it: 410 Parkside Place, San Sequoia.
I have a psychotherapy appointment here at 11 am.
Apparently, five therapists bought this house together and turned it  into a therapy clinic.
No, I'm not feeling desperate. I just need help ensuring that my next relationship will succeed.

("Mental Health Clinic" by penappleYT)

Dr. Reeves (DR): It's a pleasure to meet you, Somchai. I appreciate your punctuality.
Chai: Thank you for agreeing to this initial consultation on a Sunday.
DR: Not a problem. First, let me ask you for the usual information for your case file.
Let's start with your date of birth.
Chai: I was born in Tomarang on Thursday of Week 63 in Year 6, moving to Koh Sahpa five weeks ago.
(Am I hallucinating? My therapist could be Denzel's twin!)

DR: So, why did you want to see me?
C: Um, I'm a little shy about discussing my personal life with you. May I use the couch?
DR: Absolutely. Make yourself comfortable. Why don't you start from when you moved to Koh Sahpa?
C: *explains how he moved there with his sisters, bought two rental properties, met Charlotte, and became a father.
DR: That Charlotte sounds like a moocher. Let's stop here and meet again Tuesday morning.
In the meantime, why don't you take your mind off your own issues and get involved in community service?

Chai (on the phone): Yes, I'd like to volunteer to help clean up Mua Pel'am. My name's Somchai Mistura.
Conservationist: We can really use your help! Name's Danny Rover. Meet me at 2 pm at Admiral's Wreckage.

Danny: Hey, are you Somchai? You the one who phoned to volunteer with cleanup?
Chai: Yes, that's me. What do I do?
Danny: See that trash on the beach? Go around and dispose of every trash pile you see on this island.

Danny's co-worker: Lucky you, Danny! Lookers like him never volunteer to work with me.
Danny: I know, right? I'm feeling lucky today!
Chai (walks up to them): I'm finished, Mr. Rover!
Danny: Great. Next, we need to find the frog living under the waterfall and tag it for a research project.
Chai: Really? There are frogs living beneath the waterfall?

Chai: Hey, what do you think you're doing!?
Danny: I thought you were into me, the way you've been gazing at me with that look in your eyes.
Chai:  I barely know you but you remind me of someone I…oh, never mind. *stumbles

Danny: Please don't be mad, Somchai. I didn't mean for you to fall. Let me take you to dinner. I know a nice…
Chai (reties sarong): Thanks, but no thanks. And please delete my number from your phone!

I really like my new therapist but that Conservationist was so weird!
Did he think I'd go on a dinner date with him after "looking for his frog"? *rolls eyes.
I really should have said no, but he looked so much like Denzel…
Ouch! My knee feels like it's getting worse. I better see a doctor before it gets infected.

I had to check several places before I could find a clinic who could squeeze me in right away.
Finally, I manage to get an 11 am appointment at the Newcrest Medical Clinic.

("Newcrest Medical Clinic" by qcamic)

Doctor: Oh no! It's all red and swollen. Let me try massaging it!
Chai: No, don't touch it! You'll just make it worse! Who are you, anyway?
Doctor: I'm Dr. Mark Sloan. Please calm down. I can't treat your knee without touching it, you know!
Chai: Dr. Sloan? Don't you specialize in plastic surgery?
Sloan: Yes, but the outpatient clinic is understaffed today. Back to you, why is your knee so filthy?
Chai:  I got lost in thought while weeding my garden this morning. I didn't even notice the dirt.

Sloan: Well, let's get your knee cleaned up first. Follow me.
Chai: Why are you lagging behind? (Is he trying to sneak a peek through my open-back hospital gown?)
Sloan: Er, I'm a slow walker.
Chai: Doctor, I think I can get cleaned up by myself.
Dr: Nonsense, that's what I'm here for!
Chai (fans self): They don't call him Dr. McSteamy for nothing!

Dr. Reeves (DR, Chai's therapist): Why are you limping? What happened to your leg?
Chai: If I told you, you'd never believe me.
DR: You can trust me with anything you want to talk about. I'm a great listener, you know.
Chai: Could we talk about something besides my knee?

