Author Topic: Literally 7 Heroes - Complete  (Read 32472 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally 7 Heroes - Complete
« on: June 07, 2022, 07:30:17 AM »

Meet Esme Weatherwax, if you’re feeling brave.

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Esme has just laid her mother to rest after nursing her through a long illness. She had watched, helpless, as con artists took almost all her family’s money, her mother clasping at every empty hope for cures.

Her father, a hunter, was long gone before that.  As was sister Lily – the bad one. So Esme had been left with no choice but to be the good one.

Now, with little money, no family and no friends, her pride won’t allow her to live on the charity of her neighbours.  She has left her village in the Ramtop mountains for the first time in her life. Using the last of the money she’d managed to squirrel away, she has bought an empty plot in the suburbs, aptly named Bargain Bend. She is determined to make her own way in the world or rather - make the world work her way!

Gameplay Settings and Locations


Hero 1 - Esme Weatherwax

1.1 The Tween Days
1.2 You Knows Where I Am
1.3: Animal Business
1.4: Bairn In Extremis
1.5: Everyone's Too Young
1.6: There's Power In A Name
1.7: Grey Is The New Black

Hero 2 - Darwi Odrade
2.1: Escape To Sulani
2.2: Toddler Spam
2.3: Wanted - Good Homes
2.4: Two & Two Make Five
2.5: Music Is What Emotions Sound Like

Hero 3 - Elizabeth Best
3.1: Eco Mania
3.2: Rough Justice
3.3: Campfire Shenanigans
3.4: Nice & Spicy
3.5: A Rose By Any Other Name
3.6: Cluck Cluck Squawk!
3.7: They'll None Of 'Em Be Missed
3.8: Too Close For Comfort

Hero 4 - Mara of the Acoma
4.1: Triple-Switch
4.2: A Quick Update
4.3: One more Project

Hero 5 - Benita Alvarez
5.1: More Or Lessa
5.2: Speciest Propaganda
5.3: Que Serum Serum
5.4: What Were You Thinking?
5.5: Who Let The Dogs Out?
5.6: Fisherfolk

Hero 6 - Lessa of Ruatha
6.1: Agent 165
6.2: No More Fading
6.3: No Longer Narwal
6.4: Making Over Mua Pelam
6.5: May The Odds Be Ever In Our Favour
6.6: Read The Small Print

Hero 7 - Katniss Everdeen
7.1: Libby Steals The Show
7.2: After Shocks
7.3: Costume, What Costume?
7.4: Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, And Goodnight!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally 7 Heroes - Meet The Heroes
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2022, 07:31:28 AM »
Meet The Heroes

1 Esme Weatherwax
From the Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett

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Appearance: Blond, unkempt hair; piercing blue eyes; favours black practical clothing (not trousers)
Character: Suspicious of technology & books. Feared by all except young children. Deep sense of Right & Wrong. Will only use magic if absolutely necessary. She will travel but prefers to stay close to home, a small village in the Ramtop mountains, where she has a strong link to the Land. Known as “She who must be avoided” by the trolls and “Hag o’ hags” by the Wee Free Men.

Chosen Traits: Self-assured, Proper, Genius
Earned Traits: Good Manners, Responsible, Compassionate
Requirements: 7 collectibles (all frogs); 7 scouting badges (all except Science & Civic); made 7 items (1 painting, 2 planters, 1 wall-hanging, 3 items of furniture); 7 different fish; 7 different plants; skill level 7 volunteering (all 5 ++); level 7 in Gardening

Projects Completed 7
 -   Assemble an Omiscan museum containing all artifacts and 9 unique relics with rare crystals.
-      Write 7 unique songs
-   Max Flower Arranging skill and give away 70 flower arrangements
-   Complete the Lady or Lord of the Knits aspiration and give away 70 knitted objects
-   Make and give away 70 canned goods from own grown ingredients
-       Assemble a natural history museum containing 7 collections of 7 unique items each: crystals, fish, fossils, frogs, insects, metals, shells
-   Grow 7 perfect fruits, 7 perfect herbs, and 7 perfect vegetables

Gameplay - although Esme Weatherwax the Discworld character is a undoubtedly a witch, she is not a Sims Spellcaster as
a) I don't have the Realm of Magic pack &
b) Spellcasters are not allowed in this challenge.

Personal Note: I'm very fond of the Discworld novels. I like those centred around Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg but also those that focus on the Night Watch. I would say it's quite a British humour but they frequently make me lol - not a common occurrence with many books for me.

2 Darwi Odrade
from the last 2 novels of the Dune series by Frank Herbert.

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Appearance: said to resemble the Lady Jessica - a tall, slim woman with bronze-coloured hair, an oval face with eyes as green as the morning skies of Caladan, a small, slightly upturned nose, and a wide, generous mouth
Character: Left over-long in the safety of her foster parents due to galatic wars, her Bene Gesserit tutors tried to train the resultant sentimentality out of her but it was always a cause for concern.  Rising to the supreme rank of Mother Superior of the Bene Gesserit, she was the daughter of a refugee Reverend Mother and Miles Teg – military commander for the Bene Gesserit. As a product of the Bene Gesserit millennia-long breeding program, she carried predominantly ancient Atreides, Harkonnen and Corrino genes. She over-saw the eco-creation of a spice-producing desert planet (the spice must flow) and engineered the merging of the Bene Gesserit with their sworn enemies – the Honoured Matres.

Chosen Traits: Active, Foodie, Family-Oriented
Earned Traits: Responsible, Good Manners, Emotional Control, Compassionate
Requirements: Earn 7 scouting badges; 7 emotional whims (all energized); 7 non-skill books read; make 7 items (all painting); level 7 adult skill (violin); 7 collectibles (MySims trophies); 7 Good Friends (all from the Watson and Scott families)

Projects Completed 11
- Max Interior Decorator career and do renovations at 7 different community lots
- Guide 7 different Sims to the top of Mt. Komorebi in one or more Mountain Excursions
- Max the Teacher career and mentor 7 children or teens
- Develop a soup kitchen by maxing the Charity Organizer branch of the Politics career and serving 70 meals in a restaurant. If you don't have Dine Out, you may grill 70 dishes in a park.
-   Complete Distinguished Degree in Psychology and counsel 7 angry, 7 sad, and 7 tense Sims, putting them in a happy, inspired, confident, or focused mood
- Max Detective career and lock up 7 felons
- Make Evergreen Harbor the best that it can be by passing the Green Initiative and Modern Development Initiative in each neighborhood and ensuring that the town has a maker space, market space, and community garden;
- Max Chef or Mixology aspiration and prepare 7 excellent meals, 7 excellent gourmet meals, and 7 excellent drinks. Baked dishes and fizzy drinks may also count;
- Clean up Sulani and max conservationist career;
- Nurture 7 topnotch toddlers and send them to good homes when they become children
-   Assemble an art museum containing 7 masterpieces, 7 excellent wood carvings and 7 excellent photographs

Gameplay: Clearly with Darwi being adopted in SIMS, her body and face shape are not changeable. I have changed her toddler hair and eyes to conform.

Personal Note: I have read all the Dune novels written solely by Frank Herbert at least 3 times (maybe more). If you’re not a fan, most of the above will be impenetrable but hopefully you’ll enjoy her developing character.

