Chapter 41 - A Very Blue Betrayal
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At long last, Lavinia was closing in on her requirements. She completed her 75th sparring match against Peanut…
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…meditated for a total of 150 hours…
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…and caught her 350th fish, a black goldfish at Fae Ray Gardens.
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It was an exciting time for Peanut, too. He reached the top of his career and decided to retire, both from journalism and from sparring.
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I am not sure why Mildred cheered him on while holding a picture of a yeti. A picture of a peanut, or maybe a jelly bean, would’ve made sense.
There was only one more thing for Lavinia to do. A while back, she’d made friends with a ghost on one of her long nights of fishing in the graveyard. Now she just needed to make sure their relationship hadn’t decayed too much.
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She attempted to awaken her old friend using the age-old trick of Exploding Stuff So All The Ghosts Wake Up.
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It worked! Marco Dolor was happy to see Lavinia again, and a quick chat brought them back up to best friends status.
And that was that. Lavinia was done.
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“It’s time for the fun part, Jermaine. Are you ready?”
Generation 6 - Lavinia BuslingthorpeLife State: Jelly Bean Ghost
Traits: Neurotic, Disciplined, Excitable, Absent-Minded, Snob
Favorites: Soul, Firecracker Tofu, Purple
LTW: Martial Arts Master (Complete)
Spouse: Jermaine Kwinn (Genie)
Toddler Requirements: Level 3 in two skills (xylophone, logic books), best friends with both parents
Child Requirements: Honor Roll, one opportunity (Pile of Permission Slips)
Teen Requirements: Honor Roll, romantic interest (Waylon Wolff), level 3 of cemetery part-time job
1 Best Friend: Marco Dolor (fire ghost)
2 Career Rewards: Fabulous Angler Medal, Fishing Skill Certificate
3 BlackOps: A Fishy Science Project, To Hunt a Dragon, The Ultimate Challenge
4 Lifetime Rewards: Hardly Hungry, Excellent Groupie, ExtraordinAIRE-Inator, Eye Candy
5 Regular Wishes: Master the Martial Arts Skill, Break 500 More Boards, Win a Martial Arts Tournament, Master the Fishing Skill, Marry Jermaine
6 Skill Challenges: Amateur Ichthyologist, Commercial Fisherman, Grand Master, Master of Meditation, Sim Fu King, Timber Terminator
7 Items for Museum: Mounted Dragonfish
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Before the seventh heir could arrive, somebody had to move out of the household. Unfortunately, it had to be Peanut. He moved down the road to one of the empty houses, dodging some oval-shaped graphical glitches that are now permanently dotting the lot. Bye, Peanut!
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A short while later, Lavinia learned that she was expecting.
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She had an uneventful pregnancy. Jermaine couldn’t wait to see what would hopefully be a very blue baby.
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No matter how many different kinds of supernatural powers you gather into one house…still, nobody ever knows how to handle a woman in labor.
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Ghostly rabbit face!
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It was indeed a blueboo. Welcome to the family, Percival!
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Okay, so here’s the thing. I got all excited at the birth of Percival. Because he was blue, and solid, I naively assumed that he was a genie, and therefore the heir. There’s no way to tell for absolute certain whether a Sim is a genie until they’re a child, but I figured that the blue skin was a dead giveaway. (Clearly, the maid knew better.)
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So I happily entered Percival’s info into my dynasty heir spreadsheet, then prepared to age him up. (But not before Blanche snuck a lollipop out of his swaddle. Thanks, Blanche.)
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Percival was indeed a total cutie, an Easily Impressed Couch Potato. And his favorite color was blue! I went bananas dressing him. I was all like, “I think this might be my favorite heir in this whole dynasty! Purely because he looks so cute in that hat!” I was in a flush of baby heir fever, baby.
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So Percival got a nice long toddlerhood, full of snuggles and skills and screenshots.
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Like, how could you not love this kid?! (I did notice here that his skin tone was actually not the same as his genie father’s. Did it worry me? Maybe a little bit. Did I stuff that worry deep down into my subconscious and plunge ahead anyway? Yes!)
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Lavinia had her adult birthday the same day her son was due to age up.
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She brought him to the cake. He was skilled, best-friended, and ready to go!
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…aaaaaaaaaand he wasn’t a genie. Y’all, I got so mad that I didn't take a CAS screenshot, saved and quit the game, and didn’t come back to this file for two weeks. Percival, how could you betray me like that?! I was rooting for you!!
It’s fine. I’m over it. I’m still sad that Percival wasn’t the heir (mostly because I’d been saving the name Percival for quite a while), but this is just how dynasties go. When I came back to the game refreshed, I aged Percival up and sent him off to live in town with the other spares.
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He grew up really handsome, didn’t he? No, no, I said I’m over it! Anyway. Percival’s traits were Couch Potato, Easily Impressed, Frugal, Never Nude, and Hopeless Romantic. He liked Latin music, Firecracker Tofu, and the color blue, and his LTW was to be the CEO of a Mega-Corporation.
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Farewell, Percival. Hello, raccoon walking on water.