DR: Fine. Why don't you tell me about your second relationship?
Chai: *explains the sorry mess of his back-and-forth relationship with Minsung
DR: And how did Minsung support his family before he met you?
Chai: No idea. He was jobless until he got a job last week.
DR: And what about all the children? I count six, including the two Minsung brought with him.
Chai: *shares how he and his parents raised them all and where Jaehyun, the Lees, and the twins live now
DR: You've led quite a life! I'll share my preliminary thoughts about your relationships when we meet next.

Chai: I've been feeling tense since the Linhs unexpectedly broke their lease this morning and moved out.
On my way home, I decide to stop by the Center for Center Massage.
My massage therapist recommends a Stone Massage which really helps me relax.
Afterwards, he recommends the sauna and joins me there. Today I learn that I'm extremely ticklish.

Yesterday, Dr. Reeves suggested I try a conventional career since volunteering didn't work out for me.
I found a temp job as an office assistant in the Landgraab & Ramos Law Firm.
It requires no legal expertise. I'll just be helping out while a regular employee's on vacation or something.
This must be the place. I'm glad it's not one of those huge mega-corporations.
If any rental emergency occurs, I'll need to hire a contractor to deal with it.

("Landgrab & Co. Law Firm": reno by pupinette64, original by blossombombs)

Derek: Good morning, Somchai! I'm Derek Ramos, a senior partner here at Landraab & Ramos Law Firm.
Chai: Thank you for hiring me, Mr. Ramos. Allow me to remind you that I don't have any legal background.
Derek: Not a problem. You'll be handling admin tasks in my assistant's absence. That's your desk over there.
And thank you for not sitting in the red armchair. That's for my clients.

Derek: How's everything going, Somchai? Are you finding everything you need for your work?
Chai: Yes, thanks for asking. I've completed roughly half of the list of tasks you gave me.
Derek: By the way, have you seen my Mont Blanc fountain pen? I can't find it anywhere.
It has great sentimental value. My dad (may he rest in peace) gave it to me after I passed the Bar Exam.

Derek: Any luck in the dumpster?
Chai: Not yet. I've found several things so far but not your Mont Blanc.

Derek: Maybe we'd have better luck if we looked for it together?

An hour later
Derek: Odd.  I could've sworn my fountain pen would be in the dumpster!
Chai (to himself): This must be the corporate version of looking for frogs. 
But Derek's so handsome! It's like being with Denzel!?

Dr. Reeves (DR, therapist): Let's me try to summarize your past two relationships. In short, you are a Moocher Magnet.
Chai: Excuse me?
DR: Both Charlotte and Minsung were jobless so they were attracted to you but for the wrong reasons.
You're handsome, independently-wealthy with a four-bedroom beachfront house, and you're Family Oriented.
Naturally, Charlotte and Minsung would target you as an ideal partner.
Even after faithless Minsung romanced your parents, you still bought his family three different homes.
Chai: I'm pathetic, aren't I?
DR: I wouldn't say that. You're overly generous and somewhat gullible, though.
When we meet next, let's discuss how you can make wiser choices when building your next relationships.

Chai: Yes, I'm still managing my five rental units, though emergency events have dropped noticeably this week.
I get notified at 4:30 am from 10 Isda Riverfront about a Cursed Book, which I locate and destroy as soon as I can.
Sungai Point has been having issues this week. Two units broke their leases and vacated their units yesterday.
I filled the vacancies that same day, but the new tenants already moved out this morning. 
If it's not one thing, it's another! At least rental emergencies aren't occurring every day!

Dr. Reeves phoned last night to tell me about an opening at FutureSims Lab.
His good friend, David Ramirez, pulled strings to get me a temporary position as his intern.
I've always been fascinated by outer space and am lowkey excited about this new opportunity!
By the way, my rent payments arrived again, though lessened by those four households moving out this week.
("FutureSim Labs Reno" by LilSimsie)

First of all, I need to look for my supervisor, David Ramirez.
I can't forget to thank him for helping me get this position.
Could he be one of those scientists entering the lab?

Chai: I really appreciate your putting in a good word for me, Mr. Ramirez.
David Ramirez: Please call me David. I didn't know you'd be such a natural for this work!
You have no experience as a scientist yet your Gardening, Handiness, Logic, and Rocket Science skills are maxed!
Chai: Oh, I've only gone on five space missions to become a Nerd Brain.
David: You've only explored space on solo missions? I can't wait to take you on your first tandem mission!

