Author Topic: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Project Failure  (Read 29577 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.6-7: You Keep Me Hangin On
« Reply #45 on: September 14, 2022, 03:44:30 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.6-7: You Keep Me Hangin On

Arrow: No cake!
Nina: I didn’t get cake either.
Arrow: But Angelica said she had one to for her birthday.
Flint: I just happened to catch the stove when there was some extra power that time. No-one’s getting any cakes until we’ve got more power.
Angelica: I’m sorry, brother. I’ll find a way to make it up to you.
Arrow: I’m OK. In fact I’m very sure of myself!

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Flint: Happy birthday, Avon. At least you’re too young to mind
Avon: Babble

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Angelica: Come on, Arrow, I’ve got the perfect spot to do our homework.
Arrow: It’s nice outside – I hate the décor in the bunker.
Angelica: It sucks inside but I'd love being outside anyway.

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Avon: Bubbles
Flint: Yes, bubbles.
Avon: More Bubbles.
Flint: No more. That’s all we’ve got.

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Flint: Oh no! Not again. What happened today? Not the cowplant again?
Nina: No, I don’t have to deal with that psychotic plant anymore. The fertilizer exploded and killed off all the plants. I should have cleaned it off them more quickly.
Flint: Thanks for rebuilding the house again.
Nina: I know it upsets the kids…

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Billie: You shouldn’t have made that mess in the first place.
Angelica: I know but you don’t know…
Billie: It’s tough, I know. But just wait until you’re a teen.
Angelica: I heard! High School!
Billie: Well…sort of. You have to go in for the exams on Fridays.
Angelica: So?
Billie: Exams with no teaching? We’re all flunking!

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Watcher: Nina?
Nina: ZZZZ
Watcher: NINA!
Nina: Wha – Who – What?
Watcher: Come on Nina. I know you’re not that tired. Just one more game

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Angelica: What? What was that?
Arrow: There’s something under your bed!
Angelica: Oh yes. I made friends with the monster before…
Arrow: It doesn’t look very friendly.
Angelica: Not today!
Arrow: Dad said he used to have a night-light to help keep the monsters away but he’s not been able to get one for us.

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Arrow: Ha Ha, that’s a good one, Dad.
Flint: See – it’s a bright day!
Arrow: When does it open?
Flint: It should be open now – it’s well past 9am. Let’s get all the conserves from the garden shop first. Ah here’s your sister.
Angelica: Can I carry the lettuce conserve? I like the green colour!

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Angelica: Oh – oh – here I go!
Nina: Happy birthday, darling. I hope you don’t think we’ve forgotten you.
Angelica: Nope I’m in a great mood.
Nina: Nice wardrobe. I was worried you might want some of my clothes because they’ve all gone a bit baggy for some reason…

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Flint: So it’s agreed?
Postman: Yes, I’ll drop off homework for your daughter each week. I’m not supposed to…
Flint: She’s a clever girl, I know she can graduate with a bit of help.
Postman: You owe me…
Flint: Sure – whatever I can do.

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Nina: Hey, Avon! Happy Birthday
Avon: Thanks mum. I hope you like my wardrobe choices.
Nina: Well, they’re colourful. I’ve sent the Formal/Sports/Party & Swimwear back – you’ll never wear them anyway!

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Angelica: It’s raining
Arrow: It’s pouring
Avon: My homework is boring me to tears
Angelica: After all these years….

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Progress (Year 1, Week 7 - Spring)

Generation 1
Flint Aconite
: Founder; Adult; Neat, Active, Self-Assured; Culinary-Chef Completed week 3
Nina Aconite: Gen 1 Spouse; Adult; Hot-Headed, Lazy, Romantic; Gardener-Botanist 8/10

Generation 2
Angelica Aconite
: Teen; (Silly) Loves Outdoors, Lazy
Arrow Aconite: Child; (Silly) Self-Assured
Avon Aconite: Child; (Independent) Self-Assured

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2 game weeks in this episode. Although there were several age-ups, Nina only had 1 promotion with 2 more to go! Oh I hope she gets there!

Although the bunker is Off-Grid with no water collector or generator and I'd assumed our family would need to use the public bathroom in the park, there seems to be enough for quick and tepid showers, water-saving WC flush and water to wash up in the sink. The household often complain that it’s brackish but occasionally they’re happy that it’s eco-friendly. No baths allowed until Environmental Manager.

