A Twitch of a Tale (Nine Lives Dynasty) 5.4: Curled Up By The FireNova: As Seema said, a gift from the birds is in the bag as soon as we get home from the Finchwick Fair.
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Jennie: What do you think of our honeymoon home?
Mistoffelees: Just along from our wedding venue? It’s perfect. Definitely worth the wait.
Jennie: Your Mum said she couldn’t manage without us – so I booked it while she was at the fair, waiting for Semolina to win.
Mistoffelees: Good plan. We can face the music when we get home.
Jennie: Just you, me and Nova. For as long as we want.
Mistoffelees: Perfect.
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Mistoffelees: A hot tub, too! This just keeps getting better.
Jennie: It will be strange to sleep in a real bed too.
Mistoffelees: We don’t have to sleep in it…
Nova: They’re having fun but I hope they’ve remembered my food.
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Jennie: I can’t cook you gourmet food yet, Nova, but this fishcake should be nice.
Nova: Just turn that cooker off. It’s freaking me out. That and the fridge! They’re demonic!
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Jennie: Sorry Nova. All holiday properties seem to have open plan living so I can’t keep you out of the kitchen.
Nova: Meow.
Jennie: Maybe brushing you will calm you down.
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Nova: Jennie & Toff do everything together while they’re here. They look for bottles on the beach but don’t find anything. They go to bed together. They also save water by showering together. Best of all, they light the fire for me and read together.
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Nova: One day paper falls from the bathroom ceiling while Jennie is on the throne.
Jennie: Are you pleased, Toff.
Mistoffelees: Oh yes! It’s wonderful. How do you feel?
Jennie: Like I want to go home. Is that weird?
Mistoffelees: Whatever you want, Jennie-wren. I’ll start packing.
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Nova: When we get back to Henford-on-Bagley, Duchess hasn’t aged up. She’s been a nooboo for ages.
Seema: Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing. But I will age her up now. There you go, Duchess. Lovely black hair but I’ll change your clothes, of course.
Duchess: Babble.
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Seema: What do you mean, you’re pregnant?
Jennie: Exactly what you think I mean, Seema!
Seema: But you know nothing about being a parent and you’re too busy.
Jennie: I clearly know how to become a parent, as does Toff. And I’m only busy with all your chores.
Seema: But I want Toff to top a career so I can get another aspiration.
Jennie: Toff wants to master spellcraft, as you well know!
Seema: That’s just a boy’s hobby. Ah well, I suppose I’ll have to take care of it when it comes. You are clearly too irresponsible.
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Nova: Seema decided to go talk to Spook about maxing his career so she travels over to the Spencer-Kim-Lewis house. There she meets all 4 of her grandchildren. Introducing herself to the toddlers, she is instantly good friends with them.
Seema: What are you doing outside in the snow all by yourselves?
Donald: Daddy was here
Jalen: Gramps was here
Donald: Nana was here
Jalen: All talk talk talk to selves
Donald: Then all run off
Jalen: Mama inside feeding babies.
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Nova: Back at home, Seema gets a phone call
Seema….Hello? Alysha? Alysha Watson? Well, yes, I would like to have a proper farm set-up. I thought you’d sold the animals now you’re an elder….You saw Semolina at the fair and you want us to move in with you? That sounds like a fantastic plan. I could sort you out and get the farm running properly. After all, I am a fully qualified Country Caretaker. I’ll tell the family. Oh yes, they’ll all want to come with me.
Jennie: Oh no. We are not coming with you.
Seema: Well you can’t stay here.
Choo-Choo: She can if she likes. All the dough? It’s family dough, not just yours.
Seema: But Toff will want to come with me, you’ll have to raise that baby by yourself.
Jennie: You know nothing, Seema. I’m walking away before I say something I regret.
Choo-Choo: We're both walking away.
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Nova: Seema, Spot and the Duchess all move in with Alysha Watson, taking Semolina and all the chickens with her. Jennie and Toff did not stay where they were.
Jennie: Oh Nova! Do you really have to leap on my lap while I’m knitting?
Nova: Meow!
Jennie: I know it’s a tiny house but Tartosa weather is better than Henford-on-Bagley. We can live outside under these glass covers and this baby will have a great start.
Nova: Meow
Jennie: It’s so peaceful here. We’ll have to invite the family over of course. Best not to become estranged.
Nova: Meow
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Nova: Meow!
Seema: What did you do, Jennie?
Jennie: Well, I put out the fire with the freeze-ray.
Mistoffelees: It was me, Mum. I was trying to fix the radio with a spell but something must have gone wrong and it caught fire.
Seema: Oh Toff! I told you to leave spells alone. They’re dangerous.
Jennie: He’s just learning, he’ll get the hang of it.
Nova: Meow!
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Nova: Then one day, Jennie knows it’s time to go to the hospital.
Jennie: Ow. That was a hard contraction!
Mistoffelees: Oh no! Oh no!
Jennie: What’s the matter?
Mistoffelees: It’s dark and I’m afraid of ghosts and I’m worried about you!
Jennie: Pull it together, Toff. I need you to be strong.
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Mistoffelees: Look, I’m really sorry, ghost receptionist, but the only way to cure my fear of ghosts is to fight one. I need to sort myself out so I can be a good father.
Ghost Receptionist: Really? I’m working here!
Mistoffelees: Sorry. It’s just something I’ve got to do.
Ghost Receptionist: While your wife is in labour?