3 Elizabeth Best
from the Thursday Murder Club books by Richard Osman

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Character: Set in an elder-living community, the four main members of the Thursday Murder Club keep their minds active by trying to solve cold cases. Their skills become more significant as new murders are committed, linked to their community. 76 year old Elizabeth refuses to say what career she had before retiring but she has interesting contacts, an unusual skill set and the sharpest mind. She's been married at least 3 times, not that it's any of your business!

Chosen Traits: Self-Assured, Genius, Active
Earned Traits: Good Manners, Responsible, Emotional Control
Requirements: 7 scouting badges; 7 Emotional Whims, Catch 7 unique fish, Find 7 collectables (all shells); have 7 good friends, Level 7 of adult skill (knitting), 7 made objects (all knitted)

Projects Completed 6
- Max Doctor career and perform 7 successful surgeries
- Create 7 Simbots and give them to 7 elders
- Max Scientist career and stockpile 70 serums
- Make Sim world safer by performing 70 upgrades on plumbing and electrical items on community lots
- Max Secret Agent career and witness the deaths of 7 evil Sims
- Max Personal Trainer branch of Athletics and mentor 7 Sims in fitness

Personal Note: A very different genre of book to both Discworld and Dune and not at all established as a classic but the 2 books make fun reading and the first one is currently being made into a film. I like all four characters and actually Joyce is my favourite but Elizabeth is more heroic.

4 Mara of the Acoma
from the Servant of the Empire series by Janny Wurt & Raymond Feist

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Character: Mara lives on a different world - Kelewan, ruled by men but focussed supremely on family honour. At 17 Mara’s family is slaughtered and she becomes the sole heir of the House Acoma. She learns quickly to exploit the need in others for honour and to manoeuvre to keep her family name alive in the cut-throat politics known as the Great Game. She forms dangerous and creative alliances, outwitting enemies and assassins to gain the highest place of prestige for the Acoma House.

Appearance: Dark hair & brown eyes. Her world of Kelewan has a very relaxed attitude to clothing.

Chosen Traits: (Independent) Outgoing, Insider, Family-Oriented
Earned Traits: Good Manners, Responsible, Compassionate, Mediated, Emotionally Controlled
Requirements:Earn 7 scouting badges; Find 7 collectibles; Catch 7 fish of different species; Complete 7 emotional whims; Make 7 objects (drawings); Reach level 7 of an adult skill (logic); Throw 7 parties.

Projects Completed 3
- Max Business or Salaryworker career and donate 70,000 simoleons to reputable charities
- Max the Tech Guru career and write 7 games
- Max Politician career, participating in 7 demonstrations and giving 7 inspired speeches

Personal Note: I love the universe originally created in the Magician series by Raymond Feist and the first book written with Janny Wurts in the series with Mara, Servant of the Empire, builds on that richness. I relish her insight and willingness to make difficult decisions for the good of her House. The 2nd & 3rd books in the series aren’t as good, in my opinion but I still love the 1st.

5 Benita Alvarez
from Fresco by Sherri Tepper

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Character: Benita is trapped in a loveless marriage with an alcoholic husband who has delusions of his artistic ability which he has passed on to their over-indulged son. Benita has a perceptive mind and rages inwardly at the justice system that gives rights to those who have no regard for others. She feels voiceless and impotent. Their daughter is trying to climb out of the situation and wondering how to help her mother when Benita has a Close Encounter of a Third Kind. She becomes a spokesperson for the Visitors as they implement solutions to societal problems as presented by the politicians.

Appearance: Central American heritage

Chosen Traits: (Angelic) Active, Bookworm, Creative
Earned Traits: Good manners, Responsible, Compassionate, Self-Controlled
Requirements: Earn 7 Scouting Badges, Find 7 collectibles (frogs); Make 7 objects (paintings), 7 whims, level 7 adult skill (logic & fitness), 7 volunteer outings, read 7 non-skill books

Projects Completed 2
- Complete Paragon of Hope aspiration
- Publish 7 motivational best-sellers
- Interplanetary Ambassador -- Max the Astronaut career, visit Sixam, and have 7 Sixamite friends   

Personal Note: Sherri Tepper writes science fiction with a strong eco-feminist message. Her heroines often start in quiet desperation, trapped by trying to be loyal and "doing the right thing". Fresco is a favourite, as are Family Tree, Grass and The Margarets

Lessa of Ruatha
from the Dragon series of books by Anne McCaffrey.

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Character: Set on Pern, a planet beset by a voracious parasite called Thread that falls from the skies. The original settlers developed the tiny native fire lizards into enormous creatures with the ability to carry and to bond with humans. Together, dragons and their riders fight the Thread, keeping the thankful or grudging populace safe.
Lessa, heir to the Hold of Ruatha, was orphaned by the ambitious Fax. Far from the one remaining dragon weyr, and in hiding as a drudge, she uses her talent of psycho-manipulation to bring about a deadly confrontation between Fax and Weyrleader F’lar who has come in search of a candidate to bond with the last precious dragon queen egg.

Appearance: Short (which isn't do-able in Sims)

Chosen Traits: (Independent) Loves Outdoors, Dog-Lover, Self-Assured
Earned Traits: Good Manners, Responsible, Emotional Control
Requirements: 7 Scouting Badges, Adult skill to Level 7 (violin), 7 whims, 7 made objects (all carving), 7 odd jobs, 7 collectibles (shells & treasure), 7 unique fish

Projects Completed 2
- Max veterinarian skill, cure 7 pets, and befriend 7 strays   
- Make 70,000 simoleons running a retail store that sells essential items   

Personal Note: I discovered these books when I was at university and they get re-read whenever I want some pure escapist fantasy – dragons, danger, romance – what’s not to love?

Katniss Everdeen
From the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins

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Born into poverty in District 12, her father was killed in a mining explosion, sending her mother into a depressive stupor. Learning to forage and hunt from an early age to support her mother and sister Primrose, she never aims to be a hero. She is not “good”. She just does what she thinks is the right thing when she and those she cares about are threatened. Her passion for justice and her eloquence when moved are what draws people to follow her – The Mockingjay! It is also what makes politicos try to use her for their own purposes, forgetting that she is always her own person. She struggles with her own mental health but eventually always rises to the challenge.

Character: Impetuous, Passionate, Brave, Loves Outdoors
Appearance: Gorgeously Scary - “They’ll either want to kill you, kiss you, or be you.”

Gameplay note: Katniss will only get to do one project as that will complete the challenge. I would have loved to have her compose the music as a 2nd project as singing is a significant part of her character, but it’s just not heroic enough as her only one.

