Author Topic: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Challenge Failure...  (Read 53268 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.3: A Hard Day’s Night
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2022, 09:42:12 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.3: A Hard Day’s Night

Gunther: May I?
Coral: Of course. What do you think? Boy or Girl?
Gunther: Let’s choose names for both, just in case.
Coral: I told you, one at a time is what I’m praying for!
Gunther: We'll cope, together, whatever.

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Coral: Phew! Getting promoted and then having to work another shift on the same day as you decide to make an appearance has been exhausting. But - just one nooboo – little Tulip! Very pleased to meet you.
Tulip: Gurgle

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Coral: Now – where’s the be….ZZZZZZZZ

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Violet: What This? No! No! No! Not Happy!

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Violet: What This? Mote Troll? What for? In Bin.

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Coral: Hello again, Simon. Have you brought more fruitcake?
Simon: Nope
Coral: Is Sarah coming?
Simon: Nope
Coral: What do you want, then?
Simon: Prank your loo?
Coral: Nope! No way! Goodbye!

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Violet: Play In Books. Rip. Rip. Rip.

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Coral: Time to age up, Tulip! Let’s teach you to talk before Mama has to go to work again. Papa will be home soon.
Tulip: Gurgle
Coral: Oh and let’s put your cold weather gear on. Unless we’re on the ground floor with the fire on, everyone gets so cold!
Tulip: Gurgle.

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Violet: Huggle
Tulip: Cuggle
Violet: Sistas

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Tulip: Big Now?
Violet: Yes, I’m big now. You’ll be big soon enough. We can still play dolls together though. Mama’s expecting another baby too so there’ll be lots of us to play together.
Tulip: Pooh!
Violet: Is that your nappy? Oops. No. It’s me. Shower time!

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Generation 1
Coral Odrade
: Founder; YA; Cheerful, Active, Loves Outdoors; Master Chef; Culinary-Chef 9/10
Gunther Munch: Spouse; YA; Creative, Clumsy, Bookworm; Renaissance Sim; Civil Designer-Civic Planner 6/10

Generation 2
Violet Odrade:
Child; Cheerful; Social Butterfly
Tulip Odrade: Toddler: Independent

L-to-R: Violet, Coral holding Tulip & Gunther
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Our second Flower is named for the garden bulb Tulip, having a variety of styles and colours but simple red or yellow ones are my favourite. I bought some bulbs once from the flower market in Amsterdam but they never flowered to my great disappointment. As the naming in my last attempt started at the beginning of the alphabet, this one is starting from the end.

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The cliff-hanger in this episode is...will Coral get her top promotion when she gets home at 11pm so this Watcher can install their fridge and stove before midnight? The rules in this challenge are quite clear that we can't have one until she gets there.

Title: A Hard Days Night – 1964 hit from The Beatles

Offline Sonshine

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.3: A Hard Day’s Night
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2022, 10:06:13 AM »
The one I mentioned is just modded objects (lights). All you need to do is plunk it into your Mods folder and that's it. They're regular lights that have been modded to work in off the grid lots. Some mods are hard to wrap your mind around (like the NRAAS one for TS3). Once you plunk it into the mods folder, you don't have to worry about anything. It's OK though, if you don't want to. :)  These should give off more light than the normal off the grid ones.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.3: A Hard Day’s Night
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2022, 11:03:19 AM »
The one I mentioned is just modded objects (lights). All you need to do is plunk it into your Mods folder and that's it. They're regular lights that have been modded to work in off the grid lots. Some mods are hard to wrap your mind around (like the NRAAS one for TS3). Once you plunk it into the mods folder, you don't have to worry about anything. It's OK though, if you don't want to. :)  These should give off more light than the normal off the grid ones.
I'll give that a look - thanks :)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.4: We Gotta Get Out of This Place
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2022, 11:17:55 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.4: We Gotta Get Out of This Place

Violet: Hello?
Mila: I’m your Grandmama.
Violet: Oh yes. Mummy’s inside with Tulip. She’s expecting you. I’m off to school.
Mila: Don’t you have a hug for me?
Violet: Later!

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Mila: Thanks for inviting me for the whole day.
Coral: Well I knew it was your day off and it was good to spend some time together. You’ll be OK with Violet and little Tulip?
Mila: Piece of cake. Don’t work too hard…we need you healthy for that third grandchild of mine you’re carrying!
Coral: I think it could come at any moment!

