Author Topic: Literally 7 Heroes - Complete  (Read 32394 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally Seven Heroes 5.1: More Or Lessa
« Reply #60 on: July 06, 2022, 09:21:43 AM »
Literally Seven Heroes 5.1: More Or Lessa

Benita: I got an A on my first day at High School – isn’t that amazing? Mara said we could all go out to celebrate on the Tuesday morning. We went to this restaurant but they didn’t have any tables for 5. They actually sat me inside on my own! Watcher moved my table and took away the clutter and then I had my cake. The others did gather round to celebrate. I am officially a young adult!

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Esme: Right, Mara’s had to go to work so you can join us on this table.
Benita: Thank you?
Esme: I’ll order for all of us – just drinks I think – we’ve already had cake!
Benita: But…
Elizabeth: What do you want to start working on, Benita?
Darwi: There’s still a lot of choice.
Benita: I wondered about a career in space
Esme: That’s perfect – you are active and you’re fairly logical too.

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Elizabeth: I love that we’ve moved back to Sulani. I might even complete that shell collection. The Admiral’s Wreckage had loads of space down below for the fitness stuff and our sleeping quarters. I tucked the Wormhole generator out of the way down there too.
This ground-floor room with all my tech stuff is nice and airy. You’d think my level 10 science arm would help with the robotics but it’s better with my robo-arm.

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Benita: What’s this? If I push this button, oh, wow! This I’ve got to see!

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Darwi: I heard you went on an adventure!
Benita: It was amazing. I made friends with a couple of aliens – Luna and Kirstie. They’re so cool.
Darwi: Are you going back again?
Benita: Oh yes, sometime. But I was wondering about the other heroic task…adopting the next hero?
Darwi: Now or later – no rush.
Benita: I think now!

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Benita: It took a while to get you here in the islands but here you are, little Lessa. There, there, you’ve got a family now. You’re safe with us.

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Darwi: So, you see, my cause is really worth rallying to.
Tourist: It sounds great!
Darwi: Will you put your money where your mouth is?
Tourist: Oh, is that the time? I’d better be off!
Esme: People don’t seem too generous down here
Darwi: I got a couple of large donations but you’d think that they’d give more seeing as how they’ve splashed out travelling down here.
Esme: Splashed out is right! I’m getting wet down here. Time to go home.

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Darwi: Oh, Benita, now you’re a  young adult, can we get a portrait of you for the museum? We really must stop by there sometime and off-load some of our stuff.

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Progress: Day 182 (Autumn 2)
Total Projects Completed 17 by 4 Heroes

1 Esme Weatherwax - Completed Projects: 6
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2 Darwi Odrade - Completed Projects: 7
-   Complete Distinguished Degree in Psychology (done) and counsel 7 angry, 7 sad, and 7 tense Sims, putting them in a happy, inspired, confident, or focused mood
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

3 Elizabeth Best - Completed Projects: 3
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4 Mara of the Acoma - Completed Projects: 1
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5 Benita Alvarez
Chosen Traits: Active, Bookworm, Creative
Earned Traits: Responsible, Good Manners, Self-Controlled, Compassionate
Requirements 7: 7 Scouting Badges, Make 7 objects (all paintings), 7 Emotional Whims, 7 Volunteer activities, 7 non-skill books, 7 collectibles (all frogs); level 7 in adult skill (logic & fitness)
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6 Lessa of Ruatha - nooboo

Heroes L-to-R: Esme, Elizabeth, Benita holding Lessa, Darwi & Mara
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I’m very happy with how Benita has aged up. I was planning to have long dark hair for her but she really suits the default style she aged up with so I’ve left it. She’s the only one of the heroes that aged up without wobbly bits and she’s the one hero that needs full fitness for her project! I’d say it was because she was an Active child but so was Elizabeth.

Lessa of Ruatha from the Dragon series of books by Anne McCaffrey.

