Author Topic: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Project Failure  (Read 31938 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 3.2: We Are Family
« Reply #105 on: September 29, 2022, 04:37:11 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 3.2: We Are Family

Arrow: Thanks for coming, guys.
Amos: You said something about breakfast?
Arrow: Ah yes. You’re a Foodie. It’s inside. Say hello to my brother Cam.
Dennis: Hey that’s funny Cam! You, me and Amos are all Children of the Ocean. Do you get the dreams?
Cam: Yeah. I get to take samples during the work day but it’s like I’m in a rabbit hole then! I wish I could Work From Home but some Freelancer needs to make a stand before we can do that.
Avon: Hi Grady. Arrow told me you like wearing socks.
Grady: Too cold here today. Hey! Would you believe it? Me and Haych are both High Maintenance.

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Arrow: So that’s Creative/Adventurous/Child of the Ocean Dennis Akiyama; Ambitious/High-Mainenance/Self-Assured Haych; Genius/Foodie/Child of the Ocean Amos Fyres and Art-Lover/High-Maintenance/Geek Grady.
Watcher: There’s really only one choice
Avon: I didn’t think you needed a Genius.
Watcher: But it’s a great trait to pass on…

Cherry: You know what they’re doing out there!
Daisy: Deciding on our husband! Ha ha! Like we could share him…we can’t, can we?
Cherry: That wouldn’t be proper at all!

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Watcher: Another work jumper I see.
Buttercup: So much better than that shift dress. It’s good to get out of the house. Cherry & Daisy -are…you know…
Watcher: I know. It’s a bit weird. But you seem to be handling it OK…having the gen 3 husband move in.
Buttercup: Well it doesn’t affect me, does it.
Watcher: The decision’s not final yet.
Buttercup :o

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Amos: This is so weird.
Watcher: Are you OK?
Amos: Look – I know what the deal is – clear a career and father the next generation but…
Watcher: There’s no rush. Just settle in.
Amos: But why haven’t I started a job yet?

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Daisy: You know he’s sleeping in Dad’s bed?
Cherry: Well…it makes sense, I guess.
Daisy: I wonder which one of us will be sharing it with him…
Cherry: DAISY!
Daisy: I’ve seen you looking at him, all that chess playing.
Cherry: He’s a Genius. Playing chess keeps his spirits up.
Daisy: Is that the only thing you want to keep up?  ;)
Cherry: DAISY!

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Amos: Look, I don’t feel right sleeping in Alvaro and Angelica’s bed.
Arrow: It’s just a bed.
Amos: I know, but it’s…
Arrow: Look, it’s my birthday tomorrow so I’m moving out today. You can take my bed in with Avon & Cam.
Amos: What! You’re going? But… I’m not earning, will there be enough?
Arrow: Don’t panic. Watcher’s got a plan. The girls all like you. Just be a stable influence for them. You’ll get a job soon.

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Arrow: Do I smell cake?
Amos: I started as soon as you knocked.
Buttercup: We’re so glad you came to visit today.
Arrow: The cake’s for me? But…I’ve never had cake on my birthday!
Buttercup: Happy Birthday, Arrow

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Amos: Hey Mr Postman, is this your package?
Postman: No – try someone else.
Amos: I’m just running an errand for the Mayor while I wait for the right job opportunity.
Postman: Ah – you’re the one they got to move in. Tell me, which hottie are you going to choose?
Amos: Watch your mouth! They deserve treating with respect. What restrictions are you working to clear? That’s right, none!
Postman: Hey I work hard too!

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Buttercup: I’m on track to being a Professor!
Cam: And I’m at level 9
Buttercup: We’re doing great!
Watcher: Yes you are.

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Avon: I’ve done it. The last promotion was a slow crawl up the corporate ladder but I’ve finally done it. I’ve rebuilt the economic structure of the region. A boom in the economy has started as supply and demand fuel a healthy free market.
Watcher: That’s wonderful. Let’s celebrate.
Avon: I’ll just run off some of the stress.