Chai: Today's Love Day and David says that a tandem space mission on Love Day is especially auspicious.
Oh no! How did I not see this coming?
All the Denzel-lookalikes I've been meeting this week, are they a curse or a blessing?

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: Rizz Me Up, Scotty! (9 Mar '24)
« Reply #542 on: March 09, 2024, 04:11:38 PM »

Denzels everywhere and Dr. Mark Sloane and Derek to boot! 😍

Chai is clearly a bit of a mess right now . . . but I'm sure Watcher will get him straightened out . . . maybe with a little help from a certain someone.

Will the real Denzel please stand up!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: Rizz Me Up, Scotty! (9 Mar '24)
« Reply #543 on: March 09, 2024, 04:15:53 PM »
A continuation from Part I

Rizz Me Up, Scotty! (Part II)

Ghost: Good morning, Somchai!
Chai: Good morning. Do I know you?
Ghost: No, but you should! I'm Izar Mistura, the Gen3 heir of our Mistura Legacy and former Hero of StrangerVille.
Chai: Oh yes, I remember hearing about you. I'd invite you in for coffee but I'm on my way to an appointment.

Chai: Dr. Reeves, I feel like I can speak with you face-to-face now. May we start?
Dr. Reeves (DR, therapist): Of course. With your injured knee, you'll be more comfortable on the couch.
Chai:  Yes. How thoughtful of you to notice.
DR: When are you returning to the Medical Center to get your bandages removed?
Chai: Never!
DR: Er, it's your knee, so….

DR: Anyway, have you thought about why your relationships have failed?
Chai: Both Charlotte and Minsung were jobless so they turned to me for financial security but they were selfish.
DR: Very true. Those gold-diggers wanted you to take care of them, but were never there for you.
Wasn't it tiring to always be the one taking care of everything and everyone else?
Chai: Yes, but it wasn't entirely their fault. I guess I have trouble saying no when other sims need me.
DR: But you know better now, right? My best advice to you is, next time, be with someone who nurtures you, too. 
Chai: *nods
DR: Why don't you take it easy for the next couple of days? Enjoy a hobby or something.
Chai: Oh, one last thing, Doctor. Lately, everywhere I go, I meet sims who look exactly like…oh, never mind.

Chai: From Dr. Reeves' office, I visit Sungai Point to introduce myself to the new tenants.
All three units have a Maintenance score of Amazing, but I do a few inspections to show goodwill.
I run into Denzel on the patio and invite him for a quick lunch at the Screaming Gecko lounge.
It feels so bizarre to sit and dine quietly with him, as if I haven't run into his doppelgangers all week.
The real Denzel is extremely polite and well-mannered, not flirting with me at all.
His disinterest makes me feel like standing up and shouting, "Rizz me up, Scotty!"

Denzel: Did you just say something to me?
Chai: Uh, no, no. I was just reminding myself to go look for the  Eye of the Tiger marble later.  (Good save!)
Denzel: By the way, I noticed your leg is bandaged. What happened? Does it still hurt? 
Chai (flustered): Oh, I tripped while I was working out on the treadmill three days ago.
Denzel: You must have fallen hard to be wearing that big bandage! Please take care of yourself, Somchai!
Chai: Thanks, Denzel. You, too! Well, I better be going! *gestures for the bill
Denzel: No, you must let me pay for our lunch. You go find your Eye of the Tiger!

I check all four sand piles without finding any marbles at all.
Then, exploring Beard Beard Cave yields a Red Tassel, completing my second Tassels Collection.
This time, I completed the collection all on my own.
Now I can create that special Tassels shirt and still have a complete Tassels collection!
But where can I find that Eye of the Tiger Marble? It's time to be more proactive!

I remember Papa Decha telling me about the Ro Kaya Rockside units when I was a kid.
Both second-floor units have a toy box I can rummage for Marbles.
Unfortunately, the Bunsi family is out so I'll have to break in. *doesn't notice the sim approaching

Popo: Hey, you! Don't you know that breaking & entering is a crime?
Chai: Is that you, Denzel?
Popo: Who the heck is Denzel? I'm Detective Davis and you're coming with me.

Chai: You have got to be kidding me! I was only trying to complete my Marbles collection!
Det. Davis: I caught you in the act of illegal entry into that apartment with the intent of theft.
That's a felony offense, dude.
A little while later
Chai: Looking on the bright side, at least I don't have to share a prison cell with some sleazy criminal.
Det. Davis (from a distance): Hey, you! I've got orders to transfer you to Folsim Prison. Let's go!

