Author Topic: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) Complete  (Read 67134 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.6b: Assimilation (27-Mar-23)
« Reply #210 on: March 27, 2023, 02:20:42 PM »
Aah, the sacrifices we make for love.
Looking forward to a lavender alienboo!

I seem to have the most luck with selfies at the Rattlesnake Juice Bar, probably because it's so small.
Good luck with that, Chartreux!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.6b: Assimilation (27-Mar-23)
« Reply #211 on: March 28, 2023, 08:46:10 AM »
Poor Chartreux!  I would happily take a selfie with her if I were there  :=(
How nice that the "lazy Tom" has found a role sitting on the couch and giving Nova attention  :=)
As sad and unexpected as the loss of Pixel was, it's nice to see that the family has recovered and is moving forward well.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.6b: Assimilation (27-Mar-23)
« Reply #212 on: March 28, 2023, 11:14:34 AM »
Aah, the sacrifices we make for love.
Looking forward to a lavender alienboo!

I seem to have the most luck with selfies at the Rattlesnake Juice Bar, probably because it's so small.
Good luck with that, Chartreux!
I thought it was the Rattlesnake Juice Bar and I've tried there a few times but... I'll give it another shot. After all, a bar is the perfect place for the kids to do their homework, right? lol
Poor Chartreux!  I would happily take a selfie with her if I were there  :=(
How nice that the "lazy Tom" has found a role sitting on the couch and giving Nova attention  :=)
As sad and unexpected as the loss of Pixel was, it's nice to see that the family has recovered and is moving forward well.
Neither lazy Carson or lazy Janet have complained about me working them hard all the time so far. They just keep getting whims to order pizza which, as they are part of the "rally the troops" club, is totally redundant.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.6b: Assimilation (27-Mar-23)
« Reply #213 on: March 28, 2023, 02:00:33 PM »

You know I'm excited for another purple alien child! I assume you're trying to do the celebrity aspiration, the thing with the selfies? I know at least with the autographs, you have to click on a sim you don't know at all and it's under the friendly introduction section. Maybe the selfies are there too?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.6b: Assimilation (27-Mar-23)
« Reply #214 on: March 28, 2023, 02:24:05 PM »

You know I'm excited for another purple alien child! I assume you're trying to do the celebrity aspiration, the thing with the selfies? I know at least with the autographs, you have to click on a sim you don't know at all and it's under the friendly introduction section. Maybe the selfies are there too?
Yes - the World Famous Celebrity aspiration. Chartreux needs 3 fans to autonomously ask her for a selfie. If she offers or a household member asks it doesn't count. Basically she just has to hang around bars, without me giving her anything to do, until she gets asked. She's getting quite a reputation as a lush! I have got her in the social media career which means she can give a social media shout-out from wherever she is. I think that increases her fans arriving. She'll get there :)

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.6b: Assimilation (27-Mar-23)
« Reply #215 on: March 28, 2023, 05:02:00 PM »
Neither lazy Carson or lazy Janet have complained about me working them hard all the time so far. They just keep getting whims to order pizza which, as they are part of the "rally the troops" club, is totally redundant.

On the topic of working our sims to the bone, I wonder if the new Burnout interaction is a base game feature or comes with the Growing Together pack.
I was watching a YT vid where a sim got the Burnout moodlet for a considerably long period.
Their Watcher was frantically having the sim play video games, take bath soaks, and such in an attempt to decrease the remaining Burnout period. LOL!
That Burnout moodlet strikes terror in my heart!  haha

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.6b: Assimilation (27-Mar-23)
« Reply #216 on: March 29, 2023, 01:05:18 AM »
So far, my sim has gotten a Dazed moodlet with text saying it could lead to burnout.  Programming on the computer made it go away much faster.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.6b: Assimilation (27-Mar-23)
« Reply #217 on: March 29, 2023, 02:49:13 AM »
I've not seen a Burnout or Dazed with a warning so maybe it is just the GT pack. I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks for the warning. It would really reduce the power of Rally the Troops.
I'm planning to get the new pack but not until I've completed Nova's challenge. I wonder how long they'll wait until offering a discount...

