Author Topic: Alvah Immortal Occults Dynasty 5/8/23 - Chapter 42: Taking the Hint  (Read 61140 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: The Alvah Immortal Occults Dynasty - Updated 4/07/23
« Reply #180 on: April 10, 2023, 08:20:25 PM »
What an amazing house! So big, and yet all so useful and well-planned. Your Sims are all so gorgeous, and I'm really enjoying the occult version you've created of the Immortal Dynasty.
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Alvah Immortal Occults Dynasty - Updated 4/07/23
« Reply #181 on: April 13, 2023, 11:16:34 AM »
I love house tours!
Thanks soooo much for sharing your gorgeous house!  It's such a majestically fabulous and eerily magical abode!
Haha, I wouldn't have minded an even more detailed look at the different areas of the house!

In the attic, what are those vertical objects at the left-center?  One of them seems to contain something but I can't tell what it is....

What an amazing house! So big, and yet all so useful and well-planned. Your Sims are all so gorgeous, and I'm really enjoying the occult version you've created of the Immortal Dynasty.

Thanks guys! The objects in the left of the attic are a box for seasons decorations and a coffin with some decor around it.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Chapter 34: - Updated 4/13/23
« Reply #182 on: April 13, 2023, 12:10:15 PM »

Chapter 34: Drama Llama

Will Rhevi's prom be a bust, or is Emma's interest in Jax merely platonic?

Full of confidence, Rhevi goes for the bold pick-up line when the girls collectively hit the bathroom. It's a success!

Emma: "Jax is just a friend. Don't you know I'm gay?"

Rhevi: "Me too! SO gay!"

The next day, Rhevi, Rhalden, Emma, and Jaydeep hit up the carnival for a group hang.

Rhalden: "Oo! Brain freeze!"

Although Jaydeep leaves early, Rhevi and Emma enjoy the day together.

They share a first kiss.

And even mess around in the cuddle carts until they get banned from the ride!

They commemorate the event with a photo booth pic. Rhevi doesn't seem impressed with the results.

I dunno, pretty cute, right?

They have such a good time, in fact, that a couple days later Emma takes the initiative.

Um, yes, obviously!

The girls cuddle and dance the night away until curfew.

Still, all this romance isn't enough to keep our party-girl Rhevi tied down.

She flirts with Monica the next day at school.

And is surprised when Monica almost immediately pops the question!

Um, sure?

By the end of the school day, Rhevi is full of remorse. What was she thinking? She wasn't: she's erratic!

It's time to nip this thing in the bud before things get serious.

This leaves with Rhevi with just one last task to accomplish her drama llama aspiration. That's right, it's time to make an enemy out of her rival, and it's none other than Jaydeep! Can you believe it?

Rhevi: "You're on the football team? Well, I'm a cheerleader!"

Rhevi puts Jaydeep soundly in place.

Aspiration complete!

Back: Kalanea, Arleth, Loario, Morgaine
Front: Casper, Jax, Rhevinia, Rhalden

Generation One: Loario Alvah (Vampire) – COMPLETE
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation Two: Kalanea Alvah (Mermaid) - COMPLETE
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation Three: Morgaine Alvah (Spellcaster) - COMPLETE
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation Four - Rhevinia Alvah (Alien) - IN PROGRESS

Traits: Erratic, Party Animal
Bonus Trait: Animal Affection
Point System:
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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Rhevi is fierce-looking. I wouldn't want to be her rival. Congrats on completing Drama Llama. :)

Offline oshizu

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Rhevi and Emma make a lovely couple.  How hilarious that they got banned from the Cuddle Carts.  Or was it only Emma who got banned?
Rhevi's fling with Monica worried me for a bit--glad it was mainly because Rhevi's a Drama Llama.

And now she's enemies with football player Jaydeep? I never realized a teen could be rivals with a teen in a different club!
Congrats to Rhevi for completing that teen aspiration so quickly.
What's up with that hawtie Jaydeep?  Are he and Rhalden still together?

