Author Topic: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Challenge Failure...  (Read 53214 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.2: Give Me Just a Little More Time
« Reply #45 on: October 09, 2022, 10:29:08 AM »

The suspense! Will it be Tulip or Violet? Who knows! The chicken coup seems like a good strategy, but I don't remember you doing that in your last game. Would you elaborate on that?
The rules that I've based mine on were written before Country Living came out so there's no rules about livestock. I guess I could therefore have had them from the start...but there are no egg-only recipes on the bbq so the eggs would have been wasted before Culinary-Chef.

I wasn't sure they'd thrive underground but they seem quite happy. It's partly an experiment as the coop is usually outdoors.
I could have had space for them in the lower basement from the start but that would have no light well without reducing all the upper floors to keep it within the 8*8 footprint before Civic Planner was cleared.

Part of me wanted to have them on the ground floor with living quarters above. Some rural areas of the world still do that, utilising the warmth of the livestock. I wasn't sure how practical it was but I thought it would be fun.
I suppose an upper floor would be better, having windows but I wanted to stick to 2 floors above ground to fit in with the 8*8 restriction being for stability.

With a cockerel and 3 hens, any fertilised eggs will be raised and then traded for meat on Sundays! I've decided old-fashioned butchery would be alive & kicking, in a manner of speaking, without needing to clear Business-Manager

I did um & ah over when livestock should be allowed but with no HoF to try for, I decided to add this extra dimension for some clucky fun  :)

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.3: Knock Three Times
« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2022, 04:42:56 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.3: Knock Three Times

Pierce: Nice cake!
Tulip: Oh…um…yes!
Pierce: What’s that you’re reading?
Tulip: Oh…um…a book.
Pierce: Yes, but… oh never mind.

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Pierce: Oh, hey! It’s a book on parenting. Is it any good?
Tulip: Oh…um…yes?
Pierce: Maybe I’d better read it too. I guess we all need to know how to be good role models for the next generation.
Tulip: Oh…um…yes.
Pierce: I’m sure you’ll be really good at it.
Tulip: Me? Oh…um…I don’t know.

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Violet: What’s the matter? Pierce said you would hardly talk to him.
Tulip: I don’t know what to say.
Violet: But when I said I wasn’t bothered about him, you said you really liked him.
Tulip: Sh! He might hear you.
Violet: Oh girl! You’re some kind of messed up. He’s got to marry one of us. You like him. What’s stopping you?
Tulip: But what if he doesn’t like me?
Violet: Well at the moment he thinks you don’t like him!

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Watcher: Nice workwear, Tulip!
Tulip: Oh yes, I suppose it is. Sorry – I was thinking about something else.
Watcher: Someone else?
Tulip: Oh this is so confusing.

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Pierce: Tulip?
Tulip: Oh…um…yes?
Pierce: Oh for goodness sake! You used to be such a mischievous chatterbox. What’s going on?
Tulip: I…don’t know.
Pierce: OK. Look. I like you. I think we can make this work if you want to. Your sister and I are great friends but there’s no….spark. What do you say? Do you think we could…spark?
Tulip: Oh!

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Pierce: I’m ready for bed. I know your parents have moved into the new twin room since Gunther has got so restless. I also know that their bed is mine now. How about I stay in my old bed in Wye’s room and you sleep in the double bed tonight? See if it helps you get used to the idea?
Tulip: OK?
Pierce: Maybe dream of me?
Tulip (to self): I already do.

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Pierce: Oh and before I go to bed…
Tulip: Yes?
Pierce: Here’s something to help those dreams…
Tulip: Oh!

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Pierce: Well?
Tulip: Well what?
Pierce: Did you dream of me?
Tulip: Um…maybe?
Pierce: I dreamed of your two lips.
Tulip: Oh

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Violet: You’ve got a spring in your step!
Pierce: I think I might be winning your sister over to the idea.
Violet: You twit! She’s been head over heels in love with you since like forever!
Pierce: But she was always so annoying!
Violet: She was just a kid not knowing what she was feeling.
Pierce: And now she can hardly bring herself to talk to me!
Violet: Men! She’s gone shy and doesn’t know how to express herself.
Pierce: Oh! Oh!

