Author Topic: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 21: Moving Out and Growing Up  (Read 32454 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 17: The Time of the Twins
« Reply #90 on: January 08, 2023, 10:27:42 PM »
First of all, the twins are too lovely!  How are their eyes so huge? Did they inherit their big eyes from mama Ophelia?
Are there any traces of Hudson of the Pink Hot Pants in their facial features?  I believe I am #TeamShavy
I especially loved her phone convo with the nods.  Get with the program, Pippin. She was making a video call! LOL!

Goodness gracious, Pippin! You really outdid yourself with the twins' restaurant!  Millenium Falcon, indeed!
The monochromatic night-time shots of the restaurant in the snow are quite atmospheric. 
Can't wait to get a better look to see how it's set up to function as a restaurant? Are those chef tables near the stairway on the 2nd floor?
And the girls will both need to max the Chef career, too?

I laughed at Brie's mention that Miki's younger sister is some sort of dynastic back-up plan.  Those poor Akiyamas are being used and abused, hahaha.
I hope the younger Akiyama insists on a prenup!
Looking forward to seeing the girls' restaurant IN ACTION!  Wheee!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 17: The Time of the Twins
« Reply #91 on: January 22, 2023, 10:42:44 AM »
First of all, the twins are too lovely!  How are their eyes so huge? Did they inherit their big eyes from mama Ophelia?
Are there any traces of Hudson of the Pink Hot Pants in their facial features?  I believe I am #TeamShavy
I especially loved her phone convo with the nods.  Get with the program, Pippin. She was making a video call! LOL!

Goodness gracious, Pippin! You really outdid yourself with the twins' restaurant!  Millenium Falcon, indeed!
The monochromatic night-time shots of the restaurant in the snow are quite atmospheric. 
Can't wait to get a better look to see how it's set up to function as a restaurant? Are those chef tables near the stairway on the 2nd floor?
And the girls will both need to max the Chef career, too?

I laughed at Brie's mention that Miki's younger sister is some sort of dynastic back-up plan.  Those poor Akiyamas are being used and abused, hahaha.
I hope the younger Akiyama insists on a prenup!
Looking forward to seeing the girls' restaurant IN ACTION!  Wheee!
I totally understand jumping on board Team Shavy, though I honestly flip flop.  I just adore both girls so much that my favorite changes moment to moment.
Younger Akiyama (who has a name, I'm pretty sure) was just too cute to not include as a back up plan!
You'll be getting your wish and seeing a bit of the restaurant in action today, as well as some other big moments for Team TookAlot  ;=)
Yes, both girls are in the culinary career.  All of the tables are for diners to use.  Hmm, I was about to put an explanation of the layout, but maybe I should do some screenshots and give a walkthrough of the restaurant layout and some of the mod features as its own little mini-update...
For right now, though, enjoy some more TookAlot time!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 18: Things Are Looking Grim
« Reply #92 on: January 22, 2023, 10:43:15 AM »
When last we'd left the TookAlots, the twins had started the culinary career and had bought their own restaurant...which they designed in the shape of the Millennium Falcon.
Legolas:  But they can't immediately jump into running their restaurant as their first shift at work is coming up, so they work on some skilling at home while they wait.
Pippin:  And our silent sweetheart Shavy works on her mixology.
Legolas:  Nice alliteration!
Pippin:  Thank you!
Pippin & Legolas:  (high five)

Pippin:  Oh look, her hand is on fire...HER HAND IS OF FIRE!!!!

Legolas:  It's OK, just part of the drink-making process, apparently...but maybe next time don't throw the ball of flame towards the house?
Pippin:  I had no idea it was so hard to make a glass of milk!
Gimli:  Aye, it takes a lot of work.  Thanks, lass, I was thirsty.
Ophelia:  Oh, that was actually me.  I got the milk.

Legolas:  So, who did the cowplant...?
Ophelia:  Me.

Ophelia:  It was a work-from-home requirement.
Pippin:  And while our silent beauty is doing some dangerous drink-making and our shortest Watcher is drinking highly questionable milk...
Gimli:  (burp)
Pippin:  our charming chatterbox does some nice safe baking!

