Author Topic: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Completed (7th Sep 2022)  (Read 14072 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Heroic Parents: Introduction

Date: January 1st 20XX
Location: Redacted
Program: The Wonder Child Project

Greetings Hero.

The Citizens of our Simverse are calling on you again to participate in the Wonder Child Project. The government has noted your past heroic deeds and have determined that your genes are desirable in a Wonder Child.

We are requesting your permission to use the DNA sample that we already have for you to create your clone. Please be aware that, under the current emergency laws, your permission is not required for your clone to be created. However, your willing involvement would be appreciated.

We have identified several fellow citizens of similar age with a complementary personality and genetic qualities optimal for child rearing and enclose their details for your perusal. As part of this program, your clone must reproduce at least once with the mate that you select. The first child born of the coupling will be the ultimate focus of this project. The “Wonder Child”.

Together, they will be given a $22,000 stipend and your choice of lot to purchase, to take up residence as regular citizens. They may take up jobs in the area of your suggestion, and otherwise blend in with the neighbourhood.

This is a competition. There are hundreds of other couples doing the same as them, including clones of your former housemates, to produce our best hope for the future of our Simverse.

Dossier Links
Background Info
Sam Weatherwax 938
Robyn Redbreast 1193
Coral Odrade 835
Flint Acoma 1112
Julienne Alvarez 1241
Forrest Everdeen - disqualified


This story continues in Flowers of the Apocalypse

Challenge Rules & Settings

*** edited from the original script on the Wonder Child Challenge website by Pinstar

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Heroic Parents: A Multi Wonder Child Project: Background
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2022, 02:52:49 AM »
Background Information

Our challenge begins where another one ended.

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L-to-R: Esme, Lessa, Katniss, Darwi, Elizabeth, Benita & Mara

Although our 7 heroes did many things to benefit our Simverse, the final project undertaken by Katniss Everdeen, to defeat The Mother in Strangerville, was not completed soon enough to call off the nuclear air-strike launched by the military.

Fingers have been pointed, scapegoats culprits found and disciplined but the lasting effects of the nuclear strike continue to be felt throughout the Simverse. There is a break down of utilities, environment, technologies and law. Many issues are exacerbated by incompetent or corrupt officials.

We need another hero, a super-human, versed in many skills and with many traits, to initiate a program of redemption. This project will aim to produce not 1 but 7 such super-humans - The Wonder Child Project. Set in isolated bubble Simverses, not affected by the current problems, the Wonder Children  will have childhoods with their families of which we can only dream.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Heroic Parents: A Multi Wonder Child Project: Rules & Settings
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2022, 02:53:36 AM »
Challenge Rules

I will be following the basic rules from Pinstar's original challenge to score the maximum number of points plus prepare the Wonder Child for the rigours of an Apocalypse Challenge, also created by Pinstar and updated by Florrie64

All 7 heroes from my 7 Hero Challenge will participate whether they give permission or not. As this will be one long round of skilling, each Wonder Child will have each have just one update to avoid repetition. Will they all be hot-house super-beings with little or no personality? Or will they develop individual characters from the families that raise them?

Feel free to suggest strategies or ask questions or just enjoy the toddler pics!

Gameplay Settings
Lifespan: Normal
Seasons: 28-day seasons, starting in spring
Weather: Sims affected; thunderstorms & blizzards OFF except Mt Komorebi.
Lifestyles: OFF
Auto Aging: ON for everyone, including animals
Fame: OFF
NPC voting on NAPs: OFF
Eco Footprint gameplay: ON
Neighborhood Stories System: fully ON for Other Households
Clubs: allowed
Mods: none

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Sam Weatherwax
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2022, 08:31:01 AM »
Heroic Parents: Sam Weatherwax

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Esther Weatherwax, clone of Esme: Genius, Loves Outdoors, Good, Nerd Brain
Martin Clifford: Creative, Active, Family-Oriented, Bodybuilder

Via Romanza, Tartoza
Lagoon Look, Sulani

Responses from Hero Pattern - Esme:
Do we have your permission? “Might as well – you’ll do what you want anyway!”
Which mate do you favour? “It’s all six and two threes to me. Roll a di!”
Where should the couple start? “I’ve always wanted to visit the Riviera. They dress smart there.”

