Author Topic: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/19/2023  (Read 19297 times)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/20/22
« Reply #30 on: November 20, 2022, 05:12:50 PM »

Colt: A little screw here, a bolt there, and soon I will have myself a little love rocket to take my babe to the moon with.

Kristin has made it to level 7 of the Social Media career. She is just moving along and making a name for herself.

In between all of that, she has so learned to knit. YAY..

Colt: Oh man, I remember all the fun times I had at the Hijinks Festivals.
Now I get to watch my beautiful wife be a mischief-maker for a few minutes. Be still my heart.

Hat dude: So, what line of work are you in?
Kristin: I head up a Multi-Million dollar crime conglomerate over in Willow Creek.

Kristin: I eat guys like you for breakfast. What about you? What do you do?
Hat dude: Oh me? Nothing, ab-so-lute-ly nothing at all.

Colt: Hey babe, how about giving me some sugar for our selfie?
Kristin: Of course my sweet cakes.

Kristin: Now, what do I get in return for that cuppa sugar I just gave you?
Colt: Whoa there tiger, not in public. *giggles*

Colt: How about this till later? *kiss*
Kristin: hmm?? I guess that will do. Plus I know where you live. I can collect your debt anytime.

Colt: UGGGGHHHH, you put that mud puddle there?
W: Oh what are you doing laying in a mud puddle when there is a perfectly good shower inside?

Colt: OH of course you show up now. I think I broke my backside. You know the most beautiful part of me.
W: Please, if you think that is the most beautiful part of you, then you need glass mister. Get up now.

Colt: Hey!! My back is killing me, have a little petty here. When was the last time you slipped and fell in the yard?
W: hmm oh let's see, about 8 months ago. It wasn't fun at all. At least you can shake it off and forget it happened. I can't.

Colt: *smirks* True, The best part of being a sim I guess. Anyways, I'm gonna go and take a shower now that I am dirty.
Then I am gonna give the ole bucket of bolts a test run.

Colt: See ya later poser.

Kristin: It sounds like it lifted off without a problem. I hope he makes a safe trip.
W: I hope he crash lands and gets probed.

Kristin: "takes a bite" Well that wasn't nice at all.
W: You don't know him like I do sweetie. Just wait.

Kristin: Whatever, it's fine. I can handle whatever comes my way.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/20/22
« Reply #31 on: November 20, 2022, 08:01:43 PM »
Are we hinting at a Colt alienboo, Watcher? (joking, joking)
Awww, poor Colt.  I bet he rather misses "The Life."
Which Social Media branch did Kristen choose? Internet Personality or Public Relations?

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/20/22
« Reply #32 on: November 20, 2022, 08:34:43 PM »
Are we hinting at a Colt alienboo, Watcher? (joking, joking)
Awww, poor Colt.  I bet he rather misses "The Life."
Which Social Media branch did Kristen choose? Internet Personality or Public Relations?

Kristin is doing the Internet Personality branch.
I wish I could get him abducted. It just ain't happening right now. No matter how much I try.
Yes, he misses the life, but I think he is enjoying the new life a little.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/20/22
« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2022, 12:35:49 AM »
Are you having him "Search for the Truth" on the observatory at night?
Good luck!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/20/22
« Reply #34 on: November 21, 2022, 03:21:36 AM »

Oooh, are you really trying for an alienboo? How exciting!! I do so love those fun colored sims!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/20/22
« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2022, 12:05:00 PM »
Kristin - so confident she can handle anything! I'm keeping everything crossed that she can! Colt with an Alienboo? Oh my!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/20/22
« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2022, 12:07:23 PM »
"I hope he crash lands and gets probed."  LOLOL

Nice update! You could try having Colt spend some time in the big telescope - my Sim did that a lot - she was collecting the Space Prints, and there are now more of them with the moongazing ones. She was abducted 3 times.

Looking forward to the alien boo!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/20/22
« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2022, 07:27:00 PM »
Another fun update! 
Kristin intimidating Hat Dude just by mentioning what she does for a living was rather great  :=)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/23/22
« Reply #38 on: November 23, 2022, 09:33:35 PM »

Colt: So today I did a thang! I maxed my programming skill. I didn't have to, but I did. So that will come in handy
down the line, if I need to mentor someone in their big dreams.

Kristin: Hye little girl. You need to have your mom get her money back on your hair.
Girl: Why is that lady?
Kristin: Because your dye job is so bad, your roots are already showing.

Colt: Yep, while she is out being mean and causing mischief, I have maxed Logic and completed my Nerd Brain Aspiration.
I'm so good, yep, still got it.

W: Reading Parenting books?
Kristin: Getting a headstart on my parenting skill. I want to be ahead of the game. You got a problem with it?

Colt: I'm a smooth operator. My words are smooth and I can talk my way out of a sealed box.

Someone didn't understand what I meant when I said his "want" was to "debate another actual sim" Not an "actual" debate captain.

Colt: Why does everyone have to follow me into the bathroom?
Dina: Don't flatter yourself baldie. I just want to talk to you about mom.

Colt: Look, I'm not here for your mom this time. I am already married.
Dina: I know, I know. I've asked around and I found the new online dynasty you are doing. Just watch out, I think she is trying to stalk you.

