A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.2: Things to ChaseNova: Remember where we were at the end of last week? Selvadorada, yes! I loved it here once Watcher decided it was safe for me to prowl.
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Nova: Spot taught Spook how to fish which they both loved as they both like being outdoors.
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Nova: Seema ran around the jungle barefoot and found lots of interesting things. She found some curses as well but a simple donation to the market place statue seemed to get rid of most things.
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Nova: Spot became more adult while we were there.
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Nova: Seema and Spot enjoyed a romantic time at one end of the table while the teens chatted at the other. They seemed romantic too. Aren’t they cousins?
Watcher: Second cousins
Nova: Ah – that’s OK then.
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Nova: After I age up to an adult, Seema decides that getting the random spoiled cupcake in the post is not sufficient reward for being the hero she is and so she is pursuing a new interest.
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Seema: See – I’m right! This is the perfect place to build a self-sufficient homestead.
Spot: Self-sufficient? But my job?
Seema: You’ll be too busy to go out to work, Spot. We’ll need all hands on deck with the animal care and gardening.
Spot: Oh, OK.
Seema: The teens too – it’ll keep them out of trouble as they’ve graduated early.
Jennie: But I want to be a vet.
Seema: You’ll be looking after the animals here, instead.
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Orion: Hi, Nova, what are you looking at?
Nova: What’s this for?
Orion: Seema’s having a cow?
Nova: Is that a euphemism?
Orion: No, she really is getting a cow, called Semolina.
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Nova: Chickens
Spook: Cockerel
Nova: They look fun to chase…
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Seema: I knew with my help, you’d get your A quickly. Happy Birthday, Spook.
Spot: Well done, son.
Spook: I’m going to work really hard and get my High School A quickly too!
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Watcher: I don’t think you need to use your bike for this trip. It’s only just over the bridge.
Choo-Choo: You bought us all bikes, me old mucker. It’s better than Shanks’ pony
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Nova: Seema found even more things for me to chase and brought them to help in the garden
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Nova: But she isn’t having it all her own way. The Cockney Princess also wants to be a vet and is very willing to train up daughter Jennie so they buy the veterinary hospital in Brindleton Bay. They’ve only got 1.5 stars after their first session but it looks promising. There’s lots for me to do there so I’m very happy to help out.
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Nova: Mistoffelees takes Jennie to his favourite place, the library, to discuss things on their own, without Seema interfering. When they come back they quickly age-up using Spook’s day-old birthday cake.
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Nova: It’s Jennie that has the awkward conversation with Seema and asks for her blessing. Seema had high hopes of an advantageous match for Toff but Jennie reminds her of the desire for a child to get married to sweeten the deal. Seema was already distracted by Spook somehow getting an A without ever going to High School so he graduated early as well. The wishing well sure has some strange consequences.
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Nova: I give my approval too. I think they make an excellent couple.
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Nova: Toff decides to seize the moment in the middle of the garden.
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Nova: To top off the excitement, Spook decides to age up and join the secret service so he really is a spook now! He’s become very erratic now but was very focussed when someone called Isla dropped round to see him.
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Nova: Very focussed indeed.
Semolina: Moo!
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Nova: And that brings this week to an end, with the Cockney Princess decorating a cake that will be needed on Sunday!
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Status: Week 22, Summer; Year 6Cat: Nova; Female German Rex; Life 5; Adult; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy
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• Adoption requirement - Founder had level 9 Veterinarian;
• 1st resurrection - 900 Achievement Points
• 2nd resurrection - 900k Simoleans
• 9 unique adult aspirations
• 9 Good Friends within household
• 9 each A’s/part-time jobs/scouting badges
• Spend 24+ consecutive hours in 9 different worlds (Oasis Springs, Mt Komorebi, San Myshuno, Granite Falls, Evergreen Harbour, Willow Creek, Copperdale, Britechester, Sulani)
• Cure your pet of 9 illnesses (Frozen Mange, Overheated Sniffer, 2 Squirrel Bites, 1 unidentified – cured by Wellness treat, Sizzlepaw, Winterfest Fever, Gilded Gut, Prismatic Poop Plague)
In Progress
• 5.5k/9k Simstagram followers
Museum Items (Bargain Bend, Willow Creek):
• feathers sculpture (12/12 feathers)
• 9 unique mounted fish;
• 9 unique frogs
• 9 pet treats made by a household member (Joy/Simba)
• 9 animal sculptures all made by Don
• 9 unique level 9 career rewards
• 9 perfect nip plants
• 9 photos of cat in each of the 9 different worlds from requirement
• 5/9 paintings (5 lives)
Cat CompanionsGeneration 1
Founder: Joy Leonine; achieved adoption requirement
Spouse: Don Lothario; part-time jobs completed - 5
Helper: Dina Caliente; aspirations achieved – Master Mixologist
Generation 2
TC: 2 As in school
Benny: 2 As in school
Simba Leonine: 2 As in school; Aspirations achieved – Nerd Brain, Leader of the Pack, Fabulously Wealthy, City Native, Curator; Collection completed - feathers
Complete Bonus collections: Snow Globes; City Posters; Frogs; My Sims Trophies
Fasa Leonine: 2 As in school; Aspirations achieved - Angling Ace, Freelance Botanist, Renaissance Sim, Friend of the World, Painter Extraordinaire; topped Detective
Complete Bonus collections: Postcards
Felicia Bheeda: Aspirations achieved – Outdoor Enthusiast
Generation 3
Fancy-Fancy Leonine: 2 As
Orion Leonine: Alien; 2 As
Current Household: Henford-in-Bagley
Generation 3
Choo-Choo Leonine: Adult; Good, Socially Awkward, Family Oriented; 2 As; Aspirations achieved – Goal Oriented, Beach Life, Academic
Bonus Collection: Space Rocks, Crystals
Spot Leonine: Alien Adult; Bookworm, Loves Outdoors, Cat-Lover; 2 As; Soulmate
Seema Raghavan: Adult; Self-Absorbed, Animal Enthusiast, Over-Achiever; Strangerville Mystery
Generation 4
Jennie Leonine: Father Winter’s Baby; Young Adult; Cat-Lover, Good, Cheerful
Mistoffolees Leonine: Alien hybrid; Young Adult; Neat, Bookworm, Recycle Disciple
Spook Leonine: Alien hybrid; Young Adult; Loves Outdoors, Overachiever, Erratic
L-to-R: Seema, Jennie, Choo-Choo holding Nova, Spot, Spook, Mistoffelees.
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NotesA family tree of our founder Joy’s descendants showing the relationship between Jennie & Toff
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I showed my vet nurse daughter the veterinary hospital. She wasn’t impressed that I always take the temperature first as it stresses the patients irl. She advises less intrusive exams first – working nose to tail. She was very impressed that the patients hop on the exam table all by themselves as she has many minor scars from patients who are definitely not willing to do that.
A quick view of the new houseplan – no bedrooms as I use Rally The Troops constantly.
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Cockney Expressions
• Mucker – affectionate derogative for friend
• Shanks’ pony - walking