Author Topic: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Challenge Failure...  (Read 57620 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.3: I Get Weak
« Reply #120 on: October 29, 2022, 07:19:02 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.3: I Get Weak

Adrian: There are a lot of teens hanging around here these days!
Watcher: Oh well it is a Teen Neighbourhood now.
Adrian: That explains it. It’s good for the kids to meet people their own age, like Isiah Villareal here (green shirt) or Reagon Floyd (girl)
Orchid: Or Cannon over there (shorts)
Adrian: He’s a Young Adult!
Orchid: But look at his….muscles! They’re to die for!
Adrian: No father should hear his daughter say that about someone! Let’s invite Milo Kealoha, a distant relative, and Isiah in. Cannon is actually a bit Mean and Reagon is a Glutton so they can go home. Phew, trying to find out their traits without using Get to Know is hard work. I need a lie down.

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Trice: Hey! I’ve only just been moved in and this guy is hitting me? I didn’t sign up for this!

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Orchid: I think you’d better leave!
Milo: What? Me? You prefer the dude with the goofy hairdo to me?
Orchid: Whose hairdo are you calling goofy? It’s the same as mine before I lost my tints.
Myrtle: Anyway, we all heard you hitting Trice! We think you’re Evil!
Milo: Your loss! I’m out of here.

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Poppy: And of course you’re another little girl. Welcome to the world, Mallow!
Mallow: Gurgle

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Pink: Thanks for coming over Isiah.
Isiah: You’re very welcome.
Pink: Dad says you Love the Outdoors, just like me!
Isiah: I’m really Active too!
Pink: I like your hairdo, it reminds me of someone..
Isiah: It’s your sister, Orchid. I met her yesterday.
Pink: Is it true you live on your own?
Isiah: Yeah! It’s a big house for just me but the family adopted me when they were all quite old so they passed away a while back.
Pink: That’s really sad. I’d ask you to move in with us, especially since Umber has gone to live with our aunt Prim, but…
Isiah: I can’t. There’s a clause in my trust fund that says I have to stay put until I’m a Young Adult. It’s OK. I get a bit lonely sometimes but now your family have been so friendly, it’s better.
Pink: You can come over any time!

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Pink: Oh – Watcher – I don’t feel well!
Watcher: You can buy medicine now.
Pink: It’s not that, I just feel all nervous and excited and weak and oh soooo many other things.
Watcher: Ah – well that’s that then.
Pink: What’s what?
Watcher: Well it was a good idea to have Isiah over to get to know him properly but it seems that….
Pink: Oh, Isiah? Don’t you just love that name….?
Watcher: Sure. It’s a great name…

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Orchid: Hey, Isiah, I’m trying to get the hang of this new camera now that I’ve graduated early too. Can I take your photo?
Isiah: Sure thing!
Orchid: I wish I could get my hair tints back now. I’m definitely gonna get them back sometime!
Watcher: Depending on your 3rd trait…
Orchid: Regardless of my 3rd trait. I wonder what yours will be Isiah…?

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Poppy: Happy Birthday, Mallow.
Mallow: Babble

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Watcher: I don’t think you need that hat everyday. Let’s just move it to your Cold outfit which you’ll never wear. There, what cute hair you were covering up!

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Adrian: Poppy, I know it’s your adult birthday today but, as part of celebrating, shall we actually get married?
Poppy: I’ve been engaged to you for so long, I’ve almost forgotten that we never actually signed the deed!
Adrian: I love you, Angel Eyes
Poppy: Forever and Always, Care Bear!

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Orchid: You’ve been acting weird, Pink. What’s going on?
Pink: Whisper Whisper
Orchid: Oh is that all!
Pink: Do you think he likes me too?
Orchid: Well, since we’re not allowed to flirt with him until he moves in, who can tell?
Pink: I really want to flirt with him.
Orchid: You’d better not! There’s eyes & ears everywhere and who knows what the punishment would be. Your birthday is soon.
Pink: Not soon enough and we don’t know when his is!

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Pink: Hey, Aunt Rose, it’s good to see you!
Rose: Well you kids never come and see us so I thought I’d pop over.
Orchid: Is Aunt Snow coming too?
Rose: No, she’s….busy.
Orchid: You’re still rocking that crop top, even as an Elder.
Rose: Kind of you to point that out!

