Author Topic: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Completed (7th Sep 2022)  (Read 14063 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Coral Odrade
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2022, 02:46:39 AM »

My goodness - so many children! Is there a reason you had so many instead of just hunkering down and focusing on the Wonderchild?
It was definitely too many! Lol.
The first 2 WCs, Sam & Robyn, were full-on hot-housing with the twin as a foil when needed. I wanted to see how a Sim got on with less attention both from me or their parents but in a loving environment. The score reflects the lower number of maxed skills, missing out on the 3pt bonus. But the 76 other skill points indicate a wide variety of unmaxed skills.
I suspect Coral would do as well as the others as an Apocalypse founder but the score speaks against that.
Mara has researched the conditions in Glassbolt and has very different ideas for her clones child...

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Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Flint Acoma
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2022, 05:33:48 AM »
Wonder Child: Flint Acoma

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Maria Acoma, clone of Mara: Outgoing, Proper, Family-Oriented
Marc Echols: Creative, Active, Self-Assured

Mt Komorebi: 2-4-1 Wakabamori & Oasis Springs: Arid Ridge

Hero Responses:
Do we have your permission? “Certainly! It’s essential work.”
Where should the couple start? “Mt Komorebi would be close to my ancestral culture”
Which of the selected mates do you suggest? “Someone respectable”

Report Diary

Maria: Wait, don’t use that photo! Marc assured me he’d deleted that before uploading. Oh well. We were just messing about on our first date. We both knew what we were there for and how serious the situation is so things moved pretty quickly – a quiet engagement and wedding and, of course the conception.

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Maria: Flint came quite quickly and I began teaching him as soon as possible. He’s got a lot to learn.

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Marc: That sounds like we hot-housed him, which I guess we did but it wasn’t all serious

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Marc: Plus, living at Mt Komorebi meant that Yamachan was a regular visitor.

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Maria: Maybe, but Flint still needed to learn all the basics

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Flint: It wasn’t until Mother and Father took me to the park in Oasis Springs that I realised my family was weird. Elsa was kind enough to point out that my “uniform” was not cool. I was becoming fairly self-assured though so I just laughed it off and we became friends. My clothes may have been functional but it was easy to know what to wear in the morning.

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Maria: It was important to instill a sense of heritage into Flint so we attended all the Mt Komorebi festivals.
Flint: I wished for…a brother to play with!

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Flint: I was too young to realise that a) Mother might have a girl and b) they arrive as smelly crying babies. At least Mother dressed Honor in the red baby onesie that I’d knitted for her.

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Flint: I aged up into a real wimpy kid, so skinny you could knock me down with a feather. I met Alex at High School and he showed me what the cool kids did…or what he thought they did. Looking back, it seems ludicrous.

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Flint: Alex asked me to the prom as a friend and I got to do a slow dance with Miki. She seemed to like my traditional formal wear although some of the other kids tried to say it was a dress.

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Flint: Honor aged up and went through a weird phase. Mother and Father both joined in and it seemed to help her come out of it more quickly than we thought.

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Flint: I spoke to Don about training for the football team. He was great. He didn’t just help me with football. I got really fit too.

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Flint: Ah – this was the start of the rebellious phase. Mother had made sure that I was “well turned out” all my life but Don and High School made me realise that I could be someone else. I let my hair grow long and stopped shaving. Plus I got some new clothes at the Charity Shop. Mother was appalled. She couldn’t see why I would deliberately wear ripped jeans. Father persuaded her to let me grow out of it…

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Flint: Alex came round while I was working on my tan. He said he’d like to get fit too but he felt too sad at that moment. In fact, he was too sad a lot of the time.

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Flint: Honor was a good kid and kept Mother happy. She liked it when I told her funny stories. Mother and Father often got hysterical if I tried my jokes on them but Honor just laughed and then got on with other stuff.

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Flint: Mother insisted that I learned to arrange flowers – ikebana she calls it. Something about my heritage but I quite enjoyed doing it while listening to Kiyoshi debate stuff.

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Flint: Mother’s elder birthday came a few days after Father’s. I suggested that some of her outfits didn’t really suit her any more. She made a deal with me – if I smartened up a bit, she wouldn’t choose even more unsuitable clothes. I shudder to think what she meant. Despite being very proper, she’s always been comfortable with revealing outfits and no teenage boy wants to see his elderly mother like that. I agreed to the deal.

