Author Topic: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 21: Moving Out and Growing Up  (Read 32457 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 10: Took a Lot to Bear a Lot
« Reply #60 on: November 12, 2022, 11:44:54 AM »
I loved how Pippin and Legolas have gotten so chummy and supportive of each other, while churly Gimli remains a grump and troublemaker.

LOL I take that back about spa therapy for Miki. She is the worst!  I will never let her into any of my dynasty challenges from this time forward!
Poor Orvin! You know Miki will never let him forget that moment of indiscretion (is that the right word) with Dina.
Also, I'm confused about the grandchildren count.
There are three sons and Orvin has two kids.  Ahhhh, because Crelgan is still under construction...

Btw, I laughed at how kind and considerate you were to never-gonna-be-a-Took-spouse Dina Caliente. Awww, letting her bear an illicit Took child. 
Count your blessings, Dina! ;p

LOved Yuki's low-key "I live here, so..." when Miki is treating the othe ladies like nobody matters except Miki.
Morgan's whole "this family is weird" shtick is also a win.  C'mon, Morgan, you knew this family was weird. How long have you been hanging around that house?
Say yes to Crelvin!  Don't make us wait any more for the Crelginboos.

Another wonderful update, Pippin!  All the laughs! I really needed them today.
Poor Miki!  I've made her quite the villain here.  Well, maybe she can redeem herself...with a little help  ;=)
I'm also loving having Yuki in the dynasty household!  She's such a cutie pie and just makes these wonderful cute faces and then switches in a heartbeat to these disinterested/disgusted faces.  She makes screenshot taking extra fun!
Yeah, Morgan knows they're a weird bunch, but she does seem rather fond of Crelvin, so she puts up with the rest of them.  Kind of  ;=)
So glad that I brought you timely laughs and hoping that you have very few days where the extra laughs are a need and more where they're just a luxury  ;=)

BehrAlot - hehe! Valadrin giving a campaign speech in a towel? And Morgan with her "no ... this family is weird." All wonderful laughing points. ;D

And, you know me - I gotta give a big huzzah to the new blueboo!
So glad you enjoyed the BehrAlot, towel, and "weird" moments!  It was a really fun update to write  :=)
And yes, I was figuring you'd be rather pleased when a blueboo appeared!

I love how Valdrin claims the weirdness as an attribute that warrants voting for him. But campaigning in nothing but a towel might be taking it . . . wait, considering some RL political candidates, maybe it's not so far out there . . .

Gimli - great Watching to smash Orvin's knee at just the right time - too funny!

It was quite generous of Lillith V to let Lillith P bask in the spotlight.

And just know, anytime Miki gets out of hand, Mari will be there for you Pippin.
Hahaha!  Your RL politician comment cracked me up!
Yeah, the winter stuff with the knee smashing and the Lilith's was definitely a fun part of the dynasty to write!
And of course, thanks for ensuring that Mari could be there for me  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 11: Following the Redhead Rules
« Reply #61 on: November 12, 2022, 11:45:31 AM »
We return to the TookAlot household where they have...

a stalker.
Lilith:  Stalker?  Psh, I'm practically family!
Pippin:  Umm, you've just been standing there creepily watching for like two hours.
Lilith:  Creepily watching?  Look who's talking.
Gimli:  HAH!  Good one, lass!
Lilith:  But yeah, they probably want me to come inside.

Lilith:  Aww, what a cute baby!
Yuki:  From his indiscretion with the less abrasive gal.
Lilith:  But not as cute as our little one, right, Orvin?
Orvin:  Wait, what now?
Lilith:  The little redheaded heir?  Has your good looks and my red hair?
Orvin:  No!  That's my brother's son with Yuki.
Yuki:  Yet neither of us are redheads.  Her point seems valid.  According to The Redhead Rules, a blonde and blue-haired Sim could not possibly have a ginger child.
Orvin:  No, that's not a thing...oh my Watcher!  Don't even suggest that to Miki!!
Lilith & Yuki:  (High five)
Yuki:  Whew, you were right, Lily, that was hilarious!
Lilith:  Lily?  Lily?!?!?!  Are we best friends now?
Pippin:  No, Yuki!  It's a trap!
But the little redhead who was not, in fact, the illegitimate spawn of Orvin and Lilith...

enjoyed quality time with his cousins.
Orpheus:  No!  No wan be rown peebul!!

