Author Topic: The Royal Random Town LEPacy  (Read 13260 times)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Royal Random Town LEPacy
« Reply #30 on: December 08, 2022, 06:25:01 PM »
Chapter 23 - Sketchy Locales

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Vivien came home from Dribbledine Sports Academy just two days after her sister. Freshly young-adulted and still wearing her graduation robe and cap, she appeared in a sketchy-looking spot outside the…stadium, I think this was? Not sure what the game was thinking there.

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While Vivien was en route, Lana got hit with the birthday sparkles.

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Our eldest twin gals were finally grown up. Lana’s traits, because we’ve all forgotten them by now, are Slob, Athletic, Heavy Sleeper, Can’t Stand Art, and Angler. (She did not get a new trait at Dribbledine because she left early, so Angler was a random roll. She did, however, learn how to play foosball, apparently.) She chose Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium as her Lifetime Wish.

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Vivien’s traits: Brave, Athletic, Virtuoso, Party Animal, and Handy (courtesy of Dribbledine, alongside some new handiness and foosball skill points). She decided she wanted to Become a Superstar Athlete.

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Vivien didn’t get a graduation ceremony in Aurora Skies, but Lana did. She tossed her diploma amid a rather chaotic cluster of townies and family members. Uh, what’s going on back there on the left?

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I don’t even know how to caption this. :D

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This was a cute reminder that Lana and Vivien were both best friends with their cousin Erika. Erika made sure to catch the Royals up on all the town happenings they’d missed. (Mostly just Clark getting arrested for missing curfew multiple times.)

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Because it was a free day off for everyone and the Royals hadn’t spent much time together as a family in a while, off they went for a family outing to the Bjorn Cafe.

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This ended up being a genuinely lovely experience for everyone, including me. The Royals had the place to themselves, and they spent the afternoon sipping coffee, chatting comfortably, and dipping in and out of the books on the cafe shelves.

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I mean, look at this! Have you ever seen a Sim family act so civilized?? It almost made me uncomfortable!

It must’ve made Clark a little uneasy, too.

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Roz: “And where are you going, young man?”
Clark: “Carly called. She wants to make out at the beach.”
Roz: “Ah, of course. Have fun, darling!”

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I love that Carly looks malicious even when she’s stargazing. And I can’t wait to play these two as a couple.

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The next day, Vivien got recruited to the soccer team at Competitor’s Delight Stadium. She was forced to use the sketchy back entrance. What is it with Vivien and sketchy locales lately? (Maybe it was intentional...she did roll the wish to be a Master Thief as a child.)

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Lana ended up joining the team as well, but it was a couple days before she rolled the wish. First she just wanted to go for jogs and catch fish.

I have an exciting update in the Martin department. (Hey, that’s catchy!) For years, practically decades, Martin had been running around town ONLY dating old ladies who were on the brink of death. I’m not even kidding. Whenever I saw a notification that some lady was about to die of old age, I guarantee you I saw another notification hours later saying that Martin had been seen arm-in-arm about town with her. Perhaps our Martin had become a bit of a gold digger? I have no other explanation.

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Well, what’s past is past. One day, I got a notification that Martin had a new romance unfolding - with Edvin Oss! Finally, after years of wooing old ladies, Martin got around to reviving his high school romance with the boy he fell for in his first days in Aurora Skies. I even found them on a date at the park. :)

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Clark and Humphrey had a couple days left as teens, but with their sisters around again, everything felt a bit more chummy and upbeat. Actually, I think the girls were a good influence on their brothers. Clark in particular had a bit of a turnaround - after having a “D” grade for most of his high school career, he finally started doing his homework autonomously. A well-timed opportunity related to his Writing Club gave him enough of a boost to knock him up into “C” territory.

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He wasn’t entirely out of his rebel phase, though. For ages, Clark had had a wish to throw eggs at Carly’s ex-boyfriend, Terence Lin-Helgason. He was going to age up soon, so why not?

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“Clark Royal?? What are you DOING?”
“I’m egging your house! What does it look like I’m doing? Or are you asking because you’re stuck behind the railing and you can’t see?”
“That, and also my hair is in my eyes.”

I was totally down to have them fight. That’s when Terence’s older sister saved the day.

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Clark: “You called the POLICE on me?! But I just got un-grounded two days ago!”

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Oh, Clark. :D I lost it over his face in this photo.

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It was Vivien who was called upon to reprimand her younger brother. Lucky for Clark, she was nicer than their father and didn’t feel like making a fuss. She let him off the hook. We’re all a little tired of people getting in trouble around here.

And just like that, it was birthday time!

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Humphrey went first because I forgot that he’s actually the younger twin.

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Clark went second and transformed into a suburban middle-aged dad who doesn’t know that mixing stripes and plaid is generally frowned upon.

