Author Topic: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) Complete  (Read 73001 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 4.4.b: To Look At The Queen
« Reply #90 on: February 09, 2023, 08:56:16 AM »
The sunflowers in the lightwell look fantastic!
Are you having fun with self-absorbed, over-achieving Seema?  Looks like you are!
Could you tell us what Spot's hair color is? Why does Mistoffeles have black hair?
(Sorry, I'm troubleshooting my own black-haired toddler issue, haha.)

How curious that Nova's Simstagram follower gain ranges from 10 to 100. Do let us know what the determining factors are!
P.S. Crossing my fingers for Seema/Orion to have a gingerboo.
Thank you re the light well comment - I learned from the best ;)

Seema is an amalgam of a few people I know...this forum is for therapy, right? lol

Spot's human hair colour under the dye-job is red - one in from the right on the tints chart (no mods). I changed Seema's hair to the same on entry to the house because I would have liked Toff to be a red-head and sometime that counts. Her in-coming hair-colour was a light brown.

Orion's human hair is the same as Spots. Tess's human hair is mid-brown, 4 in from the left on the tints chart and sadly, so is their son Vasyl's. Spot keeps suggesting they expand the family!

Research into Pet Simstagram is ongoing & frustrating!

[edited] I got confused and forgot that Choo-Choo, Jennie's mother has black hair so hers is parental. Also Spot & Seema's 2nd child has aged up into a red-headed toddler

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 4.4.b: To Look At The Queen
« Reply #91 on: February 09, 2023, 08:58:39 AM »
Haha, the bit about Seema being "insecure" was pretty great.  She is a ridiculously over the top character!
I also really liked the bit where Jennie was teaching Toff about the value of asking "Why?"  :=)
Some really fun things happening in this dynasty and I'm looking forward to seeing how the amazing Seema's ambitions to become Saviour of Strangerville go  :=)
I'm girding my loins for the plumbing issues that will start when Seema gets to the next stage of the mystery (shudders). At least everyone will get their handiness skills up!

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 4.5: Raining Cats & Dogs
« Reply #92 on: February 10, 2023, 04:27:55 AM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 4.5: Raining Cats & Dogs

Nova: Welcome to the Winter of discontent. I am not happy. Can you see the sky in this picture? It’s weird, right? And the weather we’ve been getting? Very odd. I also became an Elder this week which Watcher totally forgot to capture. She’s very busy and it’s all Seema’s fault.

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Nova: The week starts well with little Jennie aging up.
Jennie: Hey – look at that! My sleepsuit is purple already. I love purple and the rest of my wardrobe will get changed for that.
Watcher: Jolly good. That helps the readers, you know.
Seema: Are you sure you don’t want to wear greens and browns, like me? We’d look better together and I have adopted you as a care-dependent, after all.
Jennie: Nah – I’m good, thanks anyway.

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Jennie: Come on, Nova. You want to accept my friendship. I know you do.
Nova: A treat for me? Oh go on then.

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Seema: Hello little Spook. Another greenie to add to my boys. I’ve already maxed my parenting skills so you have got the best mama ever!
Spook: Gurgle

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Spot: That’s it, Toff, spread your arms.
Mistoffelees: Yay! More!
Spot: That’s enough for now. You’re a top-notch toddler, if Watcher remembers to adjust it for the bug.
Watcher: Oops – I’ll get on that.
Spot: Time to blow out the candles
Seema: Of course our first-born is top-notch. I know I adopted Jennie but she was only a happy toddler. There’s only so much an adoptive parent can do when they don’t carry my genes. Spook will be top-notch too, of course.
Spot: Happy birthday, son.
Mistoffelees: Thanks Dad.

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Seema: Let’s get through this book children. All those hours I read to you Mistoffelees! You’d think you’d count that in your Whiz Kid 2 hours.
Chaya: Are you sure it was Toff you were reading to? You’re always here and there.
Seema: Well, Chaya, let me give you a few parenting tips. You never know, you might get lucky and become a parent yourself.
Chaya: Not if this family keeps inviting me over all the time. I see you’ve cut Tess loose.
Seema: She was another Kleptomaniac like Fancy-Fancy. I couldn’t watch her all the time. Besides I told her she needed to stay home and look after Orion’s toddler, Vasyl. He was spending all his time at daycare!

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Seema: Oh, Nova, you’ve followed me here.
Nova: Meow!