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Watcher: Happy Birthday, Myrtle!
Myrtle: Hey, I’ve only got half a cake!
Watcher: Don’t look at me! It’s had candles on it all day. I thought no-one would be able to take a piece but I saw Marguerite with a slice.
Myrtle: Ah well, here I go, pfft

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Myrtle: What do you think?
Watcher: Well….let’s help Orchid with her skilling as much as possible!
Myrtle: I like my jacket
Watcher: But….yes, it’s fine!

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Progress Week 27 - Year 2, Summer

Previous Generations

Generation 3 - Complete

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 4
Pink Odrade:
Teen; Good, Loves Outdoors; Neighbourhood Confidante; Manual Labourer complete week 26
Orchid Odrade: Teen; Outgoing, Dog-Lover; Inner Peace
Umber Odrade: Teen/moved out; Neat, Proper; Live Fast; Retail Employee complete week 26
Myrtle Odrade: Teen; Neat, Proper; Rennaissance Sim; Babysitter 2/3
Marguerite Odrade: Child; Green Fiend; Whiz Kid
Mallow: Toddler; Inquisitive
L-to-R: Myrtle, Pink, Poppy holding Mallow, Adrian, Orchid, Marguerite
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Poor Umber got moved out without a proper farewell but he’s very happy over the road with Prim and he stops by quite often too.

Isiah Villareal has been chosen as the Gen4 spouse, assuming his last trait isn’t awful. I had Pink working on their friendship while everyone else was out and those hormones took over so she is likely the Gen4 heir. With no adults in his household, there is no-one to befriend to Ask to Move In and then move Isiah in. It can’t be done on teens. Assuming he does move in, I’m going to have to adjust his name. Having it so close the biblical name Isaiah is driving me nuts.

Title: I Get Weak - UK hit from Belinda Carlisle

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.3: I Get Weak
« Reply #121 on: October 29, 2022, 11:05:44 AM »
Looking for frogs has been allowed since Wye cleared the Environmental Manager and we have a frog well at the back of the lot. Sadly I seem to have a bug that it doesn't replenish once a frog has been found until I restart the game (sigh).
Once they get to teens, they can use the bbq but you'll notice I'm clearing a lot of teen careers in this gen so they give up scouts at that point. The advantage from being a Llamacorn Scout is also less useful for them.
However, I have great hopes for Green Fiend Marguerite who is currently destined for an adult career and will clear the science badge on their new kids science table. Telescopes and microscopes not allowed until Astronaut
Well darn! I hadn't realized that they couldn't travel to that pond in The Bramblewood or build their own pond on the home lot. 
I imagine, though, that Top-Notch Toddler's career boost is more advantageous than Llamacorn Scout's skill boost.
Nice job with the HSY careers.  They each unlock something but not anything that essential. ;p

About your update, Marguerite is such a cutie-pie!  So you've decided on the next baby mama?
I favor Orchid's looks but I can see how you might prefer Pink's traits 9so far).
Question: Is there a strategic reason for your couples not getting married earlier?

Wait a sec, we can still put birthday candles on a half-eaten cake?

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.3: I Get Weak
« Reply #122 on: October 29, 2022, 02:08:43 PM »

Congrats to Poppy and Adrian - I'd quite forgotten they weren't married! Pink's little crush is very cute. She's so swept away that apparently that missing "a" in his name doesn't bother her. :P

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.3: I Get Weak
« Reply #123 on: October 29, 2022, 03:59:16 PM »
Looking for frogs has been allowed since Wye cleared the Environmental Manager and we have a frog well at the back of the lot. Sadly I seem to have a bug that it doesn't replenish once a frog has been found until I restart the game (sigh).
Once they get to teens, they can use the bbq but you'll notice I'm clearing a lot of teen careers in this gen so they give up scouts at that point. The advantage from being a Llamacorn Scout is also less useful for them.
However, I have great hopes for Green Fiend Marguerite who is currently destined for an adult career and will clear the science badge on their new kids science table. Telescopes and microscopes not allowed until Astronaut
Well darn! I hadn't realized that they couldn't travel to that pond in The Bramblewood or build their own pond on the home lot. 
I imagine, though, that Top-Notch Toddler's career boost is more advantageous than Llamacorn Scout's skill boost.
Nice job with the HSY careers.  They each unlock something but not anything that essential. ;p

About your update, Marguerite is such a cutie-pie!  So you've decided on the next baby mama?
I favor Orchid's looks but I can see how you might prefer Pink's traits 9so far).
Question: Is there a strategic reason for your couples not getting married earlier?

