Author Topic: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Project Failure  (Read 29608 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: There’s A Ghost In My House
« Reply #75 on: September 24, 2022, 12:04:16 PM »
Haha, Angelica and Alvaro are filling that house up with nooboos like the Neighborhood Stories System does!
They do make very pretty pretty babies!

I agree, Nina, you did everything an Apocalypse Challenge founder's spouse should do and more!
Rest in peace!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: There’s A Ghost In My House
« Reply #76 on: September 24, 2022, 01:45:49 PM »
How fun that I got a little shout out...or maybe a "shout at"...from dear, sweet Nina :=)  She is wonderful and lovely and likely would have been dynasty spouse if only the BDD didn't require that you create the starting couple.
That moment when Alvaro comes home having been promoted to Captain Courageous while simultaneously being scared of the storm is just some glorious irony!  Hooray for Sims and their timing  :=)
Here's hoping that the ghost of Nina sticks around the household for a good, long while!
Nina says she thinks she understands, lol
My household aren't allowed to interact with the ghosts but I have started getting them to mourn at the urns so they'll continue coming.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: There’s A Ghost In My House
« Reply #77 on: September 24, 2022, 01:50:50 PM »
Haha, Angelica and Alvaro are filling that house up with nooboos like the Neighborhood Stories System does!
They do make very pretty pretty babies!

I agree, Nina, you did everything an Apocalypse Challenge founder's spouse should do and more!
Rest in peace!
A houseful now so no more nooboos. Alvaro really needs to clear Military so the brothers will be able to move out when the time is right.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: There’s A Ghost In My House
« Reply #78 on: September 24, 2022, 05:52:11 PM »

That'll do, Nina. That'll do.  :'( Also the bit with everyone just standing out in the storm to freak the household out really got me!  ;D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: There’s A Ghost In My House
« Reply #79 on: September 25, 2022, 02:58:55 AM »

That'll do, Nina. That'll do.  :'( Also the bit with everyone just standing out in the storm to freak the household out really got me!  ;D
There's always loads of visitors hanging around after the Finchwick Fair closes and they seem to get stuck on the steps right next to our house. It's where Nina and her mother first appeared and then the Bheedas.
It was too ridiculous that they all stayed there through the thunderstorm. I get so narrowed in on micromanaging the house that I often miss the side absurdities but I'm glad I caught this moment  :)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.6: Angie Baby
« Reply #80 on: September 25, 2022, 07:15:57 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.6: Angie Baby

Buttercup: Cheer up, Cherry.
Cherry: Sniff
Buttercup: We’re all still sad about Granny but it’ll be OK
Cherry: Sniff
Angelica: Thank you, Buttercup. Keep her away from the fire – she’s so Inquisitive, she’s always staring at it.

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Angelica: Here you go, Little Daisy
Daisy: Babble
Angelica: I like your hat but I think we’ll keep it for your cold weather wardrobe
Daisy: Sniff
Angelica: Oh no! You’re sad too! But you never met your Granny.
Daisy: Sniff
Angelica: I just hope we can cope with 2 toddlers and only 1 toddler bed for 24 hours.

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Arrow: Yay! Cake!
Cam: It’s too late for your birthday, Arrow. This is for Buttercup.
Arrow: But cake for her means maybe I’ll get cake for my next birthday?
Cam: Maybe… If only I could work out how to stop all our food making people sick. (Environmental Manager)

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Arrow: Happy Birthday Cake. I mean, Happy Birthday Buttercup!
Buttercup: Yes – that is the Proper thing to say. Thank you so much.
Daisy: Cake?
Buttercup: Not for you yet, little one.

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Buttercup: I like my wardrobe. It’s very respectable.
Watcher: So, um, about the Swiping…
Buttercup: I know, it’s wrong. I’ll try to control it.
Watcher: Only school on Fridays to do it…
Buttercup: That should help

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Daisy: So Sleepy
Buttercup: I know – Cherry needs to sleep in your bed too. You were so good napping on the armchair but now it’s your turn in the bed.
Daisy: Story?
Buttercup: I wish I could, sweetie (Education/Babysitter)

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Alvaro: Thank goodness – I wasn’t sure if your cake would last for Cherry.
Buttercup: I was wondering where it was!
Alvaro: Avon put it in his office and Watcher made sure he didn’t take any.
Buttercup: Can we eat it now?
Alvaro: Yes – it’s all yours – and ours too.
Cherry: Pfft

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Watcher: So you’re Proper too?
Cherry: It would appear so.
Watcher: Do you like your wardrobe?
Cherry: It’s very nice, thank you.

