A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 8.4: Nova’s FollyNova: The week begins with a normal/not-normal trip. I get my regular urges and Carson, the Lazy Tom, takes me to the Salty Paws Bar. Before a suitable mate appears in the neighbourhood, I suddenly feel very strained. I look around for the Man in Black but he’s not here and I start to relax. Rusty is quite suitable for my needs and then I bump into this mutt carrying a present back to his owner. What an outfit! What a joker!
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Nova: Janet, the Posh Princess, takes us many times to the Calm Place. She’s done 20 services for various customers here and gets her Self-Care Specialist aspiration. I’m sure I’ve seen that customer a lot over the years and she never ages.
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Carson: Mum thought it would be a good idea so I’ve hunted out Great Great Grandfather Simba’s science gadgets and I found it. I found this Wormhole Generator. We can travel to Sixam with it. We would meet more of Mum's people.
Janet: I don’t know. Is it safe?
Carson: There’s a calibration option. Try that.
Janet: Hm. I just twiddle this screw? I don’t really know what I’m doing, Carson.
Carson: It’s an adventure! Maybe Theodore would be there.
Janet: He hasn’t been in touch for a while… I hope he’s OK. Right – let’s do this. Me first!
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Nova: I don’t know why I’m here. I hate Sixam. No prowling, no comfy sofas. Besides, there’s no aliens around for our Posh Princess to meet. She decides now is a good time to start playing the guitar. It’s not a good sound but I suppose it’s one way to pass the time. The Lazy Tom goes digging up minerals but doesn’t find any new ones.
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Janet: Theodore?
Theodore: Oh, hi Janet.
Janet: I’ve missed you. Where have you been?
Theodore: Oh – you know – here and there. Is that the time? I need to get home.
Janet: I thought this was your home.
Theodore: I’ll call you…
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Nova: Back at the Calm Place, the Posh Princess keeps her hand in by doing hand massages while waiting to lead a yoga class. I don’t know why she agreed to serve this customer. She stiffed her on the payment last time, claiming it was no good. It looks like she’s doing the same today.
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Janet: Oh really! I’m a top level Wellness practitioner and you just got the best hand massage of your life, you cheapskate! You think, because we’re all nice and calm and affirming in here that you can walk all over us but I’m not going to be a doormat! As it happens, I’ve just been ghosted by someone I thought was going to be that special someone and I’m not feeling very nice and calm and affirming. We’ve been clearing out our family inventory and I’d like you to meet my little friend!
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Janet: I don’t know, Carson. I’ve just completed my Zen Guru aspiration, I should feel happy but I got banned from the spa… I don’t seem to have any purpose any more.
Carson: Me neither. But you know, I found the deeds to a family shop at Magnolia Promenade. It might be a laugh and we could clear our inventory of all those surplus items.
Janet: A laugh? OK, let’s have a go. It would be good to get rid of those mounted fish we don’t need.
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Nova: The Lazy Tom and the Posh Princess spend a whole day at the shop and sold one item. It’s a slow way to clear the inventory and they’re not impressed. They’ve sold the shop.
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Nova: I’m sitting here looking back at all the places that I’ve spent time in. Well, the first nine anyway. I’ve had fun with this family over the years but I do like Sulani the best. I’ve heard that someone’s built a folly on the Admiral’s Wreckage site and then abandoned it. Do you remember the Admiral’s Wreckage? It was where the Cockney Princess and the French Princess hid Spot and Orion, the aliens, from their father Simba who’d become a mad scientist and wanted to experiment on them. I wonder if it’s time to move again…
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Carson: What do you think?
Janet: I don’t understand why we can’t leave the museum things here?
Carson: Nova wants them close so that she can enjoy them.
Janet: Those poor fish… and the frogs…I just want to let them out, to be free…
Carson: We’ll put them where they won’t bother you. We’ll sell all the spares through an agent. Nova says this new place is amazing and you’ll be nearer the ocean. You know you’ll like that.
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Janet: Oh, Carson, it’s like some ancient monument.