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Here’s Humphrey all grown up. His final trait was Absent-Minded, a trait he now shared with Clark. He also had the Loves the Outdoors, Couch Potato, Genius, and Can’t Stand Art traits. He selected Chess Legend as his LTW.

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Clark kept the polo but chose a better pattern for it. He also got a beard, because apparently I can’t not give my male Sims beards at least once a generation. Clark got the Bookworm trait to round out his Hates the Outdoors, Absent-Minded, Neurotic, and Friendly traits. He was setting himself up to be a very successful writer - but the previous day, he’d expressed interest in pursuing The Culinary Librarian as his LTW. That’s one I don’t do very often, so I let him choose that instead. He’ll probably be both writing and cooking a lot. Maybe writing cookbooks!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Royal Random Town LEPacy
« Reply #31 on: December 11, 2022, 01:27:55 PM »
Chapter 24 - Affiancing

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Vivien discovered the ballet barre I installed when we moved here and completely forgot about, and christened it with a not-bad tendu. And that’s just about the last ordinary-life thing you’ll see in the next three chapters, so enjoy it!

Well, almost. We also have Humphrey and Clark demonstrating how much easier the heir decision was this time around.

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“So Humph, I’m going to be heir, right? You’re cool with that?”
“I'm just checking because Mom said the heirship was potentially going to be a fight to the death, or something.”
“Nah, I’m good.”

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Roz received her final promotion at work and became Leader of the Free World. I was distracted and did not see it happen. She celebrated by doing something very out of character: sitting in a quiet spot and reading a book. Congrats, Roz!

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And Santos aged up to elder, all alone in the upstairs study. He probably preferred it that way.

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Okay, now onto the Big Fancy Milestones of which we have about seventeen to cover. First up: Clark tracked down his girlfriend Carly. He found her in a park, waiting for him in great anticipation and excitement. Clearly.

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"Thank goodness I found you, Carly. Now let’s get out of this disgusting outdoors before I lose my mind.”

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Clark took Carly to the Bjorn Cafe down the road. Within the safety of four walls and a roof, he suggested this crazy idea of the two of them getting hitched.

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These two are going to tear up the town and I can’t wait! (Well, the next town, mostly.)

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Carly joined the household. I didn’t know exactly how to dress her, so I went the Disney villain route because that’s always a safe backup. Her personality was revealed to be a beauteous bouquet of delight: Absent-Minded, Neurotic, Athletic, Evil, and Mooch. She likes Vegetarian Grilled Salmon, classical music, and the color purple. Her Lifetime Wish was International Super Spy, but I changed it to Emperor of Evil because I can NOT see this girl joining law enforcement.

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“Ooh, you’re going to work in the criminal career?! I’d love to have your insider perspective on the socioeconomic underbelly of Aurora Skies!”

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“Actually, I intend to rise through the ranks of the mafia in order to undermine every political move you’ve ever made. So, no thank you. Also, can I have a microwave dinner?”

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And they went on their merry way, no worse for wear. This is going to be an interesting in-law relationship.

Next it was Humphrey’s turn to acquire his lady of choice. Because Humphrey was the more civilized of the twins, he was assigned the use of a rather traditional Generations gameplay feature. He ran through the backyard to his girlfriend Kendra’s house with the intent of asking one of her parents for their daughter’s hand.

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He found Kendra’s mother first. Things started off very strong with a mutual expression of attraction. Ah, Sims!

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Humphrey launched into an impassioned speech about his love for Kendra. Karen here was making both of us nervous with that expression.

But in the end, she was charmed.

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“Is this…is this the truest essence of love by spoken word that I have ever heard???”

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“You’ll give us your blessing?! Oh, THANK YOU, Mrs. Helgason-Oss! You won’t regret it!”

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Humphrey went off to find his love. The rest of Kendra’s family was sort of clustered in the front hall. Turns out Kendra had some very young siblings. (And as Humphrey was leaving a short while later, I got a notification announcing that her parents were expecting another new baby. Yikes!)

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Kendra agreed to come live with the Royals, and she got a makeover as well. Kendra’s traits were more dynamic than I was expecting: Genius, Artistic, Virtuoso, Party Animal, and Technophobe. She's like those kids in high school who are involved in like 9 extracurricular activities and still get perfect grades. Kendra likes Tofu Dog, kids music, and red, and she has a dream of becoming a Hit Movie Composer.

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Humphrey wasted no time in asking Kendra to marry him.

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Yay, everybody’s engaged! And Santos decided to retire, even though he was almost to level 10 of the business career. He was a Couch Potato and had been languishing at level 9 for ages, so when he got the wish to sign off, I let him. (He's singed in this photo because he’d been spending a lot of time at the chemistry table for no particular reason.)

With all these engaged people running around, what was the natural next step? Why, a bachelors-and-bachelorette party, of course!

