Literally Seven Heroes 6.2: No More FadingDarwi: I can’t believe we have to move! I love it here.
Esme: We all love it here but we have no choice.
Elizabeth: You said that about the Fisherfolk career but I found a way round that.
Esme: I don’t mind the fishing and in some ways I don’t mind moving. This place is too big for us, we don’t make the most of it. However, I do mind being told where to live and being told what to do.
Mara: I mind that my former colleague Coriolanus is the President Elect!
Darwi: Coriolanus Snow? I thought he was just a background clerk for the charity that I worked for – that was after you, Mara. How has he risen so quickly in such a short time?
Benita: Wait a minute! The President Elect’s name is Snow? “Snow is coming” Snow?
Mara: I don’t know about that, but he’ll be inaugurated tomorrow. That charity you were working for, Darwi? World United – it seems they only want the world united for people like them and Snow became head of their lobby wing. It’s still seen as a reputable charity but it’s purely political now.
Benita: No more money to them!
Mara: Agreed! I’m switching my support to No Sim Left Behind.
Elizabeth: I don’t like this. They know too much about us. I’m not sure we can trust anyone. We need to fade into the background.
Esme: No! I’m tired of fading. They know too much? Let’s just be who we are! I’m not an old woman. No more dyeing my hair.
Mara: Great! I’m all for that.
Darwi: After all, what more can they do to us. I’ve got a network of happy clients. We’ll be fine.
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Darwi: OK, when I said “fine” I didn’t know we were going here! Tangled Flat! It's Tiny!
Elizabeth: Do you remember the bunk beds? Wow! It’s been so long. We can upgrade them…
Mara: They let us keep all our furniture so we can shift things around a bit and fit things in. And Darwi? You can weave your magic for us?
Darwi: I can’t believe we’ve only got one set of each outfit now!
Lessa: It makes getting dressed easier – no choice to ponder…
Esme: There’s a lot of our stuff piled up in storage that we’ve got no room for. Just the essentials. I’ll try and sell the small stuff in Yard Sales but I don’t know what we’ll do with the big items.
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Lessa: Oh, Katniss, you’re happy here aren’t you!
Katniss: Higher, Higher!
Lessa: I love it too. Outside most of the time.
Katniss: My Tent!
Lessa: Yes, but the others like sleeping in there too, sometimes.
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Lessa: Well, here I am. Ready to begin my first day in my very own Veterinary Clinic in District 9. It’s bigger than I need but there’s room out back for Katniss and the rest of the family to hang out. Do you like my dragons? Esme showed me how to size them up. I’ll always love my dragons!
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Makayla: I’m so worried about her. She’s just not herself.
Lessa: I think it’s a touch of Swamp Mouth. The second case I’ve seen like this. This shot will make her all better.
Makayla: Thank you so much. The other clinic wouldn't accept her case. Just turned us away. They said I made the other customers nervous.
Lessa: That’s terrible! I’d no idea things were getting so bad for you.
Makayla: We’ll need to shut down the stores in Magnolia Promenade. We’re haemorrhaging money like nobody’s business.
Lessa: But your people have built up all the stores there – it was such a vibrant place to visit.
Makayla: No travel – remember. Oh, people sort of “dropped in” as the area wasn’t included in the new District plan but just assimilated into neighbouring Districts. But we never know if the customers we do get are genuine or just collecting data.
Lessa: I guess we’re not buying new stuff anymore. We don’t have room for the stuff we’ve got.
Makayla: Well, the stores will just be empty shells soon. I think it may be time… Be Safe!
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Katniss: Blue Princess Drives Trucks
Darwi: Well that’s a mash-up of possible things to say. You are an unusual child, Katniss.
Katniss: Dinosaur Party?
Darwi: And why not!
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Lessa: After I’d only treated 7 patients and 2 check-ups, my clinic got shut down. Apparently there were some health and safety violations which is a crock.
Mara’s giving as much as we can each day to No Sim Left Behind without raising any official flags. It’s a shell-charity for The Resistance. Benita hasn’t made it to Batuu for a while but we’re helping from a distance.
Anyway, this Thrift Store is my current attempt to raise more funds to send. We picked up one of the shells that Bill was telling me about in Magnolia Promenade. Travel here can’t be banned because it sort of falls between the cracks in the surrounding Districts. To be honest, it’s turned into a bit of a Black Market. The next door store is selling luxury items but that attracts visitors from Capitol and District 1 and I don’t want those in here.
I’m selling off all the useful furniture and equipment that we have no room for any more. I’ve put in some of the decorative items too but they’re just for ambience. It’s weird seeing our stuff for sale but the times are hard. The section on the right is another private area for the family.
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Katniss: Play tent! Real Tent! My Tents! In Tents! Dragon!
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Lessa: Of course you’re welcome! You’re almost family!
Servo-Bot: Scanning, Scanning, Uploading, Uploading, Ready!