Brie:  Woot!  Haven't dropped it yet this time!
Pippin:  Oh for the love of...
Legolas:  But finally the time comes to open the restaurant!

Pippin:  Umm, the costumes?
Brie:  It's a theme restaurant, Pippin!
Shavy:  (nods)
Pippin:  (sigh) OK.

Brie:  Oooo, a celebrity guest on our first day of being open!
Pippin:  He's just your great-grandpa, is that really brag worthy?
Shavy:  (nods vigorously)
Legolas:  Yeah, she makes a good point.
Pippin:  And Orpheus comes along to entertain the guests with some music...

Pippin:  except that they won't go to their tables since they're watching him so we send him to the park to take a nap instead.
Orpheus:  Wow!  I haven't slept since I was a toddler!!

Legolas:  Shavy handles the cooking while the two who actually speak do customer service...which seems like a good plan to me.
Pippin:  Yeah, the Dynasty Team added Carl's Dine Out Reloaded to the list of approved mods for this dynasty, so a big thanks to Glazey and the team!
Legolas:  Indeed!  Without that, our Restauranteur would not be anything more than a glorified supervisor in her own restaurant as opposed to the Gordon Ramsey-like master chef of her culinary establishment.  On top of that, it allows other household Sims to fill the roles of hostess and wait staff.  Carl's mod is, indeed, a culinary delight!
Pippin:  Well said!

Ophelia:  So, how is everything?
Diners:  This food is out of this world!
Ophelia:  Well, it is imported from Batuu, so yes.  It is.

Brie:  Wow, the Bob Pancakes eating in my restaurant?  I'm so honored!
Brant (or Brent):  I'm not actually...
Brie:  I'm sorry we don't actually serve pancakes in your honor because it's a theme restaurant.  Otherwise we totally would!
Brent (or Brant):  My name...
Brie:  So of course I'll be comping your meal, Bob.
Brant Brent Whoever:  Well, that's so kind!  I, Bob Pancakes, certainly appreciate that!
Pippin:  And a little while later, not-Bob becomes our first 5 star rating.
Legolas:  But eventually, we need to close the restaurant so the girls can go do their next shift at their rabbit hole jobs.
Gimli:  And when they return...

Shavy:  (points)
Brie:  Oh my gosh, sis!  You're right!  He has everything we need!  Go get him!!!
Pippin:  Go get who?
Brie:  Oh, umm, maybe change and shower first.  I'll keep him from leaving.
Shavy:  (thumbs up)
Pippin:  Wait, who are we getting?
Legolas:  And after her shower and a change of clothes...

Shavy:  (looks at him and takes his hand)
Knox:  Oh, umm, hi?  I'm Knox, and you are?

Knox:  Ummm, oh!  Well, names are overrated, I suppose.
Pippin:  He does have a nice nose!
Shavy:  (waves him to follow)
Knox:  Oh, where are we going?

Knox:  What?  We just met, I couldn't, yeah I could!

Orvin:  Just painting this picture.  Totally not noticing they're going for round two just beyond my easel.

Ophelia:  Just evolving these plants and totally pretending my little girl isn't going for round three in the tent just outside my greenhouse.

Brie:  Just playing SimsForever as my sister's taking forever with her old fella and his nose.  Round four, sheesh!
Gimli:  And finally, after round five...

Shavy:  (points at wrist and shrugs questioningly)
Grim:  Yeah, sorry, I went to the wrong address.  Twice.  I should have been here two times ago.  I'm new.  It's my first day flying solo.  Please don't tell my boss.
Shavy:  (nods)
Grim:  Say, you're really cute, and I know we just met...
Shavy:  (points at Knox)
Grim:  Oh, and sorry for your loss, but I was wondering if you'd want to...
Shavy:  (points more aggressively at Knox)
Grim:  Oh!  Right!  Reaping!  Sorry.