Chai (to himself): From a distance, Folsim Prison looks rather lovely against the setting sun.
But they tell me it's a maximum-security prison for hardened criminals.
I'll probably be the only prisoner convicted of marble burglary.
I can tell life inside that barbed-wire fence is gonna get rough! *shudders

("The Walking Dead Prison" by Biaaaaanca2601.)

Chai (extends hand): Nice to meet you, sir.  I'm Somchai Mistura from Tomarang.
Blond: Pleasure's mine. I'm Tatum Fallon, Correction Officer at Folsim Prison.
Warden: What the heck do you think you're doing, Fallon? That sim's our prisoner and a convicted felon!
Dude, you address Fallon as Correction Office and address me as Warden or Chief Correction Officer.
Follow me, I'm taking you to your cell.

Chai: Um, Warden, this is a very nice cell and all, but why does my cell have that big bookcase?
Warden: Aha, you're so observant! The bookcase conceals a secret doorway to my quarters.
Chai: Your quarters? (Uh oh…)

Warden: Yes. See that door on the other side of the exercise area? That's where I live.
Chai: But why doesn't my cell have a toilet like the other cells?
Warden: Well, you see, I've decided to make you my P.A., that is, my Personal Assistant.

Chai: Thank you for showing me around your living quarters, Warden. But I have to go. *stands
Warden: Where do you think you're going?
Chai: It's close to dinner time and I've been assigned to kitchen duty.

Warden: Oh that, I've assigned another prisoner to kitchen duty to replace you.
As Warden of this here prison, I've had you reassigned. You work in my living quarters, looking after me now.
If you want, I'll let you return to your cell at night.
Chai (to himself): I'm sure I saw a detached bathroom outdoors on the way to my cell earlier.

C: Okay, I get it. During the day, I stay here to cook, clean, iron, and whatnot.
Then, after cleaning up the dinner dishes, I can return to my cell for the night.
W: That's about right.
C: I do have one question, though. Is this apron you're having me wear absolutely necessary?

W: Oh, yeah. Absolutely! It adds to the Am-bee-aunts.
C: Huh? Am-bee-aunts?
W: Look, I may be a prison warden, but I can still throw around fancy French words! You know, the MOOD!
And, by the way, my name's Dennis Rivera. When we're alone, call me Dennis, okay?

W: Not only extremely attractive but also an amazing cook! I'm never letting you go, Somchai!
I know we just met but I'm utterly smitten! It's as if we knew each other in a past life.
C: Thank you for the kind words, Warden, but I'll only be here for another week or so.
Um, would you happen to know the exact length of my sentence?
W: As a first-time offender of a third-degree felony (burglary), you got the max sentence: 10 years.
C: What?!

Prisoner #1: Hey, whatever happened to the new guy? I thought he was on kitchen duty, but I got reassigned to it.
Prisoner #2: I saw Warden talking to him in his cell. You know what that means, right?
Correction Officer Tallum: I'll not have y'all trash-talking our Warden. He'll take good care of the new guy.
Prisoner #3: Yeah, I'm sure he will. Poor guy. I guess that's the last we see of him!
Tallum: That new guy's super nice! He gave me an extra dish he cooked for our breakfast tomorrow morning.

Warden: I slipped into something more comfortable. Would you like to watch a movie on Netflix tonight?
Chai: No, thank you. I've had a loooong day. I'd like to return to my cell and go to bed early.
Um, nice bathrobe, though, Warden!

Chai (falling asleep): The Warden was a gentleman, at least, and practically irresistible in that bathrobe…

What am I talking about? With a ten-year sentence, I'll die in prison without producing an heir.
What to do?  What to do?
Where's that Watcher when I really need her?! *falls asleep

Chai (half-asleep): Oh, I could get pregnant with the Warden's baby then raise her secretly in his living quarters!
But what about school?
Distant voice: Hey, Chai! Are you at home? You promised to take me fishing today!
Chai: Is that my future baby daddy, the Warden!?