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Seema: Maybe I should just take you home.
Nova: No! You need to get on with this investigation. Everything’s going to pot since you started it. Now get in there and do the next stage. I know it’s a bit painstaking at this point but there’s no short cut!
Seema: Oh, Nova. Sometimes it seems like you’re trying to tell me something.
Nova: Meow!

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Sergeant: Why should I help you?
Seema: Look how impressive I am!
Sergeant: Call that impressive! Don’t make me laugh.
Seema: Oh, alright then. Here’s a bribe!

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Spot: Happy birthday, little Spook.
Chaya: And Seema’s nowhere in sight?
Spot: She’s busy doing….stuff. Hey, little buddy, I like your outfit.
Chaya: Yeah but Seema won’t leave it like that for long. I see you’re wearing your only “rebellious” blue outfit while she’s not here.
Spot: It’s just easier to keep her happy.
Spook: Gurgle

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Status: Week 20, Winter; Year 5
Cat: Nova; Female German Rex; Life 4; Elder; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy

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Current Household: Old Penelope, Strangerville
Generation 3
Choo-Choo Leonine
: Young Adult; Good, Socially Awkward, Family Oriented; 2 As; Aspirations achieved – Goal Oriented, Beach Life, Academic
Bonus Collection: Space Rocks, Crystals
Spot Leonine: Alien Young Adult; Bookworm, Loves Outdoors, Cat-Lover; 2 As
Seema Raghavan: Young Adult; Self-Absorbed, Animal Enthusiast, Over-Achiever

Generation 4
Jennie Leonine
: Father Winter’s Baby; Child; Cat-Lover
Mistoffolees Leonine: Alien Child; Neat
Spook Leonine: Alien Toddler

L-to-R: Mistoffelees, Jennie, Choo-Choo, Spot holding Spook, Seema
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Spook is named for another member of Top Cat’s gang.

Nova got Prismatic Poop Plague in this episode - not a very visible condition and the litter tray zapped the rainbow poop she produced before I could snap it. That completes all requirements barring the simstagram (sigh) I’ve given up trying to get better responses for Simstagramming Nova as I haven’t got any decent ones since I started focussing on it. I’ll just keep doing them and try to check which ones get good numbers. The upshot of all the simstagrams is that I have plenty of choice of photos for this thread.

Apologies if you were hoping for some dogs in this episode. The title seemed apt from the strange weather that the family are currently experiencing.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 4.5: Raining Cats & Dogs
« Reply #93 on: February 10, 2023, 07:12:27 AM »
I did come into the update wondering how dogs were going to fit in/show up, but honestly, I'd forgotten about the title by the end and only remembered because of your footnote  ;=)
The rebellious blue outfit was a pretty funny touch.  It's so nice how Spot tries to keep Seema happy.  Hopefully, her being happy maybe makes him happy?
And how nice that Chaya gets more screen time as the new club member and gets to give us some commentary on the family.  Always fun to ahve those characters who can be our own little narrative devices  :=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 4.5: Raining Cats & Dogs
« Reply #94 on: February 10, 2023, 04:08:06 PM »
Oh, lucky Watcher with two redheaded alien hybrids!  I'm so jelly!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 4.5: Raining Cats & Dogs
« Reply #95 on: February 11, 2023, 10:38:06 AM »
Oh, lucky Watcher with two redheaded alien hybrids!  I'm so jelly!
I confess I changed Toff's hair colour from black but Spooks is unmodified. I hesitate to say "naturally" red for an alien-human hybrid in a computer game, lol.

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 4.5: Raining Cats & Dogs
« Reply #96 on: February 11, 2023, 10:40:22 AM »
I did come into the update wondering how dogs were going to fit in/show up, but honestly, I'd forgotten about the title by the end and only remembered because of your footnote  ;=)
The rebellious blue outfit was a pretty funny touch.  It's so nice how Spot tries to keep Seema happy.  Hopefully, her being happy maybe makes him happy?
And how nice that Chaya gets more screen time as the new club member and gets to give us some commentary on the family.  Always fun to ahve those characters who can be our own little narrative devices  :=)
Spot is generally quite content and totally smitten with Seema so he doesn't see half of her issues. He started off with red clothes, compared to brother Orion's blue but now I've got totally distracted and don't know what he's wearing half the time.