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Flint: Mother and Father are still very affectionate to each other. I have to watch Father – he will keep exercising to the point of exhaustion so he gets sent to the tent to relax.

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Flint: At the prom before my birthday, I wore my new dress uniform. The girls were very happy to dance with me. Mother said it was a whole Officer & a Gentlemen thing.

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Flint: My party came and went in a blur. I signed up for all sorts of different jobs – culinary, entertainer & civil designer. I also read for 2 hours to Honor. It was a strange way to spend my last few hours of freedom but I’ve fixed on a career in the Military so my orders have come in. I’m shipping out to wherever they want me.

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Flint Acoma
Score: 1112

Active, Self-Assured, Neat

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Score Breakdown to give 1112
43 - Toddler skills (4*10)+3
52 - Childhood skills: 4*(10+3)
25 - 5pt Adult Skills maxed: 5*5
390 - 10pt Adult Skills maxed during childhood: 30*(10+3)
7 – total levels of remaining non-maxed skills
530 – number of traits (53*10)
2 - Clean Diaper   
11 - Days to age up since A grades for child
18 - Days to age up since A grades for teen
19 - Days to age up since Teen career Cap
15 – Gold Medal birthday parties (3*5)


Maria’s Family-Orientated trait made her whim for another child all the time hence Honor. However Honor was helpful to be read to, during Flint’s teen-young adult party, completing a task for Big Happy Family which won’t be possible at the start of my Apocalypse Challenge (no reading to children until Education cleared).
The new Whim gameplay, being unable to delete whims and producing “fears” if left unfulfilled means that re-traiting potions will play a bigger part in my Simming. Sadly they will not be allowed at the start of my Apocalypse and Whims are not allowed to be visible!
Flint was the first of my Wonder Children to max Rock Climbing. He did it solely on the Climbing Wall. Once he’d maxed it, he could “coach” other teens/adults in it so I have added it to my list of mentorable skills.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Flint Acoma
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2022, 11:36:21 AM »

Flint looks promising, but he's no Robyn Redbreast - and not just because she got more points. Looking forward to hearing more about your next super teen!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Julienne Alvarez
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2022, 03:57:04 PM »
Wonder Child: Julienne Alvarez

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Beatriz Alvarez, clone of Benita: Creative, Cheerful, Bookworm
Kyler Kroupa: Active, Neat, Loves Outdoors

Oasis Springs: Pebble Dust

Hero Responses:
Do we have your permission? “What can I do to help?”
Where should the couple start? “Somewhere warm”
Which of the selected mates do you suggest? “Someone who is kind”

Report Diary

Beatriz: I had a lovely letter from my Pattern – Benita. She said she was getting things ready for my child by organising skill books to be sent in. I’d heard that there wouldn’t be any but the situation has changed recently. Anyway, I got to meet my “perfect mate” and wow! I didn’t expect to find love!

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Beatriz: Would you believe that he took me on a date to a library, proposed there and then. We eloped straight away. We don’t know anyone else here so…

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Beatriz: Julienne and Basil came fairly soon after that. I gave up working as an artist straight away. Kyler carried on as a gardener for a little longer.

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The twins aged up with lovely sets of clothes sent by the agency. They were in soft shades. Julienne had Kyler’s pale skin and brown hair and dark eyes. Basil got my skin and hair but Kyler’s green eyes. A beautiful pair that represent both of us.

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Julienne: Well that was my toddler years so I can take it from here. Again we aged up with great sets of clothes. Basil said to look serious in this photo as we’re part of some important experiment. We both fell about laughing after taking this one though.

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I took lots of photos with different friends: Max, Pierce, Nanami and Miki. I kept in touch with all of them, some more than others…

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Once I got my A at school, I did a lot of learning different things. I think I liked cross-stitch best. The one I did of Yamachan was ace

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During this time Dad was working on rock climbing but the machine he had nearly killed him

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Mum was really worried about it and said that she wanted to make the most of their lives, whatever that meant!