Orpheus:  By sef on Wabby Tabby!  Dis beddur!
Pippin:  Aww, he's so adorably anti-social!
Legolas:  He's living your dream, isn't he?
Pippin:  Hmmm, the Pippin Big Dream where your Sim has to have a family, complete the teaching career, and completely avoid interacting with people.
Gimli:  Those...don't seem to go together.
Pippin:  Yeah, I'm a paradox.
Gimli:  ...look like only one doc to me...
Legolas:  And you left out the part about marrying a redhead.
Pippin:  Oh right, I think that's listed in The Redhead Rules!
Legolas:  And meantime, some upkeep and maintenance is done to make sure the rocket is still running properly.

Legolas:  Yep, totally just maintenance and no ulterior activities going on here.
And in another part of the yard...

Orvin:  So we should really make sure Mom has that fourth grandchild.
Miki:  Pretty sure I'm already pregnant from the first time we did this.
Orvin:  Oh, you don't want to...
Miki:  Of course I do, you big lunk!  I'm messing with you!
Orvin:  Woot!!
But more PG activities were occurring inside the house.

Halvin:  Excellent, Meghan!  Now after you dump the excess in the trash, use soap and mildly hot water and scrub the pan clean.
Meghan:  No, tink I banga pan on da tash can!!  (bang bang bang)
Halvin:  OK, or that.
Legolas:  Babysitting at it's finest.
Halvin:  Well, she's baby-ish, I'm sitting...I feel like we nailed it.
And others were also helpful in watching Orvin's illegitimate child crew.
Orvin:  Could we not call them that?

Crelvin:  OK, now you sing it!
Meghan:  (singing) Dey tall id bench a nuffin'!
Crelvin:  Excellent!
Pippin:  I mean, yeah, that was pretty cute.
Legolas:  And speaking of pretty cute...

Legolas:  Oh my...Us!!  She's in the bathroom!!  Why are we taking a screenshot in here?!?!?
Yuki:  Thank you, Legolas, for being the only Watcher in history with a sense of boundaries.
Pippin:  I have a sense of boundaries!
Yuki:  How many pictures of female Sims in bathrooms have you taken?
Pippin:  ...I said I have a sense of boundaries, not that I respect them.  Those are two different things.
And meantime, some support Sim work was happening outside.

Pippin:  Wait, are you cleaning up messes in our "stupid dynasty family" house?
Miki:  Yes, I'm...sorry...about how rude I've been.
Pippin:  Umm, OK, thanks.  What brought about this change of heart?
Miki:  Well, I got a random invite to the magical school, delivered by an owl, so it seemed legit, and there was this blonde gal...

Miki:  she kind of seems fond of you and let me know that if I didn't change my attitude...

Miki:  that I'd be getting a lot more visits, and that they'd be less friendly.

Miki:  So yeah, I'm...turning over a new leaf.
Pippin:  Blonde spellcaster?  Super pretty blonde spellcaster?
Miki:  Uh, yeah?
Pippin:  Did she...speak of me?
Miki:  She threatened me not to sass you anymore, so yeah.
Pippin:  She spoke of me! (sighs contentedly)
Miki:  Oh brother.  This being nice to you thing is gonna be really hard.
Meantime, back in the dynasty house...

Gimli:  ...and so, I guess ye have to eat this nasty Elf food.
Yuki:  Strawberries are just a fruit, Gimli.
Gimli:  Ech!  That's the sort of fare ye eat as a last resort after everything else has already been eaten and ye're on the brink of starvation!
Legolas:  And the "brink of starvation" starts for him about an hour after his last full meal.
Gimli:  True, but not everyone can hold out as long as I can.
Pippin:  But in seemingly no time, more food becomes significant as Orvin's love child with Lilith...
Orvin:  Stop saying that!

Pippin:  is ready for some cake!

Orpheus:  Yes!  And no one's around!
Pippin:  Both of your parents are literally right in front of you at their computers right now building skills and your Uncle Orvin is three feet away from you.
Orpheus:  I feel like that still counts as alone.
Pippin:  That's...literally not how alone works...

Chaza:  Money!  Money for the trees!  Money makes the world go 'round!  Money money money may be funny in a rich man's world!
Don:  If we give her political donations, maybe she'll let us leave?
The Ladies:  Done!
And so, Chaza finally joined Valdrin in having collected the eleventy billion Simoleans required for that promotion from level 9 to level 10.
Legolas:  Too bad they only work at most one out of every three days.

