Author Topic: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) Complete  (Read 73000 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Who knows about your next founder? Maybe teenage Jonesy will make a suitable founder.  You could customize his gender to female if you prefer a female founder.

I haven't touched the sims since my last NSB update.  My desktop is pretty old and it really struggles to run the game since the infant patch.
I'd been planning to buy a new computer after finishing my NSB and so once that's set up in another 1-2 weeks, I'll be simming again.
I do miss my sims!
My next legacy challenge only consists of two generations so far, so I have plans for the remaining 8 generations but need to sequence them.
Thanks for asking!
I probably ought to start with a male founder next time. I seem to favour females a lot. Besides, my game is still pumping out lots of girls. Chartreux & Roxanne have had 4 girls between them after leaving the house. I'll definitely need to start my next game with cleared directories, etc!

Sims is so greedy for processing power! My laptop definitely gets too hot to sit on my lap. Nice through the winter, though :) How wonderful to have a new desktop. Enjoy!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.4: Nova’s Folly
« Reply #241 on: April 07, 2023, 08:07:41 AM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.4: Nova’s Folly

Nova: The week begins with a normal/not-normal trip. I get my regular urges and Carson, the Lazy Tom, takes me to the Salty Paws Bar. Before a suitable mate appears in the neighbourhood, I suddenly feel very strained. I look around for the Man in Black but he’s not here and I start to relax. Rusty is quite suitable for my needs and then I bump into this mutt carrying a present back to his owner. What an outfit! What a joker!

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Nova: Janet, the Posh Princess, takes us many times to the Calm Place. She’s done 20 services for various customers here and gets her Self-Care Specialist aspiration. I’m sure I’ve seen that customer a lot over the years and she never ages.

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Carson: Mum thought it would be a good idea so I’ve hunted out Great Great Grandfather Simba’s science gadgets and I found it. I found this Wormhole Generator. We can travel to Sixam with it. We would meet more of Mum's people.
Janet: I don’t know. Is it safe?
Carson: There’s a calibration option. Try that.
Janet: Hm. I just twiddle this screw? I don’t really know what I’m doing, Carson.
Carson: It’s an adventure! Maybe Theodore would be there.
Janet: He hasn’t been in touch for a while… I hope he’s OK. Right – let’s do this. Me first!

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Nova: I don’t know why I’m here. I hate Sixam. No prowling, no comfy sofas. Besides, there’s no aliens around for our Posh Princess to meet. She decides now is a good time to start playing the guitar. It’s not a good sound but I suppose it’s one way to pass the time. The Lazy Tom goes digging up minerals but doesn’t find any new ones.

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Janet: Theodore?
Theodore: Oh, hi Janet.
Janet: I’ve missed you. Where have you been?
Theodore: Oh – you know – here and there. Is that the time? I need to get home.
Janet: I thought this was your home.
Theodore: I’ll call you…

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Nova: Back at the Calm Place, the Posh Princess keeps her hand in by doing hand massages while waiting to lead a yoga class. I don’t know why she agreed to serve this customer. She stiffed her on the payment last time, claiming it was no good. It looks like she’s doing the same today.

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Janet: Oh really! I’m a top level Wellness practitioner and you just got the best hand massage of your life, you cheapskate! You think, because we’re all nice and calm and affirming in here that you can walk all over us but I’m not going to be a doormat! As it happens, I’ve just been ghosted by someone I thought was going to be that special someone and I’m not feeling very nice and calm and affirming. We’ve been clearing out our family inventory and I’d like you to meet my little friend!

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Janet: I don’t know, Carson. I’ve just completed my Zen Guru aspiration, I should feel happy but I got banned from the spa… I don’t seem to have any purpose any more.
Carson: Me neither. But you know, I found the deeds to a family shop at Magnolia Promenade. It might be a laugh and we could clear our inventory of all those surplus items.
Janet: A laugh? OK, let’s have a go. It would be good to get rid of those mounted fish we don’t need.

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Nova: The Lazy Tom and the Posh Princess spend a whole day at the shop and sold one item. It’s a slow way to clear the inventory and they’re not impressed. They’ve sold the shop.

