Stats & Facts
Are you guys ready for some STATS?? It’s time to get nerdy!
At the end of the dynasty, the Buslingthorpe family had accumulated over 5.8 million simoleons in wealth. I was not aiming for wealth at all, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other dynasty players in the past have gone waaaay beyond this amount. I also checked the museum value, just out of curiosity. All the created items in the museum (minus the career rewards) added up to $53,419. Cornelius’s potions were worth nothing, and Barty’s books, although they brought in plenty of royalties, had next to no value in buy mode. Mildred contributed the most value; her photographs were worth a total of $28,791, with her top value photo (of Abu Simbel) being worth over 8,000 simoleons. Albertha’s sculptures came in second, being worth $21,283 altogether.
Now for some Sim stats!
Cornelius, our esteemed founder, maxed the logic and bass skills. He also had the highest cooking skill in the dynasty, at one-tick-below-level-8. He spent 88 hours tutoring children. Phew! He also achieved level 10 in the hidden trampoline and broom riding skills, plus level 7 arcade skill.
Cornelius was really raking in the cash as a World Renowned Surgeon over the centuries. By the end of the dynasty, he was making $4,576 per hour at his job, which amounted to almost $23k per shift! He also earned a grand total of…um…25 simoleons playing bass. LOL.
Cornelius acquired 505,725 Lifetime Happiness points, over 100k more than anyone else in the family. Notable things in his inventory included a rainbow beetle (I have no idea where he got that - Blanche was the family beetle collector) and Belinda’s wand, which I never knew he kept all these years.
And according to his skill journal, he also managed to collect 86 mushrooms. He did not collect 86 mushrooms. This was a glitch. He collected 8.
Macavoy maxed the inventing skill, of course. Hilariously, he only reached level 9 and ¾ of the handiness skill. That was an oversight on my part. Sorry, buddy! He collected 1,770 scrap, built 263 widgets and 8 toys, and made 145 big inventions, earning a total of $37,068. For hidden skills, he got to level 10 broom riding, Gnubb, and spellcasting, plus level 8 arcade. Macavoy was also a victim of the mushroom collecting glitch: he apparently collected 46 without ever touching one.
Macavoy acquired 370,796 LTH points. He had some delightful stuff in his inventory, including 1,665 conjured apples (!!!), 46 of which were poisoned. He also had a jar of fairy dust from Aubrey (awww) and…can you believe it? The very same perfect-quality fried peanut butter and banana sandwich that Belinda made, which was stuck to Macavoy’s hand back in the day. Apparently the sandwich made its way into his inventory and stayed there for all eternity.
Blanche reached level 10 of the athletic, charisma, and handiness skills. She also somehow got to painting level 3, even though she never picked up a paintbrush in her life. She did 486 hours of cardio, jogged 4,559 km, and was acquainted with 202 Sims, 44 of whom she was friends with. (With all of this, she managed never to cancel out anyone else's designated best friends.) She had an impressive array of hidden skills: arcade level 8, plus level 10 broom riding, fairy magic, Gnubb, and trampoline. She collected 49 beetles in her life, plus 6 mushrooms. Except she never collected any mushrooms. The pattern continues.
Blanche had the Immune to Fire hidden trait, I assume from being a firefighter. I don’t know what she was making as a firefighter because she quit the job once her requirements were complete (I couldn’t stand her driving the firetruck everywhere).
Blanche acquired 367,411 LTH points, almost as much as her dad. The only really interesting thing in her inventory was the key to the Landgraab Library in France. She’d started that adventure on one of her trips but there wasn’t time to finish it. Ah, well.
Bartholomew maxed the writing and alchemy skills. He wrote 29 books (amounting to 13,968 pages), including 13 hits, 7 bestsellers, and zero flops. He also made 182 elixirs and threw 58 of them. His hidden skills were as impressive as his mother’s: he achieved level 10 in arcade, broom riding, foosball, and snake charming, plus level 6 in video games.
Barty inherited the Immune to Fire trait from Blanche. He earned a total of $319,384 as a writer and was earning over 12k simoleons in weekly royalties. He achieved 311,773 LTH points as well.
Barty’s inventory was both weird and gross. He had 2 anchovies in there for God knows what reason, plus a pile of dirty clothes. Aha! I think we know who was stealing Lavinia’s clothes from the side of the hot tub. For shame, Barty!
One other fun fact about Barty: according to Master Controller, he had a reasonable-sounding age of 196 days…with how many days to his next birthday? -2,147,483,648. Yes, that is negative 2 billion and something. I’m not even going to try and guess what that means.
Mildred achieved level 10 of painting and photography. She also, somehow, made it to level 6 of the athletic skill and did 7 hours of strength training. I’m pretty sure that’s a glitch - she definitely snuck in some workouts when I wasn’t looking, but there’s no way she legitimately made it to level 6. Mildred created 106 paintings (including 46 brilliants and 19 masterpieces); her most valuable painting was worth $3,661. She took 218 photographs and was pretty close to completing the Supernatural, Still Life, Travel, and Around Town photo collections. She also collected 16 gems. Her hidden skills included level 9 arcade, level 10 trampoline, level 7 broom riding, level 5 lycanthropy (I didn’t let her hunt very much), and level 5 snake charming. (I’m surprised she only had level 5 snake charming - it was one of her favorite activities. Barty had level 10 and I hardly ever saw him pick up the basket.)
Mildred earned a total of $65,700 from painting and only $2,550 from photography (she
spent over 11k simoleons on film, though). HOWEVER, when I checked her camera roll at the very end, she had over 70k simoleons in unsold photos on there. Whoops! So maybe just ignore that first number.
Mildred also had the Immune to Fire trait, and she earned 305,132 LTH points. She had nothing interesting in her inventory except all those photos…but even those weren’t particularly exciting. Believe me, I was on the hunt for some funny shots of people's butts or something. There was nothing.
Lavinia maxed out the athletic, martial arts, and fishing skills. She caught 371 fish, with the heaviest being a 140 kg dragonfish. She didn’t have much in the way of hidden skills: just broom riding level 4, lycanthropy level 3, trampoline level 3, and child gardening level 3 (no clue how she got that one).
Lavinia was Immune to Fire like so many of her predecessors. She earned over 85k simoleons fishing but didn’t quite make it to level 10 of the career. She earned 235,172 LTH points and had nothing of note in her inventory.
Albertha maxed the sculpting skill and reached level 7 gardening. She made a total of 57 sculptures, including 6 brilliants and only 1 masterpiece. Her hidden skills were a little odd. She reached level 3 of child gardening (maybe because she read a gardening book as a teen?), level 4 trampoline, and…level 10 of the magician career?? What?!? I think the game was actually falling apart at this point.
Another weird thing about Albertha: she had the Immune to Fire trait
and the Pyromaniac trait. Again, no idea where she picked that up. Maybe Jermaine had it? Albertha earned 111,613 LTH points, which is pretty impressive considering she was so young and never completed her Lifetime Wish.