Author Topic: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) Complete  (Read 38118 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) Complete
« on: December 27, 2022, 10:27:37 AM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty): Introduction

Joy: Oh – um – hello?

I 1.jpg
Watcher: Ah – you made it through the cloning process. Jolly good!
Joy: Cloning process?
Watcher: You’re a randomized sister to Triste who was a Gen Ten spare in my NSB challenge…
Joy: You’re not making much sense.
Watcher: Don’t worry about that now. Suffice it to say, you’re a fresh, clean Young Adult who loves cats.
Joy: I’m getting a cat?
Watcher: Not straight away but soon. And it will be the king (or queen) of all cats. A supreme being, destined to be worshipped and snuggled throughout all generations….
Joy: Er….
Watcher: Just plant some cat nip and we’ll make a start.

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Katrina: We hear there’s a new dynasty starting…
Joy: So nice to meet you all.
Nina: You appear to be female and have red hair!
Joy: I don’t know what to say to that.
Don: I like redheads.
Joy: Oh – I see. Well, I’m not interested in romance currently. I’ve got some things to sort out first.
Dina: Strange girl. I like her.

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Cat: Nova - German Rex; Fluffy, Inquisitive, Prowler
Life: 9th - Deceased

Home Lot: Henford-on-Bagley

And so begins a brand new Nine Lives Dynasty (ruleset here). I’ve not played with cats much and I’ve also recently got the Werewolves/Vampires/Spellcasters packs so I’m wondering who will turn up and how they’ll affect play.
Although I try to diligently follow the rules, my brain sometimes fails me so please let me know if you see an infraction – I’m used to re-starts!

Joy Leonine is named for Joy Adamson whose Born Free books enchanted me as a child.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty): The Carers
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2022, 10:33:08 AM »
Joy Leonine: Cat-Lover, Good, Loves-Outdoors

Cat - Nova
German Rex; Curious, Fluffy, Prowler

Gen 1 - Kitten
1.6 (2).jpg

Gen 1 - Adult

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty): Requirement Status
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2022, 10:34:05 AM »
•   Adoption requirement - Founder had level 9 Veterinarian;
•   1st resurrection - 900 Achievement Points
•   2nd resurrection - 900k Simoleans
•   3rd resurrection - 9 unique adult aspirations
•   4th resurrection - 9 Good Friends within household
•   5th resurrection - 9 each A’s/part-time jobs/scouting badges
•   6th resurrection - Spend 24+ consecutive hours in 9 different worlds (Oasis Springs, Mt Komorebi, San Myshuno, Granite Falls, Evergreen Harbour, Willow Creek, Copperdale, Britechester, Sulani)
•   7th resurrection - Cure your pet of 9 illnesses (Frozen Mange, Overheated Sniffer, 2 Squirrel Bites, 1 unidentified – cured by Wellness treat, Sizzlepaw, Winterfest Fever, Gilded Gut, Prismatic Poop Plague)
•   9k Simstagram followers

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty): Museum
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2022, 10:34:40 AM »
1. Bird sculpture from all 12 feathers
2. 9 Animal statues made by a household member
3. 9 Pet treats
4. 9 unique frogs
5. 9 unique mounted fish
6. 9 unique level 9 career rewards
7. 9 perfect catnip plants
8. 9 cat photos from the 9*24hr worlds
9. 9 cat portraits, 1 from each life

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.1: Cloud Nine
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2022, 03:20:04 PM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.1: Cloud Nine

Joy: Hello, little fella! You’re going to look great mounted in my museum.
Watcher: It’s only a goldfish!
Joy: Do we need high value fish?
Watcher: No, but…
Joy: Well then!


Don: Hey, Gorgeous! You know it’s Love Day today?
Joy: I knew I shouldn’t have given you that tulip.
Don: I know that you’re into me.
Joy: It was just a tulip. It didn’t mean anything.
Don: In the language of flowers it means “deep and perfect lurrrrve”
Joy: Oh. Can I swap it for a daisy?
Don: “Innocence and purity”? I can help you with that…


Watcher: Well done, Joy, you’ve made it to level 9 Veterinary skill.
Joy: And without you taking a single shot of me working on it.
Watcher: We…ell…


Joy: I’m feeling great!
Don: Come on a date with me to celebrate.
Joy: Go on, then.
Don: It’s a good way to end Love Day.
Joy: Tomorrow’s going to be better.
Don: Because you’re now my girlfriend?
Joy: Better than that.
Don: Oh, OK.