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Nova: I’m sitting here looking back at all the places that I’ve spent time in. Well, the first nine anyway. I’ve had fun with this family over the years but I do like Sulani the best. I’ve heard that someone’s built a folly on the Admiral’s Wreckage site and then abandoned it. Do you remember the Admiral’s Wreckage? It was where the Cockney Princess and the French Princess hid Spot and Orion, the aliens, from their father Simba who’d become a mad scientist and wanted to experiment on them. I wonder if it’s time to move again…

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Carson: What do you think?
Janet: I don’t understand why we can’t leave the museum things here?
Carson: Nova wants them close so that she can enjoy them.
Janet: Those poor fish… and the frogs…I just want to let them out, to be free…
Carson: We’ll put them where they won’t bother you. We’ll sell all the spares through an agent. Nova says this new place is amazing and you’ll be nearer the ocean. You know you’ll like that.

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Janet: Oh, Carson, it’s like some ancient monument.
Carson: And yet it wasn’t here a moment ago…
Watcher: Don’t tear down the 4th wall, Carson.
Carson: Sorry.

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Carson: Hey – didn’t I meet you at the Romance Festival. A tall dark stranger.
Andy: Are you stalking me? I’m non-committal, you know!
Carson: Nice to meet you, anyway.
Andy: I live alone, up near the volcano. I don’t have visitors.
Carson: You came down to welcome us, remember?

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Nova: The Posh Princess does indeed like being here and starts a campaign to find the last 2 items of buried treasure. There’s lots of beach-combing and she goes free-diving for treasure every day. She did explore the cave a couple of times but it makes her too playful.

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Nova: She also hosts a Kava Party. Her brother - teenage Jonesy - comes. He’s turned into a Goofball so he gets invited to join the family club. Now he can visit but won’t prank the loos.

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Nova: The Posh Princess takes me for another romantic excursion. The urges seem to come over me all the time at the moment. There’s no-one interesting so she brings me home. It’s probably just as well as I come down with some disease, which the Lazy Tom cures. I’m glad I didn’t pass it on to any other cats!

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Nova: The Lazy Tom matures into a full adult and asks for a cow for his birthday. I’m dubious about how it will be with no grass to chew but the family club fall over themselves to pet and clean and feed her. Attentions they should be giving to me! I’m very dubious about the cow but the Lazy Tom insists it will give him ribbons. I thought they gave milk!

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Carson: Look, Janet! Look at what this does!
Janet: Not more of Simba’s gadgets. Go on then, show me what it does.

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Janet: Is that it?
Carson: Well it didn’t work that time. But it cloned the crystal properly before.
Janet: Really? That looks like a worthless cube of nothing.
Carson: We can clone anything. The possibilities are endless.
Janet: What else did you have in mind? A worthless sphere of nothing?

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Nova: Saturday comes and the Lazy Tom creates some excellent chocolate syrup, using it to make an excellent Chocolate Pie. It gets submitted at the Finchwick Fair along with a perfect nuzzlenip. Both entries are far superior to any other entries but only the nuzzlenip wins. That’s 2 ribbons we have now. Seema got one for Semolina back when we were living in the HOB.

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Nova: And who’s this young, blue, Cat-Loving princess? Antonia – Chartreux’s first born with Veer. We like her. We like her a lot!

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Status: Week 42, Summer; Year 11
Cat: Nova; Female German Rex; Life 8; Adult; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy

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Completed Aspirations
Museum Collections
Current Household: Chieftan’s Villa, Sulani
Generation 6
: Spellcaster Young Adult (of Mac & Madilyn); Lazy, Cat-Lover, Bookworm; Aspiration - Lord of the Knits; Bestselling Author
Janet: Young Adult (of Mac & Madilyn); Lazy, Snob, Child of the Ocean; Collection – Ancient Omniscan Artifacts; Aspiration - Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru

L-to-R: Carson holding Nova, Janet
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I spent quite a while crafting Nova’s Folly. It’s my most ambitious build to date and is really only a shell, based on artist impressions of what the Hanging Gardens of Babylon might have looked like. I could only put a fountain on the ground level and then there are swimming pools on the upper levels to look like a series of waterfalls.
It’s not perfect but it’s nearly what I was aiming for. I wanted something special for Nova’s last incarnation and my current plan is that this is the final lot… Nova and her family do get a bit lost in it so I might restrict access to the upper floors.