Set on Pern, a planet beset by a voracious parasite called Thread that falls from the skies. The original settlers developed the tiny native fire lizards into enormous creatures with the ability to carry and to bond with humans. Together, dragons and their riders fight the Thread, keeping the thankful or grudging populace safe.
Lessa, heir to the Hold of Ruatha, was orphaned by the ambitious Fax. Far from the one remaining dragon weyr, and in hiding as a drudge, she uses her talent of psycho-manipulation to bring about a deadly confrontation between Fax and Weyrleader F’lar who has come in search of a candidate to bond with the last precious dragon queen egg.
Pure escapist fantasy – dragons, danger, romance – what’s not to love?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 5.1: More Or Lessa
« Reply #61 on: July 06, 2022, 01:05:57 PM »

Heeeeey, at last a book I've actually read! It was as a kid, so I didn't remember the name Lessa, but I definitely read a lot of those Pern books. Well, and I guess I read a few of the Discworld ones too, just not really enough to get your references.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 5.1: More Or Lessa
« Reply #62 on: July 06, 2022, 04:52:20 PM »
Benita has been gorgeous at every age and that short hairstyle really suits her.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 5.1: More Or Lessa
« Reply #63 on: July 07, 2022, 01:50:52 AM »

Heeeeey, at last a book I've actually read! It was as a kid, so I didn't remember the name Lessa, but I definitely read a lot of those Pern books. Well, and I guess I read a few of the Discworld ones too, just not really enough to get your references.
Lessa was the "star" of the first book when there is a crippling shortage of dragonriders.
After becoming a Queen Rider, she realised the dragons could travel in time as well as space by using stellar positions as references. Impetuous & independent, she went back in time 200 years to bring the Old-timer dragonriders back to help fight the Thread.
Her contributions in further books are less heroic and she is seen as a charismatic but easily irritated leader.
My 7th hero is much more well-known in my favoured genre of books, featuring as she does in blockbuster movies. I think my choice is obvious...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally Seven Heroes 5.2: Speciest Propaganda
« Reply #64 on: July 07, 2022, 09:53:53 AM »
Literally Seven Heroes 5.2: Speciest Propaganda

Neighbours: We’ve just moved in to your old house. You didn’t come and give us a Welcome Wagon but we thought we’d bring you some Extra Food.
Darwi: One of you is an Elder. I’m afraid I can’t let you in but would you be interested in making donations to World United?
Neighbours: Here you go. Will that get us invited in?
Darwi: Not if you’re Elders… However, that’s got me to my target. I should get my promotion after Harvestfest!

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Benita: I’m so glad you could all come!
Luna: You and your significant connectors have made us very welcome
Benita: Have some of Darwi’s cooking – she’s the best at that!

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Benita: Happy Birthday, Lessa. Let’s learn to talk!

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Green Swimmer: See – this is why no-one takes us seriously.
Red Swimmer: That’s rampant stereotyping right there in this Sim propaganda movie.
Lessa: Funny Men
Benita: The Wee Free Men. Granny told me about them. I’ll just go and put the hard liquor away.

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Rabbit: So, we’re going to make some changes?
Grim: We want to be taken seriously.
Green Swimmer: Everyone sniggers when we tell them we’re the Wee Free Men even though we’re practically Gods – smiting stuff and all that.
Grim: I say we become the Oh My Gods!
Rabbit: What?
Grim: You know – every time someone says “Oh My God”, we show up and sort them out.
Red Swimmer: I don’t think people really want Gods to show up every time they say that.
Grim: Well, why else would they say it? Everyone agreed?
Traditional Gnome: That’s 2 thumbs-up from me!

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Mara: I’m thankful that we’re all together.
Benita: I’m thankful that we managed to appease the Wee Free Men
Esme: You mean the Oh My Gods?
Benita: Er – yes. Not sure how that’s going to work out for them.
Elizabeth: I’m just going to concentrate really hard and not worry about that.

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Elizabeth: Ha! My 3rd servo-bot activated. This can go to our newest neighbours. I’m sure it will be OK in the sand…maybe.
Watcher: Well done. Only 4 more to go. Sorry about the robo-arm…again.

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Lessa: I love you, Green Dragon.
Green Dragon: I'm famous you know? A significant Mah Jong piece.
Lessa: Huggles!
Green Dragon: That's nice.