Denzel: Chai, where are you? Is this your bedroom? I can hear someone mumbling in there.
Chai (groggy): Huh? What?
Denzel: Why are you still in bed, sleepyhead? Did you change your mind about taking me fishing?
Chai: Warden Rivera?!
Denzel: What are you babbling about? It's me, Denzel Reevera. I'm your tenant in 11B Sungai Point, remember?
Chai: Denzel? Denzel!!! I'll be right out.  Gimme a few minutes to get changed.

Denzel: Good morning, Chai! I’m so hyped about spending New Year's Day with you in Sulani!
Chai (to himself): Sulani? Why does that ring a bell?
Denzel: Hey, are you going to be okay fishing with that injury? What happened to your leg?
Chai: What, this bandage!? *swiftly removes the bandage
See? My knee's perfectly fine! C'mon, Denzel! Let's be on our way.  And Happy New Year!
(But if that was all just a dream, why was my knee bandaged!?)

Gallery Downloads
*Parkside Place, San Sequoia (30x20): "Mental Health Clinic" by penappleYT.
  Edited to give Dr. Reeves a larger office with a couch.
*Fern Park, Newcrest (30x20): "Newcrest Medical Clinic" (30x20) by qcamic.
  The hospital beds provided are only functional when used with the Doctor career.
  So, I replaced them with Discretion Single Bedsystem beds to allow Chai to lie down on one.
*The Futures Past museum, Oasis Springs (30x20): "Landgraab & Co. Law Firm" (30x20) renovated by poupinette64;
   (original by blossombombs.
   Converted the 2nd-floor office into the Senior Partner's Office and added a dumpster.
*Tail's End, Brindleton Bay (40x30): "Police Station" by ArchiSim.
  This is such a beautiful police station but, apparently, prisoners won't enter basement cells in the Detective career.
*Old Penelope, StrangerVille (50x40): "The Walking Dead Prison" by Biaaaaanca2601.
  I heavily edited one corner of the prison into the Warden's living quarters.
*"Legacy Spouses 3" by BudderflyChic. A random collection of eight male sims designed for use as Legacy spouses.
   I took six out of the eight sims, transforming one into a prison guard and the other five into prisoners.

*Dr. Mark Sloan: Obviously, Denzel looks nothing like Dr. Mark Sloan from the TV show Gray's Anatomy.
  But I named him after the fictional doctor due to his nickname, Dr. McSteamy.

*Rizz Me Up, Scotty!: For you young'uns, this is a pun on the famous phrase "Beam me up, Scotty!"
  It's attributed to Capt. Kirb of the Star Trek series, though he never actually said it in the TV series or films.

*Why Chai's dream sequence?: Chai and I raised a total of six children through various life stages.
  I didn't want to throw Chai immediately into a new relationship only because, let's face it, he needs an heir.
  So I came up with this idea to allow Chai (and his Watcher) to obsess over Denzel without making babies.
  I had a blast browsing numerous community lots on the Gallery and locating cc for Chai and Denzel's various scenarios.
*Staging: The entire week was played in a separate file from my Mistura save.

The next update will resume our usual programming. LOL!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: Rizz Me Up, Scotty! (Parts I & II) (9 Mar '24)
« Reply #544 on: March 09, 2024, 04:58:10 PM »
What a fun little side trip for Chai (and his Watcher), even if it did leave him a bit discombobulated on waking. Looking forward to getting to know the real Denzel.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: Rizz Me Up, Scotty! (Parts I & II) (9 Mar '24)
« Reply #545 on: March 09, 2024, 05:39:03 PM »

Denzels everywhere and Dr. Mark Sloane and Derek to boot! 😍

Chai is clearly a bit of a mess right now . . . but I'm sure Watcher will get him straightened out . . . maybe with a little help from a certain someone.

Will the real Denzel please stand up!

What a fun little side trip for Chai (and his Watcher), even if it did leave him a bit discombobulated on waking. Looking forward to getting to know the real Denzel.

Chai (and his Watcher) are clearly somewhat obsessed with Denzel. Let's hope Denzel will feel the same way about Chai!
So much child-raising has happened so far in this generation, so Chai and I really needed a break.
The "story" veered off in a direction I hadn't initially planned, but at least Chai got to spend time with "Denzel" without any infants resulting.
And now, I guess, Chai has a good reason for wanting--based on his dream experiences--to jump into a relationship with Denzel...