Since Rhevi's got the Party Animal trait, I'm curious whether she'll do the aspiration of the same name....
Also, I keep forgetting to ask, how do you like playing on SimLicy's high school lot?
I downloaded and edited James Turner's high school lot for my NSB but I'm looking around for a different high school lot.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Banned from the Cuddle Carts! Now that is surely milestone-worthy! I can just hear them telling their grandchildren . . . We weren't always this old, why it wasn't so long ago that we were banned from Cuddle Carts for too much passion and hotness!   ;D
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Wow, tipping the cuddle cart off its tracks?  Rhevi is intense!
Congrats on finishing her aspiration!!
Poor Rhalden.  Her only spotlight moment was the awkward brain freeze image.  Poor, poor baby!
Looking forward to seeing what's next for the crew!!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Rhevi is fierce-looking. I wouldn't want to be her rival. Congrats on completing Drama Llama. :)

I had a lot of fun making Rhevi's outfits, to the point where I gave her more choices than usual. Thanks! :)

Rhevi and Emma make a lovely couple.  How hilarious that they got banned from the Cuddle Carts.  Or was it only Emma who got banned?
Rhevi's fling with Monica worried me for a bit--glad it was mainly because Rhevi's a Drama Llama.

And now she's enemies with football player Jaydeep? I never realized a teen could be rivals with a teen in a different club!
Congrats to Rhevi for completing that teen aspiration so quickly.
What's up with that hawtie Jaydeep?  Are he and Rhalden still together?

Since Rhevi's got the Party Animal trait, I'm curious whether she'll do the aspiration of the same name....
Also, I keep forgetting to ask, how do you like playing on SimLicy's high school lot?
I downloaded and edited James Turner's high school lot for my NSB but I'm looking around for a different high school lot.

At first I intended for Emma to be Rhevi's fling for the Drama Llama aspiration, but then they were just too darn cute together, even autonomously. Plus of all the teens I added to my world, Emma was the only one that was explicitly created as gay like Rhevi, so that kinda got some points too. More on Rhalden and Jaydeep to come! I'm really loving the new school by SimLicy. It's small and efficient, so the spaces get crowded enough to feel like a real school instead of a ghost town. My only possible issue is that there are only 12 desks, but I think it's possible for the game to generate more students than that?

Banned from the Cuddle Carts! Now that is surely milestone-worthy! I can just hear them telling their grandchildren . . . We weren't always this old, why it wasn't so long ago that we were banned from Cuddle Carts for too much passion and hotness!   ;D

That pop up was pretty hilarious. Do these gals have chemistry or what!

Wow, tipping the cuddle cart off its tracks?  Rhevi is intense!
Congrats on finishing her aspiration!!
Poor Rhalden.  Her only spotlight moment was the awkward brain freeze image.  Poor, poor baby!
Looking forward to seeing what's next for the crew!!

Always the fan of the spare. Don't worry, I'm partial to Rhalden too. She's going to have plenty more screen time.

Offline oshizu

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One of the reasons I initially chose James Turner's High School lot was that he created smaller rooms (like the cafeteria with a skylight) to also give the sense of more students.
He also added other rooms, though, like an auditorium, a gym, and an indoor swimming pool, which my teens never have the time or interest to use.
I had every generation of my NSB attend high school and never saw more than a total 11 high school students in the two classrooms, which included, of course, my own sims.

Offline Rhoxi

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One of the reasons I initially chose James Turner's High School lot was that he created smaller rooms (like the cafeteria with a skylight) to also give the sense of more students.
He also added other rooms, though, like an auditorium, a gym, and an indoor swimming pool, which my teens never have the time or interest to use.
I had every generation of my NSB attend high school and never saw more than a total 11 high school students in the two classrooms, which included, of course, my own sims.

Yeah, for some reason my game also only generates about 9 or 10 students. I'll have to check out James Turner's High School sometime. Maybe next generation? The school lot I'm currently using also has a music/art room and a small gym with cheer leading mats.

Offline Rhoxi

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Updated 4/14/23 - Chapter 35: Technicalities
« Reply #190 on: April 14, 2023, 01:15:51 PM »
Chapter 35: Technicalities

Rhalden: "What is this I hear around the school? You declared Jaydeep your nemesis? Don't you know I have feelings for him?"

Rhevi: "Uh, well, yes, but um - technically you're not -"

Rhalden: "Not technically? Where were you yesterday when this happened?"

Rhalden: "Or this?"

Rhalden: "What do you have to say for yourself?"

Rhevi: "Um, oops?"

To make things a little less technical and a little more official, Rhalden decides to invite Jaydeep to the Alvah's Summer Fun Bash.