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Angelica: Oooo – my neck! I’m so stiff.
Watcher: But…
Angelica: I need to nap.
Watcher: But…

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Angelica: What? Why can’t I go to bed?
Watcher: You’ve done it. You’re level 10 – a Master Planner!
Angelica: Well, yes. I have drawn up to create safer homes for us Apocalypse survivors.
Watcher: You worked hard to ensure the safety of Sims houses around the town. You’ve helped build new and better homes and have reconstructed a safe and functional system to provide utilities once again to make your living space more comfortable and inviting.
Angelica: Oh yeah! No more Off-Grid!
Watcher: And more space - once we get to Sunday… (Business Management/Retail)
Angelica: Wait till I tell Soldier Boy!

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Watcher: Wow – just Wow!
Arrow: Did I do it?
Watcher: You certainly did! Your sister beat you to it but you’re there!
Arrow: I just needed to invent new training techniques to overcome the muscle degeneration set in by the disaster. We can all use the punchbag now!
Watcher: More than that. We can move the furniture around on Sunday and no more running relays to the market stall on Sunday!
Arrow: I will not miss that!
Watcher: Me neither

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Progress (Year 1, Week 15 - Autumn)

Generation 1

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Angelica Aconite
: YA; (Silly) Loves Outdoors, Lazy, Hot-Headed; Joke Star; Civil Designer-Civic Planner Completed week 15
Alvaro Bheeda: Spouse; Adult; Slob, Active, Dog-Lover; Nerd Brain; Military Officer 8/10
Arrow Aconite: Adult; (Silly) Self-Assured, Active, Bookworm; Bodybuilder; Athlete-Bodybuilder Completed week 15
Avon Aconite: YA; (Independent) Self-Assured, Neat, Active; Beach Life; Business 6/10
Cam Aconite: Teen; (Angelic) Self-Assured, Child of the Ocean: Master Chef 1/2

Generation 3
Buttercup Aconite
: Teen; (Fussy) Kleptomaniac, Proper; Painter Extraordinaire
Swipe Haul: 2 romance books; 1 non-fiction book; 3 miniature doll and 3 piles of dirty plates
Cherry Aconite: Child; (Inquisitive) Proper
Daisy Aconite: Toddler; Silly

L-to-R Cherry, Buttercup, Arrow, Alvaro holding Daisy, Angelica, Avon, Cam
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As toddlers, both Cherry and Daisy stayed sad far longer than anyone else about a grandparent dying. I would have gone in and out of the game to see if it re-set it but there were other reasons not to.

Restrictions that have now been lifted –
Civic Planner :
•   May not change property traits. 'Off the grid' MUST be selected until this lift is achieved.
•   Must build within your chosen 8 x 8 area only. May not place anything outside of the designated 8 x 8 area other than mailbox/trashcan.
•   Sims may only have the cheapest fireplace available and they may only have one on the lot at any given time.
•   You may not use building cheats. Move Objects On may ONLY be used to fix glitches.
•   May not watch the Civic Public Access channel on TV.
•   Once this restriction and Military-Officer is lifted Sims may move ONCE ONLY to a better neighbourhood (any unlifted restrictions must still be adhered to).
•   May not use Great Acoustics lot trait.

•   May not purchase or use any athletic equipment other than 1 football. ONE other piece of athletic equipment (weights, treadmill, punchbag etc) may be purchased for use by the Sim attempting this lift.
•   Cannot carry more than 1 stack of objects in inventory.
•   Cannot move any object that covers more than 1 square once placed.
•   Cannot move any items out of family inventory once placed in it.
•   Cannot use the 'Play' interaction with toddlers.
•   May not watch Power Sculpting Video channel on TV.
•   May not purchase the 'Insta-Large' reward trait.
•   Lifting this restriction unlocks the Manual Labourer career.

I am very much looking forward to redesigning the bunker and replacing the other houses in the neighbourhood, still within the remaining restrictions. No-one has moved into the Gnome Arms lot despite changing it’s lot type. I think it might be fixed beyond change so I’ll also be replacing that albeit modified. The photos should have better lighting too.