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Well, I found out what that meant soon after my birthday. A little brother – Baker. He’s closer in colouring to me than my twin Basil. It was fun playing with him. And he kept Mum and Dad so busy that, when I maxed programming, they didn’t notice when I hacked my school grades. I got to graduate after just one day at High School! Oh yes – the agency sent my pick of orange and purple clothes…

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Basil had to manage with a random selection. It’s not really a co-ordinated wardrobe but he doesn’t seem to mind. Hey – this log is about me, isn’t it? Why am I in the background in this shot?

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And again! In the background! Anyone would think you were focussing on Marcus! He’s fun to have around. Sometimes he looks a little lonely but we give him lots of hugs and he gets over it.

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That’s better – me getting a tan in the back garden!

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Oh yes, I threw a birthday party for Baker. Well, I think you can see me mixing the drinks in the background. I’m not sure why all our female friends were listening to Basil playing. He’s not as good as me!

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Um – why is there a picture of my backside in this? Basil got to sunbathe in Sulani! There’s something not right here!

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When Dad aged up we went to Granite Falls which he’d wanted to do from day 1, Mum said. It was nice to get away and actually sleep in real beds.

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Saturday morning saw us at Mt Komorebi. Can you believe, after a lot of reading, I was an ace skier and snowboarder after just 2 runs of each. Look at the air I’m catching here!

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Saturday was Prom and I was finally able to show off my Rhumbasim. Pierce Delgato was so impressed that he asked me for a slow dance – I didn’t ask him. Amazing! Basil? He was busy dancing with Max – he’s been crushing on him like forever!

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Anyway, I don’t know exactly why but I got to be Prom Queen and Basil was the Joker. I think you can tell from my face that I don’t really know how to react. Basil just lapped up the attention.

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So, you know I said we enjoyed sleeping in real beds at Granite Falls? Mum & Dad did more than sleep, apparently! Spud came along. He wasn’t a baby very long (Watcher: Note Beatriz is still in her hospital gown). He’s got reddish hair but otherwise he’s got the same colouring as Basil, poor kid!

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We also got another member of the family – Ayesha. I did a lot of training with her but I think most everyone has been on a 2-stage adventure with her. Mum took her out and came back with a trout that she said Ayesha had nicked off from an old woman! Oh dear. More training needed.

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Spud aged up as full of it as my twin. I don’t think they should spend too much time together. The lack of clothes choice continues. Plus we now have to order all our foodstuffs. It’s a simpler way of life but I’m beginning to wonder what’s going on in the world outside our bubble.

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I’ve missed a lot of photos out. Watcher took loads although most of them have Basil in the foreground. I love my brother but it’s me that did all the hard work. He just did what he liked and mooned over that bad-boy Max. Still, I’m ready to start helping to sort things out. Where am I off too?

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Score Breakdown to give 1241
43 - Toddler skills (4*10)+3
52 - Childhood skills: 4*(10+3)
40 - 5pt Adult Skills maxed: 8*5
455 - 10pt Adult Skills maxed during childhood: 35*(10+3)
0 – total levels of remaining non-maxed skills
590 – number of traits (59*10)
2 - Clean Diaper   
11 - Days to age up since A grades for child
19 - Days to age up since A grades for teen
19 - Days to age up since Teen career Cap
10 – Gold Medal birthday parties (2*5)

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Julienne maxed all possible skills by the Tuesday before her birthday due on the Saturday. She spent a couple of days getting Bodybuilder and a few easy aspiration levels to get the points to buy reward traits. There’s only Parenting left to do. She could have worked on more aspirations to get more traits but she’s raring to go so she aged up 2 days early. Besides, things are getting “difficult” in the world outside the project. They can’t wait much longer.

After seeing that Sims with maxed Rock Climbing can “coach” it, I had Kyler work on it. However the “coach” is just a social interaction and doesn’t seem to up the skill for the “coachee” at all.