With Angelica and Arrow carrying provisions, Flint managed to clear out the garden store of conserves. They don’t have many but it all helps, especially the lettuce.

Poor Nina, as soon as she aged up to an adult, the pounds piled on. Her gardening and logic skilling is mainly sedentary but she hardly eats anything!

I have decided not to disable the High School Pack. Dropping out of school would not allow my Sims to take up the Education career that would unlock it. Going to High School and graduating early with it's advantages does not fit with the Apocalypse ethos. Only going on Fridays which is exam day will hopefully balance the non-attendance so that the teens have a chance of graduating, if they do their prep.

Title:– You Keep Me Hangin On – 1966/7 hit from The Supremes

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.6-7: You Keep Me Hangin On
« Reply #46 on: September 14, 2022, 06:52:01 PM »
I've actually had that Reddit list as well my own "counter-list" around for several weeks now.
Find useful info ultimately boils down to giving Google the right keywords, haha.

I'm not Florrie obviously and I don't mean to be a busybody, but here's my two cents anyway. LOL!
Florrie's updated AC rules don't accommodate HSY or the extended 21-day teen stage.
If I were you, I would disable HSY and prioritize the Education unlock.
Meanwhile, your teens would take the original performance hit without sending your teens on Fridays, but you could age them up on Day 13 (the last day of the original 13-day teen stage).

Also, various websites report that YA sims (but not teens) that failed high school can earn their high school diploma online via the computer.
This would allow them to go to uni. I haven't playtested this since it doesn't concern my ongoing NSB, but you might wish to do so.

Haha, I'm going to stop thinking about your updated AC rules and just go enjoy my NSB legacy.
Best wishes with your Apocalypse Challenge!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.6-7: You Keep Me Hangin On
« Reply #47 on: September 14, 2022, 07:43:19 PM »

What a dilemma! I honestly have no clue whether they could complete high school with just doing the Friday tests and daily homework. Oshizu's idea seems like a good work around to me. I'd probably disable the pack until Education is cleared, then turn it back on - if I understand correctly how this works. For traits are you using the randomizer that increases the odds of children inheriting  their parents traits? Because if not: what a coincidence!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.6-7: You Keep Me Hangin On
« Reply #48 on: September 15, 2022, 01:47:45 AM »

What a dilemma! I honestly have no clue whether they could complete high school with just doing the Friday tests and daily homework. Oshizu's idea seems like a good work around to me. I'd probably disable the pack until Education is cleared, then turn it back on - if I understand correctly how this works. For traits are you using the randomizer that increases the odds of children inheriting  their parents traits? Because if not: what a coincidence!
Before the Babysitter career cleared the process I've been using is
"The in-game random trait/aspiration generator should be used but also roll a di for each new trait: 1-2 keeps the game generated trait, 3-4 and 5-6 mean rolling again to take a trait from the mother or father respectively; 1-2=1st trait, 3-4=2nd trait, 5-6=3rd trait. This keeps an element of chance and also nurture/nature theory. It hopefully makes this rule future-proof for further changes/expansions"
The Pinstar generator hasnt been updated lately. If it was, I'd definitely use that. I've had to add an extra couple of di-rolls for the Aspirations too.
Angelica got to keep both randomised traits. As you can imagine, I was very happy with the first and was dismayed with the second - randomly selecting one of Nina's undesirable traits!
Both boys got their self-assurance from their Dad and made me very happy. It's a great generic trait to keep them +ve in any career.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.6-7: You Keep Me Hangin On
« Reply #49 on: September 15, 2022, 02:14:06 AM »
@oshizu not a busybody at all. I'm very grateful for input as I'm making some of these things up and could disappear into a rabbit hole with getting other people's thoughts.

Angelica didn't attend school Mon-Thu but did her homework each day (they get new homework each day if they're still registered but don't go) plus one session of Study for Exam.
She'd entered High School with an average B but it was on the verge of dropping to a C. On Friday she "aced her exams" and went back to an average B.

I think she'll be able to graduate but her responsibility drops, of course. I would normally queue up lots of teeth brushing but that makes her nauseous! I don't think it would be right to buy projects to do as the household is only supposed to have one object for each skilling (retail) but I am allowing any projects that they bring home with them. I really hoped Angelica would bring one home on Fri!

