Author Topic: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Project Failure  (Read 31936 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.2: Knock Three Times
« Reply #60 on: September 19, 2022, 11:11:31 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.2: Knock Three Times

Shopkeeper: Hello? Can I help you?
Alvaro: Oh you are there. I just couldn’t see you.
Shopkeeper: I’m out back. Tell me what you want and I’ll get it.
Alvaro: Well we’ll be buying a lot today. There’s 4 of us that can jog here and back again so we’re fully focussed on shopping today.
Shopkeeper: Isn’t your Watcher worried about the other members of the family while she focusses on you?
Watcher: She sure is!

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Watcher: Clearly we are all concerned about the lovely Flint, our Founder. He rarely needs to sleep or use the bathroom but sometimes forgets to knock when he does decide to go. He is fond of little Cam but occasionally calls him Arrow. He has developed a mischievous side which Angelica is not sure about but he also continues to enjoy romance with his beloved Calendar girl. Oh, and without any help at all, he topped his Business Management career.

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Alvaro: Phew, that was a lot of running backwards and forwards.
Angelica: Thanks for pitching in, Soldier Boy. We got it all done in double time!
Alvaro: I was thinking that, before our busy workweek starts, now would be a great time to actually get married?
Angelica: Oh yes. Shall we call the others?
Alvaro: No – it’s nearly 7pm and then we’d have to get them all back inside again. Just you and me, Angie Baby. Will you….
Angelica: I will!

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Watcher: You can guess what happened next! Angelica wore her hard hat, as requested, and she was soon eating for two which made Alvaro very happy. The young couple also made the most of being already pregnant in a household of 7 as often as privacy allowed – sometimes Alvaro even brought a snack (bottom right)

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Watcher: We had 5 birthdays but I sadly missed getting a photo of one of them. Of course the star of this set is the birth of baby Buttercup, Friday evening, right on cue.

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Cam: Hey – where’s my photo and how come Arrow got cake?
Arrow: I’m sorry, little brother, the eggs and milk all went off in our flaky fridge. I’ll see if I can find a book about it – now that I love books.
Cam: That’s OK, big brother. I’m as self-confident as you so I’ll just mosey along to the village and introduce myself to people.

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Watcher: So now we’re all a little worried about Nina, joining Flint in their own little worlds. Sometimes she’s good but most of the time she smashes the dolls house. Cam often asks her to repair it but he’ll ask anyone who’s around. Alvaro and his big sister Angelica have both adopted him and Avon as care dependents now. Avon’s a little old but it means they’ve taken responsibility to encourage good actions.

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Arrow: Watcher?
Watcher: Hello there. How is young adulthood?
Arrow: Could you update my Wardrobe pic? I’ve been working out so I look a bit fitter now.
Watcher: Sure – here you go.

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Well done for getting 3 +ve traits: Emotional Control, Good Manners and Responsible. That’ll help with your career.
Arrow: I thought I was going into the Military but Alvaro’s doing that. What should a self-assured, active bookworm do?
Watcher: There is one issue that you could address. You know everyone is too weak to carry more than one set of things. And that we can’t move any of the large furniture?
Arrow: Yeah – Angelica & Alvaro are sure discovering that is a problem! No privacy.
Watcher: Yes. I really didn’t think the bed placement through. Anyway – as you like exercising, how do you feel about becoming an Athlete?
Arrow: Sounds good. I’m already quite fit…
Watcher: You’ll do great!

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Alvaro: Wow, Arrow has caught me and Angie up in just one week!
Angelica: It’s impressive but don’t forget I was dealing with pregnancy too.
Alvaro: I love my current post. I get to spar with everyone.
Angelica: I don’t know that you should spar with absolutely everyone…
Alvaro: It’s OK – they’re just blocking my moves. They don’t get tired or even get any fitter.

