Author Topic: A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths Updated 04/22/2023  (Read 7601 times)

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Now, Before we get into the whys, and how, You signed me up for WHAT?

Here is a picture of our founder. Isla Sharebear. A happy-go-lucky, pretty redhead that up until now, was just pretty much satisfied hanging around in the gallery. Every now and then she would be downloaded into someone's personal Gallery/bin, not knowing what would happen. There she met all kinds of other sims. Some nice, some mean, some evil, some just plan out ole nasty. But in the end, she was just happy where she was.

She heard stories of others being yanked out into the simverse to be founders in what was called an Immortal Dynasty, a Townie Dynasty, or Legacy. The others made it sound so horrible like the watchers were some kind of monster. In the end, she just wanted to go about every now and then into Willow Creek, Windenburg, or even the big city, and collect things. That was her Aspiration. Maybe find Mr. Right and settle down. So every time the bin doors would open she would hide, hoping that this time would be her time.

Sloths?? What? Those little slow cuties from Central or South America? While not quite. A family of bears is also called "Sloths or Sleuths".

A Sleuth of Bears

A group of bears is called a sleuth or a sloth. In the same way that the word “long” becomes “length” or the word “moon” becomes month, the old-fashioned –th added to an adjective form a noun. Sloth or sleuth originates from the adjective slow, and although bears are not particularly known for being the slowest animals, it could have originated from their habit of hibernation or from their habit of appearing like they are constantly in search of something – hence the word sleuth, which also means detective. A group of bear cubs is called a litter. They can be found at Yellowstone National Park in southern Montana. You can click the green click and read more.

Offline sdhoey

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« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2023, 09:12:23 PM »
Table of Contents

Watcher Updates
Day Three Credit goes to lilsimsie for her Pizzaria build Papa simies Pizzeria. It doesn't seem to be listed in the Gallery at this time.

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Isla's Time

01. One Big Empty Lot
02. Day Two
03. Day Three Pt Uno
04. Day Three Pt Duce

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Offline sdhoey

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« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2023, 09:15:25 PM »
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Offline sdhoey

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Re: Chapters
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2023, 09:16:48 PM »
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Offline sdhoey

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A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2023, 09:33:25 PM »
A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths

*I want to thank @oshizu for the idea of color codes*
Founder and Heirs will be the color Maroon
Primary Spouses will be the color Navy
Spares and All else will be the color Black
Secondary Spouse will be the color
All completed Traits, Asp, Skills, & Careers will be the color Green

Generation One

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Generation TWO

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Generation Three

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Generation FOUR

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Generation FIVE

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Generation SIX

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Generation SEVEN

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Generation Eight

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Generation NINE

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Generation TEN

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Offline sdhoey

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Family Tree & Legacy Scoring
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2023, 09:49:06 PM »
Legacy Scores & Family Tree

Sharebear Family Tree

Legacy Scoring

Succession Laws
Gender: Equality
Bloodline: Traditional
Heir: First Born
Species: Tolerant (a child's species has no bearing on their eligibility as an heir)
I am using the New Scoring from Pinstars Legacy. It makes it a little easier to achieve goals.

10 points can be earned in each category, except for the Extreme Start point which is merely a handicap rather than a scoring category.
2 optional points can be earned if you own the Parenthood pack.

Family: 1/10
-Gen 1 Isla Sharebear
-Gen 2
-Gen 3
-Gen 4

Creative: /10
-Memorialized /9 Founder /Heirs & The Primary Spouses
-Gen 1

Fortune: /10
-Family Worth

Love: /10
-Complete the Legacy Challenge for the 10th Point

Knowledge: /10
-Maxed /27 skills

Athletic: /10
-Completed  /36 Aspirations
-Complete all Aspirations at least once for the 10th point.

Nature: /10
-/13 Collections;
-/28 deaths
-/22 careers;  /44 career branches
-/6 All emotional paintings
-/13 Collect and store all consumable aspiration rewards

Food: /10
-(10th point = reach Culinary/Chef 10)

Popularity: /10
-Gold Metals=
-Silver Metals=
-Bronze Metals=

-Have a single Sim Earn a gold Medal for every type of Social Event.
-Earn all possible Club Perks with your Legacy Club (bonus)

Deviance: /10
-/20 Potions of Youth stored on the lot


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Penalties: 0

-Power shut off
-Plumbing shut off
-Number of Children/infants taken away

TOTAL: /107

Offline sdhoey

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A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths Updated 04/15/2023
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2023, 09:49:30 PM »
One Big Empty Lot

Isla: WHAT! An empty lot?  I mean, a good day of collecting stuff and I could sell it. I mean, a small bathroom, every girl needs some privacy, right? A tent and I see a pond up there.
Maybe there are fish in it that I can catch and eat.