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.6b: Assimilation (27-Mar-23)
« Reply #218 on: March 29, 2023, 02:50:16 PM »
I've not seen a Burnout or Dazed with a warning so maybe it is just the GT pack. I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks for the warning. It would really reduce the power of Rally the Troops.
I'm planning to get the new pack but not until I've completed Nova's challenge. I wonder how long they'll wait until offering a discount...

I don't know about a discount but definitely not before April 27, which is when the free item offer expires.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.7: Only Sleeping
« Reply #219 on: March 30, 2023, 12:33:33 PM »
A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.7: Only Sleeping

Nova: What? Eh? Oh! Hello again. Yes I am still here. This is my longest eldership yet. I put it down to the family leaving me behind when they go out and about. Mind you, I don’t mind. These old bones are happy soaking up the sun streaming through these full length windows. Zzzzzz

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Nova: The Lazy Princess suggests to her mother that she’s had enough grilled cheese. Madilyn doesn’t seem to mind.

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Nova: The Green Princess keeps wearing strange gloves when she gets back from her expeditions. Maybe they are those special ones that will groom me as she strokes.

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Nova: The Lazy Princess ages up wearing an elegant outfit although she has a dodgy dye job on her fur. She immediately starts critiquing the décor.

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Nova: Chartreux does take me for one of my romantic interludes at the Salty Paws Bar. There's no-one there worth my time so I just nap (selfie count 1/3)

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Nova: Chartreux takes me on to the Rattlesnake Bar as well. I go on the prowl – just a gentle one – while she does a mating dance (selfie count 2/3)

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Nova: Madilyn, who is so quiet and unassuming that Watcher doesn’t know what to do with her, gives birth to a kitten, a male called Jonesy. She’s given up the grilled cheese.

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Nova: When Jonesy ages into an infant, I am the only household member with whom he can interact. It’s not surprising really. I am naturally wonderful with kittens despite having none of my own.

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Nova: Madilyn hires a child advocate to help and he does. Nanny Ashaya introduces Jonesy to all the family members, almost ceremonially.

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Nova: The Lazy Princess is found autonomously running and, although she wants a long lie down afterwards, she has demonstrated that she is no longer a Lazy Princess. She is now the Posh Princess.

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Nova: Madilyn does most of the childcare as Mac is busy repairing stuff and mentoring. But Mac is a good father. He can do super-efficient infant care and he likes playing peek-a-boo with Jonesy.

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Nova: It is time for Chartreux to age up but she has an emotional meltdown about it. The Posh Princess is very confused but the Green Princess tells her to be ready to cheer when Chartreux pulls herself together. There – everyone’s happy again.

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Nova: Chartreux spends her first evening of adulthood back at the Rattlesnake Bar with her mother Norah (selfie count 3/3 – hooray!)

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Paparazzi: Um, hello?
Chartreux: Have you any idea what time it is? I’ve only just got home!
Paparazzi: I know! I’ve been following you, remember! I think you need to get out here.
Chartreux: What’s going on?
Paparazzi: It’s your cat….

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Chartreux: Oh no! This is too sad.
Grim: Nice to see the family again. How’s everyone doing? I see Mac moved back in. That’s nice.
Mac: I love you, man, but this isn’t the time.
Grim: Quite right. Quite right. It’s just – I like to think of you guys as regulars, you know? Still. Time and a place, etc. Come on, Nova. You know the drill…
Nova: Me…….ow……

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Watcher: Hey, Roxanne? Are you struggling?
Roxanne: I got the kimono, like you asked but yes, I am struggling. I’m so sad about Nova but there’s also the expedition thing. I’ve let everyone down!
Watcher: Not your fault, honey. We’ll see if there’s a work-around… By the way, did you know Carson has aged up into a Bookworm?
Roxanne: Yes, maybe he could do the Bestselling Author?
Watcher: That would make sense…

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Watcher: Janet? JANET?
Janet: Mm? Wha..? I mean…I do beg your pardon.
Watcher: Why on earth are you dozing off at your Prom? You’re not tired.
Janet: Well, there’s no-one here worth my time; the décor is hideous and the music, darling, is so generic. Frankly it’s embarrassing!
Watcher: You don’t want to go to the carnival after then?
Janet: Don’t make me laugh!
Watcher: OK! Time to go home then. It’s nearly midnight.