Pippin:  This is for sure cute.  Not certain it quite counts as romantic, but cute for sure.
Crelvin:  Well, she's definitely cute.
Morgan:  And he has good taste...and an extremely weird family!
But Morgan wasn't the only one that young Crelvin was having musical interactions with.

Orvin:  Thanks for the mentoring, bro!  I feel like I'm almost getting something that sounds like music out of it now!
Crelvin:  Very vaguely music adjacent, but OK.  I'm just going to take some aspirin now.  Keep practicing making that vaguely music-like noise.
Orvin:  You got it!
Gimli:  And as Crelvin tries to teach Orvin to make foppish Elf noise instead of being a warrior...

Legolas:  the blue brigade came to the rescue when the oven caught fire.
Pippin:  Who needs to be severely punished for irresponsibly using the oven and jeopardizing the lives of our family??!?!?
Morgan:  That would be me.
Pippin:  Oh.  It's fine then.  Let's just be more careful next time, OK?
Yuki:  The Redhead Rules are a real thing!
And redheads do get a lot of attention in this household.

Kelley:  Pay wid us?
Orpheus:  No, really, I don't want to play right now.  Please stop following me.  Please?
Meghan:  Wanna pay!!
Orpheus:  (sigh)
Pippin:  And strangely, our anti-social heir was not exactly the best at smooth talking.

Orpheus:  Hey there!  Hey.
Gina:  Yeah...I think my...Mom's calling me...or something.  I gotta go.

Orpheus:  Wow, Sarah Goth, you look like your dad in drag!
Sarah:  Really?  That's what you're going with?
Orpheus:  I...should have just said you resemble him, huh?
Sarah:  That would have been more pleasant, yeah.
Lilith:  Pleasant?  Did someone call?!?!?!
Legolas:  But young Orpheus was not going to remain an only child much longer.

Legolas:  As we welcome Ophelia to the family!

Legolas:  And she's a standard flesh tone Sim with blonde hair.  Sorry, Pippin, you must be devastated...
Pippin:  Flesh tone blondie?  Maybe she'll grow up to look like Mari!!!
Legolas:  Never mind, he's fine.
And with the eighth heir in place, the first half of the dynasty is on track.  Theoretically, at least.  Until Pippin, inevitably, messes something up.
Pippin:  Thanks, narrator, for that overwhelming vote of confidence.
And with this new addition, Chaza finishes her aspiration and she and Valdrin are a single promotion away from being the first TookAlots to complete their Big Dreams!
Chaza:  Big dreams are big deals!
Pippin:  Indeed they are, Chaza!

*Special thanks to GlazeyLady for granting permission for me to do the Mari guest appearance and for uploading her so I didn't just have to do a from-the-back shot of a caster with her hair to suggest she was there*

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Offline oshizu

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 11: Following the Redhead Rules
« Reply #62 on: November 12, 2022, 03:49:47 PM »
Great crossover episode! I like how you gradually revealed Mari's face. :D
Haha, I think it would be hilarious if all the Watchers described their personal Big Dream.

Could you remind me which child is which?
*Orpheus (he's so cute!) & Ophelia were born to Halvin & Yuki
*Meghan and nameless boy in blue vest form Orvin's illegitimate child crew? (Good call, narrator!)

Don't think we didn't notice Crelvin dipping Morgan back for a passionate kiss in the background of Ophelia's birth.
Best of luck winning her over, Crelvin!

Oh, Watcher, you are THIS close to fulfilling your Founders' Big Dreams.
Great update but now we are hungry for the next one! ;D

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 11: Following the Redhead Rules
« Reply #63 on: November 12, 2022, 07:31:04 PM »
Great episode - I love the very clear instructions to little Meghan about how to do dishes. To be honest, it didn't work very well in my household either.

I'm so glad Mari could get Miki fired up about being a nicer Sim! It's such fun to see her in your story.