Isla: Hmmm, It's winter, *rubs chin* I'm broke, no money. I mean, I do LOVE the outdoors and all. I might be able to make this work.
But, I don't remember anything saying I had to be homeless.

Isla: I guess I could make it work in my favor. Sharebears are a creative, genius bunch of folks that never let anything or any sim get us down.
No matter what, we keep on giving and moving forward and making a name for ourselves. YES!! That's it!! Let me walk around and see if I can find any good collectibles.
I need some inspiration. Money, to begin with, would also be nice.

Isla: Oh my, just look at all those fish. I need a pole soon. I will find one fast, but first, where to look for collectibles?

Isla: Lucky me, just look at that old mill wheel. Such a lovely view from my backyard.

Isla: Stop daydreaming, Isla, you need money to get that house first. *Just as the sun was coming up in Windenburg, something shining caught her eye"

Oh look over there, a rock fresh for collecting. Let us go and see what treasures it holds for us today.

I hate that it takes so long to crack them open. Maybe I need a better hammer? Oh come on now.

Oh yay me. I got a shiny treasure map. Well, I will hold on to that for my next dig.

*After walking around for several minutes, she finally found a frog tree.*
Oh look, a tree stump, these are great homes for all kinds of frogs.

*grunts* Where are you little guys at?

There you are. Stop wiggling around, I'm not gonna hurt you.

I found a heart frog. Yes!! I can't wait to find more. Where should we go to next?

Isla: Wow, what a difference in the weather here in Willow Creek. All this snow might make it hard to find anything. Maybe I will see if I can paint something while I see if it warms up some more.

This park does make for a beautiful backdrop. Too bad I can't paint by reference yet.

Oh look, I found a striped eggplant frog. How nice. I wonder what else I will find today. But first I am hungry. I need to see if those old grills even work.

Isla: I was able to whip up some grilled fruit on those old things. These sure do smell good.

*takes a bite* hmmm, so good, and hot!

I need to make that more often. Whoever invented grilled fruit was a genius.

The next stop was the park in Oasis Springs. Because we all know that the park there holds all kinds of good stuff.
*yawn* I am so tired. After all this collecting. I am beat. Who knew that a park could hold so many great finds?

I hate the fact that I need to go back to my empty lot. I can't sleep here because of that speaker. There is no way to turn it off. It just keeps waking me up. Oh well, off to my lot.

Oh my goodness, Am I that tired that I am seeing things or is there a shelter-type thing with a tent on my lot?

 Do I dare go and check it out? *smiling* It looks so comfy.

Good night all. See you tomorrow.

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Online oshizu

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Re: A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2023, 02:31:38 PM »
Yay! A new Sharebear founder!  I like how Isla looks so different from all the previous Sharebear founders despite everyone starting with the same sim.
I'm curious why you chose to start a Sharebears Legacy instead of the conventional Pinstar's Legacy.
Does this mean we'll get to watch your sims marrying the "shared spouses" in specific generations?  If so, I'm here for it!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2023, 03:07:34 PM »
Yay! A new Sharebear founder!  I like how Isla looks so different from all the previous Sharebear founders despite everyone starting with the same sim.
I'm curious why you chose to start a Sharebears Legacy instead of the conventional Pinstar's Legacy.
Does this mean we'll get to watch your sims marrying the "shared spouses" in specific generations?  If so, I'm here for it!

Well, I am still using his base for it, as per the rules. I am using the scoring for my own personal use. I like how they have a new/old scoring that helps with making it a little easier to reach goals. Once I get my spreadsheet going with some action, I will post the link for folks to see.

Yes, I am going to use the shared spouses for specific generations. I can't wait to just do my own thing.

Online oshizu

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Re: A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2023, 04:21:32 PM »
Yay! A new Sharebear founder!  I like how Isla looks so different from all the previous Sharebear founders despite everyone starting with the same sim.
I'm curious why you chose to start a Sharebears Legacy instead of the conventional Pinstar's Legacy.
Does this mean we'll get to watch your sims marrying the "shared spouses" in specific generations?  If so, I'm here for it!

Well, I am still using his base for it, as per the rules. I am using the scoring for my own personal use. I like how they have a new/old scoring that helps with making it a little easier to reach goals. Once I get my spreadsheet going with some action, I will post the link for folks to see.

Yes, I am going to use the shared spouses for specific generations. I can't wait to just do my own thing.