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Angelica: Are you going to tell people about what happened Friday night/Saturday am?
Watcher: Oh yes! That was weird, although it happened once before, people just waltzing in.
Cam: They didn’t even knock. I was the only one awake, apart from Mum & Dad, so you made me introduce myself to the weirdo’s and then ask them to leave. How come I couldn’t just Send Away?
Watcher: I don’t know. I couldn’t lock the door until the last one had gone but they just kept coming!
Alvaro: The teen that went to sleep in Cam’s bed was the most disturbing!
Cam: I liked Agatha but who wants to do cross-stitch in a stranger’s house?
Avon: I couldn’t believe it when Agnes came in too. She took my photo and I’m worried about if she reports us. It didn’t help that Dad started talking to her just when I’d asked her to leave.
Angelica: And the next morning, just as we were all getting on with chores and skilling, in walk 2 women in their swimwear, both claiming to be the mayor!
Watcher: I hope they’ve not been wading in the river – it’s still really polluted!

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Progress (Year 1, Week 11 - Summer)

Generation 1

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Generation 2
Angelica Aconite
: YA; (Silly) Loves Outdoors, Lazy, Hot-Headed; Joke Star; Civic Planner 4/10
Alvaro Bheeda: Spouse; Adult; Slob, Active, Dog-Lover; Nerd Brain; Military 4/10
Arrow Aconite: YA; (Silly) Self-Assured, Active, Bookworm; Bodybuilder; Athlete 4/10
Avon Aconite: Teen; (Independent) Self-Assured, Neat; Renaissance Sim
Cam Aconite: Child; (Angelic) Self-Assured

Generation 3
Buttercup Aconite
: nooboo

L-to-R Cam, Arrow, Nina, Alvaro holding Buttercup, Flint, Angelica & Avon
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A slightly different style of update but it was the best way to fit in all the pics.

Our household can only clear one career so Flint’s achievement is irrelevant.

Buttercup is a gorgeous yellow wildflower that grows freely in cow fields and (less welcome to some) in garden lawns. Buttercup is also the name of the female lead in Princess Bride which I like for all the clever jokes.

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I took inspiration from the story being written by @Rhoxi for the different wardrobe layout. I think it looks better to have one large pic in the middle.

Arrow got Serial Romantic twice in a row from the James Turner random generator which is the only one that is disallowed (Diamond Agent). The bookworm trait came from the in-game generator. I couldn't believe my luck when he got Bodybuilder next although he can't get to the gym to complete step 1 (Military)! Cam's Self-Assurance comes from his father.

I don’t know why the household sometimes gets visitors especially in the night, breaking the curfew. This is the 2nd time it's happened. I do lock the door if I remember and no-one's out at work but I sometimes forget. I’m not counting this as a fail (no visitors between 7pm and 6am) as they weren’t invited in or even known to any of the household plus we got them out as soon as possible. I do wonder what Agnes’ report will say…

Thanks, everyone, for reading. The number of views has just ticked over to 1K which I don’t think is just me proof-reading it. I hope you’re enjoying the Flowers Apocalyptic adventures.

Title:– Knock Three Times– 1971 hit from Dawn

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.2: Knock Three Times
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2022, 04:55:20 PM »

Yeah, I wouldn't count the visitors as a fail, either. People just waltz into my sim's homes all the time, even if the door is set to no trespassing or your butler is instructed to turn away all guests. Not sure if you're allowed to use lot traits, but there is one that makes it harder to visit (not sure if that works though). Glad I could provide some inspiration. ;) I'm definitely enjoying your Flowers of the Apocalypse adventures - though I don't know I would want to give it a try myself! So many restrictions!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.3: Goodbye To Love
« Reply #62 on: September 20, 2022, 11:35:07 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.3: Goodbye To Love

Angelica: Oh thank you, Mum. I couldn’t get here fast enough.
Nina: Smelly Smelly
Buttercup: Gurgle

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Watcher: Another promotion, Arrow? You’re really acing this career!
Arrow: It helps that I like working out but I need to up my fitness even more.
Watcher: Jump to it then!