Note: if she flunks out, the household don't have enough power for a computer whether or not I'd consider online graduation as a job requirement to get around that restriction. She'll have to make do with a different career to my plan. Plus, at that point I'd definitely take your advice and disable the HSY pack, lol.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.6-7: You Keep Me Hangin On
« Reply #50 on: September 15, 2022, 01:03:03 PM »
Hello again!

I went ahead and created a new thread about options for high school dropouts for wider forum visibility.
The link to my "If Your Teen Drops Out or Is Expelled from High School" thread is here.

I'm a little sad because I'd been sitting on the info for weeks for one of my NSB heirs but, since you asked for the info, I've written it all up in a new thread in the High School Years folder.
So now, we can always find the info readily.  ;)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.6-7: You Keep Me Hangin On
« Reply #51 on: September 15, 2022, 03:58:52 PM »
Hello again!

I went ahead and created a new thread about options for high school dropouts for wider forum visibility.
The link to my "If Your Teen Drops Out or Is Expelled from High School" thread is here.

I'm a little sad because I'd been sitting on the info for weeks for one of my NSB heirs but, since you asked for the info, I've written it all up in a new thread in the High School Years folder.
So now, we can always find the info readily.  ;)
Good plan - it's a helpful list :)

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.8-9: Something’s Happening
« Reply #52 on: September 16, 2022, 05:34:05 PM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.8-9: Something’s Happening

Arrow: Here I go. Still no cake I see!
Nina: Hey! Have you been in my old make-up drawer? That out-of-date stuff could really damage your skin!

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Arrow: OK, OK, I’ll take it off. I think I’ve inherited your face-shape, Mum.
Nina: Hm maybe. Your wardrobe’s OK, I suppose…

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Flint: Count yourself lucky! You got to come home early from school. I, on the other hand, seem to have joined the business career. Watcher?
Watcher: I have my reasons. Your juggling, for instance.
Flint: I can keep going for ages. Isn’t that great?
Watcher: Yes but everyone wants to stop what they’re doing to watch you.
Flint: You can always stop me!
Watcher: Not anymore! (Doctor)

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Angelica: Dad seems to be in a world of his own, these days.
Nina: I know – so distracted and unfocussed.
Arrow: OK family, we need to step up. We need to check the compost loo, nurture the bug farm and keep the power generators going.
Avon: We’ve got it mum. You concentrate on getting those Logic and Gardening skills up.
Angelica: We all need to do repairs when we spot them. At least Dad still helps clearing up the leaks.

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Avon: Oh – I’m a teen!
Arrow: You’ll have to take Mum’s blusher off – she reckons it gives you bad skin. Just look at mine!

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Nina: Your wardrobe’s OK too, I guess
Avon: What’s wrong with our wardrobes?
Nina: Yours and Arrow’s are just a bit…well…bland!

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Agnes: Hello?
Family: Who’s there?
Agnes: Open up!
Family: It’s after the curfew!
Agnes: Well done! This family has passed the test.

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Watcher: Wow! Congratulations, Nina. You finally made it!
Nina: Oh Yes! Thank goodness. I've invented a serum that lets plants use toxic ash as fertilizer without making the plant itself toxic. With this serum in wide supply, the region can begin to return to life. Food can actually be grown and eaten safely again.
Watcher: That's truly brilliant!
Nina: Can I stop work now?
Watcher: Carry on for a little while. What else would you do with your time? Get fit?
Nina: Show me to my bed!

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Nina: Hmm – last night’s celebrations with Flint were – mmm – very nice.
Watcher: Don’t look at me. He likes flirting with you.
Nina: But you suggested we took it further…he was very willing when I suggested it!
Watcher: Well…
Nina: I’m really hungry. It’s great with our 2nd power generator that our cooker works more often. I had a real craving for churros rather than the fruit salad we keep having.

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Nina: Uh-oh! Those stomach gurgle don’t sound so good!

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Watcher: Way to go, Flint! You’re working up the business career with absolutely no help!
Flint: Hm? What? Who are you?