Carson: And yet it wasn’t here a moment ago…
Watcher: Don’t tear down the 4th wall, Carson.
Carson: Sorry.
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Carson: Hey – didn’t I meet you at the Romance Festival. A tall dark stranger.
Andy: Are you stalking me? I’m non-committal, you know!
Carson: Nice to meet you, anyway.
Andy: I live alone, up near the volcano. I don’t have visitors.
Carson: You came down to welcome us, remember?
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Nova: The Posh Princess does indeed like being here and starts a campaign to find the last 2 items of buried treasure. There’s lots of beach-combing and she goes free-diving for treasure every day. She did explore the cave a couple of times but it makes her too playful.
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Nova: She also hosts a Kava Party. Her brother - teenage Jonesy - comes. He’s turned into a Goofball so he gets invited to join the family club. Now he can visit but won’t prank the loos.
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Nova: The Posh Princess takes me for another romantic excursion. The urges seem to come over me all the time at the moment. There’s no-one interesting so she brings me home. It’s probably just as well as I come down with some disease, which the Lazy Tom cures. I’m glad I didn’t pass it on to any other cats!
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Nova: The Lazy Tom matures into a full adult and asks for a cow for his birthday. I’m dubious about how it will be with no grass to chew but the family club fall over themselves to pet and clean and feed her. Attentions they should be giving to me! I’m very dubious about the cow but the Lazy Tom insists it will give him ribbons. I thought they gave milk!
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Carson: Look, Janet! Look at what this does!
Janet: Not more of Simba’s gadgets. Go on then, show me what it does.
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Janet: Is that it?
Carson: Well it didn’t work that time. But it cloned the crystal properly before.
Janet: Really? That looks like a worthless cube of nothing.
Carson: We can clone anything. The possibilities are endless.
Janet: What else did you have in mind? A worthless sphere of nothing?
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Nova: Saturday comes and the Lazy Tom creates some excellent chocolate syrup, using it to make an excellent Chocolate Pie. It gets submitted at the Finchwick Fair along with a perfect nuzzlenip. Both entries are far superior to any other entries but only the nuzzlenip wins. That’s 2 ribbons we have now. Seema got one for Semolina back when we were living in the HOB.
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Nova: And who’s this young, blue, Cat-Loving princess? Antonia – Chartreux’s first born with Veer. We like her. We like her a lot!
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Status: Week 42, Summer; Year 11Cat: Nova; Female German Rex; Life 8; Adult; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy
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• Adoption requirement - Founder had level 9 Veterinarian;
• 1st resurrection - 900 Achievement Points
• 2nd resurrection - 900k Simoleans
• 3rd resurrection - 9 unique adult aspirations
• 4th resurrection - 9 Good Friends within household
• 9 each A’s/part-time jobs/scouting badges
• Spend 24+ consecutive hours in 9 different worlds (Oasis Springs, Mt Komorebi, San Myshuno, Granite Falls, Evergreen Harbour, Willow Creek, Copperdale, Britechester, Sulani)
• Cure your pet of 9 illnesses (Frozen Mange, Overheated Sniffer, 2 Squirrel Bites, 1 unidentified – cured by Wellness treat, Sizzlepaw, Winterfest Fever, Gilded Gut, Prismatic Poop Plague)
• 9k Simstagram followers
Museum Items:
• feathers sculpture
• 9 unique mounted fish;
• 9 unique frogs
• 9 pet treats made by a household member (Joy/Simba)
• 9 animal sculptures all made by Don
• 9 unique level 9 career rewards