Poor little Orpheus! He's such a cutie, with a great smile . . . and then he says "you look like your dad in drag" . . .  ;D ;D ;D

And the first Big Dreams almost complete - Congrats!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 11: Following the Redhead Rules
« Reply #64 on: November 14, 2022, 05:30:27 PM »

How delightful that you were able to work in a guest appearance by Mari! Love all the cross over stuff. Very cute. And so close to finishing up your founders' big dreams: way to go, watcher!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 11: Following the Redhead Rules
« Reply #65 on: November 22, 2022, 03:35:56 PM »
Great crossover episode! I like how you gradually revealed Mari's face. :D
Haha, I think it would be hilarious if all the Watchers described their personal Big Dream.

Could you remind me which child is which?
*Orpheus (he's so cute!) & Ophelia were born to Halvin & Yuki
*Meghan and nameless boy in blue vest form Orvin's illegitimate child crew? (Good call, narrator!)

Don't think we didn't notice Crelvin dipping Morgan back for a passionate kiss in the background of Ophelia's birth.
Best of luck winning her over, Crelvin!

Oh, Watcher, you are THIS close to fulfilling your Founders' Big Dreams.
Great update but now we are hungry for the next one! ;D
I had a sneaking suspicion you'd notice Crelgan smooching in the background  ;=)
The illegitimate child crew has Meghan who is the adorable result of  Orvin's indiscretion with Dina and Kelley (who is not a boy) is Orvin's child with Miki (and they have had another child now as well, though I might not age that one up early so that he can be a built-in friend for gen 4).
Yes!  The gradual reveal for Mari was super fun to stage and I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

Great episode - I love the very clear instructions to little Meghan about how to do dishes. To be honest, it didn't work very well in my household either.

I'm so glad Mari could get Miki fired up about being a nicer Sim! It's such fun to see her in your story.

Poor little Orpheus! He's such a cutie, with a great smile . . . and then he says "you look like your dad in drag" . . .  ;D ;D ;D

And the first Big Dreams almost complete - Congrats!
Yeah, Orpheus as the not smooth child is based on a combination of me as a child, one of my current students, and a character from an anime my daughter watches.  Glad you're enjoying him!
It was so much fun having the crossover with Mari!!  Thanks again for letting me include her  :=)

How delightful that you were able to work in a guest appearance by Mari! Love all the cross over stuff. Very cute. And so close to finishing up your founders' big dreams: way to go, watcher!
Yeah, the crossover with GlazeyLady was really fun to put together...well, probably not that much fun for Miki  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 12: Two Down and Two (Aged) Up
« Reply #66 on: November 22, 2022, 03:36:31 PM »
On a cluttered lot in Oasis Springs, the hopes of an entire dynasty rest on the tiny shoulders of a dainty girl.

Pippin:  Dude!  That's a lot of pressure to throw on such a tiny baby angel!
Ophelia:  Wabby tabby!
Legolas:  Eh, she seems fine with it.  And besides, the hopes of the dynasty are on all of their shoulders.
Pippin:  And that includes our snowboard expert.

Gimli:  Crash again, lad!
Orvin:  I already met that requirement!
Gimli:  ...but it was funny.
But the non-crashing extreme sports enthusiast wasn't the only one to come to Mt.  Kokomorbo.
Legolas:  Mt. Komorebi?
That's the one!

Orpheus:  Hey there!  Hey!
Tammy Nishidake:  I am such a big fan of your music, Mr. TookAlot.
Crelvin:  Please, call me Crelvin.  My father's Mr. TookAlot.
Valdrin:  And I hope I can count on your vote in the upcoming election!
Orpheus:  She is so totally into me.
And others were enjoying their time in the lodge.

Luna:  Wow, you'd think I'd be the one chosen as a dynasty trophy wife and you'd be hanging out looking frumpy.
Yuki:  Guess the turns have tabled.
Luna:  ...I'm sorry?
Yuki:  Yes, you are.
Legolas:  Ooo, burn!  And I'm sorry she said that, it was kind of mean.
Luna:  Eh, I got screen time in this dynasty.  It's totally worth it!
But shortly after our household returns, something significant happened for the tiny baby angel with the weight of the dynasty on her shoulders.
Pippin:  Seriously, stop saying that!

Orvin:  Whee!  It's the incredible, flying Meghan!!
Meghan:  Hahaha!  Wheeeeee!!!
Legolas:  No, that's the wrong tiny baby angel.

Ophelia:  Aww done wif Wabby Tabby!!
Gimli:  Aye, the wee lass has mastered movement.  Now it's time to hunt some Orcs!
Orvin:  Again, they don't exist!!