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Progress (Year 1, Week 9 - Summer)

Generation 1
Flint Aconite
: Founder; Elder; Neat, Active, Self-Assured; Big Happy Family; Culinary-Chef Completed week 3
Nina Aconite: Gen 1 Spouse; Adult; Hot-Headed, Lazy, Romantic; Chief of Mischief; Gardener-Botanist Completed week 9

Generation 2
Angelica Aconite
: Teen; (Silly) Loves Outdoors, Lazy; Goal-Oriented Teen
Arrow Aconite: Teen; (Silly) Self-Assured, Active; Mt Komorebi Explorer
Avon Aconite: Teen; (Independent) Self-Assured, Neat; Renaissance Sim

L-R: Arrow, Avon, Flint, Nina, Angelica
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Another 2 week installment – I just had to get Nina to the top of her career before I wanted to write it up.  She got the 2nd power generator straight away rather than waiting for Sunday – it’s supposed to be an agency reward for topping the career. The extra planters that the household is allowed to buy have to wait until Sunday. With more power to cook and the ability to cook and eat garden produce, the bug farm will be used to generate bio-oil for the generator rather than grub meal.

The restrictions that have been unlocked with the Gardener-Botanist career were:
•   May not buy, plant, grow, graft, take samples of, or level up plants, only the Sim attempting this lift may do so.
•   Only ONE planter may be placed until this lift is cleared.
•   Harvested produce must be deleted or placed in household inventory and never taken out (not fit for consumption yet).
•   May not harvest ‘wild’ plants.
•   May not purchase the 'Super Green Thumb' reward trait.
•   May not use Great Soil lot trait.

I am not allowed to control Elders and Autonomy has to be on full to emulate dementia (Doctor) and I can’t move him out (Military). I got Flint into the business career before his Elder birthday just to keep him out of the way while the teens are trying to get their skill-set up. Watching him juggle has become everyone’s obsession! I can control the other household members to interact with him. Getting him in for the curfew is a daily challenge.

Angelica is due to age up on the coming Mon-Tue so the jury is still out on the High School gameplay.

Both boys got both their traits from their father. Both of Angelica’s were randomly generated – even the Lazy one. I’ve added their given aspirations. Only the Renaissance Sim is achievable. The new aging up to young adult will require Angelica’s to change but I’m not sure about the boys.

Title:– Something’s Happening – 1968/9 hit from Herman's Hermits

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.8-9: Something’s Happening
« Reply #53 on: September 17, 2022, 01:38:57 PM »

About: " I’ve added their given aspirations. Only the Renaissance Sim is achievable." So, you don't get to choose their aspirations? Well done on unlocking the Gardening! I didn't know you couldn't control elders - how sad. In fact this whole update is so sad! Flint looks so dejected. Nina looks exhausted. The children have unfashionable wardrobes. You simply must earn more career unlocks and save this poor family! :P

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.8-9: Something’s Happening
« Reply #54 on: September 17, 2022, 02:35:13 PM »

About: " I’ve added their given aspirations. Only the Renaissance Sim is achievable." So, you don't get to choose their aspirations? Well done on unlocking the Gardening! I didn't know you couldn't control elders - how sad. In fact this whole update is so sad! Flint looks so dejected. Nina looks exhausted. The children have unfashionable wardrobes. You simply must earn more career unlocks and save this poor family! :P
It is all a bit sad, isn't it. There's good news coming though :)

Aspirations are chosen by di-roll until Babysitter is cleared and Babysitter is locked until Education cleared. Also the aspirations can't be changed, even if completed until Painter cleared. Ah well - if it was easy it wouldn't be a challenge.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.8-9: Something’s Happening
« Reply #55 on: September 17, 2022, 09:17:05 PM »
When I want to randomize traits, I use James Turner's website.
It is current up to High School Years and you can disable packs to avoid traits your sims can't choose.
Here's the link:

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 1.8-9: Something’s Happening
« Reply #56 on: September 18, 2022, 01:42:36 AM »
When I want to randomize traits, I use James Turner's website.
It is current up to High School Years and you can disable packs to avoid traits your sims can't choose.
Here's the link:
That's brilliant! I've just has a quick look and it will be so much easier. I didn't think to look for another generator after finding Pinstar's was out of date.
Doing the traits with the in-game generator and a di was OK but the Aspirations were driving me nuts, especially as the teen options are different to young adult ones.
Angelica has already aged up but I'll be excited to try it on Arrow and the following ones.
Thank you  :D

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Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.1: Everything is Beautiful
« Reply #57 on: September 18, 2022, 05:33:52 AM »
Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.1: Everything is Beautiful

Angelica: Watcher?
Watcher: Hm?
Angelica: It’s nearly my birthday. Are you sure there’s nothing I can do about this acne?
Watcher: Sorry, sweetie. I think that’s the same restriction as medicine (Doctor)
Angelica: Maybe it’ll disappear when I’m an adult?
Watcher: Let’s hope.