Chosen Traits: (Wild)Loves Outdoors, Active, Loner
Earned Traits: Good Manners, Responsible, Emotional Control, Compassionate
Requirements: 9 Scouting Badges, 7 Good Friends, Level 7 of Adult skill (knitting), 7 Made objects (knitted), 7 unique plants, 7 Volunteer Activities, 7 Odd Jobs

Projects Completed 1
- Defeat the Mother in Strangerville

Personal Note: My daughter introduced me to the Hunger Games books and I devoured them. I was so nervous when they began to release the films but Jennifer Lawrence was brilliant as Katniss.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally 7 Heroes - Gameplay Settings & Locations
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2022, 07:32:06 AM »
Gameplay settings
Lifespan: Normal
Seasons: 28-day seasons, starting in spring
Weather: Sims affected; thunderstorms & blizzards OFF except Mt Komorebi.
Lifestyles: OFF
Auto Aging: ON for everyone, including animals
Fame: OFF
NPC voting on NAPs: OFF
Eco Footprint gameplay: ON
Neighborhood Stories System: ON for Other Households, Adopting babies OFF
Trait choices: chosen to reflect the original characters
Extreme Start: funds cheated to £0 after purchasing Bargain Bend

Current Location
Strangerville Overlook, Strangerville

Previous Locations
Bargain Bend, Willow Creek
2 Olde Mill Lane, New Old Henford-in-Bagley (simple-living, off-grid)
Key Point, Sulani (simple-living, off-grid)
The Shipping Views, Port Promise, Evergreen Harbour (Off-Grid; Reduce & Recycle; Simple Living)
Rockridge Springs, Grims Quarry, Evergreen Harbour (Off-Grid; Geothermal)
Canal Corner, Conifer Station, Evergreen Harbour (Reduce & Recycle)
Ye Old Salt House, Spice District, San Myshuno
3 Olde Mill Lane, New Old Henford-in-Bagley (simple-living, off-grid)
Admiral's Wreckage, Sulani (off-grid)
small Sulani lot ??  in town

Museum Location
Dresden House, Windenburg

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally 7 Heroes - 1.1 The Tween Days
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2022, 07:32:33 AM »
1.1 The Tween Days

Summer: So, Esme, welcome to the neighbourhood!
Esme: Ta.
Liberty: You have moved in, haven’t you? It’s just … there’s no … um … house…
Esme: Workin on ‘t.
Travis: Ah – fishing – it’s a good way to become friends.
Liberty: What high school are you at?
Esme: Don’ need no schoolin!
Summer: Esme, dear, you have got to go to school. It is the best way to get on in life.
Travis: Plus you’ll get to know others your own age.
Summer: When are the rest of your family getting here?
Esme: No kin. None t‘ speak of, least-ways.
Summer: Oh my! What none?
Esme: Ma & Da dead, sister Lily gone long time since.
Summer: Oh Esme – I am so sorry. Look, if there is anything we can do to help? We are just over the road.
Esme: Ta but ‘m fine.  Gotta go! (Hides fruit cake in pocket)
Liberty: What a weird girl.
Travis: Scary!
Summer: I am not so sure. I think I will see what I can do…
Liberty: Oh oh! A Pygmalion project for Summer!
Travis: Another Lame Duck. Here we go again!

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Marcus: Did you see where that girl went?
Mele: The one who changed the TV channel to cooking and then demanded you coach her in running?
Marcus: Yes, that one.
Mele: I’m hoping she went upstairs for a shower. She was beginning to clear the place. No-one should smell that bad.
Esme: Homework! Argh!

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Esme: Hopin tis worth it. I need summat for some food that’s more ‘an free chips at t’ bar. Don’ know why they think I shoulda paid for summat too! Might ‘elp Summer at that Bake Sale – boun’ to be free food there! ‘ope it’s not more o’ that fruitcake tho.

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A week of foraging and bartering followed with naps on uncomfortable sofas and free showers at the gym. With a few lucky finds and a lot of frog breeding…

Summer: Hey Esme! Do you want some help with your homework again?
Esme: Not sure. They rewarded me for doin well by givin me extra work an a pro-jec!
Summer: Your grades are up? That is wonderful, Esme! Well done! What is this you are doing now?
Esme: I need summat to grow me plants in. How ‘ard can it be? Ouch!
Summer: Can they not just go in the ground like the others?
Esme: Got ‘em in t’big city – Romance Festival. Ahm thinking they might need special treatmen’
Summer: Wow – you should have told me you were going to the city. I would have come with you.
Esme: City folk are OK, I guess. Won’t be goin back in a hurry tho. Ouch!
Summer: I will leave you to it.

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Waiter: What would you like, Miss?
Esme: ‘S me birthday. I’ve come for me free cake.
Waiter: Um. Would Miss like to order anything else?
Esme: Tap water’s good enuff for me, ta very much.

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Esme: Sorry fishies. I ain’t got spare cash for bowls. Tis a shame to see you stuffed n mounted but you was beginning to smell. No more till I gets bowls. Fish are better in rivers, not betwixt or between!  Frogs is better. Leastways they come wi’ their own boxes. An’ they make more o’ themselves every now an then!

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Progress: Day 14

Esme Weatherwax
Character traits (Good Manners, Responsible, Compassionate)
Requirements 6/7: Earn 7 scouting badges (all bar Science & Civic); Complete 7 volunteer activities; Find 7 collectibles (all frogs); Grow 7 plants of different species; Catch 7 fish of different species; Make 7 objects (1 painting, 2 planters, 1 hanging, mirror, table & chair)

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It’s always a shame in starting from no money when your Sim doesn’t like the fruitcake. Ah well, Esme survived.

I really wanted to get Emotional Control for Esme as it was more suited to her original character than Compassionate but I didn’t keep an eye on it and ran out of time. Of the 3 things available to Esme, only Jog for Peace of Mind counted (slightly) towards a Scout badge which also had to be done in the teen years.  Compassionate was easy to get with the 7 volunteer requirements but I could have left some of them to be done as a Young Adult.

With just one more requirement, what will Esme set her mind to? She believes she can change the world and she just might!

* Side-note: I’m playing this alongside my Not So Berries Challenge because – well – you can never have too many distractions in your life, can you? Hopefully both challenges will muddle along together and I won’t get confused (ha ha ha ha!)
Oh no - I've just realised that Esme's Winter outfit included trousers - she won't be happy!

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Re: Literally 7 Heroes - Prologue
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2022, 10:04:34 PM »
Good luck on your new adventure, Watcher!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally 7 Heroes - 1.2: You Knows Where I Am
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2022, 12:36:38 PM »
1.2: You Knows Where I Am

Thomas: Hello Stranger! Hey, Rahmi! Look who’s back in the village!
Rahmi: Esme! Welcome home!
Esme: Ta, very much.
Cecilia: Hello
Esme: Who are you?
Cecilia: I moved in after you left.
Thomas: She’s been seeing Michael Bell
Esme: Tain’t any business of mine.
Thomas: Ha, ha! I see you haven’t changed, Esme!
Rahmi: Sh, Thomas. We really are pleased to see you back. Actually, can I come & see you later?
Esme: You knows where I am. Now, I mean.

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Esme: Well, ain't you just a pushover! What do you like? Flowers! Of course you do. You’re a rabbit. If I make you a comfortable home, how do you feel about a spot of weedin? Any little brown fertiliser pellets will be welcome too. And I might have some other duties for you too.

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Esme: I know, I know. I’m not much of a singer but I’m showin willing. The thing is, I’ve got a nasty attack of greenfly and I think you’ll be right at home on my patch.