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: Rizz Me Up, Scotty! (Parts I & II) (9 Mar '24)
« Reply #546 on: March 10, 2024, 02:07:58 PM »
A romantic interlude - very cute. It almost feels like Chai is starting from scratch  again.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: Rizz Me Up, Scotty! (Parts I & II) (9 Mar '24)
« Reply #547 on: March 10, 2024, 02:22:20 PM »
A romantic interlude - very cute. It almost feels like Chai is starting from scratch  again.

His young adult birthday's coming up and he'll drink a Potion of Youth or Rejuvenation, so he kinda is (if we ignore the divorce and the four children, lol).

Offline oshizu

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10.73: My  First, My Last, My Everything

Sunday, Week 73, Year 7 (early spring)
Chai: Happy New Year!
In the last week of Year 6, I divorced and kicked out unfaithful Minsung who took our daughter Bulan with him.
The twins Jing and Kamala decided to go live with their mother in Del Sol Valley.
Jaehyun, though still a teen, married Jayla Charoen of Morensong and  they moved together to Windenburg.
Last night, I had a wild dream which I thought was my first week of Year 6. I saw Denzel's face everywhere!
Oops! Speaking of Denzel, he's waiting out front for me, so I better go out there.

 Denzel: This is a beautiful place, Chai. Do you come here often?
 Chai: This is my first time. My Grandpa Hiroki is an avid fishersim so I asked him for a recommendation.             
Denzel: Well, this definitely is a scenic spot!
Chai: And I was thinking we could have lunch later at the nearby Sulani Beach Restaurant.                                                                                                                                               

D: By the way, when I woke you up this morning, why did you call me Warden?
C: Um, last night I dreamed I met a different sim every day who looked just like you.  (That's all I’m saying for now)
D: You and I have only played scrimbles and lunched together once before. Why'd you have a dream like that?
C: I guess you've been on my mind these days.
D: Really? Same here. In fact, you occupy my mind so much, I think I should start charging you rent!
C: Haha, a landlord-themed pickup line! Very cute!

C: I've had such a lovely day with you. I hate to cut it short, but tonight's my first shift as a Chef.
D: You work as a Chef? Your five rental units don't keep you busy enough?
C: Well, I will be expanding my family again soon, so I want to be able to cook for them.
D: Wait, I thought you were single now.
C: I am, but I need an heir to carry on my family's legacy. Ill explain more on another day, okay?

Soon after my shift ends at 2 am, I get a call from the Bui household at 10 Isda Riverfront about pool algae.
Though gross and less effective than using the Chemical Algae Destroyer, I decide to Swim to Clean Algae.
No, I'm not being cheap. I wouldn't want to swim in a pool filled with chemicals, would you?
Resolving the issue boosts the Buis' Maintenance score to Amazing, like my other four rental units. Nice!

This morning, I find a Red Tassel while exploring Beard Beard Cave.
I now have two complete Tassels collections, one which I completed all on my own.
Taking the extra set of tassels, I combine them into the Tomarani Tassel Shirt.
Not a shirt I would wear regularly but I did want to show it to you.

I throw a small lunch party, inviting my parents, my son Jaehyun, and his wife Jayla.
Denzel is also invited because, well, I wanted to see him.
I'd thought he wouldn't be able to come because of work but I guess he took the afternoon off.
As usual, it's impossible to get everyone to sit down to eat together.

Surya: You realize, of course, that you need to secure the next heir ASAP.
Chai: Um, yeah. What did you both think of Denzel?
Decha: He has great genes and will make an ideal baby daddy. You're planning on a Science Baby, right?
Chai: What? A Science Baby?
Decha: You can't be serious about him! He's a Noncommittal Romantic. He'll leave your heart in shreds.
Chai: …

Chai: In my dream, I suffered five move-outs at Sungai Point in three days, so I host a Neighborhood Potluck today.
I invite all nine of my grown-up tenants plus my parents.
Nothing beats a friendly gathering with delicious food!

When Papa Surya heard I'd joined the Chef career, he suggested I become an Appliance Wiz, too.
Watcher also loves that aspiration, which I complete tonight, just before ending my gold-medal Potluck.
I hope my guests all had a good time. Personally, I really enjoyed having my tenants over.

