Author Topic: Alvah Immortal Occults Dynasty 5/8/23 - Chapter 42: Taking the Hint  (Read 56390 times)

Offline Rhoxi

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4/20/23 - Chapter 36: A Break from the Angst
« Reply #195 on: April 20, 2023, 10:26:05 AM »

Chapter 36: A Break from the Angst

While the teens in the house enjoy the ups and downs of youth, the adults carry on at a more steady pace. The new lounge, in particular, is a favorite hang out spot, and they spend much of their time relaxing in the hot tub, blowing bubbles in the bubble machina, or burning it up on the dance floor.

It isn't all fun and games, though. A mysterious set of fires plagues the house every time someone tries to use the outdoor grill.

Ironically, the source of the trouble turns out to be these de-stressing concoctions . . .

Which the many ghosts who frequent the residence seem intent on making.

Loario: "Handsome Vlad, old friend. What is the meaning of this?"

It turns out, the meaning of this is the self-sufficiency N.A.P., which causes random NPCs to spam create the concoction.

Fortunately, our nature loving Kalanea is already on the solution. As she levels up the civil designer career and works on the eco innovator aspiration, part of her duties include voting on new N.A.P.s, which means repealing some old ones.

Kalanea: "Yes, please sign, Leighton, won't you? These infernal fires!"

Leighton: "I think . . . no."

Kalanea: "What?!"

Kalanea: "May I interrupt your dance party with a proposal?"

Morgaine: "Stopping the fires? Hm, well, I suppose if it's for you . . ."

Morgaine, meanwhile, has settled on a new career for herself, much to her ghostly father's dismay.

William: "A mob boss!" *gasp*

Morgaine: "Yes, of course, the mob. I am evil, you know!"

She also sets about working on the mischief maker and public enemy aspirations, where her magical abilities are particularly useful to cause fear and chaos.

Morgaine: "Chillio! Strangeify!"

Fight, fight, fight!

A deathly gift to an elderly sim completes the public enemy aspiration.

Arleth, meanwhile, is up to similarly dastardly pursuits. She joins the secret agent career - but with the intent to become a double agent!

Finally, Loario plants a cowplant berry, earning him the freelance botanical aspiration.

But who, pray tell, will be its first victim?

Back: Kalanea, Arleth, Loario, Morgaine
Front: Rhevinia, Rhalden, Nephentes

Generation One: Loario Alvah (Vampire) – COMPLETE
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Generation Two: Kalanea Alvah (Mermaid) - COMPLETE
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Generation Three: Morgaine Alvah (Spellcaster) - COMPLETE
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Generation Four - Rhevinia Alvah (Alien) - IN PROGRESS

Traits: Erratic, Party Animal
Bonus Trait: Animal Affection
Point System:
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Offline Granny Lawlor

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That self-sufficiency NAP is so annoying.  I wouldn't mind if they made different lotions or took them away. They don't even put them on tables. I love Morgaine's bemusement at wanting to stop fires.
Congrats to Morgaine on 2 more aspirations done plus another unique death?

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Offline GlazeyLady

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I never knew that about the Self-Sufficiency N.A.P. - I don't play with them often. How unfortunate! I have to wonder what the devs were thinking when they decided to have Sims put the brewed herbalism recipes on the ground. Sims can put mixed drinks and food cooked on tables or counters, so why the ground for these? It makes them harder to see and even realize they are there.

I really like your pics with all the family members . . . all the different life states.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Mob boss?  Yeah, that seems about right  :=)
That screenshot where she's doing "chillio" and "strangify" is fantastic, she just looks so casually epic!
Oooo, and a cowplant joins the family!  Looking forward to getting to know this new member of the family  :=)

Offline Rhoxi

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That self-sufficiency NAP is so annoying.  I wouldn't mind if they made different lotions or took them away. They don't even put them on tables. I love Morgaine's bemusement at wanting to stop fires.
Congrats to Morgaine on 2 more aspirations done plus another unique death?

I know, it's so bizarre! Why the floor? It took me two or maybe three fires before I noticed them. Technically, not a unique death because it only applies to household members. I mean, there was space in the household, so I could've invited her to join. I just didn't think about it at the time.