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Summer: Thank you for coming back to see me. I have missed you.
Esme: S’only bin 2 days
Summer: You can cut out that accent with me, Esme. I know you can speak properly now.
Esme: Sorry. It keeps up the miss-teak…
Summer: Mystique?
Esme: Mystique. With the folks back home. They’ll never mind me if they think I’m all la-di-da now.
Summer: And why do you need them to “mind you”?
Esme: There’s a few things that need a bit o’ sortin!
Summer: By the way, that Mustrum Ridcully has been asking after you.
Esme: You didn’t tell him where I am?
Summer: I nearly did. He looked so wistful but then he got distracted by the strange tree down the road and I have not seen him since, now I come to think about it…
Esme: Sounds like him.
Summer: What job did you decide on?
Esme: I’m me own boss – that way, I know I’m doing a good job!
Summer: Actually...there was something you could help me with...
Esme: You knows where I am.

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Agatha: Esme! As I live and breathe! It’s Esme Weatherwax! How are you, girl?
Esme: Mornin, Ms Agatha.
Agatha: I never got the chance to tell you – I was so sorry about your Ma.
Esme: That was then. Now’s now.
Agatha: You’re all grown up! There’s a few fellows around here that would be happy to walk out with you.
Esme: Not unless they’re quick!
Agatha: Oh ho! Got a young man already, have you?
Esme: My business, Ms Agatha. I’m after getting some animal treats!
Agatha: Don’t mind me, I’m not one for gossiping.
Esme: Hm!

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Esme: This is nice! A spot of beachcombing and then a shower in that waterfall if no-one’s around. I might even take me boots off!

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Esme: Er – hm?
Makoa: Oh – I didn’t see you there.
Esme: Are you going to be long?
Makoa: Ah – want to shower naked, eh?
Esme: The very idea! No! But even in my swim dress… t’wouldn’t be Right!

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Esme: I love the bees and the bees love me. I just wish this bee-keeping suit came in black and a skirt! At least I only need it when there’s mites to be dealt with. Mmmm! Lovely honey!

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Sara: Hi Esme. Be with you in a minute.
Esme: Don’ mind me.
Sara: Now, what’ll it be?
Esme: Not sure.
Sara: I’ve got just the thing!
Esme: What is it?
Sara: Sour Punch
Kayla: Ha! She gave me that too!
Esme: Cheek!
Sara: Oh, no offence. Actually, I was wondering…could I come and see you later?
Esme: You knows where I am.

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Progress: Day 28

Esme Weatherwax
Requirements 7/7: Gardening Level 7
Project: Assemble a natural history museum containing 7 collections of 7 unique items each: 4/7crystals, 7/7 fish, 4/7 fossils, 7/7 frogs, 0/7 insects, 2/7 metals, 5/7 shells

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Where’s the next hero, I hear people (well, surely someone) ask?

Well, you see, Esme’s not really one for children…it’s not really on her life-plan. If she believed in the gods, she’d be hearing them rolling round in fits of laughter right now!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Literally 7 Heroes - 1.2: You Knows Where I Am
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2022, 05:39:38 PM »

I had to look this one up - what an interesting challenge. Good luck!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally 7 Heroes - 1.3: Animal Business
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2022, 01:07:57 PM »
1.3: Animal Business

Esme: How’s things?
Rahmi: So much better than when I came to see you last. Thanks for your help.
Esme: Tis nothin.
Rahmi: Well – I brought you some pie to say thank you.
Esme: Tis good pie! Anyways – I’m thankful meself – that you’ll be takin care of me animals while I’m gone.
Rahmi: Where are you going?
Esme: My business – only 2 days, mind. Help yerself to the fruit an stuff. Needs pickin or it’ll only go to waste.

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Esme: It’ll be alright bees. Rahmi will keep an eye on you. Bee nice to her (chuckle) I’ll be back Tuesday morning before dawn.

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Bear: Grrrr!
Esme: Charmed, I’m sure!
Bear: You know I’m really a person in a bear-suit?
Esme: Don’t hurt to be polite, however folks dress up

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Hermit: So that’s how I came to be the Hermit of Granite Falls.
Esme: It seems idyllic here. Would you take on a trainee? In herbs and stuff?
Hermit: Oh yes. I like being on my own but some company would be good. It’s nice and quiet here. Bit too quiet in the Winter… the grocery deliveries don’t get through…
Esme: Ah. Not sure I could manage without my food. Maybe you’d do a correspondence course?

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Rahmi: Were the animals all OK. Did I do it right.
Esme: Everything was jus fine, Rahmi, but we need to talk!
Rahmi: Talk? What about?
Esme: You said things were better between you and Thomas but you didn’t mention the toddlers and the dog.
Rahmi: We-ll, with me and Thomas getting on better, with your help, the toddlers just sort of happened.
Esme: And the dog?
Rahmi: Muffin? Oh he’s such a sweetie! I couldn’t resist those big eyes!
Esme: Hm. Come and see me later so at least we don’t get any more toddlers!

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Esme: Pleased to meet you, Muffin.
Muffin: I know – what a name!
Maira: Sorry Esme. Did you say something ?
Esme: I hear you bin explorin the place – runnin here an there.
Maira: I love exploring and it gets me away from the chaos here.
Esme: Here’s the thing though. If you was helpin your brother and sister more round the house and such, maybe your sister might be a bit happier? And there’s be less chaos?
Maira: I guess but…
Esme: But me no buts, young lady! You do your share, mind!
Maira: Young lady? Dad says you’re only a slip of a girl yourself!
Esme: Does ‘e, now?

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Rashidah: Esme? Are you in there? Are you awake?
Esme: ….
Rashidah: You’re just lying there. You’re so cold! Esme! Esme! Wake up!
Esme: I’m coming!
Rashidah: What do you mean, you’re coming? You’re right here – I thought you were dead.
Esme: Oh er – just hoppin around – in my dreams, like. I was just wonderin what how far – I mean – what it would be like.
Rashidah: I see. I think.
Esme: What was you wantin, dear?
Rashidah: I wanted to say thank you for speaking to Mum and Maira. Things are a lot easier with more help and Mum said you’d made sure they’d be no more babies.
Esme: I can’t make sure, but I can help. Was there something else – to bring you all the way over here on your own?
Rashidah: Well – I’ve been seeing this boy – and it’s getting serious – only – I don’t think I’m ready for babies?
Esme: Come back tomorrow – I’ll have summat to help. Oh and could you take that grey rabbit a bit of dandelion leaf on your way out? He’s a bit tired and confused, poor thing.

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Esme: Welcome to the world, Cathy! Oh, don’t look at me like that. I won’t be borrowing with you. I just get bored of pecking corn and running away from foxes. You can’t even fly very far!

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Esme: Now, Mayor, I’m hopin for some golden treats as a prize for me rainbow llama wool.
Mayor: I didn’t know you had a llama, Esme.
Esme: What’s mine is my business.
Mayor: Look – the only other entries are 2 normal common white wools – you would’ve won but we don’t give out prizes unless the wool is from your own llama.
Esme: Ha! You dint give out any prizes last week for me lovely meat pie, which I made with me own fair ands, and there was only one other entry for that so I should’ve got summat!

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Esme: Hello Llama. I like the way you spit! You might be useful. I think I could fit you into my busy life. It’s my birthday on Monday. Maybe you could be my treat to meself. Although Monday is shaping up to be a bit busy. I want 4 more bits of metal and the easiest way is to spend a day pretending to work at that lab. Oh, I’ve got plans, Llama. I’ve got plans!