Title:– Angie Baby – 1975 hit from Helen Reddy – chosen to celebrate her promotion (and Arrow’s of course)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.6: Angie Baby
« Reply #81 on: September 25, 2022, 08:41:32 AM »
It was so sweet how Buttercup was comforting little Cherry!  Hopefully they'll get in some quality time with Grandma Nina when she comes to haunt them visit.
And toddler beds are so overrated!  On the rare occasions where the "give a second wind" interaction isn't enough, I just have my TookAlot toddlers nap on the bench  :=)  Compared to that, your one bed for the toddler duo was luxurious  ;=)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.6: Angie Baby
« Reply #82 on: September 25, 2022, 09:05:07 AM »
Congrats on lifting two more restrictions!
So, your sims will be staying at 5 Cobblebottom Street? It's such a handy location due to the shops. :)
C'mon Alavaro--you can do it! Max that career!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.6: Angie Baby
« Reply #83 on: September 25, 2022, 03:03:31 PM »
Congrats on lifting two more restrictions!
So, your sims will be staying at 5 Cobblebottom Street? It's such a handy location due to the shops. :)
C'mon Alavaro--you can do it! Max that career!
I'm quite fond of being in HoB and the market stalls are very handy (Sundays only of course). They can move one time and only once Military is cleared as well but they might just stay there for now.
Alvaro is due to become an elder in the next week so I'm desperately trying to get his skills up while I can still control him!  :o

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.6: Angie Baby
« Reply #84 on: September 25, 2022, 03:06:25 PM »
It was so sweet how Buttercup was comforting little Cherry!  Hopefully they'll get in some quality time with Grandma Nina when she comes to haunt them visit.
And toddler beds are so overrated!  On the rare occasions where the "give a second wind" interaction isn't enough, I just have my TookAlot toddlers nap on the bench  :=)  Compared to that, your one bed for the toddler duo was luxurious  ;=)
I've never tried second wind - I really should. Especially as I can't have clubs yet. Your TookAlot toddlers will do really well in your tiny house too. Needing everything within 4 walls and under cover is stopping me do that atm.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.6: Angie Baby
« Reply #85 on: September 25, 2022, 03:15:12 PM »

Whoo! Two more career locks lifted! Nicely done. Let's hope Alvaro makes that time crunch.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.7: Harvest For The World
« Reply #86 on: September 26, 2022, 02:57:29 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.7: Harvest For The World

Avon: I’ve got it. I’ve got it!
Watcher: Not another one!
Avon: Yep! All the plumbing broke as soon as we got full pressure back. It’s just not used to being hooked up to the mains.
Watcher: I was not expecting that to be an issue.

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Watcher: The house has been remodeled. With Bodybuilder allowing furniture to be moved and Civic Planner allowing the house to spread outside the 8*8 grid, the household now have much more room. Everything still has to be within 4 walls and covered by a roof (Environmental Manager) but I have added a perimeter fence to protect the large windows giving light to the plant area. The 2 urns have not been moved other than by rooms being shrunk or stretched (Military/Doctor)

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Watcher: In the basement, Angelica and Alvaro now have a separate bedroom with a nursery off it. Light wells improve the general feel where possible.

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Watcher: The Gnomes Arms has been restored as has the lot next door although external décor and landscaping has all been removed and a concrete covering added. The 3rd residential lot has a block of flats designed for multi-occupancy, hopefully for our household when they are allowed to move out. Alex Moyer moved in to the bunker on that lot early on but we hardly ever see her.

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Daisy: Wheeeeee!
Arrow: Are you having fun?
Daisy: More!
Arrow: You’re the first toddler that we’ve been able to play with like this. It’s wonderful!

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Avon: Pfft!
Cherry: Happy Birthday, Avon. What’s it like to be all grown up?
Avon: Not much different, petal. Still got the 9 to 5 routine just like before. Thanks for making the cake, Cam.
Cam: You know I like cooking.

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Buttercup: Are you sure I can’t go to school?
Watcher: No-can-do, girl. Why? What’s the problem? You’ve got all day to do your homework and study for your exam without all the drama you’d get at school.
Buttercup: Yes, but it’s not right and I’ve dropped to a C already. I’m worried I won’t graduate!
Watcher: Hm – yes, that could be a problem…

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Daisy: More More
Buttercup: Well this is fun. Are you hanging on?
Daisy: Flying
Buttercup: One more time!

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Angelica: It seems such a shame that you’re aging up now we can all play with you.
Watcher: I agree. Still the next toddlers will benefit.
Daisy: Pfft

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Watcher: OK – you’re a Perfectionist. That could be good or bad…we’ll see how it goes. Cute wardrobe.

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Buttercup: Happy Birthday, Cam!
Cam: Thanks, Buttercup. It was nice that I didn’t have to make my own cake.
Buttercup: Hey – you got Responsible. Watcher will be pleased.
Watcher: I sure am – don’t forget your homework, Buttercup! Um – about that Successful Lineage aspiration…
Cam: I know – I’m a spare – it’s not going to happen… Civil Designer would be good with my Maker trait. But I really want to sort out the Grody thing.
Watcher: That's Conservationist then... you're a star, Cam!