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Watcher: Thanks for doing this.
Amos: It’s logical. I don’t have as much time as the girls and, although Avon’s made it so we can buy and sell better stuff, we still have to wait until Sundays. Plus we can only have one item for each skill building. It’s too limiting. I’m happy to do this.
Watcher: And when you’re done, you can indulge your love of good food while playing lots of chess!
Amos: It’s a good plan. I just wish the Retail career came with a better wardrobe.

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Avon: Happy Birthday, brother.
Cam: Pfft
Cherry: Mmm how come there’s 2 cakes?
Avon: Well, I made the tiered one but was so hungry that I tucked in before lighting the candles. I couldn’t serve it then!
Cherry: I love cake, even when it makes me feel sick.
Cam: It’s your birthday tomorrow!
Cherry: No more exams!

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Progress (Year 2, Week 3 - Winter)

Generation 1

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Angelica Aconite
: Adult; (Silly) Loves Outdoors, Lazy, Hot-Headed; Joke Star; Civil Designer-Civic Planner Completed week 15; moved out
Alvaro Bheeda: Spouse; Elder; Slob, Active, Dog-Lover; Nerd Brain; Military Officer Completed week 18; moved out
Arrow Aconite: Elder; (Silly) Self-Assured, Active, Bookworm; Bodybuilder; Athlete-Bodybuilder Completed week 15; moved out
Avon Aconite: Adult; (Independent) Self-Assured, Neat, Active; Beach Life; Business-Management Completed week 19
Cam Aconite: Adult; (Angelic) Self-Assured, Child of the Ocean, Maker; Successful Lineage; Conservationist 9/10

Generation 3
Buttercup Aconite
: YA; (Fussy) Kleptomaniac, Proper, Dog-Lover; Master Mixologist; Education 6/10
Cherry Aconite: Teen; (Inquisitive) Proper, Active; Jungle Explorer
Daisy Aconite: Teen; (Silly) Perfectionist, Dog-Lover; World-Famous Celebrity

L-to-R Cherry, Buttercup, Avon, Cam, Amos & Daisy
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The restrictions lifted by Business-Management are:
•   You may not sell buy mode items, items you received as career rewards, crafted items, fruits, vegetables or fish. (You may still sell build mode items, such as walls, windows and stairs). Anything that you can't use due to current restrictions or that you don't need/want must be deleted, placed in the family inventory and not removed until Athlete-Bodybuilder is cleared or stored on the lot
•   Cannot do any interactions with the Geo Council for found items.
•   Only the cheapest item of any category may be purchased.
•   No décor or any item with an environment score may be purchased or displayed.
•   Lifting this restriction unlocks Retail Employee career.

Gen 3 “heir” choice: Amos will be the father of Gen 4 but who will be his wife? As previously stated, I’m currently not considering Buttercup as none of her traits are an asset. Cherry’s Active trait is helpful. Proper plus Daisy’s Perfectionist/Dog-Lover traits are neutral in my opinion. It’s Cherry’s birthday tomorrow (in-game). If her 3rd trait is an asset, she’ll be the wife for Amos. If it were purely down to looks, I’d choose Daisy ;)

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Title:– We Are Family – 1979 hit from Sister Sledge

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 3.2: We Are Family
« Reply #106 on: September 29, 2022, 07:54:26 PM »
If you'd like the input, I'm favoring Daisy.  I actually like Buttercup best (especially since she shares a name with Princess Buttercup from "The Princess Bride"), but if she's out of the running, Daisy is my choice.
And good on Amos for insisting that the girls should be spoken of and spoken to with respect  :=)

