Author Topic: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Challenge Failure...  (Read 53250 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.6: Bring Your Daughter...
« Reply #135 on: November 01, 2022, 05:43:48 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.6: Bring Your Daughter...

Isiah: Thanks for inviting me over, Adrian.
Adrian: It’s not a social visit. I want to talk to you about Pink.
Isiah: Pink? What about her?
Adrian: When are you going to marry her and give her the children she wants?
Isiah: Get married? I’ll get married when the Pope does!

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Adrian: That is not OK!
Isiah: Listen up, Old Man! Pink does what I want, when I want and how I want. She’s mine now and nothing to do with you!
Adrian: I see! By the way, I’ve been developing the basement. I thought I’d put in a swimming pool so we can swim in all weathers…
Isiah: But it never rains here! You’re losing it, old man!
Adrian: I’d value your opinion. Would you take a look? Tell me what you think?
Isiah: I’ll take a look at it but I think it’s a crazy idea.

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Mallow: Help! Help!
Orchid: What? What?
Mallow: It’s all dark and wet and I can hear splashing!
Orchid: It’s just a bad dream, Mallow. Let me just use the loo and then I’ll help you get settled again.

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Meanwhile, in a closed off area of the basement…

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Adrian: Have you come for me?
Adrian: Ah…

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Poppy: Happy Birthday, Tweed!
Mallow: Hey – where’s my birthday photo?
Watcher: There’s been a lot going on…
Adrian: Thanks for everything, Watcher. I couldn’t have done it without you!
Watcher: You’re too Good!
Poppy: What are you two plotting?
Watcher: Nothing!
Adrian: Nothing!

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Watcher: The wardrobes for Mallow & Tweed are cute. It will be nice when we can be totally free to choose more flattering outfits for everyone.

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Poppy: Did you hear? Pink says that Isiah has disappeared! He left a couple of days ago and hasn’t returned. She thinks that something must have gone wrong in his job but the agency isn’t admitting anything.
Adrian: Oh dear! I wonder where he is. Is Pink OK?
Poppy: Well, she’s feeling a bit lonely in that big old house on the island. She’s asked if we can go over.
Adrian: For a visit?
Poppy: No, to stay with her until Isiah gets home.

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Tweed: Mum?
Poppy: I’m sure it won’t be for long. You can come with us if you want?
Tweed: No, I want to be here for Trent’s birthday. I’ll miss you though. Come back soon.
Adrian: If we can…
Poppy: Love you, baby boy!
Tweed: Mum!

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Watcher: And so Adrian and Poppy joined Pink and Max, her dog, at the Villareal Estate in Windenberg while she waits for Isiah’s return.

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Reed: Phoey! I really wish we could get rid of Water Conservation Day. That NAP catches me out every week!
Trent: Smelly Belly Welly
Reed: Why can’t we vote on the NAPs?
Marguerite: I’m going to sort that out, but first I need to work on my Physics degree.

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Orchid: Now this is a more refined look.
Watcher: Apart from the headdress.
Orchid: Well I like to keep some things the same.

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Reed: Congratulations on your promotion.
Orchid: Thanks, gorgeous. Hey, you know while Mum and Dad are away…
Reed: The bathroom’s not as busy…
Orchid (biting lip): You read my mind…

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Reed: Wow, Orchid, we are such a fertile combination!
Orchid: Are you pleased?
Reed: Over the moon! Let’s face it, Trent is adorable. More like him would be great!

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Tweed: So you’re my big sister, Pink?
Pink: That’s me, short stuff!
Tweed: You don’t seem very unhappy.
Pink: Why should I be?
Tweed: Well, mum and dad went to live with you because you were worrying about someone called Isiah?
Pink: Well, he’s not come back. I’ve been making a few changes…got a new job as a daycare assistant…I feel….happy?

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Watcher: Oh – the Johnny Zest outfit!
Reed: I know. But I make it look good!
Watcher: If you say so!