Wait a sec, we can still put birthday candles on a half-eaten cake?
I was waiting for Poppy & Adrian to not be happy from a baby and then have them get married to get that buff for a career day but they kept having babies and then maxed their careers before I knew it! Lol!

When I know a birthday is coming up I get someone to bake a cake when there's a quiet moment and put candles on it straight away to stop people eating it. That has always worked in the past but Marguerite and someone else nicked a slice while there were candles on the Matcha Tea cake. I've never seen candles on a half-eaten cake before!

I also prefer Orchid's looks although Pink has the auburn hair I like. With Myrtle working on Babysitter, parental traits become less important. Marguerite and Mallow are not that far behind...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.4: Too Many Broken Hearts
« Reply #124 on: October 30, 2022, 12:10:01 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.4: Too Many Broken Hearts

Myrtle: Hey Watcher! You wrote up last week’s report before I started my Saturday evening shift!
Watcher: TBH, Myrtle, I didn’t think you’d have a shift on the same day that you aged up. Looking ready for fun!
Myrtle: Somehow I will impress them, I will be firm, but kind. And all those children! Heaven bless them. They will look up to me, and mind me!

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Watcher: Wow! Your second shift and you really did impress them!
Myrtle: Yes! It was fun too!
Watcher: Congratulations. It may seem like it was fun but it’s life-changing for this family!

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Orchid: Wait! The others aren’t here yet!
Pink: I can’t wait. I’m too excited!
Orchid: At least let me dry my hands!
Pink: Pfft!
Watcher: Happy Birthday, Pink. You’re the first of our family to be able to choose your trait and aspiration! Just remember, you still can’t change your aspiration, even if you achieve it (Painter) so choose carefully!
Pink: I know what I want! A Big Happy Family with Isiah!
Watcher: Family-Oriented as well, then?
Pink: Oh Yes! Life is going to be wonderful!

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Marguerite: This is a great story, Dad!
Adrian: Orchid’s been writing Children’s Stories. She can’t publish them but we get to keep them on the bookshelf. I’m so glad we can read them to you now.
Marguerite: I love that she’s made a story all about our family!

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Poppy: Thanks doing the Flash Cards with Mallow.
Pink: It’s fun. She’s adorable. Besides, it’s good practice for my own family.
Poppy: You’ll make a great Mum.

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Pink: What do you mean, you’re moving out?
Myrtle: Well it’s pretty clear that you’re going to be the Gen 4 heir just as soon as Isiah ages up. I’ve cleared a career and I’d like to spread my wings…
Poppy: Are you going over the road to Prim’s house too?
Myrtle: No. Now Aunt Rose and Aunt Snow are both Elders, the Chopra family asked if I could join them, to help. They haven’t got Dementia or anything like that but they’re not as mobile so they just want a bit more company at home.

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Mallow: Fly! Story! Huggles!
Pink: I love you Marsh Mallow!
Mallow: Love Oo Too Pin Pin!
Pink: Your Uncle Isiah is coming over later. He’s had his birthday. You’ll love him too, just like me!

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Pink: Oh Isiah! I’m so glad you’ve aged up!
Isiah: I wanted you, my BFF, to be the first to know!
Pink: We could be more than BFFs
Isiah: I’ve been thinking of nothing else. Do you want to be WooHoo Partners?
Pink: Oh! I…
Isiah: Go on! You know…BFFs with benefits!
Pink: Um…OK? I guess…

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Isiah: And I was thinking, we could both join the same career so we can be a team at work too!
Pink: Oh yes! That sounds like a great idea!
Isiah: Yes! Secret Agents, together!
Pink: Secret Agents? Doesn’t that get a bit…dangerous?
Isiah: You and me, Doll! We’ll defeat all comers!
Pink: OK – there – I’ve got in at level 3!
Isiah: Level 3? I’m only at level 1! That’s not right!
Pink: Never mind that. You’ll soon catch up!
Isiah: Are you patronizing me?
Pink: Never, Izzy! I….did you want to…you know?
Isiah: Come here!