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Angelica: Who’s got Daddy’s big black eyes?
Buttercup: Babble
Angelica: And Mummy’s black hair?
Buttercup: Babble
Angelica: How sweet of the agency to send you a yellow skirt. Not quite buttercup yellow but close enough!
Buttercup: Babble

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Watcher: Looking good, Angelica!
Angelica: Feeling good, Watcher! Are you sure Buttercup will be OK with Avon?
Watcher: I’m sure he’ll keep a close eye on her.

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Buttercup: Play Dollies
Avon: In a minute
Buttercup: Up Down Up Down
Avon: Oh – I’ve lost count now. Phoo-ee – what’s that smell?
Buttercup: Giggle
Avon: No more Forager’s Stew for you! This stuff is toxic!

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Flint: Crash Bang Splish Splash Mr Mop
Arrow: Dad! Come in out of that thunderstorm!
Flint: Feel Alive!

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Buttercup: Fix Please
Flint: OK

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Watcher: Hey, Avon! Happy Birthday.
Avon: Do not look at me! I will not be a mail clerk for long so no-one needs to see this uniform!
Watcher: I’ve seen worse. The white shoes are a bit…
Avon: Just let me go to work!

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Watcher: Uh-oh. There’s just Nina left at home with Buttercup from 9am until Arrow gets home at 2pm. (finger hovering over pause button)

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Watcher: Phew Arrow got back and is in the shower. Oh – what’s Flint doing back home so early?

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Watcher: Nooo – Flint?
Flint: So very tired….I’ll just lie down here….
Grim: I can help with the tiredness.
Flint: That would be so kind.

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Alvaro: Oh no! First my mum died yesterday and now Flint? I can’t bear it!
Cam: Dad?
Nina: Hairy Man – are you going somewhere?
Grim: It’s time.

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Buttercup: Very sad. Sleep Sad. Bye byes

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Progress (Year 1, Week 12 - Summer)

Generation 1

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Angelica Aconite
: YA; (Silly) Loves Outdoors, Lazy, Hot-Headed; Joke Star; Civic Planner 5/10
Alvaro Bheeda: Spouse; Adult; Slob, Active, Dog-Lover; Nerd Brain; Military 5/10
Arrow Aconite: YA; (Silly) Self-Assured, Active, Bookworm; Bodybuilder; Athlete 6/10
Avon Aconite: YA; (Independent) Self-Assured, Neat, Active; Beach Life; Business 2/10
Cam Aconite: Child; (Angelic) Self-Assured: Rambunctious Scamp

Generation 3
Buttercup Aconite
: Toddler; Fussy

L-to-R: Arrow, Avon, Alvaro holding Buttercup, Nina, Angelica & Cam
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So sorry for another sad update. I’m feeling the loss of Flint more than I expected. Here in the UK we’ve just said a final farewell to our amazing Queen and the funeral echoed back to my fathers funeral in June this year. It’s OK to feel sad sometimes.

Angelica has all the skills she needs to storm up her career but she gets home too tense to do her daily task and her Lazy trait kicks in if I have her Work Hard. Arrow on the other hand loves his daily workout task and his Responsible trait automatically has him working hard. I really wanted Avon to get Responsible too but he aged up just after school was out and there was no time to rebuild the drop that came from him not going, even though it was as 100% just before. The power outages ruined the eggs so no cake to control timings.

Avon didn’t do as much teen working out as Arrow did so there’s not much difference in their wardrobe pics.

I think the mystery of the Saturday callers is down to the Finchwick Fair. I think they all start to pile in when the Fair closes. It’s right on our family’s doorstep but I’ve not allowed them to go to date. I’ve decided that it counts as a festival (locked by Comedian). In the last update I thought it was Friday night/Saturday am but it must have been Saturday night/Sunday am.