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Marguerite: Happy Birthday Trent!
Trent: Margie Sad?
Marguerite: We’ve just heard that Aunt Prim has died. She was lovely!
Trent: Huggles?
Marguerite: Blow your candles out, first
Trent: Pfft

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Watcher: Wow, Trent! That’s a bold wardrobe.
Trent: I think it’s cool.
Watcher: OK

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Reed: I can’t believe my luck. A top channel caught my show and have signed me up for the big time. I’ve topped my career!
Watcher: Whoot! Whoot! (happy dance)
Reed: I revel in the humorous and love mischief.
Watcher: Your jollity and light-heartedness is infectious and, gradually, all the Sims around you are recovering their Joie de vivre and are ready to laugh, celebrate life's milestones and enjoy themselves once more.

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Watcher: And you’ve got a promotion too!
Orchid: Not so conservative, this time.
Watcher: The boots look fun!

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Progress Week 30 - Year 2, Autumn

Previous Generations

Generation 3 - Complete
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 4
Pink Odrade:
YA/Moved out; Good, Loves Outdoors, Family-Oriented; Big Happy Family; Manual Labourer complete week 26
Orchid Odrade: Heir; YA; Outgoing, Dog-Lover, Creative; Friend of the World; Style Influencer 8/10
Umber Odrade: YA/moved out; Neat, Proper; Live Fast; Retail Employee complete week 26
Myrtle Odrade: Teen/moved out; Neat, Proper; Rennaissance Sim; Babysitter complete week 28
Marguerite Odrade: Teen; Green Fiend, Genius; Renaissance Sim; Student of Physics 4/12
Mallow Odrade: Teen; Creative, Self-Assured; Painter Extraordinaire
Reed Hashimoto: Spouse; YA; Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, Romantic; Trend-Setter; Entertainer Complete week 30
Tweed Odrade: Child; Bookworm; Whiz Kid

Generation 5
Trent Odrade:
Child; Loves Outdoors; Whiz Kid

L-to-R: Trent, Mallow, Orchid, Reed, Marguerite, Tweed
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Adrian didn't really interact with Grim, he just walked past him (restricted by Writer-Author) and I took a screenshot to make it look that way.

I was very happy about Reed getting the chance break at work to zoom to the top of his career. The restrictions lifted are:
•   No parties or any other social events may be held.
•   May not accept birthday party invitations.
•   Sims may get married but must use the 'elope' option.
•   May not tell jokes or choose any interaction from the 'funny' category.
•   All holidays must be deleted from the calendar and may not be added back until this restriction is cleared.
•   No foreign travel (Sulani, Salvadorada, Mt Korembi or Granite Falls) for leisure/holiday purposes until this and Politics has been cleared.
•   Only one Sim per day may be invited over (if Military-Officer is lifted).
•   Sims may not attend festivals (inc Finchwick Fairs).
•   May not accept invitations to any event from other Sims.
•   May not watch the Comedy channel nor the New Year's Eve channel on TV.
•   May not use Party Place lot trait.
It's a real relief because autonomous comedy kept happening all the time so it'll be great to stop having to cancel it. Attending festivals etc out of neighbourhood is still restricted unless fitness level 10 (Professional Athlete) and to within the 6am-7pm curfew (Detective) but hosting parties will be nice. Having deleted all the holidays from the calendar, they all need reinstating. I need to find a list somewhere...

Title: Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter – 1991 UK hit from Iron Maiden

*edited - I'd got confused between generations- Primrose was Marguerite's aunt and Trent's great aunt!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.6: Bring Your Daughter...
« Reply #136 on: November 03, 2022, 05:49:42 PM »

Haha! You really went for it, Watcher!  ;D I'm sure Pink is much happier with her new roomies.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.6: Bring Your Daughter...
« Reply #137 on: November 03, 2022, 06:11:08 PM »
Good riddance to bad news, Isiah!
And when did Marguerite become so pretty!
Congrats to Reed on the lucky chance card that helped max his career! Yay!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.6: Bring Your Daughter...
« Reply #138 on: November 04, 2022, 04:21:00 AM »

Haha! You really went for it, Watcher!  ;D I'm sure Pink is much happier with her new roomies.
It's funny, isn't it. Pink's happiness outside the household was irrelevant to the challenge but I hated leaving her with an Evil partner, especially a non-romantic one who won't give her any children.