Pippin:  Cake time!
Morgan:  Am I just here to be eye candy?
Pippin:  Yes!
Orvin:  And did you really get my plumbob in the shot?
Pippin:  Also yes!

Pippin:  Awww, what a cutie pie!!
Ophelia:  Gotta get my movement skill up in case Orcs attack!
Orvin:  Alright, Watcher Gimli and Watcher Legolas are no longer allowed to watch young and impressionable Ophelia.
But Orvin wasn't only taking care of the little girl who is his niece...

Miki:  No, he has to take care of, what are we calling them?  The illegitimate child crew?
Orvin:  Can we please stop calling them that?  But yes, it's cake time for the little ones!
And after cake time, Kelley (with the hat) and Meghan (without the hat) get in some quality time with their cousins.

Meghan:  Look at this face!  I've obviously got a future in show bizness!
Orpheus:  Oh, uhh, you do have a face.
Kelley:  I think you have a face for radio.
Meghan:  Thanks, I really...hey!!
Legolas:  Ooo, burn!
Pippin:  But the cousins aren't the only family little Ophelia spends quality time with.

Chaza:  Measuring tape!  Finding out how long the tape is!!
Ophelia:  ...can Uncle Orvin help with this instead?
Chaza:  Tape tape tape measure measure measure!!
Ophelia:  ...please?
Legolas:  Well, on the bright side, she does get in some quality time with her parents.

Halvin:  How's keyboard commander going, kiddo?
Ophelia:  Well, as they say, I'm really pounding some newsies!
Yuki:  Does she not know the phrase "pwning some noobs?"  Have we failed as parents?

Ophelia:  Heh heh, I was just messing with you, mom.
Legolas:  Pippin, did you just include this picture because Ophelia is pretty?
Pippin:  What?  Seriously?  I totally framed up this picture to include on the stats post!  And yes.  I did include it just because she's pretty.
Gimli:  And speakin' of pretty...

Legolas:  this wasn't.  Both boys came home with promotions...
Pippin:  Orvin to level 8 and Crelvin to level 7.
Legolas:  But they showed up on exactly the same spot.
Orvin:  Eh, my brothers and I have always been close.
Morgan:  See?  This is why I refuse to marry into this family!
Pippin:  Well, I notice there are other things you don't refuse.

Morgan:  Hush, Pippin.  A lady does not discuss such things.
Legolas:  Umm, Pippin?
Pippin:  Yeah?
Legolas:  Remember that awesome promotion talk transition we were doing before you got distracted by how pretty Morgan is again?
Pippin:  Huh?  Oh!  Right!  So, as I was saying...but they weren't the only ones getting promotions!
Legolas:  Nice save!
Pippin:  Back attcha!
Pippin & Legolas:  (high five)

Gimli:  Aye, lads, the big-nose one who isn't blue came back with his final promotion.  And the weird blue gal got that promotion too, but she doesn't actually go to work.
Pippin:  That's why we couldn't show a shot of her returning from work in her promotion outfit...which probably would look just like her level 9 attire since his did.
Valdrin:  Thanks you, everyone, for your votes.  And now that I'm your chosen representative, I will take my duty seriously and make our fair city an even better place.

Pippin:  I mean, I guess cleaning the dishes is making things better.
Valdrin:  Valdrin TookAlot, a man of his word!
And since our founders become the first two to complete their Big Dreams, they move out to give the current generations some more space.

Candy:  Well, here's our new place!
Pippin:  Umm, Candy?  You don't actually live with them...
Candy:  Well, not with that attitude I don't !
But never fear, the founders are still in the family club that Yuki needed for her Leader of the Pack aspiration, so they'll still be around most of the time.
Legolas:  Or feel free to fear more because they'll still be around all the time.
Gimli:  Aye, that's fair.
And in fact, they were around when cake time hit for young Orpheus.

Orpheus:  Yeah, I'm gonna get bigger and stuff!

Legolas:  Blue skin, blue hair, and his mom's nose.
Gimli:  And the social skills of a soggy piece of cardboard.
Legolas:  Yep!
And a day later (though it should have been two days later except that a certain Watcher messed up and saved and shut down while Orpheus was at school and a club gathering was happening, so he got yanked out of school on the same day he was going to become a B student)...
Pippin:  Tattle tale!

the tiny baby angel aged up into a blue-haired beauty.
Ophelia:  Woot!  Makeover time!!
Pippin:  We can't do a makeover for you right now since your uncle is at work...
Ophelia:  Not for me!   Makeover time for the house!!