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Violet: Granny, where’s Tulip?
Mila: Welcome back from school. I sent her to daycare and please call me Grandmama.
Violet: But Mummy said you were going to look after both of us!
Mila: Toddlers are very hard work. She’ll be happier there. Besides, your father will be home soon so it’s just a few hours. And don’t say Mummy. Say Mother.

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Violet: Hello, Grublet. Let me nurture you. I’m trying to keep out of Daddy’s way. He’s still fuming about Granny sending Tulip to daycare. Oops, sorry, Grandmama!

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Coral: Hello, little Wye, our first little boy. I’ve only had girls so far. I hope I’ll be a good Mama to you too. No more work for me because – let’s whisper it – your Mama is a Celebrity Chef and doesn’t need any more promotions. Your Dada was upset about your sister having to go to daycare so I’m going to be home full-time now.

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Violet: Yay! A little brother!
Gunther: Welcome, little Prince. I’m going to help you be strong and independent.
Tulip: Ickle Bro? Yay!
Watcher: And so the whole family were happy to greet the new arrival.

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Mila: Ah I thought you might be down here.
Coral: Hello Mila. Meet your Grandson – Wye.
Mila: Why?
Coral: No, Wye.
Mila: That’s very confusing.
Coral: Not at all.
Mila: Let me hold him. Are you sure he’s warm enough? Shouldn’t he have some bootees on? Maybe you should get another crib nearer the fire…
Coral: Calm down, Mila. He’s perfectly happy as long as I feed him, change him and lots of cuddles.
Mila: Hm…

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Coral: What did you do?!?
Mila: I was just stoking the fire! To make it warmer for little Wye. And then it caught on that bit that’s over the wood.
Coral: I told you that he’s fine. Can you get him and Tulip out please, while I extinguish this?
Mila: What? Oh dear? Oh dear!

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Mila: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!

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Coral: Let’s get you cleaned up.
Tulip: Flying
Coral: And again
Tulip: Food
Coral: And again. There – all smokiness gone. Thank goodness you were upstairs away from the fire. And Wye was downstairs.
Tulip: Why?
Coral: Maybe your Grandmama is right, it is confusing. But she shouldn’t have gone running off like that, leaving you both in the house. I’d not tell your Dada but the evidence can’t be replaced until Sunday and I wouldn’t want to lie to him anyway.

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Mila: I’m so sorry.
Coral: But do you realise what danger the little ones were in?
Mila: I was really scared and panicky. They are alright aren’t they?
Coral: They are but Gunther…
Mila: Oh no, did he find out?
Coral: I couldn’t hide the burnt bench and he asked where the nesting blocks were. He could see it had been a big fire. And then Tulip was rattling on about it so he worked it out. Listen, that’s him at the door.
Mila: I’ll try to explain…

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Mila: Gunther, darling…
Gunther: I don’t want to hear it. I’ve had a long day. I need a shower and I need to not be seeing you right now.
Coral: Gunther…
Mila: It’s alright, Coral, I’ll go.

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Violet: I missed all the excitement yesterday but this is great! Now Mummy knows we can get a fridge and stove on Sunday, she’s cooking up a dish of grub dogs every day. And she’s put the fruitcake out if we want it. It’s nice to have a change from the milk bread. I wonder what we’ll get next week for dinners. Mind you, eating still makes us sick half the time!

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Gunther: No cake for me! I don’t feel much different but I really must get those last promotions at work. Lots of chess!

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Coral: Happy Birthday, Wye.
Wye: Why?
Coral: Oh dear! You’ll get used to it…

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Coral: I wish you had shorts or leggings for bed time to keep you warm but it won’t be for too long and it’s nearly Spring.

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Tulip: n there was fire monster and I upstairs n you was downstairs n it swallowed up the nesting blocks!
Wye: Why?
Tulip: Don’t Know but they’re gone so you’ve just gotta say What’s That at evryfink otherwise you be thick!
Wye: Why?
Tulip: Not Why! What!

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Tulip: Here I go! Lots of warm clothes I see. In good time for Spring!

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Progress Year 1, Week 4, Winter
Generation 1
Coral Odrade
: Founder; YA; Cheerful, Active, Loves Outdoors; Master Chef; Culinary-Chef completed week 4
Gunther Munch: Spouse; Adult; Creative, Clumsy, Bookworm; Renaissance Sim (2/4); Civil Designer-Civic Planner 8/10

Generation 2
Violet Odrade:
Child; Cheerful; Social Butterfly
Tulip Odrade: Child: Cheerful; Artistic Prodigy
Wye Odrade: Toddler: Inquisitive

L-to-R: Violet, Coral holding Wye, Gunther & Tulip
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I know – 2 updates very close together. Can you tell that I’m enjoying playing this? I really need to get out more…

Our third flower is named for the River Wye which flows along the Welsh-English border in the UK, giving rise to some lovely scenery. I have canoed on it but a very long time ago. These days I prefer having pub lunches like the one I’ve had here!