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Coral: Pooh! You stink!
Pierce: I know. I’m going to have a shower right now. But before I do, I want to ask Tulip to marry me.
Coral: Finally!
Pierce: Do I have your blessing?
Coral: Of course. Let’s move this family along!

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Tulip: Oh, hello Pierce. I was just looking for a book…
Pierce: Another parenting one?
Tulip (giggles): Maybe!
Pierce: Well, if you really want to learn how to be a good parent, maybe we should make some babies together.
Tulip: What are you saying?
Pierce: Tulip Odrade! I love your two lips and want to be able to kiss them anytime I want. Will you marry me?

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Tulip: Oh yes!
Pierce: Are you sure?
Tulip: Definite!

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Tulip: It looks like we both had a good day at work!
Pierce: I was floating on air!
Tulip: Me too!
Pierce: You were?
Tulip: Yes. I love you! I LOVE YOU! I can say it now!
Pierce: I love you too!

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Coral: Is he OK?
Gunther: I thought he’d be happier on his birthday, after all this time.
Coral: He keeps checking his phone for bugs.
Gunther: And double locking the door.
Coral: Oh dear. Our little boy has become Paranoid.

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Wye: Test equipment – check. Notebook – check. Pen…where’s my pen… who stole my pen?
Watcher: It’s in the middle pocket.
Wye: Oh, thanks. How did you know? Have you been spying on me?
Watcher: This is going to be a difficult relationship…

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Violet: Happy Birthday Mum.
Coral: Oh my back!
Gunther: Ha ha – you’ll get used to that.
Violet: I’m glad I’ve maxed cooking. I really hope I won’t burn the place down now I have to do all the cooking.
Coral: No telling me what to do now, eh, Watcher!
Watcher: Have fun and stay safe!

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Pierce: Thanks for coming, Mum. I’ve got some news.
Tulip: We’re getting married!
Supriya: Oh – that’s nice, I guess.
Pierce: I thought you’d be happy.
Supriya: Sure. Why not. Congratulations.

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Progress Year 1, Week 10, Summer
Generation 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Pierce Delgado Fiancé:
Adult; Self-Assured, Neat, Child of the Islands; Archaeology Scholar; Education-Professor 6/10
Violet Odrade: YA; Cheerful, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal; Lady of the Knits; Military-Officer 6/10
Tulip Odrade Heir: YA; Cheerful, Bookworm, Creative; Master Actress; Gardener-Botanist 5/10
Wye Odrade: YA: Genius, Socially Awkward, Paranoid; Strangerville Mystery; Conservationist 4/10

L-to-R: Violet, Pierce, Coral, Gunther, Wye & Tulip
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"I wanna kiss you anytime I like" is lifted from the film Sweet Home Alabama

Supriya was so unimpressed about Tulip & Pierce announcing their engagement. Their friendship bars went down. It was a bit sad.

Title: Knock Three Times – 1971 UK hit from Dawn

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.3: Knock Three Times
« Reply #47 on: October 09, 2022, 07:08:22 PM »
If you choose Violet, are you able to hold off on a baby until she reaches Lev 6? I about lost it on your knitting joke! I've done knitting in the past, but don't anymore.  On the comma debate, I've never even heard of the "Oxford Comma!" I always learned to put a comma after each phrase or word in a series. To me not putting a comma after the "and" would be confusing.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.3: Knock Three Times
« Reply #48 on: October 10, 2022, 02:04:59 AM »
If you choose Violet, are you able to hold off on a baby until she reaches Lev 6? I about lost it on your knitting joke! I've done knitting in the past, but don't anymore.  On the comma debate, I've never even heard of the "Oxford Comma!" I always learned to put a comma after each phrase or word in a series. To me not putting a comma after the "and" would be confusing.
It's Tulip with the days-off/breastfeeding issue but she's got up to level 5 already. She's definitely the gen2 heir. Nooboos can't wait too long. Although Pierce will be able to father children as an elder, I'd always be worrying about him overexerting himself!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.4: Could It Be Forever?
« Reply #49 on: October 10, 2022, 01:26:43 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.4: Could It Be Forever?

