Author Topic: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Challenge Failure...  (Read 53172 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.7: I Can Help
« Reply #60 on: October 13, 2022, 05:46:38 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.7: I Can Help

Tulip: Welcome to the world, little Primrose
Primrose: Gurgle

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Coral: Another girl! Yes!
Tulip: Three lovely girls. I hope Pierce didn’t secretly want a boy.
Coral: I’m sure he’ll be happy with baby Primrose. Helloo? Can you hear me?
Tulip: Ooh – I’m sure there’s a draft down here!

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Rose: Huggly Huggles
Snowdrop: Aw – I still love you too.
Rose: Stay Home?
Snowdrop: Sorry, Rose. It’s school time. You can come with me when you’re a bit older.
Rose: Now!

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Tulip: Will you be my Best Friend Forever?
Pierce: Only if I can kiss you any time I want!
Tulip: Always
Pierce: And for ever.
Grim: Oh get a room, already! I’m still here you know!

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Tulip: Happy Birthday, Rose!
Rose: Cake for me! Can we go to the Islands to celebrate?
Tulip: Oh, Rosie, that’s not at all possible yet!

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Watcher: What do you think about your glasses?
Rose: They’re for reading.
Watcher: But only when you’re in your sleepwear?
Rose: I can read under the covers

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Rose: So tell me what to expect at school.
Snowdrop: It’s OK. Sometimes stuff goes wrong and you just have to get on with it.
Rose: What about this homework? It looks hard.
Snowdrop: It’s best to do it but it would be easier if someone would help us!

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Tulip: Happy Birthday, Prim!
Primrose: Babble!
Tulip: Oh – you’ve got my eyes!
Primrose: Babble!
Tulip: And you’re a little bit Wild. OK, we’ve got lots of space now…

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Tulip: I’m so glad I’ve managed to get a portrait of Rose. She wasn’t happy but….Oh! I’m eating for 2! And Pierce isn’t here to tell!

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Watcher: Well done, Pierce! You’ve topped the Education career.
Pierce: That’s great. I’m so looking forward to our girls being able to go to High School.
Watcher: If you go inside, I think Tulip has got some more big news to share.
Pierce (running inside): Tulip?

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Pierce: So the square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the other 2 sides.
Snowdrop: Thanks Dad; that’s totally clear now!
Pierce: Any more homework I can help you with? I’ve stopped work now so I’m all yours.
Rose: Hey! You can help me too!
Pierce: Great!

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Watcher: Don’t look so sad, Violet. You’ve done it, you’ve topped your career.
Violet: It’s late! I’m tired! I’ve had no fun! Can I quit now?
Watcher: Um…it’s just…Wye doesn’t bring in much money and the others aren’t working…
Violet: I can’t help feeling that I’m being exploited here!

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Pierce: Oh my back!
Watcher: Thanks for all the hard work, Pierce. The household will still need you but you’re on full autonomy now.
Pierce: What? Speak up!

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Pierce: Oh – this is great. Just sitting here reading.
Grim: You wait! When it’s the only thing you can do, you get over it really fast!
Pierce: Are you supposed to be here?
Grim: Your Watcher tried to get Violet to take me somewhere but it just wasn’t an option. Besides, one of your hens is overdue, if you know what I mean…

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Primrose: Who You?
Grim: Don’t mind me. I’ve come for your Brown Hen.
Brown Hen: Cluck?
Grim: No. This Brown Hen.
Brown Hen: Cluck!
Primrose: Run Run Run

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Pierce: Wow, another baby in there!
Tulip: Are you hoping for a boy this time?
Pierce: Any baby is a special gift, especially at my time of life.

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Tulip: Come on, Pierce, let’s make out in the bedroom.
Pierce: Anything to get me into bed!
Tulip: You know it!

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Watcher: Hey, Pierce. You’re really tired. Why didn’t you stay in bed?
Pierce: I just really wanted to tuck Prim in. Isn’t she cute?
Watcher: While you’re up, you could use the bathroom?
Pierce: Something spooky has just broken it.
Watcher: Wouldn’t you like to Repair it?
Pierce: Why would I do that?