Title:– Goodbye To Love – 1972 hit from The Carpenters

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.3: Goodbye To Love
« Reply #63 on: September 20, 2022, 12:44:09 PM »
The 2nd generation kids are moving along nicely with their careers.
Have you tried occasionally switching Angelica's work mode between Work Hard and Normal so she'll make a little more progress but without getting tense?
Or are you not allowed to change the work mode?
Hello, Cam!  *waves
Rest in peace, Flint.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.3: Goodbye To Love
« Reply #64 on: September 20, 2022, 02:44:16 PM »

Love Buttercup's dark eyes and hair: so cute! And, how does he have a frying pan in his hand?? I've never seen a toddler do that. Sad to see Flint go, but it does seem like it was his time. It's always rough, I think, when your founder dies, especially since you played him before for the Wonderchild challenge.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.3: Goodbye To Love
« Reply #65 on: September 20, 2022, 03:30:32 PM »
The 2nd generation kids are moving along nicely with their careers.
Have you tried occasionally switching Angelica's work mode between Work Hard and Normal so she'll make a little more progress but without getting tense?
Or are you not allowed to change the work mode?
Hello, Cam!  *waves
Rest in peace, Flint.
I try to remember to switch Angelica back to Normal (only Work Hard & Normal allowed) before she comes home to help with the tension but you know what it's like, juggling all these Sims!

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.3: Goodbye To Love
« Reply #66 on: September 20, 2022, 03:54:24 PM »

Love Buttercup's dark eyes and hair: so cute! And, how does he have a frying pan in his hand?? I've never seen a toddler do that. Sad to see Flint go, but it does seem like it was his time. It's always rough, I think, when your founder dies, especially since you played him before for the Wonderchild challenge.
If you get toddlers to Play In the kitchen counters they come up with all sorts of things while creating a cloud of dust. It helps them develop mentally so I sometimes have them cruise along a run of them, playing in each one. It's cute :)

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.4: Ghetto Child
« Reply #67 on: September 21, 2022, 03:05:14 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.4: Ghetto Child

Buttercup: Cam-Cam?
Cam: I just wanted a hug before you age up.
Buttercup: Up?
Cam: No cake though. There’s either no ingredients or no power.

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Avon: Thanks for getting me this PC, Watcher. I really need to fill in the reports to do better at work.
Watcher: You’re welcome.
Avon: How come you’ve put it in a room that only I can get into?
Watcher: There’s barely enough power so we can’t have everyone trying to play games on it.
Avon: There’s games on here?
Watcher: None you can play. Oops – that the power gone again.

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Buttercup: I’m all grown up!
Watcher: Yes you are. Um how are you feeling?
Buttercup: A little light-headed, maybe?
Watcher: Try a little light-fingered. This is going to be interesting….

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Alvaro: Another promotion!
Watcher: Congratulations.

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Cam: I’m back from school after only an hour and….here I go!

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Watcher: OK, this might be a challenge.
Cam: Can we go visit the ocean? I feel really drawn there!
Watcher: No-can-do, Cam. Even once your Dad sorts out the Military, Sulani is a foreign country and travel there is totally out (Politics)
Cam: Well that’s rubbish!
Watcher: At least you’ve got some colour in your wardrobe

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Angelica: Hey Mum, do you want to feel the baby?
Nina: I had babies.
Angelica: Yes – you’ve been a great Mum.
Alvaro: Nearly….got…this. There!

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Buttercup: Off to school! I’m excited!
Watcher: Look – I know you like swiping things but…
Buttercup: Yeah! What happened to that romance book?
Watcher: It’s a banned book. I’ve had to hide it away – both copies!
Buttercup: Okay! Okay! No more romance books. But school is the only place I can swipe.
Watcher: Do you have to swipe?
Buttercup: A girl’s gotta do…. I could do worse…

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Alvaro: Congratulations, Angie – you got your promotion!
Angelica: It’s good but now I get Friday off and have to work the weekend – 8 hours straight. I’m so worried about feeding this baby when it comes.
Alvaro: Oh yes, I see…well, we’ll work it out…somehow!

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Angelica: Oh baby Cherry! Welcome to our world.

