Chapter 35: TechnicalitiesRhalden: "What is this I hear around the school? You declared Jaydeep your nemesis? Don't you know I have feelings for him?"
Rhevi: "Uh, well, yes, but um -
technically you're not -"

Rhalden: "Not
technically? Where were you yesterday when this happened?"

Rhalden: "Or

Rhalden: "What do you have to say for yourself?"
Rhevi: "Um, oops?"

To make things a little less
technical and a little more
official, Rhalden decides to invite Jaydeep to the Alvah's Summer Fun Bash.

Rhalden: "I'm so glad you could make it!"
Jaydeep: "Happy to be here!"

Rhalden: "Just so there's not so much pressure on that big prom moment, I thought we could go ahead and . . ."
Jaydeep: "Oh? Ooh!"

Of course, they weren't the only couple enjoying a tender moment.
Rhevi: "She was just so mad. Do you think she'll ever -"
Emma: "I'm sure she'll forgive you, sweetness. Just give it time."

While the sisters are caught up in the fun and drama of teen romance, their brothers get up to a more mischievous type of fun.
Castor: "See, see? What did I tell you?"
Jax: "Haha, urban myth, you're not-"

Jax: "REAL?!"

The family gathers to mourn.

Driven by grief, Jax begins to act out.

And even accidentally pranks himself with his own stink bomb.

Until the school finally has enough.

Accordingly, Jax and his new girlfriend, Ona de las Trenzes, decide to age up early.

And marry quietly in a private ceremony on the beach.

With more room in the household, the aliens swing by once again.

They send a special gift just for Rhevi: a companion from homeworld named Nephentes.

A special alien dog . . .

For a special alien girl.

