;p It's fun to document these sims. Write nonsense along the way. It makes it more official or something.
The twins are teens. I've really not done a whole lot with outfits.

There's another character in the house, Finnegan Greenwood.

There was a healthy, stimulating amount of woohooing in the effort to find the alien townie I wanted to get an alien child. Finnegan was roped in, from the street, to help with the woohooing. (Some townies, shockingly, turn down Maxine so the next man that walked past got added to the household.) Between them they woohooed maybe 40 different sims, and still didn't have great options. The other advantage of Finnegan is he has a distinguished physics degree. I assume he was generated when Max was at university. Anywho. He's using that physics degree to craft the ExoMech suit -- something I've literally never done, because I always go for the other branch to get the computer glasses. Story progression has also got him engaged to a random townie. So he's not an item with Maxine, but he is a father figure to Janelle and Christy. And until he's finished the ExoMech suits, he's staying.

I really enjoy being back at the big house. I have some ideas of moving some rooms around to more sensible places. There's always stuff to do.
They're not in disguise. My aliens never are. No need to accomodate fragile humans who are scared of the 'other'. Maxine gets an eight hour +2 confident Xenophilia moodlet from interacting with her own daughters because she loves aliens. She's thrilled all time. Wow! An alien! So cool! Yes, Max you've met them before. I promise you have. It's quite cute I think.
I read posts like these years ago, and was something I wondered about too. Blue skin and human eyes is interesting, but I wanted the reverse.
https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Feedback/Human-skin-with-Alien-eyes/td-p/9344211https://forums.thesims.com/en_us/discussion/825207/alien-eyes-and-ears-on-a-humanIt's a mystery that has gone unsolved for years. Until now! So Janelle and Christy are remarkable, and I know how to reliably have such children.
So after the vigorous woohooing -- I admit the house is designed with it in mind, that's what the closets are for. Sometimes the route to the bedrooms above is just taking up time and you wanna know if that's an alien. I know? Yeah? Everyone can relate to this. So after all the woohoo and found only one townie alien, in a bright unnaturally red, pre-burned skin colour, I wondered if I could make the babydaddy sim I wanted another way. Of course the upgraded GTW satelite dish has a "detect aliens" function too, so might have saved time, but that's one of the things the big brown estate does not have.
I found a olive-skinned townie man wafting past. I think a shade darker than Janelle. It's a little pity she didn't get his exact tone. Added him to the household, opened the cheats menu, made him an alien. Then I immediately removed him from the household. The key is in
never loading the alien into CAS, because then the game will have to generate an alien form. Never use CAS to check alien status, never create the alien in CAS. When there's an alien form, that's obviously the skin colour the game will use. But prior to loading up in CAS alien townies
do not have an alien form. They are only their disguise, and the same held true for the random townie I made into an alien. (I wasn't totally sure it would work. I was a little concerned that in the brief moments he was part of the household the game might conjure up a blue body for him in the background. It didn't, so we learned something.) The other exploit is the clash between aliens and occults, that's how spellcaster Maxine has alien children at all.
Of course in CAS only alien skin is visible, all the human tones are hidden. So if you got some weird burnt red or ashy grey sim, and it looks unnatural, the only options for changing it are the green, blue, purple etc. And then you don't have a special sim any more.