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Pink: Happy Birthday Mallow!
Mallow: Pink Sad?
Pink: No Honey. I’m fine. Blow out your candles.
Mallow: Pfft!

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Watcher: I’ve given you Creative. Is that OK?
Mallow: It’ll be fun. Lots of drawing!
Watcher: That’s the ticket. Let’s show the readers your wardrobe…

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Pink: Happy Birthday, Marguerite!
Marguerite: High School here I come!
Pink: In your pyjamas?
Marguerite: I’ll put my everyday clothes on soon enough. Watcher’s made me a Genius! Lead me to the chess table! No teen job for me!

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Isiah: Are you ready to go?
Pink: Are you sure you don’t want to move in here?
Isiah: Hey! Your family have been really off with me lately. I can live without that. Besides, why would I leave my family mansion to live in a dump like this, no offence.
Pink: But it’s a great place for kids, Izzy.
Isiah: Forget kids. We’ve got work to do!
Pink: But…
Isiah: Get your bags now or I’m outta here and I won’t be back.
Pink: Wait – I’ve got them. I’ll just say goodbye…
Isiah: NOW!

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Poppy: You know what! I’m pregnant again!
Marguerite: Oh wow Mum! You’re just a baby machine!
Adrian: That’s great, love…
Poppy: What’s the matter?
Adrian: I’ve just seen Pink go off with that Isiah and she’d got bags with her.
Poppy: What – shopping bags?
Adrian: No, luggage-type bags. I think she’s moved in with him.
Poppy: Oh no!
Marguerite: Didn’t you say you thought he was Evil?
Adrian: There’s definitely something wrong with him. I told him I didn’t want him here.
Poppy: That probably didn’t help Pink’s crush on him – making him taboo.
Adrian: I didn’t know what else to do. You’ve seen how he treats her!

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Orchid: Oh Reed, I’m so glad to see a friendly face. We’re all in a bit of a mess here…
Reed: I can come back another time, if you want?
Orchid: It’s just…Pink’s moved out with that Isiah who’s been terrorising the neighbourhood and then we’ve just found out that Aunt Snow has died!
Reed: Shall we go and sit on the porch and chat about it?
Orchid: That would be nice. I know you love being outdoors.

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Orchid: Actually, Reed, did you know I’ve got a huge crush on you?
Reed: Oh. Um, hello sir!
Orchid: Maybe I should Try And Get Over It.
Reed: No, don’t do that…
Orchid: OK

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Pink: Mum! You’re pregnant again?
Poppy: And you’ve got your tints back!
Pink: Izzy knows someone who can do it on the downlow.
Poppy: Wait – is that a bruise?
Pink: Oh that. It’s nothing. Izzy sometimes just gets a bit frustrated at work. You know – me being ahead of him. I’m thinking of resigning.
Poppy: Why would you do that? Stay independent, Pink. I’m begging you!
Pink: But maybe if I wasn’t at work, Izzy would let us have children…
Poppy: Oh Pink! You know Prim has always got a place for you?
Pink: Why would I leave Izzy? I love him!
Poppy: I know.

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Reed: Thanks for asking me to move in.
Orchid: I’m so glad your birthday was the day before mine! I thought it might be, because I first saw you as a teen on the day I became one!
Reed: I remember thinking that you were the prettiest girl I’d ever met!
Orchid: Well, now I’m a Style Influencer and you’re an Entertainer, what else should we discuss?
Reed: Well – I’ve moved in and you know what the rules say – I’ve got to be the Gen 4 Spouse.
Orchid: And I’m going to be the Heir so….?
Reed: Yes, please.

