Author Topic: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge (g2)  (Read 13558 times)

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2022, 09:53:21 AM »
Congratulations on gen 3! Just wanted to say I’ve been really enjoying this story so far!

PS. I love all of Mackenzie’s new outfits! Go them for being more confident in their gender than I’ll ever be!
they/he pronouns please!

Offline dovey

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2022, 05:07:52 PM »
Your family is doing so well with the arrival of Gen 3! Asher & Clem are sweet together and Cooper should thrive with so many carers available.
I'd wondered how you'd got the Charisma book in the last update, I should have realised that Astrid wrote it. Is there someone that can write a gourmet book?
I'm watching and learning here - still working on my Wonder Child.

Clem is the only one :((

Luckily, gourmet cooking isn't needed until the higher levels of Culinary, so Mackenzie is actually better off. The real problem is her sister, who (spoiler) is doing the eSports career while not being able to play video games. The kicker is that while "Play Video Games" is a daily task, it is only for the first two levels, of which she would've been able to skip by being an A student in school.

Basically - I might have to purposefully prevent Vienna from becoming an A student.

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2022, 07:55:37 PM »
Congratulations on gen 3! Just wanted to say I’ve been really enjoying this story so far!

PS. I love all of Mackenzie’s new outfits! Go them for being more confident in their gender than I’ll ever be!

Yesss Mackenzie was done so dirty by the outfit randomizer (both as a tod and child), they're a girlboss and deserve to look the part. I feel when they were a kid, they were more masculine but they're leaning into more of their femininity now :))

I love how my sims just decide their own lives for themselves sometimes, like I had no input they just decided that this is how they were going to be and I was like, cool!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2022, 02:08:03 AM »
I think the rules allow you to do the essentials to attain promotion levels so, for example, if you need video gaming level 8, you can play video games as well as whatever the daily task is.
The problem with gourmet cooking is that you can't do it on a barbecue - this callenge is such a mind game!

Offline dovey

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2022, 12:27:05 PM »
@Granny Lawlor Yes and also, for early levels of the Tech career the task is programming, but you still need gaming skill to get promoted  :-\

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2022, 02:15:31 AM »
y'all i just lost 5 days worth of gameplay...

i fixed it (i think) but i actually almost cried. still reeling from shock

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2022, 02:27:14 AM »
6. The End of the Beginning

dovey: *sighs* I have too many sims.


Dorothy: I realize that it's been a while since I've given y'all a look of the house. We have 5 fully furnished floors, with an empty top floor and an rocket on the top floor,  which will be built by future Lylith children. We'll go bottom to top.

B2 = workout, some eating areas, two bathrooms, and [Mateo + Vienna]'s room

B1 = children's room

G = dining area + toddler room.

L1 = Dorothy & Astrid's room + wedding arch + bathroom

L2 = Mackenzie's room, Asher + Clem's room


Mackenzie: Where are my culinary items going to go?

dovey: let's not talk about that.


Day 53 (Winterfest)

Dorothy: Cooper couldn't climb to the second floor (L1) where the tree was, so we brought some presents down for him.

Dorothy: Clem also gave him his first bath! To be honest, I'm a bit unaccustomed to the new liberties we have. I was still washing him in the sink next to the toddler area! The young'ins know how to utilize those unlocks.

In other news, I recently got the notif that I'll be aging into an Elder soon. I think I'm quite ready to retire. But I wonder, which one of my kids will carry on this documenting legacy?

Asher and Mateo aged up. Mateo joined the entertainer career and Asher joined the culinary career. (Asher later had to quit his job due to some scheduling errors)

Dorothy: This morning, Astrid and I decided to renew our vows with new, much improved outfits. Do you like my eyeshadow? Mackenzie did it for me.

We painted portraits of each other and hung them on the wall. You'll see them soon!

Asher: I kinda think Clem's pulling my leg. She says we have to woohoo "for her job". I understand her job is unconvential, but that seems like a weird daily task. Whatever, it's all fine by me.

Vienna: Mom wanted me to tell you guys that I'm too good for this. Being a geek, I'm more interested in gaming, but the company says I need programming skill to manage my brand and grow in popularity. While I can't play video games due to a dumb restriction, I've already become a programming whiz. Who knew reading could be so helpful?

Dorothy: Finally, long awaited - Clem and Asher get married!

They have some celebratory Don't Wake The Llama games after. (If you're wondering where I am, I was snoozing.) Don't Wake the Llama is an incredibly important part of our family culture.

Asher and Mateo get some impromptu YA hair growth.

