@sdhoey That would be great.
My answers
Do you plan to buy this pack?
Yes, I have this pack. I am so excited. I always felt the game lacked family game play and a Generations style pack could go a long way to fixing that. I mean it loks like there is actual toddler content here. Must own in my book.
Are you looking forward to the pack?
Yes. In my mind it is the most need pack to date. I can't wait to do the four new kid asperations. Infant life stage coming free in an update sounds fun. Also toddlers are so neglected I am glad to see actual game play for them. 18 discoverable Toddler Quirks sounds great. The social prefrance system sound like it culd add depth to sims, something that is needed even if it is no attraction system. San Sequoia, a new world is always good. Also tree houses could be fun.
What excites you the most?
Family game play. Children and toddlers are so neglected in this game. I am so glad they are getting an update. I am very curious about the children's new confidence system as well.
What concerns you the most?
Bugs. The Sims 4 is often a major bug fest when major changes happen. Packs like Wedding Stories have me gun shy about new packs. Also I know this will break every mod ever. Sorting them will be a nightmare.
Over all I am excited. They had me with kids on bikes and parents teaching them to ride. I am bouncing with excitement.