A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 7.3: Asleep In The HallNova: Where have you been? Me? I’ve been right here eating loads of fish that magically appeared from Watcher’s inventory. There’s been some good eating, I can tell you! I know, I know, 2 weeks have passed by and another episode is overdue. Let me see if I can keep things in order… We move to Newcrest, There aren't any neighbours but it's handy for the spa and the restaurant both of which we never have time to visit.
Toff has done a lot of parenting for Pixel. For some reason he’s just always there when she wants attention.
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Nova: My lovely, erratic Norah has twins Molly & Giancarlo by her new husband Andy but then everyone gets a phone call saying that Andy has died. How tragic. The Blue Princesses go round to comfort their mother. Apparently Andy was killed by a Killer Chicken. They don’t even keep chickens!
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Nova: Mac is so sad about Andy that he invites Madilyn over for some dumpster diving. It cheers him up for some reason. Probably because it smells so interesting. I would get in there if I could! I wonder where their son Carson is?
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Nova: Mac is still trying to help the elderly get fit to offset his criminal career (still stuck on level 6!) but one of them keels over and dies! That’s enough, Mac. You need to try something else.
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Nova: Pixel ages up to child stage. She’s a cheerful spellcaster, like her dad Mac, but unlike him she has a strong bloodline. Watcher is pondering what to do about that… Madilyn comes for the celebrations but she doesn’t have cake. She’s clearly had enough grilled cheese for 2.
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Nova: The saddest day of the whole 2 weeks, Toff decides to call the Man in Black. It’s just as well he can glide though doors because Toff is blocking the doors from opening. None of the family can get in to witness his death until it’s all over.
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Nova: To shake up the household from its mourning, we all go off to the jungle. I've been before, of course, but this is first time for my current household. Chartreux really gets into archaeology while Chloe finds some amazing treasures. They make a great team.
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Nova: In fact Chloe triggers some mystic relic and spends some time as a skeleton. I don’t mind but I’m glad when it wears off.
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Nove: What else? Oh yes, Mac goes to visit his little family in Sulani. He gets to know Carson and gets a good cuddle with infant Janet. He really wants to move in with them but wants to be done with his career first. Besides, there’s Pixel to think about.
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Nova: And finally it’s time for Roxanne to age up and she does it in style. Her underlying hair colour is still black but she goes for a dye-job. She’s also adventurous so she and Chloe are planning to hit the slopes soon. You may remember that Chloe picked a snowboarding t-shirt for herself as a child and she’s always wanted to go
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Nova: The blue princesses decide to age up a few days early and both decide that they love the outdoors, not surprising as they want to head back to the jungle soon. Chloe graduated earlier to concentrate on writing jokes and she joins the Entertainer career. Chartreux has been constantly at school. Her hard work pays off because she graduates as Valedictorian. She decides to capitalise on her social media presence and takes it up as an adult career.
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Status: Week 34, Summer; Year 9Cat: Nova; Female German Rex; Life 7; Adult; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy
Sitting on the robot vacuum which the family turn on for her when they spot her sitting on it. She goes riding round the house like it’s her personal chariot.