Grim: I declare you dead and stuff and I'm...taking your soul...or something.  'Cause dead.
Pippin:  And with that taken care of, we can get back to...
Grim:  Wait, where'd she go?
Legolas:  She's playing chess.
Grim:  Cover me!  I'm going in!
Legolas:  (draws his bow in confusion)

Grim:  Hey, you're all cute and stuff.  Like in the face and whatnot.
Shavy:  (awkward kissy faces)
Grim:  Oh man!  I'm smitten.  I am in deep smit right now!
Pippin:  So now we can finally get back to...
Gimli:  Wait fer it, lad.
Pippin:  What?
Shavy:  (waves for Grim to follow her to the bar)

Brie:  Have you heard the good news of our lord and savior grilled cheese sammiches?
Pippin:  I don't think that's how that conversation works...
Grilled Cheese Aspiration:  (Completed)
Pippin:  Never mind.  So finally, heading back to the restaurant...
Legolas:  Wait, there's one more thing.
Pippin:  Oh, what now??!?

Legolas:  Delayed confetti.  As usual for this crew.
Pippin:  Gen five is on it's way?  Wait a minute (quickly counts the members of the household) No one's moving out!!
Legolas:  And now we finally head back to the restaurant.

Pippin:  Brie does some dangerous knife juggling that she passes off for cooking.
Brie:  Woot!  Making food and putting on a show!
Pippin:  Wait, so...Shavy is greeting people?

Shavy:  (waves and gestures for people to follow her)
Legolas:  And apparently, Kayla Flemming chose the girls' restaurant for her birthday party.
Ophelia and Brie:  (singing while Shavy sways along rhythmically)
                           Happy birthday to you
                           From the staff of Bot Too
                           Hope you had a great light year
                          And the next is out of this world too!

Pippin:  Wow, for being improvised, that was pretty...adequate, though the last line was a bit rushed.
Shavy:  (glares)
Pippin:  Well, it was!
And with that, we leave our TookAlots with a restaurant nearing three stars, a budding romance with Grim, and gen five on the way.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 18: Things Are Looking Grim
« Reply #93 on: January 22, 2023, 12:32:20 PM »
Oh Knox's nose is perfect and what a gentleman to die oh so conveniently, after spinning it out four times... You've got to watch those quiet ones - still waters run deep and all that.

Offline oshizu

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 18: Things Are Looking Grim
« Reply #94 on: January 22, 2023, 07:36:29 PM »
Yay, for Gen5! And I applaud the choice of Knox Greenburg's nose as the sire.
I'm confused that Knox was an elder, whereas J Huntington Jr and Brant Hecking are not yet elders.
Life is hard as an Eco Master in Evergreen Harbor? Lol, still, he lasted five rounds!  Talk about recycling!

Oh wait, Kayla Fleming became an elder just at the end of your update. I bet J Hunting and Brent will be aging up soon, too.
Being active only matters once a sim's an elder, right? *scratches head
The whole Bob Pancakes thing made me laugh, especially when Brant changed his tune after his meal was comped!
Great update!  And the restaurant exterior looks fantastic in daylight, too!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 18: Things Are Looking Grim
« Reply #95 on: February 05, 2023, 12:32:34 PM »
Oh Knox's nose is perfect and what a gentleman to die oh so conveniently, after spinning it out four times... You've got to watch those quiet ones - still waters run deep and all that.
Yeah, I was beginning to get worried that Knox was somehow immortal, and poor, filthy Shavy was doing all that work in vain, but it all worked out in the end...after the fifth go-round  ;=)

Yay, for Gen5! And I applaud the choice of Knox Greenburg's nose as the sire.
I'm confused that Knox was an elder, whereas J Huntington Jr and Brant Hecking are not yet elders.
Life is hard as an Eco Master in Evergreen Harbor? Lol, still, he lasted five rounds!  Talk about recycling!

Oh wait, Kayla Fleming became an elder just at the end of your update. I bet J Hunting and Brent will be aging up soon, too.
Being active only matters once a sim's an elder, right? *scratches head
The whole Bob Pancakes thing made me laugh, especially when Brant changed his tune after his meal was comped!
Great update!  And the restaurant exterior looks fantastic in daylight, too!
Recycling.  That was good!
Yeah, I included the whole "the Bob Pancakes" thing as I, myself, made an error as I pulled up that screenshot and mistakenly thought it was Bob for just a moment and then realized that could be a pretty funny little interaction.  Glad you enjoyed it!
Yeah, it's kind of sad to see that original batch of YA townies hitting their elder state, though also kind of surreal given that I'm about to bring in gen 5 and some of them are only just hitting elder stage.  The BDD really adds some interesting dynamics to the notion of aging!