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Progress: Day 189 (Autumn 4)
Total Projects Completed 18 by 4 Heroes

1 Esme Weatherwax - Completed Projects: 6
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

2 Darwi Odrade - Completed Projects: 8
-   Develop a soup kitchen by maxing the Charity Organizer branch of the Politics career (9) and grilling 70 dishes in a park.
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3 Elizabeth Best - Completed Projects: 3
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4 Mara of the Acoma - Completed Projects: 1
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5 Benita Alvarez
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6 Lessa of Ruatha – toddler
Chosen Traits: (Independent)

Heroes L-to-R: Esme, Elizabeth, Benita holding Lessa, Darwi & Mara
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For the sake of research, Elizabeth did try cloning her 3rd servo-bot and it worked. They both went to the same house. This cloned bot is not included in the count.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally Seven Heroes 5.3: Que Serum Serum
« Reply #65 on: July 08, 2022, 04:40:10 AM »
Literally Seven Heroes 5.3: Que Serum Serum

Benita: I was so tired when I got home from work on Monday that I went straight to bed. Lessa was still up so Elizabeth read her to sleep. It looks a little creepy in her level 10 Scientist outfit – that robot arm – but Lessa seems to think nothing of it and just enjoys the story.

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Benita: I’m off on Tuesday which is great because I can enjoy Lessa’s birthday. There’s so much to do. Esme helps – she’s never been employed – but, even though Elizabeth is taking a day off work, she’s busy cooking up a storm on her chemical lab. She’s pinched all the apples, carrots and parsley out of the fridge. She says she’s stockpiling while she can still work on the lab.
Elizabeth: That's Smart Serum, Synthetic Food, Snake Oil, Slimify - lots of each plus at least one each of all the others - but these are the most useful to Sims of the ones that have simple ingredients.
Esme: It's my birthday next Monday - can I have the age-away one?
Elizabeth: I'll clone you one for then. These are my heroic serums - Not For You! Not until I've got at least 70, anyway!
Mara: I thought you were busy making sim-bots
Elizabeth: I'm going to concentrate on those when I've quit being a Scientist.

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Benita: Happy Birthday, Lessa! I’m sorry we couldn’t get your imagination up but you’ve aced all the other skills!
Lessa: Pfft!

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Esme: You know this is just a story, don’t you Child?
Lessa: But you read it so well. I really love hearing about the dragon flying high!
Esme: There are no dragons in our Simverse.
Lessa: But there are other universes where there might be dragons, aren’t there? Otherwise how would we imagine dragons?
Esme: You have to live in this universe but you can dream of anything you like! Just make sure you know the difference.

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Lessa: It’s Saturday and we’re at the library. But I’ve played my 3 games of chess! Can’t I look for frogs outside?
Darwi: Play a couple more games. I’d really like to mentor Janice here and Sara, the teen over there. Elizabeth will mentor you. Your mental skills are going off the chart!
Elizabeth: How come you’ve got to the top of the teacher’s career in 2 promotions?
Darwi: My Psychology degree – you know, the one that helps me counsel people – it gave me a leg-up in teaching. I love it. I feel like I’m really making a difference.
Elizabeth: I like mentoring fitness. Not the elderly though, not any more.
Darwi: I could mentor fitness too. And painting. Hm – next week I shall experiment. I’m sticking to children and teens – giving them a good start in life.

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Progress: Day 196 (Winter 1)
Total Projects Completed 18 by 4 Heroes

1 Esme Weatherwax - Completed Projects: 6
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

2 Darwi Odrade - Completed Projects: 8
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

3 Elizabeth Best - Completed Projects: 3
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

4 Mara of the Acoma - Completed Projects: 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

5 Benita Alvarez
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

6 Lessa of Ruatha – child
Chosen Traits: (Independent) Loves Outdoors

Heroes L-to-R: Esme, Benita, Darwi, Elizabeth, Mara & Lessa
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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally Seven Heroes 5.4: What Were You Thinking?
« Reply #66 on: July 09, 2022, 07:58:06 AM »
Literally Seven Heroes 5.4: What Were You Thinking?

Elizabeth: I’ve got so many serums stockpiled, we’re ready for anything! I know we’ll use the age-away serum ourselves but I’m hoping the world won’t need all these others. Still – be prepared as we used to say in Scouts.