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.6: Bring Your Daughter...
« Reply #139 on: November 04, 2022, 04:28:32 AM »
Good riddance to bad news, Isiah!
And when did Marguerite become so pretty!
Congrats to Reed on the lucky chance card that helped max his career! Yay!
I'd seriously considered Marguerite as the Gen 4 Heir as she's very attractive. Plus I like her randomly-generated green Fiend trait. Orchid stole the show though and she's making very cute gen 5 babies.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.7: Tears In Heaven
« Reply #140 on: November 05, 2022, 03:30:11 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.7: Tears In Heaven

Orchid: Oh Trent! Please don’t make a mess.
Trent: OK
Orchid: And please clean it up
Trent: OK
Watcher: What? That would never happen!
Orchid: Maybe you just never developed your parenting skill, Watcher!
Watcher: Ouch!

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Orchid: A quick kiss before work
Reed: You know me so well! I hope you’ll be OK at work today.
Orchid: This baby’s not due until this evening. I should be fine.

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Orchid: Right on time, baby Thames. A little brother for Trent
Thames: Gurgle

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Tweed: Remind me again why we’re doing these crafts?
Trent: It’s All Souls Day. We need something to give as a gift and these will be great.
Tweed: Mine’s not very good.
Trent: Just give it to your Mum, she’ll love it anyway.

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Mallow: Those boys can get away with anything but I’m really hoping to do something better than normal so I can feel proud of my gift.

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Orchid: Thanks for coming round on All Souls Day, Mum. I’ve got a present for you but first say hello to Thames!
Poppy: Oh – he’s so precious. I don’t thing any other gift could top that!

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Orchid: Maybe the gift I wrapped can’t top Thames but I think this news will!

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Marguerite: …and none of them was ever heard of again!
Poppy: Wow – that was definitely a dramatic story.
Marguerite: I love telling stories for All Souls Day! And it’s the first holiday that we’ve been able to celebrate. We’ve all got gold!
Poppy: That makes up for no birthday party.
Marguerite: Oh I’m having a party! But on Friday!

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Orchid: Happy birthday, Thames. You’re just as cute as your big brother!
Thames: Babble

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Orchid: These promotions seem to take so long with all my pregnancies. I’m exhausted!
Watcher: Well done! Only one more to go!

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Marguerite: I’m learning so much Handiness from my course!
Watcher: You only need to be level 3
Marguerite: Well I’m level 10!
Watcher: Wow! Way to go the extra mile!
Orchid: ZZZZZ

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Orchid: Welcome to the world, baby Teme.
Teme: Gurgle

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Marguerite: It’s Friday! Whoop! Whoop! Yes! You’ve got to come now so we can wrap it up by 7pm!

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Marguerite: I like your outfits. I’m not so pleased about mine.
Trent: I ended up in a generic dress so I changed. Goodness knows what I was supposed to be dressed as!

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Tweed: This is great Dad!
Adrian (bear): I’ve never got the hang of this.
Pink (astronaut): Come on Dad, you can do it!
Trent: Gramps! Are you OK?
Adrian: I need a lie-down!

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Orchid: Happy Birthday, Teme. Give Mama a hug before I go to work. I’m not going to get my promotion today. The whole house is in mourning for your Grandad.
Teme: Babble?
Orchid: Oh sweetie, he’d have loved you!