For anyone who’s interested, this is my working list of adult skills that can be achieved by a child (C) and/or mentored (M). If I’ve left any off, do let me know

Fishing MC (can be mentored by someone with less than level 10)
Knitting MC
Logic MC (after mental maxed)
Piano MC (after creative maxed)
Singing MC
Violin MC (after creative maxed)

Charisma C (after social maxed)
Cross-Stitch C (5 level)
Media Production C (5 level)
Mischief C (after social maxed)
Photography C (5 level)
Video Gaming C (after mental maxed)

Fabrication M
Fitness M
Guitar M
Handiness M
Painting M
Programming M
Writing M

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Julienne Alvarez
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2022, 11:54:23 AM »

Fabrication can be mentored? I had no idea! Julienne getting jealous about being in the background was good fun.  ;D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Julienne Alvarez
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2022, 04:25:43 PM »

Fabrication can be mentored? I had no idea! Julienne getting jealous about being in the background was good fun.  ;D
Yes - fabrication can be mentored. I think I've identified all the mentorable skills now
Basil was just so gorgeous-looking but Julienne got all the personality, lol.

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Julienne Alvarez
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2022, 08:46:31 PM »
Off the top of my head, two other mentorable skills are Pipe Organ and Rocket Science.
And I believe children can learn Vampire Lore (a pack that you don't have, Judi).

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Julienne Alvarez
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2022, 02:29:05 AM »
Off the top of my head, two other mentorable skills are Pipe Organ and Rocket Science.
And I believe children can learn Vampire Lore (a pack that you don't have, Judi).
Thanks for the additions. Yes, I don't have vampires so no pipe organ or Lore for me.
How do you mentor rocket science? Is it when they're building a rocket? I couldn't seem to get them mentoring an upgrade but I'll have another go. Tbh, always wanting Nerd Brain with it's 5 rocket trips/upgrades and with a club perk boost to rocket science, my WCs always seem to master it on their own with no extra work.
My last WC is a toddler and his parents have nearly got enough simoleons for a rocket (no dragonfruit, only cow berries at Magnolia Prom this time so funds are a bit low)

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Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Forrest Everdeen
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2022, 03:52:58 PM »
Wonder Child: Forrest Everdeen

Kate Everdeen, clone of Katniss: Loves Outdoors, Active, Bookworm
Patrick Stevenson: Creative, Self-Assured, Music Lover

Brindleton Bay: Tails End

Hero Responses:
Do we have your permission? “Do I have a choice?”
Where should the couple start? “Somewhere with a forest”
Which of the selected mates do you suggest? “Someone who can put up with me”

Watcher Debrief

Watcher: I don’t know what happened.
Agent: Maybe take us through some of the photos?
Watcher: Maybe…the selfies say it all. The clone of Katniss – Kate – bonded really well with Patrick.

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Watcher: They had twins – boys, as requested – Forrest & Ash. Forrest is the one with green eyes – my personal preference.
Agent: And Forrest received every opportunity?
Watcher: Of course. All the possible skills as a child. Plus the Conflict training.

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Both boys aged up as planned. With the wardrobe restrictions, it was tricky but I did release Forrest’s hair from the bun. It was a better look. Ash’s white v-neck tee was a bit of an odd choice but he rolled with it.

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Watcher: This was the start of the “problem”. Both lads went to their first prom but only Forrest got invited to the fair afterwards. He’d been flirting with Yuki at the prom but she wasn’t there either. He said this was just messing about with Maira Wilson…

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Agent: But this other shot in the sequence tells a different story?
Watcher: It was just a friendly selfie pose but I did find out that they went together in the cuddle carts.

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Agent: Why did Kate and Patrick not realise there was a potential problem?
Watcher: Despite not being family-oriented, both of them really wanted more children so these 2 scamps came along – Holly & Hazel.
Agent: Which one’s which?
Watcher: I was hoping you wouldn’t ask me that. I never can tell them apart. Neither can their parents – they’ve been a handful!

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Agent: This doesn’t look like a friendly selfie pose.
Watcher: Ah. Well I was helping Forrest get his Reward points up so he went on a date. I thought it was on Serial Romantic but it flipped onto Soulmate and…well it stayed on that for a while. They were BFFs before I knew it. Ash didn’t give me the heads up. He wanted his twin to be happy.

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Watcher: And then Forrest was devastated when he found out Maira had aged up before his last prom. He sneaked candles onto the cake made for his mum’s birthday and aged himself up. He took Maira to the Romance Festival to celebrate and one thing led to another…

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Agent: I know Maira is a little plump but am I right that there’s more tummy than usual?
Watcher: Yes – she’s just got the results back. She’s eating for two!
Agent: This was a total waste of time!
Watcher: To be honest, I don’t think Kate ever wanted her child to be sent into a life-or-death project. I suspect she undermined it from the start. Her original pattern – Katniss – always played her own game.