So I had a plan for the household but the appearance of Cat-Loving Antonia might just change that. What do we think? Would she like to move into Nova’s Folly? After all, Chartreux is now struggling with a set of twin girl infants and my plans could be adapted…

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.4: Nova’s Folly (7-Apr-23)
« Reply #242 on: April 07, 2023, 12:12:44 PM »

What a great update! Man, Simba and the alien kiddos - what a blast from the past! It was fun to see Carson and Janet's adventures with all that old scientist career stuff. The new house is gorgeous. And of course I'm delighted with Antonia!

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.4: Nova’s Folly (7-Apr-23)
« Reply #243 on: April 08, 2023, 10:17:11 AM »
Hahaha, oh, the Posh Princess icing the rude customer was great!!
Big shout out to the Lazy Tom for breaking the fourth wall  ;=)  And incidentally, after all the work he's been doing throughout his time in the family home and for the dynasty, I find it funny that Nova still insists that he's lazy  :=)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.5: Island Farming
« Reply #244 on: April 09, 2023, 06:55:57 AM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.5: Island Farming

Nova: Our household has decided to complete 3 collections: Buried Treasure, Microscope Prints and Finchwick Fair ribbons. The ribbons take a lot of planning and checking the fair calendar but the main effect is that we get a lot of farming going on. Carson, the Lazy Tom, lavishes care and attention on Nutmeg, his brown cow. She’s only kicked over his bucket of milk once to date.

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Nova: Janet, the Posh Princess, also lavishes attention on Nutmeg but the relationship is not quite as good.

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Nova: Her main focus is 4 super-sized crops and she gets bees in to help with pollination. Sometimes it’s a bonding experience. And sometimes it’s not.

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Nova: Rabbits, called Abalone, Conch and Scallop, plus a treeful of birds also help with the gardening. The whole family club queue up to lavish attention on them.

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Nova: OK. I get some attention too. I wouldn’t want you to worry that I’m being neglected but the Posh Princess tells the Lazy Tom that they need more help. He remembers that Chartreux’s kit is a Cat-Lover and we think she might like to move in.

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Nova: Her sisters, twins Nora and Elisha are cute but Veer has his hands full with them. Chartreux is part of our club so she’d be here for her kit anyway.

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Nova: This kit’s name is Antonia. And she loves cats. She loves me, of course. Yes, I know it looks like a dog biscuit but it’s really a cat treat and it makes me very happy!

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Nova: The Lazy Tom reads to Antonia. He wrote lots of books but this one was written by Roxanne, the Green Princess, when she was thinking about being a writer.

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Nova: Antonia settles in very quickly, even encouraging ghostly Pixel to keep returning. Sadly, ghostly Toff has moved on to a higher plane.

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Nova: The Posh Princess goes free diving for treasure every day but she finds the last one of the buried treasure collection buried in the sand on our doorstep. What are the odds?

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Antonia: Well done, Nutmeg. That excellent pint of rare rainbow milk is sure to win a ribbon for Carson. You’re the best cow, ever!
Nutmeg: Moo!

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Nova: Sure of a ribbon, Carson looks calmly at the other entries. Normal qualities of merely Uncommon milk. He is not so calm later when the fair closes and he is awarded nothing! And the excellent-quality, rare rainbow milk has disappeared! Maybe it will reappear but he suspects foul-play!

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Nova: Foul play is also suspected as these 5 children are all good friends with our Antonia yet none of them count towards her Social 3 child friends count! The odds are stacked against us folks! Maybe it’s that creepy teen – Quentin. What’s he doing hanging round a load of younger children?

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Nova: In other news, I became an elder again. It’s OK. I rest more and I’m not so quick. But I am beloved and that counts for a lot.