Pippin:  Wait, what is this?

Ophelia:  It's my green house so I can garden year-round!!
Pippin:  Oh, that's...really smart, actually.  Are you sure you set this up correctly?
Ophelia:  Maybe!  Time to go plant stuff!

Pippin:  And so, gen 3 has officially hit the teen years and started their leg of the journey.

Ophelia:  Smile for the camera, bro!
Orpheus:  She sent me a smile emoji.  Does that mean she likes me or that she likes me?
Ophelia:  Don't overthink it.  She probably meant to text someone else.
Legolas:  Oooo burn!!
And so, with two dreams down and two children aged up, we bid farewell to the raging dumpster fire that is the TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 12: Two Down and Two (Aged) Up
« Reply #67 on: November 22, 2022, 05:32:25 PM »
Firstly, a big congrats to Pippin for navigating his founders to the completion of their Big Dreams! *throws confetti
Nice! Both Orpheus and Ophelia aged up with the turquoise hair of Mama Yuki and Gradnpa Valdrin.

So Pippin--uh, I mean, Orpheus--has his eye on Tammy Nishidake?
I immediately knew Tammy's in for sure when I saw her (of all possible sims) standing next to Valdrin as he basked in the glory of his final promotion. LOL
Looking forward to getting to know the new generation as teens.
And we need more screenies of the adorable Ophelia!  :D

A wonderful update with so much progress! Go, Pippin! Go Tookalots!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 12: Two Down and Two (Aged) Up
« Reply #68 on: November 23, 2022, 03:34:55 AM »

Oh, wow: both Orpheus and Ophelia are such gorgeous sims! Congrats to you and your founders for finishing up your first round of Big Dreams!! And as for gaming terms, yes you have failed as a parent if you haven't passed them on to the next generation. :P Keep pwning those noobs, Watcher. And by noobs in this case I mean Big Dreams. :P

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 12: Two Down and Two (Aged) Up
« Reply #69 on: November 23, 2022, 10:36:51 AM »
Congratulations on the first 2 Big Dreams completed - I'm enjoying the ride!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 12: Two Down and Two (Aged) Up
« Reply #70 on: November 26, 2022, 09:16:51 AM »
Firstly, a big congrats to Pippin for navigating his founders to the completion of their Big Dreams! *throws confetti
Nice! Both Orpheus and Ophelia aged up with the turquoise hair of Mama Yuki and Gradnpa Valdrin.

So Pippin--uh, I mean, Orpheus--has his eye on Tammy Nishidake?
I immediately knew Tammy's in for sure when I saw her (of all possible sims) standing next to Valdrin as he basked in the glory of his final promotion. LOL
Looking forward to getting to know the new generation as teens.
And we need more screenies of the adorable Ophelia!  :D

A wonderful update with so much progress! Go, Pippin! Go Tookalots!
Awww, thanks!  It was a great feeling getting the first two finished.  It made the next 14 seem way more possible ;=)
Well, Tammy actually just stalked the household for a bit, but she is a cutie!
More pics of Ophelia?  I mean, if you insist.  Of course, it's not like I commonly dote all over my adorable heiresses  ;=)

Oh, wow: both Orpheus and Ophelia are such gorgeous sims! Congrats to you and your founders for finishing up your first round of Big Dreams!! And as for gaming terms, yes you have failed as a parent if you haven't passed them on to the next generation. :P Keep pwning those noobs, Watcher. And by noobs in this case I mean Big Dreams. :P
Haha, pwning the noobs as in the Big dreams.  That's fantastic!
Yes, I agree, gen 3 turned out just lovely!  Glad you like them too  :=)

Congratulations on the first 2 Big Dreams completed - I'm enjoying the ride!
Glad you're enjoying it!  It's always more fun to write this nonsense when I know others are chuckling along  :=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 13: Who Nose What's Next?
« Reply #71 on: November 26, 2022, 09:17:23 AM »
When last we'd left the TookAlot household, the Founders had completed their Big Dreams and moved out...
Legolas:  Though they're still in the family club, so they're here all the time.
and the house itself had been remodeled into a greenhouse.
Gimli:  Not green like the color, though.
Pippin:  Thanks for that clarification that no one needed, Gimli.
Gimli:  I do what I can.
Pippin:  Now, let's take a look at the greenhouse starting with a top-down view of the lot.