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If only joint parties were a thing in The Sims 3. Also, there was some kind of weird glitch happening wherein 7 out of 8 Sims in the family did not have the option to throw a party. Because apparently one was already happening? I don't know. Kendra was the only household member who was allowed to pick up the phone. Maybe her Party Animal trait gave her special permission to break the rules. And so, what was going to be a party focused on Clark and Humphrey ended up being a party focused on Kendra. But everybody was going to be celebrated, okay? Okay.

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Here’s a little surprise for ya. When Kendra joined the household, it was quickly revealed that she and Carly were already friends. Maybe it was left over from one of the boys’ slumber parties when they were all kids? Who knows.

The party started a few hours later and Humphrey, what are you WEARING?

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“I don’t want to talk about it.”

And he didn’t. Also, we’re about out of screenshots. Party up next!

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Offline Beks

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Re: The Royal Random Town LEPacy
« Reply #32 on: December 11, 2022, 01:46:22 PM »
Chapter 25 - Hoppin' & Passin' Out

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Remember Humphrey’s hilarious outfit at the end of last chapter? Well, I don’t know what's going on with parties these days, but somehow Humphrey ended up twirling out of that outfit and into his regular formalwear. Then, moments later, Clark twirled into that same outfit. Here he is breaking things off with his pudding-faced high school love interest whom I completely forgot about. Is this supposed to be a Bachelor Of Honor outfit?

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The party started hoppin’ and people started passin’ out. Like, all over the place. Kendra, the primary bachelorette, conked out multiple times. I have no idea why.

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“Surprise, it’s also my birthday!”

Oh, Roz, no! Not already!

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At least she got old surrounded by her fans, I mean, steadfast constituents.

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Kendra asked Carly to share a toast because, you know, they were friends. And Carly was not down. In fact, she was really up in arms. I guess that’s an Evil Sim for you?

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“Mother, could you give a toast for me, please? I wanted Carly to do it, but…”
“She’s over there cackling her head off instead? Don’t worry, darling, I’ve got this.”

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Karen stood in a rather crowded spot in the hallway and proceeded to bring the house down with her speech.

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Seriously, no one was more into it than Carly. And Martin.

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The party dancers arrived in the midst of the toast-giving. None of them ever started dancing, because, like I said, glitchy parties. But at least they were there and shirtless.

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Karen’s enthusiasm was so great that she nectar-sprayed her daughter straight through the wall.

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The rest of the party was full of the usual chaos. We had Martin and Lionel insulting each other by the bar…

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…Kendra walking in on her fiance taking a bath, breaking and dirtying the toilet, and walking out again…

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…and then everybody just kind of camping out for the night instead of, you know, going home. Aww, it’s like an out-of-control grown-up slumber party!

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“People, it’s 7 am! Nobody wants you here anymore! GO HOME!”

I appreciate that Carly always says what everyone's thinking but is too afraid to say.

They all left eventually. Well, all except party dancer Robin Banks, who ended up sticking around until the family moved out two days later. Not even joking.

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Next on the large list of Big Fancy Milestones was graduation. Our four young adults trudged out of the house in the glaring sunshine, hungover, exhausted, and in need of showers. (Sounds like a lot of graduations.)

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Like the party the night before, graduation did not work very well. Half of the Royals made it inside, while the others just stood outside City Hall for hours with “Attend Graduation” and “Wait for other graduates” in their queues. Eventually I just had to cancel everybody’s action queues entirely and let them graduate wherever they happened to be standing.

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Carly gets the featured screenshot because she was the most photogenic. But here are the results, in rapid-fire: Humphrey Royal, highest honor, Most Likely to Never Leave the House! Carly Day-Svard, highest honor, Most Likely to Become a Sports Star! Kendra Helgason-Oss, highest honor, Most Likely to Beocme a Rock Star! Aaaaaand Clark Royal, HONOR, Most Popular! (I didn’t think Clark would get anything above a “Pass” due to his low grades, but somehow he pulled through. Good job, Clark!)

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Let’s all take a quick breather and do some more tendus, this time with Carly. More Big Fancy Milestones are about to begin!

The next one happened early the next morning. After graduation, everybody was tired, smelly, hungry, and needing to pee, so they spent the rest of the day and night recovering and getting their motives back into the green.

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Shortly after sunrise, Humphrey and Kendra invited everyone to the backyard. Although sleepy and in their pajamas, the Royals put on a beautiful display of emotion for the occasion.

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Humphrey and Kendra exchanged vows in the quiet backyard surrounded by family (and also Robin Banks, in the yellow shirt).

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Congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs. Royal!

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It really was a lovely moment. I was impressed by the solidarity shown by all the family members.

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“You want to have our first woohoo…up there?
“Relax, I slept in the tree house all the time as a kid. I’m sure this will be just as fun.”