Clem: I'm the busiest person in this household nowadays, with my wonky work schedule. Luckily, there's no shortage of people in this household to take care of my baby boy. Dorothy told me that Astrid never really took care of the girls all that much, but she's trying to make up for it by being a really good grandmom to Cooper.

Astrid: You know, with this fireplace and chilly weather, I always have the urge to bake chocolate chip cookies for him. My grandmother used to do that for me when I was a kid.

Clem: We knew what we were doing when we came here, though.

Astrid: Yeah.


Day 56 (New Year's Day)

Astrid: My kids really have grown up in a blink of an eye. Vienna has too much personality for her own good.

Kenzie's always making me proud, and she's carrying on the role as the chef of the family. Her food doesn't have the spoil-free quality that mine has, but I feel like it's got more love and emotion in it. My kids are definitely better people than I am.

Though she's in her teenage antics right now. She hates being around any and all family. She's being ridiculous. We all love her.

dovey: You guys always roll whims to talk to her, but maybe she doesn't want to talk to you?

Astrid: I don't know. But I talk to Vienna a lot and she's afraid that her and Mackenzie are growing apart as they go into different career fields. There's also the fact that she rooms with Mateo. The twins miss out on a lot of those holiday bonding moments, not being physically around each other.

Mackenzie: All I'm saying is, Asher and Clem are just gross with all their lovey-dovey stuff.

Vienna: C'mon, they're just being like that for the new year. They're never romantic!

Mackenzie: Girl... you don't sleep on the same floor as them. We have thin walls.

Vienna: Oh.

Mackenzie: Yeah.

Mackenzie: Well, I'm off now. I gotta go work on my mixology. See ya.

Vienna: Guys, today's my favorite day- prank day!

Mom's the only one that appreciates it as much as I do, since she's a goofball.


Dorothy: Well, here's my last word to you all, I guess. Clementine is at work right now, and she's told me that this is her last day before getting her final promotion. I can't say I'll completely miss living in NewNewCrest, but I'm sure to visit from time to time to see my kids.


I aged into an elder a couple days ago. While dovey won't be able to see me complete my "Big Happy Family" aspiration, something about Asher and Clem tells me I'll be able to complete it off screen. I've been spending lots of time with all my kids before I leave.

Especially Cooper, as he's growing so much every day now. He's been telling about all the people he wants to meet and friends he wants to make. I couldn't be more proud of the youngest Lylith.

Astrid and I are going to be moving into this beautiful seaside cottage. Mateo told us he's moving to the city, but that fast life is just not for us.

That tuesday night, Clem returned home with a promotion.

We said our tearful goodbyes and Mateo, Astrid and I finally left this godforsaken land.


dovey's Notes

I had major glitches surrounding Clem's career, but these were much worse than the ones with Astrid (Astrid's pertained more to her daily task). Whenever I relogged (went to CAS or Manage Worlds) Clem would exit her work day and it would mark her as having left early, thus her performance would go down. I would essentially lose my progress for no reason. The most notable of this being her Lvl9-10, in which I randomly dropped like 40%? After some debate I ended up editing her work performance to make up for what she should've had, as I've observed how much she usually progresses in a day.

Some people might count this as a cheat but I was fine with it under the circumstances. I am familiar enough with the logistics of this challenge to know when something is my fault, and this one was 100% unfair and out of my control. I am also assuming this glitch comes with High School Years because that patch seems to have broken the game in its entirety.

I hope that this chapter illustrated some of my sims personalities! Apocalypse is a challenge that is very gameplay oriented, but my sims are just angsty teens and there's not much you can do about it. Mackenzie is overworked and Vienna doesn't realize the magnitude of her situation. Mateo wants to pursue his own life goals and Asher's being domesticated.

Gen 3 Gameplay
I haven't totally decided yet what careers I want the Gen3 kids to do. Cooper's toddlerhood went by so fast because I was just trying to rush Clem's career, lol. I have a pool of careers I want Gen3 to clear, but I'm not sure who will do what yet. Coop is old.

Future things
I'm definitely going to make a family tree! Maybe when all of Gen 3 is completed, and I'll do like headshots in CAS probably. It'll be fun :)

I would also love to do a write up and analysis of why I cleared the careers the way I did, and what I would do differently. Definitely will not be for a while though. I love the Apocalypse Challenge because there's so many ways you can go about it. I'm already planning on what I would do if I did this challenge a second time.