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Tulip: Welcome baby Poppy! Another girl. I’m so glad your Dada doesn’t mind. We’ve got a whole Flower bed of girls now. Mind you, your Dada doesn’t mind much these days…

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Primrose: Bah! Baby!
Primrose: Smash! Smash!
Primrose: Grungy!
Watcher: Well, actually you’re not Grungy but for some reason you look it! Oh dear, Snow is going to be sad about her project!

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Snowdrop: So what did you think of our first Scouts meeting?
Rose: It was fun, I guess. I like collecting badges.
Snowdrop: I’m not sure how we can do the outdoor one or the science one. So many things we still can’t do.
Rose: We’re going to fix that, aren’t we!
Snowdrop: Some of them, definitely!

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Progress Year 1, Week 13, Autumn
Generation 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Pierce Delgado Spouse:
Elder; Self-Assured, Neat, Child of the Islands; Archaeology Scholar; Education Complete week 13
Violet Odrade: Adult; Cheerful, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal; Lady of the Knits; Military-Officer Complete week 13
Tulip Odrade Heir: YA; Cheerful, Bookworm, Creative; Master Actress; Gardener-Botanist Complete week 12
Wye Odrade: Adult: Genius, Socially Awkward, Paranoid; Strangerville Mystery; Conservationist-Environmental Planner 9/10

Generation 3
Snowdrop Odrade:
Child; Cheerful
Rose Odrade: Child; Child of the Ocean
Primrose Odrade: Toddler; Wild
Poppy Odrade: Nooboo

L-to-R: Snowdrop, Tulip holding Primrose, Wye, Pierce holding Poppy, Violet & Rose
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I was very relieved when Rose rolled to take one of her father’s traits. Although Child of the Ocean has its issues, the in-game random trait was Evil!

I’ve been trying to get portraits of our Flowers at each life-stage. In my previous attempt I put them all in one of the storage boxes but after a while I realized that they were all blank, unlike the regular paintings which maintained their image in there. In this attempt I’ve been hanging them on walls in a blocked off basement corridor until someone clears Business-Management when I can hang them openly.

The restrictions cleared by topping the Education career (either branch) are:
•   Teen Sims must drop out of High School using computer or may attend 1st day and talk to Principal. Online graduation is not allowed unless Computer Engineer lifted to allow web access.
•   Sims may not attend university.
•   May not help with homework.
•   May not mentor other Sims in skills. Sims may not teach other Sims skills or tutor children EXCEPT for older sims teaching toddlers to walk, talk and use the potty.
•   May not do after school activities.
•   Sims may not use any object that raises a fun or social need that does not also raise a skill, e.g. your Sims may play chess in order to gain fun as they will also gain Logic skill but they may not play 'Don't Wake the Llama' as this does not raise a skill.
•   May not accept job offers from other Sims.
•   May not visit museums nor dig for crystals, fossils etc.
•   May not watch the Kid's Network channel nor the BEtween channel on TV.
•   May not purchase the 'Mentor', 'Morning Sim', 'Night Owl' or 'Savant' reward traits.
•   Lifting this restriction Unlocks Babysitter career.
•   May not use Good Schools, Study Spot or Teen Neighbourhood lot traits

The restrictions lifted by topping the Military-Officer career are:
•   May not travel outside of neighbourhood nor visit other Sims lots (no loading screen allowed).
•   May not invite Sims over and Sims may not be given residence key. If you have a romantic involvement with a sim, you may invite them over at any time (True love knows no fear).
•   You may still hail and socialise with walk-by Sims as normal.
•   Sims may not move out and intended spouses may not be asked to move in until they are at least young adult.
•   May not do any of the 3 'Get to Work' careers.
•   May not purchase the 'Always Welcome' reward trait.

Title: I Can Help  – 1975 UK hit from Billy Swan

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.7: I Can Help
« Reply #61 on: October 13, 2022, 01:31:40 PM »
Hopefully, by the time you have a Floral Designer, the household will be able to buy that scarecrow.  That's fastest. :D

Edited to add:
When I posted the above sentence, I hadn't realized you had a new update, haha.
Congrats to Pierce and Violet on maxing their careers! Piece, in particular, maxed his career just in time!
Violet is such a baby machine!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.7: I Can Help
« Reply #62 on: October 13, 2022, 05:02:27 PM »

"A whole flower bed of girls" - what a lovely way to put it! And two new careers topped! Whoo!