Offline Beks

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Re: The Royal Random Town LEPacy
« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2022, 02:06:48 PM »
Chapter 26 - Auroras & Bad Prose

After the early-morning wedding, most of the Royals spent late morning and midday relaxing, eating leftovers, and fighting over the house’s many (but never enough) bathtubs.

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But by 11 a.m. or so, Clark was restless. He drove down to the Blue Lagoon and started setting up for the second big event of the day. This mainly consisted of checking the fireplace, testing the stereo system, checking the fireplace, and checking the fireplace.

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By mid-afternoon the guests arrived. Compared to the rather chaotic house parties the Royals had hosted in recent weeks, this party looked impressively normal. Dancing, drinking, Kendra’s pregnant mother drinking…everything was smooth as butter!

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A wedding arch had been set up out behind the pub, with the cold arctic sea beyond it. The mother of the groom sat reeeeeally far away from the action - but she still had a great view.

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It took a while for the guests to find their seats. Clark and Carly waited under the arch. Clark had initiated the “Get Married” action a while ago. And still the guests mingled and drifted about.

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Carly: “Ex-CUSE me, people! One of you is glitching up the wedding ceremony! Find your seats or LEAVE!”

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Yeah, so, there was something else going on here. Whenever I tried to have the bride or groom “Get Married”, either by clicking on the wedding arch or each other, the action canceled out. I tried moving the wedding arch, replacing the wedding arch, resetting the Sims, deleting the wedding arch altogether. Nothing. In fact, nothing happened for so long that the guests started going home (and a very smelly Santos hobbled off in search of an unoccupied sink to brush his teeth at).

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Carly: “Well, this isn’t how I imagined our wedding turning out.”
Clark: “Me either, darling. Maybe we can try again tomorrow.”

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They tried to make the best of it anyway. The bride and groom went inside to hit the dance floor and chat with their guests. They both acquired a -30 “MIssed the Wedding” moodlet, but it wasn’t enough to dampen their moods entirely.

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Humphrey, who would have been Best Man if that was a thing in The Sims 3, had some sort of confrontation with a coffee mug that resulted in said coffee mug getting stuck to his hand. As this is in my top five favorite glitches, it will remain there indefinitely.

The party dragged on, with many of the guests (including some of the Royals) calling it a night. I couldn’t blame them - they’d been expecting cake, and only newly married Sims can cut a cake.

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“It’s after midnight, Clark. Do you really think there’s a point in trying again?”

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Actually, there was! Clark’s earlier idea of trying again tomorrow - or rather, after the clock struck twelve - turned out to be just the ticket.

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Full dark had fallen, most of the guests were gone, the northern lights were painting the world turquoise, and Clark and Carly finally said their vows.

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Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Royal! Why don’t more people have their weddings at 1 a.m.?

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One last thing: cake.

Clark: “Come on, Dad, it’s what you’ve been waiting for!”
Santos: “I think if I wait any longer I’ll just die right here."

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Well, maybe this was all meant to be. Everyone was exhausted and most of the family wasn’t here, but just look at that sky!

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Oops, the bride is about to collapse. Somebody grab that knife before we lose a limb!

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When Aunt Daphne was spotted throwing rice into an empty bathroom stall, everyone knew it was time to wrap things up.

And just like that, the Royal family’s time in Aurora Skies was over. Everybody slept in the next day, then packed up a few odds and ends from around the house and got ready for the long trip to somewhere new.

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Clark was ready to lead his family into a new era. See y’all on the other side!

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Bless, Aurora Skies.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Royal Random Town LEPacy
« Reply #34 on: December 13, 2022, 05:09:36 PM »
Chapter 27 - It's Raining Calzones

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The Royals took a loooong flight to Monte Vista, a town truly fit for royals. Oh wait, we’re still in Europe, aren’t we? I guess it wasn’t THAT long of a flight.

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The new family abode, Tuscan Tudor, was situated at 31 Verona Way, a shortish distance outside of the main city. It also used to belong to a townie family. Those folks were gently kicked out and sent to live in an equally-nice-if-not-nicer mansion a short ways away. They’ll be fine, I promise.

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“It’s…it’s too beautiful here! I can’t stand it!”

Pretty sure the outdoors-hating Clark would only be truly happy if our new town was a shopping mall. Hang in there, buddy.

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Lana and Vivien moved out to their own house down the road and promised to visit often.

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Humphrey and Kendra briefly got cozy in the upstairs parlor, and then moved out as well.

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Left in a big stone house with significantly fewer people, Roz entertained herself by trying out the new diving board. Oh yeah, did I mention that we’ve installed a new expansion pack? It’s Seasons Season, everybody!

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It was a typical settling-in sort of day. Carly was the first Royal to set foot (over-the-knee-black-boot, that is) on the sun-warmed cobblestones of the inner city. Somehow she knew exactly where to go to find the job she wanted. Good Guys Inc. seemed like an ideal sort of place.