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Status: Week 43, Autumn; Year 11
Cat: Nova; Female German Rex; Life 8; Elder; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy

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Completed Aspirations
Museum Collections
Current Household: Admiral's Wreckage, Sulani
Generation 6
: Spellcaster Adult (of Mac & Madilyn); Lazy, Cat-Lover, Bookworm; Aspiration - Lord of the Knits; Bestselling Author
Janet: Young Adult (of Mac & Madilyn); Lazy, Snob, Child of the Ocean; Collection – Ancient Omniscan Artifacts; Aspiration - Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru; Collection – Buried Treasure
Generation 7
: Child (of Chartreux & Veer); Cat-Lover

L-to-R: Janet, Antonia holding Nova, Carson
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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.5: Island Farming (9-Apr-23)
« Reply #245 on: April 09, 2023, 07:32:35 AM »
I just started reading this and plan to come back. I love Nova -- what a great narrator she is! And poor Joy, dying of hysteria.
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Online PeregrineTook

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.5: Island Farming (9-Apr-23)
« Reply #246 on: April 09, 2023, 09:11:00 AM »
It's just so funny to see the farm being run by people in their beachwear!  It's like some weird reality show gimmick or something  ;=)
Yes, you were definitely sabotaged!  Some evil force is working against Nova, and it's probably creeper teen Quentin.  How dare he?!?!?
Well, best of luck on completing the fair awards collection despite Quentin's best evil efforts!

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.5: Island Farming (9-Apr-23)
« Reply #247 on: April 09, 2023, 09:59:56 AM »
Yeah I've had milk disappear like that too.
I've also discovered that that small-town contest isn't exactly fair, and it's as much about how much the judge-- the town Mayor-- likes you.  So it's important to become friends and butter her up.  "Attempt to Bribe" might work, or it might backfire on you.

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.5: Island Farming (9-Apr-23)
« Reply #248 on: April 09, 2023, 10:52:15 AM »
Good luck with the fair ribbon collection!  My good friend and I have never managed to earn 1st place in the Pie Competition.
On the other hand, another good friend won first place by entering a pie she received from an errand.
Looking forward to see how that goes for you!  :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.5: Island Farming (9-Apr-23)
« Reply #249 on: April 09, 2023, 02:14:18 PM »
I just started reading this and plan to come back. I love Nova -- what a great narrator she is! And poor Joy, dying of hysteria.
Ah, Joy! She gave us a good start but was with us for such a short time. (Sniff)
It's just so funny to see the farm being run by people in their beachwear!  It's like some weird reality show gimmick or something  ;=)
Yes, you were definitely sabotaged!  Some evil force is working against Nova, and it's probably creeper teen Quentin.  How dare he?!?!?
Well, best of luck on completing the fair awards collection despite Quentin's best evil efforts!
If Quentin's there next week as well, there's going to be WORDS!
Yeah I've had milk disappear like that too.
I've also discovered that that small-town contest isn't exactly fair, and it's as much about how much the judge-- the town Mayor-- likes you.  So it's important to become friends and butter her up.  "Attempt to Bribe" might work, or it might backfire on you.
Good plan. It's super-sized veg & more pies next week. The family have been perfecting produce to make the best pie ever. There wasn't room to document it but Carson and Antonia send Janet off snorkelling so they can fish without her knowing. Then Carson uses the fish to fertilize the plants under the cover of darkness. Plus no pumpkin in the history of pumpkins has ever had the love and attention that ours has. I've got everything crossed for next week and we'll butter up the mayor too ;)
Good luck with the fair ribbon collection!  My good friend and I have never managed to earn 1st place in the Pie Competition.
On the other hand, another good friend won first place by entering a pie she received from an errand.
Looking forward to see how that goes for you!  :D
I'll give each round a fair shot but we'll move on to other matters if there's no luck. Only 3 were needed for the Big Dreams dynasty because I did succeed then... :)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.5: Island Farming (9-Apr-23)
« Reply #250 on: April 10, 2023, 10:53:11 AM »

How gracious of Nova to allow her family to spend time with other, lesser species of animals!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.6: Quentin Strikes Again
« Reply #251 on: April 10, 2023, 03:36:43 PM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.6: Quentin Strikes Again

Nova: The Festival of Youth seems like a good place to visit. Janet & Carson both bless our young Antonia.

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Nova: Antonia decides that she wants to collect the Simmies and tries to buy 3. She can’t believe that the machine would eat her money.

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Nova: Janet, being more proactive, soon gets the last Simmie that Antonia has paid for. Shaking machines might teach them to be more helpful in the future.

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Nova: Carson completes one of the collections. The microscope prints make a fine display.

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Nova: He celebrates by buying a llama but it’s Janet that is going to care for it.

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Nova: It’s the day before Antonia’s birthday so we invite all her friends round for dinner. They’re all happy to see her. They play Don’t Wake the Llama and there’s lots of hugs. But she still doesn’t have 3 friends for her aspiration.