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Progress (Year 1, Week 13 - Autumn)

Generation 1

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Angelica Aconite
: YA; (Silly) Loves Outdoors, Lazy, Hot-Headed; Joke Star; Civic Planner 7/10
Alvaro Bheeda: Spouse; Adult; Slob, Active, Dog-Lover; Nerd Brain; Military Officer 6/10
Arrow Aconite: YA; (Silly) Self-Assured, Active, Bookworm; Bodybuilder; Athlete Bodybuilder 7/10
Avon Aconite: YA; (Independent) Self-Assured, Neat, Active; Beach Life; Business 4/10
Cam Aconite: Teen; (Angelic) Self-Assured, Child of the Ocean: Master Chef

Generation 3
Buttercup Aconite
: Child; (Fussy) Kleptomaniac
Swipe Haul: 2 romance books and 1 pile of dirty plates
Cherry Aconite: nooboo

L-to-R Buttercup, Arrow, Avon, Alvaro holding Cherry, Nina, Angelica & Cam
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This update finished on Friday evening just after Cherry was born. Will we lose her to social services? Will Angelica lose her job to feed her? Or will the rest of the family be able to jog her along? I really should have held Angelica’s promotions at bay – but that’s 20*20 vision talk.

Title:– Ghetto Child – 1973 hit from The Detroit Spinners

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.4: Ghetto Child
« Reply #68 on: September 21, 2022, 07:22:24 PM »
Buttercup's so precious!
Oh, Cherry's survival is on the line over the weekend, isn't it? *crosses fingers

About promotion timing, you will nod sympathetically to hear that I first started pacing my updates to one week at a time while playing Pinstar's Apocalypse Challenge back in 2016.
Initially, it helped me track when sims would go into labor, have days off, age up, and so forth.
For subsequent challenges, though, I found one week to be an optimum interval (for me) to play and update.

Good luck with Cherry! It's always interesting to see which unlocks each player goes for first.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.4: Ghetto Child
« Reply #69 on: September 22, 2022, 02:23:28 AM »
Additional Note

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Cherry, our 6th Flower born in the household, is the most beautiful fruiting tree that grows well in the UK and it thrives across the world. So beautiful that people grow the trees for the flowers rather than the fruit. Although I was very pleased with the 3 cherries I ate off my 2 year old tree this year. And when the blossoms fall, it's like pink snow.

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.4: Ghetto Child
« Reply #70 on: September 22, 2022, 02:27:58 AM »
Buttercup's so precious!
Oh, Cherry's survival is on the line over the weekend, isn't it? *crosses fingers

About promotion timing, you will nod sympathetically to hear that I first started pacing my updates to one week at a time while playing Pinstar's Apocalypse Challenge back in 2016.
Initially, it helped me track when sims would go into labor, have days off, age up, and so forth.
For subsequent challenges, though, I found one week to be an optimum interval (for me) to play and update.

Good luck with Cherry! It's always interesting to see which unlocks each player goes for first.
I agree - 1 week updates are better and I'll take the next one up to the following Sat eve unless something interrupts play. So much easier to keep track, especially with seasons.

To reduce tension, I have realised that Angelica gets Fri and Sun off so we just have to get through 1 work day, I think.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.4: Ghetto Child
« Reply #71 on: September 22, 2022, 04:38:28 PM »

Oh no, a klepto! Be advised that they don't just swipe things off lot, they swipe at your home lot too. Thankfully though the objects can still be found in the household inventory. I learned this the hard way when I gave the trait to Wendel; so annoying! Good luck with little Cherry. *crosses fingers*

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.4: Ghetto Child
« Reply #72 on: September 24, 2022, 02:16:26 AM »

Oh no, a klepto! Be advised that they don't just swipe things off lot, they swipe at your home lot too. Thankfully though the objects can still be found in the household inventory. I learned this the hard way when I gave the trait to Wendel; so annoying! Good luck with little Cherry. *crosses fingers*
Oh dear! If Buttercup swipes things from home and they go in the household inventory I can't get them out until Arrow completes Bodybuilder. Ah well. Not long now. And then I can get rid of all the dirty dishes she's swiping too!