I agree!  One of the best parts of doing our own thing is we can tweak any rules that don't match how we want to play and if we unintentionally break a rule, we can put on a band-aid and continue, instead of having to start over.
Looking forward to Ze Spouse Hunt!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2023, 07:11:56 PM »

I agree!  One of the best parts of doing our own thing is we can tweak any rules that don't match how we want to play and if we unintentionally break a rule, we can put on a band-aid and continue, instead of having to start over.
Looking forward to Ze Spouse Hunt!

Agree, band-aids are my favorites

Offline sdhoey

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Re: A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths, Updated 04/16/2023
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2023, 01:20:30 PM »
Day Two

Looks like someone woke up in a tense mood this morning!
Isla: *grrr* So you finally showed up? Looks like my whatever removed Sharebear kinsim Colt was right about you. You just show up when it's convenient for you.
Yeah, about Colt, let's not listen to him. He has his own issues, let's not make them ours. He's special and not like the rest of my founders/spouses.

Isla: Hey, *waves* I need to take care of some hygiene things here.
You can take care of that, and I will wait here and then we will get you started on your day.

Isla: I am so tense. Maybe I should apologize to my watcher for being so short with her. That is not like me at all. I just need a nice warm bath.

Isla: I can't wait to get off this lot!! It is making me so darn mad. I can't wait to get more money so I can have a better house. But on the other hand, these tiny lot traits are helping out a lot.

Isla: Ahhhh oh yessss, now this is the ticket. A nice warm bath to soothe my tense muscle and remove that green fog that starting to form.

So, you are moving along in your aspiration I see. That is wonderful. Now, don't forget that you need to find *cough* that someone special and maybe a couple of spares to help with Gen two.
Isla: Sorry about earlier, I'm still hungry and I can afford a small meal. Maybe I will check out that place across the way and maybe see what kind of locals are in there.

Isla: The Shrieking Llama, hmm, looks like a type of bar. Maybe they have good fries in here.

Oh great, look who works the bar in the Shrieking Llama. Our old friend Don. Plus Mr. Simeon Sliversweater is also here.

Isla: Excuse me, I would like an order of fries, please.
Don: Anything for a beautiful redhead like yourself babe.

Isla: Oh no, not a smug, self-centered, tomcat.
Shhh, you can't catch flies with vinegar.
Don: I smell a watcher, and that makes you a founder. Great!!

Don: *smiles* So, who do I have the privilege of with today? @GlazeyLady, @oshizu, maybe @Teresa, no let me guess, @Ricalynn?

Isla: None of those, my watcher is named Shannon. I just met her this morning actually.
Don: Oh Shannon is your watcher? She's not bad, just as long as you don't have an attitude and give her a lip.

Don: Well then, My name is Don, and I have worked with your watcher in other simverses. If you need any advice or help, just ask.
Isla: Thanks Don, I'm Isla Sharebear, nice to meet you.
NameIcan'tremember: Not another! Great.

Simeon: No need to be so rude to the newcomer. Give her a chance, a reason to stay. Windenburg is a lovely countryside to reside in.
Don: Sure is, I live in Oasis Springs with my friends. It's always dry and hot there.
W: Friends?? *snorts* So that's what you are calling them now?

Simeon: *snickers* I guess she knows you pretty Don, old chap!!
Isla: My friend Colt told me stories about you Don. But I will form my own opinions, only because I am new at this and want to start out on the right foot.

Isla: Hey, can you tell me where I can find some good places to do some collecting at? I'm a curator and my aspiration is for Collecting.
Don: Try the place over in Oasis Springs, my friend Johnny lives over in a neighborhood called Beedrock Strait. Look him up. He's a great guy. He has
also been in some of your watcher's stuff.

Isla: Hello there, I'm Isla Sharebear.
Simeon: I'm Simeon Sliversweater, a mage at the MagicRealm in GlimmerBrook. If you ever find you want to learn the ways of the spellcasters, look me up.

Simeon: That was a good Isla. Your sense of humor is a good one. I most be going for now. But I hope to run into again.
Isla: Nice to chat with you also Simeon. Have a great day.

Isla: So now I know where the library is in Windenburg, I think I will be getting home. It is late and I have gotten absolutely nothing done today.

Isla: OH NO!! I forgot to do some collecting. I needed three more crystals. OH NO!! First thing tomorrow. Good night all.

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Re: A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths Updated 04/16/2023
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2023, 02:17:30 PM »
Isla is gorgeous and off to a great start! This is making me want to pull Shae out of the bin and start her over! Maybe after my Ten Gen Jumble. Meanwhile, I'll live vicariously through Isla's tales and escapades.