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Progress Week 31 - Year 2, Autumn

Previous Generations

Generation 3 - Complete
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 4
Pink Odrade:
Adult/Moved out; Good, Loves Outdoors, Family-Oriented; Big Happy Family; Manual Labourer complete week 26
Orchid Odrade: Heir; YA; Outgoing, Dog-Lover, Creative; Friend of the World; Style Influencer 8/10
Umber Odrade: YA/moved out; Neat, Proper; Live Fast; Retail Employee complete week 26
Myrtle Odrade: YA/moved out; Neat, Proper; Rennaissance Sim; Babysitter complete week 28
Marguerite Odrade: YA; Green Fiend, Genius, Party Animal; Eco-Warrior; Student of Physics 8/12
Mallow Odrade: Teen; Creative, Self-Assured; Painter Extraordinaire
Reed Hashimoto: Spouse; YA; Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, Romantic; Trend-Setter; Entertainer Complete week 30
Tweed Odrade: Child; Bookworm; Whiz Kid

Generation 5
Trent Odrade:
Child; Loves Outdoors; Whiz Kid
Thames Odrade: toddler; Independent
Teme Odrade: toddler; Independent

L-to-R: Trent, Reed holding Thames, Marguerite, Poppy holding Teme, Mallow, Tweed
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Our 16th Flower is named for the River Thames, well-known for flowing through the centre of London
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Our 17th Flower is named for the River Teme (pronounced team) which starts in Wales and then flows through Shropshire where my Mum lives
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Marguerite randomly rolled Party Animal and I decided she could keep it so she'll love all the parties we can host now.
It was sad to say farewell to Adrian. He’ll be missed.

Title: Tears in Heaven – 1992 UK hit from Eric Clapton

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.7: Tears In Heaven
« Reply #141 on: November 05, 2022, 03:57:07 PM »
Awww, Adrian died during the party!  Was he the one dressed as the brown bear? Rest in peace, Adrian, father of many!
Wow, Watcher, you are constantly playing a full house! You deserve some sort of medal for that!

Wait, I've heard of Shropshire.
Is it because I'm a big fan of Ellis Peters' Chronicles of Brother Cadfael books?
I enjoy reading the books while imagining Sean Connery (from his The Name of the Rose role) as Brother Cadfael, hehe.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.7: Tears In Heaven
« Reply #142 on: November 05, 2022, 05:24:07 PM »
Awww, Adrian died during the party!  Was he the one dressed as the brown bear? Rest in peace, Adrian, father of many!
Wow, Watcher, you are constantly playing a full house! You deserve some sort of medal for that!

Wait, I've heard of Shropshire.
Is it because I'm a big fan of Ellis Peters' Chronicles of Brother Cadfael books?
I enjoy reading the books while imagining Sean Connery (from his The Name of the Rose role) as Brother Cadfael, hehe.
Yes - Shropshire includes Shrewsbury (you can say "Shrew"sbury or "Shro"sbury and someone will say you're wrong!) which is the setting for Cadfael and I would agree that Cadfael and Sean Connery's role in Name of the Rose are similar in nature - both having a chequered history and aiming at holiness & compassion while holding the church legislation lightly.  My Mum loves the TV series with Derek Jacobi. The county is also know historically as Salop. It's got beautiful scenery but poor transport links so those of us who love it revel in the lack of crowds.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.7: Tears In Heaven
« Reply #143 on: November 06, 2022, 11:11:46 AM »

Orchid and her ridiculous work head gear continues to delight! I've never mentioned it, but I like the pictures near the end explaining where you get your names from. I appreciate letting us know the pronunciation too!

I agree with Oshizu. Constantly playing such a full household sounds like a lot! How do you not get exhausted with it!? :P

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.7: Tears In Heaven
« Reply #144 on: November 06, 2022, 12:15:50 PM »

Orchid and her ridiculous work head gear continues to delight! I've never mentioned it, but I like the pictures near the end explaining where you get your names from. I appreciate letting us know the pronunciation too!

I agree with Oshizu. Constantly playing such a full household sounds like a lot! How do you not get exhausted with it!? :P
Controlling 8 Sims is exhausting but I keep remembering how many careers need to be cleared and wonder just how many generations it's going to take! :o

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.8: Moving On Up
« Reply #145 on: November 07, 2022, 12:40:16 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.8: Moving On Up

Reed: Happy Birthday, Thames
Thames: Thanks Dad! Can I go swim?
Reed: Wow – can’t wait to get Active!

