Thank you both. The twins were a lot of work but I must admit I have fallen in love with them.

Apologies for the wonky text/pics in the previous chapters. I tend to forget that not everyone has the same sized screen. I have fixed them now and will do better from now on.

Now, somehow, I have just managed to lose the work I just did so here we go again.
The twins were a lot of work but they were totally adorable too.

I have to admit, I regretted rushing around organizing other training and then breathing a sigh of relief when they were asleep - a bit like real life babies really

because, like real life babies, these little ones would grow up fast.
Somehow, I managed to get them trained in all the right things.

It's a pity their dad, Tyron, didn't learn as fast. I anxiously watched their days slip by while he struggled with his painting.
And then, something I have only happen once before in my game. My sim girl aged to full adult. Really though. She has just got those toddlers off to sleep.

She looks just as lovely as an adult. She got new hair to celebrate.

Tyron tells her that she is still the most beautiful woman in his life. Big of him seeing he is a whole lot older than her anyway and is not far off becoming an elder. Still, they are an affectionate couple and are always throwing up romance wants for each other.

And for a birthday surprise they got some brick veneer added to the outside walls of their humble little cottage.

I knew now that there was no way known I was going to meet any of the requirements for the challenge. Tyron just can't get the hang of painting, they are still as poor as church mice, and time is on a roller coaster. Still, I decided to keep ploughing on. If I can achieve anything at all in this before everyone dies I will feel I have done something.