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Esme: This age-away serum isn’t doing anything.
Mara: Where did you get it from?
Esme: From the shelf where Elizabeth keeps them.
Mara: Ah – you see – you need to get Elizabeth to give it to you. It doesn’t work straight from the shelf.
Esme: What if you give it to me?
Mara: Yes, that’ll work too.
Esme: It’s all just headology – makes no sense! What are you up to anyway?
Mara: I’ve just finished writing my first ever video game. Do you want to play-test it?
Esme: I’m not one for playing games. Real life is enough of a challenge.
Mara: They’ve lapped it up in Capitol – they love games there.
Esme: Where’s Capitol?
Mara: Oh – it’s just the new name for San Myshuno. You know – all the politics goes on there so they’ve renamed it.
Esme: Don’t sound right to me.
Mara: It’s only a name, Esme.

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Lessa: Why do I have to clean up all this mess?
Darwi (mentoring chess again): It’s important to make amends when you’ve messed up.
Lessa: But I only made 1, maybe 2 of these. Why do I have to clean up the rest?
Esme: Go the extra mile, Child! It’s your civic responsibility.

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Esme: Ah – this is nice, all quiet and peaceful down here. The child is round here somewhere. I left her dancing to those old radios we found. Other explorers must’ve left them. Darwi says she’ll coach her in swimming as well. I hope the water in the temple pool is clean.

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Elizabeth: 38…39…40!
Esme: It’s too hot to be doing that here!
Elizabeth: You keep forgetting that I’m Active. I’ve really missed exercising while I’ve been making those mechanisms.
Darwi: It shows some commitment to your project that you brought both your tinker stations with you!
Elizabeth: I wasn’t sure the border guards were going to let me through.
Esme: They were over-familiar if you ask me! Patting me down like that!
Darwi: They’ve just got a bit more security-minded. Can’t be too careful.

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Mara: Watcher! You got me a gaming mat! This is amazing. I’ll get my skill up in no time now. I wonder if Elizabeth’s got time to upgrade it for me.

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Benita: Oh, wow! This is the best! What a way to wind down after work!

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Lessa: I’ve made friends with the Monster Under The Bed. He’s a big ol’ softy but I’m too excited to sleep. You’re my favourite toy. Whee! Fly, dragon, fly! I’m going to keep you in my pocket!

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Elizabeth: Watcher!
Watcher: Hmm?
Elizabeth: My outfit?
Watcher: It’s you that changed! You were in sportwear then you had a shower. I can’t keep track.
Esme (blowing dust): It isn’t Proper, Elizabeth, running around in your undergarments.
Mara (programming & sniggering): But it’s funny!
Esme: Well – actually, yes it is!

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Elizabeth: They’re all laughing at me and my knickers but you’re another servo-bot to help elderly Sims. Actually, you can’t go just yet. Benita’s at work and Mara will be out soon as well. You’re here until midnight.
Servo Bot: What will my duties be?
Elizabeth: Well, you’re going to be a helpful companion to this guy that Watcher has found in Tartosa.
Servo Bot: Do you mean District 8? Where the textiles come from?
Elizabeth: Oh yes. I keep forgetting the new names for places.
Servo Bot: It sounds nice. Will I be there long?
Elizabeth: Actually, I take so long to make each one of you that the other 3 that I’ve gifted have out-lived their elder housemate and are left in charge of their own houses.
Servo Bot: And then what do they do?
Elizabeth: I don’t really know. Please themselves, I guess.

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Benita: Level 9 in my career and I’m rocking my uniform! It makes up for that sloppy outfit Watcher has got me wearing as default. I know the trousers are blue but that red top – what was she thinking? Mind you, at least my hair is still dark. Mara’s new “grey” does nothing for her.
Watcher: It’s not that bad!
Benita: I blame my outfit for one of my alien friends dropping off my list
Watcher: OK, OK! Back to the dresser! Why am I letting my Sims boss me about?

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Progress: Day 203 (Winter 2)
Total Projects Completed 20 by 4 Heroes

1 Esme Weatherwax - Completed Projects: 6
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

2 Darwi Odrade - Completed Projects: 9
-   Max the Teacher career (done) and mentor 7 children or teens [/spoiler]
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

3 Elizabeth Best - Completed Projects: 4
-   Max Scientist career (done) and stockpile 70 serums[/spoiler]
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

4 Mara of the Acoma - Completed Projects: 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

5 Benita Alvarez
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

6 Lessa of Ruatha – child
Chosen Traits: (Independent) Loves Outdoors
Requirements 1/7: Scout Badges 9

Heroes L-to-R: Esme, Benita, Darwi, Elizabeth, Mara & Lessa
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 5.4: What Were You Thinking?
« Reply #67 on: July 09, 2022, 11:18:34 AM »

Does participating in the Political career actually give you an option to rename worlds, or is this part of the story? Ah Lessa, playing with her little dragon: too cute! And that gaming mat! I don't know about you, but my sims love that thing so hard I've wondered if I should take it away so they do ... anything else! in their spare time.