I'm amused by Grim hanging around so long. I recall getting that bug in my Dojo Dynasty. I think I was able to get rid of him using a load screen. I just traveled to another lot (without him), and when I came home he was finally gone.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.7: I Can Help
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2022, 02:15:23 AM »
Hopefully, by the time you have a Floral Designer, the household will be able to buy that scarecrow.  That's fastest. :D

Edited to add:
When I posted the above sentence, I hadn't realized you had a new update, haha.
Congrats to Pierce and Violet on maxing their careers! Piece, in particular, maxed his career just in time!
Violet is such a baby machine!
Aha! I was a bit bemused... I've never used the scarecrow. Does he help a lot?

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.7: I Can Help
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2022, 02:21:48 AM »

"A whole flower bed of girls" - what a lovely way to put it! And two new careers topped! Whoo!

I'm amused by Grim hanging around so long. I recall getting that bug in my Dojo Dynasty. I think I was able to get rid of him using a load screen. I just traveled to another lot (without him), and when I came home he was finally gone.
Thanks for the tip about Grim. I saw one about travelling with him and the leaving him but that wasn't possible. My household can now travel within their neighbourhood (level 10 fitness needed to go further  - Professional Athlete) so I'll give it a whirl.
I quite like him hanging around but sometimes he hogs the chess table; sometimes he blocks a bed by reading on it and of course he slows the game down

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.8: Art For Art’s Sake
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2022, 05:42:36 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.8: Art For Art’s Sake

Tulip: Happy Birthday, Poppy!
Poppy: Babbly Babbly Babble
Tulip: Oh. Are you a bit silly?
Poppy: Babble!

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Primrose: Stop Mess!
Poppy: Babbly Babble!
Primrose: Hug Now Stop Mess!
Poppy: Ba---bble

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Pierce: Who made this mess?
Primrose: Not Me!
Poppy! Babble

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Snowdrop: Yay! I got cake!
Rose: Yeah. Mum made it but she said not to eat it, for some reason.
Snowdrop: I don’t care. I got cake!

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Watcher: Happy Birthday Snowdrop!
Snowdrop: You took a long time sorting out my wardrobe.
Watcher: Well, it was a challenge. Not much to go at as your formal wear and party wear were both unhelpful one-piece styles. Eventually I realized that your everyday and sleep trousers could double up. And I moved the shoes around a bit. It wasn’t easy but it was all there – no extras!
Snowdrop: Thanks I like it. Now, can I get to the computer play some video games?
Watcher: Ah – you’re a Geek. And not playing games will make you unhappy…I’ll get some books on Sunday.
Snowdrop: It won’t be the same.

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Pierce: Happy Birthday, Primrose!
Primrose: Thanks Dad.
Pierce: I hope you don’t mind sharing Snow’s cake.
Primrose: You could make it up to me by getting a dog!
Pierce: Not even if there was room, Prim. Sorry.

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Primrose: Watcher?
Watcher: Yes, Prim?
Primrose: About that dog…
Watcher: Your Dad told you “no”. Don’t try to play us off against each other!
Primrose: Sorry…
Watcher: Do you like your wardrobe?
Primrose: It looks very practical for…I don’t know…taking long walks with….
Watcher: The answer is still “NO”

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Watcher: Well done, Wye! You cleared the Environmental Manager!
Wye: Phew! Can I quit now? Violet told me I’m not bringing in much money.
Watcher: Well, you might as well stay at work. You can help the girls with chess the rest of the time. That will really help. You don’t want to move out do you?
Wye: Only if I can have a basement bedroom.
Watcher: This weekend – there’s a special surprise coming!

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Snowdrop: I can’t believe I get to be the first ever to go to High School.
Rose: Tell us all about it later!
Primrose: Yeah! Everything!
Snowdrop: Here I go!

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Snowdrop: Why do you want me to sit here?
Tulip: So I can paint your portrait for posterity.
Snowdrop: Will be ever be able to hang them up?
Tulip: They’re too luxurious to hang.
Snowdrop: I’m glad I’ve been doing all that juggling. It’s the only thing that makes me happy and it gets me fit!