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Career acquired, Carly visited the gym next and started whipping herself into shape for the covert adventures ahead.

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Meanwhile, her husband was around the corner applying for work at the bistro.

As usual, I was very excited to have my Sims try out the wood-fire oven that comes with Monte Vista. Clark got dibs as the aspiring chef.

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“But I’m the Leader of the Free World! Shouldn’t I have the chance to try making a breakfast calzone??”
“Not until I’m done, Ma.”

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Although Carly was, y’know, not the most pleasant Sim in terms of personality, she was already showing herself to be a family-focused lady. She rolled the wish to have a child with Clark just minutes after arriving at their new home. How could Clark say no to that?

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Roz got over her calzone angst by the next morning. Off she went for her first day, commuting in a limousine in order to work in a literal castle. I guess you could say her career was going all right.

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Clark had his first shift at the restaurant that night, but first, he had a lot of skilling to do. Time for more breakfast calzones! (He burned at least two batches. Don't tell Roz that.)

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On her first day, Roz received an opportunity to throw a campaign fundraiser. Everybody knew she didn’t need it, but hey, it was a great way to introduce the family to the locals. Plus Kendra showed up, sporting a new baby bump!

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Carly sort of tried to be social, but she kept going to bed over and over again even though her energy bar wasn’t low (hence the lingerie). She also kept feeling really nauseous. Here she is almost throwing up all over her new boss, Giacomo Modena.

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It soon became clear where the nausea and the tiredness came from. A new baby was on the way! (Well, I think the won't-stop-climbing-into-bed thing was a glitch, but whatever.)

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The only other exciting thing that happened at this party was that Carlotta GilsCarbo failed to leave when it was over. She ended up witnessing Santos’s bladder accident in the kitchen at 2 a.m., and also she just...straight up didn’t leave for like three days after that. She was best friends with practically the whole household before long. (She’s a lovely Sim, so I didn’t mind.)

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Clark and Carly had a chill few days. When he wasn’t cooking or working, Clark read books and worked on his science fiction novel in which aliens exist.

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Roz and Santos spent their time being, um, absolutely adorable in the upstairs hallway. I will be installing ballet barres in every house for the rest of my life, thank you.

Carly hadn’t made much progress in her career yet due to maternity leave. So she did what she could and decided to befriend her boss, Giacomo, by visiting his house.

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“Good afternoon, Mr. Modena. Lovely place you have here. You know, we almost moved into it a few days ago, but luckily for you a different family was ultimately chosen for eviction.”
“I'm sorry, what?

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“Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you were aware of my new position within the family. Get on a firm footing and all that.”
“Yes, the mafia family. Which we’re a part of. And I want you to know that although I am currently imprisoned by the restraints of motherhood, I intend on becoming absolutely indispensable to the family goals. I hope that we can build on this strong foundation in the future.”

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“I don’t know, Mrs. Royal. You're still just a thug, and that confession that you almost stole my house isn't quite the power move you seem to think it is. I can’t make any promises. You'll have to prove yourself."
“...I see. Well, I wasn’t going to share this information so early on, but I do have an idea that I think you might like.”

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Carly shared her top-secret idea with the boss. He loved it. And that’s all there is to say about that.

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Carly left the house feeling very satisfied with the interaction. She was confident that her love for children would not conflict with her love for Evil doings.

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As Carly arrived home (and let out yet another cackle), the first rainstorm descended upon Monte Vista. The world was wet and full of promise. Carly couldn’t wait to jump in.

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Re: The Royal Random Town LEPacy
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2023, 04:31:50 PM »
Chapter 28 - Swans & Belly Flops

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Welcome back to the Royal house, which has kind of turned into an extravaganza of baker wannabes.

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Leisure Day started out rainy, but the Royals decided to throw a pool party anyway. Why have a pool if you’re not going to try and crowd a couple dozen townies into it at the same time?

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Carly, uh, broke the water with a quick swim before the party. Her massive baby bump was not enough to deter her, although it DID help her float a little less, probably.

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She ended up staying in the pool for the entire party, while everybody else wandered around in various combinations of skimpy swimsuits and umbrellas.

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Sometime around mid-afternoon, the sun came out and the real fun began. Does almost every screenshot I have of this party include someone doing a belly-flop? Um, why would you even ask me that?

A few people opted to stay inside, though. Vivien (who was quickly rising through the ranks of the sports career) was among them.

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“Fix your posture, Giacomo! Lift through the spine! You’re supposed to be a swan, not an overcooked noodle!”
“I’m trying, Miss Royal, I’m trying!”

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“And what are you smiling for, Modena?! Your prince just betrayed you! You’ve been upstaged by your dark and twisty doppelganger! Stop flapping about like you just won the lottery! You are DEVASTATED!
“But I’m having too much fun, Miss Royal! I’m a HAPPY swan!”