I never knew that about the Self-Sufficiency N.A.P. - I don't play with them often. How unfortunate! I have to wonder what the devs were thinking when they decided to have Sims put the brewed herbalism recipes on the ground. Sims can put mixed drinks and food cooked on tables or counters, so why the ground for these? It makes them harder to see and even realize they are there.

I really like your pics with all the family members . . . all the different life states.

I know - so hard to notice those silly concoctions. And thanks! It's been a lot of fun finally exploring all these different life states.

Mob boss?  Yeah, that seems about right  :=)
That screenshot where she's doing "chillio" and "strangify" is fantastic, she just looks so casually epic!
Oooo, and a cowplant joins the family!  Looking forward to getting to know this new member of the family  :=)

Using Morgaine's magic for a little mischief was so much fun. She really does look epic. Possibly my favorite looking sim I've bred to date! I never played with a cowplant before: bring on the mayhem!

Offline Rhoxi

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4/25/23 - Chapter 37: The Cease Fire
« Reply #200 on: April 25, 2023, 09:21:33 AM »
Chapter 37: The Cease Fire

Meanwhile, tension between twins Rhevinia and Rhalden continue to run high.

Whether it's at home,

Or out at the ThrifTea CatCafe for a simple poetry night,

Rhevi and Jaydeep just can't stop getting into it.

However, for prom night, at least, the two agree to a reluctant cease fire.

The happy couples enjoy their night, and of course remember to check out the photo booth.

Rhevi even succeeds last year's crown to Jaydeep, much to Rhalden's delight.

Doesn't she look so proud for her man?

The proceedings carry on long into the night at the after party.

Where Rhalden and Jaydeep decide it's time to get physical.

All in all, it's an epic night, and the perfect way to say goodbye to their teenage years.

The next day, the family hits up the Sulani Beach Restaurant for a birthday celebration. In fact, Loario and Morgaine present Rhalden with an interesting proposal.

Loario: "I know it's traditional for non-heir children to move out as soon as they reach their young adult birthday, but you don't have to leave just yet, you know. You'd be welcome to stay."

Morgaine: "Indeed. I don't know if you've sensed it yet, but you inherited my spellcaster blood. I could train you, if you like."

Rhalden agrees, and then it's time for cake.

Rhevi ages up with uncontrolled emotions, among other more positive attributes, as well as the paranoid trait.

In addition to maxing the simfluencer career and the cheer leading squad, she even graduates at the top of her class!

Childhood: complete! Adult life here we come!

Back: Kalanea, Arleth, Loario, Morgaine
Front: Rhevinia, Rhalden, Nephentes

Generation One: Loario Alvah (Vampire) – COMPLETE
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Generation Two: Kalanea Alvah (Mermaid) - COMPLETE
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Generation Three: Morgaine Alvah (Spellcaster) - COMPLETE
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Generation Four - Rhevinia Alvah (Alien) - IN PROGRESS

Traits: Erratic, Party Animal, Paranoid 
Bonus Trait: Animal Affection
Point System:
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Notes: ThrifTea CatCafe is by HollowHexagon. Sulani Beach Restaurant is by bethoween111.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Alvah Immortal Occults Dynasty 4/25/23 - Chapter 37: The Cease Fire
« Reply #201 on: April 25, 2023, 03:29:09 PM »
Congrats to the twins on aging up. I hope they can put their sibling rivalry behind them. Cute Prom photos :)

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: The Alvah Immortal Occults Dynasty 4/25/23 - Chapter 37: The Cease Fire
« Reply #202 on: April 25, 2023, 06:22:15 PM »
Valedictorian . . . NICE!
I agree with @Granny Lawlor - your Prom pictures are really cute. I really love exotic looks of your Sims.

Offline Rhoxi

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4/27/23 - Chapter 38: A Strange Investigation
« Reply #203 on: April 27, 2023, 10:33:25 AM »
Chapter 38: A Strange Investigation

Morgaine escorts Rhalden to the magic realm and introduces her to the masters.

Once equipped with a few basic spells, Morgaine personally takes over her training.

Morgaine: "Like so!"

Morgaine: "Just like that!"

But while one sister pursues the path of magic, the other heads in the opposite direction: science.

Rhevi quickly learns that a career in science is full of moral quandaries.

For example: one can build a sim ray.

But should one use a sim ray?

Yes, Rhevi concludes. The answer is always yes.

While at work, Rhevi overhears her coworkers talking in hushed whispers.