Offline PeregrineTook

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TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 19: A Reloaded Mod Review
« Reply #96 on: February 05, 2023, 12:33:11 PM »
We join our gloriously-nosed TookAlot household with Shavy currently pregnant with gen 5 and three Sims who have finished their requirements being kept at the house to ensure a single birth.
Legolas:  But also, we join a household with a cool theme restaurant and a very interesting mod in place...
Pippin:  (humming)
Legolas:  Pippin, are you humming "Old Time Rock and Roll?"
Pippin:  No, I'm not seeing another dynasty behind your back!  Wherever did you get such an idea?!?!?
Gimli:  Hmm, sounds honest to me, lad.  On with the mod review!
Legolas:  ...another dynasty?

Brie:  Woot!  Restaurant time!
Shavy:  (fist pump)
Legolas:  And with the troops rallied, our girls are ready to start another shift at Bot Too.  With Dine Out Reloaded in place...

Legolas:  you can have your Sim work as the chef for a shift.  At this point, you're no longer controlling them as they just autocook the required meals.

Brie:  Of course, being a culinary expert makes the Sim in that role way more successful!
Gimli:  And conveniently, it also boosts skills.
Pippin:  True, Brie has boosted her cooking, gourmet cooking, and mixology while working as chef.

Brie:  Yeah, I'm kind of awesome!
Pippin:  And for those who wondered, no you can't cheat the system by adding a second chef before you unlock that restaurant perk.

Pippin:  The second Sim will just walk up to the other cooking station and drop their cue. 
Shavy:  (writes the letter "Q" on a piece of paper and drops it)
Legolas:  Nice one, Shavy!
Shavy:  (thumbs up)
Gimli:  So, the not-cooking ones do other things.

Shavy:  (smiles at customers and starts walking to a table)
Emelia:  Umm, I guess we follow her...?
Pippin:  She's the hostess with the mostest!
Legolas:  And of course, they also can work as the wait staff.

Ophelia:  Are you ready to order?
Customer:  Almost, but first, can you tell me what this weird wrap thing is?
Ophelia:  It's a weird wrap thing.
Customer:  Ooo, that sounds good!  I'll have that.
Gimli:  Aye, and one fer yer favorite Watcher as well!
Ophelia:  Oh, Watcher Legolas is hungry?
Pippin:  Ouch!  That's just hurtful.

Shavy:  (looms questioningly)
Emelia:  Did you...want to take our orders?
Shavy:  (nods enthusiastically)
Emelia:  This restaurant is so weird.
Morgan:  (yelling from far away) So's their entire family!!
Pippin:  But for those who still want some wait staff or want to avoid having to seat customers and such, there's a convenient menu that can be pulled up by shift-clicking the ground.

Legolas:  Are you just showing off that you finally learned how to take screenshots?
Pippin:  ...maybe...
Gimli:  But if'n ye do opt fer havin' yer Sims as wait staff, they pick up to finished covered platters from the chef station

Legolas:  Although, depending on how you set up your restaurant, this may look a little odd...and painful...

Ophelia:  Yep, just gonna shove my arm through the kitchen station to grab this tray and then pull it back through again to go serve it.  I'd better get a big tip for this!
Pippin:  And then food is served to the happy customers.

Customer:  Is this my food?  Great!  Food is one of my favorite things to eat!
Pippin:  Yeah, I'm sure it's...wait..."one of?"

Orvin:  I think I'll give them a 4 star rating.
Miki:  Not a 5 star?  Do you seriously want Pippin to send that crazy caster lady to come torch me again?
Orvin:  5 stars it is!
Legolas:  And in those odd occasions when you don't have a Cordova around to ensure a top rating...

Ophelia:  Free meals for you guys!
Customer 1:  5 stars?
Customer 2:  5 stars!!