On an unrelated but humorous note . . . when my granddaughter was around 4 years old, she told me when she grew up she wanted to have triplets. And she would name them Isla, Shila, and Don't-Pet-The-Cat. So every time I hear Isla, that is what I think of.


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Re: A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths Updated 04/16/2023
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2023, 02:26:15 PM »
Isla is gorgeous and off to a great start! This is making me want to pull Shae out of the bin and start her over! Maybe after my Ten Gen Jumble. Meanwhile, I'll live vicariously through Isla's tales and escapades.

On an unrelated but humorous note . . . when my granddaughter was around 4 years old, she told me when she grew up she wanted to have triplets. And she would name them Isla, Shila, and Don't-Pet-The-Cat. So every time I hear Isla, that is what I think of.


;D ;D ;D Isla, Shila, and Don't-Pet-The-Cat. I will have to remember that one!! Those are great. But back on track, I'm having fun with her. I am so going to work on another update for Colt's BDD. I have enough for a few updates there also.  :o

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Re: A New Sharebear Legacy: Isla and Her Sloths Updated 04/16/2023
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2023, 04:13:06 PM »
Day Three Pt Uno

Isla: What a beautiful day it is in Oasis Springs. I think I will grab a quick lunch at Papa Simsie's Pizzeria. (Watcher's notes) A build by lilsimsie

Isla: I would like a table for one, please.
Hostess: Ahh, yes, here we go, right this way, please.

Isla: Everything smells so yummy. The decorations are so cute.

Waiter: Welcome to Papa's, what can I get for you today ma'am?
Isla: I think I will get a plate of spaghetti, and a nice cold glass of water, please.

Waiter: What a good choice for such a beautiful lady. I will have your order ready and out in a few minutes.
Isla: *blushes* Thank you

W: Well, I don't think it will take long for you to hook a man. What did you think about Don?
Isla: Hmm, no! Nice for a friend, but too stuck on himself.
Well, go check out Johnny, he's nice. He's a cutie. I've also heard that there is a new guy in town if you want to go and check him out later.
Isla: We will see, I need to find a couple of crystals and send them to the geo place.

Waiter: Be careful madam, it is very hot.

Isla: *inhales* Oh this looks and smells incredible. Thank you so much, I am sure I will enjoy it.
Waiter: Is there anything else I can get for you?
Isla: No thank you, this is fine.

Isla: *chewing* o oo, this is... soo ... gommmd. The noodles just melt in your mouth. That sauce is heavenly.

Isla: I will definitely come here again. My new favorite place to eat.

So she strolls out the door with a full belly and a happy smile on her face. Now she is ready to face the world.

Isla: *squinting* Now where did Don say that Johnny's trailer was?

Having located said trailer, she made her way there to see what this Johnny guy was all about. Was she about to find mr. right or maybe a new housemate?

Isla: What if this guy is crazy and I don't make it out? What if he is mad? Stop it Isla, even your watcher likes him. Then again, she likes Colt.

Isla: *knocks*
Johnny: Doors open, come on in..
Isla: Well, here goes nothing.

Johnny: Pretty redhead just shows up at my door out of nowhere? hmph, Smells like a founder to me.

Isla: Hi, I'm Isla Sharebear, I'm just moved to Windenburg, and your friends Don told me to look you up.
Johnny: Did he?

Johnny: Okay, I'll bite, I'm Johnny, and I'm single. I am in the Comedy business. I live in a trailer. Not much money to my name, not too good with clothes.

Isla: *sighs* You figured out I am a founder, right?
Johnny: Chuckles, well, it's not every day that a beautiful green-eyed, redhead walks into my living room.

Isla: Look, I'm new to this and I am just following the rules and so far I have met so pretty interesting people that have been nice, and when Don told me
look you up, well, I thought I was crazy for even thinking about entertaining it.
Johnny: Hey look, I understand.

Isla: Happy-go-lucky Isla I guess. I just want to make a name for myself and raise a family in the process.

My watcher has done plenty of this kind of thing, she even suggested I come and meet with you. But to be honest, I mean, you are cute and adorable, but you are not my
type of guy.
Johnny: Oh, I'm wounded, *laughs* I understand, but hey if you need backup or a spare in the house. Johnny Zest is you man.

Isla: Can we take a picture together?
Johnny: Sure, on the count of three, give your best silly face. 1...2...3..

Johnny: Look, I was serious, I could use a change of scenery around here. Without a watcher, my career is going nowhere. Plus, I would love to find a
pretty girl to settle down with.
Isla: You're serious? You'd do that for me, and mostly for yourself?

Johnny: Mostly for the beautiful redhead in front of me. That I hope over time will become one of my good friends.
Isla: Oh Johnny, that is so sweet, you are the best.