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Nina: What do you think, Flint?
Flint: You’re big. Are we having a baby, Calendar Girl?
Nina: Yes, sweet Hairy Man. Oh I hope you remember that for a bit longer this time…

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Nina: Hello Cam, my little man. Your Dad and I will love you forever.

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Avon: Look, Angie, the power was on long enough for me to bake you a cake. I had to do it in 2 instalments but here you are!
Angelica: Oh Avon! That’s so sweet. Let me blow them out.
Avon: Wait, I’ll take a photo…oh, no I won’t. Never mind. Go ahead.
Angelica: I’m going to sort this out! If I get a job in the Civil Designer career, maybe I can get us reconnected to the grid!

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Angelica: SMASH!
Watcher: Well that didn’t take long. You’re exploring your Hot-Headed trait, I see.
Angelica: It felt good to smash this up! Mum said it would.
Watcher: And guess what? It feels good to repair it too so hop to it! What were you mad about?
Angelica: I was cross about my acne still being here. I’ve met this guy but I was too self-conscious to talk to him properly.
Watcher: What do you know about him?
Angelica: Well his name is Alvaro Bheeda…
Watcher: Oo – Bheeda – they’re a good-looking family. But what’s his character like?
Angelica: I know he likes dogs and he’s unemployed.
Watcher: Is he still out there? Maybe go invite him in?
Angelica: I don’t know…
Watcher: No time like the present and you don’t start your Civil Designer job until Wednesday.

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Angelica: Hey Dad? Want to play chess?
Flint: Oh yes. I’ve always enjoyed playing chess.
Angelica: You look smart in your suit, Dad.
Flint: I’m nearly CEO. I don’t know why…
Angelica: You’re brilliant, that’s why! I love you, Dad.
Flint: Hmmm?

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Nina: Wow, the nooboo time went so quickly. With the others all helping and my working hours being so short on the 4 days I work – here you are, a toddler already. I’m glad you’ll be comfortable in your toddler bed. Angie’s swapped with me since she asked Alvaro to move in… That was all a bit sudden and there’s not really enough beds. Just as well my sweet Flint doesn’t sleep much.

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Alvaro: Hey, Watcher?
Watcher: Hi Alvaro. How are you settling in? I was sorry to hear about your father.
Alvaro: I know. My whole family is so sad. But this family…they queue up to console me. They’ve been so kind. I was sorry to lose my dreads with the purple weave but this cut is more manageable. I slept well in the lad’s room while they were up all night. Angelica seems really friendly. I hope this arrangement works out.
Watcher: You understand? You and Angelica will need to bring in the next generation.
Alvaro: We’re just friends – are you sure she wants to?
Watcher: Now you’re part of the household, she’ll let her guard down, I’m sure. Besides, you know the rules against flirting in public. What about your job?
Alvaro: This uniform feels good. I wonder why I didn’t get a job before. There were a few jobs I fancied but some are impossible until we can travel more so as I’m quite Active, the Military it is! It’s a bit embarrassing that Angie’s younger brothers are already fitter than me!
Watcher: We’ll get you there. You’ll do great.

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Watcher: Angelica? It’s time for work.
Angelica: Here I go!
Watcher: Well, you’ve certainly got a spring in your step.
Angelica: It’s Alvaro. I can’t believe he agreed to move in. Isn’t he dreamy!
Watcher: He’s got his father’s looks.
Angelica: I hope he likes me.
Watcher: I know he does.

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Alvaro: I got promoted!
Angelica: After only one day? Well done! I was a bit stressed so I’m still level one.
Alvaro: You’ll get it tomorrow, I know. I hope you’ll still get to wear that outfit. You look amazing.
Angelica: This hat’s silly…
Alvaro: It’s the cutest part…um…I was talking to Watcher…
Angelica (taking deep breath): …..