Legolas:  Yep, a nice patio kitchen going on and some work spaces set up around the outside of the greenhouse.

Pippin:  The back area is where handiness, logic, and charisma are improved.
Legolas:  And we have the largely obsolete tents since no one ever sleeps and easels on one side...

Gimli:  And they make food in the front area!

Pippin:  (sigh) Of course, the food would be your focus, but yes, the aforementioned nice little kitchen and dining area set up on the front patio.
Legolas:  And on the other side, an area for music, a spare cooler of snacks in case a certain Dwarf stops by, and computer desks with a speaker and book shelf between them.
Gimli:  When he says, "a certain Dwarf," he means me!

Pippin:  And of course, the Sim who made us require the greenhouse in the first place...

Pippin:  the lovely Ophelia showing off that she has her mother's nose.
Ophelia:  Pretty sure this one's mine.  I mean, hers is blue.
Legolas:  He wasn't being literal.
Ophelia:  I didn't see any litter, so I didn't figure he was.
Legolas:  That's...not what literal means...
Ophelia:  It's literally not?
Legolas:  ...she's messing with us.
Ophelia:  Heh heh, maybe...
Pippin:  And we turn our attention to Orvin who is finishing up maxing his snowboarding...

Legolas:  and climbing skills.

Gimli:  Eh, it's less fun when he doesn't fall.
Pippin:  But others came along and tried to make a productive use of their time.

Yuki:  I'm going to romantically massage your shoulders.
Halvin:  Hmm, are you overcome with affectionate feelings based on our romantic setting?
Yuki:  I actually need to complete the soulmates aspiration to afford the Never Weary reward since I used up some of my points when I bought Connections to start my career at level 4.
Halvin:  Oh.
Yuki:  But also yes.
Halvin:  Oh!  In that case, I am going to sigh contentedly now (contentedly sighs).

Ophelia:  Really?  We come to a lovely wintery lodge and you just sit at the table reading?
Orpheus:  And what are you sitting at the table doing?
Ophelia:  Criticizing you.  Weren't you paying attention?
Orpheus:  I mean, that's fair.
But after the family returns to the house, the boys of gen 2 take on a new activity.

Orvin: yeah, apparently he just had the elders who had finished their requirements and become immortal just fish all the time to keep them out of the way.
Crelvin:  Wow, that just seems cold!
Halvin: two really don't see what's happening here?
Orvin:  We're fishing for a cowplant seed to help out Ophelia!
Crelvin:  Yeah, I mean, just because we've all completed pretty much everything other than our last couple promotions doesn't mean we're not still a focal point of the dynasty.
Halvin:  ...I think I need to go check in on Orpheus...or something...other than this...wait a minute...

Halvin:  the Fengs had a daughter?  A daughter who is a birthday cake away from being a girlfriend option for my socially awkward son?  They are a very handsome couple, so the genetics would be preferable.  I should go introduce myself.

Halvin:  Small child!
Gabriella:  Ah, you must be the stranger danger they warned me about.
Halvin:  And yet you're not scared.  That's exactly the sort of attitude you'll need to deal with my son as your potential boyfriend.
Gabriella:  My what now?
Halvin:  Would you like some birthday cake?
Gabriella:  Ah, so we've returned to the stranger danger thing with an offer of sweets.
Halvin:  Is that a no?
Gabriella:  Eh, I like cake.
And later that same day..

Halvin:  See?  He's handsome, just very socially awkward.
Jennie Landgraab:  If I agree to meet him will you stop shoving your phone into my shoulder?
Halvin:  Deal!
Pippin:  Wait, are you seriously taking over your father's role in trying to arrange a marriage?
Halvin:  I am simply providing my son with options he may have struggled to find on his own.
Pippin: weirdly managed to make that sound way less intrusive than it should.
Legolas:  And eventually, Orpheus had the surprise of potential girlfriends sprung on him.

Gabriella:  Umm, so your dad caked me to be your girlfriend, I guess?
Jennie:  Yeah, he was pretty pushy, but I think it's just because he cares about you.  It was creepy, but sweet.  But creepy.
Orpheus:  Oh...uh...I...brought my friend Sarah home from school with me...