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I realize that some of you readers out there are looking at Wye’s hair and eye colouring and saying to yourself “We know who the Gen 3 heir will be” but traits are everything…well, nearly everything…well, quite important anyway…

I’d moved the fireplace slightly when I downloaded it at the start of this challenge, forgetting to extend the hideous tiles to be under it. I think it’ll be safer once we get to Sunday and I fix that lapse.

Title: We Gotta Get Out of This Place – 1965 hit from The Animals

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.4: We Gotta Get Out of This Place
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2022, 03:33:38 PM »
Haha, I get some sleep and wake up to find the Odrade household has expanded to a family of five overnight (well, my overnight).
A huge congrats to Coral for lifting the Chef restriction! And Gunther is not far behind!

How lucky that both girls got their mother's Cheerful trait. Or, i should ask, what do you think of that?
Whether Wye becomes the heir or not, he's certainly a cutie pie!
Well, all three kids are lovely so the Watcher's a winner whoever is chosen as heir!
Lovely photo of the River Wye (rhymes with "rye"?)

There's quite a selection of off-the-grid lighting in the game (using the Build mode's Off-the-Grid sort), including kerosene lamps.
When I first played with Cottage Living in my Stardew Valley challenge, I used a cc typewriter that let my sims write but not access the internet or play video games.
No doubt, it wouldn't be "kosher" for your AC, Judi, but I mention it while thinking that some custom content seem fair to me in my gameplay while others don't.
For non-HoF challenges, ithe player decidees how much of a challenge they want.  ;)

You're doing so great! It must super difficult to keep all the rules in your head!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.4: We Gotta Get Out of This Place
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2022, 03:42:39 PM »

I see that Mila continues to just invite herself right over! How fortunate for your storytelling. The girls are lovely, and of course you beat me to the punch about Wye. Glad to see you're having better luck with traits so far (fingers crossed).

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.4: We Gotta Get Out of This Place
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2022, 04:56:59 PM »
Haha, I get some sleep and wake up to find the Odrade household has expanded to a family of five overnight (well, my overnight).
A huge congrats to Coral for lifting the Chef restriction! And Gunther is not far behind!

How lucky that both girls got their mother's Cheerful trait. Or, i should ask, what do you think of that?
Whether Wye becomes the heir or not, he's certainly a cutie pie!
Well, all three kids are lovely so the Watcher's a winner whoever is chosen as heir!
Lovely photo of the River Wye (rhymes with "rye"?)

There's quite a selection of off-the-grid lighting in the game (using the Build mode's Off-the-Grid sort), including kerosene lamps.
When I first played with Cottage Living in my Stardew Valley challenge, I used a cc typewriter that let my sims write but not access the internet or play video games.
No doubt, it wouldn't be "kosher" for your AC, Judi, but I mention it while thinking that some custom content seem fair to me in my gameplay while others don't.
For non-HoF challenges, ithe player decidees how much of a challenge they want.  ;)

You're doing so great! It must super difficult to keep all the rules in your head!
Wye does indeed rhyme with rye :)

I'm still on the cheapest item (Business-Management) so I'm using the cheapest off-grid wall lights due to lack of space. The overhead one requires higher ceilings than I want. I probably could have been more creative but we're oh-so-nearly re-connected to the grid...

I keep re-reading the rules so they get in my head. The ones that overlap will probably catch me out again!

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.4: We Gotta Get Out of This Place
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2022, 04:58:16 PM »

I see that Mila continues to just invite herself right over! How fortunate for your storytelling. The girls are lovely, and of course you beat me to the punch about Wye. Glad to see you're having better luck with traits so far (fingers crossed).
Mila is a story-line godsend! Lol! I like that Gunther has come out from under her thumb.

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.5: Dedicated Follower of Fashion
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2022, 10:23:14 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.5: Dedicated Follower of Fashion

Violet: The other kids at school don’t believe I’ve got a set of Monkey Bars in our 2nd basement but they don’t realize just how deep it is! Maybe one day we can have one outdoors!
Tulip: Thanks for bringing me down here. I had no idea as a toddler.
Violet: Well you couldn’t get down the ladder then.