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Nova: She does become my youngest ever companion. She can’t be branded until after her birthday but we are very pleased with her devotion.

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Nova: Carson is so pleased that he knits her a birthday gift.

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Antonia: Really? This is really for me?
Carson: You deserve it, kid.
Antonia: But I thought Janet was looking after the llama.
Carson: She’s got enough to do. She hasn’t even found time to name him.
Antonia: Thank you. Oh, thank you! I shall call him Llantonio. And he’ll be the best llama ever!

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Nova: We go to Chez Llama for Antonia’s birthday. It’s a bit cool for formal wear but we get through it.

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Waitress: What sort of formal wear is that?
Antonia: Well – I thought I’d try it.
Waitress: I think you should try something else.
Antonia: When I get home.

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Nova: Oh no! Albert – our famous actor companion. I’m always sad to lose any of my companions. Mac went last week and now it’s Albert’s time. It’s nearly my time but not just yet.

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Nova: When Antonia comes home from her first day of high school and tells us about some of her classmates, Janet decides to take things into her own hands and invites certain people over. Yes, she knows them already!

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Hidekai: But why do I have to age up?
Janet: You were in High School when I was there. And when my dad was there. And when my grandad was there! You and Yorrick and Braylee. It’s time!
Hidekai: OK….

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Carson: Hey Mr Mayor! Happy New Year.
Mayor: Happy New Year, sir. I see your pumpkin is the only truly over-sized vegetable entered. You win the prize.
Carson: And my excellent apple pie, made with perfect apples?
Mayor: Ah, well, Quentin made an essence of cowplant pie. Quite remarkable!
Carson: But only normal quality!
Mayor: Be reasonable, sir. You’ve got one red ribbon today!
Carson: Hmph!

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Status: Week 44, Winter; Year 11
Cat: Nova; Female German Rex; Life 8; Elder; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy

Nova: I don't like the rabbits and usually hiss at them. Abalone here is being far too familiar!
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Cat Companions
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Completed Aspirations
Museum Collections
Current Household: Admiral’s Wreckage, Sulani
Generation 6
: Spellcaster Adult (of Mac & Madilyn); Lazy, Cat-Lover, Bookworm; Aspirations - Lord of the Knits, Bestselling Author; Collection – Microscope Prints
Janet: Young Adult (of Mac & Madilyn); Lazy, Snob, Child of the Ocean; Collection – Ancient Omniscan Artifacts; Aspiration - Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru; Collection – Buried Treasure
Generation 7
: Teen (of Chartreux & Veer); Cat-Lover, Animal Enthusiast

L-to-R: Janet, Antonia holding Nova, Carson
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I gave all the family work overalls for everyday wear but the only one available for Carson with sleeves short enough to show his cat tattoo is the gardener one. It's a bit confusing so it might get ditched soon.

The essence of cowplant pie really was made by Quentin but he was nowhere to be seen. Hiding, no doubt, the sneak!

Offline GlazeyLady

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I've finally just caught up, and you're nearly finished! I'm not typically a cat-fan, but I do like Nova and her view of the world, as told through her narration. Quite a fresh way to look at things. You've done such a great job with this dynasty, adding so much more than needed to be done. Kudos!
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Offline Granny Lawlor

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I've finally just caught up, and you're nearly finished! I'm not typically a cat-fan, but I do like Nova and her view of the world, as told through her narration. Quite a fresh way to look at things. You've done such a great job with this dynasty, adding so much more than needed to be done. Kudos!
Thank you for your encouragement.
I'm allergic to both cats and dogs irl but grew up with dogs. I'd done nothing with cats in Sims before this so it's been fun getting to know them.
The challenge doesn't allow them to have kittens in-house so it would have been fun to have had a male to create out-of-house cat generations too.
Having Nova narrate this has meant it stays focused on her as she directs things. I guess that makes her an extension of me as Watcher, lol!

Online PeregrineTook

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Curse that Quentin!!  He's certainly making himself a nemesis for you!
Llantonio and Antonia.  That's pretty great!
It was so kind of Janet to beat up the vending machine on Antonia's behalf.  I imagine tiny little Antonia wouldn't have even been able to budge it if she'd thrown her whole weight at it!