Sarah:  Go ahead, tell one of them they look like their dad in drag!
Orpheus:  Well, maybe Gabriella a little.
Gabriella:  Ah yes, your dad mentioned the whole "socially awkward" thing.  And that hurt a little.
Chaza:  Looking at the girls!!

Chaza:  Sarah is nose candy!
Orpheus:  Mom!  That's disgusting!
Sarah:  I look like my dad in drag and I'm disgusting?
Orpheus:  Wait, that's not what I meant...
Jennie:  I think his dad undersold the awkwardness.
Gabriella:  Agreed.
Gimli:  And where's our big-nosed non-blue lass while this disaster is happening?

Ophelia:  Oh look!  Someone left this perfectly good produce unharvested!  It would be almost criminal to just leave it here to go bad!
Pippin:  As opposed to being literally criminal to steal other people's property.
Ophelia:  There's no litter, Pippin.
Pippin:  That's not what literally means...wait a minute...
Legolas:  But like her brother, our lovely young heiress was not without her suitors, like when she tried to buy produce in the Magic Realm...

Sho Ikaru:  Well, hey there, pretty lady!
Ophelia:  You look like what would happen if Keanu Reeves and Jared Leto had a son!
Sho:  ...I have no idea who those people are...
Ophelia:  Me neither!  Well, gotta go.
Pippin:  Or when a visitor came to her greenhouse...

Darrel Charm:  I hear you're looking for your...Prince Charming?
Ophelia:  I hear you and your girlfriend have an illegitimate child!
Darrel:  ...I think we're done here.
Ophelia:  Whoa...who's that?

Pippin:  Where?  Is there someone hidden behind the fashion disaster in the pink shorts?

Ophelia:  Wanna take a selfie and maybe father my child later?
Hudson:  I'm confused, are fathering the child and taking a selfie both for later, because you already pulled the phone out...
Ophelia:  Heh heh, I love a man with a great sense of humor...and a lengthy nose!
Hudson:  So...we're doing the selfie now?
Ophelia:  And the baby later!  Smiley pic!

Ophelia:  Smoochy pic!!
Hudson:  Wha...?

Hudson:  I'm really happy...and confused!
Gimli:  ...
Legolas:  ...what just...
Pippin:  And somewhere other than where this train wreck is happening.

Crelvin:  Wait, shouldn't Halvin be back by now?
Orvin:  Hush, you're scaring all the cowplant seeds away!
Crelvin:  Oh, sorry.  (whispering) How many of them have you caught so far?
Orvin:  None, you?
Crelvin:  Same!
Orvin:  Psh, see how hard this is?  And Halvin thought our Watchers were just keeping us busy and out of the way.
Crelvin:  As if!
And so...
Crelvin and Orvin:  Quiet!
(whispering) and so, the TookAlot dynasty bumbles its way forward tripping over its own feet every step of the way but somehow stumbling vaguely in the right direction.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 13: Who Nose What's Next?
« Reply #72 on: November 26, 2022, 10:12:14 AM »
Love Ophelia and her hunt for the perfect nose. After all she wouldn't want a "flat-faced, flat-nosed, flat-head" (Roxanne) for her baby daddy.

Offline oshizu

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 13: Who Nose What's Next?
« Reply #73 on: November 26, 2022, 11:22:38 AM »
I really enjoyed the greenhouse/house tour! What a surprise that the greenhouse is a replacement for the original house rather than an addition.
But when I see how you've set up the various areas of the lot, I see that the Tookalots aren't missing anything.  Except maybe a comfy outdoor couch.
(As if I ever let my sims laze around outdoors on patio furniture...)
Love the little kitchen/dining patio. 

I remember a certain Watcher's love for the genetics of the Victor Fend/Morgan Fyres combo and initially thought Gabriella would be a shoo-in.
But I stand corrected by Chaza: the nose is everything! (Gabriella is still gorgeous!)

Haha, the Watcher herding the Gen2 boys to catch cowberries where none can be found.
I take it the boys are only waiting on their career promotions?

Haha, Ophelia and her "fashion disaster in pink shorts."  Hudson looks ecstatic from Ophelia's attentions.
Have Crelganboos arrived in the world yet?
Great update!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 13: Who Nose What's Next?
« Reply #74 on: November 27, 2022, 11:51:23 PM »

Nice to see that the kids have appropriately nosey suitors. Not sure whether Hudson needs a make over stat, or if I need to get on board with his little pink shorts! ;D