Denzel: I invited you to hang out because your mention of an heir has been bothering me. Are you engaged?
Chai: If I were, I wouldn't be here with you. I've been working up the nerve to ask you for a Science Baby, Denzel.
Denzel: With me? Absolutely not!
Chai: But you're my bestie, Denzel, and my very favorite person! Please!
Denzel: Nope, if you and I are going to have a baby, we'll have to go old school and Try for Baby.

Chai: But you're a Noncommittal Romantic. You'll eventually get bored and abandon me.
Denzel: That's not fair! It's not as if I chose to become Noncommittal. I was just born this way
I'd do anything to make you happy!
Since the day I moved into Sungai Point, I've been drawn to you but you were married at the time.
Chai: Fine. I want to conceive on Thursday. Why don't you come over tomorrow evening after you get off work?
We can become Woohoo Partners and gamble on Risky Woohoo.
Denzel (to himself): Tsk, Woohoo Partners, my plumbob! I want so much more than that with Chai!

It's time to accept the truth: I'll NEVER find my missing Eye of the Tiger marble.
Every day, I dig up all four sand piles and explore Beard Beard Cave 2-3 times.
I also trade marbles a couple of times daily and sneak into the Sulea Tiger Sanctuary if I'm not temporarily banned.
But what do I find? Nada!
Oh no! I just now realized that I've invited Denzel over on Love Day!  I hope my poor heart survives!

Chai: I was planning to ask you out to dinner after you finished work, but you beat me to it!
Denzel: Like I told you on Sunday, you're always on my mind, Chai.
Did you know that today's Love Day when you asked me to come over tonight?? It's a good omen, Chia!

Watcher: Denzel did phone Chai for a date at 6 pm, but I accidentally closed the popup while trying to snip it.
So I don't know where Denzel planned to take Chia and Chai never got the chance to reply.
So, instead, I had Chai invite Denzel out for a date, instead. What a clumsy Watcher!

Denzel: What are you doing?
Chai: I, uh, have a date task to kiss you passionately.
Denzel:  Why? This doesn't even have to be a goaled date.
Chai: Well, because, um…
Denzel: Stop denying how you feel about me and be my boyfriend.

Chai: I need more time to think about it.
Denzel: Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Thanks for a great evening.
Chai: Yes, I enjoyed our dinner together, too.
Denzel: And just so you know: I'm not going to be your Woohoo Partner.

I spend the morning visiting both my rental properties and socializing with my tenants.
The Bui household violated the No Trash Overload rule so I have to fine them.
But I later notice Tri Bui emptying the trash and commend him for his diligence.
I'm not sure how I missed upgrading my sister Sara's stove, but it's never too late.
What a relief that my tenants aren't breaking their leases and moving out, like in my dream.

Denzel: Well, have you thought it over? Are you ready to forget that Science Baby business and be my boyfriend?
Chai: Um….*nods

Denzel (to himself): I don't get why Chai has such a hard time trusting me just because I'm Noncommittal.
If anything, I'm the one who should be worried about being dumped.
Chai is my first love and my first boyfriend. Tonight, he'll be my first lover.  But what about Chai?
He has four kids already. I bet he's already been with a half dozen other sims.
Ugh, not what I want to be thinking about right now. Tonight's a special night for Chai and me.

At 6 am, I'm notified of a haunting at 11C Sungai Point, where the Linh family lives.
The ghost appears not long after I arrive and I convince her to leave pretty easily.
I'm so grateful that the Linhs haven't moved out (like in my dream).
So I fully upgrade their bath/shower combo then add a bird mobile to their crib.

Tonight, I get promoted and switch to the Culinary career's Chef branch. I also learn that I'm eating for two.
To celebrate, I throw our first Mistura Family Reunion ever and earn a gold medal for it.
I also Share the Big News with Denzel who looks as happy as I am.
How disappointing that I can't ask him to feel the baby. I guess my tummy's not big enough yet.

Denzel: I am NOT going to stand by and say nothing as if I were no more than a seed donor.
Chai says he's afraid because I'm Noncommittal, but Chai's the one with commitment phobia.
He romances sims who are weaker than him, then leaves them when he gets bored.
I don't fit that pattern. The only thing I "need" from him is his commitment to our relationship.

Denzel: It's time you stopped flitting around. You know we're meant to be together.
It's no coincidence that your first dream of the new year (called hatsu-yume in Japan) was about me
A hatsu-yume is believed to foretell one's fate in the coming year. Think about it, Chai.

