Author Topic: The New EA App and Sims 3 - Store Content Missing  (Read 8167 times)

Offline Peanuts61

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Re: The New EA App and Sims 3 - Store Content Missing
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2022, 09:12:10 PM »
Yes! and thank you. I am glad to know that ea is looking into it. and hope you and the other players won't keep experiencing(spelling) the same issues. Merry Christmas to you and your family and a very happy, healthy and safe new year!

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: The New EA App and Sims 3 - Store Content Missing
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2023, 11:06:36 AM »
✽ Note: This thread has been locked as this issue has been solved by EA. See the infoormation and links below.

This issue was supposed to be solved in February 2023. The suggested fix is either download and install Sims 3 Store Content into a new Sims 3 folder.

To do that go to: \Documents\Electronic Arts\ > Right-click the Sims 3 folder and select Rename. Launch and exit the game so it creates a new Sims 3 folder. Your user files will be okay in the renamed folder.

– Or -

If you're trying to troubleshoot your current Sims 3 folder, EA_Cade has offered the solution of Delete the folders labeled DCCache, Downloads, and InstalledWorlds.

--- Quote ---
Hey all, 

Recently we ran into an issue with Sims 3 Store Content not installing correctly in certain circumstances.
We have since released a fix for this issue with EA app build that should resolve the error, but you will need to follow the steps below or previous saves may not load (for example, if you have a Sim living in a premium content world like Roaring Heights)

    Navigate to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3.

    Delete the folders labeled DCCache, Downloads, and InstalledWorlds.

    Reinstall any removed The Sims 3 Store Content you deleted in the previous step.

You should now be able to load your saves as desired.

--- /Quote ---

Install store content in very small batches of between 5 and 10 files, to help the Sims 3 launcher process the files.  Copy files into the Downloads folder and select Install All.

To test to make sure store content is installed:

1. Look in the Installed Content tab to make sure everything looks good there.
2. Start a test-save in Sunset Valley for example. Start with Edit Town and look at the in-game lots Library. Community lots and Empty Lots for empty residential homes. 

Also via Edit Town, pick a lot and look through Build/Buy mode for installed store content.

When finished, quit without saving.

If all is good, go head and add back some of your user files into the new Sims 3 folder. See the post section linked below for more details on how to do that.

What Files/Folders to Add Back In:


I have been watching answers.ea Sims 3 Tech Board ( about this and other Sims 3 issues.

I have posted more troubleshooting tips here in this stickied post -

[Info.] EA App and Sims 3 Store Content Missing or Won't Download

  ✽  If the store content downloading/installing isn't fixed for you please run the EA Error Reporter: ( and share your Report ID with either EA Customer Service or via a post at answers.ea Sims 3 Technical Help Board. (Sims 3 Tech Board:


Reference Link:

The Sims 3 - Saved Games Not Loading After Store Content Download Fix
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