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As the sun was going down, Carly climbed out of the pool and broke the water in a different way.

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A short time later, she and Clark emerged from the hospital carrying their daughter, Poppy.

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The beginning of Poppy’s life was…a tad glitchy. First she couldn’t be placed into a crib, no matter how many times I moved, reset, or completely replaced it. As a result she spent a lot of time on the pretty mosaic tile floor while the adults went about their lives around her.

Then there was this whole thing.

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“Well, would you look at that. It’s a floating baby.”

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Uh, Clark? You’re making me nervous…

“Let me just merge our atoms really quick--”

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“I have done it. I am Super Dad.”

Whatever you say, Clark my dude.

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It was a chaotic time. Eventually resetting the whole town seemed to fix the issues. In the meantime, at least Carly and Poppy gave each other mutual “Fiendish Delight” moodlets. Oops I just gave away one of Poppy’s traits my bad

More glitches (or what I thought were glitches) made themselves known when the summer festival failed to come to town. As it turns out, I just don’t know how to use Edit Town even though I’ve been playing this game for years. I think I installed the regular version of Central Park instead of the festival version. It took me a whole sim season to figure this out and I’m SORRY, okay?

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But the Royals made do. A little shift-click-buy-here magic and BAM, snow cone maker!

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Also BAM, cute old couple on roller skates! We’ll do better next season, I promise.

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Poppy’s first birthday arrived amid the usual bustle of carbohydrate baking.

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And as I expected, Clark and Carly Royal make very adorable babies. Also twisted ones. Poppy here is Evil and Insane, and she likes indie music, veggie burgers, and pink.

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On the outside, though, Poppy was all smiles and cuteness. Or maybe she was fooling everyone? Laying the groundwork for a lifetime of manipulation?

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Nah, impossible. How could such a cute little peanut already have plans for world domination?

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Clark was doing well in his career, but he did have a rough day at the restaurant after which he developed a fear of lasagna. Or at least that’s what this looks like.

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Carly was doing well, too, and happy to be back at work after her (shortened via MasterController) maternity leave. Only a couple days in, though, she had to take a flying leap out of the carpool in order to toss her cookies on the side of the road. Mysterious, eh?

One more mysterious thing.

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“Here, Roz. This is for you. I’ve been working on it for a long time. My life bar is almost full and I don’t know how much time I have left, so I wanted to make sure you got it.”
“Aww, for ME?”

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“Just remember me when I’m gone, okay, Roz? Promise me.”
“Of course, Santos. But I think you’re forgetting that I’m the same age as you. I might not have long left either.”
“This is going to change that.”
“But…but I’m not sure I want to live longer in this rickety old body! And what fun will life be without you?”
“You're Roz Royal. You’ll find plenty of ways to have fun. And this gift also takes care of the ‘rickety old body’ thing.”

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Re: The Royal Random Town LEPacy
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2023, 04:50:28 PM »
Chapter 29 - Spooky Tax

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Autumn came to Monte Vista. Instead of embracing the cooler temperatures and doing fall-y things, Roz sustained her addiction to the diving board. I know it looks like she’s doing some kind of weird yoga pose while falling down a staircase in this screenshot, but I assure you that she’s actually doing an elaborate dive. She mastered the diving hidden skill on a day that was cloudy and in the 40s Fahrenheit. Senile? Maybe. Impressive? Always.

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We even got our first frost. Monte Vista was serene and quiet under the chill and fog.

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Carly found out she was pregnant with baby #2. New season, new kiddo!

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My game was still a bit glitchy in some odd little ways. For example, there were a couple days where everybody seemed to have trouble interacting with the fridge. Some hungry Royals ended up escaping to the public pizzeria downtown. I found this place totally by accident, but it provided a warm and wonderful dinner for everyone.

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Poppy enjoyed a pretty chill toddlerhood. I’d never seen three of the same toy appear in a toy box before. Maybe it’s a sign that space-related events are coming? Aliens please visit us I am begging you please thank you

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Eventually, Roz did get around to some fall activities. Specifically, she started cutting into the pumpkins that I’d intended to save for Spooky Day. *sigh* I guess I can’t be too mad at her. She was so excited!

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I finally figured out the festival issue, so the Royals were able to go to the Fall Festival on the morning of Spooky Day. Clark earned like 50 tickets just by going in and out of the face paint booth a hundred times.

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Somehow I don’t think public apple bobbing is going to be a socially accepted activity, like, ever again.

Everybody went home around midday to prepare for the day’s other activities. Such as Carly giving birth! And let me tell you, Evil Sims in labor can be rather…unsettling.

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“It’s TIME, my darling! The young life in my womb is about to enter the real world, a world of darkness and terror and danger at every turn! This baby is not ready! This baby will NEVER be ready! There is so much that could tear and destroy this child's very WILL to LIVE!”