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Poppy: Bubbles!
Wye: You should have a bath really.
Watcher: Soon! You know we can’t buy anything before Sunday.

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Watcher: Is that the best place to do your homework?
Snowdrop: It works for me. I think I look cute.
Watcher: Yes, you do. I’m glad you’re feeling happier. Last week’s exams didn’t go too well.
Snowdrop: I’d revised and everything.
Watcher: I know. Just do your best. You’re nearly a top A.

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Progress Year 1, Week 15, Autumn
Generation 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Pierce Delgado Spouse:
Elder; Self-Assured, Neat, Child of the Islands; Archaeology Scholar; Education Complete week 14
Violet Odrade: Adult; Cheerful, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal; Lady of the Knits; Military-Officer Complete week 14
Tulip Odrade Heir: Adult; Cheerful, Bookworm, Creative; Master Actress; Gardener-Botanist Complete week 13
Wye Odrade: Adult: Genius, Socially Awkward, Paranoid; Strangerville Mystery; Conservationist-Environmental Manager Complete week 15

Generation 3
Snowdrop Odrade:
Teen; Cheerful, Geek; Jungle Explorer
Rose Odrade: Child; Child of the Ocean
Primrose Odrade: Child; Dog-Lover
Poppy Odrade: Toddler; Silly

L-to-R: Primrose, Snowdrop, Violet, Pierce holding Poppy, Wye, Tulip & Rose
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The eagle-eyed amongst you will note that I’ve edited the weeks that Tulip, Pierce & Violet cleared their careers. I lost a week at the beginning of Autumn somehow but I’m confident it’s right now. We are just entering the last week of Year 1.

The household will be doing their ONE moved allowed when both Military Officer and Civic Planner are cleared. I’ve held off until now because Wye clearing Environmental Manager has unlocked the following:
•   The “Grody” lot challenge must be chosen
•   Extreme Weather (thunder/blizzards) must be on
•   No baths or bath/shower combos may be purchased or used, only showers usable off the grid may be used and only 1 shower per Sim per day allowed.
•   Sims may not purchase or use hot tubs of any kind nor may they use a sauna.
•   Adults may not Woohoo in the shower.
•   The household may only have one sink, one toilet and one shower.
•   Sims may not use laundry facilities. What fresh water remains available is too precious to waste on clothes.
•   No swimming pools allowed nor visits to public pools, there isn't enough clean water to waste on recreation.
•   Sprinklers may not be used.
•   Sims may not purchase or use lawn water slides.
•   No fountains or ponds allowed.
•   Sims may not make snowpals or snow angels.
•   May not gather water or snow.
•   All items must be off the ground and surrounded by 4 walls and a roof.
•   Tents may not be used and Sims may not sleep outdoors.
•   No cloud/star gazing allowed.
•   Sims may not own bees or collect honey.
•   May not collect frogs, insects etc.
•   Lifting this restriction unlocks the Lifeguard career. This career has no restrictions but will be unlocked for your Sims to take if they wish.
•   May not use Sunny Aspect lot trait.

There may well be a lengthy pause while I enjoy myself planning their new home. I haven’t totally fixed on a location. Sulani & Mt Komorebi are not allowed (Politician) but any other residential lot is. I’d be interested in suggestions.

Title: Art For Art’s Sake  – 1976 UK hit from 10cc

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.8: Art For Art’s Sake
« Reply #66 on: October 14, 2022, 03:08:05 PM »
Congrats to Wye on maxing Environmental Manager.
He was the last Gen2 child born, but still managed to max his career not long after his siblings!

Patchy the Scarecrow: after chatting him up enough to "activate" him, you can "Ask for Gardening Tips" (yes, super helpful) and "Examine pockets" (which can offer rare seeds, like Death Flower or orchid).
I usually place him inside the garden fencing, though, because I prefer he doesn't run around the lot chatting with the family and making them drop queues.
Specially helpful for leveling gardening when the garden isn't very big.

Enjoy planning the Odrade household's first move!
(Is it the only move alowed throughout the entire challenge?)

