Author Topic: Rules: The Immortal Occults Dynasty  (Read 3081 times)

Offline Rhoxi

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Rules: The Immortal Occults Dynasty
« on: August 31, 2022, 11:44:57 AM »
The Sims 4 Immortal Occults Dynasty Challenge


Do you want your sims to live forever? Do you like playing generational dynasties? Do you want to play with as many Occult States as possible? Then this challenge is for you!
Upon completing the eight Immortal Requirements, your sims earn the right to indefinitely extend their lives and become Immortal. Your ultimate goal is to have eight generations of Immortal sims, each of a different Occult State, living under one roof.


Occult State means: a regular sim, alien, vampire, werewolf, mermaid, spellcaster, ghost, or servo.
Founder means the sim you start with by creating them in CAS.
Heir means the first sim of each generation born into the household of the desired Occult State. See “Heir Rules,” below, for additional information.
An Immortal means a sim who has completed each of the eight Immortal Requirements (more information below). Only Immortals are allowed to extend their natural lives via potions of youth, ambrosia, wishing well, etc. They may also be re-admitted to the household in the case of accidental death, or have a sim offer a death flower to prevent their death.
Spare means an additional sim in your household that is not your Founder/Heirs/Immortals. This can include spouses, romantic interests, non-Heir children, or other friends and family.

Creating Your Founder

Before creating your new game file, you must patch up to the most current EA patch. You must also stay current on patches for the entirety of the file.

Choose New Game and create a single Young Adult aged sim. Your sim may be any Occult State. Gender, aspiration, and traits are all player choice (except Bodybuilder — this Aspiration is banned for your Founder and all Heirs as it extends life. This aspiration may only be completed after a sim has become Immortal). CAS Story Mode is banned.

Your founder may start with a pet.

Game Play Options

Autonomy (Full); Lifespan (Normal); Fill Empty Homes (must be checked).
Seasons: Length of seasons is the player's choice. You may customize holidays as you like. Extreme weather is the player's choice, but rain and snow must be allowed, and the effects on Sims must be allowed.
Lifestyles: Player's Choice.
Wants/Fears: Enabled.
Pack Settings: Player's Choice.
Lunar Cycle: Player's Choice.

Lot Trait Rules:

Lot Traits are player's choice. Lot Challenges are player's choice. Feel free to change as desired.

Lot Choice and Manage Worlds

You may begin your dynasty on either: (1) any residential lot with a home that your sim can afford with normal starting funds; or (2) an empty lot of any size, then use the money cheat to start with 5,000 simoleons.

If the land you want is already occupied, you may move the family and/or house to a different lot. You can build your home yourself or download one from the Gallery. You can find Maxis creations in Your Library or under "Community," with the EA Account ID = Maxis. All Maxis builds are approved. If downloading a lot from another player, you must remove anything that would give your sim an unusual advantage (say the lot comes with a nice collection of perfect plants or career unlocks). However you chose to build, you must purchase all homes yourself. You may move to a new home at any time.

You may edit or replace community lots and vacation homes as desired. Once again, remove anything that smacks of cheating or unfair advantage. Adding skill equipment, toddler furniture, nice decor, etc. is not considered an unfair advantage.

You may populate your worlds as desired, but any sims added to the game should either be fresh and unplayed, with no skills, or have skills equivalent to what an EA original sim would have. Avoid #wonderchild sims or similarly overpowered sims.

Although it is not required, consider moving homes in theme with each heir to emphasize the occult nature of the dynasty. For example, live in Glimmer Brook while working on your spellcaster Heir, live in Sulani while working on you mermaid Heir, try living in a Haunted House, etc. Feel free to build or place a house on Sixam for your alien Heir – but note that this conflicts with the Scientist Career alien party.

Mods, Cheats, and Custom Content

Custom Content and Mods are fine and may be used, provided they do not create an unfair advantage. For example, a mod to prevent motive decay is not allowed; a mod to create an attraction system is fine. No cheats are allowed with a few exceptions: moveobjects is fine; ResetSim Firstname Lastname is fine; set eco footprint is fine. Buydebug cheat (bb.showhiddenobjects) is banned except for solely decorative purposes. CAS unlocks are fine. Change Sim is fine.