Back: Kalanea, Arleth, Loario, Morgaine
Front: Rhevinia, Rhalden, Nephentes
Generation One: Loario Alvah (Vampire) – COMPLETE Traits: Music Lover, Cat Lover, Family Oriented
Bonus Trait: Quick Learner
1 Career: Entertainer - Musician 10/10.
2 Aspirations: Good Vampire, Master Vampire..
3 Skills: Vampire Lore, Piano, Violin.
4 Reward Traits: Speed Reader, Frugal, Night Owl, Free Services.
5 Gold Metals: Black and White Party, Charity Benefit Party, Spooky Party, Date, Wedding.
6 Good Friends: Kalamainu'u Iona, Vladislaus Straud, Harlow Wilson, Emilia Earnest, Lilith Vatore, Caleb Vatore.
7 Whims: Listen to Classical Music, Play the Violin, Read a Toddler Book to Kalandria, Listen to Any Radio Station, Have a Child, Be Friendly with Vladislaus, Ask Kalamainu'u About Her Day.
8 Museum Items: Feathers
Generation Two: Kalanea Alvah (Mermaid) - COMPLETETraits: Loves the Outdoors, Child of the Ocean, Loyal.
Bonus Trait: Collector.
1 Career: Conservationist - Marine Biologist 10/10.
2 Aspirations: Archaeology Scholar, Jungle Explorer.
3 Skills: Archaeology, Logic, Fitness.
4 Reward Traits: Forever Fresh, Fertile, Inspired Explorer, Always Welcome.
5 Gold Metals: Date, House Party, Black and White Bash, Incognito Costume Party, Keg Party.
6 Good Friends: Chandler Goth, Wendel Wilson, Kalantha Avlah, Bradley Sigworth, Brian Lantz, Berjes Markovic.
7 Whims: Express Devotion to a Beloved Sim, Enthuse About the Outdoors, Be Friendly With Loario, Be Mischievous to Chandler, Be Friendly with Chandler, Go on Vacation to Granite Falls, Harvest a Plant, Collect a New Frog.
8 Museum Items: Decorative Eggs.
Generation Three: Morgaine Alvah (Spellcaster) - COMPLETETraits: Over Achiever, Evil, Non-Committal
Bonus Trait: Dastardly
1 Career: Paranormal Investigator: Beginner 5/5; Adept 5/5; Expert 5/5.
2 Aspirations: Spellcraft and Sorcery, Purveyor of Potions.
3 Skills: Mischief, Programming, Video Gaming.
4 Reward Traits: Paranormal Investigator License, Brave, Beguiling, Storm Chaser.
5 Gold Metals: Date, Dinner Party, Incognito Costume Party, Black and White Bash, Wedding.
6 Good Friends: Ileana Saber, Aniket Kaur, Velar Xalvadora, Ice “Gerom” Hizolo, Apex Kalach, Puleun Oegyien.
7 Whims: Do Something Romantic, Schedule a Date, Start a New Relationship, Ponder World Domination, Skill Up, Cloudgaze with Apex Kolach, Embrace Velar.
8 Museum Items: Potions.
Generation Four - Rhevinia Alvah (Alien) - IN PROGRESSTraits: Erratic, Party Animal
Bonus Trait: Animal Affection
Point System:Unique Happy Toddler Raised (1): 0.
Unique Top Notch Toddler Raised (2): 1 (2x1 = 2 points).
Unique Child Aspiration (2): 8 - Artistic Prodigy, Rambunctious Scamp, Social Butterfly, Whiz Kid, Slumber Party Animal, Mind and Body, Playtime Captain, Creative Genius (2x8 = 16 points)
Unique Teen Aspiration (3): 3 - Admired Icon, Goal Oriented, Drama Llama (3x3 = 9 points)
Unique After School Activity or Part Time Job (2): 4 – Scouts, Computer Club, Chess Club, Video Game Streamer (2x4 = 8 points)
Unique Chacacter Value Trait Obtained (1): 6 - Compassionate, Mediator, Responsible, Emotional Control, Good Manners, Insensitive (1x6 = 6 points)
Unique Adult Aspiration (5): 19 - Good Vampire, Master Vampire, Nerd Brain, Musical Genius, Mansion Baron, Friend of the World, Fabulously Wealthy, Super Parent, Painter Extraordinaire, Big Happy Family, Successful Lineage, Master Chef, Jungle Explorer, Archaeology Scholar, Spellcraft and Sorcery, Purveyor of Potions, Serial Romantic, Jack of All Trades, Master Mixologist (5x19 = 95 points)
Unique Maxed Adult Career (5): 8 - Entertainer – Musician, Salaryperson – Head of the Department, Convservationist – Marine Biologist, Culinary – Celebrity Chef, Paranormal Investigator, Culinary - Celebrity Chef, Painter - Master of the Real, Civil Designer - City Master Planner (5x8 = 40 points)
Unique Level 5 Skill Maxed (1): 4 - Entrepreneur, Photography, Selvadorian Culture, Medium (1x4 = 4 points)
Unique Level 10+ Skill Maxed (3): 23 - Acting, Archaeology, Charisma, Cooking, Dancing, Flower Arranging, Fitness, Gardening, Gourmet Cooking, Guitar, Handiness, Logic, Mischief, Mixology, Painting, Parenting, Programming, Research and Debate, Rocket Science, Veterinarian, Video Gaming, Wellness (3x23 = 69 points)
Unique Reward Trait <5,000 (1): Observant, Speed Cleaner, Mentor, Morning Sim, Marketable, Creative Visionary, Entrepreneurial, Incredibly Friendly, Beguiling, Savant, Super Green Thumb, Fertile, Inspired Explorer, Always Welcome, Storm Chaser, Paranormal Investigator License (1x16 = 16 points).
Unique Reward Trait >5,000 (3): 2 - Brave, Forever Fresh (3x2 = 6 points).
Unique Gravestone Type (1): 5 - Normal Sim, Vampire, Mermaid, Spellcaster, Cat, Alien (1x6 = 6 points).
Unique Ghost/Death Type (3): 6 - Sunlight, Sauna, Spellcaster Overload, Electrocution, Rabid Rodent Fever, Old Age, Urban Myth (3x7 = 21 points).
Unique Portrait (1): 2 - Loario Alvah, Kalanea Alvah (1x2 = 2 points)
Unique Completed Collection (10): 6 - Aliens, Decorative Eggs, Feathers, Space Rocks, Space Prints, Postcards (10x6 = 60 points)
Notes: "Nephentes the Alienpooch" is created by Blumelone. Ona de las Trenzes (Cute Girl HS Teen Ona) is created by anneebananee.