Pierce: Let’s do it right now! This weekend.
Tulip: Are you sure?
Pierce: Why wait? We’ve done all the shopping we need. Bother – your Dad’s gone down for a nap.
Tulip: Poor Dad. It would only confuse him. I promise…
Pierce: …forever and always.

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Pierce: I can’t get enough of you!
Tulip: All the others are busy. Shall we go downstairs?
Pierce: Lead the way!

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Wye: How do I know you’re really from the survey team. I think I would know the team from my work!
Eco-Surveyor: It’s a different department to you. I’ve shown you my ID. What more can I do?
Wye: You just seem a bit off…
Eco-Surveyor: Well, off or not, your house does conform to the NAP so you will get a discount.

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Coral: Did you hear? There’s going to be the patter of tiny feet!
Gunther: That’s nice, Mama.
Coral: Gunther? Are you feeling alright?
Gunther: I think I’ll just have a nap.
Coral: Oh Gunther!

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Coral: I’m really going to miss you, Gunther. Thank you for everything. You’ve been a wonderful help-mate. I couldn’t have asked for better.

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Violet: So sad! So tired! Where’s my be….zzzzz

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Tulip: I’m too sad – I just can’t sleep. I really need to up my Gardening skills so I might as well read this level 3 book….
Gunther: Good idea. Always nice to read about stuff.
Tulip: Hello? Is there someone there?
Gunther: So sad – she can’t see me…I wonder when the baby is due…

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Tulip: Hello baby Snowdrop. You are the start of Generation 3 in our household. What will the future hold for you?
Snowdrop: Gurgle

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Progress Year 1, Week 11, Summer
Generation 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Pierce Delgado Fiancé:
Adult; Self-Assured, Neat, Child of the Islands; Archaeology Scholar; Education 8/10
Violet Odrade: YA; Cheerful, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal; Lady of the Knits; Military 7/10
Tulip Odrade Heir: YA; Cheerful, Bookworm, Creative; Master Actress; Gardener-Botanist 8/10
Wye Odrade: YA: Genius, Socially Awkward, Paranoid; Strangerville Mystery; Conservationist-Environmental Planner 6/10

Generation 3
Snowdrop Odrade:

L-to-R: Tulip, Wye, Pierce holding Snowdrop, Coral & Violet
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With a vicar as a husband, I'm very used to his Occasional Offices (Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals) being referred to as Hatch, Match & Despatch. We've had all three in this episode. Farewell Gunther. Like Coral, I will miss you.

I should have guessed that Wye might become Paranoid. His looks are definitely reminiscent of Edwin Pries!

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The household are not able to interact with ghosts (Author) but they do it a lot autonomously. I have to do a lot of cancelling when Gunther’s ghost is abroad.

Snowdrop is named for the herald of Springtime in the UK, growing wild in woodlands but with many garden cultivars.

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I had to have a David Cassidy title. My junior school years were dominated by arguments between his fans and those of Donny!

Title: Could It Be Forever? – 1972 UK hit from David Cassidy

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.4: Could It Be Forever?
« Reply #50 on: October 10, 2022, 09:47:33 PM »

Aw, what a cute courtship between Tulip and Pierce! Very sweet. Sad to see Gunther go, but life continues on so welcome to Snowdrop!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.4: Could It Be Forever?
« Reply #51 on: October 11, 2022, 06:58:30 AM »

Aw, what a cute courtship between Tulip and Pierce! Very sweet. Sad to see Gunther go, but life continues on so welcome to Snowdrop!
Thank you - it was an odd thing with Pierce coming in as a nearly-adult while Tulip was still a teen so I wasn't sure it would work. I haven't mentioned it before but Pierce and Coral actually had a slight pink romance bar. I think they got confused when Coral was asking Pierce to move in. Needless to say, they agreed to just be friends as soon as I noticed it.

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: Live And Let Die
« Reply #52 on: October 11, 2022, 07:02:11 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: Live And Let Die

Pierce: Happy Birthday, Snowdrop!
Snowdrop: Babble
Pierce: Come on, you can do it!
Snowdrop: Wobble, Babble

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Tulip: Aw – they’ve sent a cute set of outfits for her!