Colt: Red?? Stalk me? Please. She can't stalk a green bean. I have already run into her twice now. To be honest,
her choice of outfits is on my least desirable side.

Dina: Well that was rude.
Colt: This whole conversation in the men's john is rude. Just back to your lover boy and that gorilla of a sister,
make sure that they help to keep an eye on your mom.

Fan: It's her!! *faints*
Kristin: Can someone please clear the rug before I fall?

Colt: Why is this computer freezing up on me so much? I mean, it's in a University for Metro's sake. 
Fan: I know that bald head anywhere. I can't believe that he's here!!

Fan: *squeals* It is him!!!
Colt: Yep, it's me. So what lady?

The fan faints on the floor.
Colt: Time to leave. Too much drama.

Travis: I hear you are doing great in the freelance programming dept. Our boss is quite impressed with you.
Colt: I didn't think I would like it as much as I do, but I am enjoying it.

Colt: I only have a few more gigs to complete before I plan on stopping.
I want to be able to spend quality time with my kids when I start.
Travis: That sounds only far. A hands-on dad is always great.

Colt: Well, here's the next thing, I am planning on adding on to the house this week, and then after the upcoming Harvest fest,
selling and moving to Newcrest.
Travis: Oh...

Travis: That sounds like a solid plan. Gotta make room for the expanding family and plan for the future, right?
Colt: So you get it. I need to make sure we have room for what we need to have done. Well, it's getting late. I'll talk to you later.

Travis: Never in a million years, would I have ever thought I would have that kind of conversation with that man.

Kristin: So you are expanding the house. But moving as soon as Harvest Fest is complete?
Colt: Babe, we will need more room for the kids. Will six, we can't do it here.

Colt: I have a few more gigs to complete and then we are done. I have submitted house plans to the Newcrest Development committee.
Once they approve the plans, and the building is complete, we move in.
Kristin: Well, let's get busy pops.

Here are the added additions to the house. A small dining area and two upstairs bedrooms.

The next morning was Harvest Fest. Colt and Kristin woke to find some of those pesky gnomes around the yard.
First, Kristin gave the bunny gnome a salad and he was appeased.
then Colt, well, he was hoping he remembered correctly and offered his a cup of coffee and it was appeased. Then he found another bunny gnome in the front,
he offered him a salad and he was appeased.

Kristin: *flirty* Would you like some help handsome?
Colt: Only if you want burnt turkey because that is what will happen if you distract me, babe.

Kristin: Well I will go and check my social media page and maybe update it.
Colt: You do that and I will let you know when this is ready.

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/23/22
« Reply #39 on: November 23, 2022, 09:33:45 PM »

It wasn't long before the appeased gnomes started to leave little presents all around the yard and house.

W: Looks like you have turned into a right proper cook there chromedome!
Colt: Go ahead and insult today, I'm not gonna let it get to me.

*rings* Dinner is done, Come and get it while it's hot like me.

Kristin: Not only does it smell great, but it looks delicious too.
Colt: Nothing but the best on our first Harvest Fest together.

Liberty: So Travis cooked this huge hen, dressing, yams, beans, and rolls. It was fantastic.
Colt: I'm glad you kids had a great dinner. I sure am gonna miss you when we move.

Liberty: I never thought I would see that day I would hear those words come from the mouth of Colt Brooks.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/23/22
« Reply #40 on: November 24, 2022, 03:47:10 AM »

"Come and get it while it's hot like me" Haha! I'm enjoying Colt and his new family man ways. Let's get those nooboos a cookin'!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/23/22
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2022, 08:26:59 AM »
This whole Colt-as-the-kind-neighbor thing is just so out of left field!!  What a fun twist and new angle on your go-to character!  And what a fantastic house husband he's turned out to be.  Kristin is so lucky  :=)
Oh, and the part where Dina came by to warn Colt about Katrina stalking him and followed him into the bathroom was just delightfully ridiculous!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/23/22
« Reply #42 on: November 24, 2022, 09:23:15 AM »

"Come and get it while it's hot like me" Haha! I'm enjoying Colt and his new family man ways. Let's get those nooboos a cookin'!
He's having a load of fun with this new role in his life.

This whole Colt-as-the-kind-neighbor thing is just so out of left field!!  What a fun twist and new angle on your go-to character!  And what a fantastic house husband he's turned out to be.  Kristin is so lucky  :=)
Oh, and the part where Dina came by to warn Colt about Katrina stalking him and followed him into the bathroom was just delightfully ridiculous!

Makes you wonder if the "other shoe" is gonna drop and when right? LOL Now that would be funny. I have Bust the Dust turned off, but I might have to turn it back on just to see how he does with that. LOL

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 02/10/2023
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2023, 12:14:36 PM »
Good afternoon everyone. I first off want to apologize for not updating in long while. I have been busy taking care of my father's personal business and affairs while he was in the hospital in GA, I live in VA. Then last month, on January 23rd he passed quietly in his sleep. I am now getting back to a normal routine again. I am going to start updating again soon.

Again I am so sorry for letting this one slide.


Offline oshizu

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Re: Brooks Big Dream Dynasty Updated 11/23/22
« Reply #44 on: February 10, 2023, 04:06:20 PM »
My condolences of your father's passing. I hope his final days were peaceful.

Yes, please get back to Kristin and Colt!
You at least gotta have Kristin pregnant by March 16th. *winks