Rhalden: "I'm so glad you could make it!"

Jaydeep: "Happy to be here!"

Rhalden: "Just so there's not so much pressure on that big prom moment, I thought we could go ahead and . . ."

Jaydeep: "Oh? Ooh!"

Of course, they weren't the only couple enjoying a tender moment.

Rhevi: "She was just so mad. Do you think she'll ever -"

Emma: "I'm sure she'll forgive you, sweetness. Just give it time."

While the sisters are caught up in the fun and drama of teen romance, their brothers get up to a more mischievous type of fun.

Castor: "See, see? What did I tell you?"

Jax: "Haha, urban myth, you're not-"

Jax: "REAL?!"

The family gathers to mourn.

Driven by grief, Jax begins to act out.

And even accidentally pranks himself with his own stink bomb.

Until the school finally has enough.

Accordingly, Jax and his new girlfriend, Ona de las Trenzes, decide to age up early.

And marry quietly in a private ceremony on the beach.

With more room in the household, the aliens swing by once again.

They send a special gift just for Rhevi: a companion from homeworld named Nephentes.

A special alien dog . . .

For a special alien girl.

Back: Kalanea, Arleth, Loario, Morgaine
Front: Rhevinia, Rhalden, Nephentes

Generation One: Loario Alvah (Vampire) – COMPLETE
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation Two: Kalanea Alvah (Mermaid) - COMPLETE
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation Three: Morgaine Alvah (Spellcaster) - COMPLETE
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation Four - Rhevinia Alvah (Alien) - IN PROGRESS

Traits: Erratic, Party Animal
Bonus Trait: Animal Affection
Point System:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Notes: "Nephentes the Alienpooch" is created by Blumelone. Ona de las Trenzes (Cute Girl HS Teen Ona) is created by anneebananee.

Offline oshizu

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Congrats Castor for dying a unique death and adding your tombstone to the Alvah graveyard.
Congrats, too, to Jax for getting expelled from high school.  (My Blaze was too charismatic and was never expelled, even though he skipped both classes and detention. Grrrr!)
My only disappointment, Jax, is that you didn't expire from the new locker death by failed stink bomb (or whatever the death is named). May you live a long and happy life with your new wife!

Oh, Nephentes is adorable!  Do their ears open and close like fans?  Their coloring is fantastic!
Great update, Watcher!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Jax really has unique looks (from the tooth bug). Are he and Ona planning children? It would be interesting to see if his genes get passed on.
I've never tried the urban myth. Scary stuff!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Poor Castor!!!  And then I got totally distracted by the cute alien dog!!  Yeah, well played, Watcher.  Well played.
Oh, and congrats to Rhalden and to Jax on their respective relationships going to the next level and all.
But that dog!!

Offline Rhoxi

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Congrats Castor for dying a unique death and adding your tombstone to the Alvah graveyard.
Congrats, too, to Jax for getting expelled from high school.  (My Blaze was too charismatic and was never expelled, even though he skipped both classes and detention. Grrrr!)
My only disappointment, Jax, is that you didn't expire from the new locker death by failed stink bomb (or whatever the death is named). May you live a long and happy life with your new wife!

Oh, Nephentes is adorable!  Do their ears open and close like fans?  Their coloring is fantastic!
Great update, Watcher!

Haha, I was *trying* to kill Jax off with the stink bombs, but the school is so small that the teachers inevitably caught him doing it so many times they expelled him. I almost killed him off another way but, well, since he was lucky enough to survive the stink bombs I figured I'd spare him and let him produce hopefully many green nooboos. Nephentes ears don't open and close, they just stay up. In the puppy shot they look closed because they're small and not developed, but then she grew up and bam! Big ears.

Jax really has unique looks (from the tooth bug). Are he and Ona planning children? It would be interesting to see if his genes get passed on.
I've never tried the urban myth. Scary stuff!

I'm definitely aiming for them to have children. Hopefully they'll get some interesting features!

Poor Castor!!!  And then I got totally distracted by the cute alien dog!!  Yeah, well played, Watcher.  Well played.
Oh, and congrats to Rhalden and to Jax on their respective relationships going to the next level and all.
But that dog!!

Hehe, the dog is very adorable. Reminder: not a creation of mine. Credits are at the end of the update if you want to download her yourself.