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.1: Jokers To The Right
« Reply #97 on: February 11, 2023, 12:23:56 PM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.1: Jokers To The Right

Seema: I’d better narrate this weeks tale since it mainly revolves around me. There was a bit of a kerfuffle at the start because while I was trying to solve the Strangerville Mystery, we all forgot Choo-Choo’s birthday.

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Seema: I very thoughtfully gave her a gift, I can’t remember what.
Choo-Choo: Ta!
Seema: A little ungrateful, I thought.
Choo-Choo: You were the last to give me anything. Anyway how did the mission go?
Seema: Enough of me…moving on…

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Seema: My next attempt at solving our neighbourhood issues went much better. I now have bragging rights. I really do. It’s a thing and no-one can stop me telling of my heroic adventures.

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Seema: I had some help of course. Fancy-Fancy – she helped me last time

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Seema: Choo-Choo did too.

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Chaya: Hey – where’s my photo?
Seema: It didn’t come out – something to do with the flash.
Chaya: But I should have bragging rights too. You had the hazmat suit on but me and the others had nothing to protect us.
Seema: I was the one up close and personal!
Chaya: I want my photo!
Seema: Well, if you insist!
Chaya: You did that on purpose!
Seema: I wouldn’t take the time, dear.

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Seema: One aspiration down and time to work on my next. Date night it is! But oh no! It seems it’s Nova’s 1,2,3, fourth time to pass away. Fortunately Spot and I had already completed our tasks so we got a gold anyway.

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Seema: Time for another date!
Watcher: Sorry, Seema, no. We’ve got Soulmate now, thanks to Spot. You focus on the children.
Seema: But I was going to do Soulmate. How did Spot get ahead of me?
Watcher: He had a few dates before you came along…
Seema: Other dates? That's news to me!

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Choo-Choo: Your ma’s at work Spook and you’re already an ‘appy Toddler. You’re gonna age up without a cake if we’re not careful. Come on, where’s your puff?

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Spook: Where’s Mum?
Mistoffelees: She’s off doing something. You need to get playful.
Spook: But we’re all sad about Nova.
Mistoffelees: Let me tell you a joke about….
Spook: OK, I guess that’s funny.
Mistoffelees: and that earns me another Scout badge.

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Mistoffelees: The readers’ll want to see how similar we are. My hair’s really black but we made it orange. Yours is bright red!
Spook: Our faces are different too. How come we don’t have disguises?
Mistoffelees: I think it’s cos we’re neither one thing or the other. How come you’re getting away without Mum changing your clothes?
Spook: She keeps trying but I just run around and she can’t catch me. Then she starts laughing so…
Mistofelees: Hm – maybe I’ll try that!

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Seema: Late on Thursday night, Nova makes her appearance. Choo-Choo does the deed with the ambrosia and 2 age-down treats and so we have kitten Nova back with us. Everyone is very happy to see her. I did miss her. It’s hard not having any animals around when you’re an animal-enthusiast like me.

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Seema: Those scamps keep aging up while I’m distracted. Jennie and Mistoffelees aged up just as I was about to go to work. I was annoyed about it but then Spot suggested we all go off to explore Selvadorada. We’re having lots of fun here but I really must change the boys wardrobes when we get back. I wonder if Spot wants to try for another baby…

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Status: Week 21, Spring; Year 6
Cat: Nova; Female German Rex; Life 5; Kitten; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy

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Current Household: Old Penelope, Strangerville
Generation 3
Choo-Choo Leonine
: Adult; Good, Socially Awkward, Family Oriented; 2 As; Aspirations achieved – Goal Oriented, Beach Life, Academic
Bonus Collection: Space Rocks, Crystals
Spot Leonine: Alien Young Adult; Bookworm, Loves Outdoors, Cat-Lover; 2 As; Soulmate
Seema Raghavan: Young Adult; Self-Absorbed, Animal Enthusiast, Over-Achiever; Strangerville Mystery

Generation 4
Jennie Leonine
: Father Winter’s Baby; Teen; Cat-Lover, Good
Mistoffolees Leonine: Alien hybrid; Child; Neat, Bookworm
Spook Leonine: Alien hybrid; Child; Loves Outdoors

L-to-R: Jennie, Spot, Spook holding Nova, Choo-Choo, Seema, Mistoffelees
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And so we reach Nova’s middle life, hence the title
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Seema took 2 attempts to finish the Strangerville Mystery. Orion’s spouse Tess was part of both teams but just ran off – twice!
Both Seema and Spot would like to try for a baby. I’m keeping them distracted for now…

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.1: Jokers To The Right
« Reply #98 on: February 11, 2023, 07:17:40 PM »
Thank you for explaining that you changed Mist's black hair to red.
Makes Bronson and I feel slightly less frustrated about my NSB's lack of redheads. 
I think the problem is Ai's cc hair, actually, but--in your case as well--two redheaded parents shouldn't have produced a black-haired Mist.