Mistoffelees: Well I was wondering about playing video games…
Ghost Receptionist: You fathers are all the same! Panic Panic Panic and then go off and do your own thing. OK, let’s do it.
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Jennie: Welcome to the world, baby Marie. I hope you like the purple onesie I knitted for you. I may not be a Super Parent but I’ll do my best for you.
Marie: Gurgle
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Nova: And in 3 days time…
Jennie: Oh, Marie, just look at your lovely hair and wonderful clothes. You like yellow?
Marie: Babble
Jennie: If you like yellow, sweetie, that’s what you can wear.
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Mistofelees: I know it’s busy at the house, Nova. That’s why I’ve brought you down here for a pamper.
Nova: Meow.
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Nova: Well, the pampering doesn’t last long. A bright light appears and Toff disappears. I go prowling.
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Nova: Toff continues to do his magic which has knocked him out twice so far. Maybe Seema is right and magic is dangerous. Don’t tell her I said that.
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Nova: Marie tries to imitate me, just like all toddlers do. She gets quite cross that she can’t do it and then suddenly gets it right and is pleased with herself. Toff praises me for being so patient.
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Toff: Ugh, that garden salad I made for Marie was horrible. It’s given me a stomach ache.
Seema: It really has! I can see it glowing green. I’ve never known salad do that before…
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Status: Week 24, Winter; Year 6Cat: Nova; Female German Rex; Life 5; Adult; Prowler, Curious, Fluffy
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• Adoption requirement - Founder had level 9 Veterinarian;
• 1st resurrection - 900 Achievement Points
• 2nd resurrection - 900k Simoleans
• 3rd resurrection - 9 unique adult aspirations
• 4th resurrection - 9 Good Friends within household
• 9 each A’s/part-time jobs/scouting badges
• Spend 24+ consecutive hours in 9 different worlds (Oasis Springs, Mt Komorebi, San Myshuno, Granite Falls, Evergreen Harbour, Willow Creek, Copperdale, Britechester, Sulani)
• Cure your pet of 9 illnesses (Frozen Mange, Overheated Sniffer, 2 Squirrel Bites, 1 unidentified – cured by Wellness treat, Sizzlepaw, Winterfest Fever, Gilded Gut, Prismatic Poop Plague)
In Progress
• 7.1k/9k Simstagram followers
Museum Items (Bargain Bend, Willow Creek):
• feathers sculpture (12/12 feathers)
• 9 unique mounted fish;
• 9 unique frogs
• 9 pet treats made by a household member (Joy/Simba)
• 9 animal sculptures all made by Don
• 9 unique level 9 career rewards
• 9 perfect nip plants
• 9 photos of cat in each of the 9 different worlds from requirement
• 5/9 paintings (5 lives)
Cat CompanionsGeneration 1
Founder: Joy Leonine; achieved adoption requirement
Spouse: Don Lothario; part-time jobs completed - 5
Helper: Dina Caliente; aspirations achieved – Master Mixologist
Generation 2
TC: 2 As in school
Benny: 2 As in school
Simba Leonine: 2 As in school; Aspirations achieved – Nerd Brain, Leader of the Pack, Fabulously Wealthy, City Native, Curator; Collection completed - feathers
Complete Bonus collections: Snow Globes; City Posters; Frogs; My Sims Trophies
Fasa Leonine: 2 As in school; Aspirations achieved - Angling Ace, Freelance Botanist, Renaissance Sim, Friend of the World, Painter Extraordinaire; topped Detective
Complete Bonus collections: Postcards
Felicia Bheeda: Aspirations achieved – Outdoor Enthusiast
Generation 3
Fancy-Fancy Leonine: 2 As
Orion Leonine: Alien; 2 As
Choo-Choo Leonine: 2 As; Aspirations achieved – Goal Oriented, Beach Life, Academic; Bonus Collections: Space Rocks, Crystals, Elements
Spot Leonine: Alien Adult; Bookworm, Loves Outdoors, Cat-Lover; 2 As; Soulmate; Collections - Geodes
Seema Raghavan: Adult; Self-Absorbed, Animal Enthusiast, Over-Achiever; Strangerville Mystery, Super Parent, Big Happy Family, Country Caretaker
Generation 4
Spook Leonine: Alien hybrid; 2 As
Duchess Leonine: Alien hybrid
Current Household: Via Romanza, Tartosa
Generation 4
Jennie Leonine: Father Winter’s Baby; Young Adult; Cat-Lover, Good, Cheerful; 2 As
Mistoffolees Leonine: Alien hybrid Spellcaster; Young Adult; Neat, Bookworm, Recycle Disciple; 2 As
Generation 5
Marie Leonine : Spellcaster ; Toddler
L-to-R: Nova, Jennie holding Marie, Mistoffelees
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NotesI thought you’d like to see Spook’s family. Isla has become an elder so no more children with her. Donald and Jalen are the older twin boys. The younger twin girls are Cherish and Norah. Norah, as you can see, is a stunning shade of blue whilst they all have black hair like their mother’s original shade.
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Baby Marie, the first of the 5th generation to be born in house, is named for the female kitten in The Aristocats. I forgot to mention in the last episode that Duchess was named for the mother cat in the same film. Having seen all Spooks children have green or blue skin, I was surprised that Marie has human tones.
Mistoffelees was always going to be a Spellcaster as his namesake’s full title is “Mr. Mistoffelees! The Original Conjuring Cat”. This episode’s title is taken from that poem.