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Snowdrop: Mama Dada Gone Gone
Coral: It’s OK, sweetie. Granny’s here.
Snowdrop: Granny Hug
Coral: Anytime, sweetie.
Snowdrop: Granny Dolls
Snowdrop: Granny Food

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Pierce: Come on Snowdrop. It’s time for bed.
Snowdrop: Story?
Pierce: I’m working on that, darling. Just as Mummy is working on her gardening. Well, that and another little nooboo for you to play with!
Snowdrop: Nooboo?
Pierce: Soon!

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Pierce: Oh, is it time? What can I do? Hot towels? Clean water?
Tulip: All done! No need to panic. Welcome little Rose!
Pierce: Well done, Tulip. You’re amazing!
Tulip: Well, now I’ve fed her, you can be amazing and take over while I get some sleep.

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Coral: The days just seem to drag now you’re gone, Gunther. I try to be useful – lots of cleaning plus I love looking after the little ones while everyone’s at work – but I can’t stop feeling sad…

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Coral: At last – it’s time. I’m ready to go. Goodbye everyone!

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Tulip: Oh no! And she never got to see the children grow up.
Wye: First Dad. Now Mum. Who’s next?
Pierce: She was amazing.

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Grim: Still no-one’s going to talk to me? (Author) I’ll just wait here a bit longer. Surely someone will say something!
Violet: 56…57…58…

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Tulip: I really need to work on my Gardening skill but I’m so sad that I can water these plants with my tears. Snowdrop is really sad too. She really bonded with her Granny while we were all at work. I’m not sure what we’ll do for childcare next week!

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Progress Year 1, Week 12, Summer
Generation 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Pierce Delgado Spouse:
Adult; Self-Assured, Neat, Child of the Islands; Archaeology Scholar; Education 9/10
Violet Odrade: Adult; Cheerful, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal; Lady of the Knits; Military 8/10
Tulip Odrade Heir: YA; Cheerful, Bookworm, Creative; Master Actress; Gardener-Botanist 9/10
Wye Odrade: YA: Genius, Socially Awkward, Paranoid; Strangerville Mystery; Conservationist-Environmental Planner 8/10

Generation 3
Snowdrop Odrade:
toddler; Angelic
Rose Odrade: nooboo

L-to-R: Tulip holding Snowdrop, Violet, Pierce holding Rose, Wye
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Rose is our 5th Flower born in house. She is named for the UK wildflower dog-rose that rambles through the hedgerows. Less showy than the garden cultivars but producing lovely red hips in the Autumn.

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Reading the Gardening skill book level 3 is no longer increasing Tulip’s skill from level 9. She is having to do all her skilling on the one planter allowed. 3 of the plants have 3 species spliced together. The other plant is continually being uprooted, replanted, watered and fertilised to add to the skilling. Analysing takes a long time and doesn’t up the skill much. I remember reaching level 10 was a challenge with Nina in my last attempt, especially as Nina was Lazy and wanted to rest all the time.

Title: Live And Let Die – 1973 UK hit from Paul McCartney and Wings

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: Live And Let Die
« Reply #53 on: October 11, 2022, 02:29:00 PM »
Rest in peace, Gunther and Coral!  You were both wonderful founders!
Wye really got hit with the odd traits, didn't he?  His traits are a great match for his aspiration, hehe.
Erwin Pries is one of my favorite premade sims. His eyes and mouth differ from Wye's, but they do share the red hair and Paranoid trait.
ut good thing for paranoid Wye that you have double basements!

Vol. 3 skill books only increase a skill to Level 9, except for vol. 3 of Parenting (L8) and Vampire Lore (L13).
Could Tulip splice a rose plant to a grape plant to grow bonsai buds?  A sim can interact repeatedly with a bonsai plant which increases Gardening skill.
Just my random two cents.  (Lol, I'm sure that, by the time you read this, Tulip will have already maxed Gardening in your game...)