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Coral: I’m glad you’re having fun, kiddos. This generator barely keeps the fridge going but I suppose it’s better than nothing.
Tulip: What’s in those sacks, Mummy?
Coral: It’s super fertilizer. We get it sometimes when we collect the grub meal.
Violet: But we’ve got nothing to fertilize!
Tulip: Maybe one day we will!

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Violet: That generator stinks a bit, Mummy.
Coral: I know, sweetie but this is the only fuel we’ve got. If we didn’t need the grub meal we could get biofuel from the bug farm but we need those grub dogs.
Tulip: I like the milk bread!
Violet: It’s OK but it’s good to have a change.
Tulip: But the air’s got really polluted! You know we all cough when we go outside these days!
Coral: It might get better now it’s Spring and we’re not using the fireplace as much.

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Gunther: My darling, for always!
Coral: King of my heart, forever.
Violet: ???

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Violet: What’s going on?
Tulip: Mummy and Daddy just got married.
Violet: Why?
Tulip: He’s in bed.
Violet: No, why did they just get married?
Tulip: Watcher thought it would help Daddy feel great at work today.
Violet: But Daddy’s work pattern changed again. Today’s his day off.
Watcher: Drat! At least it’ll keep him happy for 2 days.

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Violet: No Cake!
Watcher: But you got to come home early and you’ve got the whole weekend before we need to sort out High School.
Violet: I know it’s smokey out here but I really like being outside.
Watcher: Time to jog to clear your mind then, if you can’t clear the air.

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Coral: Aw – little Wye, growing so fast!
Wye: Do you like my cowboy onesie?
Coral: It’s quite a clash of styles, isn’t it. I mean, I’m not sure cowboys would wear onesies…
Wye: Long-johns?
Coral: Oh OK, I guess that makes sense.
Wye: Well, I am a Genius, you know.
Coral: Let’s play chess!

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Violet: Mum didn’t see my phone….I’ll just see what’s on here….
Watcher: Oh no! Sorry – you can’t do that. Just focus on your jogging. We’ll sort out that make-up at the weekend.
Violet: What make-up?
Watcher: Isn’t that eyeshadow?
Violet: Nope. I just have naturally deep-set eyes. Can we get a better house?
Watcher: Better how?
Violet: I’m thinking a Mansion would be great!
Watcher: Talk to your Dad.

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Watcher: Wow, Gunther, I wasn’t sure you’d make it this week but you truly are a star.
Gunther: Better than Nina?
Watcher: Weeks better than Nina! You’ve worked so hard, I’m proud of you.
Gunther: I can’t wait to tell Coral. Can we get re-connected straightaway?
Watcher: I don’t see why not. Extending beyond the 8*8 grid, now you’ve come up with the stronger building designs, needs to wait until Sunday, but the Off-Grid challenge is just a flick of the switch!
Gunther: That’s great! Too late for last weeks groceries but this weeks…
Watcher: Just watch out for all the plumbing – it can react badly to the new high pressure…

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Watcher: Violet! What’s the matter?
Violet: I got mugged! They took my phone, my headphones, my rings and my earrings!
Watcher (crossing fingers): Oh no! That’s terrible. It's dangerous out here on the mean streets of HoB. And they’ve given you 2 black eyes as well!
Violet: I told you! I’ve just got naturally deep-set eyes!
Watcher: My bad.

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Progress Year 1, Week 5, Spring
Generation 1
Coral Odrade
: Founder; YA; Cheerful, Active, Loves Outdoors; Master Chef; Culinary-Chef completed week 4
Gunther Munch: Spouse; Adult; Creative, Clumsy, Bookworm; Renaissance Sim (2/4); Civil Designer-Civic Planner Complete week 5

Generation 2
Violet Odrade:
Teen; Cheerful, Loves Outdoors; Mansion Baron
Tulip Odrade: Child: Cheerful; Artistic Prodigy
Wye Odrade: Child: Genius; Rambunctious Scamp

L-to-R: Tulip, Violet, Gunther, Coral & Wye
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It’s really sad to see the HoB so polluted. I’m not sure why it didn’t happen in my first attempt as I’ve not changed the settings. Maybe it was the fire from the last episode! That Mila has got a lot to answer for! The industrial wall-coverings (Civil Designer-Green Technician) on the outside of all the residences probably has something to answer for.