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Status: Week 38, Summer; Year 10
Cat: Nova; Female German Rex; Life 7; Deceased; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy


Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Cat Companions
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Current Household: Bailey-Moon Manor, Del Sol Valley
Generation 5
Mac Leonine
: Adult (of Toff by alien abduction); Bookworm, Neat, Cheerful; 2 As; Aspirations – Chief of Mischief, Public Enemy; Space Prints
Madilyn Hassan: Alien Adult; Child of the Ocean, Maker, Vegetarian
Roxanne Leonine: Hybrid Young Adult (of Albert & Cherish) : Outgoing, Adventurous, Perfectionist

Gen 6 of Norah & Kateru
Chartreux Leonine
: Hybrid Adult; Cat-Lover, Genius, Loves Outdoors; 2 As; Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar
Gen 6 of Mac & Madilyn
: Spellcaster Young Adult (of Mac & Madilyn); Lazy, Cat-Lover, Bookworm
Janet: Teen (of Mac & Madilyn); Lazy, Snob
Jonesy: Infant; Intense

L-to-R: Roxanne, Chartreux, Mac holding Jonesy, Madilyn, Carson, Janet
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Jonesy is named for the cat in Alien, even though he’s not – an alien. Were lilac pointy ears too much to ask for? I’m not planning on trying for more lilac nooboos – this household is confusing enough as it is.

Janet’s first rolled trait (from Pinstar’s updated generator) was Loner but I wasn’t keen. I settled for the second - Snob so Posh Princess she is.

Roxanne has led 2 parties on the Mt Komorebi expedition and got as far as the 2nd marker. Clicking on the “move on” button does nothing and the party is then stranded. I’ve changed over to another household member and called Roxanne home at which point she’s embarrassed at failing to reach the summit. I’m looking around on Google but if anyone knows of a work-around that doesn’t involve mods or cheating, do let me know. Otherwise Roxanne will have to be content with her other 2 aspirations which she’s working on.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.7: Only Sleeping (30-Mar-23)
« Reply #220 on: March 30, 2023, 07:56:12 PM »

"Given up the grilled cheese" - HA!  ;D Woe is the posh princess; she's so over all the teenage nonsense. Maybe she needs the right beau to spice things up!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.7: Only Sleeping (30-Mar-23)
« Reply #221 on: March 31, 2023, 07:45:13 AM »
Was the title of the update a Beatles reference?  If so, I totally got it!!
Janet just getting bored with prom was fantastic!  I mean, I went to prom back in my day, and yes, she is correct, it was, indeed, a rather boring place to be  ;=)
Looking forward to seeing what's coming up in Nova's next life  :=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.7: Only Sleeping (30-Mar-23)
« Reply #222 on: March 31, 2023, 10:48:35 AM »
I'm confused by the princess names, but quite excited that Nova has two more lives left!
Go Nova!  Go Watcher!

Sorry about the Mt. Komorebi expedition.  That has never happened to me.
Did you try repairing your game and deleting your cache files (using the official instructions, of course)?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.7: Only Sleeping (30-Mar-23)
« Reply #223 on: March 31, 2023, 01:15:43 PM »
I'm confused by the princess names, but quite excited that Nova has two more lives left!
Go Nova!  Go Watcher!

Sorry about the Mt. Komorebi expedition.  That has never happened to me.
Did you try repairing your game and deleting your cache files (using the official instructions, of course)?
Sadly it's a bug that seems to have materialised since the infant update. Maybe it'll get fixed before I complete the challenge. Roxanne will get 2 other aspirations anyway and it's not a requirement.

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Re: A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.7: Only Sleeping (30-Mar-23)
« Reply #224 on: March 31, 2023, 01:19:31 PM »
Was the title of the update a Beatles reference?  If so, I totally got it!!
Janet just getting bored with prom was fantastic!  I mean, I went to prom back in my day, and yes, she is correct, it was, indeed, a rather boring place to be  ;=)
Looking forward to seeing what's coming up in Nova's next life  :=)
The Beatles song was definitely going through my brain when I wrote it out. I'm glad you picked up on it.
 I didn't have a prom but I never enjoyed clubbing. Dancing? Yes. But all the stuff around it was very boring.