Kitty Nova (last image) is so adorable!

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.1: Jokers To The Right
« Reply #99 on: February 12, 2023, 02:50:11 AM »
Thank you for explaining that you changed Mist's black hair to red.
Makes Bronson and I feel slightly less frustrated about my NSB's lack of redheads. 
I think the problem is Ai's cc hair, actually, but--in your case as well--two redheaded parents shouldn't have produced a black-haired Mist.

Kitty Nova (last image) is so adorable!
Nova thanks you for the compliment.  She's feeling a bit left out while seema keeps stealing the limelight. there a black hair glitch? Maybe I should let Spot & Seema follow their whims to have another nooboo. After all, Seema is trying for all the human parenting aspirations...

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.1: Jokers To The Right
« Reply #100 on: February 13, 2023, 06:59:30 AM »
Seema hijacked the narration?  Poor Nova!!
Another lovely update and it's good to see that the family is doing so well.  I actually thought Seema might get a bit more bent out of shape when she heard about the other dates that had happened before she came along, but she was shockingly cool about it.  Look how she's maturing  :=)

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.2: Things to Chase
« Reply #101 on: February 18, 2023, 11:15:08 AM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.2: Things to Chase

Nova: Remember where we were at the end of last week? Selvadorada, yes! I loved it here once Watcher decided it was safe for me to prowl.

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Nova: Spot taught Spook how to fish which they both loved as they both like being outdoors.

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Nova: Seema ran around the jungle barefoot and found lots of interesting things. She found some curses as well but a simple donation to the market place statue seemed to get rid of most things.

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Nova: Spot became more adult while we were there.

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Nova: Seema and Spot enjoyed a romantic time at one end of the table while the teens chatted at the other. They seemed romantic too. Aren’t they cousins?
Watcher: Second cousins
Nova: Ah – that’s OK then.

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Nova: After I age up to an adult, Seema decides that getting the random spoiled cupcake in the post is not sufficient reward for being the hero she is and so she is pursuing a new interest.

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Seema: See – I’m right! This is the perfect place to build a self-sufficient homestead.
Spot: Self-sufficient? But my job?
Seema: You’ll be too busy to go out to work, Spot. We’ll need all hands on deck with the animal care and gardening.
Spot: Oh, OK.
Seema: The teens too – it’ll keep them out of trouble as they’ve graduated early.
Jennie: But I want to be a vet.
Seema: You’ll be looking after the animals here, instead.

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Orion: Hi, Nova, what are you looking at?
Nova: What’s this for?
Orion: Seema’s having a cow?
Nova: Is that a euphemism?
Orion: No, she really is getting a cow, called Semolina.

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Nova: Chickens
Spook: Cockerel
Nova: They look fun to chase…

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Seema: I knew with my help, you’d get your A quickly. Happy Birthday, Spook.
Spot: Well done, son.
Spook: I’m going to work really hard and get my High School A quickly too!

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Watcher: I don’t think you need to use your bike for this trip. It’s only just over the bridge.
Choo-Choo: You bought us all bikes, me old mucker. It’s better than Shanks’ pony

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Nova: Seema found even more things for me to chase and brought them to help in the garden

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Nova: But she isn’t having it all her own way. The Cockney Princess also wants to be a vet and is very willing to train up daughter Jennie so they buy the veterinary hospital in Brindleton Bay. They’ve only got 1.5 stars after their first session but it looks promising. There’s lots for me to do there so I’m very happy to help out.

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Nova: Mistoffelees takes Jennie to his favourite place, the library, to discuss things on their own, without Seema interfering. When they come back they quickly age-up using Spook’s day-old birthday cake.

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Nova: It’s Jennie that has the awkward conversation with Seema and asks for her blessing. Seema had high hopes of an advantageous match for Toff but Jennie reminds her of the desire for a child to get married to sweeten the deal. Seema was already distracted by Spook somehow getting an A without ever going to High School so he graduated early as well. The wishing well sure has some strange consequences.