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.8: Art For Art’s Sake
« Reply #67 on: October 15, 2022, 10:46:01 AM »
Congrats to Wye on maxing Environmental Manager.
He was the last Gen2 child born, but still managed to max his career not long after his siblings!

Patchy the Scarecrow: after chatting him up enough to "activate" him, you can "Ask for Gardening Tips" (yes, super helpful) and "Examine pockets" (which can offer rare seeds, like Death Flower or orchid).
I usually place him inside the garden fencing, though, because I prefer he doesn't run around the lot chatting with the family and making them drop queues.
Specially helpful for leveling gardening when the garden isn't very big.

Enjoy planning the Odrade household's first move!
(Is it the only move alowed throughout the entire challenge?)
Sadly only one move allowed but, if you recall, no moves were allowed in the original so I'm counting my blessings.

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.9: Daddy Cool
« Reply #68 on: October 15, 2022, 10:51:16 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.9: Daddy Cool

Poppy: Ducky!
Tulip: Lucky Duck! You get to have our household’s first-ever bath in our new home.
Poppy: Bubbles?
Tulip: Not too many. You’re silly enough as it is!
Poppy: Silly Poppy Soppy Pilly

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Tulip: Where did you get those glasses from?
Poppy: Pop Pop Pop!
Tulip: I guess it is nearly Winter. Were you feeling cold after your bath? I don’t know why! We’ve moved to a lovely warm area.
Poppy: Pfft!
Tulip: Happy Birthday, Poppy!

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Tulip: Sorry sweetie, you can’t have that fancy bow. It’ll make you a target for the muggers that are still around. A nice simple bun…how’s that?
Poppy: Thanks Mum. It’s great.
Tulip: No longer silly, but very Cheerful!

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Watcher: Hey, Rose, thanks for sharing your birthday cake with Poppy!
Rose: Can we eat it after I blow the candles out?
Watcher: Absolutely. It’s one of the healthy ones.

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Rose: This place needs a bit of spit and polish; emphasis on the polish!
Watcher: Your Dad will be pleased to have some help cleaning. His neat trait makes life great for everyone. Your wardrobe is pretty cool – we’ll just get rid of that sleepwear make-up!

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Snowdrop: Come on Watcher, let’s show people where we’ve moved!
Watcher: Yes. Oasis Springs.

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Snowdrop: It’s a bit down market from Finchwick Village in HoB.
Watcher: But the rates should be low for the size of Slipshod Mesquite. We got rid of Johnny Zests old trailer and built you a sprawling home with lots of bathrooms!
Snowdrop: No queuing for the loo in the morning.
Watcher: And no disasters when something breaks!

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Snowdrop: This is fun!
Violet: Yes! Your Dad clearing Education means we can have things that are just for fun now. Not everything has to be skilling.
Snowdrop: Prim and Poppy are loving the Don’t Wake the Llama game and I’m going to thrash you on Table Football next!
Violet: Your Dad naps a lot these days.
Snowdrop: I know. Mum’s really worried.

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Pierce: I’ve marked my last Homework and cleaned my last surface. It’s time!
Watcher: RIP Pierce. You’ve been great!

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Violet: I know we’re all a bit sad Watcher, but where’s my birthday photo?
Watcher: You mean you wanted one of you saying “Ooh my back!”?
Violet: Maybe not.

Progress Year 1, Week 16, Autumn

Previous Generations
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 3
Snowdrop Odrade:
Teen; Cheerful, Geek; Jungle Explorer
Rose Odrade: Teen; Child of the Ocean, Neat; World-Famous Celebrity
Primrose Odrade: Child; Dog-Lover
Poppy Odrade: Child; Cheerful

L-to-R: Primrose, Rose, Tulip, Violet, Wye, Snowdrop & Poppy
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With space in the household now (Farewell, Pierce), Tulip is accosting every male child and teen to see if they are suitable Baby Daddies. With Military Officer cleared, additions to the household don’t have to have reached young adulthood.

Title: Daddy Cool  – 1977 UK hit from Darts

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.9: Daddy Cool
« Reply #69 on: October 15, 2022, 11:27:47 AM »
Rest in peace, Pierce!
Slipshod Mesquite's a great choice with all its fishing spots, dig sites, affordable lot price, and (last but not least) year-round great weather.
I like that you can start in one place with your full-in apocalypse settings then move once later when the household's needs have changed.