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Forrest got many points but as soon as he started dating Maira he developed a strong crush on her and most of his wants focussed around her. It was all rather sweet and eventually I stopped fighting it. His early age-up and getting Maira pregnant ensured that the agency wouldn’t separate them.

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Forrest Everdeen
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2022, 05:18:09 PM »
Forrest is lovely both as a child and a teen.  Those light green eyes!
Wait, he's already a father? Does that exclude him as a candidate for your Apocalypse Project?
Or will you be rotating between seven households?  That would be total madness and stressful....

Oh, scrolling up I see that, unlike your other WC, Forrest's update didn't conclude with his scoring.
What a beautiful sim.  What a shame. *wipes tear

I'm curious how you will chose your founder (singular). Purely on the basis of the highest score?
I'm an unabashedly superficial Watcher so I'd no doubt choose the one with the best genes, haha.
Several of your WC have those light green eyes. I hope one of them will emerge as the "victor." :D

P.S. Yes, a sim performing a rocket ship upgrade can be mentored by another sim with maxed Rocket Science.
       I double-checked this yesterday with my NSB sims.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Forrest Everdeen
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2022, 02:38:38 AM »
Forrest is lovely both as a child and a teen.  Those light green eyes!
Wait, he's already a father? Does that exclude him as a candidate for your Apocalypse Project?
Or will you be rotating between seven households?  That would be total madness and stressful....

Oh, scrolling up I see that, unlike your other WC, Forrest's update didn't conclude with his scoring.
What a beautiful sim.  What a shame. *wipes tear

I'm curious how you will chose your founder (singular). Purely on the basis of the highest score?
I'm an unabashedly superficial Watcher so I'd no doubt choose the one with the best genes, haha.
Several of your WC have those light green eyes. I hope one of them will emerge as the "victor." :D

P.S. Yes, a sim performing a rocket ship upgrade can be mentored by another sim with maxed Rocket Science.
       I double-checked this yesterday with my NSB sims.
Thanks for the tip about mentoring Rocket Science. Kate did mentor Forrest doing an upgrade. Maybe when I tried it before, the mentee had already maxed it.
I love all my Sims equally, of course (well thats what i tell them)! But, oh, green eyes...def my favourite too, lol! I was a bit sad when the Alvarez first born didn't inherit Benita's colouring and I was rooting for the Everdeen genes.
I'm still undecided about the new wants/fears system which caused Forrest's downfall. On one hand it gets in the way of my plans but on the other it definitely makes the Sims more individual.
Choosing my Apocalypse Challenge founder...hmmm...I need to have a think and a wrap-up post for this thread. I might need some help choosing  ;)

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Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Your Recommendation?
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2022, 05:27:51 AM »
Heroic Wonder Child Project – Stats

This project was designed to generate the ultimate hero who will be dropped into the outside world  and begin to redeem its post-Apocalyptic Challenges (outline & introduction)
Due to circumstances, the project only generated 5 Heroic Wonder Children. All 5 of these maxed cooking & gourmet cooking as the Chef career as food sourcing is considered a priority for our Apocalyptic world. To this end, the founder should either complete the Chef career or find a spouse who will do so.
Other prioritized careers, chosen on the basis of the Maslow pyramid of needs, are: Business Management (unlocks Retail Employee), Green Technician (power generation), Environmental Manager (water), Botanist (fresh produce) & Military Officer (safety, travel & unlocks GTW careers)


All of our contenders achieved/bought the following traits:

•   Top-Notch Toddler
•   Gifted – Mentally, Creatively, Socially & Physically
•   Scouting Aptitude
•   Good Manners, Responsible, Compassionate, Emotionally Controlled & Mediator
•   Professorial, Naturalist (Fireproof), Handy (Insta-Repair), Shrewd, Natural Leader, Thrifty, Clear Perspective, Laid Back
•   Gym Rat, Night Owl, Morning Sim, Connections, Great Story Teller, Frugal, Observant, Always Welcome, Ice Proof, Steel Bladder, Forever Full/Fresh, Heat/Cold Acclimatized, Incredibly Friendly, Speed Reader/Cleaner, Mentor & Entrepreneurial.