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Progress: Day 35

Esme Weatherwax
Project: Assemble a natural history museum containing 6/7 collections of 7 unique items each: 7/7crystals, 7/7 fish, 7/7 fossils, 7/7 frogs, 7/7 insects, 3/7 metals, 7/7 shells


Borrowing – a term that Discworld witches use to mean sending one’s consciousness into that of another being for some time, usually an animal. While there, one could direct movements and sight but also had to manage bodily requirements! Esme (Granny) Weatherwax was the most accomplished at it, using it to oversee her small part of the Ramtop mountains. A near burial while away borrowing led her to take future precautions of holding a card that read “I AIN’T DEAD”.

Help - I’m having trouble with no prizes given at the Finchwick Fairs. I’ve repaired my game. If anyone knows of a non-mod workaround, I’d be grateful. A golden treat would be very helpful for Esme’s current plan.

Gameplay note - although Esme Weatherwax the Discworld character is a undoubtedly a witch, she is not a Sims Spellcaster as:
a) I don't have the Realm of Magic pack &
b) Spellcasters are not allowed in this challenge.
Apologies to anyone who might have been concerned that I'd failed this challenge at the first hurdle.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally 7 Heroes - 1.4: Bairn In Extremis
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2022, 01:02:43 PM »
1.4: Bairn In Extremis

Esme: This city food is different. Shame there weren’t any metals for sale.
Megumi: Er hm?
Esme: Can I help you?
Megumi: Don’t look round. I don’t want anyone to see me talking to you.
Esme: O..K..?
Megumi: Someone said that you’re the HoB Witch?
Esme: I mebbe.
Megumi: It’s just…I have to know…am I carrying a boy or a girl?
Esme: Tis a girl. And you’re t’call ‘er Kenya.
Megumi: Kenya? Are you sure?
Esme: (shrugs)

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Paka’a: Yes?
Esme: It’s my birthday. I’m going home.
Paka’a: But it’s only lunchtime! Any all you’ve done on your first day is ask everyone for metals and then dig outside.
Esme: Are you saying I’m lazy? The cheek! I’m quitting.
Paka’a: These country bumpkins! I can’t believe they gave her a level 3 post. They should’ve known she wouldn’t cope.
Esme: Do you know what it’s like to be a frog? No? Would you like to?
Paka’a: No worries. Off you go. Take all the metals, if you like. Bye!

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Esme: Yes! It’s great to see all my collections in one place. Especially as I got the complete frog collection as well. I really want to get live fish to replace those poor mounted ones but, maybe in time…

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Bellonda: Are you sure this is the place Tam?
Tamalane: Yes, Bell. She’s a local girl but with a promising talent.
Bellonda: A witch!
Tamalane: No-one will look here. Any strangers will stand out a mile. It’s the perfect place.

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Esme: Can I helps’ ye?
Tamalane: No need for pretence. We know you, Mistress Weatherwax.
Esme: Mistress Weatherwax?
Tamalane: We believe you help people with babies.
Esme: Ah? Do you want them or not want them?
Bellonda: We have total control over our own fertility. No need for you in that way!
Esme: Good Night to you then!
Esme: (speaking with effort) I…will…do…no…such…thing!
Tamalane: Ha ha! See! I told you Bellonda. She resisted your VOICE. She has talent.
Esme: What is going on?

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Tamalane: We have a baby but there are people trying to kill her. We need you to raise her here where they will not look.
Esme: Sounds dangerous.
Bellonda: We understand that you might be afraid.
Esme: I’m afraid of nothing! But I’m no expert with children.
Tamalane: She won’t be here for long. She comes from a strong line. She’ll develop quickly in this environment. And we don’t want you to encourage affection in her.
Esme: I don’t have the time…
Bellonda: We can offer you incentive.
Esme: I don’t need no-ones money to help a bairn in need.
Tamalane: Bell miss-spoke. Here – this is for you. It’s a potion of youth. If you drink it, we will know that you accept the assignment. If you don’t, we will seek help elsewhere. You have until midnight to decide.
Esme: All the neighbours will want to know where she comes from. Gossip is rife here.
Tamalane: You have a sister – Lily! Tell people that Darwi is her child.
Esme: You know about Lily?
Bellonda: She’s far enough for the story to be believed and your neighbours are aware of her existence. An unwanted child would not be a surprise to them.
Esme: Darwi?
Tamalane: Darwi Odrade. But you should choose a new name for her.

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Bellonda: Do you think she’ll do it?
Tamalane: Oh yes! How can she resist? Even though she knows we were manipulating her, she needs more adventure than providing the local family planning.
Bellonda: What do you mean, she knew we were manipulating her? She’s had no training!
Tamalane: But she saw right through us. She has talent.

Esme: Those silly women. I’d have taken the bairn without this potion but…it would be nice to stay young for a bit longer. Ah well – let’s see what happens.

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Esme: Hey You! You really are little. Oh shh! I’ve got some rags somewhere to sort out that smell. I’m glad they brought bottles for you though.

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Rahmi: Is it true?
Esme: What?
Cecelia: You’ve got a baby!
Esme: Oh, yes. Inside.
Rahmi: But how? You definitely weren’t pregnant last time I saw you!
Esme: Tis Lily’s bairn.
Cecelia: Who’s Lily?
Rahmi: Esme’s sister. She always was wild.
Cecelia: But….
Rahmi: Sh – I’ll tell you later. Anyway, Esme, when I heard I sorted through our stack of clothes. Now we’ve finished having children… I’m sure you can use them.
Esme: Ta very much.
Cecelia: I like you're new look by the way. Very mature. Happy Birthday for yesterday.
Esme: Ta very much.

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Esme: Asleep at last. Oh I hope I get some sleep too. This is much harder than I expected.

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Summer: What were you thinking? Taking on your sister’s baby?
Esme: What else could I do? Family is family!
Summer: But you know nothing about parenting.
Esme: Nor do you, thanks to me…

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Esme: See – when she’s asleep I can get on with stuff. When she cries, I change her napkin or feed her, depending on the smell. The rest of the time I ignore her and get on with my canning, flower arranging and knitting.

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Summer: Oh yes. I can see how much you’re ignoring her.
Esme: Coo-chee-coo-chee-coo
Summer: What is that face you’re making?
Esme: It settles her
Summer: It winds her up, more likely.

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Esme: Hey You! Are you holding on tight.
Darwi: Babble!
Esme: Here we go!
Darwi: BABBLE!

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Progress: Day 42

Esme Weatherwax
Completed Project: Assemble a natural history museum containing 7/7 collections of 7 unique items each: 7/7crystals, 7/7 fish, 7/7 fossils, 7/7 frogs, 7/7 insects, 7/7 metals, 7/7 shells
Projects In Progress:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Darwi Odrade - toddler

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Darwi Odrade rose to the supreme rank of Mother Superior of the Bene Gesserit in the last 2 novels of the Dune series by Frank Herbert.
She was the daughter of a refugee Reverend Mother and Miles Teg (military commander for the Bene Gesserit) and, as a product of the Bene Gesserit millenia-long breeding program, carried predominantly ancient Atreides, Harkonnen and Corrino genes. She over-saw the eco-creation of a spice-producing desert planet (the spice must flow) and effected the merging of the Bene Gesserit with their sworn enemies – the Honoured Matres.
Character: Left over-long in the safety of her foster parents due to galatic wars, her Bene Gesserit tutors tried to train the resultant sentimentality out of her but it was always a cause for concern.
Appearance: Said to resemble the Lady Jessica - a tall, slim woman with bronze-coloured hair, an oval face with eyes as green as the morning skies of Caladan, a small, slightly upturned nose, and a wide, generous mouth.
Gameplay Note: Clearly with Darwi being adopted in SIMS, her body and face shape are not changeable. I have changed her toddler hair and eyes to conform.
Personal Note: I have read all the Dune novels written solely by Frank Herbert at least 3 times (maybe more) and certainly will again. If you’re not a fan, most of the above will be impenetrable but hopefully you’ll enjoy her developing character.