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: There’s A Ghost In My House
« Reply #73 on: September 24, 2022, 08:07:12 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: There’s A Ghost In My House

Nina: I would just like to point out that I’m a really good Founder’s spouse.
Watcher: What?
Nina: I know I’m lazy and hot-headed but look – I’m weeding autonomously.
Watcher: And that’s a hard thing to spell.
Nina: What? Don’t confuse me!
Watcher: I’m sorry.
Nina: You should be! I’ve given my Hairy Man (I can’t remember his real name, now…) 4 wonderful children.
Watcher: You have. They’re doing great.
Nina: But you said you didn’t like their face shape!
Watcher: Ah – you weren’t supposed to see that. Anyway, the family are doing great. You made the garden produce safe to eat and they’d have starved without that.
Nina: Just you remember that. I’m excellent Dynasty spouse material, despite what the latest founder of @PeregrineTook thinks.

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Arrow : I’m so close to maxing my fitness. Watcher?
Watcher: Hm?
Arrow: How can you tell if I’ve reached my full body potential?
Watcher: I can’t sweetie, I can’t help you get your aspiration but you must be there, surely!
Arrow: I reckon so. And don’t call me Shirley
Watcher: Oh yes, very funny! Anyway, thanks for helping with baby Cherry.
Arrow: It was a close-run thing. I can’t tell you how glad I was when Angelica ran in from work. The poor mite was starving.
Watcher: Yeah – it was close.

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Agatha: Look people, I know we’re standing out here in the thunderstorm but they’re not letting us in their house this week. You guys know we shouldn’t have been there those other times but it was fun to just keep going in, one after the other. Let’s just stay here all night and freak them out. What? You don’t like storms? Wimps!

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Watcher: Yes! Another promotion.
Alvaro: Ye-es….Um..Can I go inside?
Watcher: What’s the matter?
Alvaro: It’s the storm – I really don’t like it.
Watcher: But you’ve just become a Courageous Captain!
Alvaro: The storm…
Watcher: Oh OK!

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Nina: It’s time. I’d like to thank my mother Katrina and my sister Dina; my four wonderful children and my two grandchildren. I’d like to thank…
Watcher: Oh Nina – there’s no-one here to see you – they’re all in bed.

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Nina: What? Oh – you’re here though. You are here, aren’t you Watcher?
Watcher: Yes Nina. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you these last couple of weeks but you were great. You only smashed the dolls house once!
Nina: Angelica smashes it all the time – even when she’s happy.
Watcher (sigh): I know.

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Watcher: Well done, Angelica
Angelica: Doesn’t this suit just yell “Look at me!”
Watcher: It sure does, doesn’t it Alvaro?
Alvaro: What? So tired…WOW Angie – you look amazing!

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Angelica: Thanks Soldier Boy. You’re looking pretty good yourself.
Alvaro: I feel a bit of a fraud though. I hate telling people what to do.
Angelica: Get some tips from Watcher – she loves it!
Watcher: Hey! I’m right here, you know!
Alvaro (Whisper)
Angelica (Whisper)
Watcher: Hey – what are you 2 hatching? Oh – you’re off to bed? Oh – checks calendar, yes that works for me! So – you’re over your mother’s death already? Oh, they’ve gone…

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Nina: And here I am again – just saying – cleaning up – even as a ghost… I wonder if Hairy Man is around here somewhere…

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Angelica: Oh, little Cherry. We’ve been so worried about you but here you are! Dark eyes and dark hair, just like your big sister. I wonder how you’ll grow up.
Cherry: ???

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Alvaro: So – if you don’t mind – terribly. I’d be very grateful if you’d Clear This Place Up!
Avon: There’s no need to shout! I was doing it anyway!

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Flint: Hellooo? Anyone there?
Watcher: Just me at the moment.
Flint: I was hoping my Calendar Girl might be here. I heard she’s passed too.
Watcher: Yes but you both seem to come on different nights!
Flint: Shame. The others don’t talk to me.
Watcher: No – they need an Author to explain the mythology.
Flint: Who are you calling a myth?