Report Diary
Esther: It’s very nice here, although I’m not sure about my “ideal mate”. My Pattern, Esme says to “just lie back and think of Henford” so I guess I’ll have to make it work. I’m glad I went back to my natural blonde hair. The black suited my nature but I’ve always been a blonde really.

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Martin: I knew straight away that I’d have to work hard to make some magic. She was a bit surprised when I kissed her, I thought I’d gone too far.

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Esther: I couldn’t believe it when Martin proposed. I mean, we didn’t have to, officially, but I was so pleased. It means we’re a proper couple now and I can hold my head up in company.

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Martin: The twins came along before we knew it. That’s Sam on the left in pink – our Wonder Child. Collin was a wonderful extra. They’re so cute together.

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Sam: Watcher forgot to throw me a party. She was kicking herself about the 5 easy points she’d missed. I didn’t mind though. I celebrated good and hard when Collin aged up too. He’s a Happy Toddler. I’m Top-Notch of course.

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Sam: Me and Collin are BFFs. We used to like it when Mum & Dad read to us as toddlers but we’re busy doing other stuff now. We do a lot of stuff together, like fish and play chess.

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Sam: Mum & Dad took us to the Romance Festival so they could renew their vows. We got busy with the karaoke. It means we can sing in the shower now, which we do every time!

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Sam: Collin goes to school nearly every day. He doesn’t mind because he knows I work just as hard at home. I do like knitting though. I’d do more but I’m moving on to Cross-stitch tomorrow.

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Esther: I can’t believe we’ve aged up into elders. It’s nice to move to the beach. I do feel the cold now. It was nice to have the boys birthday party before we left Tartosa.

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Sam: I work hard most of the time but this day I got to doze off on the lounger. There was this event going on up the coast. What fun to have a swing right into the waves. I think I’d like kids of my own someday. I’m not sure I’d be as focussed as my mum and dad are. They love me, I know they do, but it’s kind of intense.

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Sam: Collin doesn’t mind not being the focus. Mum & Dad wouldn’t believe half the things he tells me he gets up to. This evening Mum was coaching me inside on programming when Nina Caliente came over, wanting a massage. Collin was more than happy to oblige!

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Sam: This was the night before our party. We’ve been getting death notices for both mum and dad for the last couple of days so I wanted to make sure I got some hugs in.

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Sam: We aged up right at the beginning of the party so I could work on a few “adult” things for the remaining time. It didn’t work out though. Mum baked our cake but then just quietly collapsed. She tried to do it out of the way so as not to spoil things but we just spent the rest of the party comforting each other. Collin had tried pleading for her life but Grim was merciless.

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Sam: So, I’m a young adult. I can do all this amazing stuff although some of it I’ve only read about in books. Collin maxed out quite a few skills all by himself. We’ve talked about stuff we want to do but the Project Officials are here – we’re off somewhere – I don’t know where.

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Sam Weatherwax
Score: 938 ***
Cheerful, Bookworm, Recycle Disciple

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Score Breakdown to give 938
43 - Toddler skills (4*10)+3
52 - Childhood skills: 4*(10+3)
20 - 5pt Adult Skills maxed: 4*5
312 - 10pt Adult Skills maxed: 24*(10+3)
14 – total levels of remaining non-maxed skills
450 – number of traits (45*10)
2 - Clean Diaper   
11 - Days to age up since A grades for child
13 - Days to age up since A grades for teen
11 - Days to age up since Teen career Cap
10 – Gold Medal birthday parties (2*5)

This first Heroic Wonder Child was a major learning curve trial for me. Things I’ve learned:
Skills children can master both before and after they’ve maxed Motor, Mental, Creative, Social;
Skills that can be mentored;
How to use Rally The Troops – I’ve never done this quite so intensively before and
The Connections Reward Trait does not work for Teen jobs!