Joy: A British Shorthair (I think), little Nova. A fluffy, curious prowler. You’ll be purrrrfect.
Watcher: Don’t forget to paint a picture of her. I don’t know how the resurrection works but she might only be a kitten once.
Joy: Oh, oh, oh!
Watcher: Stop playing with the laser light. You’re getting hysterical. Go for a nap, right now!
Joy: Oh, oh, oh!
Watcher: And another nap, quickly!
Joy: Phew.


Status: Week 1; Spring; Year 1
Cat: Nova; British Shorthair kitten; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy

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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Home Lot: Arid Ridge, Oasis Springs

Founder: Joy Leonine; YA; Cat-Lover, Good, Loves-Outdoors
Career: Gardener 3/10

The requirements and museum collections can be done concurrently so Joy has been cracking on with a few while she was skilling up and making money.
Don may just be a fling. No one can be added to the household by any means until Nova ages up to an adult. He is quite convenient though…

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.1: Cloud Nine
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2022, 04:57:20 PM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.1: Cloud Nine

Don may just be a fling. No one can be added to the household by any means until Nova ages up to an adult. He is quite convenient though…

The kitten stage is quite brief, so you won't have to wait long.
And speaking of how brief the kitten stage is, don't delay on getting that painting done!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.1: Cloud Nine
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2022, 02:52:31 AM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.1: Cloud Nine

Don may just be a fling. No one can be added to the household by any means until Nova ages up to an adult. He is quite convenient though…

The kitten stage is quite brief, so you won't have to wait long.
And speaking of how brief the kitten stage is, don't delay on getting that painting done!
Thanks for the tip, @Brian_Z
I really ought to be sitting here with plans of Lifespans and lists but I'm winging this first attempt, despite having no experience with cats.
I did want Joy to get on with the painting but she was so hysterical! Hopefully she'll have calmed down after a night's sleep.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.1: Cloud Nine
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2022, 09:11:35 AM »
I was actually thinking I might do a Nine Lives Dynasty after I finish my BDD, so thanks for being brave and getting there first so I can watch and take notes  ;=)
Leo-nine?  An intentional pun?  Either way, a purrfect name!  And yes, a lovely redhead as your founder always and absolutely gets my vote of approval  ;=)
And welcome to the household, adorable little Nova!!!
Looking forward to seeing what's next!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.1: Cloud Nine
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2022, 10:12:17 AM »
I was actually thinking I might do a Nine Lives Dynasty after I finish my BDD, so thanks for being brave and getting there first so I can watch and take notes  ;=)
Leo-nine?  An intentional pun?  Either way, a purrfect name!  And yes, a lovely redhead as your founder always and absolutely gets my vote of approval  ;=)
And welcome to the household, adorable little Nova!!!
Looking forward to seeing what's next!
I shall look forward to a Nine Lives from you, with lots of puns of course!
Yes, Leonine seemed very apt. I'd been struggling to think up a suitable multi-life name for THE CAT but she came as Nova and it seemed appropriate as I'm a cat-newbie on Sims and irl.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.1: Cloud Nine
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2022, 10:23:15 AM »
Best wishes on your new challenge! I'm sure you'll ace it! :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.2: In A Cat's Eye
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2022, 08:59:20 AM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.2: In A Cat's Eye

Nova: Hey! Look at that. I’m all grown up.


Nova: Let me show you around my Empire. This is the garden with catnip, lots of catnip. The sprinklers go off every now and then but I don’t mind because, well, CATNIP!


Nova: This is my female slave, Joy. She likes to think of herself as my Companion but she is there to meet my every need. She is very good at scritches.