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Cam: We all need to get more aware of Conservation issues.
Buttercup: That’s a big change of subject!
Cam: It’s for my job. I need to spread awareness.
Buttercup: Oh I see. Go on then!
Cam: If I can pull this off, it could really change our environment – no more nausea from drinking water or using the loo. We could get a bath. Maybe even a pool!
Buttercup: That would be nice.

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Alvaro: Ow! My back!
Watcher: I left it as long as possible. How are you feeling?
Alvaro: Who are you?

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Daisy: What’s school like?
Cherry: It’s OK. You’ll enjoy it. The teachers will really appreciate your attention to detail.
Daisy: Thanks sis. Shall we be BFFs?
Cherry: Always!

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Watcher: Oh Alvaro. I wish you’d save your energy. Why are you up in the middle of the night.
Alvaro: Just gotta weed.
Watcher: You’ll be too tired to get that promotion.
Alvaro: What?

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Avon: Yes! A promotion!
Watcher: Well done! Oh no!
Avon: What? Oh – Alvaro? Come on. Let’s get you inside.

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Watcher: Hi Nina.
Nina: Just a bit of smashing fun for old times sake. I’ll rebuild it before I leave.
Watcher: Thanks

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Watcher: Like mother, like daughter!
Angelica: And why not?
Watcher: Daisy was in the middle of playing!
Angelica: Oh – um – sorry sweetie.
Watcher: Let’s get Buttercup to mend it. She’s learning to be responsible.

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Progress (Year 1, Week 16 - Autumn)

Generation 1

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Angelica Aconite
: YA; (Silly) Loves Outdoors, Lazy, Hot-Headed; Joke Star; Civil Designer-Civic Planner Completed week 15
Alvaro Bheeda: Spouse; Adult; Slob, Active, Dog-Lover; Nerd Brain; Military Officer 8/10
Arrow Aconite: Adult; (Silly) Self-Assured, Active, Bookworm; Bodybuilder; Athlete-Bodybuilder Completed week 15
Avon Aconite: Adult; (Independent) Self-Assured, Neat, Active; Beach Life; Business 7/10
Cam Aconite: YA; (Angelic) Self-Assured, Child of the Ocean, Maker; Successful Lineage; Conservationist 3/10

Generation 3
Buttercup Aconite
: Teen; (Fussy) Kleptomaniac, Proper; Painter Extraordinaire
Swipe Haul: 2 romance books; 1 non-fiction book; 3 miniature doll and 4 piles of dirty plates
Cherry Aconite: Child; (Inquisitive) Proper
Daisy Aconite: Child; (Silly) Perfectionist

L-to-R Cherry, Cam, Angelica, Alvaro, Avon, Arrow, Buttercup, Daisy
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Cam got 2 promotions in just 3 days despite that his Responsible trait is not clearing his daily task. He only has to talk to one person each day so it’s not too onerous.

Alvaro has all his skills necessary to get to the top of the Military Officer career - 2 promotions needed - if only he can stay positive at work. There’s a limit to how much the rest of the household can help him with that, now I can’t do anything. And of course he’s not doing his daily task…

Title:– Harvest For The World – 1976 hit from The Isley Brothers

Offline Granny Lawlor

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For the Curious
« Reply #87 on: September 26, 2022, 03:39:46 PM »
Now Cam is a Young Adult, here is a pic showing all four of Flint and Nina's children through their life stages. The kids voted to have their teen portrait in this rather than distract you with the acne scars they all have as Young Adults.

L-to-R: Angelica, Arrow, Avon & Cam
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Looking at them, I think I may have done Nina a disservice. I thought the boys got their rather round faces from her but Flint's is quite full too. I guess it's just the combo that isn't to my taste. I'm happy with Angelica and her children with Alvaro Bheeda are looking promising.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.7: Harvest For The World
« Reply #88 on: September 26, 2022, 03:58:39 PM »
Alvaro is so closing to maxing Military!
I guess your household isn't allowed to use the Wellness socials or write Books of Life yet.
It must be a huge struggle for you to prioritize the restrictions you want to unlock first! *goes to Page 1 to see if you're list your unlocks chronologically

Alex, another immortal sim, can be a curse or a blessing. Do you like her?
Lightwells! Looking forward to how they look when you're allowed to add landscaping. Still, the natural light is nice. :D

Thank you for the collage!
Poor Arrow got the double whammy, Nina's full cheeks plus Flint's wider jawline.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.7: Harvest For The World
« Reply #89 on: September 26, 2022, 07:23:38 PM »
Poor Daisy just wants to play with the dollhouse!  At least Granny Nina fixes it when she breaks it  :=)
The interaction between Daisy and Cherry was pretty cute!