*** Edited to amend score from 920 (snowboarding and 2 part skills not previously included) and to add score breakdown

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Sam Weatherwax
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2022, 11:30:48 AM »

Huh, what an interesting challenge. So, is your future apocalypse founder which ever of the 7 gets the most points? I'd be curious to see a break down of how you get your points for each child (if you feel like sharing).

Offline Sonshine

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Sam Weatherwax
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2022, 12:05:05 PM »
Very nice start Granny! I've  never attempted to do a wonder child project. I like your revised story on the apocalypse. Good luck!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Sam Weatherwax
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2022, 12:20:56 PM »

Huh, what an interesting challenge. So, is your future apocalypse founder which ever of the 7 gets the most points? I'd be curious to see a break down of how you get your points for each child (if you feel like sharing).
If I'm being honest, I fall in love with some of my Sims so my eventual Apocalypse entry will be my favourite but, shhh, don't tell them that  ;)

I should do a break-down of points otherwise it's just a random number - good point :) (see edited update for Sam)

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Sam Weatherwax
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2022, 12:22:47 PM »
Very nice start Granny! I've  never attempted to do a wonder child project. I like your revised story on the apocalypse. Good luck!
It is a lot of skilling to get the points up but it's a short & sweet challenge before the mammoth Apocalypse!

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Sam Weatherwax
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2022, 06:02:49 PM »
What a cool transition from the 7 Heroes to the Wonder Child to the Apocalypse. Good luck!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Sam Weatherwax
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2022, 01:37:24 AM »
What a cool transition from the 7 Heroes to the Wonder Child to the Apocalypse. Good luck!
Thanks Marion. I'm having fun with the concept..
My current Wonder Child in progress is negotiating High School while her Watcher is on a steep learning curve. I think it will skew the WC scoring but it'll be interesting!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Robyn Redbreast
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2022, 11:47:36 AM »
Heroic Parents: Robyn Redbreast

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Lilibet Redbreast, clone of Elizabeth Best: Genius, Active, Self-Assured
Lisa Redbreast, clone of Lessa of Ruatha: Creative, Family-Oriented, Self-Assured

Bargain Bend, Willow Creek
Newcrest - large corner plot

Responses from Hero Pattern:
Do we have your permission? Elizabeth: “Lessa and I have a counter offer: we help you create a clone of each of us and they will produce a Wonder Child.”
Where should the couple start? “Esme always said she got a nice welcome from the neighbours when she lived at Bargain Bend”

Report Diary
Lilibet: Lisa and I were quite literally made for each other. We both got lovely letters from our patterns, wishing us well and sending many blessings. I’m going to concentrate on logic skills and Lisa will be the creative one. We’ve chosen Redbreast as our surname. Ruatha was named for it’s founder Red and Breast is close to Best. Lisa is concerned our child might get teased with a name like that but it’ll just add character! Plus we’ve got the perfect gender-neutral name lined up!

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Lisa: I was the one to get pregnant. Lilibet had the adjustment to help it happen. We were looking forward to our nooboo but, wow, we got twins. Welcome Robyn and Menolly. Robyn was the name we’d picked out and Menolly? Well, it just felt right.

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Lilibet: We seemed to skip right through the toddler days. Robyn was so angelic that we never took any photos. Menolly was very independent but sometimes that got her into trouble.

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Lisa: I loved their birthday party. Robyn aged up to be a bookworm with pink tints which was such a surprise that we left them. Menolly stayed her cheeky self!

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Lilibet: Actually Robyn did goof off every now and then. Who could blame her – so much pressure on the poor kid. Here she was having a waterfight with Menolly and got one right smack on her shoulder!