Lessa: What? Are you malfunctioning? I’ll call Elizabeth. No wait, she’s at the hospital. Oh dear!
Servo-Bot: I’ll take a planter please.
Theodore: Maybe I’ll just be off! Be Safe!
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Agent 247 Report: I was greeted at the residence by the senior subject of the household, Esme Weatherwax
Appearance update: she now has straw-coloured hair, not silver.
Weatherwax declared it was too late for visitors and that I should return another day. She also said “You knows where I am” which sounded like code or that I had been made. Much of the household living area is external but they were all inside, I believe.
They have chickens to supply eggs and possibly meat. They have crickets for flour, local fishing and a plentiful supply of home-grown produce. Sugar, milk and meat products are delivered and that would be a means of data-gathering.
The subject Mara of the Acoma, creator of 7 video games, was not visible so I was unable to deliver the personal message from President Snow.
Recommendation: I may have been compromised. I’m planning another visit during daylight hours but another agent should be lined up. The report from the Thrift Store run by the subject Lessa of Ruatha is concerning, especially regarding the ease of travel access. As certain high-profile citizens were observed shopping in the area, this could be a good source of data-gathering for leverage and should be exploited as such. Ongoing research into the archives should continue - matching birth/adoption records are still unavailable for the majority of the household.
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Progress: Day 231 (Spring 1)Total Projects Completed 25 by 5 Heroes
1 Esme Weatherwax -
Completed Projects: 7
- Assemble an Omiscan museum containing 16/16 artifacts and 0/9 unique relics with rare crystals.
- Write 7 unique songs
- Max Flower Arranging skill and give away 70 flower arrangements
- Complete the Lady or Lord of the Knits aspiration and give away 70 knitted objects.
- Make and give away 70 canned goods from own grown ingredients of all available types
- Grow 7 perfect fruits, 7 perfect herbs, and 7 perfect vegetables
- Assemble a natural history museum containing 7 collections of 7 unique items each: crystals, fish, fossils, frogs, insects, metals, shells
2 Darwi Odrade -
Completed Projects: 10
- Guide 7 different Sims to the top of Mt. Komorebi in one or more Mountain Excursion
- Max the Teacher career (done) and mentor 7 children or teens
- Develop a soup kitchen by maxing the Charity Organizer branch of the Politics career and grilling 70 dishes in a park.
- Complete Distinguished Degree in Psychology and counsel 7 angry, 7 sad, and 7 tense Sims, putting them in a happy, inspired, confident, or focused mood
- Max Detective career and lock up 7 felons
- Assemble an art museum containing 7 masterpieces, 7 excellent wood carvings and 7 outstanding photographs
- Make Evergreen Harbor the best that it can be by passing the Green Initiative and Modern Development Initiative in each neighborhood and ensuring that the town has a maker space, market space, and community garden
- Max Mixology aspiration and prepare 7 excellent meals, 7 excellent gourmet meals, and 7 excellent drinks.
- Clean up Sulani and max conservationist career
- Nurture 7 top-notch toddlers and send them to good homes when they become children
- Projects In Progress:
- Max Interior Decorator career(9) and do renovations at 0/7 different community lots
3 Elizabeth Best -
Completed Projects: 5
- Create 7 Simbots and give them to 7 elders
- Max Scientist career and stockpile 70 serums
- Make Sim world safer by performing 70 upgrades on plumbing and electrical items on community lots
- Max Secret Agent career and witness the deaths of 7 evil Sims
- Max Personal Trainer branch of Athletics and mentor 7 Sims in fitness
Projects In Progress:
- Max Doctor career (4) and perform 0/7 successful surgeries
4 Mara of the Acoma -
Completed Projects: 2
- Max the Tech Guru career and write 7 games
- Max Politician career, participating in 7 demonstrations and giving 7 inspired speeches
Projects In Progress:
- Max Business or Salaryworker career (done) and donate 67/70k simoleons to reputable charities
5 Benita Alvarez -
Completed Projects: 1
- Interplanetary Ambassador -- Max the Astronaut career, visit Sixam, and have 7 Sixamite friends
Projects In Progress:
- Publish 6/7 motivational best-sellers
- Complete Paragon of Hope aspiration (1/3)
6 Lessa of RuathaProjects In Progress:
- Max veterinarian skill (done), cure 7/7 pets (icy fever, 2 swamp mouth, Winterfest Fever, Mild Repugnitis, Derpy Doggy Syndrome, Common Lava Nose), and befriend 0/7 strays
- Make 9,301/70,000 simoleons running a retail store that sells essential items
7 Katniss Everdeen Toddler
Chosen Traits: (Wild)
Heroes L-to-R: Mara, Elizabeth, Lessa holding Katniss, Darwi, Benita, Esme
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LocationsNew Residence: Tangled Flat, Ohan'ali Town, District 4 (Sulani)
Veterinary Clinic: Twin Oracle Point, Llama Lagoon, District 9 (Newcrest)
Thrift Store: Empty Lot, Magnolia Promenade