So far all the inherited traits have come from Coral. I treated myself to a D3 and a D4 di specifically for these rolls (I feel like a total gamer now, lol) and they are random when I test them out but when rolling for real, they keep landing on Coral’s traits.

High School – I’ve changed my rules slightly. In my last attempt, the teens went to High School (unaccompanied) on Fridays – exam day - but skipped the other days. This way they could graduate by doing all their homework and studying for their exam but it was a close run thing. Graduating is necessary for certain careers, including Education which would unlock going to High School freely and Engineer-Computer which would open up online graduation. However, all townies and generated adults seem to be graduates automatically so they will be able to take those careers barred to non-graduates. My current rule is that the teen must drop out of High School at the first opportunity, either by clicking on a computer or going in on their first day and talking to the Principal. Now our family is re-connected to the grid, I think they’ll be able to do it on a computer. This rule is an experiment so it will be interesting to see how we get on.

Title: Dedicated Follower of Fashion – 1966 hit from The Kinks

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.5: Dedicated Follower of Fashion
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2022, 01:52:54 PM »

Gunther is truly a winner! Grats on topping that career, and grats on the simple but sweet marriage!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.5: Dedicated Follower of Fashion
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2022, 03:51:27 PM »
They seek him here, they seek him there....
Congrats to Gunther, Champion of the People!
In Nina's defense, though, how many nooboos did she have on the way to maxing her career, Gunther!
A female WC founder with a less-skilled townie hubby really makes a lot of sense!

How shocking to see Finchwick with that grungy, brown haze! Curious that it didn't occur in Flint's attempt.
I enjoy reading about changes in your strats this time around.  Brilliant idea to let townie spouses handle the careers requiring a high school diploma, at least until you clear Education

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.5: Dedicated Follower of Fashion
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2022, 01:52:30 AM »

Gunther is truly a winner! Grats on topping that career, and grats on the simple but sweet marriage!
I'm missing the high drama of venue weddings but the elopement makes them just as happy. It was just as well Gunther had that day off. I think you can see his green aura of stinkiness in the 2nd marriage pic. Lol

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.5: Dedicated Follower of Fashion
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2022, 01:56:42 AM »
They seek him here, they seek him there....
Congrats to Gunther, Champion of the People!
In Nina's defense, though, how many nooboos did she have on the way to maxing her career, Gunther!
A female WC founder with a less-skilled townie hubby really makes a lot of sense!
You're right. Poor Nina, always taken for granted. This family would really have appreciated her garden produce. As it is, they'll be happy with their unhealthy but filling meat-based diet plus leftovers will keep in the fridge.

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.6: Careless Hands
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2022, 11:12:45 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.6: Careless Hands

Violet: Happy Birthday, Mum!
Coral: Pfft!
Gunther: All that running and walking to and from the market was worth it for our first ever birthday cake! Happy Birthday, love.
Tulip: Yay! I’ll get cake for my birthday, too!
Wye: And me!
Violet: Hm!

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Watcher: So with the fridge fully stocked with bread, cheese, eggs, milk and the somewhat vague wrapped meat (not Soylent Green), and the upper and lower floors changed to just 2 floors, our household approaches the coming week with something akin to hope.

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Violet: Hm. I didn’t get cake but I get to goof off school. I get to jog a lot outside which I love but I also get to do all the repairs…

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Violet: And now I need a shower and, guess what! I have to fix it first!

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Coral: What did you do?
Violet: I’d got to level 3 cooking and I thought I’d make egg and toast for everyone.
Coral: It’s this dodgy stove. I could only do the energy efficient upgrade to comply with the NAP so it’s much less safe than it could be. I’m sure it wasn’t your fault.
Violet: Of course it wasn’t!
Coral: It’s just, we can’t replace the stove until Sunday so….
Tulip (coming in from school): No Cake!

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Coral: Watcher?
Watcher: Hm?
Coral: You know the mob takes all our money at midnight on Sunday so we can only pay our bills on time if someone works on Monday?
Watcher: Oh no! You’re right. Gunther only works Tue-Fri. Oh dear, that’s the fridge out for a few hours on Tuesday. How’s the fresh stuff?
Coral: It’s OK but I think I’ll get a job that brings in something on Mondays. Just to be safe.
Watcher: OK

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Wye: I thought you were going to play dolls with me.
Coral: I was, honey, but then Watcher realized that I’d not installed the Autolight in this extra fireplace we’re allowed. We don’t want any more accidents.
Wye: Was it really an accident? Tulip thinks Violet did it on purpose so she wouldn’t get cake.
Coral: I’m sure that’s not true, honey.