Welcome to the fold, Snowdrop and Rose.
Pierce and Tulip are so close to maxing their careers!  Great focus and progress, Watcher!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: Live And Let Die
« Reply #54 on: October 11, 2022, 07:40:11 PM »

Farewell to Coral - such a lovely founder.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: Live And Let Die
« Reply #55 on: October 12, 2022, 02:10:32 AM »

Farewell to Coral - such a lovely founder.
Thank you. I was fond of her. With low Wonder Child points, it demonstrated that a different prep for entering the Apocalypse Challenge would be better. I did enjoy playing it several times though.  :)

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: Live And Let Die
« Reply #56 on: October 12, 2022, 02:22:49 AM »
Rest in peace, Gunther and Coral!  You were both wonderful founders!
Wye really got hit with the odd traits, didn't he?  His traits are a great match for his aspiration, hehe.
Erwin Pries is one of my favorite premade sims. His eyes and mouth differ from Wye's, but they do share the red hair and Paranoid trait.
ut good thing for paranoid Wye that you have double basements!

Vol. 3 skill books only increase a skill to Level 9, except for vol. 3 of Parenting (L8) and Vampire Lore (L13).
Could Tulip splice a rose plant to a grape plant to grow bonsai buds?  A sim can interact repeatedly with a bonsai plant which increases Gardening skill.
Just my random two cents.  (Lol, I'm sure that, by the time you read this, Tulip will have already maxed Gardening in your game...)

Welcome to the fold, Snowdrop and Rose.
Pierce and Tulip are so close to maxing their careers!  Great focus and progress, Watcher!
Wye really loves his basement bedroom,  especially when the weather's bad.

Thanks for the Gardening tip. It would have taken some planning as they've only been allowed one planter but might have been possible. As you say, Tulip has maxed her gardening now but I'll bear that in mind when I've got a Florist, assuming they need to max Gardening as well.

I'm not sure I'm very focused now Gen 3 have arrived, lol. Those toddlers!
Violet & Wye maxed their needed skills during teendom and Tulip got close. The incoming Pierce has had the hardest journey of course, needing to clear a High School Graduate career.

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.6: You’re Having My Baby
« Reply #57 on: October 12, 2022, 11:16:34 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.6: You’re Having My Baby

Grim: Cute kid.
Watcher: I think your gig is over. Time to move on?
Grim: Maybe one of the chickens needs me?
Watcher: Maybe…

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Snowdrop: So Sad
Violet: I know, Honey Bun. We’re all sad about Granny.
Snowdrop: Lots Hugs
Violet: Yes, lots of hugs do help.

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Pierce: Happy Birthday, Rose.
Rose: Babble?
Pierce: Oh, you’re Inquisitive ? Let’s teach you to talk.
Rose: Sniff
Pierce: And you’re sad about losing both your grandmothers? Me too!

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Snowdrop: Lots Hugs
Rose: Huggy Huggles

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Grim: Watcher?
Watcher: You still here?
Grim: Can you Google to see why? I’m just getting concerned that my work may…well…be piling up, in a manner of speaking.
Watcher: I’m on it

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Snowdrop: House gets smashed sumtimes
Rose: House?
Snowdrop: Dolls house. Big house ok
Rose: Why?
Snowdrop: Groan Ups smash but they build Bang Bang too.
Rose: What That Noise?
Snowdrop: Flash Bang! Don’t Like!
Rose: Flash Bang Flash Bang

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Snowdrop: Who You?
Grim: Oh – erm – I didn’t think you could see me.
Snowdrop: What Doing?
Grim: I’m waiting until your aunt Violet clears her career and then Watcher says she’ll be able to travel somewhere with me and leave me there.
Snowdrop: Leave Somewhere?
Grim: I know. It sounds a bit vague to me, too. But I’m prepared to give it a shot.

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Watcher: Happy Birthday, Snow!
Snowdrop: Did everyone forget?
Watcher: No, honey. Violet made you a cake before work and it was waiting but all the grown ups came home from work too tired to do anything. It was my fault really. Sorry.
Snowdrop: I’ll just look on the Brightside – there must be one, right?

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Snowdrop: I’m not supposed to talk to you.
Grim: Suits me. I’ve just got to a good bit.
Snowdrop: That's a fitness book. Mum’s maxed her Botanist career by the way.
Grim: It’s the Military Officer that’ll let me travel.
Snowdrop: Oh, maybe soon then?
Grim: I hope so.