Offline Auranaris

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 5.4: What Were You Thinking?
« Reply #68 on: July 09, 2022, 12:52:53 PM »

Does participating in the Political career actually give you an option to rename worlds, or is this part of the story?

Fun fact: you actually can rename any worlds/change the descriptions whenever you want from the manage worlds menu!

Also, having read the hunger games I’m intrigued by what the next heroes name will be..
they/he pronouns please!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 5.4: What Were You Thinking?
« Reply #69 on: July 09, 2022, 02:55:05 PM »
Go, watcher, go!

Thanks for your honesty! i never knew we could clone servos on the cloning machine!
Might come in handy in a different challenge, haha.
Speaking of servos, the simbot phrasing also confused me so I asked in the thread.  That wording's been changed. Sorry!

So much progress, Watcher! I salute you!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 5.4: What Were You Thinking?
« Reply #70 on: July 09, 2022, 04:24:02 PM »
Also, having read the hunger games I’m intrigued by what the next heroes name will be..
I think you've guessed it, lol!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 5.4: What Were You Thinking?
« Reply #71 on: July 09, 2022, 04:29:05 PM »
Go, watcher, go!

Thanks for your honesty! i never knew we could clone servos on the cloning machine!
Might come in handy in a different challenge, haha.
Speaking of servos, the simbot phrasing also confused me so I asked in the thread.  That wording's been changed. Sorry!

So much progress, Watcher! I salute you!
The robots are a grind but it's not too bad with the robo-arm and 2 stations.
I am making a lot of progress but over a lot of Sim days, nearly 2×16-week years already!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 5.4: What Were You Thinking?
« Reply #72 on: July 10, 2022, 01:38:02 AM »

Does participating in the Political career actually give you an option to rename worlds, or is this part of the story? Ah Lessa, playing with her little dragon: too cute! And that gaming mat! I don't know about you, but my sims love that thing so hard I've wondered if I should take it away so they do ... anything else! in their spare time.
Having seen @Auranaris reply, I will definitely be renaming the world properly! It was just part of the narrative but now...the potential...hmmm...

Dragons - scary, powerful, magical, wise - does every inner child love dragons, I wonder?

I agree about the gaming mat, it's a real draw. And if your visitors get on it you can't click on them to interact! I suspect it would be like that irl, if you had a real gaming mat...(googling...)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 5.4: What Were You Thinking?
« Reply #73 on: July 10, 2022, 04:04:27 AM »

Does participating in the Political career actually give you an option to rename worlds, or is this part of the story?

Fun fact: you actually can rename any worlds/change the descriptions whenever you want from the manage worlds menu!

Also, having read the hunger games I’m intrigued by what the next heroes name will be..
I've had a quick look and I can see how to change the description (Manage Worlds, click on "i" in top centre) but I can't see a way to change the name of the World/District? I'd love to match it to my narrative if possible without a mod?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally Seven Heroes 5.5: Who Let The Dogs Out?
« Reply #74 on: July 10, 2022, 05:16:27 AM »
Literally Seven Heroes 5.5: Who Let The Dogs Out?

Elizabeth: Can you turn that thing off?
Esme: What thing?
Elizabeth: That mini-sun you have following you around.
Esme: I got it as a blessing last time I went to the temple. Why would I want to turn it off?
Elizabeth: I preferred the “joyful” one – we all caught it and it made everyone happy.
Esme: It’ll wear off soon enough. Right! That’s my last rare crystal refined. Time to assemble all my different relics.

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Lessa: Here, Girl! Are you friendly?
Snuggles: If you feed me I am.
Lessa: You’re very cute. I asked Granny Esme if I could adopt a dog but she said I’d have to ask Granny Elizabeth. Granny Elizabeth said to wait until she’s finished making all her servo-bots. This one is her 5th and she reckons she’ll do the 6th by the end of the week. Ah well, if I can’t adopt you, let’s go and play outside and then I’ll find you some food.