Lastly - give me name recs!! I never know what to name my kids. (BTS fun fact - I randomized Cooper and Mateo's names)

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2022, 08:36:08 AM »
Congrats to Clem for completing her career although it's bittersweet to say goodbye to Astrid.
I'm afraid the coming-home-from-work "feature" has been around for quite a while now,  long before High School. It's soooo noticeable in this challenge because it's so crucial to clear those careers. I can't count the number of times I've clicked on that button only to curse my forgetfulness!
Thanks for the house tour. I always love seeing how other people work within the 8x8 allowance.

Offline dovey

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2022, 09:57:20 PM »
Congrats to Clem for completing her career although it's bittersweet to say goodbye to Astrid.
I'm afraid the coming-home-from-work "feature" has been around for quite a while now,  long before High School. It's soooo noticeable in this challenge because it's so crucial to clear those careers. I can't count the number of times I've clicked on that button only to curse my forgetfulness!
Thanks for the house tour. I always love seeing how other people work within the 8x8 allowance.

Ugh... those are so frustrating, generally I've learned to not mess with gamemodes when a sim is at work. I know my save error is definitely from the HSY update though; I hope that gets patched soon.

Offline dovey

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge (g2)
« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2022, 12:36:53 AM »
Update: putting on pause because I have the Groundhog Day glitch and literally cannot play my game

Offline dovey

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge (g2)
« Reply #25 on: August 09, 2022, 03:17:06 PM »
7. The Error of Our Ways

Clem: It's spring!! Personally I didn't really mind the cold, but everyone around me always coughing and sneezing, so I'm glad that everyone's lives will be easier now. Asher's estatic, he can't wait to go fishing.

He told me about Vienna's situation, so I joined the writer career immediately and wrote Gourmet Cooking and Video Gaming books for the twins. I'm honestly glad to be rid of my old job, it was ridiculously dangerous and not worth it.

I also found out that I was pregnant again, so yeah another reason I couldn't work anyways.

My husband's too good to me.

Even though I've unlocked the ability to travel to other lots, I've found that we mostly can't use it due to our phones not having service, meaning we can't call cabs. People can come to NNC, but we can't get out.

Cooper: But wasn't I able to go to that event in the snowy place?

Clem: It's because you got a direct invitation from school.

Cooper: Oh. Well it was really fun though! I met this super nice girl and... she was really pretty. I'm getting really good at making friends- everyone likes me!

Clem: Of course they do, honey. Why would they not?

Clem: Dora and Astrid visited the other day and basically showed off how they're not bound to NNC's rules anymore.

Cooper: Do you like my hat? Auntie Kenz gave it to me.

Clem: *squishes his cheeks* You're just so adorable in it.

Clem: Anyways, Asher and I haven't been able to fish as much as we like. We get some clear skies, but it rains so much here. April showers bring May flowers, I guess.

(You can see my baby bump in this one.)


Clem: The same night as Vienna and Mackenzie's YA birthdays, I go into labor. I went to the hospital, but dovey didn't take any pictures so you're just gonna have to trust us.

dovey: vouch.

Clem: We had twin girls. Asher and I named Sadie, and dovey named Sabrina.

dovey: She's named after Sabrina Spellman :)

Clem: Cooper wasn't a fan of his two sisters, which is funny because he likes everyone. I guess it's mainly about the number of boys in the household dwindling.

Asher also told me that Mateo's friend found a great place near his house, and he's thinking of moving out soon. He said that he feels like he's taking up a space in this project that could be given to someone better. I told him that I would miss him too much.

Asher: You really would. But I'm probably going to stay until Sabrina and Sadie become kids.

Clem: Yeah, but like...
The thing is, I would miss you, but if you ask me, you really shouldn't stay in NNC any longer than you have to.

Asher: Are you... sure?

Clem: Yes. All I wish for is your happiness.

Asher: Awww :)


Clem: Spring is going by so fast, it's already been a week. Don't you think?

Vienna: Especially for me. My job is a 9-5 every day, and I have to learn to program even though I want to go into esports. It's apparently a requirement for my field.

Clem: That sucks.

Vienna: I mean it's okay, it's backfired on those idiots because I'm hacking my work performance.

Clem: Yeah, sometimes I think the girls are being so frustrating, but you've really got it hard, huh.

Vienna: It's alright. I'm beating Kenz and she started a level above me, so maybe I'm just better.

Clem: Wait, have you seen my girls?

Vienna: Of course I have, I live in the same house as them.

Clem: No, I mean the readers!

Vienna: I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't. Toddlerhoods go by fast in this house. Not fast enough, I feel.

Clem: But they're so cute, c'mon.

Here's Sabrina:


Clem: Asher and I have almost gotten all of their skills maxed! Though of course, Mackenzie and Vienna help out when they can as well.