Museum: I have started a museum on the 64x64 plot in Windenberg to hold Esme's collections and those of future heroes.

Fair Ribbons - Esme won 2 first ribbons for her cockerel and an excellent green egg. She submitted them and then went home to bed because she was so tired. The notification popped up although I haven’t seen the items returned yet.

Gameplay note: The visit by the 2 Reverend Mothers was created using a new save file before returning to the original save file so that they do not exist in the played Simverse.

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Literally Seven Heroes 1.5: Everyone’s Too Young
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2022, 12:34:47 PM »
Literally Seven Heroes 1.5: Everyone’s Too Young

Esme: So, if you upset the rabbit…?
Darwi: Sawwy, Bun Bun?
Esme: Close enough

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Darwi: Bubblies!
Esme: This week has gone by so quickly.
Darwi: Party?
Esme: Yes, I suppose it would be proper to have the neighbours round to say good-bye.
Darwi: Bye Bye?
Esme: Oh sweetheart – they’ll be coming for you soon.

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Esme: You mind me, Watson Child! I know tis hot and you’re all got up in your Sunday Best but there’s no call to take it out on the bairn’s fluffy cat. Use some sense and change yerself.
Hayleigh: Yes, Mistress Weatherwax

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Esme: Where’s Simon?
Sara: Oh Esme, I don’t know what to do. He’s looking so old, these days.
Esme: An’ you thought a new bairn would help?
Sara: It’s so stupid and I’m so worried.
Esme: You knows where I am.

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Rahmi: I know! I know! He’s having a mud-pack in your outdoor bath right in front of everyone. I’m so sorry. Maira’s mortified and gone off. Oh he’s behaving so peculiar these days. I really think he’s losing it.
Esme: Have something to eat, Rahmi. Keep your strength up. You knows where I am.

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Esme: Left it till the last possible moment!
Darwi: Candlies!
Esme: You just blow them out.
Darwi: Pffft

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Darwi: Oh! Oh! Oh!
Esme: What is it, child?
Darwi: I dreamt that some black crows came to take me away and you let them.
Esme: I know those black crows, child, and they’re not here yet.
Darwi: You wouldn’t let them take me, really, would you?
Esme: If you get strong, child, you can stop them yourself. And until you can, I’ve got a big black stick.

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Esme: Felicity?
Felicity: Ma sent me.
Esme: I’ve got nowt for her, today.
Felicity: No, Mistress Weatherwax, but seeing as what you’ve already done for her, she says I’m to come and do for you.
Esme: I can’t pay you.
Felicity: That’s OK Mistress Weatherwax. Ma and some of the other women’ll give me a bit each time.

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Darwi: Ha! You won’t let me introduce myself but you’ll let me play chess with you? Let’s try something… “What’s that over there?”
Celebrity: What, Where?
Darwi: I can’t believe he fell for it. Esme was right – chess is all just headology!

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Esme: Headology is one thing but getting on in school is another. My friend Summer taught me that. Don’t believe everything you read in books though. Just because someone thought they’d write it down, don’t make it truth.
Darwi: Yes, Esme.
Esme: Now, don’t forget to take care of those chickens. We’ll be having a visitor soon.
Darwi: Yes, Esme.

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Esme: Rahmi?
Rahmi: I – I – I don’t know how to say it.
Esme: Thomas.
Rahmi: He’s gone!
Esme: Yes.
Rahmi: No-one knows how! He left your party early after embarrassing himself in the tub and, when we got home, we found his ashes. Oh! He was too young to die!
Esme: No-one is too young to die except to those as loves them. To them even 3 score an 10 is too young.
Rahmi: Oh – Oh – Oh!
Esme: Rest with me a time. Your Imran and the others can look after themselves for a bit. When you’re ready, you can go an grieve together. I’ll come over when it's time and sort the ashes, proper-like.

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Progress: Day 49 (Summer 3)

Esme Weatherwax
Completed Projects: 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Projects In Progress:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Darwi Odrade – child
Trait: Active
Requirements: 7 tasks - Earn 1/7 scouting badges

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It was Simon Scott who’s an elder but Grim came for the gloomy Thomas Watson who was only an adult! It’s just as well that Imran wants to stay and run the farm. Well, once Esme had a word with him he did.

If you were thinking Esme might have started the 7 toddler project, you’ve misread her character! She really doesn’t like children. At least that’s what she says.
She has bought the Free Services reward to cover the cleaner. In the Discworld novels, no-one ever pays for the witch’s help but odd-jobs, old clothes, a slice of pie, half a pig are all very welcome (expected).

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally Seven Heroes 1.6: There’s Power In A Name
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2022, 10:33:02 AM »
Literally Seven Heroes 1.6: There’s Power In A Name

Darwi: Can we go to the park again today?
Esme: We’ll go later, Child. After our chores here, we need to make a visit to the Watsons.
Darwi: Do we have to?
Esme: There’s things that need doing and they’re best done soon.

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Imran: Thank you for coming, Mistress Weatherwax. Ma said you would.
Esme: How is she, today?
Imran: Last night I managed to get her to go to bed but then Dad’s ghost showed up and it set her off again.
Esme: Take me to the ashes.

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Darwi: So Thomas is in there?
Esme: No Child. This is just the shell that he’s left.
Darwi: But Imran said his ghost came?
Esme: His shell draws it back. We’ll release his spirit.
Darwi: But wouldn’t Rahmi and the family like his ghost to visit?
Esme: They might think they would, but the dead have their own journey to start and the living need to carry on with theirs. The two don’t work well together for long.

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Darwi: I’m never going back to school!
Esme: If you say so.
Darwi: You’d let me bunk off?
Esme: Tell me why you’re not going back.
Darwi: They laughed at me when I said my name was “Child” and they made fun of my hand-me-down clothes and they said we were witches and Hayleigh Watson had told them our bath was outside and we only had one room to eat and sleep in and…and…and…
Esme: So what can we do to make things better?
Darwi: My name! You only call me “Child” or “You” or, when you think I’m asleep, “Sweetheart”.
Esme: I never!
Darwi: I need a proper name.
Esme: So choose one. I can’t be choosing your name. There’s power in a name.
Darwi: Um – how do I choose? I want a strong name. Sometime it feels like it’s just you and me fighting to make the world right!
Esme: Comrades in arms? How about Hilda?
Darwi: Dar for short?
Esme: Perfect. Now, about those clothes. There’s a whole bag more of them in the attic if you don’t like those. Leave the black ones for me but just go and choose for yourself.
Darwi: Are we witches?
Esme: Choose for yourself.