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“Carly, can we please just go to the hospital? You’re scaring me.”

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“YOU do not get to be scared, lover! YOU get to sit in the waiting room!”

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They got there eventually. And say hello to Dahlia, the newest Royal! (Dahlias are fall flowers, right? The internet told me that dahlias are fall flowers.)

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By this time, Roz and Santos both had full life bars. It was time for Roz to make use of Santos’s gift.

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Roz was back, young and beautiful as ever, ready to live long and prosper.

Now for the biggest activity of the day: the first Royal costume party!

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Santos donned some abs for the occasion. Or did he already have those?

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Clark became a firefighter but mostly just wanted to be a daddy for his little girl.

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Kendra showed up in the exact same outfit as the maid. I wish the maids could dress up in costumes on Spooky Day.

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And Lana showed up…not in a costume. I’ll forgive her, though. She’d just gotten engaged to Valentine Monty, who is a ghost. I accepted that as her spooky tax.

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I just thought this dude’s shades-over-clown-makeup situation was hilarious. That did NOT give him permission to cuddle Dahlia, though. >:(

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Roz had a very intense reintroduction to the joys of youth. Almost as soon as she aged back down, men came at her from all sides, armed with flower bouquets and bad flirtatious jokes. I think her face says it all. :D

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This was the only picture I got of the family’s jack-o-lanterns, featuring Kendra serenading everyone with spooky tunes.

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Lana and Vivien stuck around after the end of the party to hang out with the fam. Vivien happily told her dad that she’d just gotten married to Pepe Moretti. This whole time I assumed she was dressed as a princess here, but *gasp* I think she actually just wore her wedding dress to the party!

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And Carly? I, uh, failed to get a picture of her costume. I want to say she wore a ghost hunter’s jumpsuit or something? I can’t remember. Instead I just took pictures of her smashing the pumpkins on the front porch like the villain she is.

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Apparently I have to end every chapter with Carly looking maniacal. If anyone has a problem with that, please let me know so that I can keep doing it anyway.

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Re: The Royal Random Town LEPacy
« Reply #37 on: February 08, 2023, 04:47:39 PM »
Chapter 30 - Polar Bear Club

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Welcome back to the Royal Random Town LEPacy! In the autumnal glow of Monte Vista, Grandpa Santos enjoyed some time with his new granddaughter, Dahlia.

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Poppy, slightly older, was nearing the end of her toddler years.

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I know she’s just the most angelic little thing ever, but don’t forget that she’s Evil and Insane.

At the time of writing, it had been a while since I worked on this story, and as a result, some of these screenshots are a little inexplicable to me.

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For instance, here we have Santos flirting with his daughter-in-law. Whilst nude. Why was he nude? No idea. Although I think even some context here still wouldn’t make it…you know, comfortable. (Carly responded to this by inviting him to throw water balloons, so I guess she recovered fine.)

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Here we have Carly thrashing about in the front wall of the Royal house. I think we can gather that she was recently stomping on a jack-o-lantern, but I don't think this is the right animation for that.

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Oh, right. She was on fire. Why? No idea.

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Then we have this screenshot of some guy walking down the road in a hot dog costume. Maybe this was after our costume party? I’m not going to question it further.

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Okay, back to normal family happenings that have explanations. Clark had his adult birthday on the cobblestones outside the bistro where he worked, cheered on by some coworkers and customers (all very happy with his cooking, no doubt).

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Clark also went to visit his twin brother, Humphrey, who lived in a spacious house in the center of the village right near the bistro.

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And he got to meet his nephew, Alexander.

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A couple days later, it was Dahlia’s turn to have her appearance and personality revealed to the world.

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She grew up very different from her sister (having inherited the other grandparent's hair color), but she was still adorable. Dahlia is a Brave Loner, and she likes Latin music, cheesesteak, and the color yellow.

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I think she was very tired when she aged up, because her first trip to the potty immediately after cake did not go too well. Let’s take a closer look at this screenshot, shall we?

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Both father and daughter came out of this interaction looking a little stressed. It will be interesting to see how this relationship progresses. :D

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Oh wait, one more birthday! Poppy aged up too.

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And wow, the prettiness continues. Our Evil, Insane, yet perfect-looking little lady became Artistic.

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Autumn was winding down, so Poppy had to be quick if she wanted to cause any fall-themed destruction. Which she did, of course.

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Her first wish (aside from destroying the world, I assume) was to learn the writing skill. She went up to her parents’ bedroom to start writing her first novel, titled The Villain’s Side Of The Story.

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In spite of her Evil tendencies, though, Poppy was a good sister to little Dahlia. Although, when playing peek-a-boo, she did spend a lot of time hiding behind her hands, making Dahlia wait for ages. Soooo maybe she’s not so good after all.