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 3.2: We Are Family
« Reply #107 on: September 30, 2022, 02:10:41 AM »
If you'd like the input, I'm favoring Daisy.  I actually like Buttercup best (especially since she shares a name with Princess Buttercup from "The Princess Bride"), but if she's out of the running, Daisy is my choice.
And good on Amos for insisting that the girls should be spoken of and spoken to with respect  :=)
Oh yes - I always like the input. I am getting fond of Buttercup with her narrow face but gorgeous Bheeda eyes... she's looking at Amos with fresh eyes now she knows she'd not totally out of the picture, lol.
Kleptomaniac swipes are banned until Secret Agent-Villain is cleared but I guess future progeny could work on that.
The careers that I've found most restrictive have been/are being cleared so future choices can depend more on traits/Aspirations.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Project Failure
« Reply #108 on: September 30, 2022, 04:40:49 AM »
Agency Memo

We are suspending this project as an internal inquiry has been launched following what can only be described as a serious infraction of the current restrictions.

There have been a series of minor infractions to date, some of which have been corrected, some accepted and some hidden under a pile of paperwork lost in the basement. This is a more serious case and the Simverse citizens have lost faith in Flint's Dynasty.

With no Entertainer-Comedian, the citizens are too depressed to gather with or without a social event. The Watcher got overconfident once Alvaro had sorted out the local gangs, allowing visitors to be directly invited. Arrow invited 4 potential Gen 3 Spouses over on one day. A clear infraction as only 1 per day is possible.

The other infractions to-date are:
Using Insta-Upgrade as the ONE allowed upgrade on an item (Mechanical Engineer) - only the founder Flint was able to do this so it was allowed.
Gen 2 and Gen 3 were allowed Journals to help their Emotional Control (Writer-Journalist) - this information did not come to light before the Watcher realised and removed the existing journals, promising not to allow them again
During the illegal spouse-hunt gathering, Arrow and his brothers repeatedly used the Get To Know social on potential spouses (Law-Private Attorney) - it is still unclear as to whether only the marrying Sim is restricted from this social or the whole household.
Aspirations have been changed on becoming a Young Adult (Painter) - it was determined that this is the only way for a full range of teen & adult aspirations to be available.

It is possible that there have been other infractions not yet discovered but it is thought that the illegal Spouse-Hunt gathering is insurmountable due to the ongoing advantage given by having a spouse with preferred traits.

While consultation takes place on a final decision, Coral Odrade has been contacted and she has agreed, tentatively, to prepare herself for a project re-boot.

Cheerful, Genius, Loves-Outdoors
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The Watcher, after undergoing serious re-training and counselling, has the advantage of hands-on experience and will be permitted to be a part of a re-boot.

Dear Readers
Thank you for reading so far and for your encouragement. The minor infractions could be glossed over but I'd feel that I hadn't really done the challenge if I continued with this one.
If you have noted any other infractions/questions that you have been too kind to mention so far, could you mention them now? It would help with the reboot. DM me if preferred.

For those Coral fans out there, you're welcome  ;)

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Project Failure
« Reply #109 on: September 30, 2022, 07:20:28 AM »
Aww, sorry to hear you have to restart, but loving the positive energy you have for your new founder  :=)  Looking forward to seeing the reboot!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Project Failure
« Reply #110 on: September 30, 2022, 06:22:14 PM »
At first, I was thinking hard on who I'd pick for the wife of Amos. I guess it depends on which traits will best benefit whatever career you wish to tackle next.
Then, I got all sad about the investigation into the future viability of Flint's challenge.
I was thinking write something along the lines of "One of the most enjoyable aspects of a non-HoF challenge is that we can make a mistake, correct it, then move on."

BUT THEN, I see that you are considering a restart with "my girl" Coral Andrade. And yes, thank you, Watcher! 🧡🧡🧡🧡
My NSB heir, Blaze, would love to marry Coral, haha. ;p

Edited to add:
As a side note for when you start your new Apocalypse Challenge, AC stories on our forum are posted in the "Creative Stories and Player-Made Challenges" folder. ::)