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Watcher: Congratulations, Orchid! You made it!
Orchid: But it says I need another level of Painting for my next promotion!
Watcher: It’s a bit weird and you can go for that if you want but there really are no more levels…
Orchid: OK. Can I have my hair tints back?
Watcher: Ah – yes of course. Oh dear!
Orchid: What’s the matter?
Watcher: Well, now I’ve got free reign over your outfits, the readers are going to realise that I have absolutely no sense of style now. I’ve been blaming it all on the restrictions until now.
Orchid: We’ll be OK – baby steps….

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Thames: I love love LOVE playing on this pirate ship!

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Watcher: Hey, Tweed, why so glum?
Tweed: Well, you couldn’t make it more clear that I’m just an also-ran in this challenge! Where is my birthday photo?
Watcher: Um…
Tweed: And I’ve got a teen job so we know what that means.
Watcher: Um…

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Trent: Bonfire Night. The camp fire was great and we get to light 2 sparklers each!
Mallow: Don’t forget all the campfire cooking we got to do!
Trent: I’m glad we didn’t do the Guy thing.
Watcher: Yeah – gunpowder plot and all that but the Guy on the fire always seemed a little gruesome!

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Watcher: Happy Birthday, Trent.
Trent: Do I get a job now?
Watcher: Nope, you just work on your logic and fitness for now.
Tweed: Hmph!

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Watcher: Orchid? How come you’re carrying 2 plates of food?
Orchid: Well I was having some fruit salad when you suggested Reed might like to…you know…have some fun. I took the bowl with me which was a bit odd in bed. And then when we’d finished…you know…I was still hungry so I got a slider.
Watcher: I see.
Orchid: The thing is, with both hands full, I’m kinda stuck!
Watcher: On it!

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Watcher: Well done, Tweed. You made it!
Tweed: It’s been a good start to a chef career.
Watcher: Do you want to stay in it for now? You don’t really need to worry about High School.
Tweed: Can I go and live with Mum? It was a shock seeing her as an Elder. I’d like to spend more time with her.
Tweed: That’s why she called round earlier, to see if you could. I’m glad it’s what you both want.

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Progress Week 32 - Year 2, Autumn

Previous Generations

Generation 3 - Complete
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 4
Pink Odrade:
Adult/Moved out; Good, Loves Outdoors, Family-Oriented; Big Happy Family; Manual Labourer complete week 26
Orchid Odrade: Heir; YA; Outgoing, Dog-Lover, Creative; Friend of the World; Style Influencer complete week 32
Umber Odrade: Adult/moved out; Neat, Proper; Live Fast; Retail Employee complete week 26
Myrtle Odrade: Adult/moved out; Neat, Proper; Rennaissance Sim; Babysitter complete week 28
Marguerite Odrade: YA; Green Fiend, Genius, Party Animal; Eco-Warrior; Distinguished Physics (hons); Civil Planner-Green Technician 8/10
Mallow Odrade: Teen; Creative, Self-Assured; Painter Extraordinaire
Reed Hashimoto: Spouse; Adult; Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, Romantic; Trend-Setter; Entertainer Complete week 30
Tweed Odrade: Teen/Moved Out; Bookworm, Green Fiend; Master Chef; Fast Food complete week 32

Generation 5
Trent Odrade:
Teen; Loves Outdoors, Outgoing; Teen Idol
Thames Odrade: Child; Active; Rambunctious Scamp
Teme Odrade: toddler; Independent

L-to-R: Mallow, Marguerite, Orchid holding Teme, Reed, Trent, Thames
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As Adrian died in our last episode, after coming to an incognito as a bear, he is living his best life as a ghostly bear! It’s a bit odd when he sends a gift but we always know it’s him!