Heir Rules

If you do not have all eight Occult States, you may double up on Occult States as needed.
An Heir may either be either biological or adopted. When adopting, you may adopt a baby, toddler, or child. You may adopt through the agency or chose an already existing sim in your town or household. You may interchange between biological and adopted Heirs as desired.
An Heir must either be born with the desired Occult State or acquire the desired Occult State by at least within the first week of becoming a teen.
An alien child that is the result of your Sim being abducted and impregnated is allowed to become Heir. When the child is born, the player can choose to keep the baby as an Heir, a Spare, or return the alien baby to the homeworld.
A sim that has been abducted and impregnated is still eligible to produce an Heir if they opted to return the alien baby to the homeworld or kept the baby as a Spare.
For your ghost Heir, you may either wish for a ghost child at the Wishing Well, or you may intentionally kill your Heir within the first week of becoming a young adult and re-invite their ghost back into the household.
Spouses with children from previous relationships are still eligible to produce an Heir.

General Rules and Restrictions

Any form of life extension before an Heir completes the Immortal Requirements is banned. Spares etc. may use life extensions.
Once Your Founder/Heir has completed the Immortal Requirements, they become an Immortal and their life may be extended by any means: potions of youth, ambrosia, wishing well, etc. They may also be re-admitted to the household and restored with ambrosia in the case of accidental death, or have a sim offer a death flower to prevent their death.
Your Heir does not need to wait to become an elder before becoming an Immortal.
Birthday cakes are allowed but not required.
No Immortal or Heir can be moved out.
Spares may be moved out of the household at your discretion.
If a Spare dies accidentally (electric shock, fire, etc.) you are free to continue playing the challenge.
If an Heir dies before completing the Immortal Requirements, you may designate a new Heir to continue the challenge.

General Immortal Requirements

Max one career to level ten (except as provided below for the Ghost Hunter career).
Complete two aspirations.
Max three adult skills (level five skills do not qualify).
Purchase four reward traits.
Earn five gold medals for social events — all five must be a different type. Wedding events under the My Wedding Stories pack qualify, and are considered "gold" if five goals are completed.
Have six good friends.
Complete seven different wants.
Contribute eight collection items to your Immortal Occults Dynasty Family Museum. The museum may be placed on your dynasty lot or on a separate private/museum lot. If you move, you may leave museum items behind or take them with you. The museum items must be placeable, and either created or collected. They do not need to be unique themselves — for example, an Heir may contribute eight of the same type of frog to the museum. Each Heir must put in all the work for their collection items without assistance from other Immortals, Spares, etc. For more information see The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty rules at

Although it is not required, consider adding a photograph or painting of each Heir to your museum for posterity. Similarly, feel free to preserve your sims' history by including birth certificates, trophies, career awards, etc. Create a lavish display to demonstrate your family's impressive accomplishments!

Although it is not required, consider creating a graveyard to honor your fallen household members. Your graveyard may be on your lot or on a separate lot.
An Immortal's Requirements may not be claimed by any other Heir to achieve immortality. For example, your Founder/Heir maxes Logic as one of their three skills. Other Heirs/Immortals may max Logic, but must still max three additional skills to clam as their own. This rule applies to each of the eight Immortal Requirements, with the exception of gold metals.

Specific Immortal Requirements

These requirements are mostly based on the type of Occult state and are here to make sure you get the most “occult” experience out of your Immortal Occults Dynasty. They are not in addition to the other Immortal Requirements. To clarify, if an Heir is required to under this section to complete a certain aspiration, that counts as one of your two aspirations under the general requirements, etc.

Your alien Heir must visit Sixam either by leveling the Rocket Science skill and upgrading a rocket, or by maxing the Science career and creating a sixam portal.
Your vampire Heir must complete two of the vampire aspirations.
Your werewolf Heir must complete two of the werewolf aspirations.
Your mermaid Heir must clean up Sulani to the max level. (Other Immortals, Spares, etc. may also help). Your mermaid Heir must also complete the Beach Life aspiration (if you are playing with a skin tone that does not tan, you may disregard this aspiration).
Your spellcaster Heir must complete the two spellcaster aspirations.
Your servo Heir must gain life experience and fully upgrade themselves. This counts as one of their three skills.
Your ghost and regular sim Heir have no specific requirements.
As an option, consider “maxing” the Paranormal Investigator career. Since it is a freelance career and does not have traditional levels, this career is deemed maxed when a sim completes five beginner gigs, five adept gigs, and five expert gigs.
As an option, consider completing the Strangerville aspiration with one of your Heirs as it is fairly occult adjacent.
If you do not have all eight Occult States and have to double up, your second Heir of the same Occult State may ignore the Specific Immortal Requirements. For example, a second spellcaster does not need to complete the spellcaster aspirations and should complete new aspirations.