Best of luck encountering a promising young'un to groom!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.9: Daddy Cool
« Reply #70 on: October 15, 2022, 04:26:01 PM »

Wow, clearing Environmental Manager sure lifted a lot of restrictions. Nice to see you've been able to move to a better home; hopefully the family should be much happier now. RIP Pierce: really a top tier spouse.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.9: Daddy Cool
« Reply #71 on: October 16, 2022, 02:37:10 AM »
Rest in peace, Pierce!
Slipshod Mesquite's a great choice with all its fishing spots, dig sites, affordable lot price, and (last but not least) year-round great weather.
I like that you can start in one place with your full-in apocalypse settings then move once later when the household's needs have changed.

Best of luck encountering a promising young'un to groom!
I wasn't going to move them because I do like the HoB community despite the dismal weather/light. However I haven't cleared Bodybuilder so I can't move the large items without relocating.
There are so many restrictions that I keep saying to myself "that must be next" that it's funny!

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.9: Daddy Cool
« Reply #72 on: October 16, 2022, 02:42:18 AM »

Wow, clearing Environmental Manager sure lifted a lot of restrictions. Nice to see you've been able to move to a better home; hopefully the family should be much happier now. RIP Pierce: really a top tier spouse.
Yes, this career wasn't useful until I'd cleared Civic Planner (Gunther) as lot traits/challenges couldn't be changed but the Grody challenge was very debilitating.  I no longer have to cancel eating or bathroom visits until they're desperate,  lol!
The commonest unhappy buff now is the poorly decorated one so Business-Manager is one of my many "that must be next" careers  :)

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.10: Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue
« Reply #73 on: October 16, 2022, 11:23:40 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.10: Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue
*Mascara warning*

Watcher: Fans of Pierce will be glad to know that he still visits. After many years serving the Flowers he regularly enjoys sleeping in the new tub. He does occasionally slip down in his ghostly sleep and wakes up panicking that he is drowning. Ghost-Life, eh?

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Poppy: Oh! Help! What should I do?
Watcher: Just pick the egg up and wait.
Poppy: It’s hatching! It’s hatching!
Watcher: Well done! Our first ever chick.
Poppy: The hens are happier out in the open, aren’t they?
Watcher: Yes. All the eggs laid while they were in the basement and even in a greenhouse were Poor and never hatched.
Poppy: I’m going to love this hen chick for ever and ever.
Watcher: Now…which of these adult hens is looking a bit…past it…

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Violet: So now we’ve got another hen chick, are you going to do it?
Tulip: It’s only logical.
Violet: And it would be nice to have fresh meat. Especially as we’ll know its source.
Tulip: I’ll do it while everyone else is out.
Violet: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

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Tulip: Thanks for stopping by, Jody.
Jody: Well, I do have an ulterior motive.
Tulip: I’m not looking for another man in my life, Jody.
Jody: That’s a shame but actually it’s my sister’s lad that I’m calling about.
Tulip: Which sister?
Jody: The eldest – Nani. She’s not doing so well and, with the house full, we’re struggling to keep an eye on her and look after her youngest, Adrian. He said he met your brother Wye and they’d got on really well. You’ve got space for an extra here and, with a Watcher, I know he’d do better.
Tulip: I don’t know…
Jody: It would really help us out. And he’s a great kid! Not a hot-headed slob like me.
Tulip: OK – we’ll make up a bed for him in the nursery for now and then see how he gets on.

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Adrian: Uncle Jody? Where are you going.
Jody: See you, lad! You stay here while I go back and look after your Mum.
Adrian: But…
Jody: I’ll be back to visit soon but I need to get back. Your Mum’s been left too long as it is. You know how she wanders!

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Tulip: Oh, Nani, I wasn’t expecting you!
Nani: I had to come and see where my boy is.
Tulip: Of course, I’ll just call him.
Nani: I…need….to….say…”Goodbye”

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Adrian: Mum!
Snowdrop: This is awful!
Poppy: Oh Adrian, I’m so sorry.
Grim: This isn’t the right address. What was this elder doing so far from home? Oh – I see – a family visit. Well, needs must.