Pippin:  So yes, there's a nice overview of some of the features and enhancement added to the restaurant experience by adding Carl's Dine Out Reloaded mod.  Thanks again, dynasty team, for allowing this mod to be added to the BDD!

Customer 2:  I'd give this mod a 5 star rating!
And with that, we bid farewell to our TookAlots, including the three gen 3 captive TookAlots who have finished their requirements, the still in utero gen 5, and the twin chefs and their 4 star rated restaurant.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 19: A Reloaded Mod Review
« Reply #97 on: February 05, 2023, 01:46:32 PM »
Thanks so much for walking us through this mod, Pippin!
I'm also dying to try this out but not in my current NSB.
It was also wonderful to get a better look at your fantastic restaurant!
What about the use of homegrown garden ingredients? Or are the twins already using produce from Ophelia's garden?
And, wow, four stars already?  Haha, I guess you don't need to use garden produce because the girls will crush this Restauranteur requirement in a few more sim-days!

Awww, Legolas is Ophelia's favorite Watcher?
Brie looks amazing at the chef station. 
I know you want a single Gen5 kid, but perhaps Brie could have a Brieboo right after she moves out?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 19: A Reloaded Mod Review
« Reply #98 on: February 05, 2023, 02:55:21 PM »
I'm not a mod user but I can see this makes running a restaurant more fun.

I love that voice-less Shavy is still very much part of the action.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 19: A Reloaded Mod Review
« Reply #99 on: February 20, 2023, 02:05:09 PM »
Thanks so much for walking us through this mod, Pippin!
I'm also dying to try this out but not in my current NSB.
It was also wonderful to get a better look at your fantastic restaurant!
What about the use of homegrown garden ingredients? Or are the twins already using produce from Ophelia's garden?
And, wow, four stars already?  Haha, I guess you don't need to use garden produce because the girls will crush this Restauranteur requirement in a few more sim-days!

Awww, Legolas is Ophelia's favorite Watcher?
Brie looks amazing at the chef station. 
I know you want a single Gen5 kid, but perhaps Brie could have a Brieboo right after she moves out?
So glad you enjoyed the mod review!  It is a really great mod!  It basically makes the Dine Out experience everything I'd imagined it would be when I first heard they were doing a restaurant pack.
Haha, you really want that Brieboo, eh?  Maybe that could happen, though I've not been the greatest about remembering to visit other households to check in on the extended family  :=/

I'm not a mod user but I can see this makes running a restaurant more fun.

I love that voice-less Shavy is still very much part of the action.
Yes, the mod is excellent!
Shavy is actually so much fun to write!  She just has such a unique voice (or lack thereof) in the story  :=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 20: Stalkers and Sparkles
« Reply #100 on: February 20, 2023, 02:06:00 PM »
When last we'd left the TookAlot household, we'd spent a decent chunk of time looking at their restaurant, Bot Too, in action and did what could only be called a mod review.
Legolas: And we now return to our regularly scheduled chaos!

TookAlots:  Chaos Crew!!!
Pippin:  Yeah, that seems about right.  Anyway, the young twins needed to learn 25 recipes from food stall vendors...
Brie:  Nope!  Just me.  Shavy's just tagging along.
Pippin:  So...that.  Yes.

Brie:  And we can show off our jammies as we go to the food stall across the street!
Shavy:  (nods enthusiastically and points back and forth between them)
Brie:  Too true!  If you got it, flaunt it!

Don:  Well, hello there, pretty lady!  Anything I for you?
Brie:  Umm, shouldn't you be in your food stall...and are you trying to hold my hand?
Don:  No, unless you want me to...?
Brie:  No thanks!  I'll have a slice of the pepperoni pizza, please!
Don:  ...oh.

Brie:  Woot!  This pepperoni-less pepperoni pizza is great!  Now let's leave this creepy old dude behind and hit the next stall sis!
Shavy:  (thumbs up)
Legolas:  And after a quick wardrobe change as jammies seemed inappropriate...

Brie:  Ugh!  Creepy stalker much?  Let's hit the other food stall.
Shavy:  (shakes head and points)
Brie:  Only produce?  Ugh!  Fine.
Don:  Well, look who's come back around to see me!  Miss me already, darlin'?