Optional Point System

Are the Eight Immortal Requirements just not enough challenge for you? Then award yourself a score from the Optional Point System under these rules for each Immortal, except for the graveyard points, which require household members.

A Unique Top-Notch Infant Raised = 3 points
A Unique Happy Infant Raised = 2 points
A Unique Unhappy Infant Raised = 1 point

A Unique Happy Toddler Raised = 1 point
A Unique Top Notch Toddler Raised = 2 points

Each Unique Child Aspiration = 2 points
Each Unique After-School Activity = 2 points

Each Unique Teen Aspiration = 3 points
Each Unique After School Activity or Part Time Job = 2 points
Each Unique Character Value Trait Obtained, Good or Bad = 1 point
Each Unique Self-Esteem Trait Obtained, Good or Bad = 1 point

Young Adult +
Each Unique Adult Aspiration = 5 points
Each Unique Maxed Full-Time Career = 5 points
Each Unique Maxed Part Time Job = 2 points
Each Unique Level 5 Skill Maxed = 1 point
Each Unique Level 10+ Skill Maxed = 3 points
Each Unique Reward Trait <5,000 = 1 point
Each Unique Reward Trait >5,000 = 3 points

Each Unique Ghost/Death Type = 3 points
Each Unique Occult State Death, Including Cat and Dog = 1 point

Each Unique Portrait Painted or Photographed = 1 point
Each Unique Completed Collection = 10 points

Points are awarded for each "unique" accomplishment. This means other Heirs are welcome to complete the accomplishment, but are not award additional points. For example, if one Heir completes an aspiration, other Heirs may still complete the aspiration, but it will not yield additional points. Therefore, the maximum number of points you could get from completing adult aspirations is 5 multiplied by the number of aspirations available with the content a player owns.

Finishing Up

You are finished with The Sims 4 Immortal Occults Dynasty Challenge when your Founder and seven Heirs have all finished the eight Immortal Requirements and any Specific Immortal Requirements applicable to their Occult State. Congratulations!

This challenge is a spin off of the Immortal Dynasty Challenge created by the challenge team (Metro, Nutella, ratchi, Trip, MarianT, sdhoey, and LenaLJ) at Carl and Pam's Sims Community. This challenge is posted with their permission.

Good luck and happy simming! - Rhoxi

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Updates and Changes
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2022, 12:07:56 PM »


Removed the toddler, child, and teen immortal requirements, as those are adequately accounted for under the Optional Point System.


Removed "School-aged Heirs cannot miss school." The optional point system sufficiently rewards doing well at school. Attend or not at your own peril!

Removed "Vacation: school aged heirs cannot miss school; young adults have no restrictions." Feel free to travel with your kiddos!

Removed requirement for Heir to be firstborn; any child of the desired occult state is eligible to become heir. Want to wait for a child with specific genetic features? Want to tell a tale of sibling rivalry? Want your readers to vote? Now you can!

Added "(if you are playing with a skin tone that does not tan, you may disregard this aspiration)" in regard to Mermaid's Beach Life Aspiration requirement.


Added to General Immortal Requirements: "Wedding events under the My Wedding Stories pack qualify, and are considered "gold" if five goals are completed."

Added to General Immortal Requirements: "Although it is not required, consider creating a graveyard to honor your fallen household members. Your graveyard may be on your lot or on a separate lot."

Added to Optional Point System: "1 point for each unique gravestone/urn in your graveyard (Occult State, cat, dog). ... 3 points for each unique ghost/type of death in your graveyard."

Changed "2 points for each portrait created by paint by reference of any family member at the young adult or adult stage. Each family member may be painted only once. Spares that are not family members do not qualify under this section" to "1 point for each portrait created by paint by reference of any household member at the young adult or adult stage. Each household member may be painted only once."


Edited heir rules to allow adopted children to be heirs, and for heirs to become the desired Occult State as a teen rather than just through birth.

Under the Optional Point System, completed teen aspirations now award three points, rather than two.


With the introduction of adopted Heirs, there is no longer any requirement for the ghost and simbot Occult States to be the seventh and eighth generation Heirs, as it is no longer necessary.

Added rule to allow ghost children through the Wishing Well.


Changed "if an Heir dies before completing the Immortal Requirements, the challenge is failed" to "If an Heir dies before completing the Immortal Requirements, you may designate a new Heir to continue the challenge."


Added "Change Sim is fine."


Added rule regarding uniqueness under the optional point system.

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