*whisper whisper* . . . Heavy military presence  . . . abandoned facility . . . *whisper whisper*

Something is clearly amiss in over in Strangerville.

Rhevi: "What do you think, Nephentes? Should we check it out?"

As a scientist, Rhevi starts by checking out Strangeville's apparently abandoned research facility with her faithful companion in tow.

"Seek, Nephentes! Seek!"

She goes through the record files.

Until Nephentes reminds her that digital is the way to go.

Aerial photographs, strange plant life, abnormal citizen behavior, attempted deleted files: the evidence is piling up. Something's definitely happening here.

However, a key carded door blocks further investigation.

Next, Rhevi hits up Plutos Restaurant to see what the locals have to say.

"My neighbors have been acting odd lately . . ."

"Yeah, like zombies or something!"

Seeking a second opinion from a trusted source, Rhevi asks Emma to meet her for a date.

Rhevi: "So glad you could make it, my perfect love!"

Emma: "Aw, shucks. You sweet talker!"

Rhevi: "What do you think, am I just being paranoid?"

Emma: "I think you're on to something. You should pursue this."

Emma: "I'm glad you asked me out. I wasn't sure, you know, whether what we had was just a high school fling . . ."

Rhevi: "Definitely not a high school fling."

And with that, it's settled. The investigation of Strangerville is officially on!

Back: Kalanea, Arleth, Loario, Morgaine
Front: Rhevinia, Rhalden, Nephentes

Generation One: Loario Alvah (Vampire) – COMPLETE
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation Two: Kalanea Alvah (Mermaid) - COMPLETE
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Generation Three: Morgaine Alvah (Spellcaster) - COMPLETE
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Generation Four - Rhevinia Alvah (Alien) - IN PROGRESS

Traits: Erratic, Party Animal, Paranoid 
Bonus Trait: Animal Affection
Point System:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Notes: Plutos Restaurant is by KatsCorner.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Ah, Rhevi! Deliciously revengeful and delightfully romantic . . . all rolled into one.  :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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I've never done Strangerville without living there. I wonder if you'll still get the vines...?

I love Rhevi - so focused, so determined, so scary!

Offline Rhoxi

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Ah, Rhevi! Deliciously revengeful and delightfully romantic . . . all rolled into one.  :D
I've never done Strangerville without living there. I wonder if you'll still get the vines...?

I love Rhevi - so focused, so determined, so scary!

I'm glad that you guys are enjoying Rhevi and her ... eccentricities. I'm particularly fond of her. She's been so much fun to play, so far, and there's plenty more to go!

Offline Rhoxi

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4/25/23 - Chapter 39: The Mystery of Strangerville
« Reply #207 on: April 29, 2023, 09:42:34 AM »

Chapter 39: The Mystery of Strangerville

The following chapter is under spoilers, as it details Rhevi's adventures in solving the Mystery of Strangerville aspiration. Click the tag at your own discretion.

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The whole experience leaves Rhevi understandably burned out.

And she earns a little me time for herself and Nephentes.

One aspiration down, one to go!

Back: Kalanea, Arleth, Loario, Morgaine
Front: Rhevinia, Rhalden, Nephentes

Generation One: Loario Alvah (Vampire) – COMPLETE
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Generation Two: Kalanea Alvah (Mermaid) - COMPLETE
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Generation Three: Morgaine Alvah (Spellcaster) - COMPLETE
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Generation Four - Rhevinia Alvah (Alien) - IN PROGRESS

Traits: Erratic, Party Animal, Paranoid 
Bonus Trait: Animal Affection

1 Career: Scientist 5/10
2 Aspirations: Strangerville Mystery
3 Skills: DJ Mixing, Robotics
4 Reward Traits:
5 Gold Metals: Date,
6 Good Friends: Emma Herrera, Rhalden Alvah,
7 Whims: Talk to Self, Listen to Electronica Music, Flirt with Self
8 Museum Items:

Point System:
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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Excellent - a worthy adversary - well done, Rhevi. They all deserve to put their feet up for a while. :)

Offline Rhoxi

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Excellent - a worthy adversary - well done, Rhevi. They all deserve to put their feet up for a while. :)

I was so delighted that she was able to ask her family members for help. I really thought it would be limited to residents of Strangerville. It was certainly an adventure the Alvahs will never forget!