Brie:  You have about a one in a million shot with me, old timer.
Don:  So you're saying I have a shot, eh?
Brie:  I...guess.  I'll have that spicy stuff.
Don:  Spicy curry for my hottest customer.
Brie:  Gross.  C'mon, sis.  Let's hit another stall.

Don:  And there's another order for my favorite customer.
Brie:  Does the term "stalking" mean anything to you?
Don:  Did you say stockings?  As in talking to me about your undergarments?  How scandalous!
Brie:  ...I'm walking away now.  Sis!  Let's go.
Shavy:  (sticks her tongue out at Don)
Pippin:  And after a long afternoon and evening of being stalked by Don, our twins head home.
Gimli:  They...didn't bring me anything?
Legolas:  No, but the next day brings us Love Day!
And in an unusual turn of events, our household actually tries to participate in a holiday.

Brie:  It's a stupid flower and I have to give it to someone and you're like the only person around I know who isn't related to me,
Don:  I...really?  For me?!?!?
Brie:  It's just a stupid flower.  Calm down.  Oh, and I have to do a flirty social're cute or whatever.
Don:  I'm...cute?!?!?!?
Brie:  Ugh.

Cassandra:  Oh, is that...for me?
Shavy:  (nods)
Cassandra:  Thanks, I...thanks.
Shavy:  (winks and does finger guns)
Cassandra:  Did you just...flirt with me?
Legolas:  Well, that requirement for the holiday just ticked off, so yes!
Pippin:  Oh, but they each need to go on a date too!

Brie:  OK, we're at a stupid park on a date and I guess I have to do stupid flirting, so...I'll blow a kiss at you.
Don:  Oh, my love!
Brie:  Gagging.  Literally gagging right now.  Let's sit and talk, I guess.  And do more stupid flirting, it seems.
Don:  Coming, my beloved!
Brie:  Stop calling me that!

Don:  Hmm, hope my breath is OK for when we kiss!
Brie:  OK, loser, if you think I'm going to...oh, for the love of Watcher!  "Kiss your date?"  Really?!?!?  Ugh!  Fine.

Don:  I'm so happy!
Brie:  My sister is low key dating the Grim Reaper, so don't get handsy, grandpa!
Don:  Yes, ma'am!
Legolas:  Umm, Pippin?  Wasn't the requirement just going on a date?  Did she really need to get a gold medal?
Pippin:  Oh...uhh...
Brie:  WHAT?!?!?!?
Gimli:  Aye, and while she attacks Pippin, let's check in on the quiet lass.

Shavy: (takes Cassandra to her house and fist pumps)
Cassandra:  OK, I've picked up from your Watcher that this is your date for Love Day?
Shavy:  (nods)

Cassandra:  OK, well, given that you've got a little guy or gal cooking in here, I guess I'm just the stand in for someone, so I can help.  I mean, I'm actually straight, you see.

Shavy:  (takes her hand and pulls her close)
Cassandra:  Oh, well, I guess I'm less straight now.
Legolas:  But Shavy and Brie weren't the only ones finishing off that date requirement!

Ophelia:  How's the most handsome husband in the Simverse?
Hudson:  Well, we never got married, so...
Ophelia:  Oooo, I love when you play hard to get!
Hudson: so confused.

Ophelia:  I grew this just for you and totally not just because I have a rose bush in my literal front yard!
Hudson:  Oh, that seems sincere.
Ophelia:  And I also grew...mistletoe!

Hudson:  There's literally nothing in your hand.
Ophelia:  Are you really going to blow this chance to kiss me?
Hudson:  No, ma'am!

Pippin:  And after a lovely Love Day...
Brie:  Ugh!!  I'm going to shower and brush my teeth again!
Pippin:  Our young heiresses set off for work...

Pippin:  and strangely had the chef outfit from their restaurant as their work attire.
Shavy:  (gestures to herself)
Legolas:  No, she's right, it is quite stylish!
Gimli:  Though the silent lass ditched work early just because of a few measly labor pains.
Pippin:  Umm, "measly?"
Legolas:  And being a kind sister, waited the extra hour to give birth so her sister and mother could be there for it.