Meanwhile, Cooper's working on his second aspiration- Whiz Kid. He doesn't need it but I think it'll be a better use of his time. He's gonna learn to be very charismatic, I'm telling ya, but not now. Kids have the strangest sense of humor.

dovey: Oops- he's not allowed to do this (Comedian). I had no idea, but he did not finish the second aspiration so no harm done anyways.

Clem: Vienna, do you really hate my food that much?

Vienna: ... What?

Clem: I know Mackenzie's is really good, but you were nearly throwing up when you were eating this morning. It reminded me of-

Vienna: *splutters* Wha- nothing- everything is fine! It's just kinda nasty eating next to the dirty toddler potty.

dovey: valid.

Clem: Vienna, you know you can tell me.

Vienna: Okay, it's just that- you and Asher are so gross all the time! Can you not?

Vienna: For Love Day, a guy from my work asked me out, and it was-

Vienna: *takes a deep breath* Well, I think we're together now, but he doesn't want to move to NNC.

Clem: He can't, anyways.

Vienna: Really?

Clem: Yep. Only one occupant allowed every 20 years.

Vienna: Oh. Well- it doesn't matter! I don't want to see him anyways.


dovey's notes

The title is a reference to how much more fun this challenge has gotten ever since Clem's unlock. It's so nice when everyone has purposes and goals. Careers in TS4 are honestly very fun and satisfying (when they don't glitch).

Asher is staying until at least Vienna gives birth, and then probably moving out.

Short chapter because my game is literally broken and will not save (thank you HSY).

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge (g2)
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2022, 05:44:39 PM »
Your pics are gorgeous! Can I ask how you do the overhead shots? I can't figure that out.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge (g2)
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2022, 05:13:52 AM »
I'm having trouble with Sims who have umbrellas. If it's raining and they put their umbrella up, they do not go to work, they will not enter a tent and there's a few other things. I've taken to "put umbrella away" (click on umbrella stand) to sort that out. It's clearly a bug but I wonder if that's the same problem you're having? Is it raining and they're using an umbrella when you have the issues?

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge (g2)
« Reply #28 on: August 11, 2022, 01:40:58 PM »
@Granny Lawlor I haven't noticed any correlation between my sims not going to work and umbrellas, sorry  :-\ If you're talking about the time glitch, I disabled HSY and that seemed to do the trick.

I'm not totally sure what you're asking but I take all of my screenshots in tab mode.

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Re: The Lylith Apocalypse Challenge (g2)
« Reply #29 on: August 11, 2022, 07:50:23 PM »
8. Clem is Everyone's Mother

dovey's note: i'm in a terrible mood right now so sorry if the writing in this seems off. it's written like a podcast/ a conversation between Kenzie and Clem.


Mackenzie: We've not been having the greatest time at home right now. It's constantly thundering and miserable and no one's been able to get any work done. Vienna's had it the hardest with her pregnancy, and she took a full week to get her last tech guru promotion. She's now a full-fledged eSports competitor, but that was very difficult.

Oh right, yeah. My nieces, Sadie and Sabrina, have aged up to children now. (Sabrina's the blonde one)

And Cooper's a teen, which is really weird to me.

He even got a girlfriend- her name is Elsa and I actually get along with her very well.

Clem: Okay wait, Kenz, he says they're just friends.

Mackenzie: Yeah, sure. I saw them cuddling the other day.

Clem: No, I feel like they're in the stage between friends and a relationship, but I don't really know.

Mackenzie: Whatever it is, I'll always see him as six years old and running around with a head full of curls.

Clem: Yeah, we're getting old, huh. I'm halfway through my adult stage.

Mackenzie: But anyways, I was just saying to the readers, it's been pretty miserable around the house lately, right?

Clem: Oh yeah, I totally get what you mean. The mood is just totally off.

Clem: Like I feel like I liked winter more, even though it was cold and we were always cold, Dorothy always prepared us really well and we had all the fires going. I really appreciate them now that I'm supposed to be the head of the household.

Mackenzie: Weren't you in the same program as Mom- I mean, Dorothy?

Clem: Yeah, but that's just a skilling program. Like, Astrid was in the same program and she was much different from Dora.

Mackenzie: Ah.. I see.


Week 14 - Summer

Clem: Hey Kenz, wanna help me out with the update?

Mackenzie: Of course, I got a 3 day break this week. Plus, I've been wanting to catch up on family news with you.

Mackenzie: How are the girls doing?

Clem: They're doing good. Sadie's maxed her logic skill and completed the mental aspiration and Sabrina's at Motor Lvl 8, but unfortunately she's unable to actually finish the aspiration.