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Winter descended upon Monte Vista. And because it’s Seasons Season and we’re doing all the things, somebody had to go and join the Polar Bear Club. Clark happened to be free at the moment that I had the urge to make someone suffer.

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He was a good sport about it. And as he walked back up the beach after taking the plunge, the first real snowfall of the year twinkled down upon his bare shoulders.

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Many more wintry activities were to be had. This is probably the most angelic Poppy will ever be in her whole life - until next winter, at least.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Royal Random Town LEPacy
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2023, 05:04:25 PM »
Chapter 31 - Anti-Lollipop

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Poppy was growing up alongside quite a few townie children. She met some on her first day of school and discovered that she was practically the only girl in her class. I think there was one other girl, who might have been a pudding-face. In any case, a sleepover had to be thrown immediately.

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A healthy selection of boys arrived and started chatting up Poppy. Among them was her cousin, Alexander, son of Humphrey and Kendra. (I think he’s the one on the left here, but everybody in this town has the same shade of dark brown hair so one can never be sure.)

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The kids played glitchy tag in the glitchy pool. Or yard. Whatever. The game didn’t seem to know if this was the pool or the yard.

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Then, at eleven, they all tramped outside to bury themselves in the deepening snow for bed. As you do.

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All except for this kid. This kid wormed his way into one of the double beds upstairs and learned all about handiness from Poppy’s grandpa. Smart dude. This kid should be the only survivor of a night of freezing idiocy, but actually all the kids were completely unharmed by eight hours spent in a snowdrift. Ah, Sims.

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Winter continued with all its joyous activities. Poppy showed a particular love and talent for making snowmen.

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She made some good friends at school, and took Ervin Almeria to the beach for a snowball fight (in which he put up a solid fight against Poppy’s impressive aim).

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Dahlia learned to crawl, and eventually walk, amid random little snowy patches that kept blowing through the open archways of the house.

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One night, in the wee hours while leaving her shift with the mafia, Carly had a sudden onset of full adulthood - and with it, a midlife crisis.

Early the next morning she called her boss.

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“Hey, Giacomo? Here’s the thing. You remember that idea I had back when I first started work? The one about…yeah, that one. Well, I think it might be time to put it into action. Uh-huh. I’ve had a wish to quit my job for a few days now and I think it’s a sign that I need to do something different. All for the family, of course. I wouldn’t be quitting for real. So what do you say?”

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Giacomo gave the green light. Carly got dressed, slipped on her long black gloves, sat down at the computer, and set up a new business under the name Anti-Lollipop Daycare, LLC. It was time to indoctrinate the younglings of Monte Vista! Or at least steal their lollipops.

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The next day, parents started bringing their children, drawn in by the promise of sugar-free snacks.

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“What?! They’re here already??”

Carly displayed trepidation from the start. Probably because this entire project was a ruse. Would her slinky gloves be enough to keep her courage intact?

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Yes. She recovered quickly.

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Carly spent a couple hours taking care of the toddlers’ needs with half-hearted enthusiasm. (I left her on free will - I was curious to see if an Evil Sim would actually, you know, be a good daycare employee.) Then, it was time to fulfill her purpose and steal some lollipops.

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This poor boy was her first victim.

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Then, Carly had the audacity to regret her actions! Only for selfish reasons, of course. Maybe she should have gone with sugar-free lollipops.

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Most of the day, however, looked like this. Carly slacked off and played video games with her husband. Santos autonomously took care of the bald toddler, maybe because they had hairlessness in common, and essentially kept things from getting out of control.

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“Hello, Royal residence. Oh, yes, this is Anti-Lollipop Daycare! Everything’s going swimmingly, Mrs. Lombardi-Haynes. I’ve got your son right here. Or at least, someone’s son. No, no, everything is excellent! We’ll see you at seven. Goodbye.”

Amazingly, in spite of Carly’s blatant neglect, both toddlers emerged from the day with a rating of “Good”. Carly survived to work another day at Anti-Lollipop Daycare! But not until Monday because tomorrow’s a holiday and this job’s schedule is stupid.

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Sometimes I forget that both Carly and Clark are Neurotic. Then there are moments like this and I remember. :D

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It was the night before Snowflake Day. Everyone was tired from dealing with two extra toddlers. Santos, 97 days old and alone in front of his beloved television set, got up from the couch for the last time.

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Grim: “Ooh, another Evil youngling! I should visit this household more often.”
Poppy: “Whatever.”

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Grim did his usual thing where he insists on reaping the dying Sim on whichever floor they’re not on at the time, so Santos said his goodbyes downstairs in the breezeway. Rest in peace, Santos. Thanks for being a great family man and only flirting with the maid sometimes.

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Roz never made it downstairs in time. :( However, by “meeting” the Grim Reaper, Roz acquired enough acquaintances to finally max the charisma skill. So although she lost the love of her life, she know...that.