I have never both loved and hated a challenge so much XD
Final score:
Both toddlers maxed for 300 points
All 6 kids fully maxed their skills, go an A and had all 9 badges for a total of 870
My teens went full ham. All 6 have A's for 90 points, all 6 maxed 4 part-time jobs for a total of 360.
My multiplier is 32.54 [took a long time to add up all the individual skills @-@]
kid 1- 273 skill points [after subtracting 20 for maxed skills]
kid2- 258 skill points [after subtracting 40 for maxed skills]
kid3- 254 skill points [after subtracting 60 for maxed skills]
kid4- 286 skill points [after subtracting 20 for maxed skills]
kid5- 268 skill points [after subtracting 20 for maxed skills]
kid6- 238 skill points [after subtracting 40 for maxed skills]
for a total of 1,577 skill points, 1+[1,577x.02]= 32.54
300+870+360=1,530 points X 32.54 = Total score of 49786.2
Edited to add Spreadsheet gave me a very different score, possibly because of being unsure how to put in maxing out multiple part-time jobs? It also gave me a different multiplier, unsure if it counted some of the maxed skills or not?
Spreadsheet says: multiplier of 33.02, total of 77,266.8