The restrictions lifted by Orchid in the Style Influencer career are:
•   Hair Colour may not be changed in CAS. Hairstyles should be simple, with or without plain clips/ties/scarves (fancy ones allowed after Detective cleared but keep hairstyle simple until this career cleared) with no extra tints or areas requiring regular shaving.
•   Make-up should be removed.
•   The clothes that come with each birthday may swapped between the outfits and items like hats may be removed. No items may be added. Once this career is cleared, there are no further wardrobe restriction.
•   Sims may only use the “Practice” interactions on mirrors
•   Sims may only purchase one mirror for the entire household.
•   Simfluencer locked until this career cleared

The restrictions lifted by Tweed in the Fast Food career are:
•   This career is locked until Culinary-Chef career is completed.
•   Sims may not use the 'quick meal' option on fridges or coolers.
•   May not order pizza or snacks in bars.
Although this career’s restrictions are minimal, it’s actually a big relief as cancelling the household getting quick meals from the fridge was very annoying. The number of bowls of cereal going in the bin was ridiculous.

As all of Gen 4 are now teens or older, albeit spread over a lot of time, here is the Gen 3-4 comparison photo for Poppy and Adrian's children

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Title: Moving On Up - 1993 UK hit from M People

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.8: Moving On Up
« Reply #146 on: November 07, 2022, 01:12:18 PM »
Watcher, you slacker! Tweed moved out but Orchid sin't pregnant yet?  Just kidding!

Two more unlocks achieved in one week, while Marguerite is not far behind!
Thank you for the collage.
Looking at all the Gen4 kids together, Orchid was definite the best choice!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.8: Moving On Up
« Reply #147 on: November 07, 2022, 01:26:49 PM »
Watcher, you slacker! Tweed moved out but Orchid sin't pregnant yet?  Just kidding!

Two more unlocks achieved in one week, while Marguerite is not far behind!
Thank you for the collage.
Looking at all the Gen4 kids together, Orchid was definite the best choice!
I am a slacker because I've left Umber out of the line up - oh dear!
With Teme about to leave the toddler years, I'm thinking Orchid doesn't want to have any more but Reed is very Romantic...

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.8: Moving On Up
« Reply #148 on: November 08, 2022, 12:54:31 PM »

Aw, Adrian as a ghost bear: how cute! The pressure is on now, Watcher - get these simmies some makeovers stat!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.9: Saturday Night
« Reply #149 on: November 08, 2022, 01:39:19 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.9: Saturday Night

Marguerite: Watcher?
Watcher: Your first day of work! How do you feel?
Marguerite: Are you seeing this?
Watcher: What?
Marguerite: Just as Orchid unleashes her show “Stylish eye for the fallout guy” on the world and everyone gets a renewed interest in appearances, I get to wear this everyday!
Watcher: Well, Orchid did say that  “Fallout wear” is the latest trend across the country.
Marguerite: You’re not selling it!

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Reed: Happy Birthday, Teme!
Teme: Thank’s Dad. I feel really creative!
Reed: Just like your mum. You’ve got her hair colouring too, although that changes weekly at the moment.
Teme: What creative things can I do?
Reed: Well, musical instruments are still too trivial to have but you can draw as many pictures as you like.

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Trent: What is Teme doing?
Thames: He’s acting out what he thinks happened at school today.
Trent: It sounds very dramatic.
Thames: It wasn’t. He just went in there and started embellishing. I hope the school bully doesn’t see this!
Trent: Maybe it’s just a phase…
Thames: I’ll take him out to play pirates in a bit. That’s more normal.

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Isiah: Hellloooooooo?
Marguerite: ZZZZZ
Mallow: ZZZZZ

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Isiah: I’ll teach them to ignore me!
Dino: I’m saying nothing. I’m not here. Maybe he won’t notice me.
Isiah: I’m off to play on the computer.
Dino: That’s right, loser! Walk away!
Isiah: Did someone say something?
Dino: …..

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Marguerite: Why, when I’m Responsible, do I have to complete my daily task? I thought it was supposed to complete automatically.
Watcher: I don’t know. From what I’ve seen, all the careers with Work From Home option do not auto-complete the daily tasks even if you’re Responsible.
Marguerite: Well, it’s very annoying.
Watcher: I would agree with you but your degree course left you woefully low on Fabrication skill. You need the practice. How about you create furniture for your own room? What colour do you fancy?
Marguerite: Sage Green!
Watcher: Oh dear. You’ve got greeny-blue streaks in your hair. Has there been an explosion?
Marguerite: No, I’ve just been experimenting with the hair dyes available now.