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Nova: I give my approval too. I think they make an excellent couple.

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Nova: Toff decides to seize the moment in the middle of the garden.

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Nova: To top off the excitement, Spook decides to age up and join the secret service so he really is a spook now! He’s become very erratic now but was very focussed when someone called Isla dropped round to see him.

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Nova: Very focussed indeed.
Semolina: Moo!

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Nova: And that brings this week to an end, with the Cockney Princess decorating a cake that will be needed on Sunday!

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Status: Week 22, Summer; Year 6
Cat: Nova; Female German Rex; Life 5; Adult; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy

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Current Household: Henford-in-Bagley
Generation 3
Choo-Choo Leonine
: Adult; Good, Socially Awkward, Family Oriented; 2 As; Aspirations achieved – Goal Oriented, Beach Life, Academic
Bonus Collection: Space Rocks, Crystals
Spot Leonine: Alien Adult; Bookworm, Loves Outdoors, Cat-Lover; 2 As; Soulmate
Seema Raghavan: Adult; Self-Absorbed, Animal Enthusiast, Over-Achiever; Strangerville Mystery

Generation 4
Jennie Leonine
: Father Winter’s Baby; Young Adult; Cat-Lover, Good, Cheerful
Mistoffolees Leonine: Alien hybrid; Young Adult; Neat, Bookworm, Recycle Disciple
Spook Leonine: Alien hybrid; Young Adult; Loves Outdoors, Overachiever, Erratic

L-to-R: Seema, Jennie, Choo-Choo holding Nova, Spot, Spook, Mistoffelees.
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A family tree of our founder Joy’s descendants showing the relationship between Jennie & Toff

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I showed my vet nurse daughter the veterinary hospital. She wasn’t impressed that I always take the temperature first as it stresses the patients irl. She advises less intrusive exams first – working nose to tail. She was very impressed that the patients hop on the exam table all by themselves as she has many minor scars from patients who are definitely not willing to do that.

A quick view of the new houseplan – no bedrooms as I use Rally The Troops constantly.

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Cockney Expressions
•   Mucker – affectionate derogative for friend
•   Shanks’ pony - walking

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.2: Things to Chase
« Reply #102 on: February 18, 2023, 11:00:49 PM »
Are the aspirations your sims are completing a part of the challenge requirements? Or are you doing them to pass the time?
Seema sure likes to move around, haha. The household seems to relocate quite often lately.
Thank you for sharing the family tree--when I saw the household photo, I could already not remember who Spot was, lol. Simba was busy!!!

The new house looks great!
My sims don't sleep much, either, but I still like to give them their own rooms. ;-)

Speaking of spooks, back when I used to watch TV, I used to love watching the British series "MI-5" (or was it "MI-T"?), which was called "Spooks" in the US.
It starred the pre-Darby Matthew McFadden when he still had a full head of hair, lol.

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.2: Things to Chase
« Reply #103 on: February 19, 2023, 02:11:43 AM »
I am doing aspirations to pass the time but not necessarily completing them. The same goes for various collections.
My main aim is to live in or holiday in all the world's I have available to me. It seemed an appropriate aim as 24 hours in 9 worlds is one of the requirements. Batuu is the only one Nova cant visit so I'm ignoring that one.
I'm saving the 3 new-to me ones for last as I'm a bit nervous about the vampires and werewolves. I can't have a household family member becoming a vampire as that would be a (disallowed) life extension. I don't think spellcasters or werewolves extend lives...

I enjoyed the first few series of Spooks. A family member was software spook (ie one of the geeks) for a very short contract which we didn't know about until ages after of course. I haven't seen MM as Darby but i liked hm as Mr Darcy to Kiera Knightly's Elizabeth.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.2: Things to Chase
« Reply #104 on: February 19, 2023, 09:07:49 AM »
Somehow Semolina's response of "Moo!" just struck me as ridiculously funny this morning!  That might be an indication that I'm just over tired, but I'm chalking it up as top notch bovine humor  ;=)
It's nice how you're able to use the freedom from having knocked out so many requirements so quickly to explore other features of the game.  I was going to say that I hope it becomes fun and not a grind, but then again, anything that does stop being fun, you don't have to do!  What glorious freedom!
How nice that Jennie gets her wish for a vet's office thanks to the Cockney princess!  I'm looking forward to seeing how things go there  :=)