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Adrian: Oh Wye! If she hadn’t come all the way to see me, maybe…
Wye: There’s no telling how much longer she might have had. I’m so sorry, Adrian.
Adrian: I’ll never forget her.

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Tulip: How are you doing, Adrian?
Adrian: Everyone is being really kind but..
Tulip: But?
Adrian: Every time they Console me, it makes me cry more.
Tulip: You cry whenever you want. We’ll be here for you.
Adrian: Thanks, Tulip.

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Tulip: Right, let’s see what clothes you’ve come with. This all looks good. Watcher?
Watcher: Yep – he’s good to go.
Adrian: Watcher?
Watcher: Right here, lad. We’ll get you settled in as soon as you can say “wardrobe”

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Snowdrop: I’ll be a young adult on Monday and I get the chance to Graduate Early on Friday? It’ll look good on my CV and I guess future employers don’t need to know just how late my Early Graduation was!
Watcher: OK, you’ve sorted that out. Unless you want to apply to university, you need to leave the room!
Snowdrop: Couldn’t I just play one game?
Watcher: Nope. Out of there, now!

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Snowdrop: So, guys, in the locked room is a computer and it’s got loads of games on it.
Rose: But we can’t get in there.
Primrose: If you get a moment when Watcher isn’t, you know, watching, you can play on your phone.
Poppy: I tried that but Watcher stopped me straight away.
Adrian: I don’t know why we can’t play on them.
Snowdrop: Things are bad, but they seem almost artificially bad. As if the universe was conspiring against us at the whim of some cruel otherworldly power. I‘m going to look into that!
Poppy: Ooh – Snow! That sounds amazing!

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Watcher: So, if you apply to university, you might clear your career in half the time…
Snowdrop: OK. I’ll give it a go. Like this school project. I’m going to give that a go too!
Watcher: You might want to stand back…
Snowdrop: It’s only water.
Watcher: Water under pressure!
Snowdrop: Oops

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Rose: Happy Birthday, Poppy!
Primrose: Yeah! Another teenage girl in the house!
Wye: Great!
Tulip: Maybe you shouldn’t be wandering around in your swimwear…

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Adrian: What happens now? Our family never did cake.
Poppy: I’m going to walk over here, spin around and hope for some decent clothes!
Adrian: OK!
Poppy: It’ll be your turn on Tuesday.

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Watcher: Well, you are a conundrum, Poppy!
Poppy: What do you mean?
Watcher: You’ve turned out Proper but you want to be a Master Mixologist which isn’t very proper for a teen. And your wardrobe…
Poppy: I like it! It’s got a red theme which is great for my name!
Watcher: Yes, but it’s more grungy than proper

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Dog Boy: Knock! Knock!
Primrose: Who’s there?
Dog Boy: I heard there was an opening for a spouse elect.
Primrose: Not any more!
Dog Boy: But I bought this collar especially as I’d heard you were into Dogs!
Primrose: Give me strength!
Watcher: You dodged a bullet there!

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Progress Week 17 - Year 2, Winter

Previous Generations
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Generation 3
Snowdrop Odrade:
Teen; Cheerful, Geek; Jungle Explorer
Rose Odrade: Teen; Child of the Ocean, Neat; World-Famous Celebrity
Primrose Odrade: Teen; Dog-Lover, Cheerful; Inner Peace
Poppy Odrade: Teen; Cheerful, Proper; Master Mixologist
Adrian Kealoha: Spouse Elect; Child; Loves Outdoors; Artistic Prodigy

L-to-R: Primrose, Snowdrop, Tulip, Violet, Wye, Poppy, Rose, Adrian
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Title: Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue  – 1978 UK hit from Crystal Gayle

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse: Generation 2-3 Genetic Overview
« Reply #74 on: October 16, 2022, 12:19:44 PM »
As the youngest of Generation 3 has reached teen-dom, it's time to see how they favour their parents

L-to-R: Pierce, Snowdrop, Rose, Primrose, Poppy, Tulip
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Between the 4 girls, there's quite a range of the possible combinations and they're all attractive in different ways.