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Darwi: OK folks, I just need to check you all over and equip my equipment… Let’s go! What do you mean my boots look inappropriate?

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Esme: It’s very hard to Salute the Sun when there’s a dog snoring away on the rug!

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Darwi: Watcher!
Watcher: Yes?
Darwi: Ever since I got back from District 7, I’ve been wearing these gloves with everything.
Watcher: Did you get frostbite on the top of Mt Komorebi?
Darwi: No! And it’s not easy cooking a Christmas Grand Breakfast in ski-gloves!
Watcher: I’ll go into Manage Worlds and back…lets see if that helps

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Mara: Happy Christmas, everyone!
Elizabeth: Great meal, Darwi. Thanks.
Mara: Who’s going to cook the cake for Lessa’s birthday today?
Darwi: I’ll do it. I still love cooking and that way it won’t spoil.
Esme: Nice gloves, Darwi?
Darwi: Watcher!
Esme: Anyway, we need to talk about all the dogs wandering around.
Mara: Lessa’s in her element.
Elizabeth: That may be, but where are they all coming from?
Darwi: They’re all strays…

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Benita: Happy Birthday, sweetheart!
Lessa: Pfft!
Benita: Here’s your birthday present.
Lessa: Please say it’s a puppy!
Benita: I know you love dogs more than ever…
Lessa: Not as much as I love dragons…
Benita: But we’ve talked about getting a dog. Now is not the right time. Now, let’s do your homework.
Lessa: Do I have to go to school?
Benita: It sets you up for adulthood. You need to be able to earn a living.
Lessa: Look – here – there’s all these Odd Jobs I could do – how about that?
Benita: It’s not really a career – you could do better.
Lessa: I know you had a great career as an astronaut but now you just sit at home and write books!
Benita: Bestsellers – 3 of them!
Lessa: I’m just not sure about a career…
Benita: Get an A, at least, then we’ll talk.

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Darwi: Hi Agatha, Clement!
Clement: Ah, Darwi. Have you been naughty or nice?
Darwi: Well for some reason I couldn’t ask you for a present yesterday so I thought you’d like to climb the mountain with me.
Agatha: That sounds like some form of payback. Why am I here?
Darwi: Well, I was hoping you might give me a job?
Agatha: I’ve got lots of errands you can run.
Darwi: No, not that sort of job. I’ve taken up Interior Design and I thought you’d like a home makeover.
Agatha: Maybe, I’ll think about it. I don't have a lot of spare cash to splash around these days.
Darwi: No, everyone's struggling a bit. Still, there are lots of gigs for me in Capitol and District 1.
Clement: Nice houses there, too, with nice big chimneys!
Darwi: Right! Lets get up this mountain!

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Clement: Oh-ho-oh-ho! It’s a bit slippy!

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Progress: Day 210 (Winter 3)
Total Projects Completed 21 by 4 Heroes

1 Esme Weatherwax - Completed Projects: 7
-   Assemble an Omiscan museum containing 16/16 artifacts and 9/9 unique relics with rare crystals.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

2 Darwi Odrade - Completed Projects: 9
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

3 Elizabeth Best - Completed Projects: 4
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

4 Mara of the Acoma - Completed Projects: 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

5 Benita Alvarez
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

6 Lessa of Ruatha – Young Adult
Chosen Traits: (Independent) Loves Outdoors, Dog-Lover, Self-Assured
Earned Traits: Good Manners, Responsible, Emotional Control
Requirements 2/7: Scout Badges 9, Level 7 Adult Skill (Violin)

Heroes L-to-R: Mara, Benita, Darwi, Elizabeth, Less, Esme
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I got the family to their museum but the Omniscan item box was empty so I could only put up the plaque to show that Esme got all the items. Thankfully, when they got back home, there was the box with all it’s contents so no need to throw myself on the moderator’s mercy! Phew.

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Benita has lost one of her Sixamite friends as poor Luna died. I think she needs 7 living friends at the same time. She can only find 5 aliens in total currently in the world but she has high hopes of Alien Night on Tuesdays as long as her Watcher is paying attention.