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• Adoption requirement - Founder had level 9 Veterinarian;
• 1st resurrection - 900 Achievement Points
• 2nd resurrection - 900k Simoleans
• 3rd resurrection - 9 unique adult aspirations
• 4th resurrection - 9 Good Friends within household
• 9 each A’s/part-time jobs/scouting badges
• Spend 24+ consecutive hours in 9 different worlds (Oasis Springs, Mt Komorebi, San Myshuno, Granite Falls, Evergreen Harbour, Willow Creek, Copperdale, Britechester, Sulani)
• Cure your pet of 9 illnesses (Frozen Mange, Overheated Sniffer, 2 Squirrel Bites, 1 unidentified – cured by Wellness treat, Sizzlepaw, Winterfest Fever, Gilded Gut, Prismatic Poop Plague)
• 9k Simstagram followers
Museum Items (Bargain Bend, Willow Creek):
• feathers sculpture
• 9 unique mounted fish;
• 9 unique frogs
• 9 pet treats made by a household member (Joy/Simba)
• 9 animal sculptures all made by Don
• 9 unique level 9 career rewards
• 9 perfect nip plants
• 9 photos of cat in each of the 9 different worlds from requirement
• 7/9 paintings (6 lives)
Cat CompanionsGeneration 1
Founder: Joy Leonine; achieved adoption requirement
Spouse: Don Lothario; part-time jobs completed - 5
Helper: Dina Caliente; aspirations achieved – Master Mixologist
Generation 2
TC: 2 As in school
Benny: 2 As in school
Simba Leonine: 2 As in school; Aspirations achieved – Nerd Brain, Leader of the Pack, Fabulously Wealthy, City Native, Curator; Collection completed - feathers
Complete Bonus collections: Snow Globes; City Posters; Frogs; My Sims Trophies
Fasa Leonine: 2 As in school; Aspirations achieved - Angling Ace, Freelance Botanist, Renaissance Sim, Friend of the World, Painter Extraordinaire; topped Detective
Complete Bonus collections: Postcards
Felicia Bheeda: Aspirations achieved – Outdoor Enthusiast
Generation 3
Fancy-Fancy Leonine: 2 As
Orion Leonine: Alien; 2 As
Spot Leonine: Alien; 2 As; Soulmate; Collections - Geodes
Seema Raghavan: Strangerville Mystery, Super Parent, Big Happy Family, Country Caretaker
Choo-Choo Leonine: 2 As; Goal Oriented, Beach Life, Academic, Lady of the Knits; Bonus Collections: Space Rocks, Crystals, Elements, Shells
Generation 4
Mistoffolees Leonine: Alien hybrid Spellcaster; 2 As; Aspirations: Spellcraft & Sorcery, Purveyor of Potions, Master Maker, Successful Lineage; Collections – Aliens, Message Bottles
Jennie Leonine: Father Winter’s Baby; 2 As
Spook Leonine: Alien hybrid; 2 As
Duchess Leonine: Alien hybrid
Generation 5
Marie Leonine: Spellcaster; 2 As; Aspiration – Admired Icon, Musical Genius, Master Chef
Norah Leonine: Hybrid; 2 A (Hons); Aspirations – Drama Llama, Serial Romantic, Computer Whiz, Party Animal
Current Household: New Crest
Generation 4
Albert Leonine: Father Winter’s Baby; Young Adult; Good, Dance Machine, Outgoing; 2 As
Generation 5
Mac Leonine: Young Adult; Bookworm, Neat, Cheerful; 1 A; Aspiration – Chief of Mischief; Space Prints
Generation 6
Chloe Leonine: Hybrid Young Adult; Good, Overacheiver, Loves Outdoors; 1 A
Chartreux Leonine: Hybrid Young Adult (twin of Chloe); Cat-Lover, Genius, Loves Outdoors; 2 As
Roxanne Leonine: Hybrid Teen (of Albert & Cherish) : Outgoing, Adventurous
Pixel Leonine: Spellcaster Child (of Mac & SPT#3); Cheerful; Bonus Collection – Decorative Eggs
L-to-R: Chartreux, Albert, Pixel holding Nova, Mac, Chloe, Roxanne
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NotesApologies for skipping an episode. Nothing seemed to have happened and then lots happened all together.
In the background, the family have bought Paddywack’s Emporium and are selling off their storehouse of collectibles during school hours.
Title: Asleep In The Hall taken from the poem Mr Mistoffelees
House Tour:
Extra deep Basement with gym & climbing wall
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Ground Floor – living area to left, skilling area to right
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First Floor – bedrooms and shower rooms
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There are "exit windows" on both the ground floor and onto the first floor balcony in the vain hope that someone sometime might just ask one of my teens to sneak out to a party. I still haven't given up hope of doing the Live Fast teen aspiration.
Extended family: Norah with Molly & Giancarlo - half-siblings to Chloe & Chartreux
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Madilyn with Mac’s children, Carson & Janet. Mac gave up his spellcasting nature before fathering Janet in the hope of producing a purple child...ah well.
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