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Progress Week 28 - Year 2, Summer

Previous Generations

Generation 3 - Complete
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 4
Pink Odrade:
YA/Moved out; Good, Loves Outdoors, Family-Oriented; Big Happy Family; Manual Labourer complete week 26
Orchid Odrade: Heir; YA; Outgoing, Dog-Lover, Creative; Friend of the World; Style Influencer 3/10
Umber Odrade: Teen/moved out; Neat, Proper; Live Fast; Retail Employee complete week 26
Myrtle Odrade: Teen/moved out; Neat, Proper; Rennaissance Sim; Babysitter complete week 28
Marguerite Odrade: Teen; Green Fiend, Genius; Renaissance Sim
Mallow Odrade: Child; Creative; Artistic Prodigy
Reed Hashimoto: Spouse Elect; YA; Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, Romantic; Trend-Setter; Entertainer 1/10

L-to-R: Marguerite, Orchid, Poppy, Adrian, Reed, Mallow
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Restrictions cleared by Babysitter:
•   The in-game random trait/aspiration generator should be used but also roll a di for each new trait: 1-2 keeps the game generated trait, 3-4 and 5-6 mean rolling again to take a trait from the mother or father respectively; 1-2=1st trait, 3-4=2nd trait, 5-6=3rd trait. This keeps an element of chance and also nurture/nature theory.
•   Child aspirations should be di-controlled 1-4 (re-roll if you get 5 or 6).
•   Teen/YA aspirations should be randomly generated using James Turners app or similar and should be changed on aging to YA. Not Serial Romantic until Diamond Agent cleared
•   You may not use music or fruit to influence the gender of an unborn baby.
•   May not read toddlers to sleep.
•   May not read to child sims.
•   May not hire maids, butlers or nannies.
•   May not use Child’s Play lot trait.

Btw, in case you were wondering, Poppy is now eating lots of carrots. Not that I mind all the girls but a bit of variety would be nice!

Apologies for the rather dark storyline for Pink. I was fully on board with Pink moving Isiah in but once he aged up with the Evil trait, I just couldn’t see a good outcome. He was also uninterested in romance so Pink’s Big Happy Family dreams are shattered. WooHoo partners being a Friendly interaction (!) I haven’t broken the no romance restriction before moving in (Diamond Agent). I could have pretended that Pink sailed off into a happy sunset with him but that seems rather unlikely… I promise I’ll keep an eye on her.

Reed, on the other has rather lovely traits plus Orchid developed a big crush on him autonomously, just as Pink did on Isiah.

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Title: Too Many Broken Hearts – 1989 UK hit from Jason Donovan

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.3: I Get Weak
« Reply #125 on: October 30, 2022, 12:36:21 PM »
Woot! Orchid will be the mother of Gen5!
I feel bad for Pink but I wasn't an Isiah fan so good riddance to him!
Why do some of your townies have excessively pink cheeks? 
Do you use blush cc (I do) or is that the game wreaking havoc with the townies' appearances?

Reed does have great traits! What is the Trend-Setter aspiration?

And, wow, go Myrtle for achieving L3 Babysitter in a single evening.
The unlock really contributes a lot of quality of life improvements to the Odrade household!
Poppy, stop popping out the nooboos already! It's Orchid's turn! LOL

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.3: I Get Weak
« Reply #126 on: October 30, 2022, 12:55:17 PM »
Woot! Orchid will be the mother of Gen5!
I feel bad for Pink but I wasn't an Isiah fan so good riddance to him!
Why do some of your townies have excessively pink cheeks? 
Do you use blush cc (I do) or is that the game wreaking havoc with the townies' appearances?

Reed does have great traits! What is the Trend-Setter aspiration?

And, wow, go Myrtle for achieving L3 Babysitter in a single evening.
The unlock really contributes a lot of quality of life improvements to the Odrade household!
Poppy, stop popping out the nooboos already! It's Orchid's turn! LOL
Reed had blusher on for his hot weather outfit. It seems a bit random and made an otherwise decent Sim look a bit odd. Fortunately makeup still has to be removed so it's Adios to the hot weather blusher!

I have not researched the Trend-Setter aspiration yet - I'll get back to you.

When "Izzy" was such a disappointment (his looks were...odd but I liked his traits!), I thought it would be a while before we got Gen 5 arriving, especially as I quite like Marguerite's looks. So I thought, Poppy and Adrian make great kids - why not another!
However, those darn crushes took over and Orchid hooked her man! I do like her and I'm looking forward to seeing what her work wear consists of as I believe it can be quite outré for Style Influencer! One day I'll get some Sim to do Freelancer so they can work from home but....decisions decisions! ;)

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.4: Too Many Broken Hearts
« Reply #127 on: October 30, 2022, 12:59:40 PM »
"The Athlete aspiration comes when you do the tutorial. The other aspirations are Chef, Painter and TrendSetter. By completing the tutorial your sim also gets the Over achiever and Career minded traits."
From a 2018 forum post