Shavy:  (grits teeth)
Brie:  Just breathe or something.  Which, I guess you were doing anyway.  Keep breathing!  It's how to stay alive.  Mom, help!
Ophelia:  Just wait for the sparkles, sweetie!
And the sparkles did, indeed, come.

Shavy:  (silently gasps in delight)
Pippin:  And after a quick age up and makeover...

Pippin:  we welcome Elziveth to the family!
And with a single birth for gen 5, we can now safely move out the rest of gen 2 and continue forward with a smaller household.
Halvin:  Wait, I can finally be done fishing all the time?
Pippin:  We could always add it as a club activity...
Halvin:  ...I should have kept my mouth shut.

Offline oshizu

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 20: Stalkers and Sparkles
« Reply #101 on: February 20, 2023, 05:04:30 PM »
Oooh, welcome to the Chaos Crew, Elziveth! What an adorable little toddler!
Great news for you, Watcher! Elziveth came in just the gender and quantity you'd been hoping for! Yay1
Brie going all out on her date with Don was too funny.
My favorite part was when Halvin asked about being done with fishing--I'd completely forgotten those boys were still in the household.
Can't wait to get to know Elziveth better!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 20: Stalkers and Sparkles
« Reply #102 on: February 20, 2023, 05:14:04 PM »
Elziveth looks too cute. I wonder if she'll inherit her mother's silence...

Ah, Don Lothario! My founder's non-committal mate, never settling on one job or romance. Don't worry, Brie. He'll soon lose interest.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 20: Stalkers and Sparkles
« Reply #103 on: March 02, 2023, 11:55:56 PM »
I've been away from Sims, including reading the stories, since around Christmas, but I really enjoyed catching up with the Tooks!

I am so glad you enjoyed the Dine Out mod. That whole thing with Brant/Brent/Bob was really funny. And how sweet of you to mention the Cordovas! (They are planning an update of their own this weekend.)
I also love the Don Lothario bit.

My favorite thing about your stories is all the laughing! Not from your Sims, from me.  :D

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 20: Stalkers and Sparkles
« Reply #104 on: March 05, 2023, 10:48:28 AM »
Oooh, welcome to the Chaos Crew, Elziveth! What an adorable little toddler!
Great news for you, Watcher! Elziveth came in just the gender and quantity you'd been hoping for! Yay1
Brie going all out on her date with Don was too funny.
My favorite part was when Halvin asked about being done with fishing--I'd completely forgotten those boys were still in the household.
Can't wait to get to know Elziveth better!
Yeah, felt kind of bad when I realized Brie could have gotten out of that sooner, but then it just became funny  ;=)
Yeah, poor gen 2 got stuck there far too long as I was desperate to avoid having the multiple birth mishap again, though I do absolutely adore Brie and Shavy!
I rather think you're going to enjoy Elziveth  :=)

Elziveth looks too cute. I wonder if she'll inherit her mother's silence...

Ah, Don Lothario! My founder's non-committal mate, never settling on one job or romance. Don't worry, Brie. He'll soon lose interest.
Haha, good old non-committal Don is now an elder and finds himself less desirable, so he's working extra hard to make Brie notice him.  He literally pops up at almost every food stand she goes to!
Elziveth will absolutely not get Shavy's silence.  She might, instead, go to the opposite extreme  ;=)

I've been away from Sims, including reading the stories, since around Christmas, but I really enjoyed catching up with the Tooks!

I am so glad you enjoyed the Dine Out mod. That whole thing with Brant/Brent/Bob was really funny. And how sweet of you to mention the Cordovas! (They are planning an update of their own this weekend.)
I also love the Don Lothario bit.

My favorite thing about your stories is all the laughing! Not from your Sims, from me.  :D
I'm so glad you're back on the forum with us again!!  In fact I got a later start on writing my update because I just had to read the Cordova update first  ;=)
Yes, the Dine Out mod is fantastic!  Thanks again for helping get the team on board with including that one  :=)
Awww, I'm so happy my silly stories make you laugh!  Thanks for that!