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Tulip: No Cake but hey – don’t I look cool!
Watcher: Hm. Maxi skirts seem to be the fashion this season. Ready to clear your mind by jogging?
Tulip: I’d rather read a book or mix a drink.
Watcher: You’re too young to drink and we don’t have a bar. You can read a book after curfew.

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Tulip: So I’ve still got my highlights!
Violet: That’s only because the others are still out at work and school.
Tulip: Maybe Watcher just wants to make it up to me for no cake!
Violet: Will you let that go already!

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Watcher: Right the others are back. Time to check out your wardrobe.
Tulip: And my highlights?
Watcher: Got to go, I’m afraid.

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Wye: I don’t get why I have to go to school and you 2 just get to goof off!
Violet: It’s not goofing off. We’ve got a really strict regime of jogging, chess, reading and talking to the mirror.
Tulip: Not to mention all the repairs and sorting out the bug farms.
Violet: That reminds me. I need to up my cooking skills. Where’s that book?
Tulip: In the bookcase. I’m off for a jog.

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Tulip: Ew, Watcher! It’s terrible out here.
Watcher: Yes, I think it’s getting worse. One of you should be able to do something to fix that…

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Tulip: So I came out for a run but you’re the first teen I’ve met in HoB so I thought I’d say hello!
Quinton: Hello
Tulip: You seem very stressed. What are your interests?
Quinton: I like the Violin.
Tulip: That’s not very informative. Why don’t you come and play chess with me until Mum gets home. She’ll want to meet you.
Quinton: OK

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Tulip: What did you do?
Violet: I was cooking some Grub Dogs and it just caught on fire!
Tulip: But you’re not supposed to cook!
Violet: I’d got up to level 4!
Tulip: But now we don't have a stove or a BBQ!
Gunther: Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!

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Gunther: Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!
Quinton: Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!
Gunther: I’m glad I’m not the only one panicking about the fire.
Quinton: Not the fire, sir. It’s the idea of Grub Dogs
Coral: Nice to meet you, Quinton. I see you’re a Green Fiend who’s Squeamish. You really wouldn’t like our bug farms!
Quinton: You farm them? Ew!

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Progress Year 1, Week 6, Spring
Generation 1
Coral Odrade
: Founder; Adult; Cheerful, Active, Loves Outdoors; Master Chef; Culinary-Chef completed week 4
Gunther Munch: Spouse; Adult; Creative, Clumsy, Bookworm; Renaissance Sim (2/4); Civil Designer-Civic Planner Complete week 5

Generation 2
Violet Odrade:
Teen; Cheerful, Loves Outdoors; Mansion Baron
Tulip Odrade: Teen: Cheerful, Bookworm; Master Mixologist
Wye Odrade: Child: Genius; Rambunctious Scamp

L-to-R: Wye, Violet, Coral, Gunther & Tulip
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Although Violet & Tulip had both dropped out of High School, they still got the option of going to both the Prom and the pre-Prom get-together.

Quinton was rather dreamy-looking and Green Fiend could be helpful but Squeamish? Until we clear Bodybuilder, the bug farms can’t be moved so he’d just freak out all the time unless I enclose them… He’s one of the many HoB delivery boys so he may or may not re-appear. Our household can’t use the Get To Know social on potential spouses (Law-Private Attorney) but Coral has the Observant trait that reveals traits on introduction.

From that meandering thought, you will note that I am considering one of the girls as the Gen 2 heir. As @oshizu  pointed out, a brought-in character is unprepared so needing them to produce babies & clear a career is quite demanding. It makes sense for a bloke to be brought in. I've decided that gender fertility/modifications are restricted by the Doctor career.

Title: Careless Hands – 1967 UK hit from Des O’Connor

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.6: Careless Hands
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2022, 11:58:02 AM »
Lol, I might have pointed the benefit of a not-the-babymaker townie spouse in the early challenge, but I only made the comment from observing the difference between Nina and Gunther (both champs, by the way) in your save. hehe
After the two debilitating fires, destroying both stove and grill, I'm favoring--between the two girls--Tulip for bringing in the next generation.
I'm sure it's wisest to see what Wye's traits are, but just saying.

Are you allowed to use that nearby outdoor grill, as long as you only cook something you could have cooked at home? Just curious--I'm too lazy to reread the rules ;P
Awww, too bad about Quinton being squeamish--besides the bug farms, won't he hate both the Grody trait 
Does he have a twin brother?