I'd known about Grilled Cheese but these? It's all new to me! I'll let you know the goals as I play them

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.4: Too Many Broken Hearts
« Reply #128 on: October 30, 2022, 04:50:30 PM »
"The Athlete aspiration comes when you do the tutorial. The other aspirations are Chef, Painter and TrendSetter. By completing the tutorial your sim also gets the Over achiever and Career minded traits."
From a 2018 forum post

I'd known about Grilled Cheese but these? It's all new to me! I'll let you know the goals as I play them

Huh.  I'll be curious to know if the new aspirations will be available outside of the tutorial.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.4: Too Many Broken Hearts
« Reply #129 on: October 31, 2022, 02:14:57 PM »

Poor Pink! A rather dark story line indeed. Is intentional killing allowed in this challenge? No reason, just err ... asking for a friend! I'm also curious about these tutorial aspirations; I'd never even heard of this.

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.4: Too Many Broken Hearts
« Reply #130 on: October 31, 2022, 05:38:02 PM »

Poor Pink! A rather dark story line indeed. Is intentional killing allowed in this challenge? No reason, just err ... asking for a friend! I'm also curious about these tutorial aspirations; I'd never even heard of this.
Adrian has considered how to rescue Pink but...

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.5: Vogue
« Reply #131 on: October 31, 2022, 05:47:00 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.5: Vogue

Orchid: I love taking photos with you. We get so close together.
Reed: You’re really special, Orchid. I…I don’t want to rush things…
Orchid: Let me show you the basement room and you can get settled in.

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Reed: Hey! It’s really red in here. I mean I like red. I hate pink but I like red. But this is all red. And dark!
Orchid: Oh, Pink decorated it for Isiah when she thought he’d be moving in. We can redecorate whatever way you like.
Reed: No pink – the colour. But anything else would be great.
Orchid: I know you said you didn’t want to rush things but…before we decorate…what do you think?
Reed: Shall we?

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Reed: Really? Already? Wow! Is that OK?
Orchid: We can do it! We’ll have lots of help and, well, it will have to be OK!
Reed: I’ll start reading that book you gave me.
Orchid: We’ll get lots of practice with the baby sibling that Mum’s about to produce!

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Orchid: Welcome to the world baby Tweed! You’re my baby brother and soon you’re going to be an uncle. Your Mama has gone to catch up on her sleep so I’ll just give you a bottle!

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Reed: Orchid Odrade, your parents have given me permission to ask you to do me the honour of promising to….
Orchid: Get to the point!
Reed: Will you marry me?
Orchid: Yes, oh yes!

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First day going off to work as an Entertainer and a Style Influencer!

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The next day…
Reed: Orchid! Put on that long skirt you’ve got in the wardrobe – you know the one for formal occasions that we never get to wear.
Orchid: Oh – and you’ve got a formal shirt on. Where are we going?
Reed: Outside, near the frog well.
Orchid: This is a beautiful spot. I never caught many frogs but…
Reed: Never mind the frogs….let’s exchange our vows, right here, right now!
Orchid: You are perfect!

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Poppy: Happy birthday, Tweed! You’ve got my hair. Don’t tell your Papa but I prefer it to his colour.
Watcher: Me too! He’s got some cute outfits.
Poppy: Who doesn’t love a llama?
Watcher: I prefer alpacas actually although they only let you pet them if you’re feeding them. The ones with dreadlocks are the funniest.
Poppy: Aren’t you getting a little off-topic?
Watcher: Sorry…

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Orchid: Oh oh oh! This is not easy.
Watcher: Why do you think it’s called “labour”?
Orchid: Welcome baby Trent!
Trent: Gurgle
Tweed: Baby?
Orchid: Yes, Tweed. He is your nephew!

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Adrian: Thanks for coming over for my birthday
Pink: I’m afraid Isiah couldn’t come.
Adrian: Good!
Pink: Oh Dad! Happy birthday, anyway.
Mallow: Pink! I’ve missed you!
Pink: What are you working on there? Let me help.