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Angelica: Ah – sweet Daisy. I’d have called you after Mum (because I do care) but Watcher has this flower thing going on.
Daisy: Gurgle
Angelica: You’ll have to go to Daycare tomorrow because she got it wrong again but I think you’ll be OK.

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Cherry: HM! Not Happy. Oo Pretty! What’s That?

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Avon: Look sis. He’s doing it again!
Angelica: Doing what?
Avon: Bossing me about – giving me orders.
Angelica: He’s got to practise.
Avon: I notice he doesn’t order you about.
Angelica: Well – there are some perks to being the heir…

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Avon: It’s just not fair, is all I’m saying.
Angelica: What did he order you to do?
Avon: To “Clean up this place” and he ordered Arrow to “Run a Lap”
Angelica: Let me get this straight…you are cross that he ordered you to do something that you like doing and he also ordered Arrow to do something that he likes doing?
Avon: I know. I know. But it doesn’t feel great being told what to do.
Watcher (whistles innocently)

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Arrow: Still no cake – never had it. Probably never will!

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Alvaro: Are you sure it’s OK me giving your brothers orders?
Angelica: You were magnificent!
Alvaro: But I don’t want to make them unhappy.
Angelica: You make me very happy, Soldier Boy.

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Cherry: What Doin?
Arrow: Just a bit of gardening, Little One.
Cherry: Why?
Arrow: To help the plants grow.
Cherry: Why?
Arrow: Um – go ask your mother.

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Progress (Year 1, Week 14 - Autumn)

Generation 1

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Angelica Aconite
: YA; (Silly) Loves Outdoors, Lazy, Hot-Headed; Joke Star; Civic Planner 9/10
Alvaro Bheeda: Spouse; Adult; Slob, Active, Dog-Lover; Nerd Brain; Military Officer 7/10
Arrow Aconite: Adult; (Silly) Self-Assured, Active, Bookworm; Bodybuilder; Athlete Bodybuilder 8/10
Avon Aconite: YA; (Independent) Self-Assured, Neat, Active; Beach Life; Business 5/10
Cam Aconite: Teen; (Angelic) Self-Assured, Child of the Ocean: Master Chef

Generation 3
Buttercup Aconite
: Child; (Fussy) Kleptomaniac
Swipe Haul: 2 romance books; 1 non-fiction book; 1 miniature doll and 1 pile of dirty plates
Cherry Aconite: Toddler; Inquisitive
Daisy Aconite: Nooboo

L-to-R Cam, Angelica holding Cherry, Arrow, Alvaro holding Daisy, Avon & Buttercup
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Our 7th born-in-house Flower is Daisy – another wildflower that grows freely in UK lawns. Making daisy chains is a rite-of-passage for children. At least it should be imho, along with making that screechy noise by using a thick blade of grass as a reed between your thumbs.

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Daisy and Cherry did both go to Daycare as Angelica’s latest promotion switched her days again. Nooboo Daisy was fine – disappearing from the house as expected and coming back not starving. Toddler Cherry, on the other hand, faded but remained visible, wandering round the house by herself and her needs all tanked. Fortunately Arrow’s working day finishes at 2pm and he helped her. Nannies are not allowed until Babysitter (itself locked until Education) so they are a long way from being cleared.

Title:– There’s A Ghost In My House – 1974 hit from R. Dean Taylor

Online PeregrineTook

  • Watcher
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  • Posts: 3816
  • aka Pippin, the Most Tenacious Simmer
Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.5: There’s A Ghost In My House
« Reply #74 on: September 24, 2022, 09:43:55 AM »
How fun that I got a little shout out...or maybe a "shout at"...from dear, sweet Nina :=)  She is wonderful and lovely and likely would have been dynasty spouse if only the BDD didn't require that you create the starting couple.
That moment when Alvaro comes home having been promoted to Captain Courageous while simultaneously being scared of the storm is just some glorious irony!  Hooray for Sims and their timing  :=)
Here's hoping that the ghost of Nina sticks around the household for a good, long while!