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Summer: Um…
Esme: I’ve just finished it.
Summer: It’s a bit of a departure from your usual style.
Esme: I know, I know. It’s just the birds and rabbits keep giving me rainbow wool and it’s a shame to waste it. It itches like mad too. Would you like it?
Summer: No thank you. It’s not really me either.
Esme: What about these grey socks? To go with your grey hair?
Summer: Nope – they look itchy too!

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Darwi: Ha, the kids at school have stopped being mean. Some of them even think I’ve got a cool life here. I’m the only one in HoB to have a diving rock, even if the water is a bit green. I picked out some different clothes. Even though there’s not much that’s new, I’ve actually got more choice than the kids that won’t touch 2nd hand. The only really new thing I’ve had was when Esme tried to make me wear a pink and red jumper she’d knitted but that was too itchy.

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Esme: So, isn’t this nice, Dar, playing chess in the middle of the forest, instead of going to school.
Darwi: Do you think it’ll stop raining soon?
Esme: There’s going to be a heatwave here tomorrow and then I’ll show you where the hermit lives. There’s some amazing fish to catch and I’m hoping to find some more morels there.
Darwi: More plants, Esme? You know you’ve got 20 that are perfect! Just that carrot plant that’s right on the verge.
Esme: I know. But it’ll be perfect tomorrow.

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Progress: Day 56 (Summer 4)

Esme Weatherwax
Completed Projects: 2
-   Grow 7/7 perfect fruits, 7/7 perfect herbs, and 7/7 perfect vegetables
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Projects In Progress:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Darwi Odrade – child
Trait: Active
Requirements: 7 tasks - Earn 9/7 scouting badges; 6/7 emotional whims (all energized); 3/7 non-skill books read; make 7 items (all painting); level 2/7 adult skill (violin); 2/7 collectibles (MySims trophies); 3/7 Good Friends


At Esme’s rate of successful knitting gifting (2 needed for the Lady of the Knits aspiration) she’ll give away 70 before passing that milestone. To be fair, she is trying to give away some of her earlier attempts and they are “poor”.

My Dad died a couple of weeks ago, 8 weeks after a head injury, and we’ve got the funeral this week so this episode is a self-indulgent way for me to process some stuff. Sims is a lovely distraction at the moment but the real world intrudes every now and then.

At some point, Darwi will be safe enough to learn her real name. For now she can borrow my paternal grandmother’s – Hilda, Dar for short. A well-spring of love and kindness, she was much loved by my Dad.

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 1.6: There’s Power In A Name
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2022, 11:33:29 PM »
My condolences on the passing of your father. *hugs 🧡
In my Pinstar Legacy, the household happened to hire a butler with my (deceased) father's name.
I built the butler lavish digs with an ensuite bathroom. It was the least I could do.

So, Thomas Watson died from Mortification (embarrassment)?

Fair Ribbons - Esme won 2 first ribbons for her cockerel and an excellent green egg. She submitted them and then went home to bed because she was so tired. The notification popped up although I haven’t seen the items returned yet.
When this happens to me, I return to the fair site (sometimes not until a few days later) after which the items show up in household inventory, with the exception of pies.  Pies are never returned.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Literally Seven Heroes 1.6: There’s Power In A Name
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2022, 01:32:26 AM »
My condolences on the passing of your father. *hugs 🧡
In my Pinstar Legacy, the household happened to hire a butler with my (deceased) father's name.
I built the butler lavish digs with an ensuite bathroom. It was the least I could do.
Thank you. I do remember that story of yours. Very lovely.
So, Thomas Watson died from Mortification (embarrassment)?
I think so. The urn was just inside the door. I did wonder if it was the heat, a problem I think you had holding parties in a heatwave.

Re missing fair entries:
When this happens to me, I return to the fair site (sometimes not until a few days later) after which the items show up in household inventory, with the exception of pies.  Pies are never returned.
Aha! That explains why Anton the cockerel randomly appeared in my inventory. I think it was after visiting the village centre. I think I got the pie back  earlier though. Its all a bit random.

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Literally Seven Heroes 1.7: Grey Is The New Black
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2022, 08:51:17 AM »
Literally Seven Heroes 1.7: Grey Is The New Black

Esme: The animals and plants were well looked after again, ta very much.
Rahmi: I hope you don’t mind but I actually slept over here while you were away. It’s so peaceful and it was easier than walking over here twice a day. I seem to have no energy these days.
Esme: I can give you something to help with that but it’s only a short term boost.
Rahmi: I was going to ask if you’ve got anything to soften my skirt material so it doesn’t stick up when I sit down but I see you’ve got the same problem.

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Esme: Blessings on you, Child, I mean Hilda, I mean Dar.
Darwi: Blessings on you, Esme.
Esme: There, that’s done. Go and have some fun.
Darwi: Really? No lessons on saying “sorry”
Esme: Not today.

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Darwi: Yay! Yamachan! Do the Mountain Move!
Esme: Good day, Yamachan.
Yamachan: Good day to you, Mistress Weatherwax.
Darwi: Wow! You know Esme?
Yamachan: Everyone has heard of the HoB witch. She helps many people.
Esme: In my small way. Winter is coming!
Yamachan: My favourite time of year.
Esme: Stay safe. Come along, Dar.
Darwi: Is Yamachan like the bear in the woods? Just someone in a suit?
Esme: That’s what people think.
Darwi: But he’s not is he?
Esme: You are learning.

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Esme: Well, you are soft and cuddly and I think we’ve reached an understanding. I’m just going to slip in….you’ll hardly notice…
Llama (thinking): What? What is going on? Just behind my eyes? No I don’t want to go over there. Get out of my head!
Esme: Oh. Well that borrowing was a bit of a disaster.

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Esme: Hello Scott children. I’d forgotten there were so many of you. Where’s your ma?
Eleanor (with blonde highlights): She’s out back with Anita.
Esme: Bring the young’uns in. No need for them to be running off and bringing extra sadness.
Journey (with red boots): Dad’s gone. We can’t get any sadder.
Esme: Mebbe not but still – bring the young’uns in.

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Darwi: It’s a shame about Thomas. Do we need to go over there?
Esme: I went while you were at school. It’s your birthday tomorrow. You can stay off school if you like?
Darwi: Don’t forget it’s your birthday too!
Esme: Oh – already? Yes I suppose it is.

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Esme: Ta for coming to our birthday party.
Rashidah: Oh – did you blow your candles out already?
Esme: Ah – you noticed my new silver hair.
Rashidah: I wish mine had gone silver. It’s more dull grey. And your skin! It looks like a young woman’s. I hate getting old.
Esme: Yes, it comes hard.

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Esme: How now, brown cow? I’ve always wanted to say that.
Brown Cow (thinking): You seem nice.
Esme: I learnt my lesson with the llama. No borrowing with you. Besides, I’m not sure about having udders… (shudders)

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Esme: So what does it say in the book?
Darwi: That the Romans did great things for Britain.
Esme: Well – that’s part of the story. Look - you can learn what it says in their books so you can pass their tests. But if you really want to know something, you need to find out for yourself.
Darwi: Like finding out how you suddenly got grey hair, even though I know for a fact that you never blew any candles out.
Esme: Good girl! I knew you’d see through that. Let’s have a chat about aging…
Darwi: …but I still don’t see why you’ve got grey hair now.
Esme: People will be able to cope with me and you, if you want, living a long life. They’ll realise one day that they can’t remember just how old I am. But they wouldn’t want us to be enjoying it too much. That would cause resentment. I don’t want to have an aching back but people want me to know what it’s like. Headology, see?
Darwi: I think so.

