That darn candy jar is sure being elusive! I've never gotten one, but also haven't really tried.
The house addition looks great! I'm glad Aritz is putting family before career.
Titus is a cutie. Surely we'll be seeing more of him!
The friendship bracelet thing is good to know - Rose is about to have her slumber party; she's trying to become BFF with a specific friend before or during the party, and will (hopefully) trade bracelets with her.
Great update!
I've gotten that candy jar with a sim playing a Paranormal Investigator as her main gig, but I didn't understand its worth until Heart Foam's explanation.
It was one of the easier house expansions because I wanted to preserve that tower.
Time will tell with Titus. Sims can change so much from childhood to teen!
The Misturas have had two generations of brunettes, though, so we're ready for a change!
Haha, I'm glad we both googled last night about exchanging friendship bracelets with non-household members!
The Friendship Bracelets take forever to wear out and you can't have more than one FB buddy at a time. You can break them on purpose but it makes people sad.
One of my household just aged up to a teen and immediately got sad that he wasn't FB buddies with anyone! Lol
@Granny Lawlor It's so nice to hear from you!
You're usually such a prolific updater but you've been quite for a considerable time. I was thinking of messaging you to ask after your well-being.
Are you okay? Did you get your keyboard fixed?
Anyway, it's great to hear that one of your sims aged up to teen, because that suggests we might be seeing an update from you soon!
Also, so you tried having a sim break a friendship bracelet on purpose? Hmmm?
Wow, Izar is the chosen one...and not just because she's her Watcher's chosen heiress, but because the game likes her better! They do everything together, yet she gets to an A while the others are at B's, she's the one who learns to ride a bike first...definitely the right choice to bring in the next generation. Young Titus better get on board so we can bring those lovely Fyres genes into this family ;=)
But yes, another lovely update all around, and I love the expansion of the home and especially that sun room!!
Yes, Izar is the star of the third generation, the coddled youngest child and rising star of the Mishmash Legacy, lol!
Raising three kids concurrently is a bit of a pain, but Izar's made it worthwhile.
Titus Pries is such a special sim! He's descended from Erwin Pries and the Sharebear founder as well as our beloved Morgan Fyres's grandson.
Hopefully, the Fates will handle his transition from childhood to teendom graciously!