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Watcher: Well done, Tulip!
Tulip: Yawn!
Watcher: You can stop working now if you like?
Tulip: Good! This baby is really wearing me out.
Watcher: We can put all the garden produce in the fridge now it's not toxic. There'll be more recipes the family can make. I’ll build a bigger greenhouse on Sunday.
Tulip: Just let me sleep until then!

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Rose: Snow Gone School.
Rose: Mama Sleep
Rose: What This?

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Rose: Mama? Big Girl Knickers?
Tulip: You’re nearly there, Rose. No more accidents soon.
Snowdrop: School sucks! That test! That teacher! Argh!
Watcher: Just meditate. I’m sure it’ll help. Erm, sorry to bring it up, but I’m afraid we’ll need to lose the sunglasses from your sports outfit.
Snowdrop: I'm trying to look on the Brightside but you’re not making it easy!

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Tulip: Ooh my back!
Pierce: Still looking gorgeous.
Tulip: I feel like I’ve swallowed a beach ball!
Pierce: You don’t think it’s twins do you?
Tulip: If it is, you’d better get that last promotion and help me with them! However many, they must come soon!
Pierce (checking around them): I’ve heard there’s a fun way to start labour. There’s no-one around. What do you think?

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Progress Year 1, Week 12, Summer
Generation 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Pierce Delgado Spouse:
Adult; Self-Assured, Neat, Child of the Islands; Archaeology Scholar; Education 9/10
Violet Odrade: Adult; Cheerful, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal; Lady of the Knits; Military 9/10
Tulip Odrade Heir: YA; Cheerful, Bookworm, Creative; Master Actress; Gardener-Botanist Complete week 13
Wye Odrade: YA: Genius, Socially Awkward, Paranoid; Strangerville Mystery; Conservationist-Environmental Planner 8/10

Generation 3
Snowdrop Odrade:
Child; Cheerful
Rose Odrade: Toddler; Inquisitive

L-to-R: Snowdrop, Wye, Pierce holding Rose, Violet & Tulip
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Rose's wardrobe
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Snow's wardrobe, minus the sports sunglasses:
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Apart from celebrating Tulip’s top promotion, none of the others made much progress at work. Violet and Pierce should get their top promotion this coming week having negotiated bonuses. Wye’s daily task of preparing a grant application not only does not automatically complete with his Responsible trait, it doesn’t complete when he actually does it. What’s frustrating is that the Grungy Lot Challenge can be lifted when he’s done and it’s that causing the nausea and reducing work performance! We’ll get there…eventually.

Title: You’re Having My Baby – 1974 UK hit from Paul Anka

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.6: You’re Having My Baby
« Reply #58 on: October 12, 2022, 12:04:35 PM »
Whoa, Wye and his Conservationist career are overtaking Pierce and Violet!
I remember struggling with that Prepare grant application task. Ugh.
The children made adorable toddlers and now Snowdrop is a pretty little girl!
The Odrades produce a lot of females, it seems.  Crossing my fingers for a boy next (but only if you want that, too, Watcher).

How is Wye's Socially Awkward trait? You probably dodged a bullet getting that trait before you unlocked high school, haha.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.6: You’re Having My Baby
« Reply #59 on: October 13, 2022, 03:30:36 AM »
Whoa, Wye and his Conservationist career are overtaking Pierce and Violet!
I remember struggling with that Prepare grant application task. Ugh.
The children made adorable toddlers and now Snowdrop is a pretty little girl!
The Odrades produce a lot of females, it seems.  Crossing my fingers for a boy next (but only if you want that, too, Watcher).

How is Wye's Socially Awkward trait? You probably dodged a bullet getting that trait before you unlocked high school, haha.
We are getting a lot of girls. I'm not allowed to do any gender manipulation so it's a random quirk.

The Socially Awkward thing is quite cute. He can ask for advice and if other Sims tell him It's Okay to Be Awkward, he developed stronger friendships with them. Even the toddlers get the option to do that. He also often gets a work notice about new employees and should he make friends or avoid them. I always answer Make Friends which gives a good response. I haven't tried the Avoid. I haven't played one at High School but I'm guessing it gets traumatic!