Mackenzie: *looks* Oh, I see why. Pretty much impossible, especially if she's aging up next Monday.

Clem: At least Vienna's not under any pressure to complete her career.

dovey: Most of my time is spent on the Gen3 kids now. Elsa's moved in :p

Clem: Don't forget Xye.

Mackenzie: Oh yeah, I feel like we always have a toddler in the house. It's a never ending cycle of crying and training.

Clem: I think he's okay.

Mackenzie: Well that's good, because you're always the one taking care of him.

Clem: Ah... It's just that, once you know the feeling of raising twins, raising one seems so easy in comparison. I can focus on other things, like- I've been training Elsa,

and also talking to you and Vienna,

and Asher visits a bunch so we can always-

Mackenzie: Wait I really don't want to hear about what you do with Asher.

Clem: *laughs* Yeah but, um- a thing about Sabrina, since we were talking about her. She's been helping out with Xye since she doesn't really have much to do.

All the kids are A students except for Elsa but Elsa's a couple days younger than them so she'll be fine.

Mackenzie: Elsa's really trying to get her fitness skill up, huh?

Clem: Yeah, I think she feels like she has to prove her place in the household. She's fine, really. Oh and, I talked to her the other day and she definitely does have a thing for Cooper.

Mackenzie: You asked her?

Clem: No, actually, she mentioned it herself. I guess she's quite infatuated *laughs*.

Mackenzie: Also, for all of y'all, Xye is Vienna's kid. No, I don't know why she named him that.

Clem: prolly has something to do with the purple hair he's got.

Mackenzie: There's no way that's natural.

Clem: It is. You saw his birth! What are you-

Mackenzie: *chuckles* I'm kidding. I still think there's something up with him though.


Clem: Kenz, why're you so sad?
C'mon your dress is stunning; you can't be sad when looking like that.

Mackenzie: Thanks. But... I just hate- I hate killing all these fish.

Clem: Aw well, you're working on fixing that, right?

Mackenzie: Yeah, but the journey up still hurts.

Clem: We all work for what is most important to us. That's why your sister is working so we can all have proper entertainment, and-

Mackenzie: You worked for everyone to leave?

Clem: No, for me, I was told by WCP to clear Diamond Agent. But focus on the positives, okay?

Mackenzie: It still hurts.

Mackenzie: In other news, Vienna saved us all from near starvation a couple days ago. We'd just given all of our money to the mob, and neither her or I worked until Wednesday so we would've died.

She apparently got a invite to GeekCon, and when she came back we had a humble 100 simoleons in our bank account.

Clem: Sadie also finished her aspiration at GeekCon by maxing her mental skill. She's gaining levels in logic now!

Clem: To match the summer, we've recolored the entire house to be more bright and cheerful. All the above-ground floors got a new look, but the ground floor's the most changed. All the floors now have one wall of floor to ceiling windows.

I've also cut bangs for myself.

And the walls are still black mostly, since dovey said "I don't want this to look like a f*cking hospital room."

Clem: What's that face for?

Mackenzie: This woman was giving me advice about cooking. She obviously didn't know what she was talking about.

Clem: Ah well, that's what happens when you cook outdoors.

Mackenzie: I was just sick of cooking in our house, since the grill and dining table are on different floors. I literally can't carry the dish with me as I go down the ladder.

dovey: i do it for you  :'(

Clem: I think you indirectly caused Cooper and Elsa to finally get together.

Sabrina: It's not official, he says.

Clem: Official enough that it gets awkward around them with his dear ol' mom around.

Sabrina: *snickering*

Sabrina: I actually have something to add to the update, mom. I saw this guy at the park the other day.

Clem: Oh, dear.

Mackenzie: Ba duh... huh?

Clem: Oh, sometimes I feel like the only adult here.


dovey's notes

Things going very, very wrong
The apocalypse challenge is a challenge where you must plan, a lot. And I have not done the best job of that. Majorly, I don't know of Mackenzie's career (Chef) is possible to finish with a non-WC kid. I think with eSports lifted there might be a slight workaround to food, but I'm not sure if that's totally legal. I'll explain it in the story though, don't worry.

I'm also in a super wonky mood today, and for some reason I could not get this entry to flow easy at all. Some things:
- Asher moved out right after Vienna gave birth
- Vienna is at Lvl 8 eSports and Kenz is at Lvl 7 Chef
- officially, the rule is I can only go to festivals until phone unlock

at least my kids are cute :)

adult - Clem
ya - Vienna, Mackenzie
teen - Cooper, Elsa
kid - Sabrina, Sadie
tod - Xye