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Esme: Mm mm mm! This is one fine apple pie!
Watcher: That’s the pie I had you bake for the fair this afternoon.
Esme: Ah
Watcher: I thought I left you making apple jam
Esme: Well I keep starting it but everyone knows you pad out other fruit jams with apples, or pears, because the pectin helps the set and there’s not much flavour in just apples. I really want to make apple puree (trans: applesauce). It's good for pies, bairns like it and if you run out of eggs, apple puree is a good swap!
Watcher: Is it really?
Esme: S’right!
Watcher: And that’s why you keep stopping? Because apple jam is silly?
Esme: S'right!
Watcher: But there’s no more apples so you’ll have to make a meat pie again.
Esme: Alright! Alright! I’m doing it! At least my excellent outsized aubergine is bound to win. And I’ve heard that Agnes has got some golden treats in the shop.

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Progress: Day 63 (Autumn 1)

Esme Weatherwax

Completed Projects: 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Projects In Progress:
-   Make and give away 70 canned goods from own grown ingredients (13 of 5 types made)

Darwi Odrade – teen
Trait: Active, Foodie
Requirements: 7 tasks - Earn 9/7 scouting badges; 7/7 emotional whims (all energized); 7/7 non-skill books read; make 7 items (all painting); level 7/7 adult skill (violin); 6/7 collectibles (MySims trophies); 7/7 Good Friends

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Esme has put the knitting and floral arrangement projects on hold as she concentrates on her canning. She’s also grafting plants together to reduce the garden size. The plants provide more than enough and it will be more efficient.

The llama had a really good relationship with Esme but suddenly stopped letting her shear it. A cow is needed to provide milk for some of the canning and 2 large animals is one too many!

Character Note: Despite being an active child, Darwi has aged up with some body-image problems so she has become a bit camera-shy. I assume it’s her inherent body-shape so it might always be an issue, especially as her new trait is Foodie. Darwi Odrade was always very particular about her meals and, as Mother Superior, had her own personal chef. Anyway, Darwi in this Simverse is doing a lot of jogging to clear her mind. She might just need to do the Bodybuilder aspiration even though the elder longevity isn’t an advantage in this challenge.

Personal Note: My cousins in America introduced me to the idea of using apple puree (applesauce) in baking if you've run out of eggs. It really works, for cakes at least. To that end each year I now make a load of it from our garden apples and freeze it in egg-equivalent portions.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Literally Seven Heroes 2.1: Escape To Sulani
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2022, 04:00:57 PM »
Literally Seven Heroes 1.8: Escape To Sulani

Rashidah: I’m just saying that, when you said let’s have swim, you might’ve warned me that Mistress Weatherwax was planning an incognito party.
Darwi: I’m sorry about the wet clown thing but at least you’ve got easy movement. Getting out of the pool is really hard as a hotdog.

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Journey: I can’t believe you came as a green mascot too.
Anita: Sorry Sis. I was going to come as the pink one but someone else has got that.
Journey: Does my bum look big in this?
Anita: Well, you’re bum’s not fitting through the door so what do you think?

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Tamalane: It’s time.
Darwi: The black crow! From my nightmares!
Tamalane: We’ve been called worse.
Darwi: Esme thought you’d come for me a long while back.
Tamalane: There have been…developments. The Honoured Matres are gaining power. The persecutions are intensifying. Our sisterhood is gathering at Chapterhouse.

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Darwi: I’m not leaving Esme.
Tamalane: We don’t want to separate you. You are past the age for effective sisterhood training. Blow out your candles so the other guests can celebrate and leave.

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Tamalane: We are asking another role of you. There are orphans, just as you were… They need rearing in hiding and then placing in safe, anonymous families until they are ready to join us.
Darwi: In hiding?
Tamalane: You are no longer safe here. Esme has become infamous and it has drawn attention. You must relocate. We have prepared a place for you. Mm – this is good cake.

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Darwi: So that’s what’s happening…
Esme: We have to leave?
Darwi: We’re in danger here.
Esme: But the people, the plants, the animals…
Darwi: Well, I’ve got an idea about how you can still help people. The birds can come with us but the rabbits won’t be happy there...

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Darwi: So, this is the internet.
Esme: New fangled abomination!
Darwi: Maybe, maybe. But I need it for my conservation work so it’s staying. We can set you up with a website…
Esme: Spiders?
Darwi: No, no. We just need to set you up with a web presence…
Esme: We’ve got a cleaner coming still so he’ll sort out the webs.
Darwi: (in one breath to avoid interruptions) Let me just set it up and then people can ask for help and you can sort them out.
Esme: Sort them out. I’m good at that.
Darwi: Right.

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Esme: Rahul? So nice of you to deliver all the way out here.
Rahul: It was a good excuse for a short break. Holding the bag out of the water was a challenge.
Darwi: And you won’t tell people where we are…
Rahul: Well…
Darwi: Secret location, indeed!

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Darwi: Thanks for the baby onesie. It’s so soft, it’s legendary!
Esme: The bairn should have something nice and I’d knitted it a while back.
Darwi: I’m going to call her Annie.

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Shauna: I’m so pleased to meet you Mistress Weatherwax. I’ve heard so much about you.
Esme: And who be you, exactly?
Shauna: I’m the new Bar Owner, seeing as how…
Esme: Seeing as how Sara passed away in the night. I’ve come to pay respects to the family and bring em some preserved food. What have you brought em?
Shauna: Oh – er – I just wanted to see if the house came with the j…. I’ll come back later.
Esme: Good riddance.

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Darwi: Hey – you’re a mini-me! Come on Annie. Walk this way.
Annie: Mama?
Darwi: Call me Dar.
Annie: Dada?
Darwi: Oh dear. What? Another baby already? How can I cope with this and the work. Esme’s always busy with her stuff plus she’s trying to find families for the children. Ah well. At least I can work from home.

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Progress: Day 70 (Autumn 2)

Esme Weatherwax

Completed Projects: 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Projects In Progress:
-   Make and give away 14/70 canned goods from own grown ingredients (27 of 14 types made)

Darwi Odrade – young adult
Traits: Active, Foodie, Family-Oriented
Earned Traits: Responsible, Manners, Emotional Control, Compassion
Requirements: 7 tasks - Earn 9/7 scouting badges; 7/7 emotional whims (all energized); 7/7 non-skill books read; make 7 items (all painting); level 7/7 adult skill (violin); 7/7 collectibles (MySims trophies); 7/7 Good Friends (all from the Watson and Scott families)
Projects In Progress:
-   Clean up Sulani and max conservationist career – level 4
-   Nurture 7 topnotch toddlers and send them to good homes when they become children - 2 in progress

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New Location
Key Point, Sulani (simple-living, off-grid)


Gameplay notes: Tamalane was actually Esme in costume. I’d got her to invite the maximum number of guests in the hope that one of them would be in that outfit to serve for the narrative photos. It being Esme made orchestrating it child’s play!