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Lisa: Oh and don’t forget the Mischief phase! I was so glad that Nancy Landgraab seemed to take it in good spirit. Other people might have got seriously mad.

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Robyn: Fast forward, please and I’ll take over. No! No! Not that photo! I know I took it myself just as I aged up but, seriously! Could we not skip this one?

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Robyn: OK. That’s better. Here I am, following some intensive fitness training, doing what I love the best now, being creative. I didn’t love it then, actually. I became a real neat freak teen which basically meant I cleaned up after everyone and it made me happy!

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I got to do some interesting stuff, some good

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And some….not so good

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Our mum’s went through a bad patch. Lilibet caught Lisa flirting with someone in our painting club so we had to close it to non-household members so they could rebuild their relationship. It was a stressful time.

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High School was a respite during that period. I didn’t learn a lot but I met a lot of other teens which made life more interesting.

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Prom night was fun, except that we didn’t sort out our formal wear so it was just random stuff from the wardrobe! Even so, Menolly got voted Prom Queen and Nanami was the Jester. It was fun!

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Just before our birthday, we got the best thing! Sidney the wirehaired terrier came to live with us. I maxed out Veterinary so I could make him healthy treats and I trained him to the max. It was the best!

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I spent my birthday party DJing while Menolly got to dance the day away. Still, it was fun seeing everyone else have a good time.

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So, I’m off into the big wide world. I know I have to leave Sidney with Menolly but she’ll take good care of him. I’ve developed a fear of not fulfilling my dreams and I’m not as close with my family as I’d like to have been - I grew apart from Menolly. I hope to get better at relationships in my new life and get more in touch with who I actually am.

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Robyn Redbreast
Score: 1193

Neat, Creative, Bookworm
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Score Breakdown to give 1193

43 - Toddler skills (4*10)+3
52 - Childhood skills: 4*(10+3)
40 - 5pt Adult Skills maxed: 8*5
416 - 10pt Adult Skills maxed during childhood: 32*(10+3)
18 – total levels of remaining non-maxed skills
570 – number of traits (57*10)
2 - Clean Diaper   
12 - Days to age up since A grades for child
20 - Days to age up since A grades for teen
18 - Days to age up since Teen career Cap
15 – Gold Medal birthday parties (3*5)

There was an update that extended Robyn’s teen days so she had more than enough time to achieve nearly all the possible skills. I also got High School in the middle of Robyn’s teenage years which added in the Entrepreneur 5pt skill (maxed) plus 4 teen aspirations that she didn’t really engage with.

The changes in available skills and aspirations mean that you can only really judge a Wonder Child against one trained at a similar point with similar packs. I think Darwi’s clone will be the next attempt and she may have a different view on child-rearing to me.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Robyn Redbreast
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2022, 12:55:22 PM »

Robyn is so cute with her braids! Looks like she accomplished quite a bit. And wow, I had no idea sims could have max friendship and be so far in the red romantically.

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Robyn Redbreast
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2022, 03:53:38 PM »

Robyn is so cute with her braids! Looks like she accomplished quite a bit. And wow, I had no idea sims could have max friendship and be so far in the red romantically.

I know - I love her braids with the roots showing. Very like the home-dye jobs that my girls and their friends def had when they were teens. It was her default hair and it really suits her. I'd planned to go for a red-tints wardrobe to suit her name but, if she wants orange, who am I to argue!

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Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Coral Odrade
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2022, 01:50:36 PM »
Wonder Child: Coral Odrade

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Hilda Odrade, clone of Darwi: Active, Loves Outdoors, Family-Oriented
Nikolai Becerra: Loves Music, Creative, Child of the Ocean

Sulani: Sand Simoleon Beach & Sapphire Shores

Hero Responses (Darwi):
Do we have your permission? “Sure, why not?”
Where should the couple start? “Anywhere in Sulani would be idyllic”
Which of the selected mates do you suggest? “Hmmm. Can I see them with their tops off? Ooh – yes, him!”