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Watcher: Happy Birthday for yesterday, Mallow
Mallow: Thanks, Watcher. My new boss sent over this uniform. I realize I can’t expect brand new clothes but you’d have thought they would have washed it first.
Watcher: Never mind. I’ve got a feeling you’ll only have it one day!
Mallow: Do you like my new hairstyle?
Watcher: Very edgy!

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Reed: What are you doing down here, son?
Trent: Well, Watcher suggested I have a bit of a tinker to see if I like robotics.
Reed: And do you?
Trent: It’s a laugh until I hit my finger/head/etc. I quite like doing mods for the games we’ve got as well.
Reed: All very technical, I think I see where you’re heading.

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Reed: Happy Birthday, gorgeous
Orchid: Will you still love me as I get older.
Reed: I love you more each day.
Thames: It’s not easy having a Romantic parent. If they’re not being romantic they get stressed and when they are being romantic….euw!

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Thames: Thanks for making a sandcastle with me.
Marguerite: It makes a change, doesn’t it. Watcher thinks we might complete the Night on the Town tasks by coming out here altogether. But I don’t think so.
Watcher: At least I’ve spotted another frog well. Teme! Go and have a look!
Umber: Hey, you guys! Why don’t you just get something from the vendor? It’s all free!
Trent: Man! You don’t know what you’re eating! That’s not a good idea (Food Critic)
Umber: Whatever! Tweed says you're going to the Prom on Saturday night?
Trent: I can't wait!

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Tweed: Ha! Look who’s Prom royalty!
Trent: Only cos I voted for you, man!
Tweed: Thanks, man! What do you think of my Jester?
Trent: She’s cute.

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Trent: There’s lots of cute girls and some of them are really flirty.
Tweed: What are we going to do about it?
Trent: We can talk about what we want to do about it and not do anything at all!
Tweed: I’m going to dance with them.
Trent: You’re dancing NEXT to them!
Tweed: The chaperone is really making sure there’s no flirting.
Trent: Cos we’d absolutely be flirting every which way if she wasn’t.
Tweed: You know it, player!

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Progress Week 33 - Year 3, Winter

Previous Generations

Generation 3 - Complete
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 4
Pink Odrade:
Adult/Moved out; Good, Loves Outdoors, Family-Oriented; Big Happy Family; Manual Labourer complete week 26
Orchid Odrade: Heir; Adult; Outgoing, Dog-Lover, Creative; Friend of the World; Style Influencer complete week 32
Umber Odrade: Adult/moved out; Neat, Proper; Live Fast; Retail Employee complete week 26
Myrtle Odrade: Adult/moved out; Neat, Proper; Rennaissance Sim; Babysitter complete week 28
Marguerite Odrade: YA; Green Fiend, Genius, Party Animal; Eco-Warrior; Distinguished Physics (hons); Civil Planner-Green Technician 8/10
Mallow Odrade: YA; Creative, Self-Assured, Art Lover; Painter Extraordinaire; Painter 5/10
Reed Hashimoto: Spouse; Adult; Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, Romantic; Trend-Setter; Entertainer Complete week 30
Tweed Odrade: Teen/Moved Out; Bookworm, Green Fiend; Master Chef; Fast Food complete week 32

Generation 5
Trent Odrade:
Teen; Loves Outdoors, Outgoing; Teen Idol
Thames Odrade: Child; Active; Rambunctious Scamp
Teme Odrade: Child; Creative; Artistic Prodigy

L-to-R: Thames, Trent, Mallow, Orchid, Reed, Marguerite, Teme
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Although I can choose traits and aspirations now (Babysitter) I’m still rolling as before just to see if something interesting comes up. I don’t keep the really unhelpful ones.

The puppet theatre has been in the house for sometime but Teme is the first Sim to autonomously use it. It built his Social skill quite nicely.

Title: Saturday Night - 1994 UK hit from Whigfield – a dance floor filler for all-ages (including grannies). Just make sure you’re in the middle of the floor so you’re not at the front when everyone turns round.