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Alvaro: Oh! You do like me!
Angelica: I think you’re adorable. Even when you fart!
Alvaro: Sorry about that. I’m such a slob. But, if you don’t mind that…will you be my girlfriend?
Angelica: Oh YES! Would you share a bed with me now?
Alvaro: That would be perfect. Just sleeping, mind. We can’t take it too fast…

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Flint: Well, young man, who are you?
Alvaro: I’m Alvaro, sir. I moved in the other day, do you remember?
Flint: Of course. I wouldn’t forget a thing like that.
Alvaro: Um well, do I have your blessing to ask Angelica to marry me?

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Flint: Hm! Do you have a job?
Alvaro: I’m on level 2 in the military, sir.
Flint: I was going to be in the military. I’m sure that’s what mother wanted…ended up in the mess tent. A right mess, eh?
Alvaro: Very good, sir.
Flint: I remember when I first came here…running around…not sure why…
Alvaro: Yes, I’d like to hear all about that but do I have your blessing?
Flint: Why yes, of course. Good man! Good man!
Alvaro: It’ll be an honour to have you as my father-in-law, sir.

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Angelica: Are you sure?
Alvaro: With you wearing that hat? I’m as sure as anything! I love you, Angie Baby!
Angelica: Oh I love you too, Soldier Boy!

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Progress (Year 1, Week 10 - Summer)

Generation 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Generation 2
Angelica Aconite
: YA; (Silly) Loves Outdoors, Lazy, Hot-Headed; Joke Star; Civil Designer 2/10
Alvaro Bheeda: Fiancé; YA; Slob, Active, Dog-Lover; Nerd Brain; Military 2/10
Arrow Aconite: Teen; (Silly) Self-Assured, Active; Mt Komorebi Explorer
Avon Aconite: Teen; (Independent) Self-Assured, Neat; Renaissance Sim
Cam Aconite: Toddler; Angelic

L-to-R: Avon, Alvaro, Flint holding Cam, Nina, Angelica, Arrow
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Flint has had his first warning from Grim. The others really are looking after him well and he’s happy enough when he’s not tired. I’m not looking forward to Nina’s elder years…

Angelica’s grades were a low C when she became an adult and she graduated so all the careers were open to her. I think I’ll stick with this plan. Doing well at child school gets them started at B in High School. If they don’t do their homework or study for their exams their grades would be less. I think the effort is enough to simulate an quasi-apocalyptic scenario. I realised when Alvaro moved in, with his townie-achieved graduation that he could have unlocked Education so there would be that route if I’d gone for the drop-out choice.

With Alvaro turning up so quickly (I was going to give Angelica 2 weeks) I wasn’t ready with the beds situation (no buying until Sunday). With Flint hardly sleeping, Nina and Angelica swapped and Alvaro hot-bedded with the boys until he felt comfortable sharing with Angelica. I'd not noticed the "Ask for Blessing" interaction before. One of our son-in-laws asked for our blessing and it was lovely. I'd have been non-plussed if he'd asked for permission, that really is out-moded.

Alvaro’s traits aren’t great but being Active was ideal for the military which Arrow was aiming for. He’s setting his sights on something else now.

River Cam is the UK river flowing through university city of Cambridge.

Title:– Everything is Beautiful – 1970 hit from Ray Stevens

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.1: Everything is Beautiful
« Reply #58 on: September 18, 2022, 06:10:47 PM »

I've never noticed that Ask for Blessing interaction - love it! Same goes to the salute; I've never done the Military career in Sims 4. Poor, poor Flint! I think you mentioned that was part of the Doctor unlock? Well, with the next generation of sims already up to 5, I imagine those unlocks are going to start falling soon.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse 2.1: Everything is Beautiful
« Reply #59 on: September 19, 2022, 02:07:22 AM »

I've never noticed that Ask for Blessing interaction - love it! Same goes to the salute; I've never done the Military career in Sims 4. Poor, poor Flint! I think you mentioned that was part of the Doctor unlock? Well, with the next generation of sims already up to 5, I imagine those unlocks are going to start falling soon.
It's really hard to choose which unlocks I want to do next. I'm vaguely following the Maslow's pyramid of needs but some things are getting priority to aid gameplay. Military has been bumped up as it not only unlocks travel but also being able to move Sims out. :)