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Orchid: Happy birthday, Trent
Trent: Babble.
Watcher: Aw – the super hero tee that I love for your hot outfit! Here’s hoping for an Indian Summer!
Orchid: Isn’t he gorgeous – just like his dad! Oh I didn’t know I could feel this much love!

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Tweed: Neffew!
Trent: Unkel!

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Orchid: Come on boys, smile for the camera!

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Watcher: Congratulations, Orchid, Level 6 is a great achievement.
Orchid: Yawn! Yes and with lots of different clothes!
Watcher: But always the same headdress.

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Progress Week 29 - Year 2, Autumn

Previous Generations

Generation 3 - Complete
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 4
Pink Odrade:
YA/Moved out; Good, Loves Outdoors, Family-Oriented; Big Happy Family; Manual Labourer complete week 26
Orchid Odrade: Heir; YA; Outgoing, Dog-Lover, Creative; Friend of the World; Style Influencer 6/10
Umber Odrade: YA/moved out; Neat, Proper; Live Fast; Retail Employee complete week 26
Myrtle Odrade: Teen/moved out; Neat, Proper; Rennaissance Sim; Babysitter complete week 28
Marguerite Odrade: Teen; Green Fiend, Genius; Renaissance Sim; Student of Physics 0/12
Mallow Odrade: Child; Creative; Artistic Prodigy
Reed Hashimoto: Spouse; YA; Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, Romantic; Trend-Setter; Entertainer 4/10
Tweed Odrade: Toddler; Inquisitive

Generation 5
Trent Odrade:
Toddler; Silly

L-to-R: Marguerite, Orchid holding Trent, Adrian, Poppy holding Tweed, Reed, Mallow
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Our fourteenth Flower is named for the River Tweed which flows in the Borders region between Scotland and England in the UK, not far from where my parents lived for a while.

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Our fifteenth Flower is named for the River Trent which flows through the UK Midlands, especially Nottinghamshire. Many happy hours have been spent walking in a nature reserve on its banks near this island, which is home to a local sea scout camp.

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Update on Pink: In return for allowing her to adopt a dog, she agreed to Isiah’s request to wear the clothes he prefers.

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Update on Trendsetter Aspiration: Reed has got the first milestone but I imagine Alex is part of the tutorial so he's unlikely to get much further.

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Title: Vogue – 1990 UK hit from Madonna

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.5: Vogue
« Reply #132 on: October 31, 2022, 11:23:25 PM »
I laughed out loud, literally, when Reed is trying to exchange vows with Orchid who is blathering about frogs, hahaha.
There are alpacas with dreadlocks?!
Love that precious shot of Tweed and Trent together!  So cute!

The Style Influencer's career outfits are always so silly.
Where is Orchid's headpiece from? I've never seen it before.
Thank you for sharing those lovely photos of the rivers Tweed and Trent!

Well that's a bummer about the tutorial aspiration. Will you re-roll Reed's aspiration?
Fun update! I loved Reed's response to Orchid's Big News: "Really? Already? Wow! Is that OK?" hahaha

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.5: Vogue
« Reply #133 on: November 01, 2022, 06:15:56 AM »
I laughed out loud, literally, when Reed is trying to exchange vows with Orchid who is blathering about frogs, hahaha.
There are alpacas with dreadlocks?!
The Suri alpaca has dreadlocks - this one hasn't been sheared for a while... We stayed for a week in a shepherds hut on an alpaca farm. As I said, they look cute but they're not very friendly unless you've got food! Their wool is really expensive which reflects the difficulty of shearing them - those little hooves are dangerous  :o

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The Style Influencer's career outfits are always so silly.
Where is Orchid's headpiece from? I've never seen it before.
The headdress is from the Star Wars pack. The goggles are separate. I've realised that Orchid has the same knee-high socks on for each outfit too!

Well that's a bummer about the tutorial aspiration. Will you re-roll Reed's aspiration?
Fun update! I loved Reed's response to Orchid's Big News: "Really? Already? Wow! Is that OK?" hahaha
I still can't change aspirations so I don't think I will. I can't buy rewards anyway yet. Both these restrictions would be lifted if a creative Sim happened to clear the Painter career ;)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 4.5: Vogue
« Reply #134 on: November 01, 2022, 02:30:48 PM »

Ba-ha! Orchid's work outfits are all just fantastic and delightfully ridiculous!