In your dream, wherever you turned in need, you found me. In every scenario, I pursued you.
I really want us to raise our child together.  I earn enough as a senior executive to provide for us.
You could even sell your rental properties if you wish.
Marry me, Chai. You don't have to take care of everything by yourself anymore.
For me, you're like that song by Barry White: My first, my last, my everything.

Chai (to himself): Has Denzel been talking to my dream therapist Dr. Reeves?
Watcher: Whatever! May the two of you live happily ever after! *throws confetti

Apologia: As Chai's Watcher, I'm very sorry for this bizarre chapter.
I seem to have dug myself into a narrative pit which became harder and harder to climb out of, lol!
Oh well. Next update, we'll be back on track with the  arrival of next heir. For real!

It was a long detour, folks, but I'm super hyped to meet the Gen11 heir in two sim-days! *blows horn

Progress: End of Week 73
Residence: Tam Nang Sands, Koh Sahpa (Tomarang)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Rental emergencies: They still happen but not on a daily basis like before.
  This week, Chai handled Pool Algae, a Haunting, and a Tenant Revolt.
  He also had to visit the same tenants twice to fine them for breaking the No Trash Overload rule.
  Chai had to visit his rental properties five days last week.

*Denzel's eye color: Denzel's default eye color is a shade of brown.
  While I was editing his eyebrows, I thought to myself, "What the heck!" and gave him violet eyes.
  I simply couldn't help myself! #sorrynotsorry

*Denzel and Sungai Point: I've read on EA Answers about tenants moving out with all their furnishings.
  I didn't want that to happen, so I controlled Denzel for a few minutes and had him move to Newcrest.
  Thankfully, they got married during Denzel's grace period, so he sold all his furnishings and moved out.
  It's strange that he'd have the option to sell or keep furnishings that he didn't pay for.
  Anyway, after their marriage, Denzel moved from Newcrest and into Tam Nang Sands with Chai.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Can we hope Chai has found his forever-love? I'm too nervous for him!

Can we have a side by side photo of the happy couple? They're very similar and I'm having trouble working out who is who. Both very good-looking, of course. Their nooboo will be the best-looking Sim, ever!

Offline oshizu

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Can we hope Chai has found his forever-love? I'm too nervous for him!

Can we have a side by side photo of the happy couple? They're very similar and I'm having trouble working out who is who. Both very good-looking, of course. Their nooboo will be the best-looking Sim, ever!
LOL, Chai and Denzel share a very similar skin tone but the biggest difference is their facial hair: Chai's clean-shaven while Denzel has a moustach and stubble-beard.
Chai's eyes are droopy and smaller and he looks Eurasian; Denzel has a Latino surname. 
Personally, I think Chai has more attractive features including a nice mouth. 
To me, the two look nothing alike.
But I know it's quite different for someone playing the sims and for someone only viewing screenshots.
Here are their portraits from the Gens 9 & 10 stats post:


Denzel Reevera

And, yes, fingers crossed for the Gen11 kiddos!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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You're right. They're quite different. I think I need new glasses!

Offline oshizu

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You're right. They're quite different. I think I need new glasses!
In your defense, they seem to have the exact same complexion and a "swept to one side" taper fade that sweep to opposite sides.

Offline GlazeyLady

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  • I'm not home alone.  My sims are all here.
I'm so glad Chai's love life is smoothed out and he's found such an attractive Sim to have his heir with. I'm wondering if Chai will sell his rentals now that Denzel can provide for the family and seems to be onboard with selling he rentals. Surely Chai (and Watcher) are a little tired of rental calls at all hours.

I'm excited to meet the nooboo(s)!

Offline oshizu

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I'm so glad Chai's love life is smoothed out and he's found such an attractive Sim to have his heir with. I'm wondering if Chai will sell his rentals now that Denzel can provide for the family and seems to be onboard with selling he rentals. Surely Chai (and Watcher) are a little tired of rental calls at all hours.

I'm excited to meet the nooboo(s)!

Yes, I agree that now's a good time for Chai to divest of his rental properties.
I still remember how hard it was for Chai to raise children at the infant and toddler stages when he had to leave home everyday to visit his rental properties.
But first, Denzel will complete the Five-Star Property Owner aspiration to earn satisfaction.
Since Chai's done all the hard work, Denzel should be able to complete it in two sim-days at the most.