Report Diary
Hilda: So I find myself on a desert island with this gorgeous hunk of a man. It didn’t take long for us to connect and these 2 sweethearts came along very quickly: Coral and Ariel.

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Nikolai: My sexy Hilda was such a great mum. She read to them and made sure they could use the potty.

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Hilda: But most of the time I just let them enjoy the beach and have fun.

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Nikolai: I’d done a bit of work as an artist, but once the girls were born, I quit and concentrated on cleaning up our home. It’s amazing how much rubbish people leave.

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Hilda: I think they had a great toddlerhood. It was a shame when they had to go to school but they stuck together and became best friends. That’s Coral on the left in bunches. I’d forgotten how attached Ariel was to her headscarf!

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Coral: Mum says she missed us when we went to school but she didn’t really because she’d got 2 more toddlers: Marlin & Triton. They got the same treatment as us – essentials and then fun in the sun! Dad couldn’t find any toddler photos of them but here they are, about to go to school and pretending to be all serious about it! Marlin on the left.

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Coral: I asked the scientist at Careers day what her job was like. She said it would be an improvement on my barista job – so embarrassing that I went in my uniform, but no-one said anything.

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Coral: Oh and did I say? This pair came along too! Marina and Caspian. Our house and island were always so busy but always relaxed!

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Coral: Marina and Caspian aged up…

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…and so did the boys (Triton on left) They're not bad looking I suppose, for brothers!

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Coral: Us four oldest actually went to prom together. I got voted prom queen despite graduating ages ago. I didn’t really know Orange Bailey-Moon as he’s a minor celeb and doesn’t talk much but we had a slow dance together as he was the jester.

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Coral: Marlin agreed to let me take his photo to show the dangers of ignoring daily facial washes. He has to shave most days too but Triton never does. Dad keeps letting his beard get long until mum complains and he would shave it all off in one go.

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Coral: So that was my childhood – pretty normal for a desert girl. When I aged up to a young adult, I was hoping to get to know Kiyoshi a bit better but Triton hogged his attention!

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Coral: Mum says I can join some renovation project if I like, no pressure. I’m not a super child but I’ve got skills. I could make a difference. I’d especially like to do some conservation work. Dad’s clean-up here needs more workers.

L-to-R Marlin, Caspian, Coral, Hilda, Nikolai, Ariel, Marina & Triton
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Coral Odrade
Score: 835

Genius, Cheerful, Loves Outdoors

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Score Breakdown to give 835
43 - Toddler skills (4*10)+3
52 - Childhood skills: 4*(10+3)
0 - 5pt Adult Skills maxed: 0*5
156 - 10pt Adult Skills maxed during childhood: 12*(10+3)
76 – total levels of remaining non-maxed skills
450 – number of traits (45*10)
2 - Clean Diaper   
9 - Days to age up since A grades for child
18 - Days to age up since A grades for teen
19 - Days to age up since Teen career Cap
10 – Gold Medal birthday parties (2*5)

Hardly any mentoring went on in this part of the project. Darwi’s clone was far more interested in having babies and spending time with the family. There was a family club to encourage certain skill-building and Coral definitely got Nerd Brain.
I’ve come to realise that many skills plus the Rennaissance aspiration is not as useful as I’d thought. In the Apocalypse Challenge rules that I’m planning to follow, skill books (and only skill books) can be bought freely when allowed to build/buy. This will definitely impact on the skilling, etc of the 3 remaining Wonder Children that I’m planning, offspring of my heroes Mara, Benita and Katniss
Certain Reward Traits will be crucial, especially the high-value Forever Fresh and Forever Full so completing aspirations and whims will continue to be important.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Heroic Parents (A Multi Wonder Child Project): Coral Odrade
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2022, 05:06:11 PM »

My goodness - so many children! Is there a reason you had so many instead of just hunkering down and focusing on the Wonderchild?