Nova: This male is my second slave. He is definitely not my companion but Joy seems to like him. He’s not great at scritches but he likes petting me. I have allowed him to join my household.


Nova: It is a heat-wave and I’m getting too hot here but a sunny pavement is nearly as good as catnip. I got so hot that Joy had to buy a thermostat for my sleeping quarters.


Nova: Joy is also good at brushing me at least once a day so that I don’t get fur balls. Some people say I’m fluffy but that doesn’t sound a suitable trait for a supreme being like me.


Nova: I did get a short visit to this Salty Paws bar when I was feeling in a romantic mood but all the available mates were too far away. I don’t know why I feel romantic. After all, a slight scarring on my tummy bears testament to my inability to have kittens.


Nova: I did find some birds to chase there.


Nova: When Joy chauffeured me home, Don bonded with me over wanting more romance in our lives. He and Joy disappeared into their tent soon after this picture.


Nova: Both my slaves have jobs. Joy is a gardener to learn how to look after my catnip and Don was already a Life Guard when he joined my staff. I don’t know why my slaves wear any clothes. Joy clearly prefers Don in less clothing than usual.


Nova: I have trained Don sufficiently that I allow him to be my Good Friend. Not as good as Joy, you understand. He maxed the Life Guard career but because of his Non-Committal trait, he wanted to switch. He is now a Manual Labourer.


Nova: Joy’s lap suddenly and inexplicably gets a lot smaller and I don’t know why. She seems happy about it. I’m not sure about Don.


Nova: To make up for her smaller lap, Joy gives me lots of attention. Unfortunately she’s decided to pay attention to this joker too. His name is Tucker and his primary slave is Dina, one of our regular visitors. I knew she liked cats because she often scritches me but why she had to adopt this clown, I do not know. Am I not enough? To make matters worse, Joy says he could be a good mate for me and that she’s Companions with him too! This will not stand! I am outraged!


Nova: I find Tucker in our toilet area and decide to make a stand. Unfortunately his stand was better and I came out the loser. Oh Joy! Can you not see how your idol is being abused? Please say you will ignore him now.


Nova: I find Joy kissing Don in my sleeping area and confetti is falling from the ceiling but disappears before I can play with it. By the looks of Joy, her lap is non-existent now. My life is a tragedy of epic proportions!


Status: Week 2; Summer; Year 1
Cat: Nova; German Rex; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy; Gen 1 - Adult


Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Home Lot: Arid Ridge, Oasis Springs

Founder: Joy Leonine; YA; Cat-Lover, Good, Loves-Outdoors
Career: Gardener 6/10
Spouse: Don Lothario; YA; Romantic, Active, Non-Committal
Career: Manual Labourer 2/3


•   I thought Nova was a British Shorthair (as that was one of the others up for adoption) but she is actually a German Rex.
•   I forgot to change the seasons from 1 week to 4 weeks so we’re zipping through them. It’ll be a change for me.
•   I’ve not been chasing the Achievement Points. They’re just racking up by themselves at the moment. I may get more focussed on that when Nova becomes an Elder. I need to prioritize the resurrection requirements over the Museum collections.
•   Joy has made more than the existing 3 pet treats but of course she can’t help treating Nova with them!
•   My 9 “nice” nip plants (I need 9 “purrfect” ones) have been hit by the bug that sets them all back to “just planted” after coming back to a game. I’ll see if they reset themselves before bothering the team about fixes/work arounds.
•   I did start wondering about adopting a male cat to meet Nova’s romantic needs, especially as neighbour Tucker and Nova clearly don’t get on but the rules clearly state that only pet allowed is the Supreme Being. Phew – thank goodness I checked with the team before breaking that rule!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.2: In A Cat's Eye
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2022, 11:04:28 AM »
Poor Nova!  Oh, the ways she suffers!!  Her life is so hard!!!
OK, seriously, though, looks like you're making some excellent progress, and it also looks like Don is not just a fling, eh?  I mean, even Nova kind of likes him sort of!
What a bummer that Tucker cannot recognize the glory that is the divine feline known as Nova!
It was fun having the update narrated from Nova's purrspective.  Do you plan to keep doing that throughout the challenge, or was this more of a one-time thing to just change things up?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.2: In A Cat's Eye
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2022, 11:14:58 AM »
Poor Nova!  Oh, the ways she suffers!!  Her life is so hard!!!
OK, seriously, though, looks like you're making some excellent progress, and it also looks like Don is not just a fling, eh?  I mean, even Nova kind of likes him sort of!
What a bummer that Tucker cannot recognize the glory that is the divine feline known as Nova!
It was fun having the update narrated from Nova's purrspective.  Do you plan to keep doing that throughout the challenge, or was this more of a one-time thing to just change things up?
I haven't decided on the narration might be mainly Nova as the world does revolve around her. She might let the others chip in to declare their adoration, etc. She doesn't seem to be aware of me yet. I'm keeping my head down so as not to be sucked into the church of Nova.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.3: Having Kittens
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2022, 12:59:29 PM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.3: Having Kittens