Individual Traits/Achievements are outlined below.

Sam Weatherwax
Cheerful, Recycle Disciple, Bookworm, Quick Learner

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Long Lived
Stoves & Grills Master, Never Weary
Analysis: Sam was raised with the intention of being a Green Technician although his parents failed to make sure he had the Fabrication skill – a severe disadvantage. He would more likely succeed as a Chef.

Robyn Redbreast
Creative, Neat, Bookworm, Domestic, Muser

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Long Lived, The Knowledge, Beloved, Afizzionado, Spice Hound, Graduated Early
Never Weary, Creative Visionary, Inspired Explorer, Water/Heat Proof
Analysis: Robyn was raised with the intention of being a Chef but she would also be great in Business Management.

Coral Odrade
Cheerful, Genius, Loves Outdoors, Quick Learner

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The Knowledge, Graduated Early
Water/Heat Proof, Free Services
Analysis: Whilst her parents had a laisez-faire attitude to the project, Coral was raised with strong eco-values and would make an excellent Environmental Manager

Flint Acoma
Self-Assured, Neat, Active, Gregarious

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The Knowledge, Beloved, High Flier, Star Player, Graduated Early
Stoves & Grills Master, Never Weary, Shameless, Water/Heat Proof, Storm Chaser
Analysis: Flint’s mother had a strong sense of order and was horrified to learn of the lawless situation. Consequently he was raised to value order to take charge. He would be a good Military Officer.

Julienne Alvarez
Outgoing, Neat, Creative, Gregarious

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Long Lived, The Knowledge, Beloved, Afizzionado, Graduated Early
Stoves & Grills Master, Inspired Explorer, Water/Heat Proof, Shameless, Independent, Storm Chaser, Marketable, Professional Slacker, Savant, Care Free
Analysis: Whilst Julienne’s mother prioritizes books and the acquisition of knowledge, once she found out that skill books would be provided as a matter of course, Julienne was raised with the intention of being a Chef.

Gameplay Note
The High School pack and revised lifespans came in after Sam so his stats are reduced because of this. Taking this into consideration, he is still an equal contender for Apocalypse Founder.
Savant Trait – I should have purchased this for all of them to speed skilling but I didn’t. It isn’t that useful in the AC because they’ve already maxed so many skills.

Overall Summary and Recommendations
The stats are laid out and any one of these WCs could be our AC founder.  You have been chosen as one of our consultants. Please ask for clarification on any point and then provide us with your recommendation. The future of our Simverse relies on your input.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Your Recommendation?
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2022, 01:06:29 PM »

Hm, this is a tough-y! I'm still partial to Robyn Redbreast because of her awesome name and golden locks, but if you're keen on the green eyes, Coral Odrade would also be an excellent choice.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Your Recommendation?
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2022, 06:25:28 PM »
In my previous comment, I'd actually asked if you were planning to ask for reader input on choosing your AC founder.
Later, I thought it was a cheeky remark so I logged back into the forum to edit my comment, LOL!

imho, there are two priority considerations:
(1) Traits/Careers: Since you must start Off the Grid, I can see why you wish to deal with water and power generation first.
                            Either Sam Weatherwax (Recycle Disciple/Green Technician) or Coral (Loves the Outdoors/Environmental Mgr) would make the best choice, but I prefer Coral's Genius/Loves the Outdoors traits.
(2) Genetics: My vote goes to Coral Odrade with her red hair and green eyes, always a striking combo. (You don't want generations of sims with cleft chins...)

I throw my full support behind Coral Odrade, born and raised in Sulani.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Your Recommendation?
« Reply #29 on: September 06, 2022, 02:42:22 AM »

Hm, this is a tough-y! I'm still partial to Robyn Redbreast because of her awesome name and golden locks, but if you're keen on the green eyes, Coral Odrade would also be an excellent choice.
I also adore Robyn for the same reasons. I love that she "chose" her hair style herself. I also think her skin tone is rather yummy. Her one downfall, in my opinion is that she had to do some major working out to overcome her XXL bodyshape which would be hard for her offspring to achieve in an extreme winter with only a ball to help. Mind you, food is in short supply, lol!