• 9 perfect nip plants
• 9 photos of cat in each of the 9 different worlds from requirement
• 8/9 paintings (8 lives)
Cat CompanionsGeneration 1
Founder: Joy Leonine; achieved adoption requirement
Don Lothario (spouse to Joy); part-time jobs completed – 5
Dina Caliente (fiancé to widowed Don); aspirations achieved – Master Mixologist
Generation 2
TC (of Joy & Don): 2 As in school
Benny (of Joy & Don): 2 As in school
Simba Leonine (of Joy & Don): 2 As in school; Nerd Brain, Leader of the Pack, Fabulously Wealthy, City Native, Curator; Collection completed - feathers
Complete Bonus collections: Snow Globes; City Posters; Frogs; My Sims Trophies
Fasa Leonine (of Joy & Don): 2 As in school; Aspirations achieved - Angling Ace, Freelance Botanist, Renaissance Sim, Friend of the World, Painter Extraordinaire; topped Detective
Complete Bonus collections: Postcards
Felicia Bheeda (spouse to Fasa): Aspirations achieved – Outdoor Enthusiast
Generation 3
Fancy-Fancy Leonine (of Fasa & Felicia): 2 As
Orion Leonine (of Simba by alien abduction): Alien; 2 As
Spot Leonine(of Simba by alien abduction): Alien; 2 As; Soulmate; Collections - Geodes
Seema Raghavan (Spouse to Spot): Strangerville Mystery, Super Parent, Big Happy Family, Country Caretaker
Choo-Choo Leonine (of Fasa & Felicia): 2 As; Goal Oriented, Beach Life, Academic, Lady of the Knits; Bonus Collections: Space Rocks, Crystals, Elements, Shells
Generation 4
Mistoffolees Leonine: Alien hybrid Spellcaster (of Spot & Seema); 2 As; Spellcraft & Sorcery, Purveyor of Potions, Master Maker, Successful Lineage; Collections – Aliens, Message Bottles
Jennie Leonine: (of Choo-Choo & Father Winter’s Baby); 2 As
Spook Leonine: Alien hybrid (of Spot & Seema); 2 As
Duchess Leonine: Alien hybrid (of Spot & Seema)
Albert Leonine: (of Choo-Choo & Father Winter’s Baby); 2 As; Master Actor
Generation 5
Marie Leonine: Spellcaster (of Toff & Jennie); 2 As; Admired Icon, Musical Genius, Master Chef
Norah Leonine: Hybrid (of Spook & Isla); 2 A (Hons); Drama Llama, Serial Romantic, Computer Whiz, Party Animal
Mac Leonine: (of Toff by alien abduction); 2 As; Chief of Mischief, Public Enemy; Space Prints
Madilyn Hassan: Alien (spouse of Mac)
Roxanne Leonine: Hybrid Adult (of Albert & Cherish) : Outgoing, Adventurous, Perfectionist; Mt Komorebi Sightseer, Eco-Innovator
Generation 6
Chloe Leonine: Hybrid (of Norah & Kateru); 2 A; Joke Star; Jungle Explorer
Pixel Leonine: (of Mac by alien abduction) Bonus Collection – Decorative Eggs
Chartreux Leonine: Hybrid (of Norah & Kateru); Cat-Lover, Genius, Loves Outdoors; 2 As; Archaeology Scholar; World-Famous Celebrity
Jonesy: (of Mac & Madilyn)
Completed Aspirations Museum CollectionsCurrent Household: Chieftan’s Villa, Sulani
Generation 6
Carson: Spellcaster Young Adult (of Mac & Madilyn); Lazy, Cat-Lover, Bookworm; Aspiration - Lord of the Knits; Bestselling Author
Janet: Young Adult (of Mac & Madilyn); Lazy, Snob, Child of the Ocean; Collection – Ancient Omniscan Artifacts; Aspiration - Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru
L-to-R: Carson holding Nova, Janet
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NotesI spent quite a while crafting Nova’s Folly. It’s my most ambitious build to date and is really only a shell, based on artist impressions of what the Hanging Gardens of Babylon might have looked like. I could only put a fountain on the ground level and then there are swimming pools on the upper levels to look like a series of waterfalls.
It’s not perfect but it’s nearly what I was aiming for. I wanted something special for Nova’s last incarnation and my current plan is that this is the final lot… Nova and her family do get a bit lost in it so I might restrict access to the upper floors.
So I had a plan for the household but the appearance of Cat-Loving Antonia might just change that. What do we think? Would she like to move into Nova’s Folly? After all, Chartreux is now struggling with a set of twin girl infants and my plans could be adapted…