Nova: Last week ended with no lap and a nearby cat stealing the attentions of my primary slave. This week I got my lap back but 2 new male members of my entourage made an unwelcome appearance.


I didn’t mind sharing my sleeping quarters with them, the adults sleeping in the tent outside…


…but they did rather distract Joy from her duties to me.


She even spent time on her sparky thing instead of on me.


At one point Joy was so distracted that she left a plate of food on the floor and then told me off for eating from it. What else is a deity to do when her kibble bowl is empty? I should be getting gourmet pet food and I have to steal human food?


The noisy, smelly, tiny humans got bigger. One male has red fur like Joy and I have called him Simba. The other male has black fur like Don and I have named him Fasa.


About the same time, Don and Joy started gathering more acolytes for me online by taking photos. They sent me a gift recently but I haven’t seen it yet.


Fasa and Simba sit on these chairs and make smells. I like to sit on these new couches that have been supplied.


The small humans also let Joy and Don immerse them in water (shudders). They are enigmas


This is where I spend a lot of time. The white throne is a source of fascination to me. Occasionally Joy and Don sit on the white throne which doesn’t sit well with me. Most of the time I’m in here on my own, working out how I can get my own throne of glory.


Simba and Fasa have started talking to me, petting me and giving hugs. They are clumsy but the extra adoration is very welcome. They do try to imitate me sometimes with varying degrees of success but who can blame them for trying?


The embarrassment of my romantic needs was ameliorated by Joy taking me back to Catarina’s house. She is the only slave for 3 minor deities. The male deity, Benjamin, was available for nose hearts but that’s as far as it went.


There was time afterwards to chase some more birds and I thanked Joy with a small gift of feathers. It is important to make one’s slaves feel appreciated on occasion. After all, she has ended her attentions to that infiltrator Tucker – not making an appearance this week, you may have noted.


Status: Week 3; Fall; Year 1
Cat: Nova; German Rex; Gen 1; Adult; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy

Screenshot 2022-12-30 175906.jpg

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Home Lot: Arid Ridge, Oasis Springs

Founder: Joy Leonine; YA; Cat-Lover, Good, Loves-Outdoors
Career: Gardener 7/10
Spouse: Don Lothario; YA; Romantic, Active, Non-Committal
Career: Manual Labourer 2/3
Children: Simba & Fasa, both toddlers.

L-to-R: Joy holding Simba, Nova (on the ground!), Don holding Fasa


Nova did not approve of the family photo but I managed to sneak it past her.

I wanted Fasa to have “Mu” at the front after Simba’s father in Lion King but, for some reason, The Sims said it wasn’t an acceptable name – the first time that’s happened to me and I don’t really know why. Maybe copyright? I haven’t written it out here, just in case.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 1.3: Having Kittens
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2022, 06:23:37 PM »
Wow, the game forbid you to use the name Mufasa?  That's so weird!  Well, Fasa and Simba are adorable regardless of the naming challenge they accidentally created  :=)
Another lovely update with some lovely insight into how cats think and see the world.  You have obviously been subservient to one of these divine beings before  ;=)
I loved the shots of the kids giving Nova hugs!!  So cute!!!

