Flowers of the Apocalypse: GroundworkDuke: Lady & Duke – the Dream Team – back together again!
Lady: We do work well together, don’t we, bro?
Duke: The agency is still dressing us in monochrome for these projects, I see!
Lady: A bit of colour would make a nice change but, hey, we need to blend in.
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Duke: Well sis, what do we need to do in this neighbourhood?
Lady: Henford-on-Bagley! It’s the same as all the other districts.
Duke: How many buildings need bulldozing here?
Lady: Just 4
Duke: 4! Not the Gnome’s Arms!
Lady: Yep. It was destabilized as well. Besides, no-one is visiting bars anymore, only to trash them. Plus we need more residences.
Duke: Please tell me that we’ve still got the original plans for the HoB cottages!
Lady: They’re tucked away in some gallery, waiting until they’re possible again.
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Duke: Right, that’s the ground bulldozed and stabilized.
Lady: The concrete does look ugly, but it’s the only way to remove the worst of the radiation.
Duke: Isn’t it going to cause industrial pollution?
Lady: Better that than radiation poisoning!
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Duke: One bog-standard bunker coming up!
Lady: Indeed – it’s a shame this cube is the only stable structure shape we can currently authorize.
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Duke: Until we find/design some stronger plans, this is what everyone gets.
Lady: Couldn’t we make them different colours?
Duke: Everyone needs the same so there’s less covetousness - less crime.
Lady: No-one wants what they’ve got but they don’t want anyone else’s…makes sense. Very egalitarian.
Duke: Except for what we go back to!
Lady: Sh! No-one needs to know that some are more equal than others!
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Duke: Time for a Bunker Tour to check everything off the list?
Lady: Basement: 1 double bed, 1 single bed, 1 toddler bed, 1 bassinet, 1 shower.
Duke: The water coming out of that shower looks a bit Grody
Lady: Yes - not very hygenic.
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Duke: Ground Floor: 1 WC, 1 bookshelf (currently empty), 1 fireplace, 1 mirror, 1 Mitey Mitey bug farm, 1 BBQ drum, 1 indoor waste bin, 2 kitchen counters, 1 sink, 1 dining table, 2 chairs, 1 sofa, 1 coffee table, 1 football.
Lady: Plus the outdoor trash and mailbox. It’s as dark as the basement on this floor!
Duke: The residents are allowed ground floor windows but they all blocked them up for security so we’ve stopped putting them in. Just 1 sturdy door.
Lady: No fridge?
Duke: It's all Simple-Living here. Hand-to-mouth, literally.
Lady: Where can they get food?
Duke: The stall in the village is open on Sundays. No fruit or veg but there's bread, cheese and some sort of meat. Just don't ask what sort of meat and you won't mind...
Lady: But the meat won't keep all week without a fridge!
Duke: The bread & cheese will. Plus the bug farm will produce stuff if they feed it!
Lady (shudders): Compost loos!
Duke: The one obvious upgrade!
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Lady: 1st Floor: 1 chessboard & 2 chairs
Duke: Not much on this floor but plenty of room for skilling objects depending on the residents work.
Lady: Nice to have some windows for daylight.
Duke: Yes, there won’t be any power yet. It’s all off-grid and they have to earn a generator.
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Lady: Oh yes – max a career and they get their choice of a power generator, water extractor or another bug farm. Difficult choice!
Duke: We can only provide the basics and then support those that help themselves.
Lady: I see the Scotts are next door. Who is this bunker for?
Duke: That hasn’t been determined yet. Some lucky-duck in-waiting!
Lady: Brr! Not much fun coming in at the start of the 4-week Winter. They say there may be blizzards this year.
Duke: The weather’s crazy these days. Let’s hope they’re hardy people!
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Notes*Gameplay - Dream team Lady & Duke were created purely to set up the various start-up requirements. They will be ousted and not part of future gameplay. They might appear for story-telling purposes but only in a parallel Simverse.
*Behind the scenes prep - I'm working to apply the various clothing restrictions to some of the HoB townies but it is likely that other world townies will appear and there's no way I can change them all